Chapter Two: Thorn of Ra-une

Story by Warnndog on SoFurry

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Chapter Two: Thorn of Ra-une

All Eric could think about was how wonderful he felt. It seemed as if he had drank the most potent wine out there. No wonder why Rane was handling it carefully. Though, Eric had imagined that being drunk would feel more differently. He seemed to have full control of his body, and he didn't have blurred or fuzzy vision. In fact he could feel every part of his body. He just felt free, felt alive, as if he had no worries in the world anymore. Eric looked up at the wolf rather submissively and uttered out of his mouth two words.

"More, please" Eric said eagerly. The wolf smiled as he looked at Eric again directly into his eyes. Eric didn't look away; in fact he wanted to look more into Rane's eyes as if he had to. Rane then grabbed the bottle and filled Eric's cup halfway again. Eric took no time in downing the entire contents of the cup and almost immediately he felt freer still. A few minutes ago he was so worried about life, about how he might be dead in a few hours, but now he had no worries. He then noticed him, Rane's big, muscular form. His fur was a light touch of gray, and his eyes were a soft brown. He wore leather amour, so Eric couldn't see much but he could tell that he was huge. He could also tell he was unusually fit by comparison to most of the men in this tavern. That was when he noticed it, his cock was erect and pressing again his wool pants. Eric couldn't understand it at first, but he was attracted to Rane. He then thought about hiding his erection, but he really didn't want to. Rane took his cup and filled it a quarter of the way full as he then started drinking it's contents, looking around the room.

"What did I tell you, Boy" Rane stated

"Nothing like it. How do you feel"?

"Really good Sir..." Eric stated eagerly. "I want more"

"Not now Eric, not now. You'll have some more later" Rane stated as then looked into the young canine's eyes directly

"Except what you'll be drinking next will be more concentrated and will give much more...

Pleasure." Almost immediately Eric envision himself sucking Rane's cock and drinking his sweet cum, making Eric even more horny as he stared into the wolfs eyes.

"Do you understand?" The wolf said as he took the bottle and placed it back in his satchel.

Eric just kept staring at him and then nodded. "I want more, sir", Eric said more eagerly as he kept looking at Rane.

"Good" Rane said in a much more commanding tone. "You can help me take care of some unfinished business." Rane stated as he got up, picked up his satchel and pushed his chair back in.

Eric then got up and pushed his chair in as well as he enthusiastically followed Rane to back of the bar and up the stairs.

Rane opened the door slowly as his eyes gazed upon a muscular fox standing in the corner by the by window. Rane just stood there for a moment as he stared at the fox's naked body, his back was turned to him and his butt looked nice and firm. His tail swished back and forth as the color of his red coat glistened in the sun. Eric stood there seeing that his caretaker had stopped, he couldn't help but focus on Rane, on his body. He cock grew and ached with eagerness staring at the wolf's back. He was entranced by the wolf's tail and stared at it with the same soft admiration that Rane stared at the fox.

"So Rane, are you going to stand their all day or do I have to come over there and get you?" The fox said as he turned around revealing his naked body in all it's glory. His bare chest, his chiseled abs and, of course, the fox's dick; fully erect at six inches. He began to move toward the smiling wolf.

"Of course not, Jake, obviously I kept you waiting long enough" Rane said smiling at the fox as he started grabbing on to buckle of his belt.

"You know I didn't have to wait, I could have fucked somebody else mercilessly"

"Yes, but you wouldn't have someone to fuck you, you need me for that"

"Currently yes, since your and I are the only ones in this town" Jake said smiling, his eyes focused on Rane's as he aided in Rane's buckle.

"Wait, what's that?" Jake said as his nose gave a quick sniff. "That scent. It's not yours, it's..." Jake said as he then turned his head slightly to look over Rane's shoulder. Right there, behind him not too much shorter than Rane was Eric, with a glazed look in his eyes watching Rane's tail.

"Oh, and how long were you going to keep him a secret?" Jake said as he looked at Eric's thin body and his increasing bulge pushing through his pants.

"Not long, he's going to be helping us out, Jake"

"Are you going to make him part of your Harem, part of your pack?"

