Brotherly Talks

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#24 of Roman Life

The moment has arrived, the two lupo brothers need to talk.

Hey everyone!

So, still in Lyon here, but I needed to write this so I set myself to write this afternoon! This is the result :3 Count it also as an early celebration of my birthday, which falls... Tomorrow, August the 5th! Yay! So, this is a new chapter of my series, sorry for making you wait for so long Hope you will like it, and the best way to show me that is with a vote, a fave or a comment Also, thank you my love for editing this right away, and for the wonderful past week

"I need to tell you something, Lu."

The lupo stared at Valerio, his brain freezing for a second. Such a sequence of words never foretold good things, but uncomfortable ones, even bad ones at worst. What his little brother had to tell him? Possibilities piled up in his mind, one more implausible than the other. Maybe the young canine didn't do any of his exams, fooling him and their parents? Or he had a huge, gaming debt? Maybe he got a girl pregnant? Maybe he was gay too!

A sure thing was that Ale knew about it, since he was sitting there, as if supporting the other dog. He lacked only a paw on his shoulder to completare il quadro1and-

"E che cazzo __2_!"_The lupine cursed in his mind after witnessing a meaty paw landing on the much skinnier shoulder belonging to the young wolf.

"It looked like it was serious shit". Luca thought, using all the mental strength he could master to stay calm and collected. Masking a sigh, he opened his muzzle, being careful not to show his inner turmoil.

"Okay Vale, what is that you have to tell me?" He asked, trying to plaster a trembling smile on his muzzle but failing completely, his ears flicking.

"Uhm, well, the other day, when I ate dinner here with you, I talked a bit with Ale while you were in the shower and.." The young lupo began, interrupting himself almost immediately.

"That's the confirmation that Ale knows." Luca thought, while ushering his brother to say more with small gestures of his hands.

"It wasn't something big, just talking, and me being stupid, telling things without thinking. Ale scolded me for saying them." The other lupine continued, ears flattened against his head, looking like a puppy on the verge of tears. "After that, I-I thought a lot, and decided to talk with you, and to apologize to you about that. I'm sorry for saying such things, fratè3..."

"Ale did good if you thought and came to some conclusions. It is a sign of maturity to do so, I'm proud of you." He nodded to his brother and his friend, causing the ears of the first to perk a bit and the muzzle of the second to open in a smile.

"You're still young, and you have to mature more. That said, even if you feel sorry for things you said, don't be too much, just enough to learn from them." Luca kept explaining to the listening couple at the table, showing what being the big brother entitled him to do.

"So, mi perdoni4?" The university lupine asked, an hopeful smile appearing on his face, warming him up.

"Yes, I forgive you. Just, uhm..." The restorer hesitated a bit, not sure if he should demand some clarifications, thus ruining the perfection of his big brother stunt.

"Cosa c'è5?" Valerio asked, with Ale also showing his curiosity. They were so engrossed on the whole thing that they didn't even noticed how... vague they had been on the matter.

"What, uhm, exactly did you say?" He finally spitted out, his craving for more details overcoming him. Plus, he needed to know that, so he knew what he would be facing next time!

The other two looked at each other, ears flicking and then lowering a bit when the realization hit them. Redness appearing among his cheek furs, Vale gulped twice before finally speaking again.

"Are you sure you want to know?" He began, hoping maybe not to be forced in a full confession. The simple nod from his brother didn't leave him any chance. "Well, uhm, I was wondering if you were, uhm, farti una pippa6while in the shower..."

It was Luca's time to blush now, something he tried to hide with a cough, with poor results. "Go on." He mumbled.

"I began wondering to what you were... pawing off, finding it ... weird and .... disgusting, maybe, to think about two men in... such situations..." The older lupine's cheeks flared, his blushing all too apparent now. Thinking about his brother thinking of what he did to... get off was just too... weird.

"I cut him off before he said more, Luca, and scolded him." The rottie intruded in the conversation, after having been silent for so long. He had taken his paw off Vale's shoulder too, using it with his other one to better express himself.

"Okay, so-" The lupo tried to speak his thoughts, but he was stopped by the avalanche of words coming from the other two.

"I said that it wasn't his business to judge you and what you like, that he shouldn't wonder about those private things!" The buff canine exclaimed, throwing his paws in the air.

