Chapter 15: The Ball and Chain
#15 of Duty
Marcus tries to help out Alex.
Chapter Fifteen: The Ball and Chain
"Reis!" called Marcus as Reis was helping Alex into the passenger seat of their van.
"Reis, let me take him."
Reis looked puzzled, "You sure?"
"Yea, I know the way. I'll pick you up on my way back" said Marcus as he kissed Reis's cheek, "I'll see you soon."
"Okay," said Reis confusedly as he handed Marcus the keys.
As Marcus got into the driver's seat, started the ignition, and put the van in drive he made no eye contact with Alex, who sat leaning against the glass window of the passenger side, arms crossed and face buried in his own chest. Once Marcus had turned onto Main Street, he decided to break the awkward silence. So he clicked the nob on the radio and gently turned it clockwise to raise the volume. The song that came on was a Rolling Stones song. Though Marcus was not much of a Stones fan, he recognized the song as Gimme Shelter.
Marcus looked over at Alex, who still had his head buried in his chest, looking down at the floor.
Marcus smiled, "I'm sure you hear plenty of this at Joji's."
Alex said nothing, only giving a slight shrug of his shoulders.
Marcus looked back to the road, "Look, I know we don't know each other very well. I know it may seem a little awkward...but I am here to help you."
"What could you possibly help me with?" snapped Alex, slightly leaning his body in Marcus's direction.
Marcus firmly looked back at the Dalmatian, "Let's just say I know a little something about being gay in a place like this."
Alex moved his body backward, his face turning to one of curious irritation.
Marcus continued, "I know how hard it is. Not knowing where to turn. And on top of that, I know how hard it is to build a meaningful relationship with anyone other than your family..."
"-And I don't even have that," said Alex in an angry whimper, as if to fight back a sob.
"Look Alex, you don't have to do this alone. I want you to know that you can always talk to me about anything. And listen, I may not have the best appreciation for Joji either, but I think that it's hard for him to understand what you are going through... and he doesn't know how to handle it."
"You think," shouted Alex, "he just hit me across the face, and he would have done it again if your bo..." Alex could not finish, he only could bury his face in his hands start crying. Marcus quickly pulled over to the side of the road. He then wrapped his arms around the weeping Dalmatian.
"He'll never lay another figure on you ever again," Marcus whispered into Alex's ear, "I made sure of that. And he wanted me to tell you how sorry he is."
Marcus then placed both of his hands on both sides of Alex's face and raised his head up a little so that Dalmatian's teary blue eyes met his piecing yellow eyes.
"But as much as I hated what Joji just did," said Marcus, "I understand his anger."
At that, Alex pulled away in anger and shouted, "So he's making you my new ball and chain, huh? Don't think you can tell me what to do. He can't, and neither can..."
"Shut up!" yelled Marcus. Stunned, Alex stopped immediately. Marcus placed his hands on Alex's shoulders, "Now listen. Joji and I may disagree on a lot, but we do agree that what you are doing is wrong. I am sorry, but it's not only unsafe for you but...degrading."
"Who are you to talk about degrading? I'm not afraid to be sexually free. Isn't any real gay?"
Marcus shook his head, "There is a big difference between being sexually free for the sake of love, and just abusing your sexuality. Look, Alex, Joji may not know how to tell you this, but I do."
"What's that?"
Marcus held Alex a little closer, "Alex, what you and I have is a gift. It's special. Not everyone has it's a gift that is just as precious as anything else that we are born with. We have the ability to love members of our own sex. We show that love is more than just something that is driven out of the natural instinct to breed. Love knows no bounds. And we are the proof. Homosexuality is a beautiful thing... and it should not be abused."
Alex only stared at Marcus, his eyes still glazed and watery. Marcus then put his right hand on Alex's left cheek, "I know you think that I have no idea what it is like to have a hard life. And to be honest, I've never had one. But I know all too well what it is like because of Reis. And I know that if there is anything that can heal it, it is love. Plain and-"
Suddenly, Alex pulled Marcus's head forward and kissed his mouth. Marcus snapped backward, breaking free of Alex's grip.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" shouted Marcus. In an instant, Alex unbuckled his seat belt and walked right out of the van. Marcus wiped his eyes with his hands, "Wait Alex!"
Marcus got out of the van and hustled over to Alex, who was already a few feet away and heading down the road "Alex, hold up. Look I'm sorry. It's just that you took me by surprise." Alex only looked to the ground, continuing to walk forward, ignoring the fennec.
"Come on, Alex, you can't be that much of a sex addict."
This made Alex's head stick up, "I'm not a sex addict! I didn't kiss you just 'cause I want to sleep with you." "Then why did you do it?" asked Marcus, moving in front of Alex in order to block his path. Alex looked down again, "It's because... no one's ever talked to me like you in a long, long time." Alex took his right hand out of his jacket pocket and wiped his eyes. He was starting to cry again. Marcus placed his left arm over Alex's shoulders as he turned him around and walked him back to the van.
"Talk to you like what?" asked Marcus.
"Like you care... about me."
Marcus was stunned, "I...I had no idea."
"You better believe it. I never knew my dad. My mom died when I was five. And ever since, I've been in and out of foster families. Not one of them liked me. Not one. Which is why I was never in any one for more than a year."
"But... what about Joji?"
Alex looked back at Marcus, "Sometimes I think I like him, but his screw ups remind me that he's just like the others."
Marcus put the van in drive again and began to move it forward again. "Well Alex, believe it or not, as much of a screw up he is, I do think he loves you, and has a real problem of showing it. But there's got to be a way in which you can live a little that's not gonna put you into danger or make Joji go through the roof."
"Like what?" sneered Alex.
Marcus shrugged, "Well, you can start by finding a partner. You know, someone who can give you support...and love. Someone who is actually going somewhere in life. There's gotta be someone in this town like that. I wouldn't have said that three years ago, but now I can say that the chances are better."
Alex remained quiet with his arms crossed and his head leaning against the window again.
Marcus gently pounded the end of his fist against Alex's shoulder, "Tell you what, when do you turn eighteen?"
Alex turned his head back, giving a curious look, "Why?"
Marcus smiled, "When you turn eighteen, I'll take up to the Spartan Club, in Montrose. It's only a half hour drive from here and there's quite a young crowd there since it's a college town. We can start looking there."
Alex's stern face slowly lightened, "January 16th."
"Then we'll go sometime then. It'll take some fur pulling to get Reis come with, but he'll come through."
Alex smiled.
"Thanks, Marc."
So he does know my name.
"That's the first time I've seen you smile."
After, Marcus had pulled up into Joji's driveway, he immediately took out a pen and paper.
"I'm giving you my cellphone number and Reis's," Marcus handed the paper to Alex, "If you have any problems, just call."
Alex opened the car door and stepped out of the car.
"Hey, Alex..."
"You still working?"
"Yea, this is my last week. I gotta be there at ten tomorrow."
"And you don't drive?"
"I never got my license."
"How 'bout I drive you to work for the rest of the week, I think you and Joji need a little time apart to cool off."
"Alright then, see you at nine-thirty."
"See ya."
Alex shut the door and Marcus stayed until he could see Alex go into the house. Then he pulled out of the driveway and headed back to the park.
He's a good kid.