The Unexpected - Chapter 3: A Fresh Start

Story by OldBlackCat on SoFurry

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"The place is looking good so far, nice job, I'm quite impressed. So I understand you're having a room mate move in?" Katrina asked, looking around the new house approvingly.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend actually." Robert said, watching intently for her reaction to the new information.

"Oh, you're gay?" Katrina asked mildly, inspecting a picture of Robby and Cassey on the mantle.

"Well, bi actually..." The panther corrected.

"Ah, well don't worry, that doesn't affect anything. I have word from social services, they want to come and see the house so they can decide if it's fit for your sister. I believe there's a High school not very far from here she can transfer to, and if you get the rest of these boxes unpacked before they come to see the place, I think you have a really good chance of keeping custody." Katrina said, turning to face Robert and smiling warmly at him.

"Though I would advise not letting them know about your relationship with the room mate being anything more than friends, if you're lucky you'll get a social worker who doesn't care, but its best not to risk it with how some people are getting these days." She added thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I know what you mean; I think the humans are mostly the ones causing those particular problems. Not that I'm suggesting that all humans are like that, I've just noticed they seem more prone to close mindedness." Robby said, nodding a bit.

"Yes, well anyway, Social Services said they would like to come by ASAP, so the sooner the better. Here is their number so you can get a hold of them when you're ready." The raccoon said, handing him a small card.

"Thanks, I think we could be ready today, but for that I'd need a little help around here getting the last few boxes unpacked and some groceries in the kitchen. Sadly, Jake won't be back from work in time to help me get it done before this evening, and after all that Cassandra has been through I'd hate to wake her up and make her help me. She's not even ready to go back to school yet, I don't want to push her into chores just yet, she needs time to calm down and get used to things." Robert said, glancing toward the room his little sister was sleeping in.

"I understand, hey I could help you out if you want. I'm off duty anyway, so I certainly wouldn't mind helping you guys out." Katrina offered with a warm smile.

"I couldn't possibly ask you to help me unpack, you've already done so much for us I don't want to ask too much of you."

"No, really, I'd be more than happy to help. Come on, let me help set things up, I won't take no for an answer Robby."

"Oh alright, you can help, just don't break anything you can't afford to replace." Robert teased, sticking his tongue out at her a bit before walking into the dining room area where most of the boxes were.

"I'm a raccoon, not a bear." Katrina pointed out teasingly, following him through the doorway.

"Good point, don't let me catch you filching anything then." He said, grinning wickedly and opening a large box labeled 'Table'. "Mind helping me put the table together?" He asked, glancing back at her over his shoulder.

"Sure." She grinned, moving to help him as he began pulling pieces out of the box and setting them on the floor.


"Ok, they're on their way over to see the house." Robert said, wringing his paws nervously.

"Well I suppose that's my cue to head out then, I hope everything goes well." Katrina said, patting him on the shoulder lightly and smiling.

"Uh, do you think you could possibly stay for the inspection? I'm nervous and I could use some support here." Robby asked hopefully.

"Of course I'll stay no problem." The raccoon said, smiling more.

"Thanks, they said they should get here in about 30 minutes or so, I guess I should probably go and wake Cassey up." The panther said, turning to walk toward his sister's door.

"Alright, I'll go ahead and wait out here." She said, looking to the couch in the living room.

Robert headed to Cassandra's door, knocking on it softly before opening it and walking into her room quietly. Approaching her bed he watched her sleep so peacefully for a few moments before deciding to wake her, reaching a paw out to shake her gently.

"Cassey, wake up." Robby said quietly, moving over the pull the blinds on her window up, letting the sunlight flood in like a torrent of water.

Cassandra groaned quietly and rolled over, facing away from the bright sunshine that spewed across the room. Smiling, Robert walked back over to her and tugged softly at her blankets.

"Come on sis, you gotta get up now, the social worker is going to come and see if you can stay here." He said.

Slowly sitting up, Cassey rubbed the sleep from her eyes, mumbling bleary complaints about being woken up. Smiling warmly, Robby reached a paw and ruffled her raven hair and soft ears gently; grinning at the playful hiss he got in return.

