Homework Was Never This Fun

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions by Gruffy

This story was commissioned by lucentorb


"So let me get this right..." Rob mumbled as he felt the stallion's hand pin him against the wall... "you want me to write your assignment for Mr. Phillips' class...and I get paid by...you letting me to suck your cock?"

The stallion hovering over the monkey neighed and bared his big buck teeth as he leaned menacingly over the smaller male, nailed to the wall as he was, so to speak.

"I think that's a pretty fair trade...I get my grade, and you get to suck dick...that's what you like, right, Robbie?"

The monkey's heart was racing and a small part of him mind was yelling at the inappropriate play with his name, let alone the dubious terms of the exchange, but the leaking cock in his own pants was telling him completely opposite things. Being cornered by Harry, the extremely...excuse me...cocky and endlessly pussy-hounding horse with such a proposal was simply too much of a good thing to pass on, the even if he'd have to stay up all night to do his part of the deal...well, one part of it, and he'd probably have his ass sore, too, this was probably a once in a life time chance to ride a truly magnificent cock.

"Well, I'm probably gonna regret this, but what the hell," the blushing monkey replied with a nervous giggle. "If that's what you want, stud..."

Harry nickered and plastered his face scarily close to the monkey's, making him tense and press flat against the wall, tail slapping around.

"Don't get too mouthy, dude," the horse neighed a hot warning against the primate's face until he stood back to his full, considerable height, tail snapping behind his rock hard ass cheeks as he unceremoniously went for his fly.

"What...right...right now?" Rob gasped, watching those fingers move, well-knowing that it wasn't exactly the most private of places, yes, a study room, but...the door wasn't locked...

"I believe in fair trade," the horse replied with a dirty leer, "and I need that essay by Friday, so you better get to it quickly, man!"


"And what the fuck do you speak about regrets, dude?" the horse sounded offended while he still worked to release his trouser snake. "Ain't got a single complaint yet..."

He finally undid his belt and opened his fly, and Rob's eyes opened, too, when the foot-long pink and brown member thrust its way out of the confinement and practically whipped through the air before it hung out at a 90 degree angle, big, heavy and smelling like heaven to the horny monkey.


"Toldya dude," the horse grinned as he slapped his hand down on his shaft to give it a few strokes, "the ladies love a big dick..."

"So...so do guys..." Rob mumbled.

"Well then it's your lucky!" the horse snorted as he clip-clopped forward, and grabbed Rob's shoulder, "but I think you're forgetting something now, dude..."


The horse squeezed down on his shoulder, almost hard enough to hurt.

"Down, boy, and get your banana!"

"That's racist, you know," Rob grunted, but practically collapsed to his knees so that he could be more or less face to face with the horse's huge leathery balls, oozing musk as they were, and that huge shaft...easily the biggest Rob had ever encountered, and he'd seen a few, even if he hated the moniker slut to be stamped upon him...

Fuck, who was he kidding?

"Wow..." he muttered, reaching for it with his hands as if it was the Holy Grail...and it really was it, at least of the cock variety.

"No gay stuff, okay, I just want to get a nice blowjob and that's it, you got me?" the horse snorted from above.

"Uhh...sure...eh...can I play with your balls?" the monkey questioned hopefully.

"As long as you won't even think of touching my ass!" the horse snapped his tail.

"No, sir..." the money winked.

"So get to it, I need to go to work and you have an essay to write!" Harry grunted dangerously.

The balls felt so warm in his hands, so big and...ball-like, but bigger than even the bull quarterback he'd once sucked off behind the college football field...oh, sometimes the Monkey had almost creamed his pants thinking about that, but now, he was sure, he might be getting a whole new favorite whacking off memory, as he fondled the horse's balls an observed the throbbing of that truly threatening cock.

"You're so sexy..." the monkey murmured, "you smell so good..."

"No sweet talking!" the horse commanded in a near-whinning...a sure sign that he was enjoying the treatment nonetheless.

He leaned forward and kissed the tip, complete with the big, glistening piss slit, just a gentle peck to say hello to the thick dong. Harry let out a deep grunt and nickered, and Rob could feel the massive rod twitch even from such a simple touch. Maybe it was even more sensitive than he'd think...and with those balls ready to burst...

