Dangerous Play: Preface

Story by YoungKitsune on SoFurry

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#1 of Dangerous Play

Pale morning sunlight peeked through the drawn curtains sending three streaks of insipid light from the shrouded window to opposite wall- the thick curtains unable to completely obliterate the penetrative light. The light grew even brighter as morning ticked on, the curse of having a room facing the east becoming painfully apparent as the once peaceful beams of light began to flood the room with bright intensity, forcing a black feline to finally stir from rest.

The feline, who was covered ear to tail in sleek jet-black fur, slipped off of the warm mass he had been laying on and stumbled lazily onto the aged wooden floor which creaked even under his slender frame. Holding onto his elbows in an attempt to retain any warmth within his nude body as he staggered over to the curtains his golden eyes were faced with the light directly, forcing a wince as he blindly reached out and yanked the curtains closed- successfully eliminating two of the three streaks of light. Only one remained due to the insufficient width of the curtain, but seeing as the band of light ran across the far side of the room it would cause little disturbance.

The lithe feline swayed on paws slowly regaining full control to the twin bed he had originated from, or rather back to the large mass he had been sleeping on until the bothersome light protruded into the room. As his eyes adjusted to the lack of light once again, another instantly came clearly into his sight.

A much larger body was sprawled across the minute bed, a tall and muscular frame belonging to a Doberman sleeping peacefully on his back, not phased whatsoever by the intrusion of light. One brawny arm hung off the edge of the bed; his calloused paw touching the floor while the other arm was bent near his head acting as another pillow. His chiseled chest of tawny brown fur rose and fell gently with each of his deep breaths, his muscled stomach following the same pattern but to a lesser degree. Two long legs jutted off the end of the bed, which was obviously not nearly long enough to accommodate for the Dobermans height.

The feline's eyes shifted to the end of the strained bed to find the thick comforter, which had been kicked off many hours ago and was the reason he was able to gaze upon the nude Doberman in his full form. Picking up the thick comforter and throwing it over both shoulders, the feline crawled between the two powerful legs and rested his head gently just under the neck of the Doberman. He fanned out one arm at a time, allowing the magnificently warm comforter to drape over both bodies. The delicate black paws roamed through the tawny chest fur as the feline attempted to sleep again, feeling mats of fur every so often that were reminiscent of the night prior. Shifting his body slightly upwards, his plump sheath met the other, nearly double in size. He rotated his hips ever so slightly, allowing a flutter of pleasure to wisp through his body, which responded with a quiet, nearly inaudible purr.

Two large arms wrapped around the feline creating a mesh of blanketed and exposed fur, but with the warmth radiating from another body along with the comforter, temperature was not an issue. The two remained motionless for a few minutes, and just as the feline felt the lull of sleep begin to pull him, the Doberman stirred.

"Tommy..." He said in a whisper, still half asleep.

"Jake..." Responded the feline with closed, sleep-induced eyes.

"We broke two rules." Jacob replied, his voice still that of a whisper.

"Did we?" Thomas responded with equal volume.

Both obviously had no intention of carrying on the conversation, and the room fell to complete silence once again as Jacob fell back asleep. Thomas on the other hand was now wide-awake, left with an interesting conundrum between them. He pretended to sleep as his mind worked around the trouble that was foreshadowed by Jacob's words. While it was dreadfully true Jacob had broken two of the three agreed upon rules, Thomas had broken all three that night; the effect of Jacob's statement nearly brining tears to Thomas's eyes as he contemplated the night prior, only hours ago.

The first rule was no kissing of any kind, and usually, the easiest rule to uphold. However, sometime after the first or second blowjob Thomas distinctively remembered a warm, wet, salty kiss between them. It was the first time the rule had been broken, yet neither of them expressed any concern about it. As a matter of fact, Thomas remembered many kisses after the first, as if the rule had never been established at all. Perhaps, Thomas thought, it was the breaking of rule one that lead to the utter obliteration of the third rule. After all, it must have been the first rule for a reason.

The second rule was also broken so blatantly it was as if it never existed. Granted it was much harder to abide by than the first, it was always remembered. Sharing a bed was the annoying second rule, for after a night filled of strenuous activity the last thing anyone wanted to do is get up and relocate himself to what always seemed to be a couch, or even worse, a floor. But this rule was, undoubtedly, the most important; for it prevented anyone from stumbling upon the two of them sleeping intertwined in precarious positions- much like they were in now.

