Half-Blood Chapter XXVI

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#27 of Half-Blood

Hey folks! Happy Memorial Day Weekend! (And Happy 21st Birthday to me) Here's XXVI enjoy!

Chapter XXVI. Sons and Fathers.

Richard snuggled into his sheets. Today had been quite... interesting. He had hoped that today would be drama-free, but sadly his prayers weren't answered. The first sign that things were off was when he saw Monet standing outside talking to Greg.

He was just about to ask Monet what she was doing there before they heard crashing downstairs. That caught all their attention causing them to all rush to the bathroom. Ian was freaking out because Lucas had been abducted by some monster. After about an hour of panicked waiting, Lucas finally reappeared much to everyone's relief. Apparently the monster was a being from the Dark Plane whom the kit had dubbed 'Noctis.' Just as things looked like they were settling down, he started hearing noises coming from Ian's room. He remembered how hot his face felt when he realized what those sounds were.

Needless to say things were awkward for everybody. Well, for him, Greg, and Xander. Monet and Jonah both seemed unaffected, and who knew what was going through Erin's head. Speaking of Jonah, the wolf looked to his side to see the dingo laying on his back staring at the ceiling. He was curious about the other canine, but he'd never had the heart to ask. He just sighed to himself and thought, 'It's now or never...' so he turned towards the dingo.

"Hey Jonah, you up?" he asked.

Jonah just looked over and sneered, "Am now... what do you want Wolfy?"

Richard flushed at the nickname but preserved, "I was wondering, you're from Australia right?"

Jonah just gave him a bemused look before he spoke, his tone sarcastic. "What was your first clue? But yes, I'm from Australia...Sydney to be exact... Why'd you ask?"

Richard paused briefly trying to figure out just how much he should pry. "So, you said you grew up alone? What happened to your parents? What made you hate them so much?"

Jonah just stiffened, and for a moment Richard was afraid he would attack him. Just as he was prepared to gather up water to protect himself the Dingo loosened up and looked away smirking. "Wow, you don't pull punches. That's a pretty personal of you Wolfy."

"You don't have to answer if you don't have to..." Richard replied calmly, but Jonah just chuckled a bit his body relaxed.

He spoke with surprising ease considering the nature of what he was saying, "Nah, you got me in a talking sort of mood so brace yourself...It's quite a story. You see, I was pretty normal as a kid, until my powers started manifesting..." He broke off briefly as if absorbed in his memories.

"You're a Tahleno right? Mundane parents? I guess they didn't like having a Mage in the family?" he asked and Jonah nodded smirking lightly.

He kept silent for a few moments before he spoke up voice amused, "That'd be an understatement mate; you see my parents just happened to be among the highest ranked Hunters in Australia..."

Richard shuddered at that. He'd heard stories of Hunters slaughtering Tahleno children born into their families. Not even the council knew how many children had been killed by their hands.

Jonah seemed oblivious to his shaking as he continued his story, "It was about March when I was five years old... I was playing around outside when I accidently started a fire in my paws. I wound up dropping the fire in surprise. I wasn't burned of course, and the fire went out before it hit the ground. Being the curious pup I was I tried to conjure the fire again. After several minutes of trying I finally managed the right gesture and made the flame." While he was talking he made that exact hand gesture causing a small tongue of flame to float in his paw.

"H-hey, be careful! You'll catch the bed on fire!" Richard cried out.

Jonah just chuckled and began to toss the flame between his paws unbothered by Richard's remark. "Chill Wolfy, I'm very good at controlling my flames, and they won't burn anything unless I want them too," he continued this until he finished speaking then he suddenly became grim and doused the fire, "I thought it was the coolest thing ever, being able to control fire. What kid wouldn't think that was cool?"

"I always thought water was cooler; but then again I'm a Water-Mage so I'm probably biased. Though magic has always been a part of my life, I could not even imagine what a young Tahleno would think when their powers awakened..." The wolf stated lightly.

Jonah only humphed in response, but said nothing.

Richard continued the conversation to avoid the awkward silence. "So your Parents were Hunters? How did they react?"

"No, not at all, my parents always hated magic in every form. They wouldn't even let me watch Disney because they had 'filthy magic users.' I just thought they were narrow-minded but I had no idea how deep their hatred for magic went," Jonah continued coldly, his paws clenching tightly, "I sure found out though! As soon as I figured out how to conjure the flames at will, I immediately went to my parents. I thought they would think it was awesome like I did, but instead all I got was the two of them exchanging grave looks and I got the distinct notion I'd done something wrong. They sent me outside and began to squabble amongst themselves."


