The legend of a warrior; chapter 4 - The princess of the North

Story by Killer Tiger on SoFurry

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#4 of The legend of a warrior

Even the coldest heart can give up... the effects of a power known as love.

Chapter 4 - The princess of the North

Kendrew was really changed, in just five years, she had to admit that. When she was escaped from the city, seven years before, the town was a place unsure and inhospitable for everyone but the tigers. Under the reign of Griagas, a cloak of intolerance and domineering nature without precedents had dragged the city in a dark period of oppression for all the other species, embittered in all the ways and subjected to every wish of the bigger and stronger tigers.

In those times, for the others was impossible live peacefully and trust in the future. For the domineering tigers, the life of the other hadn't value, and the smaller, the weaker, was only a slave without rights. Kendrew was a dark place, with a life stagnant and a freedom limited to the lonely tigers, that means that the city was often almost a ghost town, with just a few warrior tigers or just some bully along the roads and a few pubs open just because the curfew for the rest of the population included also the law of maintain open the "places for the fun of the owners". For all the others, there was really little to do.

And in that state of things, the city too was become poor, often squalid, the decadent capital of a little kingdom with a cruel, blind king incapable to see across the soft curtains of his palace the road for progress.

When she was fifteen, hers family had taken part in a bolt nocturnal escape from that unhappy kingdom, an attempt so mad and dangerous to be at least lucky... At that time, the borders of Kendrew were closed, and leave the oppression for change state was almost impossible. The penalty for be discovered was the death, surely made worse by first violence and probably rape from the uncontrolled soldiers.

But Sigmund, the old wolf owner of the picturesque pub in Freedall, a few miles from the capital, old friend of hers family, with the credible excuse of a travel in the capital for restock the larder of his place, a night had managed to bring they out from the city hidden in his van.

She, her mother, father and young sister had leaved the dark city, overcoming with great luck a few controls, hidden in the rear, between crates of beer and stuff, and reached Freedall, much nearer to the border, they had managed to flew miraculously in the night from a less supervised sector of the frontier.

In the last years, she had studied hard, and was become a much in demand sort of all-doing managing director, working in kingdoms less cruel and more respectful, working even for a few kings. The last year she had worked even for Riaku, the black lightning... but in Mottram, the dark, majestic city-fortress on the mountains, capital of the legend, the climate was bad. Riaku was cold, even if respectful with her and hers family because pleased by the high level of hers work, but his empire was really too similar to the kingdom of Griagas and probably still worse, for the others, and they had leaved the place at the first chance, just a few days before, with the king that had accepted of let them go only for erase all his debts with her. They had been lucky another time... and the family now is returned in Kendrew, attracted by the thought of their homeland and reassured by the enthusiastic voices about the new king.

And now she was returned, and she was watching with amazement and happiness a city reborn, majestic and alive, the pulsating heart of a huge empire. Out from the window of hers little but nice car, the things are really different from what she had leaved seven years before in a desperate nocturnal escape from one of the darker kingdoms of the world...

The population was increased hugely. The number of tigers along the roads was impressive, thing that a time would have been a nightmare for a smaller panther like her. But now, also the much more numerous population of other species was sure of its rights and the cohabitation was peaceful and respectful. Deleted the curfew, increased the rights and imposed the reciprocal respect, tigers were still owners, but at least with justice.

And the entire city was improved, now a majestic sight of marble and decorum, in a classic, cleaned-out and never excessive style. Bright and full of life, much better than the massif fortress of gloomy black granite that was Mottram.

But despite all what she had seen along hers tour of the capital, the few words exchanged with one of the soldiers at the check point at the monumental gate of the park round the palace were still in any case a surprise almost disconcerting.

A soldier perfectly trained, in a uniform simple and functional, completely black and lacking of the domineering hardware for brawls that she had always seen on the tigers in the past, had controlled hers pass, asking it kindly and then let her going on even with a kind "Have a nice day, miss."

She shaken hers head a bit, still surprised, going slowly ahead with hers car along the interminable, straight road for reach the palace... the uniform alone was already a big item of news, but that kindness was really unexpected. She had gulped, hearing the huge, almost 12 feet tall soldier give her that wish with a smile and answering so staggeringly that she was almost babbling for the surprise.

In the park she saw a lot of female tigers and cubs going for a walk, and she heard laughs and a general happiness. Things were really changed... Well, all but the females. They were still all in bikini that leaved not so much to imagination, sign that also the new king on this point was firmly decided.

The bigger park and palace themselves were not sign of megalomania, she decided, but only the need of a pack ever bigger and more powerful. And for the number of cubs and young tigers that she could see, she thought that the king was really a hyperactive male, and not only a man of state and a legendary warrior. But after all, Killer "Wyvern" Huxley of Kesteven was known for his exceptional abilities of lover almost more than for his amazing victories in war, so she wasn't so surprised.

"He must be really a good fucker as they say..." She whispered whit a strange smile, enthralled by a growing curiosity towards the huge warrior that she had so much heard talk of, but seen just in some photos of old magazines and newspapers. And, also, enticed, because the little she had seen was already amazing...

Finally arrived at the yard in front of the monumental entrance of the palace, she watched for a moment with interest two vehicles parked with care. A huge, black racing black motorbike and an unusually big, black as the night, luxurious Aston Martin, a special model realized only for the king. A two seat monster with a line elegant and aggressive at the same time, with his major weight and size more than balanced by an engine, too, really oversized.

She parked hers much more modest blue car at the other side of the yard and then descend from it with an amused glance for a few young males in ecstasy in front of the two vehicles of Killer, supervised by a soldier standing nearby with a rifle shouldered but a smile on his muzzle.

She took a few reports from the passenger seat and then she walked towards the huge, open door of the palace, trying to prepare herself to the meeting with the king.

She couldn't manage to repress a shiver along hers back... she was going to meet the legend for excellence, the emperor of Kendrew, the famous Wyvern. But she knew really little on the king, actually. Apart from the stories on his extraordinary ascent, she had only received a few advices from his old friend Sigmund, and nothing else. Returned in hers homeland just from a few days for see finally hers land in peace after years of sufferance, Sigmund had recruited her for a special task. He had explained her that there was a representative of the not-tigers at the service of the king... and also that Killer, even if calm, wasn't really satisfied of the current, a young vixen probably too scared by his figure to yield really well in his role. And then the wolf had said that she was perfect for this work, and he had insisted so much that she at the end had gave up and accepted the task, receiving also a nice house in the village to settle herself in hers old and new homeland. And today was the big day of her first meet with the giant, the moment of hers first meet with the legend.

She climbed elegantly the steps, hypnotizing a few males in the yard with her feline, unusually sensual natural move, and one of the two soldiers at the sides of the door welcomed her immediately, stepping forwards and nodding a bit.

"The king will receive her immediately, miss. I prey you to follow me." He said, entering in the majestic stairwell and beginning to climb the huge steps for the first floor. She followed him easily with hers graceful step, another time surprised by how well the king had put in line the once undisciplined army and how anyone was crushed in his position, without any bravery to challenge the sovereign. It was a good sign... and a sign of absolute control, power and dominance. She had seen something similar only serving Riaku.

After a long walk in an interminable corridor, the soldier stopped near a massive, wooden double door closed.

"The king is here, and his majesty is going to receive you, miss. Knock at the door, when you are ready. And excuse me, miss. I have to return at my position. Have a nice day." He said with a kind, even if somehow amused smile. He was probably feeling hers curiosity, tension, fear... and maybe excitation for that meeting.

She waited a moment after the leaving of the soldier, excited and worried together, trying to dominate herself and prepare hers colder, and more professional side. She was going to be surprised, mistreated or... or simply disappointed?

She set a bit hers dress and then knocked finally with a sigh. "May I, your majesty?"

The voice that answered from inside, inviting to go on, was all but disappointing. In that voice there were strength, a neutral kindness and an extremely manly tone, fascinating and intimidating at the same time.

She opened slowly the door, with a bit of effort for the notable weight, and walked inside. She opened wide her eyes in surprise for a moment. She had thought to enter in a studio or in a luxurious living room, but she found herself instead in a huge, elegant and well supplied gym.

Killer watched her enter in the huge room with great interest. She was a young, nice panther with a fur completely black as ink, shinning in the light of the gym, and with a pace of a natural, rare grace. Was obvious that she was nervous, and that she had in her mind all but try to seduce the king... hers walk was really so, a natural, more than feline elegance.

She was tall about ten feet and half, and was so truly tall for her species and for most others, and she worn a perfect skirt with a suit formal, predictable for a woman in career, but incapable to hide a great beauty. Find defects in that slim, sensual and graceful body was hard... she was not so prosperous for curves, but hers slender body was perfectly proportioned, with all the forms in the right places, hers thigh plump and firm, all hers silhouette toned, agile and slender.

He watched hers little, nice muzzle with a smile, overcoming the little, rectangular glasses, meeting her beautiful green eyes pointed at the ground, in a nervous humility, still without the bravery to watch him. Her features were soft and extremely feminine... she was truly a nice girl.

"I pray you, miss... I don't bite. At least, not without a reason." He said playfully with a courteous voice to give her a bit of courage.

A bit stronger for that kindness, she reached him with a deep curtsy, and then gathered hers bravery and placed finally her eyes on Wyvern. She tried to remain impassive as his eyes bulged at the majestic view, but she wasn't sure to are truly managing to hide hers emotion... and the desire. She was too cleaned-out to curse, even if only with herself, but that time she made a sort of exception, thinking on how much she had been stupid to think that he could disappoint her in some way.

Sure, the situation was really different from what she had thought and a bit embarrassing, too, in some ways... but he was all but disappointing.

He was sat down on a black bench of skin, and the handlebars that he was idly pulling up and down were dragging an impressive, massive steely chain, lifting and lowering rhythmically a huge, monolithic block of lead behind his back, attached to it. She neither tried to imagine the weight of that block, high about as her, thinking that the lonely chain was surely much heavier than her and without any doubts much over her limits... and over the limits of many powerful males, too.

His body was impressive, a giant sculpture of huge, steely muscles that put easily bodybuilders to shame. Watching those huge muscles bulge in the impressive effort, seeming full of own life and vigour, on the point of explode, she repressed a shiver of... hell, probably of deep excitement. She hadn't doubts... the only able to bear a comparison was Riaku, but Wyvern was really impressive, more than the black male, she had to say...

And she had to admit also that the "half-breed" as Riaku and other kings were used to call him sometimes with contempt, was a beautiful male. His muzzle was at middle road between lion and tiger, and his long mane was marvellous, manly and fierce-looking. Watching with absent mind a few drop of sweat straining slowly downwards along the white, black-striped, shinning fur, she thought that there were no crowns more regal than that mane.

Her eyes travelled along Killer in all the directions, noticing almost with difficulty details not of his powerful body, like the famous necklace with the projectile of gold, for how much his powerful form had monopolized her attention... and in the strange trance which she was fallen into, she took a long time before really understand that he was wearing only a pair of black boxers, despite the fact that it had been the first thing noticed by his eyes when entering into the room.

Hers mind registered the fact only when her eyes landed again on the strained, seeming far too tight boxers, where a massive, impressive bulge was undisputable proof of the absolute excellence and abundance of "all the equipment", as hers mind thought with enthralled desire, but used at the rigid management and at his rules and terms.

"I'm sorry that ours first meet must happen so, miss... I know it has to be a bit embarrassing meet someone in underpants. Even if that someone is a king... but I've so little time that is a need for me exploit also these moments."

The deep, kind voice of the male reawakened her, that hurried up herself to rise hers head, realizing that her glance was suspiciously pointed towards the low, on the famous, massive virility of the legendary king.

"No, absolutely... I mean..." She babbled, uncertain. There wasn't really any embarrass in the show of a similar body, but she could really answer so to the king...? She decided to try the bold way.

"...Your majesty, it's an honour for me see you in any way. And if your majesty consents, I can say that there is absolutely nothing of embarrassing in the regal body. It would be a comparison embarrassing for another male, your highness."

The king remained silent for a moment, and she was afraid to have overcome the line... but then he smiled with a soft laugh and stretched out the right hand. The panther repressed with difficulties a gasp, seeing the king leave the lonely left hand to hold the handlebar, sustaining at middle air the huge weight without any sign of effort.

"I'm happy of have you here, miss. And I've to say that this time Doggy... I mean, Sigmund... did a perfect work, choosing a flower of rare beauty and capabilities." Said the king, making only a bit narrower his kind hold on the much smaller hand of the female. She knew that he was perfectly able to spread crumbs all her bones without a twitch, if just he wanted.

"Your majesty is too good with me... my name's Serene, majesty, and I'm here to serve your majesty and mine people." She answered, watching in his eyes and finding that they were incredible. A light navy blue similar to the colour of the ocean under the sun seen across the beautiful but freezing screen of an iceberg... Something almost unnatural, beautiful and impenetrable, cold but gentle in the same time. But his glance was of supremacy, of domination and pride... and she repressed a shiver at the thought of how they had to look like when he was furious. And his expression was made still more fascinating by the famous scar on the left eye. Another scar was on the right bicep, result of the already legendary, victorious duel of two month before with no less than Riaku, the black legend. Only two scars after all his battles... this meant that he was really a powerful, good warrior, or by now he would have resembled a sample of wounds assorted.

He released hers hand with a smile, and she watched disbelieving the hand return on the handlebar, that immediately descended easily towards his crotch, with the huge weight that risen into the air as his wonderful muscles bulged with amazing power.

She noticed only in that moment an almost 13 feet tall tiger female a few steps aside. Wearing only a golden bikini, the beautiful female was supporting in her hands the black jeans of the male, an as much black t-shirt and a cloak of the same colour, and a white towel. She was watching the male with a hungry, excited glance, her muzzle contorted in an expression of pure desire... and despite the fact that the panther was feeling the same interest herself, she really hoped of don't have that face of pet full of wish.

"Perfect, Serene... I think that you already know who I am, so there isn't reason to waste time. I'm listening, you can tell to me all yours news." He said calmly with a nod as he continued to train himself, his muscles bulging out like tires under the drooling attention of the two females.

For about twenty minutes, the young panther listed diligently all the reports, bringing at the attention of the king every little matter of the kingdom, and taking precise notes of the instructions of Killer, fighting with herself to keep her eyes on hers sheets and not on his body. But was so difficult remain serious and pretend to be impassive, when his lonely presence was getting her excited as never before, making her drool like a bitch. Even without watch his training and keeping her eyes from fall on his boxers, she couldn't help herself... his power was a crushing, tangible presence, his manly smell was hypnotic.

Finally, the king rose from the bench, and she missed a word, gaping at the huge male standing in front of her. If he was absolutely impressive seated, on his feet he was frightening... hers head was just over the height of his navel, dangerously near at his boxers and in front of such powerful and chiselled abs that she was sure she could beat on them with a baseball bat and she would have just shattered it without causing him any damage.

She gasped as she understood that she was fallen silent, and she begun immediately again the reading, as the king was reached silently by the other female, who offered him the towel and his clothes with a curtsy full of true reverence.

Killer took the towel from her with a smile and a silent nod of thanks, and begun to dry a bit himself from the sweat, his eyes still fixed on the talking panther with kindness. When she finally finished, the king passed the towel on his mane, and then returned it to the female at his side, taking his pants from her hands.

Serene watched with infinite interest the male put on the black jeans, with a hidden sigh of mixed regret and relief, when finally the boxers vanished from hers sight... she was really on the point of give up, and even if the pants were insufficient to hide the envied, famous characteristic of the male, the situation was at least a bit more controllable for her. She had been on the point to grasp his waistband and just pull them down to revere that huge piece of powerful manmeat hidden below.

She waited as he put on also the t-shirt and then the cloak on the right shoulder, keeping hers best news for the last moment.

"Thank you, Nike. You can go... I will reach you in the bathroom for a bath in a very short time." He thanked gently the tall tigress, who knelled down in a deep curtsy and then leaved the room with a satisfied smile and a dreaming glance of anticipation, hers well formed buttocks dancing elegantly as she walked away.

Serene watched that with interest for a moment, wondering with envy that the tigress was surely gonna be rewarded for her service during that bath... the expression she had on her features told everything. "Well, your highness... I've still an item of news to give, if I have the royal permission." She finally said meekly, bending hers head in front of the giant.

"Perfect, there is no problem. Do you want to be so kind to accompany me...? I want to walk out for a few moments." He answered gently, pointing with a hand to the door with a kind, small gesture.

"Sure, majesty..." She answered gently, bending hers head again with a smile.

Was hard follow the huge steps of the king, even if he was walking slowly, relaxed and without hurry along an huge arcades at the border of the park, but was harder maintain hers mind focused on the news that she had to share with Wyvern when his giant body was a continue distraction.

He was really fascinating, worn with surprisingly modesty and simplicity, with the shirt modelled on his muscular body, and the cloak on the right shoulder that was a touch masterful.

Killer was really a loved king, too. During the walk in the garden, all the females in the park had greeted him with accomplice smiles and signs unequivocal of adoration and desire that she was absolutely able of understand and share. She don't missed the feminine signals in their eyes... they loved him, and was evident that they were all more than satisfied of him as lover.

And he was also a good father, an almost unique thing for tigers... a good few times he had talked with some cubs, showing affection and a helpfulness rare. With a pair of young males busy in a training duel with swords, he had even spent some minutes giving examples and instructions, with wide smile.

When he leaved the hundredth cubs, after ruffling the short fur on his head in an affective wave and reached another time her, she smiled widely to him, impressed.

"That cub is lucky, majesty... he has your same eyes." She said with a large, sincere smile.

Killer tilted a bit his head towards her with an ironic but kind glance, smiling amusedly. "Every cub here has my eyes, Blackie... I will be much surprised of the contrary, seen that they are all my sons. But thank you... seems that this was a compliment, right?"

"Sure, your majesty... I haven't think at all before talk, sorry. In any case, majesty, my news is that seems that Riaku has found his queen, and he's going to marry her in the next few days."

"Rude from his part don't invite his best enemy at the ceremony... A courtesy that I've never thought to deny to him, myself." Killer was not completely serious, but a bit of bitterness was really in his voice, she noticed. He was still without a girl able to take his heart, but that wasn't envy... He was so gallant and loyal to consider really offensive don't reserve the courtesy of share a similar moment with the own, best rival. Riaku obviously had another idea...

"What we know of this lucky girl?" The huge male asked idly.

"Little, your majesty. Seems that she is really a rare beauty, and that she is the heir princess of the kingdom of Glacial, that Riaku conquered just the last month. As hers rank suggests, she is still a virgin, or at least so has been said... I haven't seen her when I was still at the service of Riaku, but I know that hers apartments were in the tower of north east of the fortress of Mottram."

Killer nodded slowly. "We know all the necessary. I've a little idea... but it's too early to talk of it. Well, Blackie... thank you for yours work and for this precious news. I'm sure that ours collaboration will be productive."

Some minutes later, the young panther leaved the palace with a sigh of both regret and relief... going towards hers car, she thought that the king was surely going to make happy the poor Nike that had served as clothes hook for all his long training... And she was a bit envious. But the sorrow for don't have followed him, that surely would have been happy of hers... company, was a bit balanced by the consciousness of have maintained hers professionally. Give up at the desire at the first meet and become immediately another bitch in his long list wasn't exactly the best for a manager, right?

"At the next time, Wyvern..." She whispered with soft, dreaming voice as she started hers car.

The duel of two months ago had been only the beginning of their rivalry, not the end. The sweated victory of Killer hadn't been a deterrent for Riaku. Rather, the black male had trained still harder himself from that day, decided more than never before to erase his defeat with a great victory.

That duel had been an example for two both... Riaku had understood that Wyvern was always the huge bastard able to break down every enemy, and Killer had understood that the black lightning was worth of every respect and admiration, and that he was his natural rival.

Killer couldn't remember why he felt like he already knew Riaku, yet, but he knew that the black male was a formidable rival, and that he had training himself furiously. Wyvern admired that... he had understood that he was strong of nature, and his trainings are all in all modest, compared to what Riaku must inflict regularly to himself. And that thing had really impressed the white tiger... he was lucky, much lucky. His capabilities are extraordinary from birth, and even if his body was built and improved by severe trainings, he hadn't never really brought himself to his limits. Riaku, rather, was a completely self made man, a legend built on blood spat and muscles trained since be exhaust. And Killer was loyal enough for acknowledge that, for admire deeply his rival and even for feel a bit of regret and... and almost of fault for his lucky. From the day of theirs duel, Wyvern too had begun to train himself much hardly, with new stimulus.

In a month, the two kings had challenged one the other conquering a kingdom after the other, in a sort of bloody race for the bigger power, an endless duel at distance... the major cost was burdened on the life of a good few kings too weak to maintain their possessions between two super powers in war like Kendrew and Mottram.

There had been victories and defeats for Killer and Riaku both, in this race. The first arrived conquered the kingdom, and the second remained for a time defeated... but the important things were that their two empires are by now directly neighbouring for long stretches, and still more significant was the fact that they both were still able to fight with complete loyalty and courtesy. Killer was used to call familiarly Riaku "his best enemy", and the concept was that: they were almost friends, even if of a very strange type.

