Verve Chapter Two: Confusion, Conviction, Confession

Story by Drex on SoFurry

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#2 of Verve

Drex awoke the next morning and when he did, he was wide awake. He was excited to see Jason again. Even more excited than he had been the day before for his first day of school. He quickly got himself out of bed and into the shower.

Once he was finished with his shower, he rummaged through is drawers looking for something to wear. He was nervous and couldn't find something he liked. He had to settle on a black shirt depicting one of his favorite bands and a pair of blue jeans. He grabbed his backpack and suddenly realized he should grab some of his stories. Maybe Jason would like to see them.

He stepped out of his room to see Colin sitting on the couch watching TV. Drex realized he hadn't seen the tiger since their break the day before when he told him he was giving Jason a ride home.

"Well now, you got home late, did you have a good time on your date?" Colin asked jokingly as he turned the volume on the TV down.

"Yeah, I did," the otter replied. The sudden realization of what Drex had just said gave him an odd feeling in his stomach. A mixture of happiness that he met the wolf and dread that he just said an incredibly embarrassing thing.

The tiger noticed this and before Drex could say anything said, "Haha, see, I told ya it was a date."

"I just woke up, give me a break. It wasn't a date," Drex said. He wasn't sure if this was a lie or not. He did have a great time with Jason, he even kissed him, but would dinner with his family be considered a date?

"Haha, well, whatever. I already at. So you may wanna get yourself some cereal or something. That report almost killed me last night. I can't believe the first day of class that teacher wanted a three page report due the next day. This class is gunna suck," Colin said with a sigh.

Drex was happy the subject had been changed. "Well, I'm sure you'll do fine. Just don't get lazy and you will have that class done in no time. We only have to go to each class for six weeks and we'll get new ones."

"I guess you're right. Anyway, hurry up and eat. We gotta head out soon," Colin said as he turned the volume on the TV back up.

Drex looked through the cabinets of their dorm and found a box of cereal. He poured it into a bowl seeing bran flakes with raisins fall out of the box. He put the box away and headed to the refrigerator. He got out a carton of milk and poured it over the cereal as well as into a glass. He then joined Colin on the couch.

He ate his breakfast rather quickly while enjoying the show that was playing on the TV. After finishing his bowl, the two headed out the door and to the school.

"Well, I am this way," Colin announced as they came across a hallway in the school. "I'll see you at break. Why don't you bring your friend. Best friends are required to screen each others friends. I read that somewhere," he said jokingly.

Drex wasn't sure if he wanted Colin to meet Jason just yet. Was he scared that Jason would out him and tell Colin that his best friend is gay? Jason would never do that!

"Alright, I'll ask him if he wants to hang out. I'll catch you later." With that, Colin headed off in the opposite direction while Drex headed for Theory Room 10.

When Drex entered the room he saw that more people had come in earlier than yesterday. He looked over at his seat expectedly but Jason had not arrived yet.

"Morning Drex. I graded your group assignment, I must say, I'm impressed. I saw how quickly you finished it and you got every answer correct." Mr. Johnson was sitting at his desk holding the group assignment in his paw.

"Oh, thanks. It was nothing really I just..."

Drex was cut off by a voice behind him. "Hey Drex!"

Drex felt a rush of joy flood his body at the sound of the voice behind him. He turned around to see the wolf giving him a happy smile.

"Hey Jason," Drex said with a wide smile of his own.

"Take your seats boys, class is about to begin," Mr. Johnson said.

The two went to their seats and awaited the bell that would start the class. As seemed to be a routine for Mr. Johnson, he began with a lecture first. He would ask questions, make jokes and was all around enjoyable to listen to which kept the class interested. After the lecture, they were once again split into groups to do their work. Drex quickly picked Jason as his partner.

"I hope you slept well. I didn't think I would ever get to sleep as excited as I was to meet with you again," Jason said in a low tone. The rest of the class's chatter was enough to keep their conversation private for the most part.

"I didn't have any trouble getting to sleep, but I don't think I have ever been more wide awake after just waking up in the morning," Drex replied as he looked at the wolf then back to the paper he was working on.

Jason looked through the book noticing that Drex was answering the questions again without looking at the book at all. "You know, this is a group assignment, I should probably find the answer to at least one of those," Jason said with a bit of a laugh.