"And then I went home, and started to think and read things! I understood that what I said was just plain stupid, it isn't important nor strange if you like le salsiccie7instead of the melons!" The other put some other weight on that, adding even more redness with his brother's overly detailed explanation.

"He phoned me again, telling me his realizations and so on, and I suggested him to talk with you about that, maybe with me present!" The rottie finished, both canines looking at the taller lupine as if expecting some sage words now that the whole truth was out.

"Is that all?" He finally spoke, getting some composure back and stared in their eyes, one at a time, searching in them any hidden truth. They nodded diligently, no sign of deception on their faces. "What kind of things did you search on the net?"

" Just studies about homosexuality and such things..." His brother simply answered, trailing off. He might have searched for more, sure, but the answer satisfied the lupo enough to not inquire more in the subject.

Now sure that he heard everything, he opened his mouth again, an almost hysterical laugh escaping it. Ale and Vale stared at him in surprise, surely not expecting that, nor the amount of time he needed to cease giggling. But the lupo managed to compose himself in the end, with some difficulties.

"Why did you... laughed?" The younger lupine asked, very confused by his brother's reaction to his tearful confession.

"I-I'm sorry!" Luca uttered after regaining his breath. "I just... from how you began, I thought you were going to tell me something else, much worse!"

"Like what?!" Vale shouted, ears perking up. The rottie wasn't so curious about that, focusing on something else, while remaining calm.

"You shouldn't laugh, Lu. It might not be the most serious thing, but your brother had an epiphany, realizing he was thinking about you in the wrongest way possible." Ale snorted at him, a bit annoyed by his reaction.

"I know how serious it is, don't snort at me! I was worried about stuff, and you were making such a fuss about something so little." The other retorted back at his friend.

"Small thing? Really? Then, did I do wrong in advising him, amico mio8?" The rottie almost growled now.

"No, you did well. And I'm very grateful you helped him." He raised a hand so to stop his coworker to add more. "I'm not finished. I think you two were just overthinking the matter."

"How were we doing that?" The muscular dog demanded. Vale was just left out of the conversation, wisely deciding not to go between the two arguing men and just listening.

"It is clear that what Valerio found strange was men having sex with other men. That is understandable, as a straight he doesn't find the idea appealing at all, as you might well know Ale." He started to say, keeping his tone low so to not exacerbate the conversation. The lupo noted some blush among the dark fur of his friend while speaking these words and how he shifted on his seat, surely because the rottie hadn't thought about that; as a straight man, he could be so oblivious to things.

"Now, what I think is that my brother expressed that thought in the wrong way. It's good to be accepting and understanding, but that doesn't mean he has to like something!" He moved his stare to one canine to the other, addressing his younger sibling now.

"I'm not happy I didn't noticed you had such issues, Vale. Maybe I should have talked more with you, after my coming out, after all you were young." He extended his paw across the table, grabbing the slightly smaller one. "If you have more questions, or you want to talk a bit more about that, I'm here for you."

"T-thank you Luca, you are a good brother." The other lupo uttered, moved by all of that. Silence fell again, a comfortable one though, full of thoughts, with the two wolves finding solace and the rottie seeing no use to keep arguing.

"Are we all fine? Niente più drammi per stasera9?" Ale asked loudly, deciding that it was about time to go back to eating.

"I think so." Luca said, taking his fork and knife and starting to slice his meat.

"Same here." The youngest fur at the table answered, already chewing a piece of steak.

"Good, because all this talking was starving me." Ale mumbled around his food.

They ate slowly, enjoying their company and the food, chitchatting a bit, nothing important nor serious. The two restorers talked about their work, and how they were getting near the holidays from the university, while the young one was all about his outing and the recent movies, and how he craved for the vacation and being as far as possible from the books, any books.

They finished their dinner, deciding to go and watch some TV, while they keept talking and chatting. The episode of Don Matteo10was absorbing their collective attention, with the crime-solving priest trying to resolve a mysterious crime being all too interesting.

"A proposito11!" Luca exclaimed, seeing the blond actor on the screen talking about visiting his mother reminding him of something. "Do you have plans for this Saturday, Vale?"

"Uhm, Saturday? I don't think I have. Why?" His brother asked back, not averting his eyes from the shinning surface.

