Dante's Awakening Chapter 11.

Story by RuthofPern on SoFurry

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#11 of Dante's Awakening

Chapter 11.

"Will you return this way at some point in the future, Princess?" Miles asked, "My mansion will always be open to you."

Rena smiled, "It will be something that we will bear in mind, Lord. Should the quest be successful."

"Well I will bid you good sailing then...and look forward to your return," the gryphon replied, stepping back onto the gangplank of the coastal cruiser Rena and Dante were standing on the deck of. "The offer mentor...applies to you as well." He stated, saluting the grizzled otter.

Aspenall grinned, "I should bloody think so too, now that I have found you again, you bumbling ball of feathers!" That fetched a few chuckles off the dock workers as they raised the plank, and began undoing the hawsers on the quayside.

"Sails up!" The first mate shouted from behind three deck watchers, as the ship began to slide from the mooring on the tide.

"We have another watcher," Dante whispered, looking up to the terrace that they had dined upon together two evenings earlier.

Rena shielded her eyes against the rising sun-glare, the unmistakable silhouette of the unicorn who had joined them for the night, clearly visible against the boarding of the Inn behind her, "She has some nerve..." the wolf-bitch grumbled.

"As do you..." Dante replied, his mind wandering back thirty six marks...


"YES!" Ammy exclaimed, her neck arching backwards as her crotch seemed to meld with his belly for just a fraction of a second.

"She fucking did it and all..." Rena remarked, eyes glued to the scene in front of her from where she was straddling Dante's chest, not a small amount of envy glowing within them as the unicorn Mage had achieved over a period of half a mark, what she knew she could never hope to do in her lifetime...

A look of triumph from the mare caught her staring, and Ammy reached forward, burying Rena's head in her chestnut breasts in a hug that should have cost her a dagger in the kidneys, in any other moment...while Dante continued to lavish her hindquarters with his tongue... "Let us all cum together...and then I will leave Princess," Ammy panted, lifting slightly, before slamming down again with a lewd squelching of her heat swollen, and winking teardrop.

The warmth of her own peak was rapidly building within her, though she just knew that seeing her love used so, was quenching it, and not the cause...Even Dante's magic tongue was not the controlling factor here...It was the feedback from his own shaft's turgidity, from whence it was buried completely within the hot...deep...and heat riddled cave of the harlot who was stealing him from her tonight...

"Last chance to change your mind...Ammy," Dante declared through pursed lips, his tongue still flicking, faster and faster over his Mate's clit, making her run with desire even as he could feel her striking muscles tensing, the suffocating envelopment of Ammy's breasts around her muzzle about to drive her anger into overwhelming her arousal.

"DO IT!" Ammy called, letting Rena loose again, before driving herself down fully, holding the position as the first mighty twitch of Dante's member within her nearly caused her to topple over.

Rena froze upon him as his balls let loose...her howl ripping the bedroom's air apart as her nether lips parted and the sweetest of all sweetness's spilled upon his tongue from within, as her muscles sought to capture the writhing reason for their spasms. Ammy whinnied, gripping Dante tightly with her suckling and grasping passage, her third orgasm washing over her as her womb was bathed with his fiery hot seed, a look of both extreme pleasure and satisfaction upon her face as she felt his balls rolling around inside the base of his shaft, her vulva milking them. She held her hands forward, catching Rena, as both her and Dante's demi-sibs glowed green for a period, and they collapsed into post-orgasmic sleep.

Ammy chuckled to herself, squirming still, as despite his sleep, Dante's shaft was still twitching within her, "Bit of a bugger that...was hoping for a second ride..." she muttered to herself in the now silent room. She clenched, gently raising herself off his still spilling shaft, before stepping off his body as gently as possible. She circled, grinning at the incredible mess the bitch had left on his chin and neck, "You might present yourself as a hard, unloving warrior on the surface Rena...but you are like any female underneath your impenetrable shield," she whispered, gently rolling her off Dante, revolving her 180 degrees, so that her head was resting in the crook of his front leg.

Carefully she reached for the edge of the ruined bed sheets, wiping the leaking gift Dante had granted her with from between her legs, before she slipped into the dress she had been wearing for the meal...leaving her panties on the floor as a souvenir for them to find in the morning. "I am not going to risk your wrath when your mind is wine free...little Princess," she murmured in Rena's ear, "You will not see me again before you leave..."