But the news of the incoming coronation of the Riaku's queen, arrived to him from Serene and not directly from the Black Lighting had hurt Wyvern strangely. He had tried to understand why he was so unusually angry with his rival, but in vain... the lonely certainty was that this lack of kindness had disappointed him for an unbelievable reason.

And for the second time in his life, Killer thought that was the Destiny to draw his road in that moment. Odd thing, because he had always hated the thought of something that you can't control, but that can change yours life. For years, he had denied also the existence of that strange factor that is the destiny... but he was by now sure that his meet with Athena and Joy was something writing for him in the stars. That was been a good thing; why be opposed at the new mysterious event?

He had accepted his mysterious rage, and had made a plan for punish his rival for his discourtesy.

Killer was decided to rape the future queen of Riaku... just for ruin his feast, leaving to him a girl exhausted instead of an untouched virgin. Wyvern was a bit ill at ease about this project that he doesn't feel all his, yet, still thinking that he was strangely really too irritated by a thing all in all so unimportant. But when the general of Kesteven has a plan, is that what matter.

Enter in the empire of Riaku hadn't been so hard, after all... Killer was a specialist of stealth missions, and had a great experience accrued in years as general and then as mercenary and solitary warrior. And, in any case, he knew that was also merit of the by now interminable length of the borders of the Riaku's empire... a weakness that was shared with Kendrew, unfortunately, and he was conscious of that problem.

Mottram was far away from the border, in the core of the empire, but Killer was indefatigable, and the rhythm of his march and often, when possible, of his run, was impressive. He spent three days to reach the plain around the solitary mountain with the towering size of Mottram on, but he could be faster... he had lost a lot of time to avoid meets and to walk always far from cities and villages. He knew the importance of the secret on his raid, and was a little worry had been forced to kill a few people, for the major part soldiers, that had met him, with theirs great misfortune. He had hidden with great care every corpse, and was quite sure that their lonely absence will probably not constitute a real threat. Especially for the soldiers... cases of desertion were frequent and so, whit a bit of luck, no one would have really noticed a few men less.

Killer watched the gloomy, huge fortress of Mottram from his hidden position in the thick vegetations, the Cobra ready in his hands, the swords all in their places, on just simple black jeans and a black t-shirt.

He used the optic of his rifle for watch also the minor details, with great attention for avoid the reflex of the sun in the glass, which can report your presence to the entire world...

Mottram was a bit... depressing, maybe. An huge fortress of massive towers and thick walls, all made in colossal blocks of black granite, with a great number of position with machine guns, and passage for the soldiers all on the walls. All the palace was built on the top of that bare base of rock without signs of vegetation, with an enviable sight all around, on the plain, still better because Riaku had smartly ordered of cut all the forests around in a range of three miles, making impossible for anyone lead an army under his palace without be spotted in time, and immediately mow down by rifles and machine guns. Killer snorted, at that consideration, in both approbation and irritation. For that reason, he was stuck until night, when the darkness will be at his side in the enterprise.

Killer analyzed the entire situation... Mottram was reachable only from the side of south west, where the rocks degraded from a vertical wall to a soft hill. But on that side there was the huge city, and the walls of the fortress on that side were still bigger, and still better supervised. In short terms, for enter in the palace from the main door, he will must kill who-knows-many soldiers, and generally making a terrible mess. No possibilities of enter from that side silently.

He known that probably his target was in the tower of north east of the fortress, so he focalized his analysis on that side.

Essentially, that wing of the fortress was constituted by a huge tower with a great balcony and big windows, with a well supervised position with three machine guns on the terrace at the top. Obviously, the fact that the tower was built on the top of a vertical wall of rock high at least three hundred feet was been considered a sufficient defence for be sure enough for open a good few large windows in the huge walls without too much worries.

But at the base of the rock, just for be sure, there was a position with three soldiers and a heavy machine gun placed in a trench in the plain. Killer grins, sure that was been the same Riaku to order of reinforce the defence also in that sector... probably really for the fear that a person in the world was probably able of attack from that so hostile side.

"You are right, Riaku... I can. But you still underestimate me a little too much, if you think you can stop me just with these three puppets."

Killer waited for the night with patience. Hidden with great care in the wood, he done a thing that he hadn't do for a long time. He slept a bit. He accepted the risk, self confident in his capabilities of keep under control the world around him even when asleep. He had learned years ago that for a soldier two things are really vital: food and rest. And he had learned with trainings a good few things interesting... between the others, he can sleep and discriminate every signal captured by his senses in the same moment, so was really hard manage of catch him asleep and unprepared. He had shared this special trainings with his brother, and this was been one of the hardest thing to learn, but also one of the more useful in the years on the battle fields of all the world.

He was also able of fall in apparent death for long times, and sometimes that was been a mode of overcome the enemy lines without risk and fatigue... a few times he had used the trick with success in battle. It was really dangerous, but also a mode for reach grand victories with efforts and loses limited. And with years of experience he had learned an infinity of tricks of any sort to make harder for the enemy search him, and to prepare ambushes worthy of war manuals.

Then he dismantled with care the special assault rifle Cobra and carried out a perfect, complete maintenance of every single component, and for all the day he periodically watched the fortress for learn more as possible on the turns of guard and on the characteristics of the fortress.

Finally, with the darkness at his side, Wyvern exited from the wood and begun a long, fast but silent move for get round the position at the feet of the rock, for arrive at his side, avoiding of be spotted by them and by the soldiers on the top of the tower. They will be in any case out of the game when he would have been under the tower, out of the range of the machine guns that hadn't sufficient depression to worry him there. He had only to be silent in his march.

The three soldiers were all in the trench, gathered around a little electric fire, really little attentive... obviously, being so far from the borders, at guard of an unassailable side of an as much unassailable fortress, under the command of a Legend had made them too sure and too self confident...

The last thing that they seen in their life was a pair of blue eyes luminous as lights, hanging at unusual height, and a long shinning blade. Then, just darkness.

Killer sheathed again the blood stained sword, and rose his head to watch the more than 300 feet of vertical rocks, and the high, huge tower above... he placed the Cobra on his shoulders, searching with the glance a point where begun the enterprise, remembering with a grin the motto "Who dares wins". And then, with a snort, he jumped on the wall for his climb, devouring immediately almost forty feet, landing on a point particularly rough that he had noticed and classified as a zone where was at least easier make a grip.

He placed furiously his talons in the rock, with a snort. Without his huge strength, that enterprise wills been really impossible, but Killer was able of lift himself almost easily also with the lonely steely claws buried in every little crack.

He risen slowly, with care, trying to avoid every little noise for doesn't alarm the soldiers on patrol on the walls, with a few drops of sweat on his mane for the effort, but in a few minutes he was at the base of the tower, ready for the second phase.

Climb the black wall was hard, but Killer had the help of the little intersections between a block of rock and another, and here he was able of make strength for rise. For his immense strength, was sufficient place the claws for have a sufficient base, and in the harder points he hammered his swords in the wall, using the weapons as steps.

Soon, without be spotted, he reached the balcony and silently landed on it, after have jumped the marble parapet.

Killer advanced slowly, without a sound, ready for everything... the large window was completely open, and the door was blocked only by fine curtain of white silk moved lazily by the weak breeze. Inside, the lights were all turned off, except two lamps on bedside tables at the sides of a huge canopy bed visible in the low light.

Wyvern moved softly with an hand the curtains agitated by the weak wind of the night and entered slowly in the room, walking careful towards the bed, still uncertain of be in the right place... sure, Serene had said that the princess's apartments are in the tower of north east, but that was maybe right a few days ago, and was more than possible that the things were changed, in the time. That room could be also the room of Riaku, for what Killer known.

But when he was near enough for watch inside the open curtains of heavy, thick red velvet of the canopy bed, his eyes meet the nicer silhouette that he had never seen. Killer stopped every movement, watching for a few moments the beautiful female laid down on the bed, deeply impressed, and with a strange sensation, an inexplicable anxiety...

She was almost sat down on the bed, with hers back lean on the cushion and the woody headboard, arms folded under her generous breasts, and legs a bit bended. She was really tall, surely... Killer had never seen before a so tall female... And admittedly neither males. She seemed almost to match his amazing height, actually.

Killer noticed immediately that the lonely position she was in was an index of an uncommon, indomitable and dominant personality and... and also of irritation. Probably she wasn't really agreeing with the whole fact of be there, stuck in that gloomy fortress that wasn't hers home and in that situation. The huge male dared to deceive himself that maybe she wasn't really of the idea to marry Riaku, after all...

She was seductive almost in a demoniac way. The male felt himself almost unsure, in front of such a mixture of beauty, strength, deadliness and spirit... and insecurity was something he had never before experienced in life. She was absolutely impressive, a mistress absolute... and he had no difficulties in imagining her dominating even the stronger males. He had the feeling that, if she wanted, she could still make even him cum in the space of a minute and play with him like with a doll. But it was a challenge he was dying for the wish to face...

Killer noticed that she had on two elegant black boots with dizzy heels of natural charm, with strings of silver and little diamonds that wrapped the feet and a good part of her legs, almost to the knees. Wyvern lost himself on those legs, going back up from the feminine feet with the cared, sharp and deadly looking claws, along the two curving, firm and seductive legs that looked almost interminable, and of a beauty unique, rising towards a waist that seemed designed by a supreme entity with the compasses of the perfection. He couldn't still see her buttocks, a terrible sorrow, but the curves of hers waist let imagine a masterpiece without equals.

His amazed eyes explored hers belly, a sculptured wonder... not simply flat and firm, but with well developed, even if extremely feminine, powerful, superbly trained abdominals and with a shinning diamond set in hers beautiful navel.

Her arms too were muscular, but of a type of muscles extremely feminine, sweet and not too accentuated, visible and really pleasurable only when hired, also in a minimum effort as held folded her arms like in that moment. She looked strong... even more than most males the warrior had ever met and fought... and that only added to his interest and desire.

Immediately above, Killer watched with infinite interest the more wonderful breasts that he had never seen, hypnotized by their slow, regular movement, up and down, seeming to swell up even more with each of hers breath, hypnotized by their perfection. So huge, and yet so firm, and with hard, teasing nipples that seemed of wanting to pierce the black fabric.

Her breasts are really generous... Killer understood immediately that they were decidedly bigger than the Athena's own and even of Nike. But he smiled ascertaining that all was in proportion with the optics of perfection of hers body, a beauty almost outrageous.

Her eyes were shinning in the darkness of the room, two marine blue lights, like two cold, icy and yet wonderful sapphires, full of pride, self confidence and challenge, framed by a beautiful mane of blonde hair long almost to her waist. Killer puffed softly in wonder watching another time hers wonderful body... hers short fur was completely white, without any sign of stripe, as they were a sort of unacceptable imperfection, and was shiny and luminous as silver, or maybe as the purer white gold, something almost unnatural in his charm. The beauty of that girl was incredible, such to make Athena or Nike or anyone else... well, not ugly, obviously, but of a vulgar beauty.

She wore two support stocking black as the night, long to almost the middle of her beautiful thighs, and with a complex edge of gold and little precious stones at the end, on the whole only an incredibly expensive underline of hers beauty and a thing that Killer could only long for remove.

At her waist she had on slip of similar design, with a long, black but almost transparent veil that arrive to the ground at the sides of the bed, and her breasts were covered by an expensive black bra edged in gold and with shoulders pads of pure gold.

Killer noticed with a grin that one of them was slipped down along hers right shoulder and that simple thing was enough to excite everyone, on a similar girl.

Also her arms were wrapped in two long, precious and elegant black gloves long almost to the middle of hers biceps, and she had on a fine necklace and two bracelets. Another, Killer noticed, was holding with an original style on hers tail.

Killer advanced towards her slowly, without lose neither a bit of his prudence of warrior despite the deep impression and the hardly controllable excitation. He was confused... he had never, never tried similar emotions, a similar attraction for nothing and no one, before. He known only that he was attracted as by a magnet by the female on the bed, but also that the idea of rape her, or also only of touch her only with a finger, was deleted without appeal. Something strange, never tried, was saying to him of not brush neither that divine creature without hers permission, in a tone that leaves absolutely no room for discussion. And he had never tried a similar scruple for nothing, especially not for something so intensely craved...

He advanced until he was just a few feet far from the bed, the long veil already almost at his toe claws, still sure of not been heard. After all, he had killed enemy silently for a life, and often with much less care... but he snorted, seeing the female do a movement so fast that he had never think that was possible, and just the time of be thunderstruck by the unexpected fact that a female was so able, he found the sharp point of a sword aimed at just an inch of distance from his throat.

The female had evidently a sword placed at hers side, on the bed, on the other side, where Killer had couldn't see, and with a move of incredible rapidity, she had unsheathed it and bring the blade in front of his jugular with a sabre cut still more impressive for precision and elegance.

"You like what you see, fucktard?" Asked the girl in a growl. And Killer felt himself an idiot, loving the sound of hers voice, even in that growl full of threats, forgetting the fact that he was in front of a sword in the hands of someone that was obviously able of use it. But he was more surprised of the fact that she had spotted him... no one was been able of avoid his silent attacks, before.

"Definitely yes." Answered Killer with calm voice, motionless at arms folded in front of the sword.

The female snorted, an odd snort mixed with something like a laugh, of a little sign of pride. "It's all what you have to say?"

Killer bended a bit his head on the right, pretend to think intensely. "Yeah, I think yes... I'm quite miserly of compliment, especially because I've not seen all of you, yet."

The female snorted amusedly. "Right... but you are mad. Whit a sword ready to sink in your neck, you have only to remain there motionless and with a glance of amused indifference?"

Killer grinned slightly. "I've challenged the Death too many times to be scared by swords... and I think I have nothing to be frightened of for a single blade, especially when is sufficient for me a jump backwards to be out of your range. And if I have to be brutally sincere, I've seen better swords... the blade is perfect, made in the foundries of Kesteven, but the hilt is been made in a sort of jewellery store of Glacial, as the work of connection between the two parts. The result is a weapon really nice to see... but a bit fragile and bad balanced."

The female made a strange sound, of both surprise, approbation and irritation. "Exactly what I think... but that idiot of Riaku thinks that this is good. At least for me... that fucktard is smart enough not to leave me my old sword. Useless shit..." She growled a bit, and Killer smiled a bit to himself in the darkness, happy to hear that she was all but happy of are going to become the queen of the Black Lighting. "But who are you? The living encyclopaedia of the weapons? Oh, sure..."

Her shinning eyes descended on the projectile at his neck. "Sorry. Huge as you are, it was obvious that you are Wyvern. My mistake." She said, his tone softening until become almost... affective.

"Nothing important." Killer answered, amused by that absurd situation.

Again, he remained impressed by hers rapidity and agility... in the space of a lighting, she thrown the sword from hers right hand to the left, and with the now free again right hand she reached something that was on the other side of the bed.

When she risen again hers hand, Killer found in front of his muzzle an huge, scary, heavy sniper rifle... he remained impassive, but he was really impressed nonetheless, watching amused the sneer on the beautiful features of her, still hardly visible in the darkness. He had seen a lot of strong males in difficult with that weapon, incapable to lift it without use both hands, and often tired after a few minutes. She was moving it without effort, with just one hand and with a confidence that only the experience, a long experience, can give.

"Now I want to understand how much are you worth of, Wyvern. If you are a fucked mad, or a real valorous worthy of yours legend."

Killer remained motionless, with a satisfied smile. "Well, I'm here." He said gently, nodding slightly.

The female let out an exasperated and in some way amused snort at that. "Why you aren't impressed? Even Riaku has shown uncertainty in front of this..."

Killer laughed softly again. "But I'm deeply impressed... I've seen just a few peoples able to use a Grifon X12 heavy rifle as you use it. Again, I'm not scared for the same reasons of early, plus the fact that neither you are able to shoot with this in a similar position. If you pull the trigger, you'll destroy yours clavicle, fall from the bed and probably miss me, with the rifle that would jump uncontrollable in the air for the recoil, sending the bullet in the ceiling."

The female laughed, and placed both sword and rifle on the bed, turning hers body fully towards him and remaining sat down with her long, fascinating legs down the bed, primly crossed. "It would be ridiculous and decidedly not threatening, huh? You seem really an interesting guy, Wyvern... and you know well how turns the world."

"I take this as a welcomed compliment." He said softy.

"Fuck you." She said softly, smiling and turning on the light in the room.

"Hum, I'm lucky, today... you are really the same, strong looking, godlike, huge bastard of always. Nothing less that what I had imagined, in fact." She said with a provocative smile after an analyzing glance so intense that had made Killer felt himself naked, and happy as never before of the interest of someone for him. He was literally gulping down his drool at the sight of that angel of darkness, at how frightening beautiful she was, at how she seemed to have a powerful aura of power and coldness, at how strong and toned she looked... and the fight to keep his massive penis under control and not to tear off his own pants with an awe-inspiring erection of his own was becoming truly challenging.

But she too was shocked. Oh, he was a sight to behold! He was a giant, literally... she was used to be taller than everyone else around her, even of the bigger, toughest males, but this god was looking down at her from more than half a foot of advantage, despite her long heels. And he was a towering sculpture of muscles that his clothes could barely contain: "powerful", "potent", "strong"... all adjectives that could hardly give an idea of his true condition, less than never do him justice. "Godlike" was the term that sprung to the princess's mind. His shoulders were nearly as broad as her beautiful legs were long, and bulked with powerful, over-trained muscles. So chiseled were his arms that the light played on dozens of angular shadows where his obvious power stuck out in meaty slopes and hills of strength. His stomach rippled like the ocean itself, and his pectorals were broad and incredibly developed, defined to the extreme... and she wondered on how his shirt could resist and not explode at each movement as his incredible muscles bulged like tires. All this was set on a pair or thighs with visible slabs of meat that sloped down to proportional calves and huge bare paws with frightening claws. And his black jeans seemed more than strained on his muscles, and wrapped tightly over a bulge absolutely huge that almost leaved her gaping despite hers attempts to maintain hers coldness and formality. He was huge, yes... fifteen and half feet of pure power and rock hard muscles, each pound of his weight was one hundred pounds of strength at the very least. She was speechless, and she blushed as she felt drool come to hers mouth, making her feel like a bitch in heat. But after all, sincerely, she could feel heat rise in her groin, she could feel the desire rise and her sweet juices starting to drip...

His face was handsome, with features full of pride and self confidence... and definitely leonine at that. At his impressive figure added a thick, wonderful mane that sneaked elegantly and rebelliously its way down to the middle of his back and that added more than a foot to his fifteen-six, making him look like still huger and stronger as his tail, thick and strong, ended with a big tuft of black fur. He had a thin, long scar over his left eye and a small golden ring on the left ear... but it only added to the incredible, somehow frightening beauty of his icy blue eyes. If she had to imagine a god of war, he was the perfect picture. Even thought he was smiling, she had to repress a shiver of instinctive submission and fear at the almost tangible feeling of his power radiating from his form.

She had saved her virginity, refusing to give her treasures to males that hadn't the spirit to stand at her side, to males that hadn't the power to take the upper hand on her, to males that hadn't the skills and the capabilities and admittedly the sizes to turn her on, to give her neither a hint of the shivers that now were shaking her back, nothing of the heat and desire now burning in her centre... she had seen males nude, of course. She was dominant, and had always had her pleasure in submitting males to her will and pleasure, in drain their cocks out just to show how she was stronger and superior, without never allow any of those "weak" males to touch her gate with more than their adoring fingers and tongues. She had seen and submitted kings, she had taken her pleasure from knights and warriors most of all, admired the strength in their bodies, the tone in their muscles and the hardness their fur failed to cover... she had seen Riaku, even. Oh, he was a bastard and she hated him... but she couldn't help but admit he was one hell of a male, rippling with muscles, radiating power, capable to fuck for hours and hours without a twitch and carrying a cock the size of a baseball bat. But still, even he vanished at the comparison. Every male she had seen or slept with paled in comparison to the giant liger standing in front of her proudly, his head raised with the defiance of the supreme self confidence that comes from experience and the knowledge of one's power. He radiated power.

He was strength: war, blood, sex, darkness and light, she felt that all in him and still more, she saw him as a god of everything, a male that had built himself from steel, fire, blood and sweat, to turn himself into a god and in the maximum dream and desire of all the females. Again, the feel of his endless power, of his complete dominance... and the adoration burned in her mind and raged as flames in her sex.

"I'm Alexis Archer, Wyvern... nice to meet you." She said at the end with a smile, stretching out hers right hand as she forced herself cold, trying to resist. Killer bowed a bit, taking sweetly it in his own bigger and kissing delicately the back of hers hand, rising his glance to drink the nectar of hers beauty.

The perfection of her was still bigger in hers beautiful muzzle framed by incredibly blond hair and with the impressive blue eyes... much similar to his own, in fact.

"I'm Killer Huxley, not Wyvern... that's only a codename. And the pleasure is all mine, princess of Glacial." He answered with an amused smile, tilting a bit his head on the side. Alexis closed her eyes for a moment at the incredible, low and manly tone of his voice. It seemed to come from really deeply inside his muscular body, booming out melodiously and with amazing strength... she could swear it was more from his big balls than from his broad, powerful chest.

