Treasure Seeker, The Desert

Story by Farfener on SoFurry

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The desert wind kicked up swirls of dust as it raced across the sand. Off in the distance the rumble of ocean waves could be heard as they crashed against the Altheatic shore. As far as the eye can see desert plains and sand dunes extend in every direction. Out on the sand, the bodies of a recent battle lie scattered around. Several banners still flap in the wind, their fabric torn and damaged, and their holders dead on the sand. Hundreds of corpses lie in the baking sun.

The soldiers lying on the sand all wear the same dark grey uniforms with steel armour on the front and shoulders. The insignia on all the armour depicts a white dove clutching a gold four point star. Various different species are visible among the dead, carrying many different kinds of weapons from all around the world. Among the dead, a figure dressed in long white robes drifts around, inspecting the battlefield.

His face hidden under his long white robes, Rassa Hederon carefully picks his way through the battlefield. He pauses from time to time, kneeling to inspect a body or to pick up a trinket and slip it into a bag hidden beneath the folds of his robe. Raising his head, he gazes again at the area surrounding him, taking in the whole battlefield and the teal blue ocean in the distance. He sniffed, his nose detecting the heavy smell of death that hung over battle ground despite the blowing desert wind.

"They didn't stand a chance." He thought to himself, "The resistance didn't even make it to the ocean before the Imperial troops killed them." After a moment Rassa shrugged, "Oh well, the more bodies the imperials leave behind the more treasure there is for me to find."

As he walked, Rassa saw a glittering in the sand in front of him. As he knelt down, Rassa was startled to hear a groan behind him. He swung around, his long knife out of his sleeve in an instant. He crouched down and peered around, his knife held close to his face. As he looked, he noticed that one of the soldiers wasn't dead and was struggling to sit up. Judging by the amount of blood on the sand around the soldier, the rabbit's fate had already been sealed.

Rassa turned and picked up one the swords lying strewn around the battlefield. With expert timing, he hefted the sword and threw it like a spear in the soldier's direction. There was a loud 'shunk' and the soldier's groaning stopped.

Rassa listened for a few seconds before he turned away again and resumed his hunt for treasure. Walking up to one soldier, he noticed a glint of gold on the armour. Closer inspection revealed that the soldier had a small gold pendant around his neck.

"Bingo" Rassa thought as he leaned forward. The pendant was a fragile collection of gold stings woven around a small green crystal. Rassa looked at the gold as it flashed in the sun, something like this would be worth a great deal of money at the market. For the millionth time in his life, Rassa thanked the imperials for their discrimination. The imperials would not stoop themselves to picking up valuables from their opponents. He bunched up the chain in his paw before moving to put it into his robe.

Another shallow moan from behind him startled Rassa. As he swung around, the Gold pendant flew out of his grip and landed somewhere in the sand. Muttering a low curse, Rassa flipped his long knife into his paw and scanned the sand around him.

"What a pain." He thought, "What do I look like, your friendly battlefield cleaner?" He looked around at the battlefield trying to catch a hint of movement. His gaze landed on the body of a large, burly soldier. The soldier was a wolverine, his black fur stinking out from the cracks in his armour.

With grunting effort, Rassa rolled the wolverine over. The wolverine's blank, death-clouded eyes looked straight up into Rassa's. Rassa moved to turn away when he noticed the person the Wolverine's body had been covering move. With a grunt, Rassa pushed another body off of the wounded soldier.

The soldier's breathing was shallow and there was a growing pool of red around the soldier's body. Without pausing, Rassa knelt down and held his knife against the soldier's throat. The soldier's head moved a little and from under the helmet there was a delirious "n...n... ... no...n ... no..."

Rassa prepared to slash but something stopped him. With a sigh he thought 'At the very least I should get a look at the face of this soldier." One paw shifted off his knife and to the lip of the helmet. As he pulled the helmet off, Rasa thought "He has the right to know who killed him."

As Rassa slid the helmet off of the soldier's head his eyes widened in surprise. The helmet slid off to reveal a female face, an otter with silver fur and very long, dark, grey hair. Her blue-grey eyes were half open and she was looking around without seeing anything, her gaze delirious. Her fur was matted with sweat and she smelled strongly of blood.

"The rebels are getting so desperate that they are allowing women to join their army." Rassa sighed, "They must be crazy." A quick look up and down the soldier's body revealed no obvious wounds. However, when Rassa turned the soldier over he could see a long gash in the armour extending from the otter's left shoulder blade to her right hip. The blood from the wound had turned the sand a dark red colour.

"God damn it." Rassa thought and dropped the soldier back down, "She's good as dead anyway." He sighed heavily, "Oh well, she made me drop my treasure, but she is a soldier so the least I can do is make her death quick." Once again he raised the knife to the soldier's throat. In the back of his mind, a little voice said, "Even if you could save her, you can't carry her anyways. What you are doing is the most merciful thing."

