Stealing Third Base

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#3 of Footballer's Secret Life

The counterattack begins now!

Hey everyone,

_here it is the second part, sorry for taking so long but I had been busy, with a dear friend, Bladerush, visiting us! But here it is, the showdown between Melvin, Willy and Trevor! Will the panther manage to save his boyfriend from the lusty tiger? Just read and find out! And don't forget to vote, fave and comment ;-) Thank you my Gritou for proofreading, as always! _

Willy was looking at his bull, pacing in the small room, walking from wall to wall as a caged beast; which was fitting, since they have remained there all day long. Melvin had always been quite easy to read, and this time his nervousness would have been clear to anyone, with his inability to stay still and the soft snorts he uttered from time to time.

The panther was equally nervous, but he managed to keep everything inside, sitting on Melvin's bed, laptop on his knees. His mind was focused on defending his roan, anything else was just trivial and burned by the fire of his resolve; plus, he needed to be cool and radiate security, for the bull's sake. There was no use for the both of them being scared and shaken.

"Fuck, he is late." The jock cursed after looking at his clock, something that he rarely did and another indicator of how nervous he was feeling.

"Calm down, big guy. You know that the bastard is always late." The black feline said while finishing to type the last things on his computer.

"Yeah, but it is already evening! I want to be done with that!" The bull bellowed, pointing out to the dimming twilight outside of the window.

"I want that too, big guy. He will come in due time, just relax, okay?" Willy comforted the other, putting aside his laptop and standing up to hug the mountain of muscles and gentleness that was his boyfriend.

The bull hugged back, clinging to the smaller male, so strongly that it was almost hurtful. He had been more than just upset by this whole story, and he surely wanted to be done with it as quickly as possible. But that didn't mean he wasn't needing some comfort, and that's what he was getting now, the heat and the love of his panther melting away the worries and the rigidness in his body.

After a while they separated, Melvin looking more reassured than before. "Are you sure that your plan will work?" He asked, looking in his panther's eyes.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think it will." The other truthfully answered, ears flicking just a bit. Even the best of plans could fail, and this one was tricky enough, with so many things that could go badly; but they had took advantage of the day, gathering everything that could be useful. Most of that had been a surprise once found.

"O-okay." The bull mooed, eyes shifting.

"Big guy, we can change it if you feel uncomfortable." Willy patted the bigger fur lightly on the arm.

"N-no, actually, I don't. I'm just still a bit nervous, that's all." He grinned back, his eyes showing that he meant that. The panther had asked about his well-being a hundred times that day, making sure that he was okay with the plan. They could have devised another, or just don't go through with it completely, but if they succeeded with this one they would be safe from anything the tiger would throw at them. Plus, it would be very pleasurable for them, on so many different levels.

"You have the right to be nervous, big guy." Willy said, planting a kiss on those big lips, having to stay on the points of his feet to do so. He walked toward the window, wanting to see if he could catch Trevor arriving and, for a strange turn of the events, he glimpsed the striped feline just entering the dormitory.

"He's coming!" He almost shouted as he turned, excitement rushing in his veins. "This is the last opportunity, are you sure-"

Bovine lips shushed his question, a large tongue getting in his mouth and briefly brushing against his own. "I told you, I am!" The bull breathed after the small kiss. Willy tried to speak again, but he was left speechless after the smooching, and he had to use all his mental abilities to snap out of it.

He managed to do that just in time, as the door handle was turned, the door letting in the taller feline. Trevor showed a predatory grin when he saw Melvin, though that was hidden behind a mask of false affability once he noticed the presence of the panther.

"Hey Melvin, hey nerd! Being studying hard, eh?" The tiger spoke, veiling his insult behind a tone of friendship; no one was ever fooled by that.

"In a matter of speaking, we were." The black furred panther answered, not even trying to put a friendly mask. They both stared at the newcomer, serious, their facial features as carved in stone. Trevor's stare flipped between the two, analyzing and observing, before the varsity player's expression changed in a meaner one.

