Clubbing on a full moon

Story by steampunkstallion on SoFurry

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A girl goes to a party and ends up getting a better costume in a manner of speaking.

"Woo hell ya, Halloween party and a full moon! It's going to rock." The young woman smiled at her friends.

"Easy for you to say, you've spent the last six months working on a costume..." Nancy smiled at her friend Jeff, he always waited till the last minute to do anything. She was really proud of her outfit, it was a werewolf wearing a french maid's outfit.

"Oh come on.. I offered to help you work on one." She looked at her friend, he shook his head and shrugged.

"Nah. I'm good. I'll just head down to the store and get something. See you at the party?" Nancy nodded, heading back into her apartment to get changed.

"I'm going to win the costume contest this year for sure." She smiled slightly, looking at the garments on her bed. "I should get a shower first.. don't want to be sweating in that ensemble." Stripping down, she tossed her clothes on the bed and headed to the shower. Once inside, she stepped into the stall and turned the water on, letting it soak her dark skin.

"heh, wonder if it's silly going as a white wolf when I'm black." She pondered, letting the water soak her skin for a bit. "Mmm that feels so good." The girl closes her eyes, reaching for her loofah to soap up her body. The sweet smells of honey suckle fills the air from her body wash, getting any of the grime and sweat off her, wanting to be clean when she wears her costume tonight.

"Too bad werewolves don't exist for real..." She giggles slightly, fingers brushing through her patch of trimmed pubic hair, rubbing her labia. "Bet it'd be so nice to feel on my back.." A little moan escaping her lips, the fantasy one of her most regular ones as she began to tease herself a little. Gently she dips a finger into herself, easing it slowly into her, a little moan escaping her lip. "oh what a big bad wolf.. fucking a little helpless girl like me."

Nancy blushed slightly, withdrawing her fingers and sighing. "Damnit girl, you don't have time for that.." She shook her head and finished cleaning herself off, and turning off the shower. Drying herself off, she debated on whether or not to put her extensions back into her hair. "Hmm. It'd be a pain to wear them and the costume.. but if I have to take the head off.." Nancy debated for a bit before deciding to skip wearing them.

She looked at the costume on the bed, and was quite proud of the work she had put into it. Nancy had checked out dozens of articles on costuming, prop work and everything before she decided to make this. Her fingers ran through the soft faux fur, grinning. It cost her a pretty penny for the material, but it was so life like. Nancy slid on a pair of white panties and bra that she picked special for this out. "Girlfriend gotta match. Even if no one is going to see it." That little bit making her laugh.

She made sure everything was fitted properly and then picked up the head and looked at it. Nancy blushed, it was so life like, and she had even gotten taxidermy eyes for it. Three months was spent on the head, and it showed. Other than being a bit larger than a real wolf, it looked like a shot from National Geographic. Carrying it to the car with her, she'd wait till she got to the party before putting it in. She grumbled slightly, "Stupid heels." Nancy had gotten a pair of custom heels that would put her on her toes, so she'd walk like a werewolf from the movies. She was still getting used to it, even though she'd been practicing all week when she was home.

An hour a later, she pulled up the club and grinned parking her car in the back. Getting out to the car, she smoothed the fur on the costume and then slipped the head. Fixing the head so she could see out of it, stretching a bit and getting used to the way the suit fitted. Heading off to the front of the club, she flashed her invitation and was let inside.

Her vision wasn't the best, but it was still decent enough for her to wander around without really bumping into anyone. Nancy could feel the tail wagging behind her, she loved that little bit touch with the counterweights she added to the base. Glancing around the club, there was a huge variety of costumes and suddenly she wasn't quite so sure on her chances to win the costume contest. She gave a shrug and was still determined to do her best. A few of the costumes looked like they stepped off a movie set and she was amazed at the detail on some.

She made her way to the bar, and was grateful she decided to go with a moveable jaw for the head. "Just a bottle of water and a really long straw please.." The bartender nodded, smiling and saying he loved the costume. "Thanks." As she took the water, it was an open bar, but she didn't want to drunk as she had to drive home later.

