Chapter 4

Story by DragonMercX4 on SoFurry

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#4 of Intervention

Intervention, Chapter 4

Sarah woke up to the sound of a low hum. There was also the sound of wind and music. She decided to listen intently to the music since she could hear her lover singing along to it.

Look again from the heavens, it was easy to tell,

It was love from above that would save me from hell,

She had fire in her soul, it was easy to see,

How the devil himself could be pulled out of me!

There were drums in the air when she started to dance,

Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands,

And we sang,

Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,

And the voices rang like the angels sing, and they're singing

Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,

And we danced on into the night!

(Yes, Santana's Into the Night)

"Hay, you sound just like the man in the background. I'm impressed." Sarah said after hearing the first verse. Jaden chuckled lightly and pet her cheek softly. She leaned into it, surprising them both, and then purred loudly. Sarah couldn't describe what it was about the gentle caress that caused her to lean into it as she had, it just felt relaxing.

Jaden smiled at his lover and thought of what she really was as his expression changed. He had to confront her on it and knew it. There was just the thought that she may be offended at the accusation if it was false. Then again, his operator, Katie, hadn't ever lied to him before. Jaden couldn't help it though, he had to know.

"Sarah, why were you being attacked by that black renomon?" He asked, trying to stay away from his real question until he was sure it was valid.

"I guess I should tell you. I'm probably not who you think I am, Jaden. And, and I hope you don't see me differently after I tell you the truth... That black renomon, he was supposed to be my mate." Sarah told him.

As she did so, Jaden simply nodded through most it, finding what his operator told him to be true. She looked a little frightened at the end of her little confession and that didn't get past Jaden.

"Now let me finish. You were betrothed to him to unify the Renamon of Kitsune valley. It was your mother who proposed the idea that a daughter from the yellow, red, and blue tribes be taken as mates by the eldest sons of the black, or shadow tribe. She picked you to be the one from the blue tribe." Jaden said, leaving Sarah astounded that he knew.

"How?" She asked breathlessly, it was all she could manage.

"You see, I've been one of the one's keeping an eye on that little feud between the tribes because it's a lot like racism here. It made me feel closer, as a human of course, to Digimon. Also, it was a reason to continue the bonding of Digimon to tamers since several government heads have proposed that it be stopped." He continued, taking a turn off an exit ramp. The car, that Sarah just noticed she was in, started to slow.

She was amazed that he knew so much, and couldn't think of anything to say.

"To be honest, I thought that you were just a renamon who one of the lesser shadow renomon had gone after. I didn't know you were who you were." Jaden finished on a down note. He had pulled up to a booth next to a gate. After briefly talking to the man there, the gate opened and Jaden pulled into a garage on the far side of the parking lot, labeled "High Rank Only".

A tear fell from Sarah's eye as she asked "You're going to send me back, aren't you?" As she looked down, Jaden abruptly stopped the car as he released their seatbelts, pulling her onto his lap and into a kiss. The kiss, which was the deepest either of them had experienced, lasted for nearly a minute. Sarah couldn't help but surrender herself to him, and his strong sexy arms, as she purred loudly into the connection at their lips. Her purring increased in volume as a tongue slipped its way into her muzzle and found hers as a hand made its way around the base of her tail, causing her to "yiff" lightly into the kiss.

A woman tapping on the glass of the driver-side window cut it short, however. Jaded looked from his fuzzy lover to the person who so rudely interrupted an intimate moment and his heart sank. It was Katie. Sarah let out a low growl from her position on his lap. The look on Katie's face just screamed 'I have a bone to pick with you!' and he knew what was coming.

"H-hay Katie," Jaden stuttered as he rolled down the window, "I was just coming to see you and..."

"What the hell are you doing Jaden?!" She interrupted him in a scream whilst waving her arms around like it was the end of the world.

"Whatever he wants!" Sarah yelled back at her. This left a blank look on both Katie's face, and on Jaden's.

Jaden then decided to point at Sarah and just go along with it. "What she said." He informed his operator with a smile on his face, poking Sarah lightly and causing her to giggle. He rolled up the window, shutting out a shocked Katie, and pulled into the parking complex. "I can't believe you snapped at her like that." He whispered to her, hunting for his parking spot.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, it's just that" Sarah started, but was cut off.

