My Journey Through High School 2: Chapter 1: From Hard Mornings to Lazy Afternoons

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#1 of My Journey Through High School 2

Hello Everyone! It's been a long time coming, but it's time to reward you for all your patience, the next big entry into the MJTHS series. I hope you all enjoy. All characters belong to their respective owners and shouldn't be used without their permission.

For those of you who are new here, I recommend reading the first book first, obviously. Here's a link to make it easier:

Chapter 1

I couldn't believe myself. After everything I've been through how could I be late for my first day back at high school? I huffed and cursed myself the entire way there as I tore down the street, trying to keep up with the fox a few feet in front of me. I would've slept through the whole day if Jason didn't come up pounding on my door.

"What the fuck Ryan?" he asked as he pounded, "come on we're going to be late." I only had enough time to dress and grab a granola bar to eat before we had to hurry.

"Wait up already!" I shouted back as he was running ahead of me. Being a fox he was running faster than I could.

"After all the waiting I did for you Ryan forget it," he huffed back. Jason has been my best friend since forever, but I can't blame for not liking me at the moment, since I goofed up and ended up sleeping in. We eventually made it to the back entrance of the school. Since there were still other students outside, that meant that the bell hadn't rung yet. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my watch. I didn't have time to put it on during our running frenzy, so I put it on as we were catching our breath. I took a look at the time afterward.

"We made it with five minutes to spare," I commented, "I think we can slow down a little."

"Okay," Jason replied and kneeled down to catch his breath, "sorry for dragging you so hard this morning."

"Don't worry about it," I said shaking my head, "if you hadn't gotten me I might have missed the whole day. My sleep pattern has been messed up all summer."

"I don't blame you," Jason began, "after everything that happened last year, you guys deserved to lay low and relax all summer. But I can't believe it passed so quickly, and already we're back at Pine View, starting out our Sophomore Year."

"Yeah," I agreed, "it feels a lot different too. Since we know what to expect I don't feel nervous about it, and yet, I still feel uneasy."

"Why is that?" Jason asked.

"Well," I began, "I don't know how to explain it, but I still feel tense from last year. I'm just hoping something like that doesn't happen again." As we started walking again I looked around and noticed that I wasn't the only one that felt that way. "The atmosphere feels a little tense too."

"Yeah I know what you mean," Jason said, "but at the same time, it still feels pretty normal, and the security has been beefed up big time since the incident." He was right about that. Over the summer the shooting last year was all the news that was covered for a while, and during that time there were all kinds of demonstrations and protests demanding more security. There was a lot of controversy that occurred as well. While there was a demand for higher security, there were a lot of people who opposed having metal detectors installed at our school. So while we don't have metal detectors we did get more security guards, and plenty more security cameras. I guess people get extra sensitive about their privacy, but that wasn't any of my business.

Because of the shooting I ended up becoming unintentionally famous, with the news taking a good chunk of my summer in various interviews, including giving my opinion on the matters that came about because of the shooting. I'm just glad they finally let off so I can go back to being a normal teenager.

"Well I'm going to ignore it all from this point forward," I said, "so security is a little beefier, it's still the same school we come to learn and make fond memories with. So let's treat it like we always do."

"I'm totally with you on that one," Jason nodded in agreement and we made our way inside, as we did though I heard some frantic shouting coming our way.

"Oh shit I'm late I'm late!" a young man said as he came bolting toward the door, before I could turn to see who it was though he crashed right into me, knocking me clean off my feet and right onto my ass. The weight of my backpack didn't help either, as all of my supplies were packed inside of it.

"You alright Ryan?" Jason asked worried as he watched the whole thing unfold. I fortunately didn't hit my head on anything and I sat up slowly checking myself a bit.

"That was quite the collision," I said, "but I'm alright." I looked to see who it was that hit me. It was a young wolf, whose books and other supplies had scattered around the place. I felt a little bad for him as he scattered to pick them all up, figuring he'd be late by the time he got them all.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I stood up and helped him pick up his books. He looked up at me shyly and nodded.

"Yeah," he replied and I handed his things to him, "thanks for the help."

"Don't mention it," I replied, "a little advice though; I'd try a multi pocket backpack next time. I'd recommend an L.L. Bean brand myself."

"S-sure," he said, "thanks."

"Are you new here?" I asked when I noticed his nervousness, "I haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah," he nodded, "I'm a freshman."

"That's alright," Jason said, "we all are at one point in our lives, and we're all friends here."

"Really?" The wolf's ears perked up at the word friends, are you guys freshman too?"

"Us? Nah we're sophomores," Jason explained, "I'm Jason, and this here is Ryan." We each offered to shake his paw, which he returned.