Nancy had mingled for an hour or so, starting to get bored as she waited for them to start the costume contest when someone entering the bar caught her attention. Suddenly she was grateful for the costume, otherwise she was sure she'd have been drooling. A beautiful werewolf costume with an Egyptian motif was in the doorway before making it's way inside, absolutely pitch black fur and with the gold accents on his costume made them amazing looking. She glanced left and right noticing that the person in the costume was making a bee line for her, and Nancy sipped her water, her throat suddenly dry.

"Hello there." The costumed wolf spoke up, Nancy was distracted drooling that she didn't really notice how they spoke. She shakily responded.

"Uh.. Hi there. I'm Nancy." Offering a paw, the other wolf gripped it giving it a light squeeze. His eyes seemed to almost sparkle and it was hard to pull her gaze from them.

"Kevin. What do you think of the party so far?" Nancy stumbled over some words, feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay. I mean.. your costume is so awesome. Um.. no I'm having a good time." She watched Kevin shake his head, almost seeming like he smiled at her. Nancy wondered how he managed that.

"I'm sorry. I'm making you flustered aren't I?" She shook her head, smiling at him through the costume.

"No, just wow.. your costume is simply amazing. May I?" Gestured with a paw to his chest, He simply nodded. Pressing the gloved hand against his chest, it felt really solid like it was real. She shook her head inside the costume thinking to herself.

"Heh. Probably spent a fortune making this time. There are no such things as werewolves. Though he'd give most of the movies a run for their money on quality." She lightly ran her gloved fingers over him, trying to see if she could find a seam or anything. After a few minutes of examining him, she gave up. Either he was real, or was a professional costume designer. Though, considering the club and the fact it was an open invitation to crafters she wouldn't doubt it.

Nancy slowly looked him over a bit more carefully, the coat wasn't completely black like it first appeared when he walked in. Now that he was closer, she could see the occasional white and gray hairs in the muzzle and coat. He must have sewn those in by hand, and the clothing he chose, it was simply amazing. The material looked absolutely brilliant with color, like each piece was hand made and then dyed individually.

"I just can't believe the work that went into your costume. Must have taken you forever to make everything?" The wolf head just shook slightly, before he spoke.

"Well it did take a while.. but not as long as you'd think. You could say it's a tradition in the family..." Kevin's voice was soft and deep, and she loved listening to him speak. The pair had settled down in a quiet corner of the club, talking about their families, jobs and such. Nancy had become so distracted, she didn't even notice the costume contest starting.

"Oh no.. the contest. I gotta get in line." She paused when Kevin's paw rested on her own.

"Don't bother. The contest is rigged." He pointed to a decently done Xena costume. "She's going to win." Nancy looked at him, he shrugged. "She puts a lot of money towards the club during the year, and the judges usually pick her or one of her friends. Not the costumes that should win."

Nancy pouted. "That's just not fair. I worked hard on this costume." Kevin leaned in, softly whispering into the hole in the ear so she could hear.

"And I think you did an amazing job on it.. it's absolutely beautiful and sexy." She flushed slightly under her costume, she was breathing a little heavier and noticed for the first time there was an odd musky smell in the air. It was a bit strong, but not unpleasant and made her feel a bit relaxed.

"Really? I mean..." Before she looked down, feeling suddenly embarrassed. Kevin took her paw and smiled.

"Come on... let's go to the roof. This club is a little too stuffy don't you think? And it's cool outside tonight." Nancy didn't want to say anything, but she was feeling a bit hot in the material at this point. She followed Kevin as he led the way through the back of the club, up a set of stairs that said No entrance. Nancy pointed at the sign. "Don't worry about it. No one is going to pay attention if we slipped up there."

Once they had gotten to the roof, Nancy took a few deep breathes as she took in the cool air feeling a bit more refreshed in the costume. She shivered slightly when Kevin pressed against her from behind, his paws rubbing her shoulders, he whispered.