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" A voice sounded off to Rassa's left, "I saw it first."

Rassa looked up in surprise. Several other treasure hunters had arrived at the battlefield. Two hyenas were bickering over a small piece of treasure they had found in the sand. Rassa immediately recognized the pendant that he had accidentally thrown away earlier. Both hyena's had their paws on it and they were growling at each other.

"It's mine, I found it!" One hyena growled.

"I was the one who was searching there first" the other growled.

"How about I solve the problem." Rassa said loudly, "It was mine to begin with. So give it here, or I'll skin you both."

The Hyenas looked over at Rassa in surprise, and then they looked at each other. Simultaneously they both dropped the pendant and went for their weapons.

Before the pendant hit the ground, Rassa charged forward, his knife outstretched. With a quick thrust he cut the sword-paw of the first hyena before knocking him flat with a powerful kick under the jaw. The second hyena swung once before Rassa punched him in the cheek and delivered an axe-kick to the hyena's shoulder as he fell. Both hyenas lay on the sand, one rubbing his cheek and the other rubbing his wounded paw.

Rassa looked down at them, "Now, what to do with you."

One of the hyenas immediately made a pleading motion with his paws. "We are but desperate treasure seekers. Please, do not harm us further and we will be on our way."

Rassa looked back at the wounded otter and thought for a moment. "On your way eh?" he said as turned back to the hyenas, "Before you go, I have something for you to do." He reached forward and grabbed the hyenas by his ears. "Do what I say and maybe I'll let you leave with your tails and ears attached."

"You have but to say a word and we will call you master. What can we do for you?" The hyena with the wounded paw asked in a whiney voice, clasping his paws together as if he were addressing a god.

Rassa pointed back at the wounded female otter, "I have some dead weight I want you to carry for me." He looked around the battlefield, "And anything that you have collected you give to me."

The hyenas looked at each other and then back, "Well... this is our only way of surviving. Perhaps... fifty percent?"

Rassa nodded, "That is fair. Now pick up that soldier and follow me."

As the Hyena's walked behind Rassa, gently carrying the soldier, her wound hastily wrapped with a sleeve of Rassa's robe, they grumbled at each other.

"Why did you say such a huge amount right off the bat?"

"Shut up, I just said the first thing that came into my head."

"That's why I say I do the thinking from now on."


As soon as Zenn opened her eyes she immediately wished that she was still asleep. The pain in her back was incredible and her head felt like it would explode from the excruciating pins and needles in her brain. The pain was so intense that tears leaked from her tightly shut eyes. After a few calming breaths she isolated the area's where most of the pain was coming from. It felt like there was a large wound on her back, probably where she vaguely remembered being hit with a sword from behind. Her left leg also felt like it was on fire and her head was throbbing painfully as well.

After a few seconds more, Zenn opened her eyes again and looked around. The room was very dark, drapes of dark, thick material covering them. Above her was a ceiling of yellow/tan sandstone with a few cracks running across it. The walls were also sandstone and were cracked and flaking. A doorway led out into a larger space, another room beyond, the view obscured by a thin white cloth. Zenn was lying on a bed pushed up against one of the walls.

Zenn sat up slowly and looked around, a sheet sliding off her naked form. She slowly reached back behind her touched her back where it hurt the most. She could feel the bandages wound tight around her stomach, binding a wound on her back. A splint was tied to her left leg, holding her broken leg in place. Her whole body was covered with little wounds, most of them covered by bandages.

"So you are finally awake." Came a male voice from the shadows.

Zenn swung around to see who had spoken and the pain nearly caused her to scream. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment against the pain. When she reopened her eyes she looked around for the source of the voice. Sitting against one of the walls was a figure. The figure was an otter with ragged brown fur and dark violet eyes. The otter's fur was matted and unkept like his hair, which stuck up in places and had a couple small braids running through his hair, each braid with a small feather at the end. Wiry muscles ran up and down his thin figure, giving him a ragged, but strong appearance. His clothes, a light brown tunic, were made of rough material that was frayed in some places.

The Otter got to his feet and walked forward, "For the first day or two I wasn't sure if you were going to make it. I put most of you back together myself, but you'll be alright. You slept for three days. The doctor came yesterday says you should be able get back on your feet within two weeks. By the way, I burned your uniform so the imperials won't find it."

Zenn nodded and opened her mouth to say something and then blushed a little as she realized her nakedness. She made a move to cover herself and then stopped Swallowing her embarrassment she raised herself up and glared at the Otter harshly. "Who are you?" She asked in the most commanding voice she could muster.

"Rassa" the Otter replied, "Rassa Hederon, your own personal rescuer."

"Why am I... naked?" Zenn asked.

