What Would Become A Very Awkward Moment

A PAUSE in time seemed to consume the Earth in its entirety, a pause in which Derek was wishing he would wake up in any second, longing for the emerald eye gazing up at him to be nothing more than a reflection of light, and yearning for the quiet voice...

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What He Had Unleashed.

A LOUD knocking erupted from the door of the sleeping Derek's room, stirring him from his deep slumber. The noise resided as Derek lazily stretched in his head and opened a single eye that matched the outside sky, which remained unchanged from the day...

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Nearly Numb

THE GRAY clouds rolled ominously across the once cerulean sky, threatening a downpour at any given moment. The long, deep rumbles went unheard by the bustling campus below, where an uncountable amount of cars, vans, moving trucks and trailers all were...

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"... Nineteen... twenty... twenty-one... twenty-two..." Each languid count was met with a deep inhale, and the following with a calm, controlled exhale. Two brawny arms pressed a steel weight bar loaded with one hundred pounds of weights upwards,...

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An Endless Night in Rome

The setting golden sun bathed the bustling city in afternoon warmth; yet this unusually warm afternoon did not stop the marketplace from being flooded with local furs searching for dinner ingredients, and certainly did not stop the hoards of tourists...

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Dangerous Play - Chapter Three: Throw-In

"Sorry about Jake yesterday..." The lithe, jet-black feline said apologetically, twisting his fingers together nervously. It was Andrew who had picked Thomas up, and the stout bobcat who was bursting from a polo shirt a size too small had been nothing...

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Dangerous Play - Chapter Two: Professional Foul

The tears that had been brimming since he had stomped over the threshold of Jacob's house finally spilt over, hot against his cheeks in the chilly night air. He refused to let himself believe he was turned down by crush, instead chose horridly let down...

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Dangerous Play - Chapter One: Abandon the Game

The lithe feline covered in black fur sat exhausted and alone on the warm yellowing grass, attempting to hide himself from the aired heat of the setting summer sun. His normally shimmering and soft fur had been reduced to matted clumps of grime and...

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Dangerous Play: Preface

Pale morning sunlight peeked through the drawn curtains sending three streaks of insipid light from the shrouded window to opposite wall- the thick curtains unable to completely obliterate the penetrative light. The light grew even brighter as morning...

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