"See... told you this would be better." Nancy nodded slowly, leaning against him slightly, his paws moving to gently cup her breasts through the costume. A soft moan escaped her lips, she squirmed a little speaking up.

"Kevin... what. What are you doing?" The wolf didn't say anything, but kept fondling her breasts through her costume and for some reason she didn't want him to stop. His paws were strong, but gentle at the same time and it made her feel rather hot instead of the cooling sensation she had hoped for. Nancy stiffened slightly when he pressed against her rump, feeling a rather hard bulge pressing against her, she moaned out.

"Doesn't that feel good Nancy?" His words filled her ears, drowning out everything around her. Even though the club faced a busy street, she hardly heard any of the cars driving by. She nodded and blushed under the costume. A soft growl caught her attention, but at this point one of his large paws had slid under her skirt and was teasing her groin, she shuddered.

"T.. that feels really good Kevin.. P.. Please don't stop." The costumed wolf chuckled in her ear, his fingers had found the special fold she had made in case she had needed to use the bathroom, he spoke up.

"I don't plan to stop.. I love listening to you moan, it's music to my ears." Those fingers deftly slipped her groin open, sliding in to stroke her damp panties, a loud growl escaping his muzzle. "Mmm seems a little wolf girl loves my touch.. maybe she'd prefer something a bit more than fingers there." The teasing made her stiffen and squirm, she shook her head.

"I.. I can't Kevin. I'm a virgin and I.. I want to stay that way." She felt him grinding against her, she whimpered a bit. Those fingers felt so good teasing her aching sex, all she wanted to do was beg him to fill her but it was just the eroticism of it all. That musky smell she smelled in the club was so much stronger up here, even though there was a breeze and it made her all tingly inside. Nancy leaned her head back moaning out, Kevin had slipped a finger inside her and was stroking it in and out. The moon looked so bright and close tonight, it seemed to fill her entire vision. She felt that furred digit stroking in and out as she whispered. "Kevin.. your costume.. aren't you worried about ruining it?"

"I can fix it later.. Just relax Nancy." He moved her towards one of the storage crates on the roof, leaning her over it slightly. "Spread your legs.." She nodded, it felt so good as he kept stroking that finger in and out of her, coaxing soft moans from her lips. She spread her legs allowing him to grind against her now, those paws lifting her skirt up in the back causing her to blush. His voice once more filled her ears. "Is it alright to use a toy on you?" She nodded slowly, figuring that he had some sort of werewolf dildo she had seen online.

A moment later she sighed out, feeling something probing against her folds from behind and Kevin growled in her ears. If she'd be a bit more clear headed, she might have realized that it wasn't a very human sound, but all she could focus on was the pleasure it brought her. Nancy lifted her head, staring at the bright moon and gasped when Kevin began pressing forward. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't close her eyes, staring intently at the white moon.

Nancy felt every single inch of that toy as it slipped inside her. It had a very tapered tip, and felt warm against her sex spreading her virgin folds. A soft shuddered raced down her spine, feeling inch after inch of that toy filling her, stretching her a little and making her whimper. "S.. slower p.. please..." She heard Kevin grunt and the toy slowed it's insertion. She was quite damp, but it felt like she was getting warmer inside, almost as if the toy was leaking into her. Her hands gripped the box tightly through the gloves she wore, and it felt maddening that he wasn't inside her fully and it kept going. The pair moaned out in unison once she felt Kevin's costume pressing against her rump. She was going to have to ask where he got that toy, it felt so real but no one was shaped like that.

"Mmm ready little winter flower?" She blushed at the cute nickname, nodding as she whimpered out.

"Yes.. but be gentle. That toy feels so good in me." Nancy sighed out in pleasure, feeling Kevin's hips draw back pulling the toy out. She felt an emptiness inside her when the tip rested inside her, she blushed and moaned. "P.. Please Kevin.. push it back in. I.. I feel so empty." None of her toys ever made her feel like this, she almost wished it wasn't a toy. Kevin's paws gripped her hips and pushed back inside her slowly. She was finally able to close her eyes and stop looking at the moon, the numbing pleasure as that toy slowly stretched her walls once more. The pleasure it brought her was incredible, Kevin was slowly rocking his hips, pressing firmly against her rump each time and she could feel that toy throb against her walls.

