Track and Field: Chapter 2

Story by Tavian on SoFurry

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#2 of Track and Field: Lessons from Coach

Note: This story contains the yiffy/erotic dreams of a teenage Snow Leopard. It's fairly mild stuff. If it is illegal in your area for whatever reason to read this, don't. Enjoy! The feline had not expected himself to fall asleep so easily. Barely had his head hit his pillow before he was out and unconscious. Not even his enthusiasm could keep him awake. Now that he knew the time and the place of his training and expected himself to wake up like a real pro. He'd be like those guys he saw on TV, so disciplined and awesome. School had pushed him and worn him out. He had enough homework to choke a horse, and given the nature of his failing studies, had little choice but to devote himself to it. By the time he finally made it to bed, he was exhausted both mentally and physically. He didn't even try turning on his computer for a few rounds of some game. Zack crashed and he crashed hard. His worries and fears left his mind, leaving him only with a blissful feeling of excitement. Nothing would keep him away from his goals, not even sleep. His dreams started out innocently enough, with the subjects on his mind. He was floating through a cloud of books, each one flapping open and spewing pages at him. These taunted him a bit, but he wasn't afraid. Once he was popular his teachers would beg him to let them give him straight A's. The books all flew away, seeming to be afraid of him. Visions of high marks and academic awards flowed around him. He saw scholarships, many of them, maybe even more than Devon had offered to him. These were replaced with soda cans, for some reason, all of which clanked noisily around him. He had plenty under his bed and needed to clean, or so he remembered. He swam through the sea of cans, feeling so good. His mind hadn't realized he was asleep. Without warning the scene changed to one of him standing tall. He was tall and his tail was perfectly suited to his new body size. Not only that, he was (if you asked him, anyway!) quite good looking. He posed in front of a mirror, showing himself his muscles and his strength. He realized he only had on a pair of shorts and quickly peeked inside of them. The cat jumped up in his dream world, throwing his arms in the air from the excitement of what he found. The situation with his tail was definitely reversed here! "Yeeessss!" It had to be heaven! Nothing else could feel so good. Everything he wanted was here! Not only was he good looking and well built, he didn't have a care in the world. Once again the scene changed without him realizing it. He was in the locker room again, wearing a towel. The other guys were looking to him, as if for tips. He heard himself spewing off game strategy and a pep talk, even though he had no idea what he was talking about. Somehow it all seemed to make sense to them, no matter what he said. He was pretty sure he called one an ugly idiot, to which the player just nodded and grinned. God, he could get away with putting down jocks! Suddenly he was dressed in full football costume, shoulder pads, helmets and all. He was walking toward the field, only now there were trophy cases lining every visible wall in the school halls. He saw his name on each and every one of them. His records surpassed his brother's pitiful few trophies by far. Everyone knew he was the most valuable player ever! Somehow he had gotten to this point, but he couldn't quite remember how. Not that he wanted to question it. He passed people in the halls, and vaguely registered his brother standing in the background. He could hear people saying things to him, such as, "Oh, hey, you're that guy, you know, Zack's brother." Those words alone made him want to jump for joy. Now Devon knew how it felt to live in someone's shadow! Everyone partied around him and gave him so much attention. He could even hear his mother saying how proud she was of him. The dream turned sinister for a moment when he realized there was a towering figure in front of him. His coach was there, standing at least three times larger than life size. The jackal looked like a death god waiting to grab him. He felt a brief flutter of fear. Zack glared up at the gigantic figure. "Hey! I'm Zack Hollister, famous football legend and school star! You can't scare me anymore! Now why don't you drop and give me fifty?" The figure of his coach shrunk down, smaller and smaller, then immediately obeyed. Zack felt his heart leaping. Even his coach respected him! Everyone wanted his favor, wanted to say they knew him! It was too good to be true! The dream changed again and he found himself in a not-so-innocent place. He was walking off the field and realized he had won the game. Two sleek female cats were hanging on to him, one against each arm. These cats were red furred and appeared identical. Both eyes widened as he realized he had scored a pair of twins with his charms. Each girl only had on a skimpy swimsuit hiding her lithe, sleek furred form. Absolutely nothing was left to his imagination, even though it all was in his imagination. One girl slid her paws over him, touching him and groping him. They were barely out of the public eye, barely inside the school. Her sister kissed him. He had never felt a kiss in reality, but in his dream she was giving him enough tongue to make his heart flutter. He ran his paws along the kissing cat's body, up under her swimsuit top, then down into her thong covered bottom. He pulled her against him while her sister undressed him. He could feel her licking over each bared spot. Zack felt himself growing very hard. It was impressive to see his shaft, thick and heavy, jutting up against his belly. In reality he hardened inside his boxers, forming a tent in the cloth and against his bed covered. His shaft throbbed from the stimulation of the dream, both as the dream stroked his ego and the girls stroked his dick. Both girls licked over his rod, moving from top to bottom. The virgin cat had never felt anything so good. He moaned out and braced himself against the wall, as both girls fought over who got to suck him. His tail swished like mad behind them as they worked over him, one taking him deep into her mouth, the other licking over his balls below. He felt like he could explode at any time. Back and forth his hips rocked, rubbing his tip against her tongue. She had him cupped with her tongue in a way he'd seen in naughty magazines. Her tongue slid around his shaft, tugging on it and teasing it. He pushed it far into her mouth and seemed to find no limits. The warmth of her tongue covered his entire length. The teenaged feline pushed himself back and forth, rapidly thrusting himself into her muzzle. The sucking cat's sister vanished without reason and soon even she was naked. Zack was on his back and she was over him. He could see the mounds of her breasts pushed almost to his face. He nuzzled heavily at them and ran his tongue along her nipples. She was spreading herself wide open for him. Her legs moved further and further apart to invite him. He pulled his head away to look at her dripping slit. It made him feel a lust he had never felt before. He wanted it, wanted inside of her. She raised herself over his crotch and grasped his large erect shaft. Her fingers were as soft as silk on his meat, stroking it in a way that made him cry out in his sleep. She masturbated him back and forth, using the folds of her own sex to tease his tip. In reality, his cock leaked pre in copious amounts into his boxers. Being a virgin, he could only imagine something like this. He lost control and grabbed her close, rolling over so that he was on top. He plunged his hips forward, thrusting himself inside of her. Her wet, hot insides wrapped around his cock and parted just enough to let him go further. He was stretching her in a way he'd never stretch a girl in the waking world. His balls slapped against her rump, but he kept going. It was like electricity flowing through his cock. Every inch of his meat was on fire and buried into her slit as he made the frantic effort to soothe his own aching need. He heard her calling his name out in pleasure, screaming it so many times he lost count. He plunged into her over and over, the snow leopard's butt wriggling wildly in the air. He felt so confident, riding her like this. She curled her legs around him and pulled him in tighter. The teen ran his muzzle up her chest and moved to lick across her breasts. He swore he could taste her fur. It seemed so real. To him it was real. He was giving it to her like he had always fantasized about doing a girl. In reality his cock throbbed inside his boxers, raising up to the point it almost poked toward his belly. In the dream he was getting closer and closer. Each thrust brought him more pleasure. He could feel a pressure building in his balls, one he never had even during the times he frantically pawed off. He was going to cum, cum harder than he had in his life. Both him and the girl were in the middle of the field. People were on all sides, cheering him on and watching. Even his brother and coach were there, in the crowd. It felt so strange to have so many eyes on him. It was even stranger he liked it, liked them looking at him. They wanted him and wanted her. They wanted to be him and envied him. The sheer excitement of it caused him to go over the edge. He felt his shaft throbbing from the base to the tip. She was cumming too. He could feel her squeezing him oh-so-tightly, barely leaving him able to thrust into her snatch. He was nervous and anxious, but it just kept coming. Spurts flew from his tip and jetted deep inside of her. He could feel it mingling with her cum, his hot cat cum squirting into her in amounts he never thought possible. His balls ached so much from it and he couldn't count how many times he fired off. He wanted to do it aga

  • * * BBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZBBBBZZZZZZZZZBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! "Aiieeeee!" he yelped. The sleeping cat jumped awake in the middle of his orgasm, causing him to sit up wildly. This proved unwise, as his twitching shaft was sensitive to the touch. Shifting his tented boxers and bed covers around it made him shudder. Zack slapped his alarm clock with one free paw, frantically, and drew in deep ragged breathes. The snow leopard's cock throbbed hard as it let loose in his boxers, spurting and emptying his entire young load. The front had a very noticeable wet spot forming as his seed dripped back into his fur. His mind played out the last vestiges of his dream. He struggled to hold on to the memory of the power and heat he'd acquire. It took a few hard breathes before he could even move. As his mind snapped alert, Zack glanced over at the time. Bright red numbers and letters painted out 4:45 AM to him. He had set his alarm for 4:30! Somehow he had missed the first alarm and hit the snooze button. Even in normal times he slept like the dead. Dreaming of hot twins and personal victories didn't motivate him to wake up. There wasn't enough time to worry with changing his messed boxers. Even if he ran he still might be late. The boy pried himself from bed and awkwardly scooped a pair of old gym shorts off the floor, sliding these over his cum soaked boxers as he hopped toward the door. Working the shorts around his still-hard, throbbing, hypersensitive shaft proved to be another matter. He had to bite his tongue a few times to keep from crying out from the feeling. A few last trickling spurts shot out from this stimulation. Even just having the fabric rubbing it made him wince. He felt quite tender down there after spurting so much. Zack made it as far as the door when he realized he didn't have a shirt on. He cursed himself and spun fast enough to knock himself off balance. He grabbed the first shirt off his floor that didn't smell bad. After shaking a soda can out of it and kicking it under his bed, he ran straight for the front door. His shoes were forgotten, mostly as a side effect of his excitement and haste. The young male barreled out the front door, barely taking the time to shut it behind him. He ran bare pawed into what he expected to be a perfect pre-dawn morning. Within seconds of stepping out the door he found himself soaked by torrential rainfall. The ditzy cat had neglected to check the forecast. Rain!? He hadn't expected rain! It horrified him as he realized the weather might put a stop to all his hopes and dreams. How could he ever have cheering fans or women throwing themselves on him if he couldn't even train!? The field would be too wet for him to run. Heck, his coach might not even want to let him train inside! This was a disaster. He quickly shook his head to try and get some of the negative thoughts out. As the water soaked into his fur, Zack shivered. The erection in his shorts quickly disappeared both due to the chill of the rain and the chill running through his mind. Everyone and everything was against him, even nature. He had no chance now. It would be another day he was stuck a weakling. He wanted to move on so badly, to be something more. It never hit him how minor his problems were or even how this one setback was really small. To him it was devastating. Still, he didn't give up hope entirely. There was still the possibility he could turn this to his advantage. Maybe if his coach saw him running through the rain he'd be impressed! Maybe if he showed he could handle rough weather it would make the jackal look a little more kindly on his toughness! Hope struggled to find a way to manifest itself. Zack looked up at the black sky and felt the rain pour down his face. Like it or not, he had to try! Maybe, just maybe, Coach Gordon would be in a merciful mood. Maybe they could do something inside or maybe he could run laps in the gym. The soaked cat took a deep breath of wet air and coughed. Zack prayed that he wasn't going to be doing this for nothing, then turned his head back to the sidewalk. The feline swished his long tail once and took off jogging, in the rain, toward the school. He would not give up.