With that she left them, closing the suite's door gently so as to not disturb the tableau of excesses she had left behind. She turned, and found her way blocked with a wall of muscle and feathers, "That was not really wise, Mage," Miles said, no grin on his cere this time.

"Why not...Lord? I mean, really...Why not?" Ammy replied, staring him down.

Miles sighed, backing his stance off a little. "I cannot protect you when you give birth to the Dralicorn. I will not be Lord then. Why did you inflict this upon yourself?"

"Protect me from what?" Ammy asked, "I could kill you in an instant with my magic...I need no protection."

Miles just shook his head, "You are tolerated here by the furs, because you are useful. I am tolerated, because I bring them wealth and prosperity. Dante has generated a great number of protests with the city guard...with many citizens requesting the chance to take him on and kill him, just for being what he is. What makes you think that the furs will not rise against you, if you bring a Dralicorn into their despicable, close minded worlds? There is a lot of bad blood between Dragon kind and the furs...less so between Unicorn kind and my kind on this continent."

"I will protect him..." Ammy replied, quietly.

"So you have decided his sex as well?" Miles asked.

"Yes...part of the spell that I used to bring me to heat. I shall birth a colt...As black as the night, as the magic will take his father's colours," Ammy confirmed.

"And if Gilensia and the nations turn upon you both?"

"Then I will flee with him. It is not like I haven't fled before when the herds exiled me. Hell, with my tutorage, and hopefully some of his father's far superior magic power...He will be the one protecting me from the day he can talk and gesture properly. Maybe we will head back to the herds...they would take me in if I had an asset for them...And Danrentha will certainly be just that..."

Miles just blinked at her, "Then let us hope that your plans work out. You are a good friend Ammy, and my mansion will be open to you if you need it when the time comes."

"You seriously think a time will come?" Ammy asked, her hand gently resting on her belly, in a semblance of protection.

"I think you should have asked yourself that question, before you bulled them into consenting to your plan on the dockside...Oh don't look so shocked Mage...you think that with all the trouble the populace has brewed against Dante's presence, that I wouldn't have discrete watchers on him for trouble? It wasn't your pleasured whinnying that had me waiting here outside the suite's door...I watched you enter it as well. You are an adult, so I didn't try and stop you, you demand that much respect. Goodnight Ammy...I will now go and tend to my suite, and the cheetah maids within. Plan well for when you belly begins to show...as that is when your trouble may start...from your fellow Mages first at a guess." Miles turned without another word and left her just standing there in the guttering light of the corridor's torches.

Her hand ran across her still flat and athletic belly, "Don't worry Danrentha...I will keep you safe, somehow..." she murmured to herself, before slowly starting down the stairs towards her suite.


He was broken from his retrospection by a pricking of a dagger tip on his thigh.

"Either fly over there and kill her, or stop day dreaming of her loins!" Rena growled, staring at him.

"Kill who?" Aspenall asked, shielding his eyes against the light.

"No one...and you would be dreaming of her too, if she had done to you, what she did to me. I cannot help being male Rena," Dante grumbled, as he turned and began walking towards the prow of the ship in a huff.

"You had some trouble that I don't know about?" Aspenall asked.

Rena grimaced, "Call it an improper proposal, that we were forced to accept. Remind me to kill any female unicorns, no matter how friendly that we may come across in the future..." she replied casually.

Aspenall's eyes glanced again towards the rapidly receding dock, picking up the silhouette he had missed before, before they followed Dante's tail, and then Rena's retreating back as she vanished below decks towards the main cabin that had been made hers and Dante's for the trip. Money could buy you anything including the Captain's berth...if there was enough of it. It seemed that though, that power, when combined with money, just bought trouble. His eyes fixed on Flaughten, who had just been watching the whole scene with several of the original men.

"The new company settled below okay?" Aspenall asked.

Flaughten nodded, "They seem to be okay, Sir. Some grumblings over the binding the Princess put upon them yesterday, but that was only to be expected."

"Humph...they want the superior pay, they will have to put up with the unusual conditions attached to it. At least the hull is sitting square, and the weather is clement."

"How long are we going to be on board?" Flaughten asked.

The otter grinned, "Four days at the most, before we get the Captain too hove to. Should be enough to fool any shore watchers, and this was only to distract them, after all."

The tiger nodded, "The lads all know about what went on in the castle. They don't approve, but...well there are some shield-mates in the mercenary company, so no-one can voice their opinions too loudly." The others sitting next to him all nodded.

"I was wondering when it would be noticed..." Aspenall replied, sighing.