Kevin's paw slowly lifted her costume head off her, allowing the cool air to flood her senses, she panted breathing deeply. "T.. thank you." Nancy moaned into the air, her head lifted to the moon. A long tongue brushed against her ear, that deep voice whispering in her ear.

"Mmm no thank you Nancy.. I found a beautiful woman to share my gift with. Now stare at Luna.. our moon, she will help you..." Nancy was confused, but Kevin gave a firm thrust and she shuddered lifting her head staring at the moon. It was getting difficult to think, that toy was stroking in and out of her a bit faster now, and she could have sworn she felt something squirt inside her. She moaned lightly, everything seemed to be so much more in focus for some reason. Her skin felt like it was on fire, and everywhere the costume seemed to brush against her, she was aware of the stitches and the threads of the material. Her nose was flooded with a volley of smells, the cars below, the scent of the city air, and that thick musky smell. For some reason, ever since she'd met Kevin she hadn't been able to figure out where it was coming from, now she knew.

Turning her head, Nancy looked into Kevin's eyes, they seemed to glow. It was that moment, she realized he wasn't wearing a costume, he was a real werewolf! It wasn't like the movies, she didn't scream or faint and he didn't tear her limb from limb. Nancy thought back to the club, and the other instances and it made sense, the fact she didn't feel a seam anywhere on his body. The fact that his muzzle could do what she thought was a trick of the light and smirk and such.

That also meant that wasn't a toy inside her, and she shuddered, a climax racing through her body at the thought of a real werewolf buried inside her. Closing her eyes, she cried out and gripped the box tightly, her walls clenched hard over and over at that thick invader. She heard Kevin growl in her ear, whispering. "That's it.. you just realized what I am didn't you?" His breath was a bit ragged in her ear, he was holding himself deep within her. Once she finally came down from her orgasm, she nodded blushing. She blinked at him before she panted, forming the words.

"T.. there is something growing in me?" The wolf nodded at her, stroking her cheek and she leaned into his touch.

"That's my knot, I'm fairly sure you know what that is... I've seen some of your stories on the forums." She blushed brightly, her normally dark skin getting a pink tinge to it. She had written a few stories or erotica on a supposed werewolf forum she loved to visit. "I've read some of your stories, and they were very very hot." Nancy felt his knot swollen inside her, her walls clenching weakly around it as she moaned.

"A.. am I going to become a werewolf?" Kevin smiled at her. "Well that depends on you.. we are at a very..." He panted softly, "Please.. stop squeezing me or you'll end up one." Nancy giggled slightly, looking at the big wolf.

"Oh.. it's an exchange of fluids?" Kevin shook his head slowly.

"Not quite.. Something a bit more.. binding." She was a bit puzzled, he licked her ear and whispered. "Birth control doesn't protect against it." Her eyes went wide, realizing what he meant.

"I... I'd get pregnant?" Kevin nodded slowly.

"Yes. I only came to the party tonight cause you mentioned you were coming... and you said a few times on the forum that you wished you could be a werewolf." His tongue licked along her neck, causing her to shiver slightly. She didn't know if she was ready for that commitment. Nervously she looked into his eyes.

"I don't know Kevin.. I mean we just met..." The wolf smiled at her, he whispered to her his paw tracing along her cheek.

"Look into my eyes Nancy.. then tell me what you want..." His eyes opened wide as she looked into them, her own eyes going wide. Nancy felt suddenly like she'd known Kevin her entire life, and that he'd known her. She whispered softly to him, closing her eyes and lifting her head to the sky.

"Please Kevin.. I want this.. I want you..." She pulled his paws tightly around her, she shivered and squeezed him hard inside her, making him growl out.