"I will tour the city with a young friend of Sara, who is moving here from Milan." He said, quickly adding before Valerio could lament about that. "Don't worry, I am not asking you to come with us. I know it is impossible for me to think you would."

"Exactly! You already showed me everything there is to see in Roma." The younger wolf specified.

"From what I remember, you had to be dragged each time, and your lamentations disturbed the other furs wherever you went." Ale chuckled, succeeding in embarrassing his friend's brother.

"It's-It's not true!" The lupine tried to defend himself, in vain since his ears flicking gave his inner emotions at the moment; having lost the fight, he decided to change subject. "So, what do you want me to do?"

"We will go drinking after that. Since he doesn't know anyone other than Sara in Roma, you could try to socialize with him. He is closer to your age than mine, you know." Luca exposed his plan.

"Okay, seems nice to do that! Anything I should know about him?" The other asked, just then stilling his ears.

"I don't know much either, just he comes from Milan and he is going to work at ENI12. Sara didn't tell me much." He snorted at the shortage of information.

"So, a jump in the dark, eh?" Vale smirked, his muzzle showing a wolfish smile of amusement.

"Yep, I just managed to contact him and I am starting to talk with him. Might have more soon, though." He admitted. They have chatted a bit on Whatsapp, just saying his and such; seemed like a nice guy from that, though it was too soon to say that.

"Okay, I will wait for more than! Just tell me where and when I should show up." His brother replied, almost sounding eager to help him.

"So, are you agreeing to come and meet us after the visit?" Luca asked once more, just to be sure.

"He already answered that he will, scemo13."Ale jabbed at him affectionately; he only lacked to give a nudge on the head and the image of a grumpy mentor would have been complete.

"Yep! Should I bring some friend of mine with me?" The younger lupo added.

"No, don't worry. There will be already Edward and his girlfriend there, so adding more new people would be too much..." He answered him, a stir coming from his sheath and the thought of the cute, foreign puma.

"Who is this Edward?" The university student questioned the other two.

"A waiter your brother was flirting with the other day." Ale answered, matter of fact-ly, while extending and stretching his arms.

"I wasn't flirting with him! Just talking!" Luca replied, trying to answer as truthfully as possible. "Plus, he has a girlfriend!"

"Why is he coming with you?" Was the next question.

"I told him I am a guide and he asked if he could tag along in one of my visits, that's all." The lupo said, trying desperately to not make a fool of himself.

"But maybe you are thinking of seducing him. Doing that with a straight man should be the equivalent of nailing a lesbian for us." Vale teased him.

"I-I-I." He stuttered, not replying to that and just enduring the ensuing laughter.

***** *****

"So, call me for this Saturday Lu!" Valerio waved to the two restorers from their door. They finished watching Don Matteo, the young fur deciding it was about time to go and leaving the two older males to sleep, much to the their chagrin.

"I sure will, don't worry! Good night!" The lupo replied, his friend echoing him by his side; he closed and locked the door once his brother was out of sight, turning to Ale.

"Quite an eventful night, eh?" He sighed, now dreaming of nothing but his bed.

"Oh yeah, very emotional. Drama follows you everywhere!" The rottie pointed out, already heading for his bedroom.

"Ei, Ale." The lupine softly called him, almost shyly. The dark canine stopped his foot in mid-air, facing his friend and waiting for him to speak up; he seemed almost worried, maybe alarmed by the tone his bet friend displayed.

"Whatsup?" The muscled asked, tiling his head slightly.

"I, uhm, I wanted to apologize for attacking you..." He said, his head lowered for the shame. "I shouldn't have to..."

"Don't worry about that, I understood what you were saying, you were right." The other responded, trying to sound cheerful.

"I.. I appreciate what you did with Valerio, for my sake. Really, you were awesome to help the both of us, really..." The taller canine continued, still not raising his head.

"We are friends, and that's what friends do, right? Just cheer up, amico mio!" Ale exclaimed, getting nearer to him.

"I just... Thank you, Ale, you are the best friend I have." He just finished, closing the distance between the two of them and wrapping his arms around him in a hug. The other dog tensed a bit at first, not expecting this reaction; but he melted quickly, as always, and wrapped his own buff arms to complete the fraternal embrace.