"It's nice to meet you," he said and smiled, "I'm Fenrir Moonfang." He then turned to me. "Are you Ryan Lewis by any chance?" I nodded, "I've heard all about you. I really admire you?"

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, I've learned everything about you the time I was here, you're like my hero," he lit up as he talked about it, "I wish I could be as brave as you."

"Well I don't know about that," I said scratching the back of my head with a blush, "but the compliments are welcome." As if to end the conversation the first bell to begin the day rang.

"I guess it's time to head to class," Jason commented, "It was nice meeting you."

"Same here," Fenrir replied, "hey, do you think you can help me find my first class?"

"Sure," I replied, "Let me see your schedule." He handed it to me and I saw his first period class, it was a freshman math class, which meant it was down in the math hall. I gave him the directions needed to get there.

"Thank you very much," he said with a bow.

"Don't mention it," I replied, "say Fenrir; would you like to join us for lunch later today?"

"Really?!" He asked, his tail wagging "may I?"

"Of course," I nodded, Jason nodding as well, "We'll be in room 222 in the Science hall, Chemistry department." I gave him the directions to that place as well, and he thanked me before hurrying away.

"I take it the Chess team is getting an early start this year," Jason pointed out, as the room I mentioned was where the chess club was located.

"That's right," I nodded, "we should talk about that later though. We'll be late to class if we stand around here too much longer."

"Agreed," Jason agreed and we hurried along inside.


Meanwhile, while all of this was going on, there were other happenings on the other side of the school. Things were bustling over at the Men's locker room, as a tall buff Orca and dolphin exited. The Orca was whistling a happy tune, wiping his forehead with a small towel, finishing freshening up to get ready for the start of class.

"You're sure happy this morning Morrell," the dolphin commented with a chuckle, "satisfied with your performance at early tryouts?"

"Of course I am Jake," Morrell replied with a smirk, "no one could outperform what I did. The coach was so stoked at my performance he gave me the first Quarterback position right off the bat."

"I'm not too surprised at that little bit," Jake said as they hit their lockers and got into them, "the only reason you weren't Quarterback last year was because Freshmen couldn't be one right?"

"Yeah," Morrell said, "not that I minded too much. We can't lose with the team we have this year. We'll take it right to the championships."

"Speaking of which," Jake asked, "How's your Chess Champion of a boyfriend Ryan?"

"Pretty much the same," the buff Orca joked, as he put a thin layer of deodorant on, "sexy as usual. And what about your foxy squeeze Jason?"

"Oh he's great," Jake chuckled, "but I'm more curious about how your summer went. I know we hung out a lot, but I also know you spent a lot of alone time with Ryan, and me and others want all the juicy details."

"Well I can't tell you much since class is about to begin," Morrell replied grabbing a couple books and closing the locker, "but we did enjoy our summer thoroughly. Ryan was invited to Las Vegas back in June. Because of his top performance at the state high school championships, he was invited to compete in the high school national championships. He did so well in the tournament he won a 5,000 dollar scholarship for college."

"I remember getting the news about that," Jake pointed out, "just like you can't be stopped on the football field; Ryan's a total juggernaut on the chessboard. If it was possible for you two to have kids together, I can just imagine what they'd be like."

"That's pretty funny," Morrell laughed and walked with his dolphin friend toward their first class, "But I don't think Ryan would enjoy being pregnant." He yawned and stretched a bit, having to force his sleep pattern back to normal was a bit taxing on him today; he just hoped Ryan managed to get up in time. As he was walking he started reminiscing his summer days with his lover, flashing back to what a particular day for them alone was like...


One day over this long summer, I was invited over to Morrell's place to play a few games and watch TV. As it was the middle of the day and we were both too young to have jobs yet, we were along while Morrell's parents were at work. After grabbing some junk food from the pantry upstairs, we went down to our usual hangout in his basement. As it wasn't being used before summer, we as a group decided to renovate the area, clean it up thoroughly, and turned it into a really cool hangout. Now it's where we all like to spend most of our time. During this day we were along however, placing our drinks on coasters, and junk food on the coffee table in front of the TV. We planned on playing some games later, but at the moment we were too lazy to do anything other than watch TV.

A few hours passed, Morrell's strong arm was draped over my back lovingly, as we stared at the TV bored.

"Man I'm so bored," I commented with a sigh as we watched, "there's nothing on and nothing to do."

"I agree," Morrell said, "If I watch another episode of The Price is Right I'm going to snap." After our comment on the situation we turned to face each other. His face was more handsome every time I looked at it, and when I saw the loving smile he put on I could tell what it was he wanted next, as if we were telepathic with each other. I didn't blame him, as I was in the mood for it too. We winked at each other and leaned in, our arms wrapped around each other as we kissed deeply. We didn't hold back as we knew we were alone and wouldn't be disturbed during this time.