Rassa shrugged "I had to take off your clothes in order to get you all patched up. Don't worry, I'm not the kind of guy to take advantage of a woman when she's asleep." As he spoke, Rassa's gaze quickly swept up and down her body as it had many times while she had been asleep. Her fur was all a dark grey colour, except were it was slightly lighter on the inside of her thighs, her feet and paws, and her belly. Her silver hair glowed in the darkness, as did her light blue-grey eyes. Her breasts were smaller than average but well shaped. Zenn had covered the junction of fur between her legs with her tail but Rassa well remembered the look of her nether opening.

Zenn noticed his gaze and turned herself away. It was then that she noticed that she couldn't feel her long hair on her back. She raised a paw and felt her head. She could feel that her hair had been cut much shorter than it had been, it only came hallway down her neck. She turned to Rassa, "You cut my hair!"

Again Rassa shrugged, "Long hair is a symbol of nobility here. It makes both of us a target in Isaiah, so I cut it off when you were sleeping. To keep it long like that would be inviting trouble."

Zenn's ears flattened against her head and she growled, her tail swishing, "You bastard, you drag me in here, you strip me naked and now you cut my hair. What else are you gonna do huh, you perverted weasel!"

In a flash Rassa was across the room, an angry look on her face. He grabbed Zenn's shoulders and shoved her back onto the bed in anger. Zenn yelped and gritted her teeth in pain and punched Rassa across the muzzle with a fist. At the same time she drove her knee into Rassa's stomach. Rassa grunted in pain and took a step back. Zenn tried to get back up but Rassa moved forward again, catching her wrists and pinning them behind her head. She tried to kick him again but he jumped onto the bed and straddled her at the waist. When she tried to struggle he used his other arm across her chest to push her down.

"Look!" He said fiercely though gritted teeth, "I'm not charging rent, you are sleeping in my bed, I dragged you out of the desert. After I fixed you up myself I called the doctor and I'm feeding you! Most people are just happy that I don't kill them, you should be one of them! If the imperials got wind of this I would be dead pretty quickly!"

Zenn bared her teeth at him and growled before realizing the futility of her struggle; the otter was simply much stronger than she was. Her body was usually strong, more than strong enough to beat this stranger, but her condition had sapped her of her strength. After a few more futile attempts to counterattack, Zenn took a deep breath and relaxed her body. Suddenly her face grew red and she coughed a little, "Uh... could you..."

Rassa tilted his head, "What now?" He looked down and his face turned a little red too. His waist was pressed right up against hers and the paw that was holding her down was right on one of her breasts. He was very close to her and she was helpless beneath him.

The two stared at each other for a few embarrassed seconds. Suddenly a thought flashed across Rassa's mind "I could mate with her right now..." Rassa paused to allow the thought to sink in "I haven't ever had a woman before and this one couldn't do anything to stop me." He imagined how easy it would be to remove his clothing and slide inside of her. "I could take her here and now and there is nothing she could do..."

Zenn could see the blank, lust-clouded look Rassa's eyes and she bared her teeth again. Her growling brought Rassa back to his senses. With a shake of his head Rassa dispelled those thoughts and got quickly off of Zenn. Turning away he said softly, "All I'm saying is that a little bit of gratitude would be appreciated.

As soon as Rassa was off of her, Zenn pulled the sheet up to cover herself. Her eyes narrowed at Rassa and she snarled at him, her fur bristling in places. Rassa took that as a hint and left the room quickly. Standing behind the wall leading to the other room he said, "I'll go out and find you some clothes tomorrow."

Much later that night, while Zenn slept, Rassa paced back and forth around the larger room. "Why did I think that?" He thought, "Why would I even consider something like that, raping her." He snarled at himself, "I'm acting like some whore in heat." Rassa stopped pacing for a moment and looked down at his arm. The little voice in his head spoke again, "She had no right to resist, she would be dead without you." Suddenly, with another growl, he bit himself as hard as he could in the arm. He felt a hot flash of pain and could feel the hot blood welling up from his arm. When he drew his teeth away there was a semicircle of bleeding punctures in his arm.

"I will never think like that again." He thought to himself, "If I do... I'll bite to the bone."

The sun came streaming into the large room of Rassa's dwelling the next day. The sun was already high in the sky when Zenn opened her eyes. Instantly she leapt out of bed and crouched on the floor in an attack pose. The pain in her back forced her to abandon her ready stance and she crumpled to the floor. For a few moments she lay on the cool floor and panted.

"Damn it." She thought to herself, "What was I thinking, falling asleep before he did. I'm losing my edge... I can't let that happen again." With a few more deep breaths Zenn pushed herself back up into a crouching position. Using the bed as a brace, Zenn pulled herself up to her feet.

Carefully avoiding making any sudden movements, Zenn began walking across the room. Using the walls to support herself she made it into the larger room and looked around. The walls were the same colour and texture, the ceiling too. In one corner was a rumpled pile of blankets and a pillow. In the center of the room was a small eating table and off to the side was a small kitchen.