"Oh, I see. The fag spitted out about our deal, didn't you Melvin?" The buff feline sneered at them with a flash of white fangs, easily realizing the truth. "I told you not to, tailraiser. That means I am forced to-"

"Not so fast, Trevor." Willy stopped the big cat in his tracks, still remaining seriously calm. "That means nothing."

"Oh? But it does. I will spill the beans now, and you fags will get what you deserve." With that, the tiger began to turn, as if his intent was to carry out his threat that same moment.

"You're not going anywhere, Trevor. We have to discuss things." The panther spoke with a tone of command, the tiger turning back with a surprised expression and flicker of ears. He was probably shocked to hear someone talking back, even more so since a nerdy, little fuck was doing that. It was one of the reasons why Willy was going to talk, as they had decided earlier.

"There is nothing to discuss. You are fags, I'm going to reveal that, and you will live in a living hell because of that. If only that fucking tailraiser would have agreed with my proposal, I wouldn't be forced to do that." Trevor growled, fur spiking a bit and chest puffing out to intimidate. He actually succeeded with Melvin, who instinctively moved behind his boyfriend; but it didn't work on Willy himself, the anger that had been festering in him since the previous day making him immune.

"Don't be a stupid shithead, Trevor. Do you think I would let you do that, without at least talking?" Willy simply replied in a condescending tone; by the increased movement of the tiger's ear, that annoyed the other, making him fear he had done too much.

"... Fine. I'll let you talk, but nothing will change." Trevor agreed after a few seconds, eliciting a sigh from the bull. The panther did the same internally, all the while not breaking his composure.

"Good. I won't try to make you see how evil, sick and wrong it was of you to blackmail Melvin in such a way, putting him in a corner." Willy began, heating up at every word. "Instead, I will tell you what we did after Melvin told me about your... proposal."

He stopped a second, to see if the tiger would interrupt him at this point, but nothing came. The jock was just standing there, in front of the door, facing the other two. The bull now felt a bit more safe, and he moved toward his own desk, leaning on it with a paw near his computer.

"After calming down Melvin," the panther continued, "we began to think on why you would do that. The way you reacted implied that you hate anything involving gay sex, but then you asked for it too."

"I didn't-"

"Shush, I am talking, and, however you would put it, you DID ask to fuck another male." Willy raised his voice, not tolerating the intrusion of the tiger. He showed a bit of teeth, and, strangely enough, there were no more protests after that.

"Good. As I was saying, no completely straight guy would have asked for that, opting for something else. That left us with the conclusion that you are, at least, bi-curious." The panther explained calmly, and this time the other feline behaved and stayed silent. "Such assumption was supported by the fact you had been watching the video for quite a while, since Melvin didn't catch the beginning of it."

"It was pretty much the middle of it." The bull pointed out,attracting briefly the eyes of the striped fur. The fire in them made the roan cross his arms in an instinctive gesture of defense, but he realized that and immediately put his paws back on the desk, one brushing the keyboard of the computer by accident.

"That made me think. What if you behave like that to hide you being interested in the video? And what if that wasn't the first time?" He stopped, letting the words sink in and carefully watching for any reactions. A brow twinkled a bit, a bit of snarl appearing, but the tiger was a good actor, not showing anything more; but just that small things showed that he was going in the good direction.

"Curious, we checked the other videos in the folder. Melvin knew that he didn't watched them since he got them, so we were surprised to see that they had been visioned... Multiple times." The panther stared at the tiger with meaningful eyes, earning a smile full of smug from him.

"So, according to your reasoning, I have been the one watching those videos, again and again?" Trevor sneered, a brow irking. "There are no proves, and nothing has changed."

"Oh, but that is just the beginning." The panther smiled back at him in a predatory way. He was quite enjoying this hunting, using logic to get the tiger trapped, and he knew he had winning arguments.