"Are you always so deliciously kind and gallant when you rape a female?" She asked with a casual, amused tone, smiling, leaving him disarmed and a bit embarrassed in front of her.

"It's all good, big boy... I don't think really that someone could be sad of be raped by you, Wyvern. There are females more than happy of the idea, you know...?" She said with a predatory smile and an elegant, idle wave of hers hand, without leaving to him time to recover after the surprise. She was impressive also in hers manners, direct, playful and cheeky at times and cold, lucid and almost scary in their precision and coldness of sniper in others. And she was clearly able to play easily with everyone as she pleased, even with the scary giant of Kendrew.

"How you know that my idea was to rape you, and not to kidnap you, or something?"

"Seemed to me the nicer option... and I'm sure that you have a video camera with you, too, for leave a kind gift for yours rival, isn't so?" She said playfully, bending a bit hers head on the right, with a beautiful, rebellious tuft of her incredible blond mane at hide partially hers right eye.

"How the hell you can do this? Can you read the mind of the others, by chance?" He asked playfully, impressed, but especially enchanted by the beauty of her features... he was ready for watch that muzzle for all the life, and be happy... and that was a sensation never tried before, and still strange inside his muscular chest.

"No, but I've an innate capacity of identify me with the ways of think of the others." She answered with a beautiful grin. "Sit down, Killer... Is rude from my part leave my future rapist stand when I'm comfortably seated." She placed a hand softly at hers side on the bed, and the giant male sat down slowly with a smile of thanks, strangely a bit embarrassed with that beautiful, independent and astute female that made his heart roar.

"Why you are here?" Asked Killer with kind voice. "Is seemed to me that you are not so happy, Alexis."

The female crossed her legs, without pretensions of seduction, only for make herself at home, but Killer watched her with chaste desire, surprised of the incredible power of seduction of every little movement of the beautiful princess, but strangely still more decided to respect her.

"Well, Wyvern... neither you will be happy of have seen your kingdom... better, your homeland, be taken by brutal force, with obscene sheds of blood, seen your family killed and your sisters raped savagely, and then be chosen as queen... as wife... of the same bastard murderer." She said, watching him in his eyes... Alexis gulped slowly, hiding another time the charm that the huge white male had on her, feeling a heat in hers heart that softened also the pain of these terrible memories. Something strange, pleasurable and disturbing in the same time... she was always been so proud, solitary and detached... and now was almost impossible removes her eyes from the huge, beautiful warrior, an experience unexpected and... and, what the hell, almost irritating. Where was finished hers proud independence?

She caught a glimpse of a shadow in the incredibly blue eyes of the giant male, a sign of fury, but neither her was really able of read in him, of overcome the shield of ice of these wonderful eyes, seeming fixed only in one expression full of pride and untameable spirit. But then she could almost feel it on hers body... almost a tangible aura, a burning wave of lucid fury, and, together, of an incredible sheer power that made she shiver a bit. It added only other interest and desire in her, for that glacial male so strong and dangerous, and in the same time loyal and gallant.

"I'm sorry... I can only try to imagine what can mean a similar tragedy. For my lucky I've never tried on my shoulders a similar experience. That... that fucked bastard of Riaku. Why he can't contain his boiling spirits..." He said, placing slowly and hesitatingly a hand on hers shoulder.

She bended hers head on his hand, sandwiching it between hers blond mane and hers shoulder. "I've fought... for long time. We have defended the palace for almost four hours, repealing the attacks of the Riaku's army." She stopped, watching him with a smile of thanks and placed a hand on his own, caressing slowly his fingers.

"I'm sure that you have killed a lot of bastards..." Said Killer with sincere, affective voice... it wasn't surely the more indicated thing to say... but was sincere, and also the only, weak consolation that he could think with his cold heart of warrior, now shaken by new, almost unknown emotions.

"Oh, sure... but is been all vain. Riaku is too strong... he had broken the line of defence, defeated my father, leaved him dying and raped savagely my mother until kill her under his eyes. I've tried to fight against him, and for a bit I've controlled him... even dominated him. Also advantaged by his wish of take me "without wear me out", as he has said. I've hurt him, too..." She remembered that part of the fight with satisfaction, and Killer admired her still much more for that enterprise, decidedly not an action suitable for many people.

"But at the end was clear that he's much stronger... for force me to surrender without hurt me, he had leaved the duel, and hand me over to ten of his soldiers, each with a machine gun aimed at my head. But I was all except resigned... I've understood that he wanted me... in perfect conditions. So I've charged, and killed six soldiers." She stopped, leaning on slowly and softly on his hip, obviously and understandably upset by these memories, and Killer embraced affectively her with deep respect and sorrow, still taming his wild desire for being absolutely respectful for the female that had made him feels so... strange.

"But then Riaku had taken my sisters as hostages... and begun to rape them, watching me in my eyes, licking his blood stained muzzle. My little sister Ginevra was knelled down at his feet... he had a hand on hers head, and I know well that for him shatter a skull is a game. Besides, she was already suffocating with him that was face fucking her savagely... what I could do?" She stopped for a few moments, watching the ceiling with a glance furious and sad together.

"I've throw away my sword... he fucked all the girls in any case, as from script, but at least the massacre was over." She finished simply. Killer caressed kindly hers back, filling his nose whit hers delicious perfume, watching with admiration and... ok, by now he was quite sure of can call that "love", her wonderful muzzle with her eyes dry and proud, despite the terrible memory that she had just reawakened. There were absolutely no doubts that she was a real warrior... that control on herself was only the last of many proofs.

"You've done the lonely right thing possible, Alexis..." He whispered affectively. She turned slowly her face towards him with a shy smile, in her beautiful blue eyes the shadow of the sadness and also of the doubts.

"In you I can trust... if you say that was the right thing to do, it was." She retaken slowly hers position, exiting slowly and hesitatingly from his embrace, caressing his muscular chest with one hand in thanks. "Thank you, Killer. And... well, try to understand me... I know how turns the world, how is structured ours civilization, ours species. I was prepared to see my father fight battles... to see my homeland in war. Also to see my father defeated and killed, and a new king at power, with all what this means... but I was already less ready to see my mother make that useless, cruel end, and to see a king, a male supposed to be a king, rape his new females until kill them only to get to take... to take me. Is too much also for us."

Killer watched her with an affective smile, and then he turned his eyes towards the other side, sighing. "I'm not worthy to watch you, Alexis. I've done the same things often... I've raped, often so hard to kill, an infinity of times."

"I will be really surprised of the contrary... Don't be ridiculous, Wyvern." She grasped sweetly his muzzle with a hand and turned slowly his face towards her, watching with a smile his eyes, and guessing, more than seeing, the shadow of the surprise in them.

"It's obvious that you have... is in the genes of ours race. And gods... all pussies in the world should belong to you. Just watch yourself... every female feels her body on fire when you are in sight, Wyvern. And even when you are not, because your reputation makes males tremble and females shiver in lust and desire along all the Northlands, I can swear this to you if you still do the modest and close your eyes. And then, do you think really that there is in the world a king that has never raped someone? I say only that there are... ways and ways. And Riaku can't really think that I can love him and spend my life at his side whit what he has done." She said, hers voice firm and decided.

"Thank you... but I'm not sure to be so understandable, myself. You don't know..." He said, in a cold tone. He had never think under that light... and now, some actions of his past were seeming to him uselessly, upsettingly cruel.

"I know, instead, I know, Wyvern... evidently yours family has really never said to you that we were promised..." Alexis observed calmly, the second part of her statement told more to herself than to him.

"What?" Asked Killer with a lighting of surprise really visible in his eyes, this time, watching her as if for value if she was sincere. And her eyes met his own without a fear, without a shame. Yes, she was doubtlessly sincere... that glance was too pure and proud to be false.

"Ours families had organized ours union when we were still child, with the target to strengthen in the time the alliance between Kesteven and Glacial... I've discovered this for pure case when I was only a young, stubborn teenager with the hobbies of sniper and drive racing cars." She said with an amused smile, shrugging a bit, playfully.

"Really?" He asked with an amused smile.

"Oh, sure... I'm never grown, under this aspect." She answered with a bit of a grin.

"You have absolutely to show to me what you can do, I'm curious. And so you are a sniper, huh?"

Alexis grinned a bit evilly. "I can shatter that your nice head from two miles of distance without efforts." She smiled, and Killer watched her enchanted... a female strong as her, with a similar ability with swords, a similar astuteness and coldness and that was also a similar sniper can be a bit scary for most peoples... she was more than able of subdue most of the males, after all. But for Killer it was maybe the biggest reason for love her so much, still more than her divine beauty.

"In any case, I've protested and... and made a hell of a mess. The idea of someone that decide for me make me get angry in a furious way... and for be sincere, my biggest fear was that I was been promised to some fucked, whining, spoiled piece of shit of soft-balls prince. But my protest is been... suffocated without result of changes, that time. And so I've begun to search information on my future mate, at least... know is better than live in the uncertainty, after all.

And...well, Wyvern... you are a bit older than me. You were already general, that time... and you were definitely not a soft-balls prince, but a huge, scary hard-balls victorious general." She ended with a pleased smile.

Killer watched her with an amused grin. "Well, thank you..."

"It's true... So I'm grown in yours legend of invincible general and warrior, hearing and reading of yours victories, a few times visiting the places of yours battles after the fight for see the mess that you had made and this kind of things. In a relatively little time, I was happy of have you as my promised... you were an example, a god... a dream. I've lived for years in a bedroom wallpapered with articles of papers about yours victories and a few posters of you. I mean, blown-up of photos stolen by some intrepid reporter on the battle field... you have never loved the press, huh?"

Killer shook his head slowly, his soul still roaring of joy inside him for what she had said. "Never. But I know that some reporters were around in a few occasions after some battles. For their luck I've never spotted them, busy in more important things."

Alexis laughed sincerely. "I'm never been a calm, feminine princess in waiting for his promised in the classic tower as in the fairy tales... but in my own way I've loved you and waited for you. For example, instead of be a sniper for fun, I'm begun colonel in the army of Glacial and fought mine good few wars. For me you were a god...

But, in any case, when I was so convinced to have found a real male, someone that had been able to gain all my admiration and veneration, the only that I was ready to revere, you are simply disappeared. I remember that day... I was on my bed, watching a photo of you with your famous red sword lifted over the head in sign of victory, covered of blood from mane to toe claws in a scary, beautiful way, seeming the god of the war in person, when a servant has told to me that you had leaved for go who-knows-where... You had really disappointed me. I've wept, that day... first and last time in my life. Mine god, mine real male had leaved without neither come and talk to me a time..." Alexis stopped hers talk, watching him with an illegible glance, not of rage and neither of hate... unfortunately, and for some ways obviously, not of love... but probably of valuation. And Killer watched her full of sorrow and rage for himself and... and for his family, too.

"No one has ever told to me that I was promised to you or to anyone else... that day I've leaved Kesteven to travel, search new battles. But I can swear, if I had known of you, I would have reached you..." He said softly, trying to show at least a bit of his immense regret. "A day, someone will have to account to me for this. And he will have to be really convincing... now I can only implore your forgiveness."

Alexis bended hers head on the right side, watching him with a wonderful smile. "Don't implore, Wyvern. Is not a thing worthy of you... sure that I forgive you. I've forgiven you years ago... when I have understood that you simply didn't know of me. With yours envied reputation of wonderful, starving fucker, you will never leaved a similar occasion. And, trust in me... you have probably never seen yourself covered of not-yours blood as in that poster... I can understand yours family, and I think that they haven't simply had the courage to face yours reaction at a similar news."

Killer laughed softly at these words, heart lighter in relief and hopes still alive of conquer again, a day, that beautiful female that had made him fall in love at the first glance.

"So, I know well what you have done... rapes included. And between you and Riaku there is an ocean."

They remained both silent for a few moments, side to side, but without neither brush the other, both thinking again on the revelations of that night, both fighting the strangeness of the first and unique love, trying to understand what was happening in them, between them, and how face that new situation.

Both were cold, devastating warriors - oh, sure, Alexis too was a formidable warrior, apart from be a sniper infallible - and two both had faced only a few fierce emotions, in theirs life... rage and cold fury over all the others. And never before the real love. Their story, too, was intricate and odd enough for put in embarrass any one in any case.

Alexis sighed softly and placed hers head without modesty on the shoulder of Killer, avoiding with a smile his deadly spikes, and caressed slowly, casually, with a hand the scar on the right bicep of the male, without neither notice it.

"You have never done infamous things as bring a female in your palace by force and make an hell for be sure that everyone, in any case, will respect the virginity and the integrity of hers body for be sure of be you to take it, and in the same time force the female in question to watch yours nocturnal fun and that of the yours captains with the other females to learn every trick and move..." She said with a strange tone, at middle road between furious and disgusted and strangely amused.

"Riaku has done this to you...?" He asked, decidedly disgusted, with a grimace of fury and a snort.

"Yes, he had. He says that he wants "a virgin with the experience of a bitch"... and, I mean... watch is not so bad, and he's really a hell of a good fucker... but the concept is disgusting." She remarked with a grimace of hate and distaste. "And anyhow, he undervalues my experience and talents." She added teasingly and almost playfully, giving a fast glance to Killer with the corner of her eyes. But he didn't really notice... instead, he looked disgusted and furious about that behaviour of Riaku.

"My thought exactly. I've never thought before that Riaku could be really so vicious and selfish for his own pleasure and desire... this is worse than a rape. I've known only the better side of him, I guess..." He stood up slowly, walking a few steps towards the balcony and folding his arms. "I think you are remained in this hell also for too much time... prepare yourself, I will bring you out from here. Return to you yours freedom will make up a bit for mine lacks as promised."

Alexis watched his powerful back, with eyes wide in... neither she known in what. Obviously, she was happy of have help for leave finally the fortress... especially that help. But something was wrong, out of place. She jumped on hers feet, understanding what she wanted from that muscular giant.

"Hey, fucktard! What's wrong with you?" She growled.

The male turned back immediately, with an expression of surprise, raising an eyebrow in a manner all characteristic of him.

"What?" He asked in a surprised, but also almost freezing tone. Love or not, he hated being treated that way and he hated people yelling against him.

She shivered a bit, but hided it and continued on hers aggressive way. "What is...? I'm not enough for you, legend?"

Killer remained silent in surprise for a few moments, understanding a bit of the situation. "Absolutely the contrary, Alexis... I think that you have understood perfectly how much I like you. You are the major beauty that I've never seen in my life..."

Alexis smiled a bit in return, embarrassed, calming herself immediately... it was true, she had understood... but hear that from his amazingly low and strong voice was all another thing. She caressed slowly hers left arm with the right hand, really embarrassed of hers tirade.

"Sorry... but, well... If you like me so much, why you don't make you anything with me?"

Killer watched her, amused instead of angry. "What's? You want to be really raped, by chance?"

She glared at him with eyes of ice, but with a smile. "Fuck you. It's... well, you don't show desire..."

He reached slowly her, noticing delighted that she was even taller than Riaku, surely nothing less than 14 feet generous, really impressive... and especially for a female. On her heels she was almost at his same height.

"You think really that I don't feel desire?" He asked with a playful smile. "I feel desire for you so much that I have to fight with me for don't give up and hug you and... Alexis, I feel more desire for you than wish to live." He stopped a moment his talk, placing his hands on her shoulders, still not daring to hug her, watching her eyes now again shinning of pride and... something more, that make Killer feel himself free of add... "I've just learned to control and tame me and my emotions years ago... an unwanted erection can be..." He stopped again, exaggerating his thinking. "... a big problem, for me." He ended with a proud, amused sneer.

She smiled predatorily, with a delicious challenging glance. "Say this to Riaku, huh...? Try to be more convincing, Wyvern... 'cause yours rival is really not the last of the class." She said with mistress's voice. Killer smiled widely. He had never permitted this to any one in his life... but for her, and only for her, he was ready to enjoy also be guided.

"You seem really decided to be raped by me, you know...? I love challenges, and is not wise offer one to me." The game was by now almost clear, and Killer found it really pleasant, answering with playfully tone at the smiling female.

"Wake up, Wyvern... when the other is happy as I'm, it's not a rape." She grasped his huge biceps, squeezing in vain the steel hard muscles with a soft moan, then she risen a bit hers muzzle and licked slowly his own, placing her breasts against his muscular chest and caressing slowly his leg with hers soft tail. Then she watched him in his eyes... "I love you, Killer."

The male embraced immediately her and kissed her hungrily for long moments, without think, without talk, only working his muzzle together with hers, wrestling hers tongue in hers mouth in an affective but furious battle. Against his large chest, he felt the caress of her nipples across the fine black silk, he felt hers inviting warmth, and also the contact of his abdominals with her own... the feeling of hers long, soft tail in slow movement on his thigh was surprisingly pleasurable, and still more the movement of her hands, gone to explore his muscular body under his black shirt.

He growled softly, defeating hers valorous resistance and forcing his tongue in her throat, sliding at the same time his hands under the shoulder pads of gold of the female's bra, slowly pushing them away along her arms, and pulling her closely against him with a hungry snort.

And she answered with a similar sound, closing him between her long, beautiful legs, and moving slowly hers crotch up and down on the bulge in his pants.

Killer broken the kiss slowly, and watched in her eyes with a new light in his own. "I love you, Alexis."

"At the last! I was beginning to think that in order to hear the magic words from you, I would have had to torture you..." She said playfully, giving to him an affective lick on his muzzle.

"Have you learned also the torture, following my example?" He asked as much playfully.

"No, but I think I am a natural with similar things... and I learn really fast. What fatigue makes you talk... never fallen in love before, huh?"

"Hear from what pulpit comes the sermon...! I can say the same thing of you."

"Useless details... let's going on." She said guiding a hand towards his belt.

"Wait... this is not the right place. I've no fear to fight against Riaku and every one else, but the idea of be interrupted while I'm making you scream gets me out of control."

"Right... but there is no matter, Wyvern. This entire wing of the palace is only mine, and Riaku has ordered to every one to remain at good distance. Seen that you have surely killed the three idiots under the tower... the nearest enemies are some soldiers on guard at the door of the wing and the others on the terrace, but they are so far from here that the insanely thick walls of stone of this fucked place will stop every sound. You can make me scream as you want... as you can, and roar as you like."

"I still believe that you underestimate a bit me... Riaku must have been really convincing. Just bit the pillow, when you'll have to scream really loud, huh?"

"Of course. Give me your video camera, male... I want to do well the things." She murred teasingly.

Killer grinned a bit, placing the Cobra on the bedside table and then leaning at arms folded against one of the sculptured wooden pillar of the bed, watching Alexis place with care the camera, and then open a huge cupboard and take another.

"It's one of the completely useless gifts of Riaku. Let's going and see if it's useful at least today... so we can leave a memory for him, and take one for us."

"I love the way you think." Said Killer, watching with a grin also the second camera going in position.

"And now... we have waited also too much for this first night." She said, licking her lips with a predatory glance, stretching out her arms to embrace again the huge male in another kiss full of desire, two both at closed eyes, murring and growling lowly in deep lust.

He placed his hands immodestly on hers firm, wonderful buttocks, lifting a bit her easily, working hungrily his muzzle with hers own with a soft growl of pleasure and satisfaction, feeling with an arousal without precedents her hands travel fast on his rock hard abdominals, and then grasp his black shirt and begin to remove it, a hand ruffling the thick fur of his happy highway, that from his crotch arrived at his navel in a tight stripe. And then he released a murr of pleasure feeling a hand undoing his belt and daring under his pants, entering in his full boxer...

Killer then moved his hands for remove finally hers black bra, and she moaned in his mouth, pressing her naked breasts against his huge, bulky chest, trying bravely to wrestle his tongue, and in the same time removing his shirt while the male collaborate for a moment.

She thrown away the shirt, still working for free the male from his pants, moving slowly hers crotch against the huge bulge in the black jeans with a deep sigh between the wet sounds of their muzzles still jointed. She opened wide her eyes in surprise, finding in front of hers his own already open with a playfully, challenging expression... something like the classic "I've said this to you".

He moved slowly his hands on her breasts, following theirs perfection with a murr of deep pleasure, then descending slowly along her sides towards hers waist, and put his fingers under the black silk of hers slip, beginning to slowly remove them.

Meanwhile, his belt fell noisily on the ground with the three heavy, sheathed swords, and Alexis managed to rapidly undo also the zip of his jeans and begun to slowly lower them along his muscular legs with his help, and then the male kicked them away, remaining only in far too tight boxer that the female grasped in a hurry, answering to him that had by now get ride of hers panties and was slowly moving a hand on hers untouched gate, fingers tickled by fine blond coats and wet, hot desire as her juices started to drip, asking loud and hungrily for his powerful touch and expert care.

Killer broken the kiss with a sweet lick at hers muzzle, again with the playfully challenging glance, leaving the female free to place hers head under his face, against his throat, free to watch with purr of interest as her own hands jerked teasingly and hesitatingly on his waistband like in a dream, before slowly caress one more time his rock-hard and overdeveloped abdominals, tickling the long fur that rose from under his boxers to his navel in a tight line... and then she moaned loud as she at the last found the strength to lower his boxers, uncovering the thick root of his black fleshed cock, larger and more powerful that what she had even only imagined, followed by inches after inches after inches of black, thick and veined flesh.

