Its.. educational?

Story by Cyrona on SoFurry

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Notes: All Characters portrayed in this story are over the age of 18, please do not copy this story or the characters in it without asking my permission first. Any illustrations of the characters portrayed are welcome as I am currently looking for drawings of the main male character as his is my main Fursona.

Press Ctrl-F (the find option) and type in @@ to skip to the sexual scenes.

Groaning heavily as he's held back yet again after class. Turns out commenting on other classmates looks isn't appreciated these days. What? 'Now there's a mouth I could fuck!' isn't a compliment? Apparently not according to Ms. Aria.

"Care to explain yourself Master Box?" she interrogated after the mass of the class had left. Trying her hardest to stare him down, although its pretty hard for a cute late 20's doe to strike fear into a teen these days.

Sighing and rolling his head. "I'm sorry Miss Aria it wont happen again, my behaviour was out of line and I should remember to treat my classmates with respect. I am a polluting member of society and my attitude towards females is appalling.. can I go now?" Speaking in a monotone, like reading from a card handed to him, despite having read it 100 times over. Crossing his arms, giving her a look that read 'I couldn't be more bored if you were a brick wall.'

She sighed and turned away, sliding off her desk and walked towards her blackboard. Watching her move away, he took a moment to observe. Thin but muscled legs, evidence of her jogging hobby, complete with thin hips that curve off of her small but well formed butt. The Doe was a soft brown base colour, with unusual white patches, mostly along the back of her legs and her short muzzle. Her longer than average bushy tail finished the conclusion she was not a pure breed Deer. From the front, you wouldn't say she was flat chested, but there was nothing in that area that could draw attention from her young face, topped off with short stubby antlers, usually covered by her chocolate hair that reached just below her shoulders. Not one male in the class could deny her good looks, would be hard pressed to find some females who would either.

She took out a pack of chalks and wrote something that the male wasn't paying attention to, instead staring at the clock, glancing around the room and sighing repeatedly, as if to remind her he was still her and she'd yet to let him leave. The male Feline had black fur with white stripes and his trademark mop of a haircut. From the outside he had a very bland look, loose jeans and a shirt that was usually more eye catching than his mess of blue hair. His body was, what would be described as, toned. Neither muscle nor fat, seemed to be perfectly level with very small hips giving him an odd male 'hourglass figure'. Skinny arms and large legs complete him, legs made strong from roller blading and other physical sports. His outburst was rare, admittedly he was pressured into it by a classmate. Always eager to entertain, he didn't quite expect to be caught. but he is used to being reprimanded by teachers.

His distraction finally broke when she rapped loudly on the board, snapping him back into focus. "Whats this?" she asked, pointing to what she had written on the board. "I guess its a time?" He asked with a confused look. "Correct, its THE time. THE time you will show up, at my doorstop, every night, for 1 week."

"WHAT!?" He exclaimed with anger, clenching fists in frustration.

"Don't raise your voice in my classroom Cyrona, 8PM, every night, starting tonight." Only then did he notice the address written underneath it. "You know where that is?" She asked him, he nodded in response. "Good, then you only have to write it down half as much. 50 times, no mistakes."

He threw his bag back towards the desks as he grabbed a sheet from her pigeon hole on the desk. "You got a pen?" He scowled as he slumped into the seat.

7:45PM. He was early so he decided to walk around the block a few times. He decided not to tell his mum where he was going. He would be back before she got in from work and realised he even left. The walk was a good 25 minutes, but he rushed it, his own frustration powering him forward. It was the later months in the year and the days were shorter, the sun set over an hour ago. The streets were empty, although that wasn't rare for their area, a quiet suburban neighbourhood. 7:55 after his lap. Perhaps being early might earn me a grace point and I can get out quickly, he thought to himself as he pushed the small golden button that rang her house alarm. The large door swung open almost immediately as she stood there before him in a long black furry trench coat. "Were going out?" He blurted as he waited on her doorstep. "Not at all, in!' the Doe barked as he quickly made his way past her before she slammed the door, he didn't notice her bolt it.

"Sit!" Another order as she pointed to her couch, she sat opposite him, crossing her legs. He noticed that she wasn't wearing anything on her feet, which isn't unusual for someone in their own home, but her feet were not hooves, but foot-paws. Further evidence of her cross bred nature. "So.." She began, before he could say anything, not that he intended to, but her swiftness was noted. ".. what are women to you Cy?"

Cy, his nickname among friends, only teachers and his parents called him Cyrona, so this change of formalities caught him off guard as he mumbled for a moment in dumbstruck thought. "Uhm, I. I don't understand the question Miss Aria."

"WHAT, are.. women.." She growled to him slowly. "Objects? Things of pleasure made for nothing more than your own satisfaction? Beings designed for your birth and your impregnation of?" Rapidly firing options at him as he let small noised of protests out, although drowned out by her. Hanging his head as she leant back, satisfied with her small outburst. "Yes, I thought so." Murred the Doe.

"I'm.. sorry."