Zenn carefully made her way over to the kitchen area and looked through the drawers and cabinets. Finally she found what she was looking for. A small collection of knives lay in the drawer, their steel blades glinting in the dim light. Zenn carefully picked up one of the smallest ones and began to make her way back to the small room.

The sound of someone at the door made her ears prick up and her body enter panic mode. Immediately she tried to run, but her injured leg made that impossible. With a 'thump' Zenn fell forwards onto the floor, the knife flying from her paw and skittering under the bed in the other room. Suddenly Zenn's back felt like it was ripping open and her mind exploded in red starbursts. The pain was so intense that Zenn cried out for a few seconds before the agony was too much and she blacked out.


"Cool and wet." Zenn thought as she blearily drifted out of sleep, "Why does my forehead feel cool and wet."

"Are you okay now?" came a faraway voice.

Zenn slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the tan, sandstone ceiling. She looked over to her left and saw Rassa sitting beside her bed, a bowl of water on his lap. With a slow shake of her head Zenn asked, "Wha... What happened to me?"

Rassa shrugged, "I don't know what you thought you were doing, but you got up and tried to walk around. You fell and your wound reopened. You've been delirious, in and out, for the past week."

"I've been here that long?"

Rassa nodded "Yep. You'd mutter in your sleep or try to get up when you were awake, but this is the first time you've been coherent at all. The first time you woke up you thought you had been kidnapped and it was quiet a struggle to keep you from hurting yourself. You were running such a high fever I was afraid that you would simply burn away."

Zenn sighed and relaxed on the bed, "You've been beside me most of the time... I know... I can feel it."

"Between looking after you and feeding myself... I haven't been doing much." Rassa answered with a yawn,

Zenn closed her eyes and nodded, "I... see... ... ..."

"Oh yeah." Rassa dug through one of his pockets and pulled out the small knife that Zenn had stolen, "I found this under the bed, strange considering that it was supposed to be in my cupboards."

Zenn sighed and closed her eyes, "I couldn't be too careful, not after you had that look in your eyes."

Rassa blinked n surprise for a second and then sighed, "I've taken care of that." He held up his arm, showing a pair of bandages wrapped around his left arm. After a few awkward seconds Rassa shrugged, "The next time that kind of thought enters my mind I will bite my arm off." He shrugged, "You see I have this little voice in my head that I have trained over the years to tell me what I want to hear, to help me justify things. However, this is the first time I have felt really bad about listening to it."

Zenn nodded blearily and lay back against the bed and relaxed. She felt the strong hands of sleep pulling at her and her eyelids slid shut. A few seconds later and Zenn slipped into sleep, her thoughts dwelling for only a second on how warm and safe she felt. Rassa sat still and simply watched Zenn as she slept.

A few weeks later and Zenn was still recovering. The wound on her back still ached, but the pain was not nearly as excruciating. Most of the time, Zenn stayed in bed and slept while Rassa went out around the city and scrounged for money, selling things he picked up from the battlefield. Finally, the time came to remove the bandage on Zenn's back.

Zenn bared her teeth as Rassa very carefully removed another section of the bandage from her back. Zenn's arms were crossed across her breasts and her back turned to Rassa. She gasped in pain as Rassa removed another section of the bandage. Carefully Rassa examined the bandage to make sure that everything had already healed before gently pulling off another strip. Finally the bandage was off and Zenn sighed in relief.

The sword that had slashed through Zenn's armour had left a long scar from her left shoulder to her waist. The scar stood out on her dark grey back and would likely never disappear. A line of pink flesh, barely visible under her fur remained as a memento of her battle. Her leg had healed well, leaving her with a very minor limp but no visible scar. Her other wounds had healed well, barely leaving a trace on her body.

"Well... the scar isn't going to go away..." Zenn said quietly, "But at least I have something to remember my friends by other than a few good memories."

Rassa padded silently up behind her and put his arms around Zenn's waist. "So what will you do now? You are all healed up and in good health. Will you go back to the rebellion?

Zenn turned, her bare chest pressing up against Rassa's as she returned his embrace, "That depends. It would seem that I am in your debt."

"I don't want you to get killed." Rassa said quietly, "The rebellion doesn't have enough resources to win. If you rejoin them... I am afraid that you will go to your death."

Zenn looked up at Rassa and sighed, "But how can I think of staying here. My friends died fighting the empire, to leave them is desertion. Besides, my fiancée is waiting for me."

Rassa's eyes widened, "You are gonna be married!"

Zenn opened her mouth to speak, but then she sighed heavily. After a moment she spoke, "When I was very young I was promised to another. My family used to be high nobility but fell from grace when my four brothers were killed, leaving just me as heir. In order to preserve our family name, my parents promised me to a highborn from another family. He is eight years older than I am and a great leader... but I don't want to live with him."