"Come on, get up sleepy head, you should take a quick shower and put on something nice." He said, offering his hand to help her up.

Grumbling more she took her big brothers hand, casting aside her blankets and getting up out of the bed, stretching some and wincing a little at the soreness in her shoulder. Robert frowned a bit and gave a small sigh, stopping her before she started toward the bathroom, carefully removing the bandage on her shoulder to inspect the wound. It looked like it was doing much better, but he could tell it had gotten more stress on it than it should have, and looking around he saw that her dresser had been moved.

"Damn it Cassey, you should have just asked me to come move it for you." Robert said, startling his sister a bit.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you, I just don't want you putting more stress on the injury than you need to until it heals." He said apologetically, sighing and throwing away the dirty bandage. "Look, just go get your shower; I'll help you get a new bandage on there after you get dressed alright? Don't take too long, they'll be here soon."

Cassandra nodded quietly, turning to give her brother a big hug before running off to the bathroom for her shower. Robert decided to rummage through her closet a bit, pulling out a dark green sundress embroidered with golden doves, setting it on her bed with a matching green bow for her hair.

"She can pick out her own underwear, because I'm not going through that." He chuckled to himself, turning and leaving her room, shutting the door behind him and walking to the living room. "Katrina?" He called, looking around the unoccupied living room.

"I'm in here." Katrina called from the kitchen.

Walking to the kitchen he found her setting out a lump of bread dough to rise, a pot was boiling behind her on the stove, steam curling up from under the lid as she lifted it, stirring the contents of the pot before closing it again. Bewildered, Robert stared for a few minutes before shaking his head a bit, looking to Katrina.

"Are you cooking?" He asked confused.

"Well that is what they call it where I'm from." She said, winking at him before turning to the cutting board. "If you're not planning to help, then you'd best stay out of my way, might lose a paw if I catch you trying to sneak some food." The raccoon teased, waving the knife at him playfully.

"What exactly possessed you to raid the fridge and cook us dinner?"

"Look, I know how these people work alright; you have to show you have a working household. You have to clothe her, shelter her, educate her, and feed her."

"I know tha-"

"Honey, I'm home!" A soft male voice called from the living room, the front door closing softly.

"Jake? Is that you?" Robert called.

"None other, where are you at?"

"In the kitchen."

Jake made his way through the living room, hanging up his jacket in the closet before passing through the dining room, tossing his keys onto the table as he passed by it. The orca sniffed tentatively at the scent in the air as he entered the kitchen, looking to Robert and then to the Raccoon at the stove, slightly taken aback he blinked a few times.

"Do we have a maid now or something? Who is she?" Jake asked, raising a brow speculatively.

"I wish, but no. Jake, this is officer Baedrin." Robert explained, smiling warmly at the slim orca.

"Call me Katrina." The raccoon insisted turning and offering her paw for a shake.

"A cop who cooks, nice to meet you Katrina, Robby has told me a bit about you. Thank you so much for helping us out with Cassey, she's a sweet girl and she's been through a lot, and I know how much Robby cares about her." Jake said, gripping the proffered paw softly and shaking it.

"Well met," Katrina agreed, giving a nod and a gentle smile. "I'm glad I've been able to help you guys out, it's been a pleasure to be able to help someone out of such a bad situation, I'm just glad Cassey is so lucky to have two people like you to take care of her."

"Indeed. So did Robby con you into cooking dinner too?"

"Oh, no, it was a random whim, social services will be here within a few minutes and I figured it would be a good idea to have dinner on the table already, or at least cooking by the time they get here. They're very anal about making sure the household is steady and functional before they consider the environment being suitable for a child." Katrina said, turning again to stir the pot on the stove, reaching up to turn the stove dial to 'OFF'.

Robert and Jake both looked to each other and gave a quiet snicker at an inside joke, trading a knowing wink with one another. The sound of the doorbell startled them out of their momentary thoughts. Katrina tossed a plaid potholder to Jake with a devious grin, giving Robert a nudge toward the doorway.

"Anyone asks, you're the cook Jake." She said as she passed by him, smiling at his look of confusion and draping the apron over his neck.