"We knew perfectly that it was enough. So, I went to your own computer-"

"YOU LOOKED AT MY COMPUTER!?" The footballer growled loudly with rage.

"We did, and you can't really talk, Trevor. So, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Melvin bellowed, and him doing that after being silent for so long surprised the tiger so much that he did as asked. The geeky panther was pleased to see that, his bull reacting and defending him.

"We looked at your computer. By the way, SUPERFUCKER91 isn't a good password." He taunted the other feline, grabbing his laptop from the bed, opening a file on it and turning it toward the jock. "Tell me if this is familiar."

Trevor stepped closer, gazing upon the screen. Willy couldn't see it, of course, but he knew already what was playing there, and could imagine the scene associated with the sounds.

"Oh yeah, bitch, take this cock!" A male voice growled.

"Yes, fuck me hard, mate!" Another voice replied, equally manly. The video kept going with its cheesy porn phrases, but Willy wasn't focusing on the dialogue, instead satisfying himself with watching Trevor's face. And that was quite a show, redness appearing among the white-furred cheeks, mouth gaping as trying to say nothing; he decided that the video had hit his mark, so he paused it and posed the laptop back on the bed, screen facing them and the other bed, showing a beefy Rottweiler doing a Doberman hard. The pic didn't masked how both participants were male.

The tiger kept moving his mouth, still too shocked to utter any word; but he regained his cool pretty quickly, even if the blush still lingered on his face.

"I-I don't know that video, you-"

"Of course you know it, it was on your own PC!" Melvin snorted from behind him, a bit disgusted. He had been almost furious when they had found out the hidden folder full of gay porn, and rightly so.

"And it wasn't the only one. It is clear that you are more than willingly to have sex with another man." The panther stated the obvious.

"I-I began to search for that only after I found out the videos of you two fags fucking! It's your fault for turning me gay!" Trevor shouted, an accusing finger pointed at them.

"Not true. You know, it's quite easy to see when you downloaded something.... or when you got an account of the Bluepaws site." Willy crushed the arguments, one by one, taunting him and keeping the best for last. "You also have quite the collection of dildos...."

The footballer lost any remark he could use, his eyes darting from the panther's calm face to the grim-looking one of the bovine. Now the cat was out of the box, the secret reveled, and the jock hadn't any power left; he seemed to realize that, for a second, his shoulder slouching, but then his arrogant posture came back.

"Alright, I like watching men fucking, and sticking things in my ass. So what?" He asked, his expression clearly showing that his ego wasn't dented at all.

"You've been threatening me and Willy be gay bashed, when you are gay too, hypocrite!" The roan mooed, stepping forward as if to grab the tiger, but he stopped when the panther motioned to stay there. He was quite impress by his boyfriend's acting talent.

"I-I didn't mean to go through it! I-I just wanted to try butt sex, that's all!" The feline defended himself, ears flicking.

"That might be the truth, but don't you think you were acting in the wrong way? Scaring Melvin?" Willy calmly pointed, still not showing any sign of anger.

"I just wanted that so badly, that's all..." The other one pouted, sounding like a spoiled child. In a way, he really was a spoiled child, since he didn't show any remorse for doing that.

"You could have got it in any other way, you bastard!" The bull growled, his muzzle showing his deep anger. They stayed silent for a while, the tiger being at the center of the angry stare of Melvin and the more posed but equally hard one of the panther. The striped feline felt that, shifting his feets and not looking at them directly.

"I guess the deal is off, don't worry, I won't tell anyone..." The tiger finally spoke again, still visibly pouting about how the situation turned out, almost turning to go out of the room. "I won't taste butt sex..."

"The deal is off, sure, but the sex isn't." Willy said, still with a firm and calm tone.

"W-WHAT!?" Melvin exclaimed. Once again, he looked quite genuine in his surprise, as if he was really hearing this for the first time; of course, he was acting, but the panther couldn't be anything but impressed how well he did.