Luckily, this rule was unimportant in their current situation. They were behind a shut door that required a keycard to enter (both of which, were somewhere in the room under the pile of shed clothing), which assured the both of them there would be no unwanted visitors and thus no reason to sleep on the couch, floor, or even the other bed, which was just as pristine as housekeeping had left it before Thomas and Jacob entered early yesterday morning.

Thomas took a deep breath inwards, inhaling the musky scent that lingered in the sheets and around their bodies. Exhaling, Thomas was left to contemplate only one issue- when he had broken the third rule. It was difficult to pinpoint, equivalent to pointing out one specific grain of sand on an endless beach. Like finding the grain, the general area could easily be identified (which Thomas knew to be sometime between the very moment and the past year), and one could even get so close to point a single claw over an area (which would have to be somewhere between now and the past two weeks). But in all truth, when the third rule was broken had no influence against the fact that it was broken, so Thomas, being the dedicated problem solver he was (and this was most definitely a big problem in the scheme), simply shut his racing mind down to rest.

Thomas stirred again as if his body had manually ejected him from sleep. He quickly realized his paws were no longer strewn across Jacob's chest, but rather touching the soft white sheets where Jacob had once been. Yawning deeply as he rose lazily from the bed, Thomas slowly looked around the room. The curtains were still drawn in the exact position he remembered yanking them, and light was now emitting from the bathroom. The sound of rushing water was evident as well, and Thomas fell back onto the bed figuring because the shower was currently occupied, there was no point in getting out of bed until it became available. Thomas prayed Jacob would use extra soap, shampoo, conditioner, and even use the fur dryer, for all added precious minutes he could spend within the warm folds of the bed.

Unfortunately, his prayers only allotted him another three and a half minutes until he heard the sound of the aged wooden flooring straining under each of Jacob's steps. Thomas rolled over to face the wall as he heard the squeaking get closer and closer, as if pretending to be asleep would prevent Jacob from advancing. The warm comforter was stripped off in a flash just one second later, forcing Thomas to groan in what would first sound like pain but was obviously a deep hatred for being forcefully woken up. He plunged his head into the pillow he was clinging on to, and soon felt two strong paws on his narrow shoulders which began to rock him slightly; the universal motion of attempting to wake someone up.

"Stop." Thomas snarled, digging deeper into the pillow.

Jacob simply laughed, for Thomas could never be very intimidating, and ran one paw slowly down from the left shoulder all the way to the base of Thomas's tail, which forced a gently purr from Thomas as Jacob began to give gentle tugs to the base of the long black tail.

"Stop. Stop. Stop." Thomas snarled yet again, pushing himself upwards and flicking his tail into his own possession as he leaned against the wall, yawning. His eyes finally opened to see Jacob, fully dressed in jersey, shorts, knee guards, shin guards, and a pair of old cleats with a bulky sports bag slung over his shoulder.

"Practice is in fifteen minutes." Jacob chimed calmly, to which Thomas responded be leaping out of the bed with a yell and bursting open a nearby duffle bag.

"You didn't wake me up? I can't believe you! What the hell?" He yelled as he pulled on a pair of lyrca shorts followed by running shorts,

"Damn we're gonna be the last people there! I won't even get breakfast!" His line of questions was quickly becoming a trail of complaints and whines as he pulled his jersey over his head and started shoving things left and right into a sports bag. Once everything had been messily compiled Thomas grabbed a keycard and headed hastily towards the door.

"We broke two rules last night." Jacob said in a tone of voice that was clearly awaiting a response from Thomas.

"Actually." Thomas said in an angry if-you-need-to-know tone,

"I broke all damn three."

Thomas's paw froze on the door handle, deciding to look back at Jacob's reaction before heading out, and to no surprise Jacob was standing wide-eyed and mouth lightly agape. His face held the expression of complete surprise, and truthfully it was the last thing either of them expected. Thomas slammed open the door and made his way down to the fields that the hotel had dedicated to the team's practicing, wondering how the hell he was supposed to regulate who he fell in love with.