"Oh, sorry about that. I guess it is just a habit of mine heh. How about you answer from the last question and I will answer from the first so we meet somewhere in the middle," Drex suggested.

"That'll work," Jason responded. "So have you a boyfriend before?" Jason asked sounding a bit nervous.

"Well, no, I haven't. I haven't told anyone that I am..." Drex tried to find the right words. "That I am who I am. So that has made it a tad hard to get a boyfriend because I'd be scared of everyone finding out," the otter admitted.

The wolf considered this for a minute. "Well, I told my family, but aside from that, no one knows I'm gay either."

The word seemed to roll off of Jason's tongue so much easier than it did for Drex. He almost felt weird saying it out loud. He knew he was gay, no doubt, but saying it seemed to scare him a little.

"You told your parents? How did they react?" Drex asked.

"They pretty much said they knew all along. I think it is a parent thing. They know these things. I told them when I was 15. My little brother didn't really understand it at the time, but he does now and he is pretty accepting about it as well." Jason had stopped reading the book and was looking at Drex with a bit of a smile.

"That's cool. I don't know if my parents would react as cool as yours did. My dad talks about gay people sometimes. About how it is sinful. I dunno, I sure didn't choose to be this way. So if God made me this way. Why would it be sinful? Anyway, I just didn't think I should tell them. At least not yet," Drex said.

"So, does that mean you would want to keep what happened between us a secret?" Jason asked as he started to look through the book again.

Drex wasn't sure if Jason would react badly to his answer or not. "Well, for a while at least. I'm still not sure I want to tell people just yet. This has all been a huge step for me. Just yesterday I hadn't even kissed a guy. Now I have someone that wants to be my boyfriend. You do want to be my boyfriend right?" Drex realized that while Jason was talking about boyfriends, he never said he was Drex's.

"Well, yes, I would like to be, if that is ok with you anyway," the wolf replied.

Drex had never seen Jason so nervous. "I'd really like that. I just don't want everyone to know just yet. I still need to get use to all of this," the otter admitted.

"That's alright, I won't say anything. While, I don't mind people knowing, I don't want to wear some gay pride badge around all day or anything like that. When you're ready to tell someone, I will be there to help you." Jason looked at Drex with a happy expression.

"Thanks, I am glad you understand." Drex didn't know what else to say so he turned back to the paper and scribbled down another answer.

"Oh, I found number 20, it is right here." Jason pointed to the part in the book that held the answer and Drex nodded writing it down on the paper.

"I almost forgot. Would you like to hang out with me and a friend on our brake later? He wants to meet you, said something about screening my new friends. Don't worry, he's a good guy." Drex hoped the wolf would accept the offer.

"Really? That'd be cool. I'd like that. Where should I meet you?" Jason asked excitedly.

The otter told Jason about the place he and Colin met up at while answering the final question on the paper. He noticed that while Jason answered a few of the questions, most of them were done by himself. He didn't mind though, he enjoyed the time he spent with the wolf.

"Oh, I brought some of my stories, since you let me see your artwork." Drex opened his backpack and pulled out a few pages of paper. "You can hold onto these ones. They're just copies so you can read them whenever."

The wolf had a gleeful expression on his face as he took the papers and put them into his own bag. "I'll read them at work today. Tuesday is usually a pretty slow day at the book store."

"I hope you like them," the otter said. Drex felt a burst of pride flow through him and he couldn't hold back the smile on his face. "Say, do you need a ride to work? I wouldn't mind seeing where you work."

Jason considered the offer for a moment. "Well, I don't have to actually be there until an hour after school. I can just take the bus. It's no big deal really," the wolf said.

"How about this. You can hang out at our dorm room until it is time for me to take you. I don't like the idea of you taking a city bus when I'm more than happy to give you a ride," Drex replied with a worried look on his face.

"Well, if you really feel so strongly about it. Sure, I'll hang out with you after school then. It will be cool to not have to whisper when we talk heh." Jason's face showed he was extremely happy the otter offered him a ride again.

The bell rang signaling the end of the class. Its ring sent a pang of sadness that both the wolf and otter shared. Their time with each other was up. The break wasn't for another three hours.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at break. Have fun in your other classes," Drex said to the wolf with a smile and extended a paw.

Drex felt bad that he had to shake the hand of his new boyfriend. He just couldn't bring himself to hug the wolf in public. His fears, a very vivid thought in his mind.