They remained like that for a while, enjoying each other presence; with the passing of minutes, Luca began to noticed how good it was to feel Ale's body against his own, the contact of muscles awaking in him the need to have more and-

"We should go to bed, don't you think?" He said, quickly separating from his friend and trying not to act embarrassed, so to not give his increasing arousal away.

"Y-yeah, I think we should." The other stammered, for whatever reason. Luca walked to his room, leisurely but being careful to not show his growing erection.

"So, see you tomorrow, eh?" The rottie asked before he entered his room.

"Yep, tomorrow!" Luca wished his friend good night, closing the door slowly. His hard-on was still present, throbbing and demanding attention, a request he couldn't reject; another part of him asked for attention, a part he rarely visited as of late, and that made him decide on what to do.

He throw his few pieces of clothing around the room, moving fast to get the needed items with one paw, his other occupied with caressing and jerking his cock, the knot just appearing out of his sheath. The lupo took the tissues and the lube from one drawer and putting them on the nightstand, then knelt to take a small box from its hidden place under his bed.

Opening, he admired the collection of toys he had gathered during the years. They weren't too many, just few of them, mostly dildo of the Ursusplus brand, the best friends for a gay man; he admired them for a moment, undecided on which to pick, finally rejecting the feline ones with their fake barbs, grabbing his very first, an hefty canine one.

Taking the tube of lube, he squeezed some of it on his fingers, quickly pressing one of them against his sensible tailhole. He never had much problems with preparing himself, even if he wasn't a size queen, so after circling his hole he just pushed that finger in, almost bluntly, getting it in and out, spreading the lube.

The movements hardly made him uncomfortable, his excitement too great and fueling him to no end. The lupo soon decided that his ass was ready for a second finger, adding it in his hole and starting to scissor his digits, finally hitting his prostate and making him moan.

Lust for something bigger overcame him, his fingers leaving his ass and his lube-covered paw, after gathering more of the liquid, starting to jerk the big dildo which had remained unattended so far. Posing the toy on his bed, tip in the air, he squatted over it, aiming it at the center of his tailhole with one paw.

Breathing deeply before going further and deeming himself prepared, Luca eased himself on the dildo, its tip entering him without trouble while his body engulfed it centimeter after centimeter. It was a good feeling, his ass getting filled by something thicker and being spread, something that he missed a lot.

The toy worked his way in, finally pressing against his prostate, making him moan while his lonely cock spurted some pre; surprisingly enough, he was still as hard as possible, the arousal only being increased by the idea of playing with his behind. He only stopped once he reached the fake knot, the big ball of plastic pressing against his ass.

Stopping himself for a second, the lupine enjoyed the feeling of being almost full, wishing that it wasn't a plastic toy doing that, but something attached to a real man. The regret passed away soon, his body demanding to move up and down the dildo, and so he did, jumping on the toy, his paws grabbing his cock and knot for the highest stimulation possible.

Luca knew perfectly how to pleasure himself, just how to move so that the toy hit his prostate every time, his paws busy jerking and squeezing, his hips bouncing and making his bed creak under him. He didn't focus on any fantasy or image, just using the feelings that was washing on him to reach the climax, moving faster and faster on the toy and matting his paw furs with his liquids.

Unconsciously, he began to press harder and harder, trying to get the last part of the dildo in him, and he was surprised once he managed that, the knot assaulting his hole until it gave in. The sudden fullness in his ass was the last thing he needed and, moaning loudly, he came hard on his bed after the plastic knot entered him, like he hadn't done for a while, his ass clenching on the invading object and his paws tightening their grasp on the tend meat.

He lied back, the dildo still embedded in him, releasing the grip on his cock so that it rested on his belly, spurting cum from time to time.

"I need another fucking shower now." Luca whispered before the powerful afterglow descended on his tired body.


1) Complete the picture.

2) What the fuck!

3) Bro!

4) Do you forgive me?

5) What is it?

6) Vulgar expression for masturbation.

7) The sausages.

8) My friend?

9) No more drama for tonight?

10) Popular Italian TV series about a priest who investigates crimes, portrayed by Terrence Hill, an actor previously know to do some cheap spaghetti western. Apparently popular outside Italy too.

11) By the way!

12) Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, a previously state-owned corporation which is the main provider of petroleum here in Italy.

13) Silly in this contest, though it also means stupid.