"Uh, alright? But I can't even boil water." Jake said, looking at the potholder in his hands for a moment before stepping up to the stove and peeking under the steamy glass lid of the pot.

Robert made his way through the living room to the front door, Katrina following closely on his heel. Cassandra was sitting on the couch watching evening cartoons on the television; she had already put on a bandage by herself. Turning the knob and pulling the door open, Robert was glad if not nervous to see the social worker waiting calmly on the front porch.

"Evening, you are Robert Caldin, correct?" The man was a tall, lean German Sheppard, dressed in a simple white dress shirt and black slacks. He held a blue clipboard of neat papers in front of him, a pen in his other paw as he waited for confirmation.

"Yes, please come in." Robby said, stepping back and opening the door wider to let the man through.

"Good, thank you." The Sheppard said, though his expression didn't seem as sincere as his words as he stepped through the threshold.

"Ah, Jonathan, long time no see." Katrina said, somewhat surprised to see a familiar face.

"Katrina? What brings you here?" Jonathan asked suspiciously, glancing around the room with an appraising gaze.

"Just come to see how things go." She said idly.

"I see. So I take it this must be Cassandra." Jonathan assumed, waving a paw in Cassey's direction.

"Yes, that's the little angel." Katrina agreed, smiling toward Cassandra.

"I was asking Mr. Caldrin." Jonathan said snidely.

Katrina remained expressionless for a moment before giving a smile so sweet it unnerved Robert. Nodding vaguely and turning her attention to the TV, she plopped down on the couch next to the young panthress. Cassandra gave a disgusted look at Jonathan just out of his range of sight.

"Now then, where is Mister Jacob Ashford?" Jonathan asked, paying little heed to the raccoon who rolled her eyes despairingly at his insistent formalities.

"Ah, Jake is in the kitchen cooking dinner, I'll go get him." Robby said, turning toward the doorway.

"No, please, stay, I wish to speak with you more, perhaps Ms. Baedrin can be put to use fetching your room mate instead of lounging around on the couch." The Sheppard said dryly, casting a disapproving glance at Katrina.

"That's Officer Baedrin, thank you very much." Katrina countered with a stinging glare.

"I do believe you're currently suspended Katrina." Jon said with a bitter smile.

The raccoon hoisted herself suddenly up off of the couch, causing Jonathan to take a slight step back, startled at the movement. If looks could kill, then Jon would have keeled over then and there, because the look she gave him had more than just anger, it held some deep down hatred. Turning, Katrina stormed out of the room, making her way through the dining room and to the kitchen doorway, calming herself before she approached Jake.

The orca seemed hard at work trying not to burn any food, and honestly, Katrina was surprised to see that the rice in the pot wasn't quite as disastrous as she had been expecting.


"Well, everything seems to be in good order Mr. Caldin, healthy meal on the table, food in the fridge, clean home. A school nearby, as far as I can see this is a good location for Cassandra. From the paperwork I see you and Mr. Ashford are doing rather well financially, but I see one small complication here." Jonathan explained with mild interest.

"What?" Jake asked, surprised that anything might be wrong after so much hard work.

"While the two of you are doing fairly well when it comes to money, I'm afraid you might not have quite enough to afford all necessary bills and expenses. We are asking that Cassandra meet with a psychiatrist a few times a month, after the ordeal she has been through; we think giving her someone to talk to about things would be a wise idea. As you may know, those expenses can become a bit high, and we also ask that you take her to get check ups at a doctor of your choice. Those bills are a bit pricey as well, but we think it's a good idea to make sure no overly extensive damage was done to her during the attacks." The social worker said dully.

"So what are we supposed to do?" Robert asked, panic rising within him.

"There is also the court fee's for the trial against your father, and possible further court fees should Cassandra's claims against young Mr. Damitri Flankston prove fruitful. Unless you can provide another source of income quickly, then I'm afraid we can't give you legal guardianship of your sister until you meet all of our requirements." Jon said, scrawling a few notes into his paperwork.