Jason didn't seem to mind, he just smiled and took the paw into his own. "I'll see you later. I can't wait to meet your friend. Have fun in your classes."

Drex stayed behind to pick up his belongings while Jason headed out the door looking back on occasion before disappearing from sight. Drex let out a sigh as he picked up a note book and stuck it into his bag.

"You know, you'll be late for your next class if you don't speed it up a bit," Mr. Johnson said.

This made Drex jump a little. "Oh, sorry. You're right. I better get going," the otter said.

"Hang on a sec Drex. I couldn't help but notice you seem to like your group partner. Much more than a friend," Mr. Johnson looked at Drex with a bit of a grin.

Drex insides felt like they were going to burst. Had they been that obvious? Had anyone else noticed? Would people start to spread rumors about him now?

Mr. Johnson seemed to notice and said, "Listen, it's because of years of experience that I could tell. You seem to like the wolf. I'm happy to see that."

"I...just...wait. Years of experience? You mean you're..." Once again Drex couldn't say the word.

"Gay? That's right." Mr. Johnson's smile didn't fade as he continued, "I've been happily in love with my boyfriend for many years. If it were legal here, we would probably be married. It's a confusing and tough time for you right now. We'll have to leave that for another day though, you'll be late for your next class."

Drex saw the time and hurried out of the room. He stopped at the doorway and said, "Mr. Johnson?" He wasn't sure what he wanted to say to the bear that looked back at him. "Thanks." He hurried out the door thinking about what a dumb thing he had just said.

Drex sat in his second period class, history, thinking about what his teacher said. How happy he sounded and how easily he told Drex that he was gay. He didn't absorb much of what the teacher was saying since he was deep in thought.

When the teacher had ended her lecture, she handed out an assignment that was due the same day. Drex looked it over and started looking through the book for answers. He couldn't seem to focus on the words and couldn't find any answers. By the time the bell rang he only had half the questions done.

The rest of the day went on in the same fashion. Why had his teacher told him he was gay? Did he want Drex to know he wasn't alone? He was sure it was intended as a good gesture. That was just how Mr. Johnson was.

The bell for his last class before break couldn't have come too soon. Drex rushed out of the room, thoughts of the wolf flooding his mind. He even forgot about what his teacher told him. Jason was all he could think of now as he hurried through the hall to the place they decided to meet up at.

Drex saw Colin sitting at the bench they met at the day before.

"So, did your friend say he would come?" Colin asked.

"Yeah, he said he'd be here, I hope he can find the place." Drex looked around the room for his friend.

It wasn't long before Jason walked into the room looking for the bench Drex told him about. Drex saw him first and stood up waving over to the wolf. When he saw Drex, his confused expression changed to one of happiness.

"Hey Drex," Jason said as he walked over to the table that Drex and Colin sat at. He looked over at the tiger. "Hey, I'm Jason. I assume you're Colin? Drex has told me quite a bit about you."

"That's right. Nice to meet you Jason," Colin extended a paw to Jason which he shook. "Have a seat."

Jason sat on the bench next to Drex and said, "I hear you are pretty good with computers Colin. My crummy one is always freezing on me."

"Well, that could be caused by quite a few things. I would have to see it some time to know for sure." Colin always got excited when it came to computers. Old, new, top of the line, or slow, he loved them all. "Maybe some day I'll check it out for ya."

"That'd be awesome! Thanks," the wolf said with a broad smile on his face.

Drex was happy the two were getting along. He knew Colin would be seeing a lot more of Jason soon, so he was glad they hit it off.

The three continued to talk until the bell rang for the brake to be over and for them to go to their last class.

"I'll see you after class guys. You gunna be at the dorm later Colin? Jason is gunna hang out with me for a bit until I take him to work," Drex tried to make it sound as natural as he could, but he was a bit nervous.

Colin didn't seem to notice though and said, "Nah, sorry, I have to meet up with my lab partner in my Intro to PC class. She's totally hot and totally lost when it comes to computers. I told you I'd find one!" the tiger said triumphantly.

The otter laughed and said, "I guess you did. Well, I guess I'll see you later tonight then." Drex was somewhat relieved that Colin wouldn't be there. That meant more time alone with Jason. The thought made Drex nervous but excited at the same time.

Everyone said their goodbyes to each other and they all headed for their own final class of the day.