Jonah just pouted as he sat outside. His parents had told him to go outside while they talked. He could hear their shouting from where he sat. He knew they were arguing over him and the young dingo was just trying to figure out what he did to make them so angry at him? His ears perked up as his parents voices became loud enough for him to hear.

"HE'S OUR SON ROSE!! WE CAN'T TURN HIM IN TO GRANT, HE'D KILL HIM!!" His father's voice shouted out.

'Kill me? What do they mean? Uncle Grant would never harm me would he?' Jonah thought to himself. Grant Anderson was like an uncle to him. The severe looking kangaroo had always brought him cool things from his travels. He was broken from his thoughts by mother's own scream.

"AS HE SHOULD!! THAT...THAT THING OUTSIDE IS NOT OUR SON!! IT'S JUST A FILTHY MAGE! IT'S OUR JOB TO EXTERMINATE SUCH FILTH. IT IS NO BETTER THAN THE REST OF ITS KIND!" Hearing his mom call him a thing had hurt Jonah. What was a Mage? Was he one? Why did his parents hate them so much?

"There has to be another way, maybe we can seal his magic? Let him live a normal life..."

"You've grown soft Mark, the thing will die. If we don't kill it, our fellow Hunter's will, and we will be punished for hiding a Mage. Our position is far more important for me than that thing out there. I will kill him myself if I have to."

His Mother's tone reeked of finality and Jonah's heart dropped. 'Are they really going to kill me just because I can make flames' The five-year-old thought to himself. 'I have to get out of here.' He resolved to himself just as his father spoke.

"Yes, you are right, the thing will die. It is not worth invoking the wrath of our comrades... What is the plan?"

"We will take it to base and let Grant snuff the creature's life. I hope it's something painful." His Mother said in an icy voice.

Soon enough he heard movement towards the door he quickly got up and saw his father open the door and smile down towards him. The older dingo looked around as if searching for his mother before he bent down and grabbed the child by the shoulders, "Get out of here Jonah, leave and never come back!"

"Da-dad?" Jonah let out but his father wouldn't let go.

"You need to run child, I can't let you die. I love you son, please forgive me. I'm too much a coward to take you away from here myself, but you're a smart pup, I know you can survive." The elder dingo said before he slipped about thirty dollars into the child's paw, "I'll distract your mother while you run." He gave the boy a kiss on the forehead, "I love you Jonah, and I'm sorry I'm so weak," he said before letting the boy go and walking back inside.

Jonah was quick to sneak back inside the house and into his room. He quickly emptied his backpack he had filled with stuff for school and began to pack clothes and other nick-nacks. The last thing he packed his favourite stuffed fox. Once he was sure he had everything he needed, he snuck out the front door and ran as fast as he could praying his mother wouldn't find him...


"That's awful, how can a mother actually refer to her child as 'it'? What happened to motherly devotion?" Richard said, thinking about his mother... he did miss her and he was sure Ian also did. Her birthday was coming up this weekend so he hoped she would come here to celebrate. Then he remembered that she didn't know Ian was gay. Now that was going to be an interesting discussion... he just hoped she got along with Lucas, having their mother hating him was the last thing the kit needed.

"Honestly, Rose was always a frigid bitch. She never showed me much affection when I was a pup. I was always closer to Mark, he always took me places and played with me. If he wasn't such a coward I might still have some affection for him," Jonah said coolly.

"So, are they still around?"

"Mark and Rose? Yeah, they moved out of Sydney shortly after I ran away. Last I heard they had a baby about a year after...Mundane thankfully."

Richard jumped up at that. "Wait, you have a brother?" He demanded and Jonah nodded indifferently.

"Yup, a cute kid. He's 'bout twelve now I think." he said stoically.

Richard just frowned at him. It bothered him at how callus the dingo was regarding his brother. Did he feel anything for him? "You have a brother? And you haven't even tried to get him away from the Hunters!?" He shouted out. He probably woke up everybody in the house but he really didn't care about that, he was just enraged that someone would leave their own flesh and blood in the clutches of the Hunters.