"But there's only two of us, and one of us needs to be home at all times for Cassey, we've already barely managed to set up our schedules so that I'm at work during the day while Jake is home and during the evening he goes to work while I stay home. There's no way we can schedule in more jobs for either of us without conflicting with our current hours. Isn't there anything else we can do?" Robby groaned pleadingly.

"If you can acquire a new, trustworthy room mate with a respectable, well paying job, then we may be able to come to an arrangement Mr. Caldin. After all, I did notice the spare bedroom during the brief tour you gave of the house."

"Where in the world am I going to find a good room mate on such short notice?"

"I'll do it." Katrina piped up; she had been sitting quietly in a chair a few feet away from the others until now.

"You'll help us find someone?"

"No, I mean I'll move in with you." The raccoon explained, leaning forward a bit in her seat, her face a mask of all seriousness.

"Really? You'd do that for us, I mean after everything you've done to help out already, I'm sure that's certainly asking too much of you." Jake said, looking to her with hopeful eyes.

"Yes really, I wouldn't have offered the idea if I didn't want to do it in the first place."

"Might I remind you again Ms. Baedrin that you are on suspension?" Jonathan interrupted.

"Current suspension, and only until it get's cleared up tomorrow." Katrina snapped at the German Sheppard's snide remark.

"Your salary is quite sufficient Katrina, and if you worm your way out of the suspension then you make a viable candidate for the position of room mate. This would solve the only problem, and thus Cassandra can live here." Jon admitted after a moment.

"Great, I'll move in tomorrow." Katrina said gleefully.

"Let me finish before you start celebrating Katrina. I will come back the first week of every month for 4 months, if I find that the home is still to my satisfaction, Mr. Caldin will be granted full custody of Cassandra." Jonathan said blandly, pausing for a moment before continuing. "If, on the other hand, I find this environment unfit for the girl then I will remove her from the home and she will be sent to foster care. Until my decision is reached, Mr. Caldin is still legally her guardian, but be aware that this can change at any moment, even after the 4 months is up."

"Thank you very much Jonathan, you have no idea how much it means to me to know my sister is safe with me." Robert said, an irrepressible smile forming on his muzzle.

"That's Mr. Divini if you don't mind." The dog said with more than a hint of arrogance as he finished filling in his paperwork.

"Well Mr. Divini, let me show you to the door, I hope you have a lovely evening and we look forward to your visit next month." Jake said, getting up from the couch and taking Jonathan lightly by the elbow, leading him from his seat toward the door without waiting for any form of response.

Though he made no verbal protest to his escort, Jon certainly didn't seem keen on the idea of being led so suddenly to the door. Jake merely smiled as he opened the door and pointed invitingly at the exit, flipping the porch light on as he watched the Sheppard step outside.

As soon as the door had shut behind Jonathan and Jake had assured all of them that he was well down the driveway, a small cheer erupted in the room.


It was well into the night when Katrina left to go back to her apartment for the night; she would return tomorrow and begin moving in to the spare bedroom. Cassandra had called it a night and headed to her room, content that this was her permanent home and that she was safe here.

Robby and Jake made their way slowly to the bedroom which they intended to share; the hallway was short and wide, leaving plenty of space as they walked side by side. Portraits and paintings hung neatly on the walls, and a black and red plaque declared the first door to their left Cassandra's room, light spewed out from the crack beneath her door.

Directly across from Cassandra's bedroom was the room which would have belonged to Jake, and next to it was Katrina's, across from which was the bathroom. The plush, beige carpet felt soft against the pads of Robert's feet as he approached their bedroom, his tail swishing gently behind him as he walked, paw clasping Jake's own paw. The bedroom door was open, but the room was dark, this however was soon remedied as Robby flipped the switch to the right of the doorway.

Light flooded the room, casting shadows across the walls and bringing the furnishings of the room into clear view. A dresser was set neatly against the wall near the door, the bed, spacious but not overly so, was placed directly across from the doorway. A small shelf was lined with an assortment of novels close by the nightstand, which stood to the right side of the bed. Though the ceiling light gave plenty of illumination, a small lamp sat atop the night stand, specifically useful for night time reading.