"Long time since got laid?" Rob couldn't help but tease a little, as he made a ring with his fingers and began to stroke the horse ever so softly. "It's so hard...."

"Ain't fucked anything in a week, but you aint' telling that to anyone, you got that?" the stallion complained.

Rob smacked his lips.

"I don't mind...more for me...heh..." he whispered, almost purring from the sensation of the sweet cock in his grip, and those balls. those massive hanging orbs of potency, filled to the brim with juice...

"Get to it, slut-muzzle!" the horse growled.

Rob swallowed before he tackled the big horse's tackle, opening wide so that he could take the massive tip past his lips...damn...it almost made his jaws ache as soon as he had it in...his tongue stuffed to the bottom of his mouth, unable to move at all once the horse pushed in...and he really was pushing...not letting him get used to it, he'd just grab his skull and push it in...and back...and then even further, going to the back of his maw this time before he was pulling back again, effective using his muzzle like any kind of a hole stallions liked.

"HMKMHHPHP!" Rob couldn't' do anything but gasp, gargle and pant through his nostrils, smelling only horse musk when the stallion cupped his head and thrust into him, really seemingly uncaring for any kind of more delicate oral treatment now. It was just quick and hard, almost feral, the monkey thought dully when he thought he might pass out from the lack of air caused by a foot-long schlong thrusting its way into his throat...yes...he wasn't sure how he managed, he'd been training with all sorts of interesting toys and...indeed, members, over the past couple of years, but this was leaving him feel rather raw and...and so damn horny...

"Fuck...girl's got a nice 'un..." the horse muttered, eyes closed as he kept thrusting into the hapless monkey kneeling by him, taking the bitch-buster like there was no tomorrow and drooling all over his chin and onto the floor, unable to swallow or in any way control the fluids oozing out of his muzzle.

The horse had him now, he was practically banging him against the wall -a couple of times Rob's head actually did collide with the wall, but still the horse kept pumping and whinnying, snorting deeply as he too must've struggled with pleasure...and he didn't seem to mind Rob's hands on his hips, gripping it for balance while he tried his best not to gag...too much, and when he did, it sounded like the croak of a choked frog.

"Uhhhyeah...bitch's tight...damn...damn...wotcha doing there..."

Rob knew that it was his throat massaging the horse' dick, partially on purpose when he swallowed, most of the time, just because he was gagging, and there was no stopping it...the subtle feeling left the horse panting now...eyes bulging as he kicked onto the final gear, and held on.

"Gonna...fuck...gonna nut..."

The monkey's eyes might've been watering, and his jaw ached, and he knew no amount of warm tea was gonna fix the raw feeling in his throat, but maybe a stomach full of horse spooge could help for starters? The stallion surely seemed like he was ready to deliver it, bucking like that...going fast..yes...deep....


It blasted down his throat so that he barely noticed it, except that soon it did rain down his throat, and he had to swallow, and then again, and again, and it gushed out between the seal of his lips and that shaft, and another fat spurt landed on his tongue and tasted so good, it practically filled his nose, too...


The flared tip was rudely yanked from his muzzle, and the next instant, he opened his eyes, to see the horse's hand flying on his shaft, milking out further spurts that landed all over Rob's face, his chest, the floor...everywhere really, that cum cannon was still shooting, and the horse's crazy expression was sooo hot for all two seconds he could look at it before the cum blasting on his eyes forced a closure...


The horse neighed and panted and stepped backwards, extracting his hand from the back of Rob's head as he stepped backwards.


Rob rubbed his eyes a little and caught a sight of the horse, now in the process of stuffing his stiff dong into his pants again.

"There you go, Robbie boy," the horse nickered, "that's my part of the deal. Now you do yours."

Rob just blinked, little droplets of cum stuck to his eyebrows, now.

"Uhhh..." he rumbled, face hot and stickly.

"See you around," the stallion winked before he grabbed his bag and left the cum-reeking study room with a chipper clip-clop to his paws.