Rassa nodded, "I have heard this kind of story before on the streets. They almost never end well, wars can start over this kind of thing."

"That is a risk I will take." Zenn said, her eyes firm, "I joined the rebel army to forge my family name for myself. I hoped to become some great war hero and bring honour back to my family on my own. I wasn't content with the idea of being some highborn's prize, a decoration for his house whose sole purpose is to breed and make babies."

With a nod Rassa replied, "Well what about staying here? The battle is over. Word has it that the rebellion's back has been broken, their troops fleeing northward as fast as they can go. Please stay here, I can provide you with everything you need."

Zenn shook her head "I haven't even been outside of this room since you brought me here. I can't stay here forever, I need to go outside."

Rassa nodded, "Then, tomorrow I shall show you the city. Isaiah is a dangerous place at night and it is already evening, we will wait." Rassa looked at Zenn's face, watching the corners of her mouth curl up into a smile. Suddenly, without knowing why, Rassa leaned down and kissed Zenn.

Zenn blinked in surprise and then slowly closed her eyes as she returned the kiss. When they broke off, Zenn was breathless and her heart was pounding. Immediately after taking another breath she kissed Rassa deeply, the two of them wrapping the arms around each other. After another minute she looked up at Rassa and said in a husky voice, "Tomorrow then?"

Rassa nodded and grinned, "Tomorrow. There is no rush." His voice was also low and a little raspy.

The next couple minute or two was a frantic removal of clothing. Rassa pulled of his long white cloak before kissing Zenn again, his paws moving downwards to help her remove her pants, pushing them off her hips and leaving her naked. Zenn also helped Rassa, the two of them working to remove his shirt and pants. When the two of them were naked they broke off the kiss and looked at each other.

Zenn's eyes sparkled in the dim light as she looked at Rassa. His fur was matted and looked scruffy all over his body, a look Zenn had come to enjoy. Rassa's face flushed a little and he pulled Zenn close. He had already grown to nearly full length and his cock was pressed up against Zenn's belly, a swollen hardness against her pliable flesh. Taking Zenn in his arms he carried her to his bed. Gently, Rassa laid Zenn down on the soft cushions before awkwardly climbing in next to her. His paws moved of their own accord, stroking Zenn's sides and legs. One of his paws moved to her breasts and began massaging them gently.

Zenn sighed as the felt Rassa's paws all over her body. Then she gasped as Rassa's paw moved to the inside of her thighs and began massaging her nether opening. Her fur there was already wet and matted from the juices leaking out of her. Rassa's fingers played with her opening, teasing her as they rubbed up and down and sometimes slipping a little inside of her. The pleasure that these motions brought was intense and Zenn squirmed a little as waves of pleasure rocked her.

Rassa continued to play with Zenn's vagina as he lowered his head to her breasts. His tongue darted around her breasts before he lowered his mouth and began suckling. Rassa enjoyed the pleasant softness of Zenn's flesh as he suckled on Zenn like an infant, playing with her nipple inside of his mouth. After a little while Rassa raised his head and began gently biting Zenn, first on her neck, then her chest, then her belly.

Eventually Rassa's mouth made it to Zenn's nether opening. He stuck out his tongue and licked her a few times, getting her scent and tasting her salty-sweetness. Zenn moaned softly as Rassa licked her a few times before slipping his tongue inside of her. Zenn was warm and wet inside as Rassa probed with his tongue. He could feel her vaginal walls pulsing, the taste of her fluids as he explored with his tongue.

Suddenly, in a rush of fluids, Zenn's first orgasm hit her and her muscles clenched. Zenn gripped the blanket and twisted, nearly tearing the material as she rode out her first orgasm ever. As the feelings receded Rassa moved back up and began licking Zenn's face. She was hot and sweaty from the exertion and she continued to breathe heavily, her heart thumping painfully against her ribcage and a tingling discomfort between her legs. She sighed deeply as Rassa licked her face and neck.

"Are you okay?" Rasa asked hoarsely, his muzzle still damp from the previous activity

Zenn nodded, "Yeah... I just never felt anything like that before."

"Haven't you know...played before?" Rassa asked.

Zenn shook her head, "I always saved myself for the real thing." She smiled, "And it was worth it."

Rassa slowly leaned forward and kissed Zenn, "It's not over yet."

Moving slowly, Rassa rolled over to lie on top of Zenn. His fully erect cock pressed against her belly, his hardness pressed against her soft flesh. Rassa was a full ten inches when it was fully erect, a good size by any standard. He shifted a little, nestling in between Zenn's legs. Reaching back behind him, he spread Zenn's legs further apart with one hand. With the other he reached out and took one of Zen's paws in his and guided it down between the two of them.

Zenn's eyes widened as her fingers touched his cock. His manhood felt large enough pressed up against her belly but its whole slippery length felt enormous in her paw. Her fingers stroked it, eliciting low growls of pleasure from Rassa as he continued to hold her wrist.