Jake smiled as he stepped into the room, it seemed a bit empty now, but once he moved his own furniture in, it would seem much cozier. Robert's soft fur felt lush against his own smooth skin, and tingles coursed through his body at the ideas and images that swam amidst his thoughts.

Robert gently tugged Jake through the doorway before pushing the door closed behind them, making sure it was securely locked so no one could accidentally walk in on them and spoil the mood. It's been a good day, and it seems to be getting increasingly better, the panther thought to himself as he turned to watch his lover walk toward the bed. His vivid blue eyes drank in the sight hungrily as Jake pulled off his grey t-shirt, tossing it lightly into a laundry hamper by the closet.

The feline gazed fondly upon his mate, at his slender but toned body, the smooth black of his body and the milky white of his underside contrasting cleanly against each other. Why admire from a distance when you can freely and fully indulge, Robby asked himself, taking a few steps toward the orca.

Jake glanced over his shoulder at the approaching panther, giving a warm smile and turning to face him, hands working at the button of his jeans. Reaching out a gentle paw, Robert lightly pushed the orca's hands aside, taking over the unbuttoning of Jake's pants now. As Robby brushed aside his hands, Jake gave a small grin, leaning forward to press his lips lightly against Robert's, his hands moving to slide up under the sides of the panther's shirt.

The feel of Jake's soothing hands venturing up across his sides and chest sent a pleasurable shiver up Robert's spine. Pulling reluctantly from the kiss he lifted his arms, letting Jake slowly pull his green t-shirt up and off. Casting the shirt into the hamper with his own, Jake stepped a bit closer to his lover, running his hands over the silky black fur of Robert's toned chest.

Robby just smiled in adoration at the whale, reaching a paw up to gently caress Jake's smooth cheek, tilting the orca's chin up a bit and kissing him deeply, lips pressed firmly against Jakes. With one last deft hand movement Robert tugged Jakes pants down, letting them crumple to the floor around his ankles before reaching down and quickly undoing his own jeans, slipping them down to expose his satin boxers. Jake, who wore no underwear beneath his jeans, was firm and ready as he stared intently at the slowly growing bulge in his mates boxers.

Tugging down his boxers and letting them slide to join his pants on the floor Robert stepped out of the clothing and toward Jake, wrapping his arms around the slender orca to grab his ass firmly, lifting him and moving to the bed, dropping him lightly onto the crisp new sheets. Jake kissed at Roberts neck as he was lifted, feeling the hard press of Roberts erection against his stomach before he was dropped onto the soft bed.

Robert climbed onto the bed between Jakes spread legs, giving him a toothy grin and leaning over him, placing a hand on either side of his head as he pressed a hard kiss against Jakes lips hungrily. Jake kissed back obediently, reaching a hand between their bodies to grip Robby's feline shaft. The panther gave a low animalistic growl and grabbed Jakes hand, pulling it away from his cock before sitting up some, grasping Jake by his shoulders and forcing him to turn over so that he lay on his stomach on the bed, propping the orca up on his knees so his ass was raised in the air in a doggy style position.

Reaching over to the nightstand Jake grabbed a tube of lubrication from the drawer and held it out to Robert behind him. Taking the lube Robby quickly squeezed some out onto a hand and slathered it along the pulsing length of his dick thoroughly. Jake gave a soft gasp as he felt the hot tip press against his tight ass, closing his eyes and gripping the bed softly as Robert started to push in slowly at first then forcing the rest of his member into the orcas puckered hole with a growl and a hard thrust.

Jake cried out at the sudden thrust and groaned a little as Robert left it in a moment, letting Jakes ass become accustomed to the intrusion before he slowly began sliding back out again. Leaving only the tip pressed into Jake, Robert swung his hips forward again, shoving his panther meat deep into his mate again with a groan of pleasure at the tightness that gripped him.

Cassandra stood with her ear pressed to the door listening intently to the sounds that were coming from her brother's room; she could feel a warm wetness growing steadily between her thighs as she pictured what must be going on behind the locked door. The thoughts and sensation suddenly made her uneasy as a rush of memories of her own experiences flooded her mind, sending her stumbling back from her brother's door and into her own room, slamming the door shut behind her and collapsing onto her bed trembling and crying into her pillow.