Jonah just stayed silent for several minutes before he spoke his voice calm but Richard could sense some underling emotion to his words, "I didn't find out about him until I was thirteen, He's probably already been indoctrinated into their beliefs. I doubt he would go with me if I tried to get him out." Richard's ears drooped a bit on that before the dingo spoke again. "So what was it like? Growing up in a loving household and not in the streets?"

"Was great I guess. My parents are great and we've always been comfortable. I don't know, I've never thought about it much. Most Mage Clans are very tight-knit. Us Mages put a lot of emphasis on family unity...Especially my family being the ruling Clan in Scotland. We're expected to be the benchmark."

"Benchmark aye? Guess you guys are held up to a high standard? Wonder how they'll take Lord Ian's being gay?"

"I guess you can say that, as for my brother being gay? I don't really know... we have a few gay Mages in Scotland, but for someone like Ian? Who knows?" Richard stated. Jonah just nodded with a smirk. "It's late though, let's get some sleep okay?" He asked and Jonah nodded before rolling over and immediately fell asleep. 'Wow, he falls asleep fast...' he thought to himself before rolling over and falling asleep himself.


Lucas just scowled as he looked at the text on his cell phone. He was probably being childish sure, but getting a text from his father spoiled any good mood he worked up with Ian. Said wolf just yawned and wrapped himself around the slimmer fox's frame.

"What's wrong love? You've been scowling at your phone for nearly five minutes?"

Lucas just shook his head and smiled lightly. It was getting increasingly hard to feel bad around Ian. He figured Ian's cheerful nature might be rubbing off of him. Lucas wasn't exactly sure how he felt about that... "A text from my father, he said he wanted to meet up with me and Erin after school."

Ian just sighed and pulled Lucas closer, "You know Lucas, I think you shouldn't be so hard on him. Sure what he did was wrong but he only did it to keep you safe."

Lucas only scowled towards the wolf and said, "He's lied to us about everything. He sealed our magic and deliberately left me and Erin in the dark! And yet you're saying I'm being too hard on him?"

Ian just winced a bit but held firm. He wasn't going to give up on this. "Listen Lucas, I know what he did was wrong, but he's still your dad." Lucas just humphed but didn't say anything so Ian just kissed his nose. "Trust me on this Lucas," he continued before he got up and began to get his clothes together for their shower.

Lucas just watched him before he sighed and got his own uniform gathered before they rushed towards the Bathroom.


Lucas just sighed as he sat down at the dinner table waiting for breakfast. He and Ian had gotten a quickie in the shower and he could still feel occasional spasms his tail-hole gave from the pounding Ian had given him. The wolf didn't tie him though, they didn't have time, but he just felt content at the moment. Of course something kept gnawing him inside. He really needed to figure out what to do with his father.

He looked towards Jordan who was sitting at the head of the table flanked by the two agents. He was conversing quietly with Agent Wilson. Agent Watson however was having a cheerful conversation with Erin. He just sighed and got up from his position next to Ian and walked up towards the elder wolf.

"Hey Mr Jordan, may I talk with you in private?" he asked the elder, ears pinned back in embarrassment.

Jordan just gave him a look before he smiled lightly and stood up and patted the boys head, "Sure son, we can talk in my study. Do you mind Ian? Samuel?" He asked, addressing both his son and Agent Wilson. Both shook their heads and Jordan led them out of the dining area and eventually they found themselves in the older male's study. This must have been where he did business. From what he heard from Ian, the Mansfield Clan ran a company which specialized in making computer parts which they sold to various high-profile companies. The wolf sat down in his high back chair and spoke. "What do you need to talk about son?"

"My Father sent me a text... he wants to see me and Erin after-school... I think he might want to try and worm his way back into our lives and I don't know how I feel about it..." he stated not looking away from his knees.

"And you want me to advise you on whether or not you should forgive him for his actions?"

Lucas nodded and the elder wolf let out a sigh.

"I don't think I can give you the correct answer Lucas, this is between you and your father...But, if I'm to give advice, I would say you should work to repair your relationship with him."

"Why do you say that?" Lucas asked. "Because son, no matter what, he will always be your father." Jordan said calmly. "Though I cannot condone his actions, I see him as a man who wanted to keep his children safe."

