Delivered Package

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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John gets a package, delivered to him directly.

Hey everyone!

Here it is a one-shot I thought about waaaaaaaay back at the beginning of the year. It was my first idea for Linkin Monroe's contest, but my editor shot it down, for good reasons, I might say, since the second idea was much better. I don't think I would have done a good work with it back then... Because I didn't think of things I added just now! Namely, the protagonist of the story. Hope you will like that, and show it to me with a vote or a fave or a comment, or just by reading!

Thank you, Gritou for your help, and well, I love you so much babe *hug*

The post office was crowded, hot and smelly because of the number of sweating furs of all sizes present. The automatic distributor of the line tickets was broken, or turned off, or whatever, so everyone was forced in a physical line, else they would lose they turn as per the law of the jungle. Only the most ancient and the ladies with children were spared, being allowed to sit while the younger ones dutifully remembered to call them when the time had come. It was the last remnant of civic spirit, resisting even the lack of education and the widespread jerkassery.

All of that was good, but John wished to be old. Or a lady with children. The burly rhino blushed at the random thought: one not fit for a young, tall man, without anything frail or lady-like, no sir. He was well trained, thanks to all the hours he passed at the gym, bench bending and squatting along with his studly companions, who looked equally buff when in the showers, in every place...

The leathery mammal shook his big horned head, wanting to get rid of those thoughts. They were plaguing more than usual, sparking desires for... unmanly things; he was sure that the fault was of his long waiting, with nothing to do but stand there on his footpaws, while the line moved at a snail pace.

He cursed the delivery company in his mind, for giving him a certain hour for the arrival of the... package and coming earlier than that. John had been at the university when they had rung, and they had just left a damn paper warning to collect the item at that specific post office!

The rhino snorted and crossed his arms, annoyed, his pecs flexing under the red singlet he was wearing. The guy in front of him turned at the sound, but immediately swung back when the scrawny coyote remembered who was standing behind him: a tall, portly young man, with a cocky expression. Or so John thought, he had practiced that glare many times in front the mirror, before he had been sure it was okay.

They shuffled ahead, the canine in front of him darting to get finally served, leaving John to wait just a bit longer. It was unjust that he had to wait at all, it had taken all of his courage to... order the item, and he was so looking forward to the delivery. Not only he had to get out of his house, but he had to wait two hours in that wrenched place! With the time wasted, he could have gone directly to a shop.

"But-but I can't do that." John thought, blushing slightly. It would have been too embarrassing to do that, and too risky, and he wasn't the type of taking risks. He wasn't a pussy, either; he was a manly, big rhino, always charging in things, not being a coward and-and-and.

"NEXT!" A masculine voice shouted, and the leathery fur realized he had been standing there, lost in his thoughts, while his turn had finally arrived. While the red on his cheeks grow, visible to everyone thanks to the lack of fur, he walked to the place from where the shout had been raised.

John had already noticed the clerk he padded in front of, in all his hours of waiting. No one could miss the massive Doberman clothed in the light blue shirt and blue pants of the Postal Office; he could have almost smelled the manliness of the buff dog, easily as big as the rhino himself and surely taller.

"How can I help you?" The dobie spitted out, the courteous words sounding almost as an insult thanks to the low growl they were accompanied with. It had probably been a long day for the tall canine too, but the light in his eyes and the way his maw was clutched suggested that he was a mean dog by nature.

"I-I, uhm, I-I..." John tried to say something, but even the mere presence of the imposing post worker was making him... Not bashful, no, he was a man: he has a cock, not a vagina! Awestruck, that was the word.

"Uhm? Fucking pussy got your tongue? Speak up bro!" The nasty Doberman barked at him loudly, making him lower his eyes.

"I... I need t-to..." The rhino stuttered, making a fool of himself in front of such a specimen of manly beauty.

"Ain't got all day for yer, bro. Either you tell, or fuck off!" The clerk growled, teeth poking under his lips. The young student was at loss of words in front of such a display of strength, but he needed to find them.