"What was that?" She leant forward, pressing a hand to her ear, forcing him to repeat, patronising him.

"I'm sorry Miss Aria." Keeping his head hung. Without even having to look, he could feel the Doe's burning stare on him. "How sorry?" He lifted his head, surprised by her question "Miss?" He asked, unsure of what she said, or what she meant.

"Prove it to me. Prove to me that you are sorry."

"H-How could I do that!? I've said it, what else is there to do?!" Watching her slouch back again into her seat, uncrossing her legs to make herself more comfortable.



"Kneel.. on the floor, right in front of me. Beg for forgiveness from me."

"I-I.. I.." mumbling only that, before hanging his head, sniffing softly as he slid from the couch, down onto his knees on the floor in front of her feet as she began to laugh loudly, echoing around the room.

His sniffing quickened, tears of embarrassment welled up in his jammed shut eyelids as the Doe laughed at his submission. "Humiliated?" She howled "GOOD! How do you think that poor girl felt when you said those things about her? Your a disgrace!" Her laughing turned to a growl as she stood up and hit the teen hard on the side of his hung head. Knocking him to his side as he curled up, tears unstoppable as he began to weep on the floor of his teachers living room. "Pathetic." She growled before sitting back down. "Get back up, i'm not done with you yet." The femme ordered. Seconds that felt like hours to the teen passed as he slowly brought himself back up. The burning from her attack and the emotional pain of kneeling at someone's will torturing his insides. "I'll give you a few minutes to compose, but stay there." He felt mercy from her as she gave him time to calm down. The tears had stopped shortly after he got up again, but the burning remained, that took longer to subside.

"Better?" She asked, with a small amount of concern in her voice. " you." Sniffing between words. Thanking someone, for hitting him, is this what she had done to him? "Are you sorry now?" She growled. "Yes!" He replied almost instantly. Looking up at her for the first time since he sat on the couch. "Good.." she smiled, standing up in front of him again, he noticed her fiddle with the front of her coat, which is what he guessed she stood up to do, hanging his head again, looking at her feet. ".. Now... there's one more thing I want from you." His eyes widened as the view of her feet became obstructed by the falling of her coat.

His eyes never broke from her coat, now bundled at her feet after she dropped it from her bodice. "Earn back my respect, look at me boy!" barked the Doe. He looked up slowly, eyes tracing her figure, whilst inside forcing himself to look away. There she was, nude before him, nothing but a smile on her as she stared back down at him. "M-M-Miss!" sputtered the male as she stepped out of her coat, kicking it aside, standing now with her legs a little more apart. Ignoring him completely, she continued to speak "Make me feel like a woman, like a man who respects women would, and I will respect you Cyrona."

He could say nothing as she lowered herself back to her seat, perching right on the edge of it, opening her legs wide, exposing herself to him. He looked away, ashamed to see it. "Now now, eating me out will be a lot harder if you don't look Cyrona. Do it." Demanded the femme as she lay back, sliding forward a little more, using her back to hold herself up as the male slowly turned to face her.


He took a deep breath, there she was, his teacher, late twenties Miss Aria. The Doe who had humiliated him less than 5 minutes ago, laying naked in front of him,legs apart with her sex glistening in the soft light. She had already broken him, right now there was nothing he wouldn't do for fear of being struck again, so he leant forward onto his hands and knees, inches from her, he could already smell her potent smell. "Now! Cyrona!" Barked the growlingly impatient femme, she definitely wanted it from him, delaying would only cause himself problems. Rocking forward, his mouth connected to her sex. His lips pressed softly to her outer folds, he kissed them as he moved back, watching them slowly peel open before him. Giving oral to a female was the males most favourite sex act, but never in such a situation, but his instincts did all that was needed. His tongue naturally extended to connect with the parting lips, nudging them aside as he started to taste her flavour, slowly seeping from her aroused cunny.

2 minutes had passed since he first planted a kiss on her sex, but so much had advanced down there. His own control thrown to the wind as his tongue began to work by itself, his lips kissing and suckling on the soft rubbery lips of her labia. Using his tongue as a speculum to spread her open, he worked from the bottom, the hottest part, flowing with her flavour and arousal. Rolling his tongue, pushing it into her small cunny hole, opening it widely before licking slowly back up along her slit to connect with the small bud at the top, taking it into his mouth to give it a small suck, releasing it to slide back down. Lapping at her slit, flicking his tongue over her hole and clit as she flooded him with her juices. Using her legs to rest his elbows on gave him the use of his hands, taking a fold in each, he held her open, exposing the bright pink to him, laying his tongue flat on it to enjoy it more. Rolling his tongue again, he used it to penetrate her, trying to simulate something else. He became more comfortable, but that was undoubtedly the hormones forcing him to her will. His own excitement growing in his loose jeans, long tail swaying high above him. "Excited Cy?" she groaned, clearly short for breath, despite staying quiet during his actions. He didn't answer with words, but sucked on her clit roughly. "Ooh!.." she gasped "I'll take that as a yes. You can take them off, your jeans, just don't let it distract you from what your supposed to be doing." Giving him permission to enjoy himself more directly, he shuffled off his jeans down to his knees, bring his member out from one side of his boxers, rubbing it slowly.