My hands roamed under his shirt to explore his perfect body. I felt every inch of his abs, his strong chest and pecs, and ever so soft skin. All of that drove my desire further as Morrell slipped his broad orca tongue into my mouth to explore, licking everywhere and wrestling with my own, demanding dominance. As he was the dominating top of us, I had no chance to wrestle back, letting him take total control of the kiss. His own hands also explored my body, tracing the curves of my back and rubbing my sides, slowly moving downward, until his hands rested on my ass cheeks. One of his hands slipped down inside my underwear, to feel and grope my ass directly, as his other felt my ass through my pants, and tracing down my thighs and my own slowly growing bulge.

We broke the kiss slowly to look into each other's eyes and catch our breaths. As we did we heard a noise on the TV and instinctively turned to look.

"I'll bet one dollar bob," Said a female contestant on the show. This was followed by the crowd booing at the lady, and while I found that a little funny, I turned to Morrell and found myself inspired to simply just continue on. We quickly returned to the kissing, only this time deepening it and kissing more passionately, the heat causing me to moan in increasing arousal. Morrell took charge of the situation, laying me down on the couch and pressing his body on top of mine. We kept kissing ferociously the entire time, only breaking the kiss long enough for him to strip my shirt and his own off.

When we returned to the kiss our hands explored each other's exposed tops, him rubbing my belly and pinching my nipples to erection, while mine explore up and down his smooth back and strong muscled arms. Both of our pants were bulging and pressing against each other. This spurred Morrell to tease me further, and moan more into the passionate kiss, by grinding his crotch into mine, dry humping and gyrating his hips, causing the tip of my underwear hidden inside to dampen with pre. I could easily tell he was ready to breed me with how excited he was getting.

When he stopped dry humping me, he brought his hands down to unbutton and unzip my pants, breaking the kiss long enough to rip my pants clean off my legs, exposing my tented briefs. He giggled lightly at the display and put on a short little show, slipping his own pants off and revealing the bright rainbow speedo he had underneath. Speedos were his primary choice of underwear; he said it teased people just enough while at the same time showing off the goods. He would regularly wear the rainbow speedo whenever there was a nearby pride parade we could go to, but he also had ones of each separate color too, just to scratch the surface. While I wasn't as crazy on the underwear choices as he was I too would spice up the romance sometimes by wearing kinkier underwear, including jockstraps and even panties on occasion. He especially liked me in jockstraps, as it gave him easy access to my ass.

We enjoyed looking at each other's undies as well as the bulging prizes hiding inside them, before returning to the passionate make out. As we did, we grinded our bulges again, teasing each other further though the thin fabric. I let my hands down to explore and rub his smooth warm legs, even gripping his toned ass a little to encourage him to hump further. After a bit he stopped and reached down, gripping my underwear and yanking it down and off, freeing my aching cock, at full mast with a 2 inch girth and 7 inch length. As he did we broke the kiss and I noticed the TV was still on.

"Shouldn't turn it off or something?" I asked.

"Nah leave it on," Morrell suggested, "It'll make it all the kinkier; we could pretend we're performing for an audience." I chuckled lightly at his exhibitionistic suggestion. I was already pretty hard with or without the TV anyway so I decided to play along. I reached down and thumbed his speedo, before slipping it off too, tossing it with the rest of the pile and admiring my boyfriend's nude godlike body. His cock was also at full mast, much more impressive than mine. It was an entire foot long, 12 inches with a slightly intimidating 3 inch girth. I only say slightly as I was a bit nervous about it during our first time, but looking at it now only makes me more excited.

"Very nice," I commented and he winked back, showing off his body and flexing his muscles a bit, making his cock bounce a bit and leak a little pre, before turning around and carefully positioning himself over me.

"Better get it ready hon," he explained, waving his hips a bit, his cock dangling right over my face. I nodded obligingly and took the cock into my mouth, my nostrils overcome with his powerful scent, intoxicating me with the taste of his wonderful orca tool. The nice big mushroom head coated with pre, which I licked off and downed eagerly as I began working on his cock. As I did he mmed a bit before taking my cock into his muzzle much more easily, and started sucking me off too. I held onto his legs as we sixty-nined. I would occasionally pull off to lick and suckle his balls and the base of his cock to lube it all up skillfully, wanting to please him as much as possible.