When finally the boxer fell along his legs, stopping at the spikes on his knees, the female watched breathless the huge, still flaccid black cock hung down between his legs, the immense tip dangling slowly between his knees, and the male laughed softly as she released finally hers breath in a loud groan of amazement, using a hand to get finally and definitively ride of the boxers as she continued to stare in hungry amazement, weak at the knees for the sight.

She brushed a finger slowly against his immense, pulsating flesh, travelling from its amazingly thick base to his girthy, majestic cockhead, trying in vain to wrap his shaft with the other hand, covering instead a scarce half of it, despite her long, stretched fingers. So long. So thick. So huge... and still, he was only flaccid.

"Fuck..." She whispered disbelieving, shaking hers head slowly a few times as her hands stroked slowly the immense black-fleshed penis on both sides, squeezing a bit his thick, massive malehood as it show the first signs of his awe-inspiring erection. "Holy fuck!" She repeated louder.

He laughed a bit, a wide smirk cresting his muzzle as he caressed hers head with a hand, tilting his head backwards in pleasure as her hands worshipped his throbbing, powerful cock that grew towards a mind-shattering erection of his own. "I've heard nicer comments, but knowing you, this is a very good sign... Don't say to me that you were really doubtful, anyhow, huh? After all, you just talked before so gently of mine reputation..."

He trembled a bit in deep pleasure, with a murr, when she suddenly gave a long, slow lick from his huge cockhead almost down to his base, putting hers nose between the thick white fur on his crotch with a moan, sizing up his outrageously huge balls with her hands, moaning loud in wonder at the way they both flexed just to lift his immense testicles.

"No... but I've never thought to a similar thing, never thought I was gonna say that even the huge Riaku looks like a kid if compared to you." She said, watching disbelieving his cock rise domineering in his impressive erection, moving reverently her hands on the massive shaft. "You are so... so very huge..."She purred teasingly. "It looks so strong... so very powerful... it is so hard... Hard and potent..."

"I've said to you that you were disvaluing me..." He said playfully, grasping his growing cock with one hand and stroking it strongly a few times under her adoring eyes.

"Touché." She answered playfully, dropping eagerly to her knees in front of him in worshipping and placing hers muzzle just between his enormous testicles with a moan of lust, stretching out hers tongue and licking them slowly, with veneration, moving her hands to toy with that massive male equipment almost as big as her breasts, purring at closed eyes as her fingers fondled, caressed and squeezed those immense, hot orbs of malehood. He placed a hand on hers head, grasping gently her golden hairs and pushing her gently a bit more against his huge balls, with a soft growl, for a time more of sheer pleasure than of domination. She answered immediately, moving a hand on his by now fully erected shaft, caressing the never ending length and then rubbing the fattened, rounded head with her fingers, teasing the sensitive meat with her sharp claws and soft touch, moaning of lust and desire as her mind slowly processed what was about to happen and how amazing he truly was. She finally dared to grasp it, barely able to welcome a half of his thick, massive circumference and stroking it strongly with loud, hungry moans of lust, and with an incredibly slow lick on his balls that made the back of the male shiver a bit in lust as their eyes met.

She rose her head with a pettishly glance, devouring with her beautiful blue eyes the entire impressive length of the steel hard cock that was domineering towering over her, kissing the immense balls of the male and sucking them strongly, a hand toying sweetly with his huge, heavy ball sack and the other stroking furiously the base of the black shaft, running up and down along about a foot of the almost six of the male as her eyes caressed him and worshipped him, his cock, his muscles, his obvious power and the easy domination he was forcing over her.

Killer was growling in pleasure, stroking strongly the rest of his long spear of black, steely flesh with his hands, eyes fixed on the wonderful female, ears full of her moans and sighs as of a heavenly music and instinctively pushing his crotch against hers so-enjoyable mouth.

She slowly rose, rubbing her wonderful breast along the entire shaft as her tongue lapped lazily over it all, worshipping every inch of his divine malehood, caressing and teasing each thick, bulging vein as she drooled over it. Finally, she wrapped it in both her hands, stroking it strongly, and then kissed the huge cock head for a few moments, tasting for the first time his potent pre... and finding that abundant, musky liquid delicious as nectar.

She moved hers tongue on all the girthy head, caressing every sensitive point, making the male close his eyes in deep lust with a soft murr, and she wrapped his massive cock in her firm breasts, moving then them in time, slowly, trying hers best for embrace the black steely flesh, with a moan of pleasure and a satisfied smile, noticing both that she was giving to him deep lust, and that was hard, despite hers generous breast, embrace his massive virility.

Both length and thickness of him were amazing... the cock head was over the height of his chin, and she needed both hands to wrap all the circumference of his gigantic shaft. The lonely consciousness makes her shiver with a deep sigh of lust, stained with a bit of fear... As all his bitches, surely. She thought with a pleased sneer. Think that hers male was so desired and surrounded of screaming bitches only made her still more full of desire for him.

She softly pushed the male backwards, until he felt against his muscular legs the bed and sat down slowly with an amused glance, spreading his powerful legs wide to let his massive testicles hang freely down from the bed, his cock towering like a oversized, thick spear as he stroked it strong with a hand, looking down domineeringly and underlining his complete domain with just a glance and his presence. She meekly crawled on all fours towards him, grasping his muscular legs and kissing hungrily his immense shaft, sucking on it and teasing the sensible manmeat with her claws for a bit, looking adoringly as he murred in pleasure, placing a hand on hers head and locking his thick fingers into hers hair, releasing a hot breath of bliss as all his god-like muscles flexed, bulging with so much power and with sheer sizes so impressive that she stared, almost waiting for those hills of power to explode out of his hide of fur and skin.

She couldn't help but finger herself a bit, playing with her wet, excited clitoris and toying her soaked sexlips as she mouthed and lapped at his enormous penis with hunger and love, drooling on it and making it shin with hers own saliva, kissing and slurping on it noisily and eagerly. Killer leaned back a bit, sustaining easily himself with his bemuscled arms as he looked down at her with a wide, satisfied grin, guiding her gently in her loved mission using the hand on hers head to push her towards any vein and angle of his endless shaft as she only moaned hotly, obeying to any wish of the huge male. Then she rose hers head a bit from his enormous cock head, meeting immediately his ice's eyes, heated by desire and pure lust, but still so dominant. Gods, those eyes... his cock... his muscles... what's happening to me...? I feel myself so weak in front of him... and I want him so much.

"Seems that I will really have to bit the pillow, tonight..." She whispered with provocative voice, and he grinned a bit with a soft growl, placing his hands on her wonderful, firm tits, fingers on her nipples and a tight, gentle hold on them to maintain that warm embrace closed around his penis, leaving her hands free to stroke furiously the venous black flesh.

Alexis opened wide her jaws around the engorged head of his member with a sweet, hungry purr, daring on the scary penis with hers head and lapping at it lazily, describing little, soft circles on it and teasing on the flare for long time, before rose again to his large cumslit and taste once more some big drops of his potent pre, closing her eyes in lust and continuing to work along the endless shaft with a hand, the other rolling and squeezing one of his immense testicles. Killer grunted a bit in pleasure, moving a hand to rest domineeringly on her head as she looked up at him in adoring submission, moaning quietly and closing instinctively her legs as her hot desire slowly streaked down her thighs, seeming like liquid, perfumed fire on her skin as her sexlips stood stretched hungrily outwards, swollen and starving, praying him to take her, to shatter the gate she had kept virginal for his power only. Her hand worked faster still on his endless shaft, teasing the male to give in to the pleasure as hers other one continued to toy sweetly with his huge balls, lifting and caressing his enormous, heavy ballsack, feeling the sea of seed inside, his heat, his power. She filled hers eyes with his godlike body as he flexed in pleasure in front of her, tilting his head backwards and murring lightly in deep sexual bliss as a grin crested his muzzle... and she just kept sucking and lapping at his massive manmeat, wondering how many virginal pussies had been shattered open by it, like he was gonna do with her... how many females he had mounted, covered, raped, crushed and also killed... how many females had watered that hugeness with their sweet orgasms and salty blood... how many girls had been in that same position she was now in... and finding that all incredibly exciting, pushing her higher and higher towards her first orgasm. She pushed instinctively hers wet crotch towards him, but he only pushed hers head forwards with a murr, licking his muzzle as he gyrated a bit his immense shaft against her lips and willing tongue.

"You are a tough female... a strong warrior." He said gently, and she looked at him with curiosity for a moment as she keep lapping at his cock and he rubbed it all over hers face. "Why don't you show me what's the difference between a warrior female and a shy little girl, huh...? Why don't you see how much of my shaft you can manage down your throat, and how much you can prove yourself better?" He asked teasingly, even if gently. He didn't wanted to be rude or violent with her... he truly, deeply and utterly loved her already, and all what he wanted was try with her everything. Show her everything of sex... and he wanted to do that well for her, to make precious their first night. "I guess the best I saw doing in this position was about... so." He grasped his impressive shaft in front of her muzzle, maybe 30 inches of thick, hard meat... "Think you can do better...?"

She watched up at him with a gentle, self confident smile, nodding as she softly stroked his massive penis and measured him once more with her eyes. Gods, that was a challenge... but I always loved challenges. "Sure, Wyvern... do your worst. I'll just tame down that monster of yours." She said decidedly, moving both her hands to the side of his shaft as she kneeled in a more comfortable position before him and he looked her between his muscular legs. She murred amusedly up at him as he smiled sweetly down, Alexis starting to stroke both sides of the cock with loving decision and surprising strength, making him murr deep in pure bliss.

She lapped and drooled for long time on his head, mixing her saliva to his musky, abundant pre as drool formed at the corners of her lips, exciting the male all the more as he begun to thrust into her hands a bit with his hips, resting backwards a bit on his muscled arm. She spread the sticky, glinting and lubricating moisture on all the top feet of his immense penis, her tongue lapping hungrily at it as her hands continued to stroke and squeeze... and then, finally, she opened wide her jaws with a hungry, inhaling sound, and kissed down on his fattened, shinning head, trying to swallow his hugeness, pushing his immense shaft into her mouth as he pushed into her gently, her senses suddenly crushed by his insanely strong, manly smell and by the powerful taste of his dense pre cum in hers mouth. She tried hard on his huge cock, opening at hers maximums hers mouth, a bit blush on her cheeks, feeling herself a drooling bitch... and feeling it without shame, with him. She was ready also to be his cock sucking, screaming bitch for ever with joy, if he wanted.

With a painful effort and a strong moan, she finally managed to open wide her jaws and take in hers mouth the behemoth cock head, feeling herself suddenly full of strong tasting, steely black flesh. Hers mouth was already filled up from side to side, almost without space even for move her tongue, and a thick stream of powerful pre was already straining directly down hers throat. More, mixed with hers saliva, was already leaking out from her lips strongly closed on his cock.

Alexis released a long moan of pleasure and bliss, despite can't neither gulp, no more owner of hers mouth full of his hard flesh, and pushed slowly hers head forwards, swallowing some more inches down in hers throat and making the male growl softly in lust at closed eyes.

She chocked a bit, but dared forwards with pleasure, feeling the huge cock pulsate in hers mouth and invade hers throat filling her up and spilling powerful pre in her.

He placed one hand on hers head, pushing her forwards gently with a wide grin, hearing hers hard, broken breath, feeling with lust hers tongue crushed under his massive cock dance slowly, and hers throat flex against his steel hard cock head, massaging his incredible length of meat.

She moaned, daring as far as she could, until she felt his cock push domineering against the back of hers throat, and she understood that in that position that was the best that she could do, and she sucked the shaft with amazing strength, making the male growl in pleased surprise.

Alexis begun to bob hers head back and forth along the black member, moaning in lust, noisily sucking the black, hot flesh, eyes open to watch disbelieving the giant cock, still almost half free.

She had in her maybe three feet of rock hard malehood, and as in a dream, her hands were still stroking powerfully the interminable pole of meat.

She screamed hers pleasure, but the huge shaft suffocated every sound apart hers strong sucking and choking... she had never imagined of can feel herself so full, and hers mind run to the thought of be face fucked by him seriously. She sucked him still strongly with a loud moan and a burst of pre exploded in hers throat with amazing force, making her wonder on how had to be an orgasm of his own...

She continued to rock her head along the forty-plus or so inches of huge cock that she had been able to take in hers mouth, stroking furiously one hand on the rest of the shaft and toying sweetly with the other on his enormous testicles, making the male roar in lust, amazing him with hers capacity of free diving or semi free diving... for her was almost impossible take air, with her mouth and throat so chock full, after all.

Finally, she retreated, freeing the massive cock with a slow, sweet motion as it come free from her mouth and jumped in the air with a loud, wet pop, slapping slightly against his bemuscled chest, a thick forest of strings of dense pre and saliva stretching out between the depths of her throat and his soaked cock head, bonds that she cut off closing her sore, dangerously stretched jaws and giving a few very slow licks on his cock, with eyes shinning of satisfied pleasure as she looked up at him with a smirk, a long, dreamy groan escaping her lips. She leaned her face against his goliath cock, lapping at his gargantuan shaft with gratitude and lust, drooling over him freely as her hands continued to jerk off almost violently that unbelievable tower of flesh, rubbing his thick, tasteful black sex-meat all over her face. "I can do better in a better position, lion... just let me do and I'll show you a little something." She said teasingly, jerking him off eagerly as she licked her lips in anticipation.

Killer snorted laughter at that, caressing her face gently with the back of one hand as she sweetly took hers other and kissed it with affection... and he shook his head a bit, smiling wide. "I'm truly, sincerely impressed of you... and be sure that I'll take this offer at the right moment. But I got my part. Now I want to be the one giving you a little something, love..." He said gently, taking her hands softly and bringing her standing up in front of him and she smiled at him with affection and curiosity. "I'm sure that nothing related to you could ever by "little", lover... but just guide me, huh...?"

Killer nodded, smiling gently to her, and took the word, conscious that he was responsible of the first time of Alexis and aware of the fact that was his loved duty give her the best experience possible and pay her back for the virginity she had conserved only for his power.

Wyvern grasped sweetly her hips, lifting her easily, as her hands tasted eagerly his immense, hard biceps and she murred in appreciation at the impressive power she felt at every little flex. Killer paused at that, smirking at her amusedly before make his amazing, powerful pecks jump for her. "You like muscles, huh, darling...?" He asked amusedly, squeezing her form against his larger one, making sure she could feel all of his chiselled, muscular body as her hard nipples scratched teasingly over his rippling, jumping pecs as she groaned softly, his immense malehood pulsating with heat and power while sandwiched between their hot bodies. "I love muscles, lover... I love your hills of strength..." She said seductively as she traced a finger teasingly down his incredible form, and he suddenly flexed all of his muscles, making her groan loud in wonder at the power shown in front of her. His abdominals were so huge, firm and rippling that even a sword would have been dented by them... and all his musculature was so impressive that now she had no difficulties in believing to all the stories of his enterprises, even the most amazing ones. They said he had razed to ground entire towns, crumbled bridges under enemy fire, wrecked entire regiments of tanks and slaughtered armies with his sheer strength... and gods. She could see that all and more...

He let himself fall with his broad back on the comfortable bed, flexing his muscles for her eyes as she looked down at him with deep hunger and pleasure, her eyes tracing all over his amazing body and caressing his gigantic cock in anticipation. He placed her over his powerful body, sandwiching his enormous cock between their rock-hard abdominals as she embraced his bigger form with her arms, so tight that the two were almost wrestling themselves on the bed. Killer growled low in amusement and affection as the female laughed and fought for the top, trying to pin him down on the sheets as he fought her back, tasting her perfect body and caressing her buttocks and breasts, their mouths fighting hard as they breathed hot air on their joined muzzles.

Killer murred in pleasure and amusement in her mouth as she managed to force him down on the bed, closing him between her legs, forcing her knees under his armpits and forcing down with incredible strength on his shoulders. She was truly amazing... I wonder if she truly realize that many powerful males I met in my life aren't even able to make me twitch...she is incredible...

She growled lowly in his mouth as they tongues continued to wrestle fiercely, never relenting, the two of them panting in pleasure and passion as her eyes smirked down at him and his answered with a playful threat... and a moment after he forced with the mighty power of his muscles upwards and rapidly knocked her down from his powerful body, following her immediately in the roll on their side that brought him on top, their mouths never disjoining.

She looked up at him with amused, pleased glance as he flexed and smirked playfully a bit, his eyes shinning in love, victory and dominance... and then, finally, their kiss broke, leaving both panting hard and smiling wide each to the other. They started to lick each other muzzle, murring in pleasure and complicity as his hands traced over her breasts, squeezing gently the firm, huge swells before caress lightly her powerful abdominals as she instinctively flexed in pleasure under his touch... and then he grasped her hips, squeezing them gently as he pinned her down. She massaged his huge, powerful shoulders, then her fingers explored each hill of strength of his arms, wondering lazily on his steel-hard, broad pecs and then rapidly scratching slightly on his abdominals, down to his cock, that she grasped with a hungry murr.

She started to slowly but strongly jerking off his immense penis, purring in adoration and desire as he covered her with his larger body, dominating the powerful female with his still stronger form, bending over her to kiss slowly and teasingly on a nipple, taking it gently between his lips, then between his sharp fangs, squeezing it teasingly... before lick gently his way across her chest to the other, teasing it with a rapid, smart move of his expert tongue that made she groan deeply in pleasure as he kissed slowly down, on hers firm abdomen, on hers hard, defined abdominals, daring downwards...

She tried softly to take away him and that mouth that was getting her lost in pleasure, but then gave up, letting herself go with a series of shrill moans, that grown up almost to become an intense scream of pleasure, when he dared ever nearer hers untouched gate, his hot breath on hers blond coats... but then he gave to her only a slowly lick, and returned on her abdominals, awakening in her a mad pleasure, hers desire already straining down hers beautiful, interminable legs.

"Sixty-nine?" He asked playfully, grinding his goliath cock on her body with a low murr.

"Everything you want... just keep working with that wonderful mouth of yours." She answered with a sweet caress at his cheek and a wonderful smile of pleasure.

"Give me the same kind of service..." Killer said gently as he stood up to let Alexis slid to the side, leaning then slowly down on the free space made on the bed, stroking his gargantuan cock idly as he smiled at her, the female staring at the amazing sight with a lick of her lips.

"With pleasure."She purred seductively.

Alexis let Killer make himself at home on the bed with a sneer of impatient desire abundantly reciprocated, and then finally looked up at her with a playful challenge in his eyes, lying down relaxed, his massive cock towering over everything like an oversized, deadly spear of manmeat as he stroked it idly with a hand in front of her eyes, stretching out a helpful hand towards her. The potent male took her on his body with a soft roar of lust, her knees placed at his sides and lower abdomen lightly lifted, to keep open the way for him also to good part of hers firm, hard abdominals.

Alexis took a deep breath, supporting hers body in front of the painfully hard shaft of Killer, watching the massive tower of flesh with a deep sigh as it throbbed threateningly, veins visibly pumping blood into the oversized, hungry beast that asked for submission and worshipping with its awe-inspiring power and sizes.

"Fuck... you are frightening. No wonder that you kill, when you rape." She exclaimed, travelling softly with hers tongue along the entire impressive length, toying sweetly her generous breasts against his steely shaft, teasing him gently. "I'm sure that Riaku is just something more than yours half at the most."

Killer placed his muzzle under the incredible heat of hers wet centre with a growl of indescribable lust, and stretched out his tongue for a slow, teasingly lick on her sex lips, tasting the sweetness of her desire in adoration.

"Don't take care of sizes, delicious bitch... just suck in yours adorable way on your Master's sceptre." He order, pretending to be authoritative, but actually pleased by hers comment.

She closed hers muzzle around the fattened, engorged head of his cock and sucked strongly a few seconds, milking from him insanely strong shoots of pre in hers throat and giving to him a deep, unknown pleasure.

"You like so, huh? You, beautiful bastard... you and yours monstrous, big, fat, pussy-mouth-ass-wrecker cock." She exclaimed in obvious lust, sucking so strong that every time it seemed like if she wanted to bit off his tip, sucking hungrily as she slid her head backwards until his enormous cockhead come free with a loud pop.

Killer didn't answered, giving instead a longer lick to hers gate, pushing his muzzle against her tight vagina, and placing his hands on her abdominals, tasting her muscles with definite interest and pleasure as he started to thrust rhythmically a bit with his huge, muscular hips.

Alexis shivered a bit, feeling his hot breath enter in her, feeling his muzzle creep slowly into hers tight sexlips and his tongue slid deeper inside her with a wet, wonderful caress. Then she felt his hands test sweetly hers abdominals, and she answered closing the male between hers muscular, strong legs. She was able to suffocate, with a similar move, even if she was full of doubts to be able to do something on Killer even if using all hers notable strength. She simply moaned, kissing his huge cock and brushing hers face against the frightening shaft, letting him feel also the power of her legs as she submitted to his malehood completely.

He pushed his tongue deeper, placing his lips against her vagina, sucking kindly her delicious desire, and then moved his tongue on hers clitoris with a few expert, insistent slowly moves.