"It's not that he lied to me really... part of the reason I'm so angry is because he and Mom practically abandoned us..." Lucas mumbled ears pulling down in sadness. "They were both so occupied with their jobs they never made time for me and Erin... I used to cry myself to sleep because I missed them so much and wondered if I did something wrong."

"You've done nothing wrong of course, I'm sure your parents missed you terribly when they were away. Did you have someone to confide in during those days?"

"I had Thomas..." Jordan's face darkened remarkably at that, "I used to tell him everything, sometimes I spent the night over at his house when Erin was at a slumber party."

"I see, and that changed when you came out to him correct?" Lucas just nodded again. "I do not understand how someone can be so cruel to a nice kit like you." Jordan lamented sadly.

Lucas just nodded before he spoke voice shaky with nerves, "Mr Jordan... do you hate me?"

The wolf's reaction was immediate. His muzzle dropped before he tightened up his fists and stated. "Of course not! How could I hate a child for something he had no control over?! If I ever gave you that impression, I apologize completely..."

Sensing his guilt made Lucas feel guilty as well, "You never gave me that impression sir, I was just afraid that you only tolerated me because of Ian..."

Jordan just let out a dark chuckle at that, "I've had a feeling my son was gay for years Lucas, and my only wish was that he would be happy. You make him happy and you are helping him grow. I could never hate anything that would make him happy. Plus you're a good kid who's had enough struggles in his life."

"You aren't angry at me for the trouble I've caused? I mean since I've showed up Ian's fought Angels and the Cabal among other things..."

Jordan just shook his head, "None of those are your fault Lucas, you're a good kid. Now, I believe Greg is finished is finished with Breakfast. Let us eat," he said before he patted Lucas' head before walking out of the room with Lucas close to follow.


Arriving at school was pretty awkward for Lucas. As soon as he separated from Ian, he was swarmed by other students who gave their condolences regarding his mother's passing. Apparently word of his stint in the hospital had also spread because as soon as he entered homeroom, Mr Carter spoke towards him, "Oh, Lucas, Dr. Erikson has asked to see you."

Lucas just gave the man a blank look before he asked why. Mr. Carter just shrugged his shoulders before speaking. "He wished to talk to you about how you're doing. Your Sister has already spoken with him," he gently informed the fox, "Now," he said turning to address the other students, "Is anyone willing to take Lucas to the office?"

Ian was just about to stand up before a certain snow-leopard beat him to it..."I'll take him Mr. Carter," Santiago spoke up in a polite manner, but Lucas did notice the shit-eating grin Santiago gave Ian... He also saw the death-glare Ian sent the snow-leopard which only made his grin larger. He looked away from the fuming wolf before Mr. Carter noticed them.

"Very well Santiago, now take this hall-pass and take Lucas to the office," the teacher stated as he handed the boy something.

Santiago nodded and turned towards Lucas gestured him to follow which he did. They walked down the hallway for several minutes in silence before Santiago decided to break-the-ice, "Are you feeling well Lucas?" He asked in a conversational tone.

Lucas just shrugged not really sure how to respond.

Non-plussed, Santiago continued to speak. "You have my condolences of course; losing a parent must be hard. I believe Jin Meng lost a parent as well..."

Lucas just nodded silently. He had heard Allison mention Mr. Meng was a Hunter... "Hey Santiago, I don't mean any offense but why are you so nice to me? You're one of the most popular guys here, and I'm pretty much a nobody...So why do you..."

"Pursue you? Quite simply I think you're cute... I was quite jealous of your closeness with Thomas. I thought you straight then of course, and after you got outed, I thought it'd be best to leave you alone for a bit..." he replied, before looking towards the ground in annoyance, "But of course that mutt had to come in and steal you away."

"Santiago..." Lucas let out, his face feeling red-hot.

Santiago just gave him a cheerful grin before he spoke again. "I know, you like Ian and he likes you back, I understand that, but I like you too Lucas. You're wicked smart and you have a good heart, I'm just jealous Ian Mansfield won your heart."

Lucas' blush only deepened while Santiago gave him the same smile.

"I'm not giving up though; I'm going to do my best to win you over. Father always told me if you wanted something you have to fight for it!"

"Makes sense, my dad never really bothered to teach me anything..."

"I take it that you two aren't close?" Lucas nodded the snow-leopard gave him a sympathetic smile. "I like to think me and my old man are close. He lives in Victoria and serves as Donald Ackerman's Guardian, but he always visits on weekends. My brother Javier is Toby's guardian so he lives with our father. While my other brother, Julio and I live with our Mother."