As he sucked my own cock and teased my balls with his free hands, I couldn't help but moan at the great pleasure he was giving me, teasing the tip with a skillful tongue. During this time, he also brought a hand down to tease my asshole lovingly, giving my butt cheeks a playful spank first before teasing my hole with a finger, and pushing one in slowly. I moaned more as he penetrated there, until the finger was all the way in. My toes curled as he wiggled it around in there, teasing my prostate a little and loosening it up at the same time. As usual in his fashion, he drove me to near insane heights with his foreplay, which I didn't mind at all, replying with moans and grunts as he added a second finger.

I continued to suck him as he fingered my hole more, until he eventually pulled off. Before I pull off myself and see what he was planning, I blushed as I felt him grip my legs and lift them up high, exposing myself more easily for him. He licked his lips and dove in, rimming me with his tongue hungrily, causing me to moan more. I licked his tip more, drinking down more pre and lubing it up more as he lubed up my hole with his tongue, pushing into my ass past the sphincter to explore. He mmed at the erotic taste as he licked up the walls and lubed it to get ready for his huge orca meat.

After a few minutes he soon pulled off and got up, helping me off as he sat on the couch. I recognized the position he was getting into and waited for him to get adjusted on the middle of the couch, his slick hard cock up and at attention. When he was ready he nodded at me, and I nodded back and got up on top of him. On my knees, I straddled his hips carefully, facing him with my back to the TV, and aimed his cock carefully in between my butt cheeks. Morrell held onto my hips and helped guide me as I slowly lowered myself on his cock.

I gave a gasp and slight wince as I felt his cock enter me, the large mushroom head spreading me open, followed by his large girth as his length pushed in inch after inch. Once I was in enough I held onto Morrell's broad shoulders as he held and rubbed my sides gently, guiding myself down his cock and pushing himself into me more until he had fully hilted inside of me.

"There we go love," he smiled, "nice and easy."

"Y-yeah," I huffed as I took a quick minute to get adjusted to his size being in me again, before the pain faded a little, replaced by dull pleasure of the pressure against my prostate. I kept hold of his shoulders, looking into his smiling face and gorgeous ocean blue eyes as I started to ride him slowly. I moaned as I felt his cock pull out and push back in slowly as I started the steady pace. He moaned lightly with me as he gazed back into my eyes and started kissing me. His cock was steadily leaking more pre, coating and lubing my walls further, as my cock leaked pre every time I felt his head hit my prostate.

Our tongues were once again entwined with one another, my eyes closed to enjoy the euphoria of sensations as I bounced on his cock more. This kept up for a few minutes, before Morrell started taking control of the thrusting, holding my hips more steady to signal that he was taking control. We broke the kiss as he started thrusting harder, faster, and deeper, his balls slapping against my ass with each wet slap his hips made as he bred my ass to his liking.

"Fuck, so sexy," He commented, making me blush before he suddenly stopped thrusting. Without even getting off the seat or pulling out of me, he carefully lifted my legs and gripped my body, before spinning me around so I was facing the TV and my back to his chest, before he continued. I moaned more and panted in a light brim of sweat as he was fucking me as hard and fast as he can, not holding anything back and letting his wild instincts take over.

"Oh Morrell," I moaned as he continued to breed me.

"I bet you wish the others were here to see this huh?" He whispered in my ears, causing them to get hot with his breath and my blushing, he continued grinding his cock in my ass, while gripping mine with a free hand and stroking it rapidly. His control only allowed me to moan and pant in response. "You know you love it, just like we're pretending to show off to the TV audience, you wish you had one here watching you now huh?" I couldn't help but blush more, I'm pretty private with all my sex with the group, but the idea of being naughty in front of an appreciative audience felt really dirty and exciting at the same time. My cock throbbed in his hand as he continued to make a spectator show out of the pretend audience on the screen as we both reached close to our climaxes.

I was obviously the first to go, as his rapid stroking and ravaging of my prostate sending me over the edge, shooting rope after hard rope of cum all over myself and his hand. My sudden tension from my climax sent him over the edge, and he growled out in delight as he slammed in balls deep and emptied his load completely inside me, coating my insides white his copious amounts of seed. I held close to him as we rode out our climaxes, him holding me to his chest as we did, before settling a minute after. He licked my neck affectionately and kissed my cheek.

"Did you enjoy that honey?" He asked as we basked in the afterglow.

"I always do love," I replied, and he gently turned my head to kiss him deeply one last time, before he pulled out of me slowly. When he did I quickly closed my gaping hole to keep his seed from escaping, before carefully getting off of him and grabbing my clothes. "I'll be right back after I freshen up."

"Alright," Morrell replied as he grabbed his speedo, "want to play a game after?"

"Sure," I replied, "I bet I can kick your ass in Smash Bros. again."