"I haven't made up my mind, yet" Rane said stoically as he then pushed past Jake and navigated himself into the small room, dropping his satchel and sitting on the bed.

Eric, during this whole time, was staring at Rane's tail and ass; he could only imagine the taste of his cock in his mouth as he stared blissfully at the muscular wolf. Suddenly, Eric was jolted out of his trance as Rane began moving into the room, and before him stood a naked, well built fox. Jake could feel his high start to crash as his visions of cock soon turned into fear of the outside world again.

"So what your name, Boy?" The fox said staring at him. Eric looked at the fox and noticed his soft green eyes. For some reason he felt some comfort in those eyes as he moved a little forward, trying to look past him to catch a glimpse of his caretaker.

"My na-name.. i-is.." Eric began to say.

"Eric, his name is Eric, Jake" Rane stated as he was now taking his shirt off, revealing his chest. The large wolf then moved closer to the fox, who was just in the doorway and looking at the boy. The wolf was in nothing but his boxers and his bulge was showing as he stared at the young wolf. "Eric, lets not stand out there. It's safer in here" Rane said calmly looking toward Eric. Eric's tail began to wag, noticing that Rane started to take notice of him. Feeling his high crash more and more, Eric came in quickly, looking at the wolf and fox both.

"Eric, I have a task for you, my friend Jake here needs some help" Rane said softly, getting closer to Eric and looking deeply into his eyes. The young wolf smiled as his tail began to wag more and more.

"Yes, what is it sir?" Eric said softy as the then looked over at the fox who now had his arms crossed and was smiling as he looked at the two of them.

"Do you see his cock, Eric?" Rane said as he took his huge arms and moved his hands underneath the young wolf's shirt, feeling his soft gray fur, moving them over his stomach and up to his chest while taking his shirt with him. Eric could do nothing but close his eyes for a moment as his caretaker started to touch his body. He then quickly looked at the fox who was still standing there smiling. His mind soon became filled with passionate images lapping up the taste of the fox's meat. Eric then felt Rane's fingers touching his nipples as he nodded his head, still looking at the fox.

"Then, you know what you must do" Rane said as then drew his hands away from the young wolf and turned to face his satchel. Eric stood looking at the fox's dick as he started walking closer to him. His eyes couldn't help but stare at Jake's wonderful meat, and then he looked up at Jake. Jake noticed that he had some hesitation.

"What is it Eric, you don't want it?" Jake said as he look into his eyes. ric felt comfortable but still afraid. The weight of the situation seemed to hit him all at once. The high he once had was gone and now felt more fear than pleasure.

"I. I'm afraid, what are you going to do with me after this."

"Don't worry young one, we won't hurt you" Jake stated to him softly as he leaned in and licked him consolingly on the cheek. Eric felt a rush of pleasure as he felt Jake's wet kisses but he was still uncertain of his situation. He then realized that he was about to touch a guy's cock. Soon, he began to wonder what happened to him this whole entire time; the dreams, the fantasies.

"I'm not gay" he stated as he then looked at Jake. "Why am I here? The lust that men feel toward each other I've been taught is wrong. Thorn, my pack leader, he told.."

"Who?" Rane said rather quickly as he looked at Jake


"Shut up, Jake!" Rane said sternly at the fox. The fox seemed a little shocked, but content to follow the wolf's request as Eric began to feel more and more fear return to his body. It was almost a shock to his system after the pleasure he felt from the drink. Eric couldn't help himself, his knees buckled beneath him as he fell to the floor. Rane and Jake both rush and caught him as started to fall.

"I've never seen anyone crash this hard", Jake said, guiding Eric to the floor. Eric's knees were now on the floor as his eyes couldn't focus on anything else but the wooden planks beneath him.

"Thorn of Ra-une, that Thorn" Rane said in a more desperate tone as Eric's head and knees were both touching the floor. Faintly, Rane could hear Eric's response.


Rane's eyes were open wide as he fell to his knees as well. Jake knelt beside him, looking at him curiously. Rane was silent for a bit and then smiled.

"I though he was dead, but now I have a chance"

"Hmm someone you know, Rane?"

"You have no idea, Jake," said Rane, looking over at the fox with a sinister glare.