The Doe sat up, wanting to see him toy with himself whilst he gave her what she wanted, but much to her disappointment, his position kept everything hidden. Changing where she was just to see did not seem profitable to her. "You know.. to make a woman, feel a woman, a man has to give her something." Saying nothing as he continued to work her tight femme sex with his mouth, she slowly stood up, he kept attached, feeling obliged to. "Lay on your back." She ordered, pushing him away from her pulsing organ. He pulled up his jeans, just a little, to cover himself up, despite the boxers doing a fair job. She walked around him, facing back across him. she slowly squatted, lowing her now dripping cunt towards his face. She sat down on him, forcing it into his mouth as he shot his tongue back into her almost instantly. She shook a little, her position unable to hold her if she kept that up, so she knelt over him instead, , but leant back, keeping herself forcing onto his face. "Mmm.. play for me Cy.. I want to see your enjoyment!" He nodded between her legs, using a free hand, the other holding onto her, to reach down towards his boxers. Shuffling them off, exposing his endowed member. Hard, exposed and glistening from his arousal. He felt her gush liquid into his face as she first saw it, viewing his cock exciting her clearly. Taking it into his hand, he slowly stroked it up and down, picking up pace over the course of a minute as his tongue continued to dart in and out of her pussy, pressed firmly to his face.

She suddenly applied a lot of weight to his face as she let out an audible scream, which turned into a moan quickly as he had brought her to orgasm. Flooding his face with her gushing, orgasmic fluids drowning him as he swallowed all he could. She kept pressed firm, the pleasure forcing her to rock back and forth on his face, as the excitement from her cumming caused him to increase the speed his masturbated for her. Her rocking slowed as the flooding ceased to nothing more than its original trickle. He felt a weight lift as she leant forward, his hand pulled away from his cock. "Mmmm.. Cy.. that was definitely worth my respect. Now.. for that thing that I want most of all.." she never finished her sentence as her hand started to stroke his cock, keeping her pussy in his face, a sign for him not to stop, she took over tossing him off. He felt something warm coat it, as she spat on it to lubricate. Her speed was intense, the slipperiness of her saliva adding to the sensation as he arched his back. "Oooh.. going to give me what I want Cy?" She cooed. He sucked hard on her cunt in answer, a warning for his approaching orgasm, licking and sucking wildly at her pussy as her speed increased even more. He let out a hot breath into her cunny as she knew it was his time, she leant forward, tossing the tip, aiming it directly into her face as she closed her eyes and let her mouth hang just a little open. "Here Cy.. do it.. cum on me now!"

He sucked with such ferocity as he bucked under her. Her hand rapidly pumping as her hot breath warmed the tip when it happened. His balls tightened, forcing his seed from them as the sped along his shaft and out the stimulated end, directly towards his teachers face. The first splashed between here eyes and along the bridge of her maw, speckling into her hair and back down onto him. The second she had moved up to greet, clearly wanting coverage of her face as the second sprayed just under her nose, recoiling up into it and dripping onto her tongue, hanging out of her waiting mouth. The third she aimed with precision, shooting straight into her open mouth, disappearing until the small streams leaked from both sides of her tongue. She closed her mouth to swallow it, but was unsuspecting of a fourth load. This was the big one, 3 times the amount of the first 3 shots, splashing hotly against her closed mouth, coating the lower half of her face, this load was not as quick, but doubly thick, plastering instead of splashing as it clung to the hairs on her chin. She turned her face to avoid it as the line drew across her cheek. The final shot finally subsided as the thick globs of his cum clung to her face as some slowly rolled down from her forehead to her mouth, where she licked it off happily. After about a minute she finally spoke "Ooh Cy, You have so much, you really knew what I wanted." Climbing off him, he stopped licking her during his orgasm and was breathing too heavily to continue.

She sat back on her seat, leaving his cum on her face to savour it. "Thank you Cyrona. I forgive you and you have earned my respect. I am sorry for striking you, but I hope have learned your lesson." Being very professional about what had just happened, despite sitting naked with a students cum dripping from her chin. "T-thank you Miss" he panted, standing and re-dressing himself. "Your free to go now, i've kept you long enough as it is." Pointing to the door, as though his 'time was up'. He nodded and made his way to the door quickly, fiddling with the bolt before he finally got it open, looking back at her one last time, catching her using a finger to wipe the cum from her cheek and popping it into her mouth, he exited her house.

"Dont forget!.." he heard her shout as he exited the drive ".. 8PM.. for a week" she grinned.

Aaand theres my first RP story. Feel free to comment, I started writing at 00:25 and finished at 02:20. Might play around with some other days of his 'punishments' but we'll see. Depends what people think tbh.

As mentioned, drawings of my chars are more than welcome, just message for me detailed descriptions of each.