"We'll see about that," he said and gave my butt a playful swipe as I headed back up to head to the bathroom.

"It's a bet," I stated as I hurried up. While I was up there, Morrell redressed slowly and got comfortable. As he changed the channel he heard someone else come downstairs.

"Hello son," It was Morrell's father, who greeted him as he stepped down to grab something.

"You're home early dad," he replied.

"Yeah well," he chuckled, "It was a short day at work so I decided what the hell. I just said hi to Ryan he was freshening up in the bathroom."

"Mhm?" Morrell replied dismissively, not moving an inch.

"And he has the right idea in my opinion. I'd suggest spraying something to freshen up the basement, or open up that door over there before your mom gets home because I can totally smell that you just had sex down here, and I don't think she'd like to hear about that."

"Alright dad," Morrell replied casually, switching another channel as his dad walked upstairs again. It was just another summer day for the duo.


Meanwhile back in the present day, A little time passed before we got to the second class of the day. I was sitting in the front as I usually did, but sitting next to me was Fenrir, who had asked to sit next to me. Morrell came in shortly after and winked at me as he took a seat behind me. I wasn't sure if Fenrir could notice my blushing or not. When the bell rang the teacher got up from his desk and stood in front of the class to introduce himself. He was a huge guy, standing at about 9 feet tall. He would best be described as a hybrid, containing the body of a white liger, with red dragon wings and black and gold horns on his head. He must be a new teacher here because I had never seen him before last year.

"Good morning class," he began, "I'm your instructor for this class, and my name is Ligeron Firewyrm. Mr. Firewyrm is just fine though. Some of you might be intimidated by my stature but I can assure you I'm kind and fair, as long as you're willing to do your part to learn and work you shouldn't have anything to worry about."

'I hope I'll still be able to see the board,' I thought to myself.

"Just be sure to let me know if I'm blocking the board for you," He chuckled as he explained as if he had read my mind. "Before we continue I should probably take attendance." He pulled out a clipboard and started calling out names. He went from top to bottom in alphabetical order.

"Let's see, Ryan Lewis," he stated when he got to my name, I raised my hand here and he continued, "Morrell Monteque.... Fenrir Moonfang...." He continued on until he got to the last name on the list.

"Damien Voda," he spoke, but got no answer immediately, "Damien Voda are you here?" He looked around and when he saw no hand rise he clipped on a pen and was ready to mark him absent when another student suddenly ran into the room.

"S-sorry I'm late," he huffed as he caught his breath, "I was having a hard time finding this place."

"I take it you're Mr. Voda," Ligeron asked him.

"Yeah that's me," he said and hurried over to the seat next to Morrell, catching his breath slowly. Like Morrell he was also an Orca whale, only he had a lighter shade of grey for his outer body, and wasn't as buff as him either. He also sported green eyes, so it was fairly easy to tell the two apart.

"It looks like everyone is here," Ligeron smiled, "good, now class can begin." Morrell looked over at Damien to noticed he was both out of breath and nervous. It was pretty easy to tell, high school is not easy for everyone.

"Hey, relax," Morrell whispered to him with a confident smile, "it's only the first day, so don't be worried." Damien looked over at Morrell and nodded lightly, as if thanking him and took a deep breath. Class went along fairly well, but as Ligeron was asking the classroom a couple questions, Damien was called to stand up and answer them. He stood up, but hesitated, not sure how to answer. Morrell could sense he was tense and reassured him silently. As far as I could tell it worked and he was able to answer the question correctly.

The day continued as normal until about lunch time. I was waiting in line to get mine when I felt a figure push into me. I turned around wondering who it was when I saw it was Damien from class.

"Sorry about that," he said, "I didn't mean to run into you, I got pushed from behind a little."

"It's no big deal," I said, "I saw you in class earlier, you're Damien Voda right?"

"Um, yeah that's right." He replied.

"I'm Ryan," I said holding out a hand to shake, "it's nice to meet you." He looked at the hand and shook it.

"Same here."

"So Damien," I began, "are you a freshman?"

"Well actually I'm a sophomore," he began, "but I just transferred here this school year."

"I was kind of wondering since you were nearly late to class," I replied as the line moved forward, "where did you transfer from?"

"New Jersey," he replied.

"That's quite a ways away."

"Yeah, well my parents both got new jobs here so we ended up moving."

"It must be hard," I began grabbing a tray, "being so far away from friends."

Well," He began and hesitated, "I really didn't have many friends."

"I see," I thought, wondering if I struck a nerve as I grabbed my food, then an idea came to my head. "I know, why don't you come with me to eat lunch at the chess club? I'm sure there are plenty of people there who will be your friend."