"Grab a hold of me." He said in a low voice.

Zenn carefully wrapped her paw around Rassa's cock, her grip a little tighter than was comfortable for Rassa. Rassa used the paw wrapped around Zenn's wrist to guide her paw as she guided his cock to her nether opening.

Zenn felt another glow of pleasure as she felt his tip pressed against her opening. Rassa slid his arms around her and held on tight as he pushed against her. Because of her earlier orgasm her tunnel was lubricated enough for Rassa to slide a very small part of the way in. As he came in contact with her hymen, Rassa pulled out and pushed forward a little harder, pressing against Zenn's membrane. For few moments the two simply strained against each other, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. Suddenly the barrier gave way and Rassa sunk deeply into Zenn, sliding in with relative ease.

Both Zenn and Rassa exhaled in a rush as they became one, each blending into the other. For Rassa the feeling was unlike any he had ever felt. His manhood was held snuggly inside of Zenn, her vagina warming him and moistening him. He could feel the throbbing of her heart through her interior walls wrapped snuggly around him. With another push, Rassa slid deeper into Zenn, more of his cock entering her sweet paradise. With one more push and a low groan from Zenn, Rassa pushed all the way inside of his mate, his ball sack bumping gently against the wetness in between her legs.

"You've never done this before!" Rassa gasped. He knew enough about women to know about what a virgin should feel like. She was far to tight inside to be experienced and her hymen, a virgin's shield, was a dead giveaway.

Zenn nodded, "I was saving myself for someone I could truly be with."

Slowly, Rassa withdrew himself and then slid back inside, eliciting groans of pleasure from the two of them. Rassa stayed slow, pulling almost all of the way out of Zenn before sliding back in to his hilt. Zenn's warmth seemed to spread through him, illuminating him and her at the same time.

For several minutes Rassa continued, drawing out the moment, making each golden second last as long as he could. The combination of their sweaty bodies, the beautiful sensations and the closeness to one another created a haze around the two of them. While Rassa's cock slid in and out of her, Zenn was busy up top. Her tongue darted across any part of Rasa she could reach, licking his fur and face. They would kiss and their tongues would mate against each other. Suddenly, as Rassa was pulling up, Zenn wrapped her arms around Rassa's waist and pulled him in quickly.

"Faster." She said breathlessly in his ear, "I want... I want you to go faster!"

Immediately Rassa began thrusting faster and harder. He could feel his balls bouncing against Zenn's fur, his cock hitting her hot core. The increased speed created a blizzard of pleasure that rolled over the both of them. He could also feel his knot begin to swell up inside of her as his thrusts became faster and faster. Every thrust he made now created a low moan of pleasure from the both of them.

Zenn could feel another orgasm coming on, a tightening beginning in her lower regions. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around Rassa's thrusting body. Her arms crawled all over his back while her tongue continued to lick Rassa's face, neck and shoulders. They scrambled against each other in mad heat as they both approached fulfillment.

Then, in a burst of colour, Zenn's second orgasm came crashing down. She felt herself tighten and clench around Rassa's cock deep inside of her. The feeling washed over her like a tidal wave and she cried out in ecstasy. She began bucking her hips against Rassa's, riding out her orgasm and adding to her own experience by adding to his.

Rassa felt Zenn's vaginal walls tighten around him and another rush of fluids as he continued to thrust. He also felt the increase in motion as she began to buck her hips. This was too much for him and he felt a paralyzing tickle shoot through his body and his knot swelled to full size and slid into place inside of her, tying him to her. With one last powerful thrust he pushed inside of her as deep as he could just as his rapture hit.

A surge went through his body and his paws unclasped from around Zenn's back, searching out Zen's paws and entwining their fingers. Rassa exploded inside of Zenn, his cock sending great spurts of his seed deep inside of Zenn's body. The burning feeling down below, deep within her body, created another orgasm for Zenn and the two of them howled in pleasure. Her walls tightened again, trying to milk Rassa's cock for every last drop of seed.

Zenn felt the warm feeling spread throughout her body, starting in her vagina and spreading to her fingers and toes. She imagined the millions of little sperm that had come from Rassa flowing into her womb, searching out her eggs with the intent on fertilizing them. She felt a thrill at this thought, that she and Rassa may have created a new life amid all of their own pleasure. In her mind she urged the sperm on, wishing desperately for them to fertilize her.

As the last burst of his seed spurted into Zenn, Rassa collapsed on top of her. He lay against her, his heart thumping audibly against his chest and his breathing ragged in his lungs. His knot was popped into Zenn's uterus, blocking any of his precious juice from leaking out of her. The knot was also tying his body to hers, preventing him from pulling out. Her vaginal walls still clenched from time to time, making sure that Rassa had emptied himself completely and creating pleasant, warm sensations for the two of them.