Robert and Jake looked at their door, startled by the sudden slam of a door they stopped, glancing at each other for a brief moment before Robby pulled out of Jake, grabbing his boxers from the floor as he slid off the bed, pulling them on and tucking his lubed, quickly dwindling cock into the boxers as he unlocked the door. Jake stayed laying on the bed, disappointed at the unexpected interruption. Opening the door Robert stepped out into the hall, closing the door softly behind him, he could see the plaque on Cassey's door still swinging softly from the force she had shut it with.

Worried that something had happened Robert didn't bother knocking, opening the door quickly and stepping into the room, his eyes scanned instinctively for trouble upon finding none he approached his sister, frowning in confusion he touched a hand softly to her shoulder.

"Cassey? Are you alright, what's wrong?" He asked his voice full of concern.

Cassandra looked up at her brother, tears leaving matted streaks across her furry cheeks as she moved to hug him tightly. A little surprised he hugged her back, wrapping his arms around her small shoulders and holding her close for a moment before moving back some, tilting her chin up so that she looked at him.

"What's wrong sweetie?" He asked again, reaching a hand to gently wipe at her wet face.

"I heard you and Jake... what were you doing?" She asked softly, nuzzling against his warm hand.

"We... Well, we were having sex..." Robert explained softly.

"He was hurting you?"

"What? No, why would he hurt me?" Robby asked confused.

"Sex hurts its bad..." She frowned at him.

"Wh-... Oh Cassey..." Moving her held her tightly against him again, burying his face in her soft black hair for a moment, breathing in the fruity scent of her shampoo before looking at her again. "Cassey, honey, not all sex is like that. Rape is bad, sex can feel really good." He explained, cupping her face gently in his hands as he gazed into her eyes.

"But... when Damitri said we were having sex it hurt..." Cassandra was confused; her only sexual experiences had been bad ones, leaving her with little else for comparison.

"Oh honey, he was lying, you've never had sex. Everything he did to you was rape... Sex is where two people... Or more, all agree to it and they all enjoy it. Rape isn't consensual, the people don't agree on it, the person being raped doesn't want it but can't stop the other person." Robert frowned trying to explain the difference clearly to his naïve little sister.

"But... Damitri always said we were having sex..." She said again, still confused.

"Did you want to do it?" He asked, suppressing the anger he felt at the mention of her ex-boyfriend.

"Well... no."

"Then it was rape."

"It's been so hard trying to break the habits..."

"What habits?" Robert asked, frowning at his sister.

"Being a... sex slave... that's what he called it, he said I was his bitch... Daddy called me that too..."

"He called you what?!" Robert clenched his fists tightly, grinding his teeth together in anger.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you mad, I'm sorry!" Cassandra whimpered, moving back a little away from her brother and cowering on her bed out of habit.

"Oh Cassey, no, please don't ever be scared of me, I'm so sorry that I scared you." Roberts expression and voice quickly softened, moving he hugged his baby sister tightly against the bare fur of his chest.

Cassey closed her eyes, letting her brother pull her into the warmth of his body as he held her in a gentle comforting embrace; she closed her eyes and relaxed against him for a few moments as they sat on her bed quietly. Opening her eyes again she slowly moved a bit, looking up into his loving blue eyes with her own gentle green gaze. After a moments thought she furrowed her brow a bit in confusion and curiosity.

"So sex can feel good?" She asked her interest peaked.

"Oh yes, very, very good sometimes." He chuckled, a little surprised by the question and his own readiness to supply open answers on the subject.

"And it doesn't hurt?"

"No," He stopped for a moment in thought, "Well, sometimes, it can hurt sometimes, some people like a little bit of pain, others don't." He corrected himself, watching his sisters reaction. "So sometimes people are a little rough, but other people are gentle and avoid pain as much as they can." Robert explained, feeling a little awkward talking about sex with his little sister now that it was turning to the mention of fetishes.

"Do you like pain?" Cassandra asked, truly curious as she peered at her brother.