"Really?" He asked confused, "I'm not any good at chess though."

"That doesn't matter," I responded, "a good chunk of the people there mostly come to hang out and watch us play. Come on it'll be fun I promise."

"Well," he began thinking a bit as we paid the cashier for our lunch, "sure, sounds nice, thanks Ryan."

"No problem," I nodded and lead the way. When we stepped out I found Morrell, Jake, Jason, and Fenrir, who was being introduced to the former, waiting for us.

"Took you long enough," Morrell teased.

"You need more patience," I retorted, "you can't blame me for the line being too long."

"And some of us don't need to run to be first in line," Jake retorted to Morrell, who simply shrugged.

"Well whatever," the buff Orca smiled, "let's get going then. Oh, Damien, are you going to join us too?"

"Is that alright with you guys?" he asked.

"Of course," Jason replied, "the more the merrier I always say." With that we all headed towards the Chemistry department of the science hall on the second floor, entering the classroom next to the lab. Inside there was a good group of students. Some chatting and eating lunch in a corner, while by the teacher's desk were the chess team, a few boards out playing various chess games, one blitz, one drop chess team game, and a standard game.

"Well well look who just walked in," Coach Sundin stated as I stepped in, "If it isn't the Star Player himself."

"Oh thank you thank you," Morrell gave a playful boo holding his lunch tray.

"He didn't mean you jackass," Jake kicked him in his shin, and he jumped one legged for a second in pain.

"I know I was just being facetious," Morrell replied, "damn."

"Hey everyone," I replied, setting down as another board was setup for me. I noticed Nokemy was sitting at the edge of the table, the monkey sketching out something on his sketchpad, and he waved hi at me.

"How was your summer?" Lucian Snow asked, "nothing troubling you I hope."

"Yeah he worried about you so much," Lucian Blaze teased, the phoenix putting on an act, "oh Ryan, I'm so worried about you." Snow replied by shoving several French fries into the phoenix's mouth at once, effectively shutting him up.

"Everything was just fine," I replied, setting up pieces as I opened my lunch, "by the way, we have a couple newcomers." I pointed to the two in question who found a place to sit down. "This is Fenrir Moonfang, and Damien Voda."

"You guys come to join the club?" Coach Sundin asked before taking a bite into his sandwich and starting a game with me.

"Nah, I'm not any good I'm afraid," Damien stated.

"Don't need to be to join this club," he replied, "we'll take in just about anyone."

"That's right," Lucian Equinox explained walking up to the crew, "Ryan and a few others are our best players, and in competitions only the score of the top five count, while the rest of us merely serve as backups and tiebreakers. Besides, it becomes a lot more fun with more people around."

"Well," Damien began, "I'll think about it."

"I like this setup already," Fenrir began, introducing himself to some of the others.

"If you ever do decide I'm sure we'll have no problems," Equinox extended a hand, "I'm Lucian Equinox by the way, but Eq is fine."

"Nice to meet you," Damien replied shaking his hand.

"And if you ever need lessons you can always come to Ryan or coach Sundin here," he pointed out. I listened in politely as I played the game with coach. He had made a strong opening play, but did my best to survive to the endgame, where I fared the best at. It wasn't long before I had him cornered and ready for checkmate.

"Ryan vs. Coach are always the most exciting games," Lucian Canad smiled, finishing a game with his brother as he turned to watch our game.

"I agree," Morrell began, "it's always fun seeing how Ryan wins."

"You mean Ryan can beat his Coach?" Damien asked, "how is that possible?"

"Just watch," Jason said.

"Nah I'd say I've got Ryan matched," Coach Sundin said as he made a move, I thought for a second and smiled.

"No, I can force a checkmate on you here," I replied.

"You're bluffing," Coach said.

"Nope," I shook my head, "I have you in a forced 12 move checkmate, just watch."

"Twelve Moves," Fenrir said in shock, "who can think that far ahead in a game?"

"Apparently Ryan can," Nokemy said as he kept drawing. I made the first move, which put him in check and forced to move appropriately. I demonstrated each move as it came, which as I had calculated forced Coach Sundin into a checkmate.

"I guess I can rest easy knowing you didn't slack off this summer," Coach Sundin smiled.

"Wow," Everyone else said when the display was over. Coach and I ended up shaking hands and the conversations continued until lunch was about over, when we all helped clean up. Morrell placed a hand on both Damien's and Fenrir's shoulders.

"So guys," he smiled, "Some of us are going to be over at my house hanging out after school. Are either of you interested in coming with?"

"Really?" Fenrir asked, "I'd love to."