"You mean I can fuck you?" Trevor raised his head, looking hopefully, like a ten year old kid in front of a candy shop.

"No, not that. You won't fuck us, we will fuck you." He stated matter-of-factly.

"But-but Willy, we can't... Not after..." The bull muttered, still looking unconvinced.

"He wants to have gay sex, and he will get it, big guy. For all the troubles we have been through because of him, he will be the one on the bottom." The panther continued the charade, his paw raised as to stop any more protesting. The bull did stop talking, as if contemplating the fact, for a few minutes.

"Alright, it seems fair enough..." The bull mumbled in the end, half-heartly. Considering that they were about to fulfill one of his fantasies, he must have summoned all his acting skills to hide how excited he was.

"BOYAAAA!" Trevor exulted, then stepped in the roan's direction, arms open and stretched to capture him in a hug and, probably, a kiss.

"Wow, stop there, no kissing!" Willy interposed himself between the two. They both had agreed that there wouldn't be any kissing with the tiger, since that would have been... too much. For the sake of their plan, they would do only the bare minimum.

"Whatever you want, as long as I get fucked." The feline shrugged off the matter quite easily, instead starting to undress himself. He took off his varsity jacket and his paws had grabbed the hem of his shirt when he noticed the the other two weren't doing the same.

"Why aren't you getting naked?" The feline asked, puzzled, his tail roping behind him in expectation.

"We like to see the goods before showing our own." The panther replied, a predatory smile on his muzzle.

"Yeah, undress now, kitty!" Melvin ordered in his most dominating voice, a rumbling tone that he rarely used. The striped jock's ears flattened at those remarks, but their owner just shrugged his shoulders again, and go back to his task.

He didn't do the undressing in a sensual way, teasing them and slowly unveiling his toned body. Instead, he just took off his shirt as quickly as possible, his developed abs and pecs appearing all of a sudden before tensing when the tiger went for his shoes. Jumping on one footpaw at the time, he launched away his shoes and socks, leaving him barefooted, then passed to unbuckle his pants, a very noticeable bulge present there. With one swift movement, he lowered them and his boxer, exposing a nice cock of feline proportion, already completely out of its sheath, barbs prominent on the red meat.

"So, I'm naked! It's your turn now!" Trevor exclaimed while barely restraining himself not to bounce around with excitation; something else bounced though, up and down, dropping some pre.

"Uhm, not the most erotic undressing..." The bull grunted, seemingly unimpressed. But his boyfriend knew that, deep down, he was enjoying that, having power over the tiger after lusting for him, and for so long. He probably waited a long while to see his previous crush in that state.

"True, true..." Willy mused, his paws going to his bull and starting to undress him, while the other did the same to him. They didn't waste time, even if they did caress each other while doing it, teasing the tiger with that contacts and with the quickly increasing quantity of exposed fur. The panther was sure of the hotness of the show, black and roan meeting and mixing, and by the moans coming from the tiger he wasn't the only one to think that.

Finally, they were finished with the task, now all three of them naked, sporting big erections, ready to what would come next.

"So, what's going to-" Trevor tried to ask, but the bull didn't permit words.

"Shut up kitty, and go on my bed. On your paws and knees, tail aside, now!" He ordered, showing a great deal of dominance. Willy always enjoyed seeing that side of his roan, the more confident one, so different from his usual submissive self; he knew he was channeling it to fight his instincts to serve both cats, and the result was quite majestic.

The tiger once more flattened his ears, not used to get addressed in such way, but once again accepting it, probably being hit in parts of himself he didn't even knew before. He stayed silent, while doing as said, jumping on the bed, positioning himself as he was asked. The vision of such a hunky and manly tiger being on all four, and intentionally baring his most precious corner to their eyes was as hot as they have imagined, firing up their lust.