She immediately felt a bigger pleasure, almost a wave of sheer lust in herself, and closed a bit more her legs in an instinctive movement, releasing a strong, almost scream, sound of pleasure around the huge cock that she was trying to take in her. Alexis pushed a bit closer hers lower abdomen against the mouth that was giving to her similar pleasure, and managed of use hers tail for caress his muzzle in a provocative thanks.

Alexis lowered the frightening tower of black flesh in a bit more comfortable angle, trying hard on it for go forwards and swallow more of the pulsating, huge cock, with continues purr of deep lust.

She had managed of put it deeper in hers throat, and she was sucking strongly, moving hers tongue as best as she could, rocking hers head back and forth and trying from minute to minute of go forwards, brushing with insistence her wonderful breasts against the thick rod, almost jointing a deep throat with a good titfuck.

Killer was already really impressed by the female, clearly of another level than Nike or everyone else... she had an amazing strength and resistance, maybe developed also on the battlefields, and in the sex as well this was a vital matter.

He hadn't never found someone able of take so much of his monstrous cock in hers throat in a similar position, and of rock hers head on it for so many time without choke and die... a thing really not rare, for him. Suffocate a female, or broken hers spine with a decided thrust was easy, with a cock of similar immense size. But she was swallowing it ever deeper in her, moving hers tongue with innate ability, even if in the very limited space, and sucking it in a really adorable way, stuffing herself with his abundant, dense precum. She was gagging and breathing hard and harshly around the girthy length, but she was able of take always a bit of air and milk him furiously, moaning and sometimes probably screaming of pleasure.

Killer felt Alexis swallow some more inches with a noisily gasp... but then he heard a suffocated sigh of pleasure and satisfaction, and the feeling of one of her hand placed on his cock, stroking the long shaft still free with amazing strength make him murr.

The other hand of Alexis reached his immense, full balls, squeezing them gently, after have ruffled the thick fur of his crotch, and the male growled in pleasure, squeezing in answer her abdominals, and pushing again and again his tongue against and around her clitoris, pushing his muzzle between her lips, opening them a bit, stretching her.

And Alexis understood with a purr what was going to mean take his monstrous cock in...

Alexis speeded up the already amazing rhythm of hers sucking, more than an half of his massive shaft buried down in her throat like a steely, oversized black snake, feeling her vagina on fire for a pleasure and a desire no more much longer contrastable.

Killer understood perfectly the situation, feeling also his massive balls warm up amazingly, his cock stiffening, diamond harder, in a painful pleasure... and he moved an hand on hers buttocks in immodest caress, daring then on her rosebud, hesitating on it whit a finger, moving it slowly all around hers ring... and then he pushed it in slowly but decidedly, invading hers tail hole and making her scream around his cock in pleasure.

Killer moved the finger in her with expert, simple movements, and after a last, long lick on hers clit, he removed his muzzle from hers gate, making her shiver a bit. Immediately he bring his other hand on hers vagina and pulled two fingers decidedly in, and in the same time he begun to work faster his pelvis, rocking his immense shaft in the throat of Alexis, giving to her a taste of his furious, impressive facefucks. He roared in lust, covering the moaning and gagging of the female, feeling one of his huge, massive loads rise in his monstrous cock like a growing tsunami...

Alexis begun to scream, rocking hers head madly on the huge, stiffening and heating shaft, feeling in her an explosion of pleasure and pure lust... then she felt hers vagina clench rhythmically around his two fingers with amazing strength, and a wave of juices rise, and rise... and then explode from her lips, shooting from all around his hand, landing on his muscular, huge chest and in his open mouth. And hers suffocated screams of ecstasy jointed the roar of lust of the male.

Killer speeded up furiously his hammering, and the still lost in hers orgasm Alexis watched hypnotized the massive balls of the male rock incredibly on his powerfully thrusting crotch, feeling his huge pole pierce who-the-hell knows how deep in her like an oversized, powerful spear... "Ready yourself, darling... an orgasm of mine is huge." He growled in amused, dominant power as he speeded up all the more, ramming her furiously as her breasts bounced madly on her chest. "Here it comes, darling-bitch...! Taste the power of your master!" She couldn't answer, but she squeezed and massaged his immense testicles as a loud moan of hungry desire escaped from the lips sealed so tight on his thick, pussy-punisher shaft that was pummelling her mercilessly.

And then Killer clenched his teeth almost painfully, roaring, and Alexis screamed uselessly around his hugeness, eyes opened wide, feeling a frightening explosion of seed in her depths.

The first of his shots lasted alone a good few seconds, and Alexis felt it hit her stomach with monstrous force, giving her the feeling of a burning, savage, powerful punch. His boiling seed filled up hers stomach with that impressive spurt alone, and other jets of cum exploded in her again and again, while Killer begun to withdraw his hugeness from hers throat. She could only try to swallow the huge loads the male was shooting down her oesophagus, hers breath broken as his cock and dense, sticky cum filled her up completely, white sperm exploding out from her sealed lips with amazing force and arching into the air.

Finally, the four feet of soaked, sucked cock come free, out from hers mouth, covered of pre, saliva, seed and other juices extract from very deep in her. The huge, mighty shaft was still shooting impressive spurts of white, dense sticky cum at amazing distances in thick, long ropes that arched into the air before land noisily all around. Alexis offered hers upper body to the flow, and a spurt filled choke hers awaiting mouth, another turning her face in a thick mask of his dense, white, sticky cum, covering even hers generous mane of hairs and hers breasts as well with incredibly ease, every single shoot bigger than the entire orgasm of an entire gang of big males... and Killer just kept spurting, shooting again and again, gallons of regal seed covering her and his own body as well, spraying all around and seeming never enough as rope after rope drawn long, wide streams of cum on their bodies, on the bed, the floor, the walls and even the ceiling, before finally manage to slow down, calming down towards a stop.

Killer panted in pleasure, a smirk crossing his muzzle as he kept jerking off his immense shaft, watering the white-drenched, panting female with the last heavy spurts of his seed, claiming the complete possession on her, forever.

"What the hell, my god...! Are you always so "hydrant-style"... or is a lot of time that you don't practice?" Asked Alexis with a soft laugh, panting hard and coughing for hers mouth and throat so insanely choke full of cum, tongue moving on hers muzzle to gather more seed possible and swallow it, and a handkerchief in her hands to remove the dense cum from around her shinning eyes. She was still tasting the lust and the heavenly sensations of hers first, wonderful orgasm, and she caressed with infinite sweetness the male that had just donated that to her, a hand on his still completely hard and ready cock and the other on his cheek, two both smiling.

Killer laughed softly, panting a bit for the deep pleasure and for the wonderful heat still in all his body, all the adrenaline still running in his veins. Surely the most powerful orgasm of his life of powerful orgasms.

"The style is this... maybe a bit more abundant because of you and three days of rest. A real undisputed record, for me."

The female grinned, tickling under his muzzle with a hand and jerking his cock off with the other. He's still hard as titanium... not a minimum sign of tiredness. No sweat... his body looks even readier than before... and his cock tastes even harder. "I do no efforts to believe to this..." She observed amusedly, crawling up all over his body and looking him in his eyes as she continued to taste and swallow his cum, then she kissed him on his forehead. "I like really much yours style."

"I love yours." Answered Killer bowing a bit his head as she turned towards him, sitting into his lap, almost leaning against his impossibly-huge, mighty shaft with her back as she could feel it press easily between her shoulder-blades as he lied down, his muscled, powerful arms folded under his head, looking up and smiling to her.

"I never believed in love until today, you know..." She said moving provocative her vagina in front of his face and stroking his cock furiously. "I just wanted the strongest, biggest, toughest male at my side. I subdued every male I could, I broken them down and used them as pets... but what I wanted and searched, was a male stronger than me to have at my side. I wanted the absolute alpha... and then, I was ready to give in and let him subdue me, broke me down, claim me and call me bitch, even, if he wanted... I wanted to give myself only to a male strong enough to dominate me. But always, every time, I was the one dominating, even in the rows." She grinned and he looked up in amusement and trust. "I bet on it... you are strong as hell." He said gently and sincerely and she purred a bit, smiling gently down at him in gratitude.

"But you proved to be all that... you are the ultimate alpha that I always dreamed come true. You even taught me how to truly love someone, today." She said softly, kissing the huge muscles on his chest.

Killer snorted amusedly, shaking his head a bit. "Me? Teaching love to someone...? Naaah. I can teach sex, not love, darling... I was the one they used to call "Ice's hearth", after all." He paused, staring at her eyes as she stared back at him, smiling softly as she continued to gently stroke his hard, ready cock and to gently caress his muscular, broad chest with the other. "Love can't be taught. We understood and learned it today, each from and in the other. And that's all what matters. That I love you, and you love me." He added finally, reaching up with a hand to caress her golden hair and pulling gently hers head towards him as he reached up to kiss her warmly, the female leaning down on his powerful chest.

"From now on, you are my god... your body is the temple I'll worship and serve. Your cock is the sceptre that'll always rule me. I'll be for you everything you'll ask from me. I'll do whatever you want. Just let me stay with you... and if you want me as the super-bitch that you'll ride every day to show that you are the best, I'll be. " She said gently when their lips reluctantly separated... and he looked at her in pleased surprise, but then he shook his head a bit, smiling. "Don't be silly, darling... I truly love you, entirely and forever. You'll just be always my reason of life, as you already are. My love and my queen. It's not your role to be the bitch... You are and will remain the queen of everyone." He stroked a hand on hers cheek, nuzzling her gently and then resting his head softly on her shoulder as she embraced him. "Of everyone but me, obviously." He added playfully.

"Bastard." She answered with a soft laugh, caressing his broad, muscular back with her hands as the two of them laughed sincerely... and then their embrace broke and they stared each to the other in love.

"Please, love... just say that you want to marry me and be my beloved wife and queen. That's all what I dream to hear from you." Killer said quietly, smiling a bit as he ruffled affectively her hair.

"I love you... and I want it. I want to stay with you." Alexis answered immediately, kissing him warmly as he embraced her and squeezed their powerful bodies together, sandwiching his goliath shaft between the heat of their joined beings.

After a few moments of that quiet affection, Alexis grinned, kissing him warmly before retreat a bit. "I kept for my master the gift of my virginity... so what are you waiting for? It's yours. Take me. Now!"

Alexis dismounted from his powerful, smiling stallion with a theatrical move that he followed with shinning, hungry eyes, before stand up on his feet and grasp the legs of the female, pulling her gently and easily at the base of the bed as she released a dreaming moan of anticipation, squeezing and rolling roughly her own breasts together in her hands, looking seductively and enticingly up at him.

He stood up on his feet at the end of the bed, hers legs tied with amazing strength behind his back in a wonderful embrace, hers untouched gate ready in front of his towering cock, her lips swollen out hungrily, shinning of her wet, hot desire.

This time even Alexis trembled a bit, eyes fixed with understandable fear on the huge shaft... and Killer hesitated, caring of her as he had never cared for anyone, but the female made immediately narrower hers embrace with a provocative, dominant smile, her legs squeezing teasingly his large waist.

"You are the expert one, here... just don't bust me, and show me what you can do with that cannon of yours." She said with a challenging, playfully expression her eyes again shinning in pure desire and confidence.

He snorted a bit, as much playful, as he readied himself and stroked gently a hand on her vagina, tasting her desire and feeling the hot moisture of juices as he slipped inside one of his thick digits, gyrating it slowly inside her in every direction, drawing slow, torturing circles of pleasure into her as she arched hers back a bit and released a loud, ecstatic moan. After all, with him being such a huge, muscular giant, his finger was almost as thick and big as the average cock. He smirked as she moaned again and pushed back against his working finger, rocking her hips a bit. He then slipped in another finger, pushing deeper into her as her juices dripped down his wrist, massaging the walls of her love tunnel before add another finger, his thumb teasing and rolling her hard, erected clitoris as it eagerly exposed itself to his care. She was now moaning sweetly in lust, her own hands squeezing and rolling her huge, firm tits under his attentive, pleased eyes that slid continuously from her swollen, soaked and hungry sexlips to hers wonderful breast, wondering each time on hers toned, powerful and flexing abdominals. He slipped now inside even the fourth finger, beginning to work faster his hand into her and beginning to push inside even his thick thumb. "Hey, stud...! Aren't you exaggerating...?" She asked playfully as she arched her back with a loud moan of pleasure, only slightly tinted by the slightest of pain... and then she was trembling in lust, pain, surprise and hungry desire as she instinctively rocked against him as he begun to fist her. "Baby, look at the size of your master's sceptre. Look at it!" He ordered decidedly. She looked at it with a teasing, predatory grin and licked her lips eagerly before tilt her head backwards again in pleasure. "I see it, master. It's so huge and powerful...!"

"Yes. Bigger than what you are experiencing now. And you need to be prepared properly for it." He answered calmly, keeping fisting her with passion still for a long minute, until he thought she had enough lube. Then he removed his fist from hers stretched, primed vagina and inhaled the scent of her pleasure and desire, licking eagerly at his thick fingers under her amused, enticed glance.

"Prepare the pillow." He ordered with gentle, playful voice, smiling wide.

Alexis supported the joke with a smile, taking the nearer pillow and placing it near at hers muzzle, ready for be bit. She was by now convinced, in any case, that the story of the cushion was not completely a joke...

Killer grasped his shaft and stroked it a few times, using the other hand for place and move slowly two fingers in her soaked wet vagina, before angle slowly his cock down towards her sex lips and brush his behemoth cock head against hers centre, leaving on it also his slick, abundant seed.

She moaned in pleasure with a wide smile, licking hers muzzle and closing her legs around his waist, moving slowly hers pelvis against his hugeness, incapable to wait any more...

Killer placed his hands on her hips and pushed gently forwards his stiff penis, burying between her burning, wet lips a few inches of his cock head with a sigh of deep lust, stretching her immediately wide. He thrust forwards another time, with more firmness, and she screamed, arching hers back and clenching shut her eyes, feeling his massive cock destroy hers gate and stretch her incredibly wide... painful, but incredibly pleasurable, as she feel his hugeness tear hers lower abdomen with his insane thickness. And was amazing also the sensation given to her by the consciousness that it was only the beginning, that only a few inches of the huge cock that had just rammed hers stomach and filled hers throat were in her burning vagina... that she was only starting to deal with his massive girth... and that his gargantuan length had still to come.

Wyvern almost stopped his movements, and she slowly opened her eyes, two tears of pain and pleasure running down her cheeks, leaving her back fall again on the bed. He hadn't intention to hurt her over the necessary... but Alexis closed again strongly her legs around him, pulling him forwards as she defiantly and seductively bucked back against his enormous length. "Don't stop. I'm fine, it's wonderful." She cried out softly.

"The pillow." He said with a predatory smile, eyes full of his usual dominative nature in the lust of the sex, only a bit softened by love.

"Handsome, huge bastard..." She answered, taking the cushion between her scary fangs.

The male thrust forwards again with a decided, strong blow of hips, sinking suddenly his steel hard flesh forwards in her and shattering easily hers virginity, breaking hers hymen and opening painfully wide hers untouched vagina with a delighted snort, tearing into her lower body.

Alexis closed her fangs, tearing the cushion and screaming, a shiver along hers arched back, trembling of both pleasure and agony... and with an open eye she watched spurts of blood from hers destroyed vagina land on his crotch and run along his massive shaft, screaming his name with the muzzle closed on the tattered pillow as he slowly, teasingly claimed her thrusting almost playfully back and forth with the little part of his immense malehood that he had forced into her.

Killer growled, thrusting decidedly forwards, feeling her hot blood run along his huge shaft and then down on his massive balls, feeling his cock crushed in the amazingly tight embrace of her never before touched vagina, hearing like an angel's chorus the female scream his name together with sounds of pleasure and pain, curses and recurring, pleasurable adjectives like "big" or "huge"...

And while another foot of his massive cock sink in her depths, he moved a hand on her breast, caressing the trembling female with great ability and then teasing hers nipple.

His cock advanced in her like an oversized spear of steel, crushing domineeringly every resistance, opening his road with brutal strength, despite the kindness and gentleness of the male. Alexis, in agony and heaven at the same time, screamed ever stronger, by now incapable of understand where his cock was arrived, feeling only an incredible sensation of burning hot fullness dare ever deeper in her... and the fear to feel his insanely huge shaft arrive in hers mouth sometimes.

He slammed himself forwards again, with still more strength this time, blood flowing down along the sides of his enormous tower of flesh and running along his engorged, massive cum-channel, dripping to the floor as he tore his immense length deeper into the blond tigress. Alexis shrieked again, digging her sharp claws into the bed, her mouth going agape and the tattered pillow almost falling from her fangs as her eyes bulged for the pain, tears rolling down her cheeks and her hips spasming uncontrollably against him as his own fingers squeezed into her thighs and hips as he jerked her towards him and forced forwards at the same moment, grunting in lust as he ripped his gargantuan penis even deeper with every hard shove and she shook her head from side to side, screaming loudly again as he continued to bury his hugeness into her inch after inch after inch.

And finally, she screamed at full voice, closing so strong her fangs to tear in two definitively the cushion, feeling his enormous testicles slam against her as wrecking balls, almost pushing her forwards on the bed with the sheer imposingness of his testicles, their weight, hearing the male roar in heavenly lust and the headboard slammed loudly against the wall, with the feeling to be full in every little corner of her body.

Killer was quite amazed... Alexis had taken his entire cock at hers first time without too much suffer, and also her bleeding was all in all limited, another sign of her amazing strength and resistance.

The male stopped his movement and snorted, waves of lust running in his veins like bulls, both hands on her wonderful breast, and eyes fixed with pleasure on the frightening spurts of blood from her torn vagina on his crotch. Killer leaved her all the time to get a bit used at hers incredibly stretched and choke full vagina, caressing her tits and toying sweetly with her nipples, until she finally stopped her screams and sighed deeply. A sigh of heavenly pleasure.

"Fuck... you are scary huge and scary good." She whispered. "You have managed of don't kill me, and I'm sure that every one else, with a similar monster would end up impaling me... you know really well how to talk to a female."

"Thank you." Laughed softly the male.

Alexis smiled predatorily and with surprisingly strength teased the waist of the male with her legs.

"Now begun to work that huge monster of yours, huh...?"

Killer squeezed in answer her nipples, moving slowly back his waist, giving to her the glorious vision of the impressive bulging of his impenetrable barrier of muscles, but especially an amazing sensation of something really huge in movement somewhere really deep into her, and an improvise feeling of incredibly empty in her body that made her moan.

Then he growled in domination, sinking again in her to the hilt, slapping her buttocks with his huge testicles and she arched again hers back, eyes bulging, screaming and moaning while he begun to work firmly his cock rhythmically up and down along hers shattered tunnel.

Killer bended down his body on hers, to join his muzzle at his hands on the wonderful breast of Alexis, tongue dancing sweetly around her nipples and sometimes daring on her muzzle, still closed on a tattered cushion, ears full of her whimpers of both pleasure and pain, her eyes shinning of sheer lust even if tears continued to streak down like pearls on her perfect beauty.

He worked a bit faster his hips, thrusting a bit more powerfully into her, as his cock squelched noisily and wetly into her, juices and blood lubricating his behemoth shaft as he kept thrusting, growling for his own pleasure, his cock slamming deep in her body, his balls hammering her buttocks and every thrust strong enough to make dance furiously her enormous, firm breasts, rocking her entire body easily as the heavy bed under them groaned louder and louder with each awe-inspiring stroke.

Then, between her growing sounds of pleasure, she managed a single word..."Hard."

Killer speeded up the rhythm of his thrusting with a domineering growl, tearing deeper into her with amazing strength, working in and out more than an half of his immense cock, lust burning in all his body with unknown heat, making slam the headboard against the wall with every hard shove, slamming almost viciously his crotch against hers, preventing Alexis from slide forwards on the sheets with a firm, even if gentle, hold or her breast as he leaned down over her with a murr, sucking on her nipple as he gently took hold of her trembling thighs and lifted her legs, spreading them wider with her help and placing them softly over his shoulders, fastening still more the furious thrusting of his hips and slamming himself more powerfully into her most far depths.

The giant male forced his impossibly thick and long cock into the smaller but tough tigress as she willingly, eagerly clutched him with her legs, trying to keep his rhythm as she rocked decidedly her hips back against him as he grinned and growled in lust, eyes burning with pleasure and erotic bliss as she looked up in his sapphires with her own shining for tears of pain and light of the deepest pleasure and gratitude, two both seeming to drink from the same goblet filled of pain, strength, love and unbelievable pleasure all mixed together as he pummelled her with his huge length of black flesh, finally managing to hilt every time in her stretched, torn and bleeding vagina as his testicles slammed into her anus like wrecking balls, rising to the sky a concert of slaps and squelching as he kept slam forwards and then draw backwards almost half of his gigantic shaft, ripping who-knows how far into the beloved female as she cried out again and again, rocking her head from side to side in what was incredible pleasure. Alexis groaned loud, shutting her eyes tight and squeezing his powerful form with her long, curving and seductive legs as she arched her back and cried out in ecstasy, blood spurting out from her but just adding to her and his lust and pleasure both as he advanced a bit, starting to put more power and length at work as he kept the speed of his already furious ramming but now moving more of his gargantuan penis in and out of her body.