Lucas just nodded. He had been curious about how Mage families worked.

"And here is the office, I'll be waiting here, alright?" Santiago said, breaking the fox out of his reverie.

"Oh, um... thanks for leading me..." Lucas said, before he walked into the office barely hearing Santiago's reply.

"No problem Lucas."

Once he was fully in the office he gained the attention of the doe secretary Mrs. Watson. "Mr. Mason, Dr. Erikson is waiting for you go on inside..." she said, gesturing to the door behind her before she went back to her papers.

Lucas just nodded before he walked past her and went into the room. Inside a very tall otter sat behind a desk the engraving on said desk read 'Dr. Jon Erikson-Headmasterl'. The Nordic otter quickly raised his head and smiled when he saw Lucas step in. "Ah Lucas, come, take a seat," he said gesturing to the chair next to him.

Lucas immediately obeyed the tall otter and took his seat. "You wanted to see me Dr. Erikson?" he asked the otter timidly.

Dr.Erikson just nodded kindly before he spoke voice soft, "Yes, yes I did. I wanted to see how you are doing, make sure you are taking the loss of your mother well. Your visit at the hospital concerned me. I do not want to lose one of my students from suicide."

"I didn't try and kill myself Sir, I swear, I tripped down the stairs."

The elder nodded and sighed. Lucas looked around his office for a bit. It was common knowledge that the man had served with the American Army in the Vietnam War... it was where he had gotten the scar across his left eye. "Even still I have set you up with Mrs Ryder for a few appointments to make sure you're well."

Lucas nodded, he remembered his previous dealings with the School's Councillor. She had been a big help after his suicide attempt. He had a good amount of respect for the elephant lady, "I'll be honest Sir, I'm fine, Ian and the others have helped a lot."

"I'm sure your friend has helped you Lucas, however I would still want you to talk to Mrs Ryder," The otter stated firmly.

"If you say so, Sir..." Lucas said dully, head down and ears pinned back in submission.

"Very well, I am glad you are doing well son. If you ever need to talk you are welcome to come in anytime. I take the well-being of my students very seriously."

Lucas just nodded calmly wondering if he was free to leave, "Do you need me for anything else Sir?" he asked the elder.

Dr. Erikson just gave him a small smile as if amused by his question, "No, you may go back to class Lucas, I'll set your first appointment for next Monday. Also, if you need any advice or help my office is always open to students in need."

Lucas nodded at that and bowed his head in respect before speaking his voice quiet and polite, "I know, thank you Sir," before he walked out of the door.

The rest of the morning had been largely uneventful. He had still gotten a few people approach him, which had gotten a bit tiresome after a while, but it was kinda nice being the centre of attention for once... he just hoped it wouldn't stay this way for long though. It was getting a bit uncomfortable.

Thankfully things did calm down around about lunch. He had sat in his usual seat and been joined by Ian and Greg like always. Though there wasn't much conversation, Ian spent most of the time sending baleful glares towards Santiago who was sitting a few tables down with Xander and Tyler Thorne, apparently the two had bonded during their short time knowing each other. Though Lucas was just happy Xander seemed to be adapting well to normal life... the guy certainly deserved it.


Eventually, mercifully, the day ended leaving the gang to sit outside and wait for Agent Wallace to show up. Meanwhile they had started to do their own thing. Allison had left, presumably to Master Luo's clinic. Erin and Richard were listening to music on her iPhone. Greg was doing push-ups and sit-ups in the grass, while Xander was chatting with Tyler again though he couldn't make out what they were talking about...

"So, have you decided on what you're going to do 'bout your dad?" Ian's voice rang out, snapping Lucas out of his trance. The fox gave a pathetic sounding yelp and nearly fell out off his seat before he managed to catch himself. Once he settled himself he gave Ian a glare which caused the wolf to give a sheepish smile. "Heh, sorry, you spaced out for a second there... so have you figured out what you're going to do about your dad?"

Lucas just frowned at that and shook his head no, "No, I still have no idea what to do... personally I want to tell him to fuck off and never come back, but..." he said looking over towards Richard and Erin who were currently jamming to some unknown song, "I know Erin really wants him back in our lives..."