"Someone really wants to be fucked hard, don't you think big guy?" The thinner feline asked to his mound of muscles, his cock already hitching to get somewhere, preferably tight and hot.

"I agree." The other one rumbled, appreciating the view of the pink pucker.

"You should prepare him, so he can get what he wants..." He murmured to his lover, already moving to get what they needed from its hidden place. They were going to punish him, but that wouldn't mean they would hurt him... physically. He found the lube quickly, while the bovine was already positioned between Trevor's tights, breathing on the tailhole and groping those lustrous asscheeks, something that was met with loud moans.

Willy diligently posed to tube of lube besides the bull, even if he wouldn't need it right away, and moved to the other end of the tiger, roughly grabbing his hair. Trevor's eyes widened at that move, and even more when he saw the red cathood few inches away from his muzzle.

"Suck. I know you want that." The panther hissed, pushing the tiger's face against his crotch. The jock, after a few seconds of surprise, just opened his muzzle, giving a tentatively lick to the cock presented to him, tasting some other man's juice for the first time. He must have liked it, since he instantly began a more complete licking, his tongue exploring every part of Willy's pole, every veins, teasing the barbs. It was rough and inexperienced, the raspy tongue not even competing to the one belonging to his bull, but it still was pleasurable to a high degree, seeing such a "straight" jock enjoying a muzzleful of cock.

Said athlete moaned loudly all of sudden, stopping the licking, and a glance at his side made the panther see a horned head pressing against the striped bottom, Melvin having started to rim the tiger, something he was very good at. The black feline could actually imagine the act in all its details, the broad and smooth tongue pressing against the hole, licking and chewing, relaxing the pucker until it gave in, letting the ribbon of flesh enter it and stroke it from the inside, giving the receiver much pleasure.

And it sure did that effect to Trevor, who was now moaning at the top of his lungs, mouth wide open and already thrusting his hips to meet the tongue's movement. Taking advantage of the moment, Willy shoved his cock in the gaping muzzle, not all of it so to advert chocking. The tiger responded with enthusiasm at the act, joyfully accepting the cathood, already sucking on it as if his life depended on it.

Again, he was far from being as good as his bull, not fully stimulating the barbs nor sucking in just the right way, but that wasn't a problem, since it didn't take out any of the hotness of dominating such a jock. The panther didn't moved his hips, as he was sure the fellow feline wasn't prepared to being facefucked, so he stayed still, enjoying the sucking and how Trevor was slowly taking more inches of his pole in his mouth.

He turned again a bit, to watch what his roan was doing to the tiger's behind, apparently still littering it with his spit, kissing it loudly and making a mess of the fur there. Then, he must have decided it was enough, because he parted the hole with a final lick, straightening himself a bit while one paw fished the lube , expertly opening it with one paw and coating one thick finger with its sticky content.

The panther actually felt the moment his bull pressed the finger against the taint, because the tiger just stopped his bobbing, probably wanting to enjoy the moment.

"I think the kitty wants that finger in, big guy." Willy noted, chuckling a bit.

"Oh yes, he does." The other rumbled, probably adding some more pressure since the panther felt the tiger tensing just a bit, before relaxing once more. He decided he needed more action to his cock, so he grabbed the feline's head with both paws and started to slowly thrusting in, making that mouth just a hole where he shoved his cock.

The tiger didn't complain, at all, just moaned, while his hips moved to get more of the invading finger, or so it seems. Willy was actually impressed by that, he knew how thick the bovine's fingers were, but that showed how lose that hole was thanks to his extensive collection of toys. Soon the couple built a rhythm, with one thrusting his cock while the other took out his finger, making sure that there was always something inside the tiger.

And that something increased on the anal side, since the bull added another finger to the one already in, stretching the hole even more. But Trevor didn't seem uncomfortable, just renewed his movements, now actively bobbing his head again, so to add his efforts in the blowjob. He was quickly improving his skills, the panther had to admit, now moving his tongue more, trying to caress everything and to push the right buttons, even playing with the lowhangers bumping on his chin a bit. That made him coming closer and closer to the edge, to the point that he contemplated to climax in that mouth.... But it wasn't time yet.