"Sure," Damien smiled and nodded, "I have nothing else planned."

"Sounds great," Morrell said, "we'll meet by the bus stop."


Later that day after school I met up with everyone else who had decided to come along. Of us, Morrell, Myself, Jason, Fenrir, Damien, Blaze, and Nokemy were the ones who were hanging out today.

"Hey everyone," I greeted. We headed over to Morrell's place from here, which wasn't far. Fortunately since it was the first day I had very little in the way of homework, which meant that I could wait until later in the evening to get it done. We had a lively chat along the way, although the new guys seemed quiet at first, I guess they're just still being used to being around us so I couldn't blame them.

When we got home, we were alone, as the parents were off at work. We grabbed some drinks and snacks from the fridge before heading down to the basement.

"This is a nice place you got here," Damien commented.

"Thanks," Morrell said, "We all pitched in to set it up, but it was Ryan who came up with the overall design work for it."

"Well I did have a little help with inspiration," I shrugged.

"Yeah," Blaze chuckled and pinched Ryan's butt playfully, "it's called That 70s Show."

"Yeah I can see that too," Nokemy said, "this basement looks eerily similar to Eric Foreman's basement from that very show."

"What can I say," I began with a blush and a chuckle, "It looked cool."

"Well I like it regardless," Fenrir smiled tail wagging, "Wear can I sit?"

"Anywhere you want," Jason replied, "we all agreed that seats were first come first serve." The basement was pretty expansive so there were plenty of room for various sitting, a couple beanbags, a couch, a love seat, a few chairs, and what not. There was even a chess table and a billiard table to go with it. Most of the seats were arranged in a half circle to go with the large TV, for whenever there was a game or movie night. Even with seven of us it was easy to find enough seating. Morrell and I took the love seat, with him placing his arm around me. Nokemy, Blaze, and Jason took the couch, and Damien and Fenrir each took a seat.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Jason asked.

"We could just turn on the TV for a while," I suggested. Everyone else looked at each other and agreed, Morrell taking the remote and turning it on. It was pretty low key and cool, which was standard fare for us. Compared to last year, this meant the world to us. It goes from hard mornings to lazy afternoons, and that followed cool desert nights where we dream about the future of our lives.

Even with the TV on the chatting felt pretty lively. But Fenrir had to ask something when he saw Morrell and I together.

"I'm sorry for asking, but do you two happen to be an item?" Morrell and I looked at each other and nodded.

"Yep," Morrell smiled, "he's my cute human squeeze."

"Oh wow," Fenrir replied, "I was just wondering since I your hand wrapped over his shoulder."

"Does that bother you at all?" I asked curiously. Fenrir shook his head and blushed.

"Well no of course not. I mean not really." With his sudden answer I just had to ask out of curiosity.

"Are you this way yourself?" Fenrir froze and blushed, his white fur turning red suddenly as he looked down a bit.

"It's ok if you are," Nokemy said, "all of us are like that."

"Really?!" Damien looked surprised. I couldn't blame him for that.

"Yep," Blaze said licking a fudgesicle, "every single one of us, either bi or gay, and pretty much equally as perverted."

"I had no idea," Damien replied, "you all seem pretty normal."

"Well of course," Jason replied, "we don't really play into the stereotypes. Does it bother you that we're like this?" Damien also blushed and replied.

"N-no I was just surprised that's all."

"Yeah sorry," Fenrir spoke, "I didn't mean to bring the subject up at all."

"No really it's no trouble," I assured him.

"I guess I just wanted to get to know you guys better so that I can be part of the gang," he explained.

"This gang?" I smiled as I replied, "the only reason this gang formed was because no one else would let us into their gang."

"Yeah we're like the AV club," Nokemy added, "only smarter and better looking. So don't sweat it."

"You sure?" Fenrir asked.

"Of course," Morrell said, "you're pretty much part of the gang already. Everyone is different here; we fit all ranges instead of some narrow high school clique. Nerds and Jocks, Chess masters and football stars, artists and musicians we have them all in our gang."

"Wow," Damien simply said, speechless, "I feel lucky to be here."

"You should," Blaze said finishing his fudgesicle, "you won't find anything better, and we stick together."

"So," the new orca started, "may I come hang out more often then?"

"Of course," Morrell nodded, "just let us know ahead of time." The new guys seemed really happy at this point, and we continued out the day, eventually Nokemy, Blaze, Morrell, and Jason all got involved in a game of Smash Bros. while Fenrir and I got up to talk. There was something about what he said earlier that I was just curious about.

"So Fenrir," I began and he smiled at me. It was nice to see him less shy than before, "earlier today you said that I was your hero, but what exactly did you mean by that?" Fenrir remembered what he said this morning and explained.