Once again Drex's math class made him want to rip off his ears so he wouldn't have to hear the droning of quite possibly the most boring teacher ever. She even managed to make half the class fall asleep. Drex had never slept in a class, so he was one of the few struggling to pay attention.

After her lecture had ended, Drex looked at the clock and was saddened to see that very little time had passed. The teacher handed out an assignment and let them work in pairs. Drex was grouped with a rabbit who he didn't really know.

"Hey, I'm Shawn," the rabbit said as he sat next to Drex.

"Drex. It's good to meet ya," the otter replied.

"So. I dunno if you actually managed to stay awake through her lecture, but I know this stuff pretty well. So don't worry too much," Shawn said as his chest swelled with pride.

The rabbit wasn't exaggerating either, he was a math wiz. Drex was lucky to get a partner as smart as him. He was also pretty funny as well and Drex looked forward to being able to work with the rabbit in this class.

"So that is how you do cosine. See that wasn't so hard now was it?" Shawn said with a grin.

"Not at all. Why aren't you teaching this class?" Drex asked.

They both shared a laugh and continued with their work. They finished just before the bell rang.

"Well, thanks for the help Shawn. I'll see ya tomorrow," Drex said happy to have met a new friend.

"Sure, see ya then." With that Shawn headed out the door.

Drex headed back to the bench where he said he would meet Jason so they could go to his dorm. He saw something he hadn't seen before, the wolf beat him there.

"Glad to see you didn't get lost," Drex said jokingly.

"I did, I just happened to find a shortcut that led me here," the wolf said with a wide grin.

Drex laughed and said, "Well, that was lucky for you. Let's go."

They arrived at the dorm's door and Drex fished into his pocket producing a set of keys. He fumbled through the set until he found the one he was looking for. He unlocked the door and pushed it open letting Jason enter first and closing the door behind himself.

"Wow, this is really nice. This is like as big as my house!" Jason's expression was of pure delight, not a sign of envy or jealousy.

Drex still felt somewhat guilty that what Jason had said was pretty much true. His dorm wasn't much smaller than Jason's entire house. "Well, make yourself at home." He showed Jason to the couch and sat down. He offered Jason the seat next to him which he took.

This was the closest they had been since the night before and the sudden realization that they would be alone hit Drex. He turned on the TV and reached an arm around the wolf, still nervous for some reason that he wouldn't want it. It was quite the opposite though. Jason leaned into Drex and put an arm around his waist. They just sat there watching the TV not saying anything, just enjoying the moment.

"I have to be at work around 4:00," Jason said looking at the clock which read, "3:15". "We will probably have to leave here around 3:45 if we want to make it on time."

"That's cool. We have half an hour then. I'll set the timer in case we forget." Drex started to stroke Jason's ear idly as they watched the TV. After a moment Drex began to kiss at Jason's cheek. He didn't know where this was coming from but it felt right.

Jason looked over at Drex with a nervous but happy smile on his face. It was just too cute for Drex and he leaned in to kiss the wolf. Their mouths locked in a warm gentle kiss that seemed to continue on forever. Their tongues moving around one another's as they tried to get a feel for it. Kissing only once before, they didn't have much practice. That didn't matter though, as they were both quite enjoying the experience. They kissed for what seemed like hours but, they hoped, had only been a few minutes.

They continued kissing as Drex moved his paw from the wolf's ear down to his chest, rubbing it through the clothing. Jason moved his own paw to Drex's hip rubbing up and down his thigh.

The otter moved his paw down to the bottom of the wolf's shirt and put it underneath it. He moved up slowly past the wolf's well toned abs to his nipple and began to rub it slowly. Jason let out a moan at this while still kissing the otter. Jason sensually moved his own paw around Drex's crotch, intentionally avoiding his sheath. He explored the area getting closer and closer to the otters's shaft.

Right as Jason brushed Drex's now hard shaft, the alarm went off telling them they had to leave. They looked at each other extremely disappointed that they couldn't continue.

"Sorry. I guess we have to go," Jason said almost apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, there'll be other times. There's no rush." Drex said the words, but wasn't entirely sure he meant them. He wanted Jason now, and he knew Jason wanted him as well. Unfortunately it would have to wait.

The moment now gone, they got up and headed for the door. They made their way outside and into the parking lot where they found Drex's car and got in. They headed the same way they went the day before. Jason told him to take the same exit that took him to his house but had him turn right instead of left.