"Not exactly difficult to spot the signs, Sir...I mean apart from the usual light hearted bickering between the two of them in public...she cannot keep her eyes from him, and when her back is turned, Dante is as bad with her. I would say that in a normal situation, it were infatuation, and not love..."

Aspenall snorted, "But normal it certainly isn't...The bloody demi-sibs have complicated things..."

"Demi-sibs?" Flaughten queried.

"His bracelet guardian...it's an entity. You will note next time you see her that she wears one as well now. When she gave her virginity to him, they split to protect her more thoroughly."

"Ahh...I had spotted that."

"They are most definitely in love I am afraid, for all that it means. It is also not normal for a female employer to order her men to the brothels at her expense either...How would you know what love is, over infatuation anyhow? I thought you were a bachelor through and through."

Flaughten chuckled, "Infatuation is what I had for the ocelot and otteress that decided to entertain me together for the coin the Princess so kindly spilt the other night...But I wouldn't go back and try and take them with me, neither would I sacrifice myself for them...nor would I go googly eyed whenever they walked past...unless they were naked of course. No...I know what love is, and I ain't ever had any of it yet except from my mother. One day though...it would be nice to be looked at by a female, in the same way that Rena looks at Dante."

Aspenall shivered involuntarily, "Don't remind me about otteresses! I swear it is a miracle I am capable of standing now, never mind yesterday after I was foolish enough to think I was young enough still to hire Rena's seamstress...And she told me afterwards that she had been gentle, in consideration for my age!"

Flaughten and the men chuckled, "At least you can admit that some things are past you..."

Aspenall grinned, "I mean yes...twice I could manage, but I passed out after the fourth time...she wouldn't accept no for an answer..."

The men fell silent, waiting for a joking retraction...But Aspenall just winked and tapped his helmet, turning and walking up towards the prow, where Dante was perched, competing for the title of figurehead with the carved dolphin/seahorse cross that was galloping through the light swells while supporting the bowsprit in its mouth. He just stood there, contemplating the open ocean ahead of them to the South.

"Yes Captain?" Dante asked, breaking the silence of the ocean's splashing eventually.

"Trouble?" Aspenall asked, looking at him silently.

"In regards to what?" Dante asked, neutrally.

"I think you already know," Aspenall replied, not broaching the subject directly.

Dante sighed, "I sincerely hope not...Rena is very hot tempered and blooded. These..." he paused and gestured at his bracelet with his other hand, "Have complicated things far beyond she, or I would ever have wanted."

Aspenall nodded, "My query was more directed towards the unicorn Mage..."

Dante looked at him from one eye, "I assume Miles briefed you then as to what happened?"

"He did."

"Then you already know that Ammy forced the inevitable future situation upon us early. From what has been deduced from the demi-sibs...I am not a father yet.However, I am now...or I will be in around eleven moons. I fear that the Mage's insistence so early in our confirmed relationship, may turn Rena from me and cause friction. She did not seek my advances last night..."

Aspenall nodded, "Did you make advances?"

"No...She is the driving force...Nothing would ever have happened without her insistence. Hell I was trying my hardest to stop it from happening in the first place," Dante replied.

Aspenall chuckled, "A wise fur once told me that the first male that understands a female's heart or intentions, would conquer the world without strife or war. That has never happened yet, nor do I think will it ever happen in the future.Hell...Even females don't understand other females. As an old fur myself now, I can fully sympathise with you...but I can perhaps provide a little insight into Rena at the moment..."

Dante looked down at the otter, "Go on," he prompted.

"Make her feel loved tonight...move on her for once to prove that she is the one you love, and not some harlot mare who is actually capable of taking you. She is feeling pretty inadequate at the moment at a guess."

"And you think I will survive making the first move?" Dante asked, a slight smile on his face.

Aspenall burst out laughing, "Try it...After all, you will revive if she does attack you!"

Dante laughed, "True, unless she suicides with me. I will do it... Did you have any further luck with your contacts?"

"Over Kalaw? Some. If the feedback I have got is accurate, well he is a long way away, and inland."

"So why continue the ship ruse?" Dante asked.

"Because he is also to the South to a certain extent. Oh we could have gone direct, but that would have involved the Southern road, which Giles and I considered too dangerous. As is...we will lose maybe two days travel time."

"Better that than lose men," Dante commented.

"Rena was of the same opinion...I am surprised she didn't discuss it with you." Aspenall pointed out.

