Unexpected Company

Story by Sabertooth on SoFurry

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"Unexpected Company"

It was the usual night at my house which meant just sitting around and looking at every episode of every show I have already seen twenty times, So I decided it would be best to just go to sleep. I had no sooner lain my head on the pillow when I heard a knock at my door. I was somewhat surprised due to the fact that I wasn't expecting and company, simply because it was two in the morning and in the middle of one of the biggest thunder storms I have seen yet. I 2went to the door and opened it slowly. On the other side of the door stood a soaking wet vixen, her orange and white fur matted down from the rain, and she was completely naked. I quickly invited her inside to escape the storm. "Let me get you covered up" I said, as I reached for my coat that was hanging on the rack mounted to the back of the door. I placed it around her shoulders quickly. The coat was a little to big for me so she all but disappeared in it. "There are towels in the bathroom you can use to dry off with.". "Thank you" she said shyly, turning to head for the bathroom. Standing there in the doorway, the storm raging behind me as I watched her climb the stairs into the apartment still a little confused by her presence here.

I closed the door and went back upstairs to sit on the couch and await her return. I listened to the hair dryer running for at least twenty minutes before she finally came back. Her fur was still a little damp in spots, but she brushed it well, and now she seemed a little happier and more comfortable. Now that she was standing in good light, better then what was in my doorway at least, I looked her over slowly. She was the most beautiful vixen I have ever laid my eyes on. Living on the outside of town there was no shortage of lovely vixens such as herself, but something about her specifically just took my breath away. Everything about her was perfect, her tail, long and fluffy, her ears nicely shaped and well pointed, even her markings seemed almost seamless. Watching her as she walked over and sat next to me on the couch, feeling a bit embarrassed as she looked into my eyes. "Thank you for your hospitality. I had been walking up the street for almost an hour now, and you're the only person who came to the door and didn't slam it in my face."

Furs were never really accepted amongst the human population, not to much of a surprise there as humans always had a tendency to shun and reject those different from themselves. I, on the other hand was different, I welcomed different things into my life, I Loved the company of furs and other outcasts from the human society. And of course, being a human who welcomed such outcasts I too became one, looked at in disgust by the humans who knew about my relations with the furry ones. Honestly I didn't care, let them wallow in their own ignorance. I'm much more happy then they are and in reality its their loss that they don't allow furs in their company.

She looked at me and asked if she could rest her head on my shoulder due to the fact that she was very tired from her long day, I nodded with a shy smile. She told me about her and her boyfriend getting into a large argument just before they were about to have sex for the first time. He got upset and threw her out into the street naked, telling her not to come back until she was ready to do what he told her to. She explained that him being a black wolf he had a rather short temper. Looking up at me with her soft blue eyes she asked if I had a short temper also with somewhat of a worried look on her face. With a smile I put my arm around her shoulders and ensured her that she was safe here with me.

"I'm really sorry, I just realized I haven't even given you my name yet, I'm Terry", almost crying at the sound of my own idiotic voice and tone, she however laughed and politely said that her name was Sarah. "it's ok, I don't need to know your name to know you're a really sweet guy and kind of cute for a human." Blinking at the sudden compliment a bit surprised, furs have never hit on me before. It was rare for me to be hit on at all let alone by furs, whom I found more attractive then human girls anyway. So I was not only surprised but a little embarrassed. Blushing like a fool, hearing her soft soothing voice assure me of my apparent good looks. This whole situation was a little new for me.

Sarah looked up at me again and laughed. "Terry, your blushing, your not used to this kind of attention from a girl are you?". Placing her paw on my leg, slowly running it up and down my thigh . "Terry did you give me your coat to cover me up, because you didn't find me attractive?" "NO! not at all" I said almost shouting, " I just covered you up because you were wet and maybe cold and I didn't think you wanted to be naked in front of a man, especially a human and one you didn't know at that." She smiled happily with a soft laugh looking down into her lap. "I wish you were my boyfriend instead, I don't think you would treat me like a piece of meat like Charlie does."

I'd never treat and woman like a trophy or a piece of meat, which confuses me as to why I have been single for so damn long." Sarah smiled and softly kissed my cheek. "Well maybe you wont have to be single much longer." I picked up Sarah off my shoulder, and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. "That would be great," I said softly. She closed her eyes and moved slowly towards me. The moment our lips met a shiver went up my spine. "This is great!" I thought. We kissed each other like that for some time before I realized her paw wasn't on my thigh anymore, it had moved its way to my crotch and was stroking me gently through my soft pajama pants. I ran my hand, almost on reflex from her shoulder down to her right breast, and started to squeeze it softly, listening to her begin to breathe heavier. Without seeing or hearing any objections from her I pinched her nipple softly between my fingers, making it hard almost instantly. With my other hand I pulled my jacket down off of her shoulders, letting it fall onto the couch behind her, as she pulled my pants down a little, to reveal my already erect nine inch cock. Sarah looked at me a little surprised and said, "Impressive, for a human, your almost as big as Charlie." She moved her head down towards my lap and slowly took my cock into her muzzle. A deep moan escaped my lips as she started moving her long tongue around its length.

It seemed more difficult to talk now for some reason, with my cock buried deep in her mouth.