"It's right down here," he said with a depressed hint in his tone. "That building right there." He pointed out the window to a small store named "Brook's Books".

Drex stopped his car just outside the building. "I had a good time today. Even if we didn't get to finish. I'll see you tomorrow," the otter said.

"Yeah, see ya." Just as Jason was about to get out of the car he turned around and said, "Do you have any plans for Saturday? I have the day off. We could maybe go see a movie or something."

The idea filled Drex with happiness. "You mean like on a date?"

"Yeah, I guess it would be," the wolf said.

"I would love to, I'll look up the times on Friday before class and we can decide what movie to see there." the otter smiled broadly at Jason.

The wolf was smiling quite a bit as well, "Alright, that sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow for class. Oh. Do you have a cell phone number I could maybe call you some time? I can give you mine as well," Jason asked.

"Sure, that'd be cool," the otter said.

They exchanged numbers and said their final goodbyes. Jason took the otter's hand, this time not in a hand shake, he just held it.

"I'll miss you," Jason said and the otter blushed.

"I'll miss you too, see you tomorrow," Drex replied.

Drex drove away looking in his mirror at the wolf standing on the sidewalk waving at him.

Drex decided he would head back to the dorm and wait for Colin to come home. He drove back to the school and parked in his usual spot in the west parking lot. He headed into his dorm and found it empty. He figured Colin would still be with his lab partner.

The otter sat back on the couch he and Jason shared less than an hour before. He sighed as he turned the TV on. He started thinking again about his teacher. How he told Drex he was gay, not afraid of judgment. He knew Drex was gay just by looking at him and Jason. Would this be harder to hide than he thought? Did he really want to hide it that badly? What is the worst that could happen? That was an easy question to answer as he ran through all the thoughts in his head of how his family would disown him. How his best friend wouldn't want to see him anymore. How everyone at the school would mock him and possibly even physically hurt him.

Still, when he thought of the wolf, everything seemed to fit. He knew he wanted to be with the Jason. So why should he care what everyone else thinks? As long as he had Jason, he didn't need anything else. It was easier to say then to do though. Drex sighed to himself again, completely blocking out whatever show was on the TV.

Drex sat in deep thought as time flew by him. He didn't even notice Colin walk in, or stand right behind him.

"Hey, earth to Drex," Colin said.

Drex was nearly startled out of the couch. "Oh, I didn't hear you come in."

"A freakin bulldozer could have rammed through the house and you wouldn't have noticed. Is somethin wrong?" the tiger asked concerned.

"Its...nothing. I'll be alright. So how did your date go?" Drex decided he would give Colin a taste of his own medicine.

The tiger luaghed and said, "It went awesome, she is totally into me. We're gunna hook up again Saturday and there ain't no school work to do that day if you know what I mean. She wants to bring a friend of hers. You want to go?"

Drex remember his plans with Jason he made earlier. "Sorry, I already have plans to hang out with Jason."

"Oh, I am sure he would understand if you canceled. He seems like a cool guy," Colin said.

"No, I don't think he would, sorry." the otter was starting to worry where this was going.

"If you told him you had a chance to get laid, he would totally be cool with it," the tiger assured.

Drex didn't know what to say. It is true most guys would let you blow them off if it meant a chance to get laid. Jason wasn't most guys though, he was Drex's boyfriend. "I...I don't want to cancel with him, I'm sure you can find someone else."

The tiger looked at Drex a bit confused now. He had always been his wing man when a girl wanted to bring a friend. They always ended with Colin either getting both of them, or Drex's date giving him a hand shake and saying good night. "So you would rather hang out with him than help me out?" Colin said.

There it was. The guilt trip. Drex had no idea what to do. He didn't want his friend to hate him for this. Should he tell him the truth? That he wants to be with Jason on a date? "It's not like that, Jason is just..."

"Just what? Cooler than me? More interesting to hang out with? Maybe you should just date him," Colin said. He wasn't really all that mad at Drex, he just knew the guilt trip worked really well on him.

"I...I am," Drex said in a nearly silent voice.

"You say something?" Colin asked.

"I said...HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!" Drex shouted the words and the sudden realization hit him like a truck. He felt a horrible twist in his stomach and wished he could take the words back. He slowly looked over at Colin expecting to see his friend's face twisted with hatred and anger. Instead the tiger was smiling.