She begun to scream again his name, between hers moan and across hers shinning fangs closed on the destroyed cushion, lost in the deeper pleasure. She was sure that without the pillow buried in her mouth she would scream hers pleasure so strong to be heard from the Hell, an insane pleasure also for the intense pain, also for the blood that was spurting out from her, also for his feral growling.

Alexis felt Killer move himself still harder, every shove a wet-noisily punch of his massive cock head who-now-how-deep in her, every movement backwards of him a sensation of empty almost painful, as his cock rammed up and down in her torn, bleeding vagina.

She could feel every engorged vein of his cock scrape the stretched walls of her sex, up and down, up and down with furious rhythm, giving to her a scary but also wonderful sensation of be empty, almost as if his cock was dragging everything out of her...

And then she felt it, she felt hers second orgasm rise with amazing power, her strongly clenching vagina almost duelling with his domineering cock. Alexis screamed and Killer roared dominatingly over her, hammering her with furious strength, withdrawing always almost three quarters of his immense shaft and re forcing it in with a growl, enjoying in a feral way her amazingly strong vagina, feeling the narrower sexual embrace never tried all around his penis.

His brutal strength and huge sizes against the power of her clenching vagina, in a sort of furious sexual battle, in a concert of growls and feral sounds of pleasure from two both...

Killer continued to pistoning his shaft back and forth almost with excited violence, grasping one of the leg of Alexis and carrying it over his shoulder, crushing her in the bed, violence and blood only another way to feel pleasure for two both.

And then Alexis screamed again his name, placing her hand on his rocking hips, sinking her claws in his muscular form, trying to keep her shinning eyes open, full of tears of pain but especially of irrational pleasure and desire, feeling her vagina lose slowly the battle, even if without cease of clench rhythmically on him, and feeling a wave of her juices spurt out from her when he arrear for the hundredth time, feeling other juices being compressed painfully in hers already choke full vagina when he charged another time.

Killer snorted, victorious in some ways, but especially full of feral pleasure, feeling the never ending orgasm of Alexis around his huge cock, feeling her juices and her blood spurt with amazing strength out, soaking his crotch, straining down his bouncing, massive balls and down his muscular legs, hearing her scream his name like the better thing of the world.

He stared down at her with affection, a smirk cresting anyhow his muzzle as she looked up at him in the haze of her ecstasy, all but drooling as she rolled about in lust and pain mixed together under his powerful, huge body as he shadowed her with his imposing, muscled majesty, leaning slightly more forwards as he continued to pummel her body with his massive fleshy length, grinding teasingly his flexing, powerfully muscled body over hers as he sucked and lapped hungrily at her nipples, tracing his tongue all over her huge breast, from a nipple to the other, feeling clearly against his abdominals his own gargantuan shaft in furious movement into her as he all but made her body bulge.

He released a hot, pleased murr at that amazing feeling, tilting his head backwards a bit and closing his eyes in lust as he continued to work his veiny, huge black member in and out of her powerfully, hilting himself into her hot, welcoming vagina with each mighty shove as he listened in erotic bliss to her loud cries and groans of pleasure, releasing a hot, pleased and surprised breath when she found the strength to reach up with her hands and grasp his hips, squeezing on them strongly, sinking her fingers into his sides and pulling him towards her as she bucked and rocked on the bed under his blows, continuing to scream and moan as her head dropped back, eyes shut tight in ecstasy, in her ears the echoing impressive of his hot breath, of the wet squelching of his goliath cock into her as her juices and blood continued to flow out of her, streaking down his cock and puddling under her on the bed, the loud slapping of his heavy, wrecking-balls-sized testicles on her anus, the loud groaning of the bed under them and the loud slamming of the headboard against the wall as he rode her so powerfully.

Killer speeded up once more his rhythm for a moment, slamming furiously into her with a loud growl, gyrating his hips in the process as Alexis shrieked in pain but especially in lust, automatically, reaching for her tits with her hands now that he had leaved them free, squeezing her breasts and rolling them together with her own hands as she toyed and squeezed on her nipples with her fingers, bucking her hips back in time against the huge male liger as he grasped her thighs and spread her trembling legs a bit wider still. She shrieked at ear-piercing volume as he grunted and pummelled her with unrivalled power and speed, growling and snorting as he started to move easily her whole body up and down, holding her for the hips and jerking her without efforts on his raging, hammering shaft as she tried in vain to buckle her own hips back on him in time with his awe-inspiring rhythm, eyes bulging and staring mindlessly to the ceiling as she spasmed and jounced on the groaning bed, his mighty shoves more than enough to rock her entire body like a rag-doll.

Killer slammed himself at home again and again, tearing in and out of her over and over with a power that would have frightened anyone. But Alexis was tough... she was even still trying defiantly to buck back against him, groaning loud and hotly in what was undoubtedly ecstasy, crying and screaming as he worked his goliath member in and out of her torn and battered vagina. He had conquered her... utterly and definitively. As her juices and blood continued to flow freely put of her, reddening his black spear and pooling under her lower half, she knew it... and he knew it, as he pistoned himself hard into her body, grinning widely down at her and eyes burning with lust and untamed, unlimited, hot desire as her vagina continued to clench on him, defeated, now welcoming, milking his enormous shaft with reverence as he continued to fuck her powerfully.

It was too much for the bed, and the huge, heavy legs of massive dark wood gave in under them with a loud, gloomy thud. "OH, YES! This is amazing...!" Alexis screamed, Killer grinning wide as he bent down a bit further to follow her on the now much lower bed and continue to pound mercilessly into her as she trembled and spasmed under his huge form. The female jounced and rocked hard on the ruins of the bed, arching her back almost painfully before drop her head backwards and release an hot, loud moan as he suddenly began to slow his thrusts, releasing his own low roar of pleasure, working now slower, but dragging out almost all of his hugeness every time before slam into her to the hilt with a loud squelch, his balls slapping loud on her anus.

Now he was working softer, slower and with affection over rough power, making his shoves a bit slower, but putting more power and attention in each of them, his enormous balls smacking loud against her reddened buttocks as he continued to thrust back and forth with his hips, inciting her clenching, enjoying vagina to clench harder on his massive penis as she launched higher and louder messages of pleasure in the air... then her eyes went wider, the female arching her back with a loud moan, incapable to stop herself as she rocked and buckled against him harder and harder, moaning loudly as her vagina clamped hard on his behemoth shaft and began to clench stronger and stronger on his pistoning cock. It was simply unbelievable, the female letting out new sounds of ecstasy as she bucked her hips powerfully against him as Killer speeded up a bit once more in answer to her new, hundredth orgasm, grinning widely as a new flood of her hot juices rushed down his amazing cock and lubricated him further, releasing her pleasure in a deluge as she shrieked and arched her back, squeezing almost painfully her own breasts.

The male now was ready to achieve his own climax as he newly roughened his movements, giving once more space to his power, picking up rapidly new pace, speed, power, lust in the now incredibly sensitive, tight passage of the spasming female as her orgasm refused to come to an end. He stood up suddenly, and even into the haze of her ecstasy, Alexis couldn't miss to notice that he was easily lifting and sustaining her only with his titanium-hard, stiff shaft, before he grasped her beautiful buttocks and started to lift and lower easily all of her body along his incredible penis, using her body as a toy to please himself... gods... I'm his condom... He continued to pummel her with strong blows of his hips, moving his shaft powerfully up and down into her body, slamming his goliath cock in and out of her with the lube of juices and blood, stretching her inner walls and sex-lips wide as she cried out again in ecstasy, the pain only adding to their pleasure, the blood only an intoxicating addition for two feral predators and warriors like the both of them, the unmatched and even rough power of him something she had dreamed and wanted, something that her body and mind called for... their ecstasy was mindless and complete.

Alexis could only feel this as added, intoxicating pleasure, raising her own lust higher as she wrapped tightly her long, seductive legs around his powerful waist, squeezing him against her as she embraced him tight and screamed and screamed as Killer growled in lust and then leaned down slightly with his head to kiss her lips warmly as she shrieked, invading her muzzle with his tongue and breath as she tried to answer, moaning loud as his thick cock took her. Dominated her. Owned her all... and she started to clench even stronger on his shaft as he begun to ram her mercilessly, always faster and stronger, pounding powerfully in and out of her, pummeling all of her body with his immense, unstoppable, raging penis.

And feeling also his own second orgasm rise.

She could feel it ... easily feel his cock stiffening and heating, gaining other strength in his pistoning and hearing the new note in his growl.

She closed her eyes, mind dreaming in anticipation, knowing the growling male bended to lick wonderfully her breast, but nothing could have prepared her to the sensation of his climax in her depths.

Killer roared again, tilting his head back and rising his threatening voice to the sky in lust, forcing his cock in her still strongly, feeling his boiling hot seed rise and rise...

And then he exploded his cum in her, sinking his cock at the maximum depth, his pulsating balls slammed against hers anus, enjoying at closed eyes the long series of powerful blasts of his dense seed inside the screaming, still clenching female.

Alexis screamed his name and called him as his god, feeling a volcano explode somewhere really, really deep in her, shooting amazing loads of seed on her clenching, sore walls and giving to her indescribable pleasure, while the growling male was still pistoning himself in and out, shooting cum. His seed was boiling hot, it burned on her torn vagina, each jet immense and so strong that it was like having a cannon shooting up her tunnel of love, filling her up easily as load after load invaded her.

She forced her eyes open, watching with veneration the male on work on her, his immense black cock emerging and sinking in her bleeding vagina continuously, accompanied every time by furious, powerful spurt of his cum and her juices and blood, hers vagina no longer able of contain his huge load. Much of his seed spurted, exploded and leaked out of her sexlips as she cried loud in ecstasy and he continued to pummel her vagina with his blood-drenched pole of mighty fuck-flesh.

Killer come, powerful as the first time, spurting seed for nearly two minutes in hers choke full body, and continuing to fuck her furiously all time, slamming himself at home into her depths, right to the hilt with each stroke, slapping her buttocks hard enough with his crotch and balls to make her jump, drawing out seas of juices and cum as her sexlips were dragged outwards with each backstroke, his enormous testicles seeming to recoil as they sent load after load detonating into her bettered body.

When he finally come to slow his rhythm, his orgasm slowed down hesitatingly to an end, but he continued still for a bit to slowly and gently thrust into her, until stay still, his cock buried into her to the hilt as both panted, smiled, then kissed themselves hotly, furiously. It was love, the deepest love... but two both were "extreme-hardcore" types... and they were not just making love. They were fucking. Hard. Then their kiss broke, and they stared each to the other in affection and love, Killer hesitantly smiling a bit and starting again to work his hips and shove in and out of her body, slowly, gently, waiting for a sign of hers... it was almost like if he asked... "I can go for more. Want you...?"

"Again." Alexis managed to say under her hard panting.

The two lost the conception of the time, fucking furiously for hours, heedless of the risk, she calling him by now not with his name or with his legendary title, but simply as hers god and him fucking furiously her, feeling hers continue orgasms, hearing hers adoration and feeling himself almost omnipotent, ever stronger, instead of weaken... He felt himself ever more powerful, ever bigger, even.

And he filled her up again with his seed, then he almost empty her with his furious continuative fucking and filled hers body again and again and again, and then another time, and then again, again and again, for hours, until Alexis, even if with deep sorrow, begged him to give hers shattered vagina a bit of rest...

"... you can take care of the rest of me, now..." She said with a wide smile, ruffling his mane teasingly.

Killer pulled himself free from her, an abundant gush of juices following his huge cock, thick strings of his dense, powerful cum still attached at two both, blood, juices and seed all on the lower abdomen of the two lovers, on the bed, a puddle on the floor and thick streams down their legs as more flooded out of her stretched, torn sex-lips. .

Alexis released a deep, long moan... and then watched with love, veneration and desire the male stroke his massive, ready cock, completely soaked in a thick layer of cum and her juices, with a challenging smile. Gods... how many times he come, already...? And look... fresh as a rose, ready to go again... and again... and again...

She placed her hands on her breasts and pushed them one against the other, toying sweetly with her nipples as she looked up at him with teasing, seductive glance, her eyes glinting with the bliss that he had given her as she licked at hers lips and spread her legs wide... she made a merciless sneer at the thought of the poor Riaku in front of that video... and then watched with new moans of disbelief as he furiously jacked off in front of her with both hands, fisting himself fiercely all the way down to his balls, still swollen and immense as if they had still to begin the game, his features displaying a grin of absolute dominance. He was bigger. He was stronger. He had an amazing endurance. His orgasms were tempests. He could come again and again and again... He was a better lover and a stronger warrior, better of anyone else. He was the definitive alpha and she was just another small, pink pussy conquered and subdued, another slave and toy into his endless harem... warrior or not, neither her could resist. She was gonna be his queen, yes... but just because he loved her and wanted so. Neither her was a problem for him... he could make her beg for his cock. He could make her worship the ground where he walked. He could pin her down and rape her... to death, if just he wanted to. And gods, he knew that. She knew that. He loved her, he wanted to give her all the pleasure possible, he would have always protect her, been her lover, her mate, he would have always gave her whatever she wanted, all the affection and love of the world ... but if just he wanted, he was the master and her the slave. His domain was total and absolute... she may be the queen, but she knew that she was his slave first of all. And she was chained... apart from the sincere, total and unlimited love for him, she was chained by the pleasure. That endless, blinding pleasure that only he was capable to give her and that she was already addicted to.

He spread his legs a bit wider as he continued to masturbate himself in front of her, showing her his ginormous, pendulous balls that swayed back and forth furiously, heavily, still choke full of his royal semen as the wet, loud sound of his jerking off echoed through the room, so loud and strong to be almost threatening, even without consider that it was coming from a cock so huge that even Riaku's one would have shrink on itself in shame. An obsidian spear held by a huge dark knight standing at almost sixteen feet of height, frightening as his enormous, toned muscles flexed with the lust, as his maned head rose defiantly into the air and a low, threatening growl of bliss leaved his grinning fangs.

She grasped her own legs, and even if still weak, panting and sore, she eagerly spread them wider still, rising a bit hers ravaged crotch in front of his eyes, showing him still better how her cunt, sealed like if weld just some hours before, was now torn and shattered, gaping wide and boiling into the fresh air of the night, how her vagina had been ravaged and conquered by his cock and his power, how she still was twitching and spasming in a still endless state of blissful orgasm, how she was literally flooded with her same juices, how her liquids and her blood were puddling on hers muscular belly, streaking along her crotch and thighs and how they were forming a lake on the sheets as more and more continued to flow out, together with waves of his boiling seed that overflowed hers womb and cunt.

"Look at what your power has done, master..." She said gently, closing her eyes with soft pants in the bliss of the aftermath, the pain into hers body only on the background of the lust she was trying, overcome even by just his soft, continuous snorting, his low growl... and the rhythmic squelch of his masturbation. It was hypnotic. It was wonderful. It was bringing her to another orgasm even if he wasn't even touching her.

"Look at how you ripped my cunt apart, master..." She moaned out, staring up at him with awe as she admired his entire huge member. He didn't answered, but simply looked down at hers crotch with a smirk. "Look at how you shattered my pussy, master... how you smashed that warhammer into you filled my womb with your potent seed, master!"

"I'll do all what you wish, master." She whispered gently after a long pause. "From now and forever." He smiled down at her, and then closed his eyes with a soft, calm laugh. "I'll just try to do the same for you, darling."

Alexis grinned at that, rising his head defiantly and looking at him with a new light in her eyes as she offered all hers body to him. "Claim me as yours, then, master... come all over me! I need a hot shower of yours... I need it! Please, master!" She exclaimed with hungry voice, eager to feel again on hers skin the heat, the power and the sheer amount of his potent semen. "Claim me! You need a true woman, I need a true male... claim me as yours, and we'll be complete."

"As you wish, bitch..." He answered with soft but dominative voice, his muscular, powerful body flexing a bit as he went into overdrive, forcing his orgasm ahead as he felt it closer and closer and let himself being overwhelmed by the sight, the smell of hers ravaged pussy, the show of hers beauty and the seductive image of that skilled female warrior accepting to be so submitted to him, as ultimate alpha.

She opened hers mouth wide, stretching out hers tongue with an hungry inhaling sound, eager to taste him again as he jacked off stronger, with a loud murr escaping his throat as her eyes easily catch in the glorious size of his immense cock bulging with the rising of a new load of hot cum.

He exploded with a roar as a first, huge wad of sticky white seed arched high into the air in a endless rope, sailing all over the female on the bed and hitting the wall behind her with a splash that she watched with awe, as the cum landed noisily on her, leaving a long, thick stream over all hers form and filling hers mouth easily.

She was still noisily gulping that first immense wave down hers throat when more and more thick ropes of sperm arched into the air, staining the curtains of the bed and painting of white the wall in front of him, covering her in a thick layer of hot semen with an incredible ease, again and again filling hers throat as more and more continued to come, all of his spurts slamming into the wall with the strength of punches. He's shooting cum at 30 feet of distance... 30 feet, without a twitch! Without the wall, who the hell knows where he would shoot.

His orgasm seemed to last forever, and when he finally started to slow down, he had claimed all the room, and not just the female... Alexis was leaning in a true pool of sticky cum, licking at her lips eagerly as her hands collected the dense, thick sperm away from her eyes, the female looking in awe as the male continued to jerk himself off idly, the last huge, heavy drops of cum puddling on the floor at his feet. His cock only looked bigger, still fully ready.

"Oh, my... but you still look all ready and hard... What can we do to please that hungry, mighty cock there...? I think we can begin with a good titfuck... I know you love them."She said, liking her muzzle lustfully as she arched her back slightly to offer him still better access to her large swells before reach up with her hands and squeeze and roll them together for him.

"Yeah, good idea, darling..."He said softly, amused and surprised of how she still was hot and hungry... he had never experienced a female with such strength and resistance...

Killer climbed on the bed and placed his knees at her sides, his heavy, massive ball sac placed on her abdominals and he lowered his cock to enter in the tight, warmth embrace of hers enormous breasts...

And despite his massive, frightening size, she managed a good work, wrapping her huge, firm swells on his gargantuan length as best as she could and beginning to move hers whole body slowly back and forth along the interminable length, electing from him a murr of approbation as he too begun another time to piston his immense shaft in the other direction.

She milked him in adorable way, hers tongue always ready for lap the huge cock head lovely, leaving him free of work with his own hands on her tits and using hers for toy sweetly with his heavy, massive balls still incredibly full of seed.

Killer growled softly of pleasure for all the time, loving the soft embrace and the sweet movement of her hands on his testicles, and also the vulgar but extremely detailed and realistic comments of Alexis on him...

Until come another time, covering hers face under a thick mask of his dense, hot cum for the second time and watch her swallow his seed like the better food of the world, licking clean as much of hers muzzle that was possible, with a great smile and complete veneration. "Now, now... let me do. I want to keep faith to my promise from early... I'll drown down in my throat that monster of yours and you'll fuck my face." Alexis said seductively, slipping to the side as Killer smiled in enticement and stood up.

Then Alexis rapidly followed, reaching up to stroke down the immense Killer's length, slowly bending the liger's huge penis downwards as the male spread his legs wide and rested his hands on his hips with a wide grin, understanding what she had in mind. "I'll drown this monster of yours to the hilt down my throat... and I'll fuck you this way until you'll show me how this super-cannons shots." She added with a grin, slipping hers way between the male liger's muscular legs and bending his big penis until its enormous head was aimed downwards towards the floor, just over her. She grasped the back of the male's thick, muscled leg as Killer held in position his gargantuan length for her, a grin of anticipation and curiosity on his muzzle as she prepared herself for that amazing enterprise.

The tigress looked up at the spear of meat that was just over her, licking her lips and taking a long breath as she opened wide hers mouth and started to push upwards with her legs, slowly drowning down his thick, colossal length, pushing it into her wide-opened, welcoming lips. Killer grasped domineeringly hers head with both hands, twisting his fingers in her hair and starting to push down with his hips as she rose from below, taking in her inch after inch of his immense shaft as it all but made her neck bulge when its massive, rounded head sunk deeply into her throat. The male liger released a low growl of ecstasy, tilting his head backwards with his eyes closed as his huge penis invaded hers throat, hers muscles flexing against his hard meat and massaging up and down his massive length, squeezing his shaft in a tight, boiling hot embrace that sent lust and adrenaline running in all his veins, pleasure and erotic bliss rising as he kept pushing downwards his colossal member.

Alexis closed her eyes, feeling her pleasure rise to unbearable levels as the ridiculously-gargantuan penis of hers lover rummaged her insides deep into her, more and more of his veiny flesh invading her mouth as he started to push down stronger with a low growl, grunting every now and then for the increasing effort, but moving his hips with more decision, impaling her on his cock. The blond tigress groaned loud from around his seeming endless cock, pushing upwards stronger with her legs as she started to choke a bit around his massive girth... but then, Killer roared in lust as her lips kissed his crotch, his immense testicles smacking in her muzzle like wrecking balls as she released a long, loud moan of lust and victory from around his girhty length. The male murred in deep lust as he slowly bent again forwards his head and looked down at her softly. No one had never managed to please him so much and welcome him to the hilt... she was absolutely impressive, and the sensations that hers pulsating, squeezing and tight throat were giving him were absolutely amazing.