"Sarah are you sure you want to do this? I mean nothing personal against you but..." She stopped what she was doing for a moment to look up at me from my lap, reaching a paw up to press a finger to my lips, stopping my sentence short. "As sure as I will ever be." I ran my hand down her side and placed it between her thighs and started caressing her pussy. Closing my eyes as I heard her begin to moan with pleasure, and breathing heavier as she began to bob her head in my lap. Her moaning while my cock was in her mouth only made it that much more pleasurable for me. I was in heaven. I stood up, suddenly realizing that this would be over to soon if I didn't do something different. I took off my shirt and dropped it as well as my pants to the floor, kneeling in front of Sarah, spreading her legs to get a good look at what was at the apex of her soft thighs. Smiling slightly as I began kissing my way from her knee up her leg towards her waist. I began to use my tongue to please her in a similar fashion to what she did to me. Her moaning deepened and increased in duration as she was finding it rather difficult to sit still. Her claws scratching my back causing sparks of pain to writhe their way through my body. But I didn't care, I was to horny and far to focused to let it bother me. Sarah begged me to stop, but I didn't, I knew that she was close to getting off and I wanted to pleasure her. She yelped and tossed her head back onto the couch, almost going completely limp for a moment. "That was the first time anyone has ever gotten me off by doing that, and it was incredible!" I smiled knowing she was glad I didn't stop after all.

"I want you in me Terry, I want to make love to you." Make love? This was the first time we met when was love declared? But I knew that in my heart I did love her already. I didn't believe in love at first sight, until I met Sarah, there was just something about her that drew me to her, something more than just her looks. Could Sarah be my one true love? Could we be the pioneers in human-fur relations? There was only one way for me to find out now.

(Really corny I know, just shoot me now x.x )

I stood up and pressed my body to hers, feeling her large breasts press against my chest, "Please Terry don't make me wait any longer!" I slowly leaned into her feeling the tip of my cock slide between her soft lower lips, watching her face as I did, she loved every second of it, and I started moving in and out of her gently. It was my first time in a long time and I didn't want to cum to quickly. I wanted to make it last. Sarah had a bad night and I wanted to help make it better. She started to moan and breathe heavier, grabbing her tits and squeezing them in my hands in unison with my pumping. Sarah came again soon after I pushed myself into her. Standing up with me still in her lap, she threw me onto the floor and climbed on top of me. "Now its my turn my turn to please you Terry." She took my cock into her paw, carefully lowering herself onto it, Starting to go up and down, her legs straddling mine. Sarah was going faster and faster, her large tits bouncing as she rode me. "Sarah slow down, your going to make me cum to quickly at this rate!" "That's exactly the point stud, you pleased me more in less then an hour, then anyone has is my entire life, its time for me to return the favor."

I tried desperately to ask her if I could cum inside her, but I could only stutter, this was far to enjoyable for me to be able to speak. "Sarah is I um, inside you, you know" "If you cum inside me, can you get me pregnant? Well yes Terry you can, but the question is do you WANT me to have your pups?" "Well I don't really know, but I do know I don't want them now at least." "Neither do I Terry, neither do I" "Then what should I do if I'm ready to cum?" "Don't you worry about that, I'll know"

It seemed like she had a lot of experience with this sort of thing. Of course she could have just done what I always did and watch a lot of porn. Not that I was proud of the fact I watched it so much, but it was the only naked women I could see after my girlfriend left me four years ago. I began to breathe heavily and moan with ecstasy. Almost instantly Sarah jumped off of me and grabbed my cock in her paws, stroking it quickly as she dropped herself to the floor between my legs, taking my cock into her mouth again. She was looking me in the eyes as she did it and that just turned me on more and more. As she ran her long tongue up and down the length of my cock I grabbed the floor as best I could as I climaxed into her mouth. Panting heavily as I watched her swallow every drop. As our eyes stayed locked on each other she licked my cock and balls clean of the little bit of cum that escaped her lips. "Sarah that...was...amazing" " I know it was Terry, tonight was one of the best nights of my life. I want to have more nights like this one, with you." "I do too Sarah, I do too"

When I awoke the next morning, my coat, and Sarah, were gone a note was on the floor alongside my head that read... "Last night was fun Terry, Call me sometime" her phone number and her address was scribbled on the paper. I was a little confused as to why she left though, I would have loved to wake up next to that beautiful vixen. I got up and took a shower, then got dressed and stared at that note for about an hour. Finally I picked up the phone and started dialing. When Sarah answered the phone o was so incredibly excited to hear her speak, I'd recognize that wonderful voice anywhere. I wasn't sure what to say to her. Things kept racing through my head like, did she really love me? Or was she just saying that to make last night seem justified? But now was the time for me to find out if she really did want to see me again, after all I was a human. How could a beautiful vixen like her find ME attractive?


Hey, Sarah, its me, Terry.

Terry! I didn't think you'd actually call me.

Why did you think that Sarah?

I just didn't think you wanted to be my mate.

Why wouldn't I Sarah? I love you.

I...love you too Terry...its just I didn't think you wanted to see me again.

Of course I do Sarah why wouldn't I?

Did you watch the weather channel today Terry?

Yeah, why?

You know its supposed to rain tonight?

After that all I heard was a soft giggle, and the sound of the phone clicking on the receiver.

Author: Sabertooth

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

E-mail me at [email protected]

I'd love to hear from you

(I've written a sequel to this story, but in my opinion it's hardly worth making public)

(Also, this was my first short story ever, please be kind)