"I-I need to recover a package, I wasn't home when they delivered it and they brought it here." He blurted out all at once, without taking breath, in fear that he might not finish the sentence if he did.

"Ain't the only one with that. Number of the package?" The dobie rumbled, his huge paws already typing on his computer.

"W-wait a sec." John pleaded, fishing out a paper from his shorts' pocket. "AH548963JT. Delivered the-"

"Ain't needing that, kiddo." The post worker cut him off, while he was busy doing his work. His tall hears flicked one time, threatening to overthrown his cap, before he raised his stare back to the customer, a grimace on his long muzzle.

"Yer fucking package is in the storeroom. Ye need to come with me, kiddo." He lamented, his eyes accusing the rhino of making him work more than he needed to.

"YO, SHAUN!" The hunky male bellowed, turned to the back of the post office.

"YO, CHUCK!" Another male answered from there. He looked like a lion, from this far. Without his glassed, John could only tell he was a yellow, big feline.

"GONNA GO TO STOREROOM TO TAKE CARE OF A F69, TAKE MY PLACE!" The black and mahogany dog demanded his co-worker, while making everyone's ears flick for the loudness, including John's.

"NO PROB BRO!" This Shaun answered back. The gray mammal didn't get to see which species he was, because the Doberman didn't let him linger there too long.

"Gonna go that way. C'mon, kiddo." The taller male barked, pointing at a door with a sharp gesture of the head, before he padded there.

The rhino met him there quickly, excusing himself to the other costumers, getting easily in the clerks area. The dobie already looked impatient to finish, a footpaw tapping on the floor and a frown on his muzzle; John noticed only now that there was some, very few white hair around his muzzle, the only sign of age the bulky fur displayed.

"Took yer sweet time, kiddo. In here!" He ordered, opening the door to the restricted area and letting the buff rhino in. John did as told, and entered, waiting for the other fur to do the same and guide him in the storeroom. It wasn't a long journey; they only needed to navigate a few corridors, passing some doors, all in a complete silent the rhino didn't dare to break.

At last, they stopped before a metal door with the words STOREROOM on it. The dobie took a key, opened and went immediately through it, not caring if the younger fur was following him, letting the door closing itself behind him. John darted in before that could happen, entering in a somewhat big room with lots of iron shelves, a treasure of boxes being piled there. There was also a table and a chair, just straight in front of the door, below one of the long, tiny windows that lined the room.

"Wait here, kiddo, gonna find yer package." The dobie growled, stomping to wherever the thing was stored, leaving John alone. The rhino shuffled on his footpaws, not knowing what to do nor how much it would have taken the handsome clerk to get his item. He couldn't wait to get it, and peer into the package, he didn't know if he could wait until he was hom-


The leathery mammal jumped at the metallic sound of something hitting the nearby table, twirling around to face the fur who had thrown the brown package.

"Here yer package, fag." The dobie insulted him, his eyes lightened with brown eyes, while he stepped closer to his costumer.

"W-what? I am no... I am no..." The bulky student tried to deny the accusation, but that stare killed the words, and forced him to back away. His retreat was stopped by the metal table, and he didn't have time to try to get away that the Doberman was upon him.

"Yer a fag, horn boy. Think I don't know where the package comes from?" Chuck the post worker breathed on him, his muzzle just a few inches away from John's. The young fur blushed, lowering his head, incapable of holding the stare.

"I-I... it's not for me, it's..." His weak protests were interrupted when his horn was grabbed by a big, furry paw, his head being yanked up forcibly by the snarling Doberman.

"Yer think I'm stupid? I know it's some filthy homo thing... Some big cock you will stuff up yer ass!" The look on John's face probably gave away the truth, since the mean dog chuckled with evil merriment. "I got it right, kiddo. Yer want a cock in you, and I gonna give ya a real, no plastic, one."