The male liger looked down at her with a soft smile, his glance affective and adoring. "You made it, love... I'm really impressed of you... this is amazing." He said softly, and then he grinned, guiding her head up and down his massive shaft holding her from her golden mane, starting to facefuck her slowly with powerful movements of his hips, retreating more than half of his three-feet-plus penis each time before slam back into her to the hilt, slamming directly into her stomach as his testicles slapped a hard tattoo on her muzzle, the female groaning loud in lust as the male grunted in indomitable pleasure, guiding his lover with a hand twirled in her long hairs and the other resting on his hip, head thrown backwards in bliss as he murred his pleasure skywards, starting to speed up still more the rhythm of his fucking, rising even the power and sheer size he put into each movement, arching his back in feral lust.

Alexis started to choke noisily around his shaft, saliva and pre dripping out hers opened wide jaw and streaking down hers neck and all over her wonderful tits, but she was able to hold on all the same, keep the control and take a fast breath each time he drawn back his ginormous shaft from her throat. And the male liger all but strengthened his hammering over her, pistoning his cock up and down hers throat, his cock so huge that it slammed home somewhere deep into her stomach as his heavy testicles slapped hard on her face with a loud, rhythmic noise that mixed with the confused, choking and wet noises from the female and the loud grunting and growling of the lustful male.

Alexis couldn't help herself but let go his muscular, tensed leg and started fingering herself with passion, shivering violently and groaning loud in lust, feeling herself pushed irresistibly towards the threshold of her first orgasm, the lust too big as her lover pistoned himself into her with all his mighty power and sizes, filling her ears of the low booming of his growl and feral grunts of pleasure and with the violent tattoo of his wrecking ball-sized testicles slamming on her muzzle..

Killer continued to pummel her restlessly, and without a support, the female was almost crushed on the floor. He reached down with his free hand just in time to steady her, grasping her shoulder and keeping slamming himself to the hilt into her with loud grunts, feeling himself starting to stiffen up and heat up still more, one of his enormous orgasms rising up in his huge balls.

But Alexis reached first the point of non return. Her eyes snapped open, bulging in the deepest of lust as her glance remained fixed upwards, her scream weakened and lost into such a concert of grunts and wet slapping, but Killer didn't missed her shivers and her strengthened bucking against her own working fingers as her juices flooded down her legs and puddle on the floor, spurting far away from her as her vagina clenched hungrily, noisily squelching on her juices.

Killer hold on his own orgasm, forcing himself to relax, continuing to accompany hers mind-breaking orgasm with his furious pummelling until she calmed down and her juices ceased to spurt out from her, and finally he started to slow down, giving her rest with a gentle, grateful murr as he drawn out his goliath, boiling-hot shaft from hers ravaged throat.

The obsidian shaft come free with a loud pop from the tight hold of her flexing throat, and when it leaved hers mouth, it drawn out behind himself a thick spider's web of thick, long strings of dense juices mixed together. Saliva, his dense pre, juices took out from deep inside her, still attached at both sides, connecting his shaft at her depths... but then the cock was free, and it sprung again skywards, slapping slightly against his muscled, furred chest and breaking most of the connections... while Alexis cut the remaining as she closed for a moment hers mouth, licking her lips and smiling up at him in the blissful haze of the aftermath and the satisfaction of the victory. "Love..." She started with hoarse voice. "This was the most amazing thing I ever tried."

"For me, too, darling... you have been simply wonderful." He answered gently as he jerked himself off, aiming his enormous length at her face and panting slightly as she rested knelled down between his legs and took slowly his cock in hers mouth, lapping and sucking at their mixed juices and at his hard, powerful and tasteful meat, affectively dragging him towards the threshold of his incoming orgasm.

Killer released a half-growl, half-murr at that, jerking himself off hard and fast as she grinned up to him teasingly, opening wide her mouth, leaving his goliath cock free and stretching out hers tongue as a target, making it dance playfully as she folded her strong arms just below her firm, huge breasts, all but making them rise and buff out still more, offering them too to the male as he finally hit his hundredth climax.

Killer roared, releasing then a deep growl of lust of his own as thick, long streamers of his dense seed arched high into the air, splattering easily over Alexis's body and drawing long, wide streams of sticky cum on the floor before and past her, his jets keeping coming and coming, each bigger than the average male's entire orgasm, leaving Alexis there, swaying back and forth willingly under the flow of his seed, staring up at him to catch sight of his power, sizes, muscles and to see how big his load was, to appreciate fully what spurt was the biggest one, as she gulped his cum down and let herself being doused into the essence of his supreme maleness and power.

When it was finally over, Alexis was left covered by a thick mask of cum, the tigress easily and eagerly licking away what she could as she collected it up with her hands as more dripped down her muzzle, puddling in her ample, impressive cleavage and streaking down on large part of her toned abdominals as numerous other wads covered most places of her wonderful body, more seed puddling all over the floor for distances far over the ten feet. Actually, the grinning male had done generally much better than just ten feet... most of the spurts had splattered on the wall at full force even well over the twenty feet, showing that they could have done even better without obstacles on their path.

She stood up with a grin and a pleased and hungry glance, striding back towards the giant as she licked slowly her lips, her hips dancing with hers seductive, natural elegance of feline... and she leaned with her hands against his muscular chest of the male, trading a teasing grin with a very satisfied and teasing Killer as they kept stroking idly his enormous penis together. And she indeed had all the intentions to accept the new challenge, and give in her last virginity.

Despite a firm fear for his size, Alexis offered to him also her tail hole, giving to him also hers anal virginity.

She rose to a doggy position, spreading wide her legs and leaning on the bed with her arms, her firm breasts pressed under her on the sheets, looking backwards defiantly from over her shoulders to her lover, smiling enticingly and waiting eagerly for the new sex to come... even if knowing and fearing the pain that would have followed. And then he lowered his huge shaft of flesh and pressed the engorged cock-head on hers yet-untouched, sacred rosebud, rubbing the gargantuan head against it to spread the slick moisture of juices, pre, seed, blood and saliva as a lube, grinding the fleshy tip forwards as he rotated his hips slowly and gently, trying to prepare her to the better of his possibilities, firmly guiding his hugeness against her and making her moan hotly, even if her beautiful, seductive voice trembled a bit as her hands clutched into the sheets violently, claws tearing them and sinking in the mattress below as she tried to focus herself on the pleasure had and to come, instead of the agony that she knew was inevitable at first. Surely he was more than well supplied of lube, at least, after all their sex... Killer helped sweetly, reaching with a hand for her belly, caressing her abdominals on his way down to her vagina, and there he started to slowly caress her still burning, torn lips, tending and teasing with amazing sweetness her precious centre, so slowly and blissfully, making her sigh in relief and let out a moan of pure bliss...

And then she tilted violently her head upwards, staring up to the wall in front of her and throwing a scream as her back arched and her body spasmed and trembled as Killer took hold of her hips and dragged her firmly backwards, shoving forwards the still diamond-hard, huge and fleshy member forwards with his mighty hips, tearing into her to bury just the enormous, gigantic cockhead into her, causing Alexis to drop her head with a suffocate cry of agony as her tailhole was stretched and torn open to such levels.

Killer gently leaned over her to kiss and lap over the back of her neck, biting there playfully at the way of the mating of the lions, moving a hand again to her vagina to massage her again with his experience and skills, filling her body of shivers of pleasure and distracting her mind from the pain, electing her pleasure to grow again, her muscles relaxing a bit... "...I'll try to do it fast. Less it lasts, the better... try to stay relaxed, love..." He whispered affectively into her ear as she nodded with a moan of pleasure, even if tinted with pain.

He exploited the moment and rocked forwards his hips powerfully again, obliterating her anus further with his amazing hugeness, ripping her passage apart as he shoved his enormous length into her depths into her, making her shriek and cry again, even if he softened the agony with his hand teasing on her clitoris and sexlips, whispering words of love in her ears as his gargantuan member was forced to sink into her untouched depths, tearing and stretching her as he penetrated her deeply, burying himself carefully deeper and deeper, aiming to hilt himself as fast as possible to reduce her agony.

Once more, blood flowed out of her, streaking down her long, beautiful legs, this time from her ravaged tailhole as the male growled lowly and worked his fuck-flesh into her, trying to couple strength and delicacy as inch after inch of burning hot, powerful black penis sink into the female with his thrusts, more than half of his endless cock buried into her already as he firmly grasped both of her hips and pistoned firmly himself forwards, with a strong blow of his sides as he pulled backwards hard the body of Alexis, making her breasts bounce as his testicles slapped hard on her burning sex, the female shrieking and crying loud as she almost fell forwards on her arms on the bed... and finally the male shoved forwards a last time and released a low murr as he felt himself hilt into her spasming body, as rivers of blood and other fluids poured out from her pulverized anal passage, stopping himself fully and leaning gently on her, working affectively her vagina with a hand and squeezing appreciatively her amazing breasts in his other. "... You made it, love... it's gone... I'm all inside you." He whispered softly into her ear, and she again nodded, tears rolling down her muzzle and fingers sunk into the mattress, but a light of satisfaction and victory in her eyes nonetheless as she tried to smile a bit to her lover as he licked her muzzle affectively.

Then he started to move himself into her. Slowly and gently, he rotated his hips, grinding his ginormous cock against the shattered, stretched passage of the female, making her shriek again a bit in agony, but she was strong and proud, and he was gentle, careful and affective as he started to thrust slowly in and out of hers annihilated anus, making her moan and cry out in pain as he continued to work himself into her, slowly picking up rhythm and strength as he growled in incredible pleasure at the amazing tightness of the embrace of her body on his shaft as he penetrated deeply into her rosebud.

Alexis could already feel pleasure rise, but the agony in taking such an enormous malehood into her was still terrible, even if she hid it. Her screams took a long time to become tinged with pleasure, but this kept rose and rose as the huge male continued to move back and forth his thick cock, ravaging deep into the tigress's body with each hard shove forwards, tearing back at each backstroke, the male continuing to help and care of her all time, lapping affectively at her muzzle as his hands stimulated and teased her vagina and breasts, hesitating to squeeze and toy her hard clit and nipples as he leaned over her to make her feel his body, his heat, his power, but without crush her under him, gently and slowly.

He waited patiently until he heard the clear, distinct change in the tone of her shrieks and moans that told him that erotic ecstasy had took the upper hand, that also Alexis was now truly enjoying the ride, that pleasure had defeated the agony, to start moving himself faster and harder. Wyvern moved his huge pole of flesh powerfully, with growing speed, now letting his enormous, powerful body weight more over her to underline once more his dominance as his movements picked up power and he growled lowly in pleasure as he tore his way into her oh-so-tight anal passage, starting to piston himself into that tight embrace at a good pace as Alexis released sounds of bliss that were becoming louder and louder, unarticulated moans and loud groans of pleasure and pain tightly mixed together, the agony and the ecstasy both so strong that she was incapable even to think, but just to let her throat launch in the air sounds of lust and screams of agony every time he shoved himself into her too powerfully as he ravaged into her gut. And soon she couldn't help but reach backwards with a hand and start to work her own vagina in collaboration with the large hand of the male already there, eager to please, as she felt her pleasure rise and rise.

Again, he amazed her for skills and power... he continued to work himself into her for enough time that their hands, working sweetly together, had easy game in making her achieve not one but other two orgasms. It was painful for how much her vagina had been battered in her first time... but it still was wonderful... and they tasted the juices of her pleasure, feeding with them each the other, Alexis quietly sucking it from Killer's thick digits and the male lapping it from her fine fingers and sharp claws as he continued to shove himself in and out of her tailhole at a good pace.

Then, finally, he started to move faster and faster in and out of her ravaged hole, putting more power and sizes into each shove as he growled lowly and drag the female nearer to his thrusting crotch, embracing her tight as he started to piston his goliath, meaty shaft into her depths even harder. With each mighty shove, his testicles slammed like wrecking balls on her sex, squelching loudly and wetly over it as she screamed with each of the mighty thrusts of his immensity forwards into her depths, feeling new agony but high enough on pleasure to enjoy it fully as he worked his enormous, fleshy length in her, slamming himself to the hilt over and over again as they both felt his gargantuan penis stiffening up rapidly into her.

He moved his hugeness faster and faster back and forth into her, pumping himself up towards his own, new climax, jaws gritting as he grinned in lust, his hips pummelling her savagely now as he felt his orgasm grew stronger and nearer and nearer, until he felt his boiling seed run up his endless shaft and the pleasure rolled over the edge, forcing him to roar in ecstasy once more, joining her loud screams and arching his back as she fell exhausted forwards on her folded arms, nose sinking in the sheets and she shrieked at the amazing feeling of the powerful, rapid thrusts of her lover as his immense cock become harder still, harder than diamond and then exploded forth into her depths another of his huge, sticky loads with thick, dense and powerful spurts, filling her up rapidly as he kept pummelling her with his mighty shaft, pouring his seed into her as much of his huge load spurted and leaked out from her crammed passage, flooding down his pistoning shaft as it squelched in and out furiously and sending a waterfall of cum and fluids on the floor.

And then, finally, after what seemed an eternity, he slowed down his thrusts until stop his movements, gyrating teasingly a bit his hips and making her groan loudly once more, before gently push her down to lye and relax in what remained of the bed, following close, still buried into her, rolling quickly to let her rest atop of his powerful body, his still hard cock completely buried into her depths as they panted, Alexis's breath broken and hard in exhaustion, before she smiled and moved her head to rest against his neck, the male leaning his own muzzle softly on her forehead, quietly manipulating her huge, firm breasts, a wide smile on his muzzle as she finally, slowly calmed down and recovered a bit of energy, releasing a soft whistle. "Gods... this was... amazing." She panted hotly, her erotic bliss easy to catch in the note of her voice as the male gently reached up and silently made her turn slightly to reach her lips. The two joined their muzzles with an interminable kiss, that was worth of entire books of words... and then simply staid there for a bit, the male letting her recover from the ride, the female amazed of how his cock was still hard and powerful into her. After a bit, he started to pull himself out, slowly and gently, but she stopped him immediately. "Let it inside me, lover..."

Killer looked amusedly surprised at that, shaking his head quietly as he smiled a bit. "I'll need to pull it out, sometime..." he observed amusedly, but she caressed his muscular chest and shook her head softly... "Five minutes still, I pray you..." She whispered affectively, and the male could do nothing else than accept, smiling amusedly as he caressed and kissed on her breasts, until he finally pulled out, a large volume of fluids and of his seed gushing out at the removal of his obsidian, immense shaft, pouring into his crotch and on the sheets... and then, as they laid there, even the seeming indefatigable Killer returned slowly and reluctantly flaccid, but not for this less impressive.

After hours of furious sex together, the two remained some minutes embraced, side to side in the bed where they had just lived theirs beautiful, long, furious first night, him filling his eyes with hers beauty, caressing slowly hers body with a soft, almost imperceptible purr of deep pleasure and desire. He had never, never neither imagined he could a day feel similar emotions for someone, or similar desire...

She watched him too, entertaining him licking hers muzzle and hers hands and breasts still so abundantly covered of his still hot seed, with a strong purr of adoration, one hand in his mane for ruffle it and the other still slowly caressing his incredibly, untamed cock, the incredible heat of hers centre placed with love just against his lower abdominals, one leg placed in a sort of embrace on his own. She risen hers tail for caress slowly his leg, and smiled, licking away a big puddle of his cum from around her nipple with a sound of delight, telling to him with her eyes how much she love him and trying to transmit to him how much she had loved theirs sex, how much he had impressed her. Trying to thank him for the beautiful initiation that he had given to her, satisfying her and fulfilling each of hers fantasies until leave her exhausted but happy and full of love as never before.

For some minutes, the two shared a towel for clean up a bit themselves with affect, working with deep love one of the body of the other, with eyes full of erotic bliss and deep, sincere love.

Then she softly pushed the male on his back, climbing on his muscular form and sandwiching his still quite hard, massive cock between theirs bodies, and watching him in his eyes for a few seconds.

"You know...? I'm sure that together we can take the world apart, my love." She said gently and amusedly, grinning a bit.

The male laughed a bit, softly, taking hers head sweetly in his hands and giving her a chaste kiss on her muzzle. "The world is not enough." He whispered with an ironic smile after he pulled out and looked in her eyes affectively.

She pretended to growl, pushing a tattered pillow on his face and crushing playfully it on him for a few seconds.

"Beautiful bastard burnt by indomitable ambition!" She exclaimed playfully.

He laughed of true heart, throwing away the pillow from his face and overturning suddenly Alexis at his side on hers back, reaching immediately the top position, sustaining himself with his arms to not weight on her and watching affectively in her eyes, leaning closer.

"Wonderful bitch worthy to be punished..." He whispered with a large smile as his enormous, still not completely flaccid cock laid heavily on her strong abdominals.

"But you know that I love be punished by you." She observed teasingly, wrapping her arms around his neck and smiling seductively, hers glance provocative and full of that demoniac seduction that she possessed to no end. That look of femme fatale that neither him could resist to, as her icy sapphire eyes looked up at him half closed, half hidden behind her blond hair.

Then the two jointed again theirs muzzle in an hungry kiss, moving them together for long time, growling softly and wrestling theirs tongues, two both tasting the powerful taste of his dense cum.

She felt his cock give strong signals of another erection rapidly coming against her legs, and moaned strong in surprise and adoration, sinking a hand in his mane and pressing his head against hers own in the kiss, working her maws harder against him as she grind firmly hers body against his incredible penis.

"Do you have really other ammunitions in that gun of yours, general...?" She asked with a smile, broking the kiss a few moments later and staring at him in amused, seductive disbelief.

"Of course, colonel. Never undervalue the ammo factor. But you have been hammered enough, for now, and is time for us to leave the hotel before we run too many risks. Or dawn will come before we exit from the fortress... and cross the plain in the light would be a suicide. We'll try another time to set up the world record for most fucks in a night." He answered playfully, pinning her down to let her feel how hard he was already returned, how ready he was to do it all again.

"Agreed... I will try to tame you another time, Wyvern." She answered gently as her fingers brushed gently his features, as if she was trying to learn and fix them into hers mind, in her memory.

Two both stood up on their feet, Killer trying to calm himself and return flaccid to try to put on his pants, and Alexis walking towards the video cameras, staggering for how she had been ravaged by the male's immense power, barely able to stand up.

"It's a battle lost in departure, Alexis..." He said softly, recovering his heavy battle belt with his three swords and watching with a grin the female barely able to stay up and walk.

"The pleasure of the war is in overturn..." She begun with a playfully smile as she turned backwards a bit.

"...the fates of a battle lost in departure." He ended with a wide smile, tilting a bit his head as his eyes glinted in entertainment. "Those are my words."

"I've said that I'm grown in yours legend, haven't I?" She said playfully, bowing down a bit to watch curiously a camera. "You have shot cut everywhere, big boy..." She purred gently.

He watched with a proud smile as she passed a finger on the optic of the camera, cleaning it from a drop of seed that covered almost an half, and then suck hers finger with a happy expression on her wonderful features. "I love you and love yours cum. I know that as long as I will be with you I will never suffer from hunger, neither in the worst situation..." She exclaimed playfully with a last lick on hers sharp talon. "This video is for Riaku, huh?" She turned easily off both the cameras and took one of them, leaving the other, the one that she had just "cleaned", in his place.

"Fine. He'll love it." He said, putting on his boxer with a bit of trouble for the impressive sizes of his cock, also when flaccid. She stared amusedly at that, looking with great interest at his massive, flaccid but always powerful meat, gently caressing her pleased, torn but satisfied cunt-lips with a hand. "Everyone would love it. You should do porn movies, you know..." He laughed at that, then he begun to put on his black jeans as she spent some times in the bathroom, helping her body to recover after the massacring sex they had shared... and then he watched with a curious, amused smile as the female returned and reached elegantly the cupboard, even if her legs were still shaking a bit, and opened it.

She took a small, mimetic, functional rucksack and placed attentively the camera in it, and then she put on a simple black slip and begun to put on a pair of black pants with wide pockets, and Killer, watching her legs disappear behind the black fabric, recognised with a grin that hers pants were a military suit, made in Gore-Tex. Kesteven, or, still more correct, the same Wyvern, had been the first to choice that smart material for the army... Gore-Tex is a light, flexible fabric absolutely waterproof, but leave the body breath free, and is perfect to maintain always in the better condition possible the soldiers. Then she put on only a simple green t-shirt that left uncovered a good part of her firm abdominals, a bra absolutely useless with her wonderful, firm breast that took another time a hungry glance from the male. She free herself from hers jewels and throw them in the rucksack, then inserted a few other clothes of different types, using them also for protect better the camera. Then she pick up hers impressive, beautiful mane of blond hair and stopped them in a horse-tail with a simple, sturdy elastic black ribbon, and put on decidedly two combat boots of black leather, with reinforcements and point of steel, each with three scary metallic spikes on the superior side.