"Is that ass ready? Because I just need it right now." The black furred male asked to his jock, wanting to taste that ass, and to properly prepare it for the bull.

"Oh yeah, you can have a go at it!" The other replied. They both let go of the submissive tiger at the same time, leaving him panting but still in the pose, and with a craving deep in him. The two lovers switched their positions, the big bull going for the head and immediately getting his cock inside the hot crevice, finally meaning attended to.

The smaller feline climbed on the bed, his cock being attracted by the pink, lube coated taint in front of him, his vision unhindered since the striped tail was still bent on a side. He didn't go slow, he couldn't after all, he just aligned himself without much teasing, aiming for the center of the hole, and pushed, the rimming and fingering of before having succeeded in relaxing and preparing it.

The cock just sunk in, inch by inch, until he felt his balls slapping against the white ones belonging to the tiger. He extended a paw under him, and chuckled when he found out the hard tigerhood, the penetration not taking any of the pleasure from the bottoming jock. He glanced to his boyfriend, now openly thrusting in his ex friend's muzzle with ease, and winked at him, before starting to move their hips in tandem.

He gave all of himself in the task, moving as quickly and as hard as possible, the male under him squirming in the pleasure of getting two cocks in him. That was too much for the feline, who suffered his species's perks and issues, as he found himself cumming after only a few thrusts, feeling the ass to the brim and moaning loudly, the exceed of cum trickling from the abused hole down to their balls.

The bull stopped his own movements, a quizzical expression on his muzzle. He just nodded him, pulling himself out and going to sit on the other bed, pushing aside the computer that was still there.

"You spent my boyfriend quickly, your ass must be something, kitty!" The bovine mooed, taking his cock out of the feline's mouth. He then turned him around, effortlessly and without protest, laying the tiger on his back, with his cock bouncing and deposing on the white belly, smearing pre on the fur.

Melvin didn't wait much time, just moved to the bed and picking up his teammate's legs, deposing them on his big shoulders, or at least against his pecs. The tiger just laid there, looking as if he was experiencing the best thing in the world; it wasn't that far from the truth, after all, the feline seemed to craving cock even more than Melvin did in his most submissive fits.

The bull, excited to no end, just pushed, or so it seemed to Willy, who stayed lazily on the bed, arousal returning slowly. The top jock entered the tiger slowly, wanting to savor each moment, something that was helped by the fact he was far from done. He was going to show to his ex friend what kind of stamina he had!

A moan escaped the two mating furs, signalizing that all of the bullhood was inside now. Usually, when the panther was on the bottom, they would have shared a kiss now, enjoying the feeling of being one, but this time the roan's only wish was to mate, brutally. And so he began, without pause, getting out of that ass inch by inch, shoving all of it back in right away, stretching the hole and smashing the tiger's prostate.

Trevor seemed to have fallen into a stupor, moaning loudly but not doing anything more, just taking that massive cock. Willy rouse from the bed, to get a closer look, and could distinctly see the tigerhood jump and throb when his lover's pole entered the feline, again and again. Such display, his boyfriend taking another man, was arousing him in a strange way, probably because it asserted his lover's dominance over all.

He stayed there, watching his bull's cock going in and out of the striped ass, every time from a different angle, causing pleasure in the receiving fur. Not happy of a partial view, Willy stood up, jerking his newly formed erection, and looked more closely, noticing how the footballer's cock throbbed and jumped with each thrust, a clear sign of the pleasure he was getting.

With a sudden move, he approached the bastard's head and immediately fed him his cock, something that was easily accepted by the tiger, who started to suck and slightly bob his head. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, the panther turned toward his lover, finding his muzzle getting closer to his own, asking for a kiss.