"It turned me on." Jaden whispered in her ear, which twitched out of reflex. She growled playfully as a response, still sitting on his lap in a comfortable position.

"Can I fix that for you?" Sarah asked in a mischievous voice, slowly trailing a finger along his muscular chest in an attempt to get him further aroused. The change in his scent, and relaxation of his body, was a clear sign of success for the horny vixen as he began to rub her back with a free hand.

"When we get inside, let's go straight to my privet office. If I lock it and have the "Do Not Disturb" sign up, they won't interrupt our 'privacy'." Jaden replied in as sensual a voice as he could manage. He pulled the car into a space marked "Price" and shut it off. Quickly, as to avoid being caught by Katie, he got out of it with Sarah in his arms, setting her down gently once he had closed the door, locking automatically.

Taking her hand, Jaden pulled them over to the elevator. He pressed a button as the doors opened and a "Ding!" Was heard. He half-expected Sarah to jump again, but she didn't. They stepped in; making sure no one had seen them. Jaden opened a panel on the elevator and revealed a key pad.

He pressed several keys on it. "Please use primary access code." A feminine voice said from the panel. Jaden typed in a short sequence. "Please use auxiliary, class 9 codes." Again, he began to put in the requested. This however, took a little longer. Sarah was amazed at how fast his hands were moving across the keys. "Please enter final access code." The cool voice rang, the elevator moving.

"Final access voice key confirm." Jaden said aloud.

"Voice recognized, hello Captain Price." The voice said calmly addressing him. "Please say the code." It continued.

"Final access code, Serenity." He replied, leaving Sarah surprised that her name was the key. He smiled as he leaned in and kissed her, the door opening.

"Jaden? You dog, I knew you'd find someone eventually." A fat man told Sarah's lover as he clapped his hand on Jaden's shoulder. Releasing his grip on her, he quickly saluted the man, whom was in a strange uniform. "At ease, soldier." The man said as Jaden put both of his arms around his back, a gesture Sarah copied. "Oh, my. She really is something." The man continued looking her over. "Jaden, I'm only going to say this once so remember it. Don't ever let her down." He said, gaining Sarah's respect.

"Sir, yes sir!" Jaden replied, beaming the fat man a wide smile. "Sir, permission to ask a favor, Sir!" He continued.

"Go ahead." The man said, returning the smile to Jaden.

"Sir, I as permission that I be given about twenty minutes with my lover in my privet office, Sir." He asked, looking the apparently important man in the eye. People who had been walking by had been saluting him just had Jaden had.

"Permission granted. Carry on, Captain." The man, that Sarah really liked now, responded. Jaden immediately took Sarah's hand and started down the corridors. She was really confused after a point as they went through turn after turn. Eventually, they came to a door. Jaded put his hand on the pad next to it and another soft feminine voice, in fact it was the same as the elevator's, chimed in.

"Welcome, Captain Price." It rang as they walked in. Sara was going for a ride and Jaden was the one that was going to give it to her. She decided right then and there that she would take him for a mate, and that she would have him claim her.

"We don't have much time, so... Mph!" He started but was cut off by her mouth as it's lips quickly clamped down around his. It was a kiss that he gave into, the response to the breaking of his general will being an intense purring sound emanating from his lover's throat.

Sarah broke away from him and walked over to his almost empty desk, the carpeting of his office feeling good underneath her paws. She quickly moved away what little there was on the desk, making sure it was completely clean before turning to a befuddled Jaden.

"Love, I want you to do something with me. I want you to do something -To- me. Now, I really hope that you are all right with this... I want you as my mate." Sarah said, watching her lover's facial expressions go through a wide array of emotions. At her last words, his eyes went wide, his legs started to shake, and then his face turned white.

"M... Ma-ma, Mate?" Jaden stammered. He knew that the females of Renamon were the dominate sex, hence why their race is referred to as Renamon and not Renomon, but this caught him off guard.

"Too soon?" Sarah asked, hoping she didn't just destroy the relationship that seemed to withstand all opposition. She looked down, her hands folding over one another, her tail coming up between her legs, and her ears pressing flat against the back of her head as a pit formed in the bottom of her stomach.