"I... um, well I guess a little bit, but usually I'm the dominant one, I'm a little rough." He reached a hand up rubbing the back of his neck a little and looking away some at the awkwardness of the conversation.

"Could you show me how sex can feel good?" Cassandra asked, tilting her head to the side a little in curiosity as she watched her brother for his response.

"What?! No! I mean... No, that's not right." Robby shook his head vigorously, eyes wide in shock at the unforeseen question.

"But you said sex is good..." Cassey looked utterly confused.

"Yes, but family isn't supposed to do that together."

"I know that! Ew, I didn't mean that! I meant a movie or something." Cassey made a face of disgust at her brother as she realized what he thought she had asked of him.

"Oh... Oh!! I'm sorry, I just thought you meant... Never mind... I'm sorry, this conversation is awkward so can we talk about this later or something? I just don't really feel comfortable talking about this with you right now, and I'm tired, it's late we should both go to sleep..." He said trying to dodge her request and change the subject away from his embarrassing misinterpretation, his cheeks and ears bright red beneath his black fur.

Cassey pouted a bit but finally gave a small nod as she stifled a yawn, "Alright, but I still wanna talk about this later." She said firmly before leaning over to give her brother a big hug.

Robert couldn't help but smile, she was so cute when she tried to act like she was giving him no choice. He hugged her back tightly and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead before ruffling her hair and ears with a playful grin, much to her annoyance and protest.

Getting up he made his way to her bedroom door, turning to look back at her where she sat on her bed trying to straighten her hair and give him a death glare at the same time. She looked absolutely adorable, he couldn't help himself as he burst into a fit of snickering, for which he received a swiftly thrown pillow in the face.

Cassey kneeled on the edge of her bed with her hands on her hips and a smug triumphant smirk on her lips as she brother fell on his rump clutching the pillow. The look was quickly wiped from her muzzle and her ears flattened back against her head as she saw the wicked grin written across Robby's face.

"No Robby please don't!" She squealed in a high voice as she backed up on her bed until she found herself trapped by the wall with her brother quickly getting to his feet.

Before she could think of an escape route the pillow came flying and buffeted her square in the face, making her fall over onto the bed in surprise as Robby made a mad dash at her dazed figure. Leaping onto the bed Robert reached his paws out and began to tickle his little sisters side mercilessly, encouraged by the squeaks and squeals she made as she squirmed around beneath him on the bed trying desperately to escape his wiggling fingers.

Cassandra screeched and wiggled hopelessly around with laughter on her fluffy bed as Robby continued to tickle her, knowing all her best spots and running his furry fingers wickedly over each one in turn, inciting more shrieks of mirth from his little sister much to his delight.

By the time Jake had dressed and come in to see what all the fuss was about and Robert finally ended his torture, Cassey laid panting and giggling softly on her bed. Robert smiled and helped her sit up, a little short of breath himself from the ordeal. The two hugged each other tightly before Cassandra tried to straighten out her twisted up pajama top and shorts as Robby and Jake stood in her door way.

"Good night Cass, see you in the morning." Robby called softly from the doorway, waving at her.

"G'night Cassey." Jake said, stepping into the hallway.

"Night Robby, night Jake." She called back, looking over to her door and waving back at her big brother.

Cassandra collapsed onto her bed and hugged her pillow gazing at the ceiling after her brother and his boyfriend had gone, shutting her door behind them and leaving her to the quiet of her room once more.

Thinking back over the conversation between her and her brother she couldn't believe he had actually thought she was asking him to have sex with her. "How gross!" she mumbled softly to herself, though as she thought about it she couldn't help a light blush creep across her cheeks and ears.

Soon she was drifting into a tired sleep, it had been a long day and a lot more was in store for tomorrow.

Down the hall, Jake and Robert had cleaned themselves of lube in the bathroom and retired to bed for the night as well. Though both were disappointed that their little escapade had been short lived due to interruption, they were content with the thought of continuing tomorrow.

Sleep stole over the house and all was quiet, the peace and comfort was quite welcome to everyone after the events of the last few weeks.