The shocking statement widened the rhino's eyes, while his cock grew stiff in his underwear. "N-No, please, no, s-someone is going to come here a-and..." He stuttered, the fear of being caught while... pleasuring another male overcoming his lust of fulfilling his long time dream.

"Ain't gonna happen. Shaun knows the code, he ain't let anyone come here." The bulky canine rumbled, while his free paw went to grope John's crotch. "Seems like horn boy is up to the game, hard thinking of cocks."

The rhino moaned at the rough treatment, all his excuses dying, killed by the words of the dobie. He felt the paw leave his package, and grabbing his own, forcing it flush against the front of the blue pants. Through the fabric he could feel a very massive bulge, hard under his touch.

"Felt that, kiddo? That cock gonna go somewhere tight and warm. Yer gonna cream yourself, being screwed by a big man like me, you fag." The daddy Doberman taunted him, making his prey even harder at the thought of what was going to happen. Then, he felt the grip on his horn pushing down, with a lot of strength. " Now, on yer knees."

The rhino did as told, not fighting back the push, going on his knees quickly, if only with difficulty thanks to the proximity of his... handler. But he managed to, and as soon as he was in position, the paw around his horn forced his muzzle against the crotch, with as much carefulness not to bump this hard extension on the dog's body.

His nostrils swelled, being hit by the powerful musk coming from the caged cock, and he couldn't stop himself from sniffing that smell, the one he had sampled only rarely from other males, when in the lockers, or when he sneakily brought others' underwear to his nose. Now there was no sneaking, his muzzle was pressed against the real deal, a massive cock belonging to a mean daddy dobie.

"Yer liking that, fag? Now, at work!" The clerk growled at him, not letting go his grab on the horn but allowing his prey's muzzle to part from his crotch for a moment, his tone implying much of what the leathery mammal was supposed to do. He raised his paws, shaking for the excitement of what was going to happen, clumsily unbuckling the black belt and lowering the zip. The dog barked, shifting his hips so that his pants were subject to gravity, falling thanks to the weight of the things in his pockets.

Only one piece of cloth was between the rhino and his price, a pair of grey boxers which didn't leave anything to imagination, the lines of a hard, canine cock showing through it, along with the heavy balls under it. The fabric was wet on the tip, and from the size of the spot John assumed that the dobie had been leaking for a great while.

The grey furless man couldn't resist the temptation, not now that the object of his secrets dreams, the reason behind many if not all of his orgasms was just there, a few inches a way, finally reachable. He extended his paws, grabbing the hem of the boxers and lowered them down. The cock naturally sprung once freed from his cage, hitting his muzzle with a wet sound, some pre getting stuck on his upper lip and trailing in his mouth.

John stared at the red monster in front of him while he tasted the musky liquid, admiring the towering piece of flesh who struck the air with its nine inches, or so it seemed to him. It was so canine in its form, as the dildo he had ordered, a pointy tip and that knot at its base, just enlarging, that promised so much pleasure.

The rhino went mad with lust, not believing that it was happening for real. Opening his maw, he give a first lick, shyly, feeling the texture of the flesh against his tongue, from tip to knot, then he gave another one, gathering and tasting a bit of pre, his favorite thing in the world now.

"Yer a born cocksucker, horn boy. Yer got a mouth, use it!" Chuck barked out, seemingly enjoying using the younger male for his pleasure. John, as the diligent kid he was, did as told, opened his mouth a little and, for the first time in his life, he savored having a throbbing tool belonging to a true man in there.

It felt... incredible, to have that thick dick in his mouth, filling the space between his lips. And it was just the tip! John couldn't resist and bobbed his head, getting more of the delicious cock in his maw, eliciting a moan from the dog. Now, with half of it inside, he could twist his tongue around it, exploring the length much more than he had with his first lick.

"Oh fuck... Yer fags are the best at that!" The Doberman moaned, bucking his hips while using the horn as a handle. That made the rhino choke, all those sudden nine inches gagging him; the black canine didn't care, proceeding to fuck the muzzle and barking his pleasure from time to time.