"F.. fuck that felt good." She laughed softly at him, he panted in her ear. "You're my first Winter Flower.. and my only." He began to slowly roll his hips, making his knot grind against her walls, the tip of that wolf hood rubbing deep inside her passage. It felt absolutely wonderful and Nancy sighed, gently gripping and squeezing when she could focus enough to do so. The pair softly moaned, their breathing slowly syncing up as Kevin started to jerk a little harder against her now. "S.. so close Nancy, are you sure?" He licked the rim of her ear, making her moan and giggle.

"Do It.." She whispered softly, relaxing herself fully against him. Kevin's paws gripped and held her as he rocked a few more times, lifting his head to the sky and howling. It was a beautiful sound, deep and loud as it filled the air, and part of her knew he was singing his love for her. Nancy lifted her head to the sky, staring at the moon and moaned out, feeling it inside her. That bulge of a knot got even larger, making her ache slightly, but that wasn't what caused her to moan. She felt that thick flesh twitch and jerk inside her, his heat jetting inside her and flooding her passage. It almost felt like an odd burning sensation, and it was spreading through every inch of her being. Nancy whimpered softly, her eyes locked on the mood as she heard Kevin say something, but wasn't able to focus on it.

She tossed off the gloves and was fumbling with her costume, wanting to get it off as it felt like it was suddenly getting tighter. She stiffened and stopped moving when Kevin growled at her. "Stop. I'll help so you don't get hurt.. but I'll end up damaging the suit to help you..."

Nancy nodded, pleading as she stared at the moon enraptured by it's pale brightness. She heard the tearing, but it didn't matter once the top of the costume came off, the cool October air soothed the burning sensation of her skin, causing her to moan. She could still feel Kevin leaking inside her, part of her wondering how much he was depositing inside her belly. She whimpered slightly, all that hard work was being ruined, but she knew it had to be done cause once the costume was off, she felt much more relaxed.

"I need to take your bra and panties off too Nancy.." A blush crept over her cheeks as she whispered.

"A.. are you sure?" He nodded, giving her shoulder a soft lick.

"yes. When you change, don't need the metal in the latches digging into your skin or getting caught on your fur." After several tense moments, she nodded allowing him to remove her bra. Gasping lightly, her nipples stiffening up instantly as the cool air caressed her heavy breasts, making her squirm and clench around Kevin's shaft. There was a soft ripping noise as he removed her panties leaving her completely naked now. Even though the air was cool, she still felt very hot and the air was only making it a little easier to deal with that growing heat.

Kevin's paw stroked along her throat, down over breasts and to her belly, he growled into her ear. "You belong to me Nancy.. just as I belong to you.. do you wish to accept my gift. If so.. tell luna your desire and she'll make it so." His paw gently squeezed her flat belly. Nancy sighed and nodded, speaking clearly.

Her eyes focused on the moon, and it filled her entire vision. There was nothing anymore, not the club, not the city nothing but her, Kevin and the moon as she spoke out. "I want you to claim me Kevin.. and I give myself in submission to our desires, and ask Luna to bless me with her gift."

As soon as she had finished her words, the world came crashing back into focus causing her to cry out at the flush of sensations, sounds and smells assaulting her. Kevin's large paws held her as she growled out, eyes closed tightly unable to think about anything. There was a bit of pain, but she knew instinctively it'd be over soon and just had to bear it through. The first change she noticed was her feet, or it was possibly because she still had on the heels to keep her perched upwards. There was a slight bit of pain as they felt too small, but then there was a popping and she shifted on her paws. They had grown too large and thick for the heels, and she no longer needed them to keep herself pushed upwards, her leg muscles shifting and changing to accommodate the new stance. The sensations continued to slowly spread upwards.

Nancy grunted slightly, feeling her hips growing a bit wider and heavier in build. A tingling sensation built up along her spine before she cried out, a rapid growing and expanding sensation as a tail formed helping with her balance a bit. Kevin had stepped back, but his paws were still on her shoulders in a comforting manner. Every inch of her skin tingled and the cool autumn air was slowly dimmed, Nancy realizing that it wasn't cause she was still hot feeling, it was cause she was growing fur. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't will her eyes to open to watch it happen. Part of her wanted to desperately see it, and another part was wondering if she'd be able to handle viewing the transformation.