Dante grinned, "As I mentioned, we were not exactly talking yesterday."

Aspenall chuckled, "Well I suggest that you heal the rift before we leave the ship...We are pretty safe out at sea, especially this close to the shore. But the minute we hit land again...if you don't work as a full team together, protecting the two of you is going to be all the more difficult."

"I shall endeavour to ensure that that occurs then. Warn the Shipmaster that any rocking later is not necessarily being caused by unseen cross swells..."

The otter laughed, "I shall do just that then..." he remarked and walked off.


"Well?" Kalaw asked, speaking into his scrying pool.

"We are marching towards the pass that you specified, Master," the nervous looking weasel replied.

Pathetic little specimen...but then again, he had barely the magical mastery to be called a hedge Mage, never mind enough to actually make the connection between himself and the scrying pool. It irked Kalaw that it was he that was the one having to expend energy and make contact with the Merc's he had contracted.

"And?" Kalaw asked.

"And what? Master."

"Is your Captain there like I requested?!" Kalaw growled, letting smoke whisper from his lips.

"He is making his way up the lines now...Master," the weasel replied.

"Making his way up the lines? I told you when I contracted you that you should ride with or near him so I could contact him immediately if something changes!" Kalaw roared.

"We do not exactly get on well...Master."

"Well I am funding you! You will get on if I say you will get on!"

"What's up, Scrote?" The corpulent capybara's voice asked, grunting a little with effort.

"What's up Captain, is that your Mage was meant to be riding with you. Regardless of how irritating and pathetic the little shite is...I need to be able to contact you if and when I need to!" Kalaw shouted, seeing the weasel's ears flatten from the volume. The picture went a little wobbly as his paw began to shake the mirror he was using as a receiver.

The Captain's face appeared on the edge of the image, "I was within calling distance..." he protested.

Kalaw grinned showing his teeth, "I do not consider a quartermark and appropriate response time. What if you had been attacked while I was waiting to tell you that one was imminent? The weasel rides and pitches tent within fifteen paces of you from now on, or I will come and hunt you down, dispose of you, and then flatten you village for your breach of contract... Understood?"

The capybara swallowed hard, "I understand...Sir."

"Good...then let that be the last of it," Kalaw stated, "Do not be late next time."

"What news have you for us...we only marched two dawns ago?" The Captain asked, regaining his composure slightly.

"Things have changed already...The targets have recruited a company from Gilensia, and are now at sea, sailing South. For what reason I am not sure, though they will have to make land again soon if they are going to head where I am sure they plan to...The wolf bitch's home."

The capybara sniffed, "So around an additional forty men?" he asked.


"Still well within our capabilities...I see no reason to alter our current plans."

"On your head be it...so to speak." Kalaw replied, "There has also been another complication... one which has taken me a full day to recover from, and a further day in order to build my energies enough to contact you this way."

"Oh?" The Captain asked.

"The bitch and the dragon are now bound by more than blood...a relationship has developed between them, and so she now wears an identical bracelet around her thigh. This could make her much more difficult to kill..." Kalaw stated, "Her magic has become fused with his as well, which makes her considerably more powerful, potentially."

The capybara grinned evilly, "You said remove her head...her head will be removed. Can't see that changing...The only way her head is going to stay on her body is if we are all dead... And well...if that happens I can hardly be concerned over what happens to you. However...as I said before, an extra forty men, even well trained and acting as a group will not be an issue for us. It is my intention in any ambush or attack tactics, to keep the little bitch pinned down so much in her defensive magics and shields, the she will not be able to launch an offensive...so it will be sword on sword, two to one. As for your sibling...he can be injured and killed...he cannot shield himself magically if what you told me is true...so therefore if he is airborne, he will be a pincushion before he can launch his own fire attack on our archers."

Kalaw nodded, "The tactics seem sound to me...but I cannot know the consequences of their magic merge. The little shite holding the mirror cannot protect you from my brother's fire if he is shielded through her...which I know is magically possible."

"Well if the first arrows bounce, the archers will all run into the melee. He cannot fire his own men and his paramour, and once on the floor, he is vulnerable."

"If the archers survive..." Kalaw replied darkly, "I will contact you again when I know their point of landing." The black dragon waved a forepaw over the scrying pool, blanking it, before pausing in the following silence.

"You won't win..."

Kalaw snapped his head around to face the source of the voice, where she was chained in the corner, "Shut it bitch..." he growled.