"Well," he began, "it was back in May when the school year was ending. I saw the news about that terrible shooting, and when I saw that it happened because of a gay student I couldn't help but follow all of the stories. That's when you came up. I remember everything you said in various interviews. You seemed really brave, and I came to admire you." Now it was my turn to blush as I scratched the back of my head.

"I'm not brave," I said, "I'm just lucky to be alive is all. Now I'm just trying to live my life for those who lost theirs."

"Well you're kind of the reason that I ended up moving down here in the first place." The young wolf stated.

"Really?" I asked, "Why is that?"

"Well my parents decided they wanted to help spread open mindedness and help the pride movement here push along. So they transferred their jobs to this town and we ended up moving here. I was hoping that I'd get a chance to meet you, who knew that I would actually become friends with you. It's a dream come true."

"Heh, don't mention it," I smiled, "but I am curious about how passionate your parents must be. Is it alright if I meet them sometime?"

"Sure I'd love to introduce them to you," Fenrir replied tail wagging, "I just need to get their permission first."

"Sounds good," I said.

"Sorry for listening," Damien said, "but exactly what was it that happened last year? I don't watch the news so I'm not aware of what happened." I nodded and we sat back down with the group. Those of us who were there during that time explained everything that happened last year. From the event itself to the people and events that led up to it. We ended the story at the part where the bunny cheerleader Gloria tried to kill Morrell and Myself.

"So what a minute," Damien continued, "this Gloria chick, she tried to set you guys on fire?"

"Yep," Morrell jumped in, "we got lucky and the match burned out before gasoline ignited. Then we found out later that her whole behavior was based upon her repressing her own true desires and trying to conform to social norms."

"We found out near the end of the school year that she was a secret lesbian, and with the help of her new girlfriend Mariella she finally was able to come to terms with it, and finally left us alone." I finished and the others were silent for a bit.

"And that's it?" Damien asked.

"Pretty much," I replied. He didn't say anything much else, but checked the time on the clock on the wall.

"I see," he began and stepped up off his chair, "well it's getting late I should probably get home by now."

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"Just a little ways passed the elementary school," he replied.

"Ah, my house is along the way I'll go with you."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely," I replied and gave Morrell a hug and kiss, "I'll see you later honey."

"Walk safely," he replied, "text me when you get home alright?"

"No prob," I replied.

"It was nice meeting you," Fenrir smiled and waved goodbye, watching the others play as I wave goodbye to them as well. We stepped out the basement door leading to the backyard, and walked up the stairs to head home.

"That was quite a story," Damien told me as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Yeah well," I began, "what happened happened, and it's best not to dwell on it too much."

"I guess I'm just glad that none of you guys got killed, I probably wouldn't get the chance to meet you if you did."

"Yeah you see," I smiled and he looked at me curiously, "good things happen which lead to bad things, and leads to more good things."

"I gotta say," he began, "for a teenager, you act really mature." I chuckled at that.

"I don't know about that, but I try," I smiled, "besides, I made a couple new friends today, including you, so there's nothing to be sad about."

"You're right," Damien nodded, "I'm sorry I brought the past up like that, let's forget about that and talk about happier things next time."

"Of course," I nodded, "no worries."

"Say Ryan?" Damien asked and I turned to look at his face.

"What is it?"

"Would you like to come later this week to my place?" he asked, "perhaps you can teach me how to play chess?" I smiled and nodded, not wanting to pass the chance to hang out with a friend.

"I'd love to; just tell me what works best for you." I replied and he nodded happily. As we continued down the street to my house I noticed a couple walking towards us. It didn't take long for me to realize who it was. It was a female couple, a bunny and a wolf, Gloria and Mariella to be precise. I had been hesitant about them before, as it took time to get over it during the summer. But I didn't seem bothered seeing them this time despite the coincidence. When Gloria managed to see me she gave a small smile and waved at me quietly. To be courteous I waved back, and Damien looked on in confusion right as we stopped at the front of my house. He pointed and asked...

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Yep, that's her alright," I replied, "we're pretty cool now. Anyway, this is my house so this is where we part. Oh right." I pulled out a small piece of paper and a pencil and wrote down my number for the orca and gave it to him. "Here you go, call me later." I waved him goodbye as I hurried up the path to my door and walked in, closing it behind me. I stretch a bit and think about what an eventful day it was and hurried upstairs to start on homework.

Meanwhile, Damien stared at Ryan's house, and then up the road that Gloria was walking up, stunned at how sudden he saw two people who hated each other just waved at each other nonchalantly, he spoke aloud to himself.

"This is going to be one interesting year."