"Don't leave to Riaku that wonderful black suit that you had on when I'm arrived... I love it, and I want that you become mine queen with that on." He said, arranging his jeans and putting on the belt with a delighted glance over her.

"That's probably the only thing pleasurable that Riaku has supplied me with. I was waiting for this order..." She smiled, and reached the various pieces of hers black suit, thrown almost everywhere in the room, and placed all in the rucksack. Watching her walk, Wyvern licked his muzzle, noticing that, even with combat boots at her feet, she had a step of a sensual elegance that make even Serene seem almost awkward.

Then she opened another door of the cupboard, and Killer almost gulped.

"Riaku is an idiot or what's happening here?" He asked with a smile, arching an eyebrow.

Alexis grasped two heavy handguns and rapidly inserted a magazine in each, arrear almost in the same time the two castles, arming both the weapons and then putting on the safeties. She inserted them in two leather holsters that immediately tied around hers thighs with an obviously well known movement, inserting then a few other magazines in a series of made-on-size pockets of the pants with amazing speed. Killer stared at that with curiosity, but not surprise... but gods, she had a confidence with weapons that was incredible. She radiated ability and an aura of dangerous power and experience, and he was sure she was a formidable shot.

"Nah... Riaku is still healthy, for now. He had leaved me only that toy of sword and my loved bolt-action sniper rifle, but without ammo. Only a few magazines of training-projectiles...

But I wasn't really happy of the hotel, so I was planning an escape. Two nights ago I've made a rapid, stealth trip in one of the armoury of this fortress, and stolen those little toys." She answered idly, like if it was the most normal of things.

Killer watched amused as she grasped with decision a black submachine gun and inserted a long, curved clip, pulling easily backwards the arming lever and arranging other magazines in the pockets of her pants. A few were of hers huge, scary sniper rifle. Then she extracted a belt with three grenades attached solidly, and put it on as well without hesitations, putting the sheathed sword at hers left side and the huge rifle behind hers back.

"I had not found the suppressors in that fucked, messed up armoury... but it's almost a fortune. If I would have found them, this meet would have never happened. Sure, I had the idea of reach Kendrew... of reach you. But it isn't the same thing, huh...?"

Killer smiled at her warmly, nodding a bit with affection as he reached slowly one of the bedside tables, and took a pen and a white sheet, writing something.

"Sure, my love... You want to sign ours invitation for Riaku for yours coronation?"

Riaku, in the same time, was walking slowly along one of the long corridors of the fortress, head full of bad thoughts and of an irritating premonition of disaster that he wasn't able of erase. He has been hit strangely by the news of some disappears in his kingdom in the last three days, but it wasn't nothing worthy of particular attention, seen that similar things were quite usual... and yet, despite all, his mind was upset by worries. Strange enough, for a powerful king, able of defeat every enemy, surrounded by soldiers in an impressive fortress and that was just exited from a majestic dinner and a bit of good sex with two of his slaves... but he wasn't happy, and still less calm.

He had understood too late that leave that young panther free of leave Mottram has been an error, and now he wasn't sure that his rival, the terrible Wyvern, was still unconscious that he had with him the princess of Glacial.

Riaku known that she was the promised of the legendary general, and still better that Glacial was old allied of Kesteven, so the idea to take the beautiful princess of the north as his queen was seemed to him perfect for hurt his rival.

But he needed time to instruct the young, regal virgin and make of her an expert bitch and a drooling sexual slave of him... and time was not on his side, especially after that error.

His rival was a scary giant able of put shivers along the back of everyone and of crush every enemy under his foot, and he had absolutely need of maintain secret his plan. He was sure that if Killer was conscious that he was on the way of coronate his queen, Killer would attack Mottram to take her and ruin his project. And that night, the worry was for mysterious reasons still heavier, despite the fact that all was calm and the girl was closed in the tower, on the top of a scary rock well supervised for pure prudence by soldiers and a machine gun... but Wyvern was a demon, and nothing could stop him when he had a target.

"All calm?" He asked in his usual, strong and authoritative tone to the officer in the middle of the group of four soldiers in front of the door of the wing of fortress where the princess was, another measure of security added the night before for try to placate his worries.

"Nothing to report, your majesty." Answered the muscular officer shaking a bit his head.

Riaku nodded slowly, but when he turned back for leave, the officer added uncertainly...

"Probably the princess is training herself in the gym, majesty... We have heard some whimpers, in the last hours."

Riaku stopped immediately himself on his path, eyes bulging in both terror and fury... then he turned with a snarl and slapped suddenly the officer on his muzzle, so strongly that the muscular male flied in the air a few meters before fall heavily on the stone floor, spitting blood from his mouth, almost fainted.

"Idiot! These walls are thick never less than a metre. If you can hear whimpers from here, she is screaming like a bitch, piece of useless shit!" He roared in terrible fury, opening wide the heavy wooden doors with a furious kick that almost ripped the door from the wall.

The four soldiers, understanding that the air was really bad, ran inside, arming their rifles, followed by the king, furious as never before, swords already in his hands and the consciousness that something was really wrong with the princess...

Killer picked up his loved assault rifle from the bedside table, placing it on his shoulder. On the other bedside, he and Alexis had leaved their invitation and the camera with the video of their furious sex.

Alexis walked towards him, rifle and rucksack on her shoulders and machine gun pistol in her right hand, ready. "You haven't found your shirt?"

"No... only the hell knows where we have thrown it. But it's nothing... a gift for Riaku."

"Or more probably for a maid... she will be all happy and wet when she'll find it, sniffing the smell of a real male." She said with an amused, almost cruel grin. Killer smiled in answer, but then the two stopped every movement, watching one the eyes of the other, with a nod, ears attentive... there were no doubts. Someone was running towards the bedroom, and was by now really near to the doors.

"We are burnt. No covers... Alexis, exit from here, I'll cover yours escape from here and then I'll follow you out." Said Killer, taking the Cobra and aiming it towards the door, and waving with his heads towards the balcony. "You are able to descend from the cliff, aren't you?" He asked with a bit of well hidden worry, watching her with the corner of the eye.

Alexis jumped with grace on the parapet of the balcony.

"Sure. Now are you that underestimate me... I'll need to show you what a kind of warrior I'm, sometimes soon." She answered with a smile. And then Killer seen her jump, carry out a perfect somersault in the air and then vanish from his sight under the obstacle of the parapet.

"Lovely exhibitionist." He whispered, and then refocused all his attention on the rifle aimed at chest eight towards the door.

Just a few seconds later, he heard clearly that the contacts were five... four in first line and one just behind. And a bit later he heard that they were just out of the door, and pulled the trigger.

The first burst of three projectiles almost destroyed the thick wooden door that the enemy was opening, and the first soldier fell on the ground with three scary, huge holes in his chest, all lined up in his sternum, the low point of the "lethal T", the imaginary, reversed T that goes across the breastbone and then rises towards the forehead, and that marks the "no surviving zone".

The second soldier, invested by blood and gore of his comrade almost broken in two by the heavy, long bullets of the heavy machine gun, had only the time to rise the rifle and search the enemy in the room before make the same end, and the other two fell on the ground mowed down by another, single burst at head level almost in the same moment.

Killer aimed the Cobra at the fifth with a smile, leaving return the silence, the metallic noise of the bullet cases bouncing on the stone floor dying...

Riaku was in front of him, wearing a pair of simple black pants and an as much simple jacket of pale leather, the zip almost completely open on his chest.

He had a big sword in his right hand and, despite the four corpses at his feet and the blood and crap that were landed on him largely, he was completely insensitive at the massacre. He had only a sneer of fury and challenge on his muzzle.

"Why a good time you can't be good and die...?" Asked Riaku with an exasperated growl.

"Isn't in my style... and then you would not be happy, would you? Life is boring without a worthy rival." Answered Killer with a grin.

"Life is irritating when you manage to ruin all my plans. Well, why you don't simply shoot and put an end at this?" Asked Riaku in a bored voice.

"You know that I will never do a similar thing. Between us only swords and muscles, never guns." Killer placed down again the assault rifle, this time on the bed, and unsheathed the eight feet long sword that he had always at his belt, on his back, assuming a start position with the sword placed horizontally in front of his muzzle, left hand placed on the right, on the hilt of the weapon.

Riaku had a bad memory of that sword... two months before she had signed his defeat, leaving the long, fine scar on his chest that was perfectly visible between his open jacket.

Killer, rather, noticed a few new scars on his rival, three on the right shoulder and a pair equally distributed between his two arms, when Riaku charged forwards for a sink.

"Has been Alexis?" Asked playfully Wyvern, turning his blade towards the low for close the way for his abdomen at the sword of Riaku.

"Yes, it's hers gift." He answered with a growl, changing his attack with a rapid move on the side, trying suddenly to smash a spiked elbow in the muzzle of the white tiger.

Killer avoided the blow with a fast rotation on his feet, trying in the same time a kick in the legs of the rival and a sabre cut with the sword. Riaku avoided both the attacks with an elegant and rapid somersault, and the sharp sword hooked only the rear of his jacket, cutting it easily.

Riaku jumped again on his feet and thrown away the two separated parts of the white leather suit, passing a finger on the long scar on his chest. "This, instead, is yours."

Killer moved the right arm, lowering the sword and showing his huge bicep with the scar. "The sign of yours sword." He answered with a soft smile.

Riaku made a short growl of approbation and satisfaction, and then jumped forwards another time, with an impressive sink, two both the hands on the hilt of his blade, ready for a vigorous push in the chest of the rival. Killer parried another time, offering to the sharp point the large flat of his sword and his huge strength.

The two blades crashed one into the other, and Killer stopped the sink, but his eyes widened in surprise suddenly, when Riaku let himself fall on his back, crushing a foot against his support leg.

Despite the strength of the blow, Killer managed of don't fall, his leg sliding backwards for the violence of the attack, and suddenly he opposed the other leg against a kick of Riaku, cruelly aimed at his crotch, growling.

And again, before can launch a counterattack, Riaku tried to sink his sword in his chest from the low, meeting another time the rival's blade on his road.

Killer make strength on the unbalanced support leg, changing his probable fall in an elegant jump backwards that removed him from the danger zone, while Riaku jumped another time on his feet with an impressive move that bring him from lying down to launched head forwards towards his rival, sword stretched out at his side for a sabre cut and other hand risen in defence.

Wyvern deviated the sabre cut with his own sword and managed with surprisingly rapidity of prepare himself at the incoming attack. Riaku changed his move, crushing his feet against the legs of Killer, and then leaving himself fall another time, rising again his feet for a savage blow into the chest of the rival. The white tiger, ready, managed with a snort of remain on his feet, even if badly unbalanced, and of place his left arm on the road of the feet of Riaku, stopping with his immense strength the blow.

This time remained impressed Riaku, finding himself at back on the floor, with the strong, huge tail of Killer suddenly wrapped around his wrist, almost blocking his armed arm, and managed at the last moment of deviate with a kick a malicious sabre cut of Wyvern, aimed again at his chest. The rule of the game was always the same... the first who lose blood from the chest, lose the duel.

Riaku snorted in pain, his foot wounded for have kicked away the rival's sword, and rolled away on his back but still bonded by the tail wrapped around his wrist. He tried to free himself with the free hand and his own tail, but Killer lifted him a bit with a snort with his tail and Riaku launched the sword from his tied to his free hand, parrying another sabre cut of the rival.

Before he can think to another move, Killer roared and lifted him in the air, bringing the abdomen of Riaku to an uncovered position. The black male covered immediately his as well vulnerable chest with his blade, but he couldn't do nothing for stop the white tiger from balance himself on the left leg and use the right for launch a furious penalty kick against his abdominals.

The body of Riaku jumped in the air, bended, his flight stopped only by the tail still wrapped painfully around his wrist. The black male clenched shut his eyes in the deepest agony never tried, releasing all the air from his lungs with a painful whimper, spitting dark blood, feeling only pain in his abdomen and conscious that only his impressive muscles have saved him from the death.

His body returned from the painful flight only for receive another penalty, this time in his back, but despite the agony, Riaku managed to place a foot against the wall, in this new unwanted jump, and then the other, sinking his toe claws in, and making impressive strength to launch himself in a wonderful flying kick aimed at the height of the head of the rival, sabre cutting in the same time his sword towards the tail of Killer.

Wyvern immediately collected himself in a crouch, leaving free the wrist of Riaku to save his tail from the enemy blade. The kick of the black tiger travelled over his head and the sword missed his tail for a puff, cutting some coats with scary precision, but Riaku landed at his side from his perfect flying kick.

He landed on the offensive leg, changing it in support leg, and sabre cutting the other against Killer with a perfect turning kick. The white tiger, hit at the right shoulder, almost leaved the hold on his sword, thrown like a rag doll against the wall for the strength of the rival, but snarling for the pain he managed to turn his back against the stone and face his rival, raising his sword in defence.

The second kick of Riaku ended against the flat of the Killer's sword and Wyvern managed to jump immediately forwards, pushing back the leg of the black male, throwing him out of balance. But Riaku resisted, and Killer entered on his other foot whit a perfect slid tackle worthy of a decided defender of a football team.

Riaku begun to fall, just towards the ready point of the Killer's sword, but he slammed instead his other heel on the abdomen of Wyvern, maintaining surprisingly the balance.

The white tiger, fast as the lighting, don't taking care of the pain, slammed his free hand under the foot of Riaku on himself, avoiding that the sharp toe claws of the black male could make holes in his chest, signing his defeat, and grasped then his ankle, throwing Riaku finally on the ground at his side.

Two both the powerful males jumped again in ready position, face to face, panting hard, but with wide smiles. Two both had obviously increased their trainings and their powers, and their combat levels were still more impressive under every aspect.

They charged together, another time, and when their swords clashed, opening the way for their chests, Killer jumped, showing agility much improved from the last time, leaving Riaku surprised when a foot of the white tiger smashed into his chest and the other hit just under his chin, launching away him, in full agony.

In the same moment, however, Riaku had used a foot for kick the abdomen of Killer, and the other in a sort of sabre cut against his hip for try to overturn the white tiger on his side, showing the usual, impressive rapidity and agility that every time leaved Wyvern deeply impressed.

Riaku landed on his feet, in agony, spitting blood another time, but when he risen his eyes, he seen Killer charge with a grimace of lucid fury and pain on his muzzle... he had only the time for remain frightened of his resistance, impressed by the fact that he was already charging again... and immediately after a terrible punch hit Riaku on his muzzle, throwing him against the wall with terrible force. Before faint, he heard only "This was from Alexis and hers family."

He retaken his lucidity only after a few moments, with a cough of blood and pain everywhere in him, but still ready for fight, not tamed. He risen his eyes, standing up, and he seen with surprise Killer stand on the parapet of the balcony, with folded arms and sheathed sword, the huge assault rifle Cobra again on his shoulders and a wide smile on his features.

"I'm sorry, Riaku. For this time the game is over... someone is waiting for me. At the next, Lighting." He said with his kind voice, bowing a bit his head in respect for his worthy rival. Then, with a wave of his hand, he simply made a step backwards, and vanished under the parapet.

"No..." Whispered stupidly Riaku, with eyes opened wide. Then he ran towards the balcony.

"Why he had to be so idiot? What the hell he has in his mind...?" He exclaimed, reaching the balcony and watching towards the low, sure that was impossible survive to a similar flight... But Killer was in the plain, safe and sound as after a simple trip outdoor. Riaku released a soft, odd whistle of surprise, admiration and incredulity. And, probably, also of relief... even if his hate whispered to him to curse furiously.

He thought that he too was probably able of do a similar jump and survive... but he had never dared before, and he doesn't known how Killer had done. The thought of simply jump from almost four hundred feet leaved him upset. Die in the first attempt of an enterprise that you aren't sure of can face, plus rightly under the eyes of your rival is really not the best, after all...

Killer was jumped down in free fall for a good part of the escarpment, and then, around the height of seventy or maybe sixty feet, he had grasped the rocks with all his talons, braking his fall with his steely claws along at least twenty feet of vertical stone, until almost stop. Then he had simply jumped away from the rocks, landing without problems in a crouch on the grass, about forty feet lower down.

"Nice style, Wyvern... of the series "brutal strength and no worries for yourself."..." Said softly Alexis.

Killer, stand up again, watched her amused. "Nah... I'm too hard for lose my claws on that rock. How are you descended? It's been a hard climb?"

Alexis smiled, reaching him. "You undervalue me. I'm not as strong as you, but I'm much more agiler and I don't need to descend step by step... I've jumped on that rock, there, and then on that other rock that hold out and here. A simple matter of a few seconds. Why you have waited so much?"

"A little duel with Riaku. I've placed a good punch on his face for you." He said absently, watching the points that she had pointed at, and then watched her with deep admiration, while she smiled and exclaimed "Good work. Thank you, really a nice gift. Pity that I couldn't do it myself..."

Killer watched again the rocks... practically she had jumped down from the balcony, landing on the few inches of holding out stones at the base of the tower, and then jumped on another rock that offered maybe three inches of support, and then again, dividing the descent in a series of elegant, perfect jumps. Impressive, even for a feline.

But before can say how much he was impressed, she taken one of her grenades and thrown it at the huge male, who grasps it easily in the air without sign of worry.

"You think of be able of place that toy at the upper plan?" She asked, removing the secure from hers machine gun pistol with a fast movement. "I don't want to be shot in my back by one of their machine guns while we are running towards that forest." She ended.

And she was absolutely right. They had to run across the plain for reach the forest and escape, but leaved the protection of the escarpment and made a few metres, they would have been right in the middle of the firing range of the machine guns in position on the tower.

Killer nodded. "No problem."

Alexis smiled. "High explosive-fragmentation, ten seconds."

Killer nodded again, and taken the grenade at his mouth, using his fangs for torn easily apart the scotch tape attached for additional secure and remove the little metallic ring, then throwing the bomb in the air easily with a fluid movement and spit the ring away.

The grenade overcome the height of the tower, and then descended in his perfect parabola just over the terrace. The timer reached the fatal zero still before hit the floor, and the explosion killed immediately every soldier around, throwing burning slivers in the relatively small position.

"Perfect. Now we can go... don't stop yours run before reach the deep of the forest. If I will be hit, don't stop, ok?" Ordered Killer.

"No, you can't ask this to me." Answered Alexis with a decided glance.

"Alexis, I want you alive, and it's not so easy to kill me. Promise that you will go on."

Alexis watched him with contrasting feelings, but then she give up and growled. "I promise."

Riaku had seen the grenade pass in front of him, rising towards the terrace, and he had closed his eyes in powerless fury, roaring when he heard the explosion. Then he growled, grasping the marble of the parapet so strongly that it was beginning to crack, conscious that the two were running somewhere in the plain, but too far for see them from his position...

And then he saw... saw five of his soldiers run in the tall grass, surely following the fugitives. And he roared, furious. He was conscious of what was going to happen...

From the forest at the border of the plain comes a furious burst, and four soldiers fell immediately on the ground, then a single, incredibly noisily shoot, and also the fifth fell.

"Stupid idiots... and damned bitch with hers fucked sniper rifle!" Shouted Riaku in fury.

The General of the Army reached the furious Riaku, trying to hiding his tremble, with slow, uncertain steps.

"What orders, your majesty?" He asked.

Riaku closed his eyes, still more furious, trembling for the wish of kill his surprisingly idiot general.

"Don't follow them! You want to die?" He screamed, as his interlocutor was, apart from idiot, also very far instead of just at his side. "Gather ours experts of shadowing. They will follow them at distance, without be spotted, without search any contact... they will have only to update me regularly with their position. DON'T NEITHER TRY TO ENTER IN CONTACT WITH THEM!"

The general trembled at the roar of his furious king. "Yes... sure, majesty." Then he tried to leave rapidly the room, but Riaku called him another time.

"How many victims?" He asked, reaching him in the middle of the room, with a disgusted, furious glance on the blood stained sheets covered of cum. The seed of his rival, there, in the middle of his fortress, in the middle of his power...

"The first report is of twelve soldiers killed, your majesty."

Riaku closed his eyes and sighed. "Go and do your tasks." He growled.

The black legend was also more than convinced, by now, that the six mysterious disappearances of the past days were work of Killer, too... but he was also conscious that, seen the rival, "only" eighteen dead were a balance more than positive...

"A day you will pay also for this, Wyvern." He whispered, watching his general leave the room, without really seen him... in front of his eyes there was only a ghost of a suffering Killer.

Riaku watched with a grimace of disgust the room and the evident signs of the night of sex of Killer and Alexis scattered everywhere... and then he noticed a video camera placed on a white, folded sheet on the right bedside table, and reached is slowly.

With hand trembling in fury, the black male taken the camera... knowing Wyvern and having seen the mess in the bedroom, he hadn't difficulties in imagine what was on the tape and the thought make him growl in powerless, terrible rage. For a moment, he thought to simply close his fingers on the camera and spread crumbs it... but then he decided to watch the video later and leaved it intact.

Instead, he grasped the sheet with an irritated snort and opened it.

I think that four days will be more than enough to reach Kendrew also in the worst of the hypothesis, so consider you invited at Alexis's coronation in five days. We will be honoured to have ours better rival at ours side in a so happy day.

And, sure... that video is ours first experience as porn-stars, in some ways. Enjoy it, if you can.