John tried his best to get used to the thrusting cock in his mouth, relaxing his maw and circling the thick pole with his lips, all the while sucking on it as his life depended on it. And maybe it did. He wrapped his tongue around it too, massaging as much of it as possible, as he thought it needed to be done from all the porn he had watched.

His own cock remained unattended in his shorts, hard, making a mess in his underwear. Being used like that, as he had dreamed so many times, was so arousing for the jock, to levels he hadn't thought possible during all his jerking off sessions. He felt so near to cumming, and he wanted so hard to whipe it out and just be done with it, but he didn't dare to do it, to not anger the mean, gay-hating dog.

The rhino decided that his paws needed something to do, so he raised them, one going straight for the hairy lowhangers that slapped against his grey chin, while the other grabbed the knot that slammed on his lips every time the dog thrust his cock in. He felt a shiver running through the buff clerk, as the pleasure he was receiving increased, while the moans got louder and louder.

Hearing that, John increased his efforts, at least in what he could do, handling those furry orbs and squeezing on the knot, massaging the cock in his mouth with his tongue. He wanted to taste the cum so badly, to see if it was different from his own, to drink it all until nothing was left in the canine's balls. He was doing that, but he felt the tugging on his horn increasing, until it was painful, forcing to stop himself, raising his eyes to look at the dominant daddy.

"Yer pretty good, and I wish to give my load." The dobie taunted him, taking pleasure in it. "I enjoy seeing my cock in yer faggy mouth. But I wanna something else now."

He thrust one last time, fully, gagging the young fur once again, before taking his massive cock out, slapping it obscenely on his muzzle a couple of times, spit coating his maw. John just coughed a bit, taking some deep breathes, trying to say something but nothing came from him. He felt again a push on his grabbed horn, forcing him this time to stand up; he was back on his feet, and he almost expected a kiss at this time, he even prepared his lips for that, but all he got was a big shove that made him trip over the table, sprawled on it.

"No kissing, ain't no fucking homo!" The dobie shouted, angrily, towering on him from his standing position. "Now, get rid of the fucking shorts!"

Once again, John was surprised that the rough treatment wasn't turning him off, but on the contrary, made him even more excited. Still laying on his back, he immediately undo the belt and the buttons, awkwardly taking his pants and underwear off without getting up, shifting and raising his hips until his clothes thumped on the ground.

The Doberman leered at him, having got rid of his pants in the while, his hard-on still present and glistening with spit and pre. His paw darted, grabbing the stiff cock of the rhino, jerking it roughly a couple of times.

"Yer a fucking homo, kiddo, so hard after having sucked a cock." The post worker growled softly, his disgust clear on his long muzzle. "Yer want my tool in yer ass, right?"

John didn't trust his own voice, not at this point, so he just nodded, blush appearing on his cheeks. The dog just grunted approval, grabbing the thick legs of the younger male and putting them on his shoulder, exposing the big rump of the rhino to his cock, .

The handsome daddy rubbed his doghood against the tender tailhole, making the younger fur feel the thickness of it while its tip poking at the entrance of his ass. He kept doing that for a good while, building the lust in John, until it was unbearable.

"P-Please..." He managed to say, after gathering his courage, his eyes fixed down, trying to catch the sight of the cock teasing him, so to not look directly in the eyes of the other male.

"Please what, horn boy?" The bulky canine asked, leaning forward, now folding the rhino in half.

"P-please.... F-Fu..." He stuttered, the breath of the dog washing on his muzzle, not even now succeeding in wording his deepest desire. He felt the dobie moving again, his cock still posed against his hole, his chest pressed on his own, his rhinohood trapped between their bodies.

"Say it!" Chuck shouted, his voice louder than before thanks to the vicinity. He punctuated it with another thrust, and this time the tip of his cock did pierced the hole, entering it, but not by much, and not much deeper.

"F-f-fuck me!" He shouted back, finally, after keeping those two words for so long, for his whole life.