"I still think you should give him another chance, he screwed up, yes, but he's still your dad. I know I must be sounding like a broken record by now, but I really think fixing your relationship with him can help you find peace."

"I don't know Ian, I just don't know..." Lucas just rubbed his forehead in frustration. He hated not being able to figure out what to do... part of him wanted his dad back as much as he hated to admit it. He was once again broken from his thoughts when he felt Ian's paw land on his shoulder.

"Lucas just trust me, tell him how you feel... let it out it's eating you up inside."

Lucas nodded at that. Maybe he had a point about telling his dad how he felt? "Thanks Ian."

"No problem," Ian said with a small smirk.


Eventually Agent Wallace did arrive and picked them up. First he dropped everyone besides him and Erin, and they continued to the house. Lucas couldn't stay still, his stomach in knots as they got closer and closer to home. Erin however seemed almost excited as she eagerly chatted with the bear Agent.

"Hey Agent Wallace, what's your first name? And where are you from?" Lucas just gave her a sharp look, but she ignored him.

The Agent just chuckled lightly at her questions not offended by her probing, "It's Martin, Ms Erin, and I'm from Burnaby..."

"So how did you get to join the Guardian Core, Agent?" She inquired next while Lucas only sharpened his gaze but the grizzly answered without a hint of annoyance.

"Pretty much all the men in my family belong to the GC... I entered training right after I graduated from school. It took roughly five years to finish but I've been working with Agent Wilson for roughly four years..."

"Cool!" Erin replied cheerfully, and the grizzly just chuckled once again before he pulled the car into the driveway.

"Here we are folks... oh, and looks like Agent Parker beat us here..." Lucas quickly put his muzzle up, to see his father standing between a severe looking snow-leopard and a pudgy friendly looking badger. They all seemed to be arguing about something but he couldn't tell what they were saying from through the glass.

"Dad!" Erin hollered out, before she bolted out the car and towards the three men. Their father looked at her in surprise before she wrapped her arms around his waist. Evan Mason was a handsome fox. Tall and athletic for his species. He had the same snowy white fur of his children, but thicker as he had long lost the puppy-fluff that still plagued Lucas. The man was quick to embrace her and kiss the top of her head.

"Hello dear, where's your brother?" the man asked.

Lucas sighed and got out of the car and brushed himself off, "I'm right here..." he stated coldly.

Evan was quick to embrace the boy once he was in reach causing the boy to freeze up. Feeling the boy stiffen up, Evan sheepishly let him go and stepped back smiling awkwardly, "Hello son, how are you?" He asked politely.

"That would be none of your concern, Evan..." Lucas replied.

Evan stiffened at that and glared at the boy but Lucas didn't care, years of resentment and hurt was bubbling beneath the surface at the moment, "How dare you talk to me in such a manner, I'm your Father!"

Lucas just gave out a cold chuckle before speaking, "Some father you've been, where were you when I was struggling at school about being gay? Where were you when I was in the hospital after attempting suicide? I was there for a week! And you didn't do as much as call! You've missed both of our birthdays four times already, at least mom made an attempt to be there! You haven't been a father to us for years! Did you expect me to greet you with open arms?"

Evan just stood flabbergasted at Lucas' outburst. Once he recovered from the shock however he growled right in return, "Listen hear you ungrateful brat, I've worked my tail off to provide for this family! Do you realize just how much it costs to send you two to that school!? I'm sorry I can't be here to coddle you like some baby, it's the real world kid! People are cruel, get over it!"

"I know people can be cruel! I've been put through hell at school! But every time I go to you for comfort, you've always told me to man up! I've tried that! It doesn't work! I respect the fact you work hard, but every time I needed you to be a father, you shoved me away! Did you even care that I was in the hospital!? Did you even care that I cried myself to sleep at night after Thomas fucked me over?! You've never been there for me! You've always put that damn job first!" Lucas snarled, hackles raised as he glared venomously towards his father who was glaring right back.

"Well I'm sorry I wasn't around to kiss your booboos and make them better. If I didn't work we wouldn't have this house! And what did you want me to say? That you being a faggot was okay and things would be okay!?" Evan hollered out.

Erin looked aghast at his words, while the three observes watched warily. Soon enough the pudgy badger had; had enough. "Now Evan, that was absolutely uncalled-for!" he protested harshly.