"Bout time you said it," Colin said with a huge grin.

"Wha?" Drex was stunned.

"Come on Drex, you're my best friend. Every date we have ever been on, I have never even seen you look slightly interested in the girl. I didn't want to say anything thinking you would bring it up on your own time, but damn man. That took way longer than I thought," the tiger said smiling.

Drex just looked at Colin blankly. "So...You aren't mad at me?" the otter asked.

Colin laughed, "Why would I be? Something like that isn't going to make me hate you. I would have stopped hanging out with you years ago if it bothered me. I saw how you looked at that wolf today. It was subtle, but not enough to fool your best friend. Alright, well, since you don't like the ladies, I'll find someone else to take with me. You two have fun on your date."

Drex was still baffled at all this. He should have known his best friend would know he was gay. It felt almost silly to have hidden it from him for so many years. He knew Colin and that he would accept Drex for who he was.

"Thanks," Drex said with a bit of a smile. "I still would like to keep it a secret from others though, could you please not tell anyone?" the otter said.

"Tell anyone what?" Colin said with a wink.

"Well, I have homework to do, and I'm sure you do as well. Better get started on it." With that Colin patted Drex's shoulder and walked into his room closing the door behind him.

Drex looked over at the clock that read, "7:00 PM" and realized how late it really was. He had a lot of homework to do and headed into his own room to get it done.

As Drex sat at his desk looking over his work he got the sudden urge to call Jason. He hoped he wouldn't get him in trouble as he did. After a few rings the wolf picked up.

"Hey Drex! You actually caught me on my break, I was just thinking about calling you. So what's up?" the wolf asked happily.

"Hey Jason, I just needed someone to talk to. I...told Colin we were dating," Drex said with a still slightly shaken voice.

There was a pause and Drex hoped the wolf hadn't hung up on him. After a moments silence Jason said, "Are you ok?"

"I think I will be alright. He actually took it really well. He said he had known for a while now that I was gay. I just...I don't know, it still feels weird having someone know something like that about me. Something I have kept secret for years. Did you feel that way when you told your parents?" Drex asked.

"It was a little strange at first, but as I got use to the idea of them knowing, I was happy that I did. I'm proud of you. It's hard to say it the first time." Jason's voice seemed quite happy.

"Thanks, I still don't think I would want anyone else to know just yet though," the otter said almost feeling embarrassed.

"We will take it slow. I'm just as nervous as you are about others knowing. We'll do it together. I'm sorry I couldn't have been there for you today but it sounds like you handled yourself well," the wolf said.

"It feels like people are finding out without me wanting them too as well. Mr. Johnson today brought it up that he knew we liked each other," Drex said remembering the events earlier that day.

"Really? How'd he know?" the wolf asked, a bit startled himself now.

"Well, he said it was from years of experience. He told me he was gay and that he has been in love with his boyfriend for years. The only reason they aren't married is because it's illegal." the otter replied.

"I see. Well, good for him. Maybe we have someone we could talk to if we need help with something then," Jason said a little more happy now.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, maybe that is why he told me in the first place. I never really thought about it that way. I'm glad I called you. You seem to have a way to make me feel better. Thanks," the otter said, now feeling much better about the day's events.

"Glad I could help. Oh. By the way, my mom wants to invite you over for dinner again on Saturday before the movie. You want to do that?" Jason said, sounding a tad nervous that the otter would refuse.

"Does she know about us?" Drex wasn't sure why he wanted to know.

"Well, I haven't told her, but I think she figured it out. If that makes you uncomfortable, I'll just tell her we'll go out and get something," Jason said.

"Oh, no, I want to come. Tell her I will be there." Drex decided there couldn't be much harm in her knowing if she supports her son.

"Really? Great! I'll let her know. I have to get back to work now, but I can't wait to see you tomorrow. My boss is calling me so I gotta go, bye," the wolf said quickly and hung up the phone.

Drex didn't get to say goodbye, but he knew Jason was at work and would have to go at any time. He was glad he got to talk to the wolf. He knew exactly what to say to make himself happy.

Drex worked a little late into the night to get his homework done but managed to finish it all. With a sigh of relief he got up and headed for bed. As he lay there, he thought about Saturday and felt a stir of excitement. Sleep came much more quickly than the otter thought, as he drifted off into his slumber, thinking of the wolf of his dreams.