Jaden could hear Sarah's heart pounding in her chest as she became very nervous while her body betrayed the fact. His own wasn't moving or speaking, no matter how desperately he wanted to shout to the havens *Oh, god! Oh, god! Yes, yes I do!* But no matter how hard he tried, his body wouldn't respond. He took a deep breath, becoming relieved that he was slowly gaining control, and though of how to approach the situation slowly after his little freeze up.

"Sam, please lock the room." Jaden said, receiving a series of beeps in return. Sarah closed her eyes tightly, expecting something bad to happen, but instead, was kissed softly on the ridge of her snout. She let out a soft moan as she became turned-on from the gentle contact with her tamer or possible mate, as he still didn't refuse. A pair of hands, sweet caressing hands, made their way around her body, loosening all of joints and her muscles since they tensioned up.

"I accept." Jaden whispered in her ear as he pet one side of her face and lovingly kissed the other. She melted into it, adoring the affectionate ways of her new mate. *I'm so lucky.* Was one of the only things to go through her mind as her returned the kiss, but doing so to the side of Jaden's neck, seeking out a sweet spot with great accuracy. He quietly gasped as he pressed himself to her, already going for the zipper of his cargo pants to take them, and the rest of his cloths, off.

"Wait, there's a claiming ceremony. All you have to do is, uh, well, just fuck me senseless." Sarah said as she pulled away and bent over the desk. It was a high desk, enough so that her claws were the only part of her to touch the off-white carpet below. "Give it to me hard, claim me as your mate!" She called over her shoulder to him, thinking he was still where she left him. Sarah gasped loudly as he penetrated her, hilting her steaming hot, wet cunt with one swing, withdrawing immediately only to hilt her, and repeat the process.

She gasped loudly and called out his name on occasion, "Oh, Jaden! Oh, Gods yes, Jaden! Yes, Yes, Yes! Make me your bitch Jaden! Make me your Mate!" She screamed over and over again, as he grasped her haunches firmly and fucked her harder then he knew he could. Again and again, his balls slapped against her clit as his cock rocketed in and out of her cunt, making her howl in pleasure as his pace and force increased significantly.

Jaden felt all reality slipping away until it was just him and his mate, her screaming his name and words that further sped his pace as he began to claw at her hips, not really realizing the higher pitches that brought from Sarah's throat, the increasing moans of pleasure spurring him on to the climax of their lives. That apex they were running at full speed, for that matter, would seal them together as mates for the rest of their lives.

Jaden felt his nose brush against his lover's neck and he began to nip and nibble at the skin that lay just beneath her shining sapphire fur. She instinctively propped herself up on her arms and bent her head forward in submission to the man that was wildly fucking her stretched pussy and bringing her to the edge of ecstasy, to hang over the wall of that cliff and come right back to earth to share in a loving after glow.

Sarah felt her mate's hands make their way around to her chest and begin to pinch and roll the nipples of her size C breasts, effectively forcing her into a silent moan as her mouth hung open over the desk, a little bit of saliva becoming liberated from her maw by gravity as her eyes closed to intensify the building pressure within her body, her cunt convulsing and massaging the length of Jaden's member.

That same pressure was building inside of him as well while he pounded into the vixen that had herself spread out on his desk, her hips coming up with each slam into her now well fucked pussy as it leaked it's precious juices out onto the carpet below, to forever stain it with the proof of their forbidden love.

Sarah began to grind her hips against his as she lightly bucked against him, forcing him deeper then before. In return, Jaden moved his hand down and began to roll his thumb over her clitoris, bringing forth another silent scream of ecstasy while she panted loudly. She began to yipp as his member speared deep into her depths, lung after lunge, sending torrents of pleasure arching through her body.

The tingle of his climax was becoming stronger with each thrust, even as he tried to hold it off, and was soon a blazing need for release within his loins. He began to run off instinct as he pushed his Mate's upper half hard onto the desk, taking full control of her body and making it his while something from the darkness of his consciousness was guiding his actions. He knew what to do next and leant over Sarah's back and bit down on her neck, not enough hard to draw blood, but enough to cause pain.