Willy complied, accepting those lips, locking their tongues in a fight, all the while the tiger under them received the hard thrust of both with muffled moans; he could even felt the big cat purr in pleasure, thanks to the vibration his cock was getting. Being more bent certainly was doing the trick for Trevor, thanks to the change of angle and the increased hits on his prostate.

The raspy tongue of the panther explored the broad muzzle of his bull, every angle of it, something that he could after fending off attacks upon attacks, sometimes succeeding, sometimes not; but the outcomes were always liked by the two partners, and, indirectly, by the feline under them, who enjoyed a faster speed.

Then, all of sudden, Willy felt the other feline tense, his nostrils being hit by a sudden, foreign musk. They interrupted their kiss, their eyes looking down to see load after load of tiger seed landing on Trevor's fur, while the feline thrashed around in pleasure. The clenching of the not-anymore-virgin ass must had been what the bull needed, because Melvin shoved his cock one last time, mooing as he only did when coming, his paws grabbing the hips of his ex friend so that he couldn't escape the sudden flood of cum in his innards.

The black furred feline, having extracted his cock from the climaxing tiger, mostly in fear of being bitten in the throws of passion, started to jerk off. He moved his paw up and down his pole, just a few times, before he came too, something that he felt the need too even after his previous orgasm. He directed the streams on the tiger's chest, adding his own semen to the one of Trevor, completing the white mess which was noticeable despite the immaculate fur.

The three of them filled the room with pants, everyone trying to gain his breath. Willy, even in his afterglow, still remembered the one last thing he needed to do, grabbing one, small, metallic thing.

"Say cheese, Trevor!" He exclaimed, snapping a photo that showed the clear result of the striped jock being fucked, with a cock still embedded in him. The flash of the camera awakened Trevor, his eyes opening up, fear in them.

"W-what the fuck!?" The feline asked, frenetically trying to be freed of the massive body over him. Melvin let him do that, his dormant cock exiting the ass along with a copious amount of cum. He stood up, sheltering his boyfriend from the incoming attack, the weakened athlete no match for him even now.

"I demand you to cancel that photo!" He shouted, trying hard to get to the camera even while blocked by the bovine.

"No can do. Plus, it's already in my personal cloud, where you can't get it." Willy answered him, seriousness returning to his voice. The other heard the tone and stopped, realizing that he couldn't do anything now.

"W-what do you want to do with that?" He asked, his words filled in panic.

"It is an insurance that you won't do anything to us. As the videos are." The panther replied, simply, intimidating even if naked.

"V-videos?" The defeated jock repeated, shell-shocked.

"Yep, you see, my computer over there, and his, are recording everything." This time was Melvin who spoke, almost jovially pointing out to the devices.

"We don't trust you. You might be a closeted homosexual, but you blackmailed Melvin when you could have come out." Willy continued, looking grim. "If you ever try something against us, you know now you would lose more than us."

"But-but-but..." Trevor murmured, on the verge of tears. That could have been a sad and moving show, if the panther didn't know the fur had attempted to force his boyfriend in being fucked. Still, he deserved a bit of hope.

"We aren't soulless. We will destroy the material, if you prove us you can be trusted." He finished in a more reassuring tone, throwing the proverbial carrot to the tiger.

"We could even permit you to be fucked again!" The bovine cheerfuly said. But neither statements really worked, tears actually appearing in the feline's eyes, who rushed to the bathroom and locked himself in there.

"Have we been too harsh?" Melvin asked, hugging his boyfriend. The panther enjoyed the warmth of his bull, his roan fur against his own black one.

"Maybe. We will explain him better after he calmed down." He answered his lover. However, deep down, he was happy. He had punished the fur who hurt his big guy, and assured he wouldn't do the same, ever again.

He hugged his bull with more strength, planting a kiss on his big lips, basking in his love and in the satisfaction of the moment.