She felt the fur extending and climbing up her body, feeling a little less embarrassed once it covered her breasts, feeling a little tuft of thicker fur growing between them. It was the changes to the her head that worried her, if the rest of her body ached and burned from that, how would it feel on her face. Nancy figured she'd have her answer in a few moments as the fur kept crawling and growing up her neck. Kevin's voice was soothing as he whispered.

"Almost done Nancy, just a little bit more..." It was more an odd sensation, different from what she felt on the rest of her body. The only way she could describe it was like being at the dentist when they numb you. She could feel the changes, but there was no pain or pleasure just a gentle pressure as she felt her bones adjusting and changing shape. It was odd, feeling the change happen, but not seeing it and knowing every single thing that happened. Nancy felt her ears slowly shift, stretching and growing wider as they shifted from the side to the top of her head. A few moments later, she felt the tingling and odd heat leave her body. Nancy would have fallen over if not for kevin's paws wrapping around her. "There.. just catch your breath.. take a moment. Then open your eyes..."

A weak nod was her only response, she felt her strength returning and slowly stood up. Looking around, everything seemed similar but different. Her vision was so much clearer, she could actually see every individual hair on kevin's coat. A little blush crept into her cheeks, noticing the bit of moisture coating his groin. It was then she realized he had taken off his costume and was nude as well. Lifting a paw, she looked at it and she blinked slightly.

"It's white?" Turning the paw over, the pads themselves were black and rough looking, but her fur was a stark white color. Looking down at herself, everywhere she could see, it was a pure white, a little laugh escaped her muzzle. "So did I influence the color of my coat.. or did my desire influence my choice when I made my costume?" Kevin smiled at her, stepping forward and stroking her muzzle gently, brushing his fingers along the top.

"It was a bit of both Nancy, there is an innate desire in those of us that hear the calling.. I was born a werewolf, but you.." Rubbing his muzzle against her own, She smiled lightly and gave a little lick to his cheek. "Are a kindred spirit, the ability is there.. but usually must be coaxed free." She nodded, leaning against him and closing her eyes. Quietly she whispered.

"I'm curious kevin.. does this make us ebony and ivory?" The laugh the escaped his muzzle made her glance up at him.

"Oh in more ways than you'd know dear." He took a step back and she watched him transform, his fur retreating and she laughed a little.

"Well guess when we aren't wolves, it'd make us Ivory and Ebony." Nancy looked down at her costume, "I spent so long on it... and it's ruined. It makes me a little sad, even though you've given me a beautiful gift."

"Well we can fix the suit.." She picked it up, looking at it and was a bit amazed, he'd actually not just randomly ripped it off her. Kevin had taken the time to tear the threads on the seams so she could fix it. She dropped the suit and hugged him tightly, causing him to cough.

"Too Tight.. can't breathe." Nancy blushed and let him go, looking a little sheepish.

"I'm Sorry. Still getting used to this." Kevin nodded and slowly shifted back to his wolf form. He gestured to the skylight and she padded over a little confused with kevin.

"Well the party is still going on.. we could always go back inside for a bit if you'd like? I have a locker downstairs with some more egyptian themed clothes. We could go as a matching set this time." Nancy smiled and nodded, tail wagging on it's own now as she stood there.

"I think I'd like that Kevin, we have a lot to get to know about each other... and we've got lots of time to do that right?" Her voice was a bit deeper, and definately a bit more animalistic, and it seemed to fit her. A little sniff to the air and she could still smell kevin's scent, but there was another one, very close but a bit more feminine smelling. Wrapping her arm around his, they headed for the staircase and back to the party.

"Yes. Quite a long time actually. I have a lot to tell you about being a werewolf." His paw stroked her side, his fingers sliding down and pulling her close against him. She felt his tail brush against her own from time with their wagging, somehow she felt like her life was just starting.