Sarah was becoming confused as her lover became suddenly violent, but also surprised he knew anything about claming, and submitted to his mouth's grip on her neck. She began to cry out in bliss as the pain mixed with her pleasure and blanked out her already clouding mind. All she could feel was Jaden pounding into her as inch after welcoming inch of his thick maleness was plunged into her abused cunt, only to be withdrawn and leave an empty feeling within her as she waited for his welcomed return to her slick, tight confines.

Each return was fast and hard, exactly as she had asked for, and was stimulating her beyond what she knew. Her moans and howls of pleasure were being torn form her throat as her wanton body took the iron hard tool of her mate as he claimed her for himself and wildly bucked against her, forcing her into the air. Jaden was beginning to grunt from the force of his thrusts into her heated confines, a low and very lustful growl emanating from his body as he increased the pace.

His face was contorting to a picture of pure lust as he fucked his bitch harder then he even wanted to while loosing control and powering his way to an earth shattering climax with each strong thrust of his well muscled hips. Sarah was beginning to feel a burning sensation growing within her as she felt her edge nearing, clamping her sex down on his to speed him up, reaching the desired goal being the only thought either of them could muster.

Jaden threw his head back in an inhuman howl as Sarah did the same. Both of them came hard enough that the desk was shaking underneath of them as they began to spasm from the intensity of their peaks, his cum filling her to the brim and running out from the sides of her stretched pussy as her own cunny almost squirted out onto his thighs. Jaden was still giving his all with short, rapid thrusts, ridding Sarah though her climax, their howls being prolonged from the simple action.

Their howling died down as they sank onto the desk, completely exhausted from their lustful romp. Both were panting heavily as their chests rose and fell hypnotically, their hearts hammering wildly. "Heh, *Pant* How wah, was, *Pant* that?" Jaden asked, breathless.

"Can't talk, to tired." She replied happily, sighing at the feeling of being filled again. Post-orgasmic tremors were still flowing through them both, sending little jolts of energy through their limp bodies. They were both just willing to stay there like that for then next hour or so, but that was cut short.

"Captain Price, please report to Commander Alexandra's office. Also, just to let you know, we've been re-doing the insulation on your room. It's anything but sound proof. Just so you know." Katie said over the intercom to Jaden as his face turned six shades of red. Sarah, however, was beginning to giggle.

"Oh, no! We've been found out!" She said in mock exasperation. Jaden didn't find this funny at all, instead he was wondering what his punishment would be. Slowly, he dismounted the giggling digi-fox and stretched a bit. Sarah turned over an sat up on the desk, admiring the view of her mate working the kinks out of his muscles, and giving her ideas as to some kinks of her own.

"Jaden, I had you called to my office and..." It was Alexandra. Jaden stood completely still, without any cloths on. "Wow, so they weren't kidding when they said you two were making hot passionate love. I can't believe I missed it." She said smiling as she walked over to Jaden. His mind was blank except for the whole "Did she just say that?" Question. As she went to hand him a folder, Jaden went to cover himself up.

"Please, it's not like I haven't seen it before." Alexandra said, putting the folder in front of his now limp tool and turning away. "Once you get dressed and clean her up, because I know you want to, head down to the armory. That folder has your new toy's blueprints. It's a prototype so don't loose it." At that conclusion, she smiled at him and closed the door.

Both Sarah and Jaden were silent. Neither moved until she started giggling, then they both broke out into a fit of laughter. "I like her." Sarah said as she calmed down. Jaden was still partially confused but passed it off and decided it would be best to go check out this new "toy".

"Alright, let's go. But first..." Jaden leaned down and gave her well-fucked pussy a long, teasing lick, getting off their combined juices. He savored his flavor combine with hers, making sure that he cleaned the last bit off her netherlips as the surrounding fur tickled his face. She moaned and gasped above him as he licked her, enjoying the talent that his tongue was giving, but oddly enough, wasn't getting too exited. Both passed this off as they gave each other their all and were both pleased with the common conclusion that seemed to be communicated silently.

As Jaden finished up, he grabbed his pants, kissing Sarah's clit before letting his mouth leave the scene of their desire. She gave a final moan as he did so, slipping his shirt onto his back while he pulled up his pants as he rose. He helped her off the high desk and down onto the soft carpeting of the floor as he leaned in and gave her a long, fiery kiss. She again, moaned into the kiss and gave it back to him a little harder but with passion.

"Let's go check out my new toy."