When the last of the rapturous feelings had faded away, Rassa wrapped his arms tightly around Zenn. As he lay, still on top of her and still buried inside of her, Rassa pulled Zenn as close as he could. Their combined heat created a pleasant glowing sensation. They lay close to each other, the cold of the night going unfelt by their sweaty, heated bodies. They both felt their hearts begin to slow as their bodies recovered from their frantic movements. They nuzzled against each other lovingly, smelling each other, feeling each other. Zenn sighed a deep sigh of complete contentment and snuggled closer to Rassa, enjoying the sensation of him buried deep inside of her, a presence that warmed her, a heat the radiated around her entire being.

A few minutes later, with a long sigh of satisfaction, Rassa nuzzled Zenn and made a move to pull out of her. With a whine, Zenn moved her arms down to Rassa's waist and kept him from pulling out. Rassa blinked a few times before sinking back and sliding back inside of her all the way. He raised his paws and entwined his fingers with Zenn's and smiled, nuzzling against her. "Did you enjoy that?"

Zenn smiled and nuzzled closer to Rassa, trying to bury herself in his fur. Her tail thumped up and down and she sighed in contentment. "I... well...that was amazing."

Rassa rolled over onto his side and pulled Zenn with him, keeping himself snuggly buried inside of her. He looked deep into her eyes and smiled sleepily. Zenn returned his smile and the two of them, with no words spoken, wrapped their arms and legs around each other before drifting off to sleep. Rassa stayed awake as long of he could, watching his lover fall asleep, a glow still on her face.

Morning was still an hour or so away when Rassa slowly opened his eyes. He was laying on the bed naked beside Zenn. Sometime during the night they had pulled away from each other, Rassa 's length slipping out of its cozy resting place. Zenn slept peacefully beside him, her arms brought up to her face, her legs curled up and her tail wrapped around her body. Her chest slowly rose and fell as she breathed, her breasts following the motion but jiggling just the slightest bit as she exhaled.

Rassa smiled and turned over, pulling Zenn's back up against his front. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, wrapping his ankles around hers. He pushed himself closer so that he was touching her in as many places as he could. His head rested on top of Zenn's and his eyes slid closed. He drifted back into sleep, the warmth that he felt satisfying him completely.

Zenn slowly woke up, feeling Rassa's presence behind her. She could feel his heartbeat against her back, his feet entwined with hers. His arms were wrapped around her waist, holding her firmly against him. For a while she just lay there, eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of having someone else so close to her. Finally she moved her head to look at him.

"Good morning." She said softly.

Rassa blinked blearily and smiled "Good morning."

She smiled, "Did you sleep well?"

Rassa nodded, "Very."

Zenn turned, disengaging herself from his grip and turning to lie with her front pressed up against his. She nuzzled up against his neck. "Good, I did as well."

Rassa pulled away from her head nuzzling his neck. When she looked up in surprise he kissed her, his arms snuggling her body even closer. Zenn returned the kiss and began rubbing her arms up and down Rassa's back. Massaging his shoulders and running through his fur. Rassa also began rubbing his paws up and down Zenn's body, stroking her back and shoulder, rubbing her sides. Down below, Rassa could feel himself beginning to grow, his length pressing against Zenn's soft fur.

As the glow of lust began to grow in him, Rassa's stroking became more and more intimate. One of his paws moved to massage Zenn's breasts while the other moved downwards, stroking the damp fur in between her legs. As he stroked the space between her thighs Rassa couldn't help but slide a finger inside of Zenn, feeling her wet warmness. When she groaned Rassa began stroking her inside, moving his finger up and down her slit.

Rassa began to roll on top but Zenn moved first, rolling the both of them over with herself on top. She raised her body so that she was sitting up straight and her torso was in full view. He legs were spread apart and her body was straddling Rassa's, sitting on his waist. She giggled and wiggled her hips a little, moving her belly like a dancer and spreading the wetness from between her legs to Rassa's fur. This really turned Rassa on and his cock grew quickly to full length, pressing stiffly up against Zenn's back.

Zenn felt his length pressed up against her back and she smiled. Using her legs, she pushed herself up a little. Rassa was even more aroused as he got a good view of Zenn's entire body, from her pretty face, to her small breasts to her belly and then the set of pink lips down in-between her legs. She raised her hips and then, with one of her paws, she positioned Rassa's cock at her entrance. Heat radiated from her sex onto Rassa's cock, increasing his need even further.

As soon as Rassa's tip was inside of her, Zenn lowered herself down onto his cock. As she slowly impaled herself on Rassa's cock she felt the glowing warmth again spreading through her body. When she was down all the way, every part of his otter-meat buried inside of her, Zenn began to sway her hips again.