"Why? I have nothing left to lose. My freedom is gone, my sister is gone, my horde is gone, my dignity is gone...hell my name is gone!" The dragoness shouted back, bridling.

"Your life is not..." Kalaw grumbled, flames licking from the edges of his lips, "That could be arranged as well..." he threatened.

"Do it! End my misery! I would welcome my death with open wings you evil bastard! I know the only reason I am alive is so you can rape me whenever you feel the urge!"

"Don't tempt me!" Kalaw growled back.

"Ha!" she taunted back, "Your father would be so proud of you...he is probably even now trying to break out of the afterlife to stop your ways..."

Kalaw just shrugged, "He is of no consequence now...You however are, and have asked for this...I threatened you with it before, and now you have pushed me too far."

He began muttering a spell under his breath as the green dragoness' eyes widened, her mind bracing itself for his final strike. A ball off writhing shapes formed in his forepaws, not quite visible at any moment, but their whispering filled the cave as he agitated them further. "They are not...?" the dragoness asked, recoiling against the wall as he walked over to her.

"They are...meet your new guests..." Kalaw threw the roiling mass at her chest, and though she felt no impact they stuck, before vanishing through her scales without leaving a mark, "They will not be leaving you until I do decide to take a suitable mate!"

The dragoness screamed, her lungs almost bursting from the effort as the phantom scale worms began working their way through her body...nibbling and scratching at her internal nerves, but never actually doing any damage...Her agonised mental torture assured, for as long as breath passed from between her lips...or her brain continued to function...


"So...kissed and made up?" Aspenall asked, as Rena and Dante watched the last longboat of mercenaries row towards the secluded bay they had chosen as a beaching point.

There were no other suitable harbours this close to Gilensia, so the ship was being held by sea anchor while it's crew ferried the animate cargo to shore, one boat at a time, along with all their supplies. The horses were swimming in rope strings behind each trip, not seeming to mind the change from a swaying deck under hoof, to nothing under hoof...for at least the short distance to an assured, proper footing on the dry land ahead of them.

"We have reached a mutual arrangement," Rena answered, shading her eyes from the sun's glare as the mercs were disgorged from their seats into the shallows, and the boat began returning to the ship for her, Aspenall and the original band, "He is not entirely forgiven for accepting the proposition so early in our relationship..." she glanced sideways at Dante, who remained stoically silent.

"For someone not forgiven, you certainly spent enough time together in the Captain's cabin..." Aspenall commented quietly.

Dante looked down at him, "As part of our making up...we came to the agreement that we would spend as little time amorously together in camp as possible, to avoid agitating the men...as I am sure you do not want us to slip off into the woods so to speak, to be together alone...We kinda made the most of the privacy..."

"We have determined to keep our, none public activities, as private as possible...reserved only for our inn stops..." Rena completed.

"With the sole exceptions of the times when she enters heat...as she did in Gilensia," Dante added, "Even with herbs suppressing her, the men would find it very uncomfortable."

Rena glanced sharply at him, "I will not display myself that way publically..."

"So says the one who stripped and challenged Grillion to a fight on the first night of camp, because of your on setting heat," Dante countered, "You got as horny as the men that night."

"Children please..." Aspenall said firmly, as the longboat pulled alongside again, "Cross the bridge when it comes to it. I have told you, men and mercenaries alike will turn a blind eye to the activities of shield mates on the road."

"I had run out of herbs..." Rena muttered under her breath as the first of their group climbed down the rope ladders to the boat, and the horses were lowered on a sling...Fellericksy cow kicking all the way at the indignity of it.

The Captain of the ship walked over, "Will you be wanting a return passage at some point?" The sea otter asked.

Rena turned to face him, "No...and I am sorry that you were initially misled into believing this would be a long sail South. I have paid you for the full journey anyhow, and you can store or sell the additional two sevenday's worth ship supplies you laid on for us and the horses when you reach Port Humalie."

"Thank you Princess. I hope that your on-going quest is as smooth as the ride my ship has been able to provide you."

"I do to Captain...though I fear that that is more than we could hope for in reality." She turned to Dante, "Meet us on the cliff tops, after scouting ahead no more than a couple of mark's ride. I want an early start in the morning, so see if you can find us an amenable camping location for an early finish this evening. Get the horses and legs back to land use again."

Dante grinned, "Yes Ma'am..." he replied with a false salute, stretching his wings and launching before the loose spar she had grabbed could impact upon his scales.