"Good kiddo." The dobie simply said, content with the answer. He increased the pressure, pushing with all his mighty, taking advantage of the foothold he had to thrust more of his cock in the tight hole, inch by inch, stretching it in ways John never had imagined when using his fingers, and that one zucchini. He had hoped that his dildo would have done something similar, but feeling something so hard, alive and warm, worming his way inside his ass, was a feeling he never had tasted before that moment.

The rhino moaned, loudly, as even more inches of the doghood got inside his ass. His own cock jumped when that pole of flesh inside him rammed against the most sensible spot he had, spurting pre on his singlet, while shivers of pleasure washed on him. The fullness increased, so much that he thought he could burst, but he didn't; instead, he heard a loud smack when the hunky canine hilt himself completely, his balls slapping against his upturned rump.

"Gonna wreck your tender hole." Chuck whispered in his ear, before starting to retreat his pole, not waiting even a moment for the poor rhino to adjust to the sizable erection in his ass. As soon as there was just the tip in, he rammed the whole length back, hitting again the prostate and making the fucked man moan once again in pleasure.

He continued to fuck the rhino with this slow, tantalizing pace, thrusting his cock without mercy, stretching that virgin ass like a true man should, making John feel what he always dreamed about. Being powerless, used only for breeding... that was his ultimate fantasy, and it was becoming real. In his position he couldn't do much, folded in two, but he didn't want to be completely passive, so he tried as hard as possible to squeeze the penetrating object, rocking his hips as much as possible,

The dobie took noticed that, and fastened his pace, starting to breath more heavily and to sweat on the laying rhino, while his thrusts went faster and faster, hitting at the pleasure button inside John ass every time he pushed in. Both furs were moaning now, louder and louder, while the cock got in and out of that ass; the rhino could swear that he felt every fucking inch of it, so much that he could make a mental image of the hot rod screwing him.

And the pleasure just got bigger, because the Doberman started to shift his hips while he fucked the younger leathery mammal, so that his thrust weren't coming from the same directions, but from many, poking at the ass in so many different ways. But his movements grow also erratic, showing that he was coming closer and closer to his climax, to fill that tight ass with his seed.

Chuck pushed harder and harder, wanting his knot to enter the rhino, and John tried to put more force in his pushing back, his desire to be tied being greater than anything else. After a couple of shoves, where the ball of flesh kissed but not entered the tight muscles, they finally succeeded, a loud pop being heard when it got in.

The fullness, greater than before, almost made John cum, and the deeper thrusts that followed had almost that result, but he wasn't the one who spilled his seed.

"Fffffffffuuuuuuuuuccccccccck!" The Doberman shouted loud, his cock throbbing inside the grey fur's ass and shooting rope after rope of white cum, his head darting forward and biting down the neck of the subbie male.

Those sensations... The warm seed in his ass... the pole still moving, and pushing, and stretching... the bite on his neck.... All of that was too much for John, who reached his clima-


The shout woke up the rhino from his very graphic fantasy, the one he had been crafting since he saw the bulky clerk manning the counter. He looked around, to see if someone had noticed the bulge in his shorts, but everyone in the hot room was too engrossed in their affairs to do so.

"NEXT!" The voice thundered again, making John blink when he realized it was his own turn. He blushed, padding over the customer-free counter, lowering his eyes when he came before the fuckingly hot daddy dobie.

"How can I help you?" The unnamed Doberman asked, his voice way gentler than how it had been in his daydream. This time, in the real world, he didn't want to blabber and being indecisive, instead telling the clerk all he needed.

"Hi. I wasn't home when they delivered my package, so they brought it here. The number of the order is AH548963JT." John said, not daring to face directly, still ashamed that he had used the dog for his filthy, homo fantasies.

"One sec." The black and mahogany furred male replied, typing the letters and numbers. A smirk appeared on his muzzle when he read the provenience of the package, but the rhino was too busy looking at the desk to notice that.

"It's in Storeroom three, sir. If you follow me, I will be more than happy to deliver your package to you personally."