Evan had turned just to tell the man to butt out before Lucas spoke up, his voice trembling in barely supressed rage. "Yes! That's exactly what you should've done! So what if I'm a faggot!?" Lucas yelled out, ignoring Erin's protests, "Not like I choose to be one! So yes I thought you would've been there for me back then! What parent turns their back on their children because they're not straight!?" Lucas continued his voice getting even louder.

Evan tried to speak up again but Lucas quickly cut him off with another retort, "Shut up! You have no right to talk! Not after all the lies you've told!" Lucas could feel his body starting to shake, and could feel a strange power rise through him but he couldn't bring himself to care... he was just so... angry!

"What on earth are you talking about what lies!?" Evan stated defiantly.

This seemed to only make Lucas even angrier, "What lies!? What lies!? How about you lied to us about magic in the first place! How about not telling us about the Knights? Or sealing off our magic? There are plenty of lies!"

Evan just sighed to himself and rubbed his forehead. He seemed like he was very tired and Lucas figured the recent events must've taken a huge toll on him and when he spoke he sounded almost desperate, "Everything I've done, all the lies and deceptions were all to keep you, your sister and Marie safe. The Hidden World is a dangerous place, and if I had not sealed your magic both you and Erin would've been taken away from us. I'll be damned if I have another man raise my children!"

Lucas gave a dark chuckle in response. He just kept chuckling until it turned into full-blown laughter. Everyone was staring at him but he couldn't help it. He continued laughing like a maniac for several long minutes before he calmed down enough to speak, "Fat load of good it's done you eh? Mom's dead, Erin was contaminated by an Angel, and I wound up slaughtering an entire group of Cabal agents... We both nearly died when those angels attacked us. If Ian hadn't saved our tails, they would've gotten the Codex and we'd been dead."

The badger was the first to react to that. "A Codex!? You have a Codex?! All of them were supposed to be destroyed in the purge! How did you get one!"

"I knew one of the men who conducted the purge, he owed me a favour and he gave it to me...Said it might come in handy someday," Evan stated, shrugging lightly. "And I can't tell you who it was; I was sworn to secrecy, sorry James."

"Very well, I cannot force you to go back on your word. But, I will be sending an inquiry on to the group who were responsible for the purge... where is the Codex now?" the badger asked calmly.

"It's at Ian's house, locked in a safe..." Lucas answered quickly, causing the man to turn his attention towards him making him gulp a bit.

"And who is this Ian, son? I don't know any Mages your age named that."

Lucas was just about to answer him before the snow-leopard decided to speak for the first time, "I believe he means the younger Lord Mansfield's eldest son, my nephew has told me that the boy has grown quite close to our kit."

The badger nodded in thanks before turning towards Lucas again, "Thank you Alonso, now what does he mean by close, if I may ask...? Oh, and I never gave my name, I'm Sergeant James Kendrick, head of the British-Columbian chapter of the Knights Templar."

"Um, he's erm... he's my boyfriend Sergeant... but he isn't out of the closet so if you could keep this between us?" Lucas stated flustered.

The badger immediately nodded his affirmation. Just before he could say anything though, the older fox snarled out, "Oh hells no! I know the Mansfield Clan! They're Brits! I'll be damned if I'm going to let you go out with some filthy British fa...!" He managed before he was sent flying back several feet slamming into the front-door nearly knocking it off its hinges. Before he could recover he was picked up and slammed down somewhere else.

Lucas was telekinetically throwing him around the yard, his eyes shining a vivid purple, "Don't you dare insult Ian in front of me you filthy piece of shit!" he snarled out as he continued to throw his father around like a ragdoll, completely ignoring his sister's cries for him to stop, too consumed in his rage, "He is the best thing to ever happen to me! He's been there for me! He's done more for me than you ever have!"

Before he could do serious damage he quickly felt his body suddenly tense up, and he fell onto the floor completely immobile, "Sorry Master Lucas, you weren't going to stop, we can't have you arrested for murder!" Agent Wallace said calmly, as he held his binding spell on until Lucas had calmed down enough to stop struggling.

Just as he had let Lucas up, his phone rang. He quickly answered it, "Hello? Things okay Ian?" he asked the wolf on the other end. Ian quickly spoke, but too fast for him to understand, "Slow down Ian!"

"Right, sorry, we need you over now! Xander has gone missing!" he stated, causing Lucas to drop his phone in shock, "Hello? You still there Lucas?...Lucas?"