Aspenall glanced at the ship's Captain as Rena grabbed onto the rope ladder, huffing in anger, before descending over the rail, "There are times..." he said, sighing.

"Wouldn't trade you...damned unnatural if you ask me... I will have to strip my bloody cabin back to the timbers...he has a rather potent scent doesn't he, when he has had his fun..." the ship's Captain grumbled.

Aspenall grinned, "That he does...I got some of him in my foot fur when we were attacked magically in the night. Besides, a full refit will be easy enough to pay for with all the extra monies in your purse. I'd bet you wouldn't refuse them transport again..." he commented, before dropping over the rail himself on the ladder without waiting for an answer.

The sea otter muttered to himself as he watched the longboat pull away for a final time from his ship, "You'd bet I wouldn't...I am bloody erect every time I go near the door," he turned heading towards the stern and his accommodations, "Rodger!" he called aloud.

A young water spaniel appeared on the edge of the poop deck, brass polishing cloth in his hand, "Yes Sir?" he asked, tongue lolling eagerly from his mouth.

"Main duties time...My cabin needs looking too." The otter ordered a half grin on his face.

"Yes Captain," the cabin pup responded, saluting before heading for the stair case down to the main deck.

The first mate glanced over at the Captain as the spaniel disappeared below, "Try not to ruin him for the rest of us Sir...We have all been trying to avoid the smell ourselves..."

The sea otter Captain chuckled... "Sail to the next cove mate, weigh anchor again, and then break out the rum rations. The Merc's may ignore shield-mates on the road...well tonight I will ignore any bobbing tails amongst the men. Get the pent up energy out of themselves... I am sure that Rodger will be able to resume his normal sharing duties in a couple of days...I will be throwing everything I can from my cabin overboard in the morning...but until that time...well, the dragon's unwelcome gift to me cannot be wasted."

The gap toothed leopard grinned, and saluted, "Thank you Sir...I am sure the men will appreciate it..."

"Just pick a couple of the totally straight ones to stand watch...yes?"

"Yes'Sir," the first mate responded with a grin, and went back to watching the longboat as it rowed back to the ship.


"Are you confident enough Aspenall that your sources are reliable enough for us not to return to my Master's house?" Rena asked, picking at her teeth with her knife to remove a piece of the fresh venison the men had shot which had become lodged there.

"I am reasonably confident, Princess...But I would like to ask around the towns more local to your property..." the otter started.

"My Master's property..." Rena corrected.

"Forgive me...but unless he had relatives, surely it is yours now with no one to challenge for it?" Aspenall asked.

"It's contents...yes. But I could not unpick his attack spells, they are woven into the buildings core and foundations...and only one of his blood could inherit the building and live within it without dying." She leaned back again Dante's flank in the firelight, "I will strip it of anything useful like his library, and then ask Dante to raise it to the bedrock when we return."

Aspenall nodded, "Well...I hope that will be after the quest is over. We have enough luggage as it is..."

Rena chuckled, "I promise not to pick up any more things other than essentials. I swear you and Dante are in cahoots over my shopping habits..."

Aspenall indicated towards the pile of chests that were stacked in the centre of the defensive circle camp they had set up, "Do you blame me? We have no carts or carriages. Thank goodness it is not deep winter, as we do not have to carry much forage for the horses as well."

Rena just shrugged, "We'd just buy more pack mules then..."

"If the group gets much bigger..." Aspenall started.

"We may as well hang out the bunting...Yadah yadah...I know. Alright Captain, you get your wishes. No more shopping until we are all dead, or Kalaw is."

Dante huffed under her, "I will hold you to that," he muttered.

"Doesn't resolve what our next move is though," Aspenall stated.

Rena thought for a few minutes in silence, "Your intelligence suggested that Kalaw resides a long way from where my Master's property lies?" she confirmed, getting a nod from the otter, "Then there is no harm in travelling in the properties direction, until such time as you get a confirmed and promising lead in a different one. We will break camp at false dawn. I want to travel around 10-15 leagues a day while the going is flat and easy."

Aspenall nodded, saluting, "I agree Princess, I will set up the watch rota now. Will you be joining us for a drink?"

Rena looked up at Dante, who shook his head, "I think we shall retire for the evening. I want no sore heads in the morning though, or Dante will have to cure them...and they would not like that!"

Aspenall grinned, "Very well...we will keep our noise down as well. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Aspenall..." Rena replied, as Dante unfurled his wing over her as she began to rearrange her saddlebags, and strip her armour off.