The gyrating motions that Zenn did sent pleasure flashing though the two of them. Rassa groaned as he felt the movement, the sensation of his cock being buried all of the way inside of Zenn and still feeling the movement. Her vaginal walls rubbed snuggly against him, massaging him and sending waves of intense pleasure through his body. Both Zenn and Rassa groaned loudly in ecstasy, Wren's fingers gripping pawfuls of Rassa's fur while Rassa gripped Zenn's sides and massaged her belly.

Zenn felt her release come sneaking up before it hit her, pleasure pouring over her body like a tidal wave. She groaned louder than before and slumped forward, her strength temporarily sapped. Rassa took advantage of the opportunity and rolled her over again, situating himself on top and pushing hard against her, burying himself as deep as he could possibly go. Zenn cried out in pleasure as the sensation of Rassa mounting her and her orgasm collided, created another more powerful release.

Zenn was still twisting in pleasure from her orgasm when Rassa began thrusting. His thrusts were slow and deep, his length going deeper than he ever thought possible. While he thrust his fingers began to explore her body again. His fingers massaged the wet fur in between her thighs as he continued to mate her. His paws stroked her belly and chest. He massaged her breasts, cupping them and kneading them, his thumbs playing with her nipples. His paws continued to explore, rubbing her arms, her armpits, her back, her neck and her throat. Rassa broke of their kiss and he continued to explore Zenn's face, his fingers running gently across her cheeks, her lips, all over her face gently stroking and feeling.

Down below, Rassa could feel his knot starting to swell. An urge for more came over him and he began grinding faster, humping Zenn faster than before. His arms went back to wrapping around Zenn, holding her tightly, so tightly that her breathing had become a little labored and gasping. He gritted his teeth as he continued to move, and suddenly he lashed out, his jaw snapping down on the base of Zenn's neck. She gasped a little, his sharp teeth digging into her flesh. He wasn't trying to bite a piece off of her, just achieve a closer feeling, simply following his instincts. Rassa could feel the taste of Zenn's blood in his mouth, exciting him more, the implications not really registering through the haze of passion.

Finally, Rassa's knot grew to full size and with a growl; he thrust as hard as he could into Zenn. His knot popped into place and he felt a surge through his body. Rassa scrambled around Zenn's body, trying to pull her closer. One arm wrapped around her shoulders and the other wrapped around her waist and he squeezed her to him. Suddenly, a shock went through Rassa and his own release hit. Deep inside of Zenn's Rassa's cock twitched and sent burst after burst of thick cum into Zenn's uterus. Even though he had been drained last night, Rassa still deposited a great deal of seed inside of Zenn.

Zenn felt the glow down in her lower body and shut her eyes, groaning loudly. Her vaginal walls began to vibrate, milking Rassa for every last drop. Rassa stiffened like a board and whined softly as the last few bursts of his cum spurted into Zenn. After a few moments the feelings faded to a dull glow of pleasure and the afterglow of sex. The last of Rassa's cum, coaxed out by the pulsing in Zenn's vagina, dribbled out and the sperm started to fill Zenn.

Rassa collapsed on top of Zenn, gasping for breath. Gently, he pulled Zenn onto her side and the two of them cuddled, Rassa's knot still tying the two of them together. Suddenly, Rassa noticed a warm wetness on the side of his neck and he pulled back. It was only then that Rassa noticed the bloody bite mark on Zenn's neck. Immediately he gasped and looked up at Zenn.

"I did that?!" he asked in disbelief.

Zenn winced a little and nodded, "Yeah..."

A look of deep shame and disbelief crossed Rassa's face. He began to tenderly lick the wound, very gently trying to clean the cut left behind by his teeth. The cuts weren't really deep, but they were bleeding enough that the fur on Zenn's shoulder was matted with blood. When the blood was cleaned away Rassa looked back up at Zenn, his eyes downcast and his gaze apologetic.

Seeing the look on his face Zenn laughed a little, "Don't worry about it lover. I'm a soldier remember? I've had a lot worse than this."

Rassa slowly wrapped his arms back around Zenn, his fingers caressing her back. One hand slowly ran down the scar on her back and across her shoulders. As soon as Rassa began rubbing her shoulders, Zenn groaned and gritted her teeth. When Rassa looked up to see if he had hurt her, Zenn wrapped her legs around Rassa and pulled him closer. She whispered in his ear, "Ever since I was young, I loved it when people stroked my back. Now that you are doing it lover," She purred and rubbed her face in Rassa's fur, enjoying the warm and musky smell about him "I find it really arousing."

Rassa smiled and kept rubbing her back, his fingers stroking her lightly. The more he did so, the more Zenn nuzzled against him, trying to bury her in his fur. Rassa's length was still deep inside of Zenn and the movements created pleasant sensations. After a while, the two of them lay mostly still, Rassa stroking Zenn's back while Zenn simply lay in his grasp, shivering at the sensations from time to time. Already drained from the morning's activities the two drifted off into a warm sleep as the city around them came to life.