Playing with the horses.

Story by steampunkstallion on SoFurry

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When someone is dragged to a con, she finds out that exploration can be quite beneficial.

Laura couldn't believe it; she had accompanied her friend to this silly convention under the pretense that it was for some business venture they were going to pursue. If she had known that it was an adult entertainment convention, she would have stayed home. Now she walked down aisle after aisle seeing a variety of things that made her blush or feel rather awkward. There was just so much to take in and see here, not including the noises that came from various booths, a part of her wondering what caused them. This was her first real time seeing this many anthro's in one place other than the small sections of town she lived in. It was a rather different scenario now, she had always kept a respectable distance from them but up close it was throwing her off her game. Laura spoke to a few at short lengths, just informing them of what the company she was here did. It wasn't that she didn't like them; she wasn't quite sure how to interact with one or even how to refer to them.

She had seen a variety of adult films, but seeing some of the actors up close made her realize that the girls in the videos had to be fairly short. Her suspicions were confirmed when she bumped into a rather short girl, and it took her several moments to realize it was one of the more famous stars. A part of her always pictured that the girls were about the same height she was, nearing almost six foot tall. Alas, that was not the case as a lot of the girls that she saw without their high heels were barely over five feet most of the time. The only girls she saw that were any substantial height were either the transgendered girls, or the anthro women that walked around. They all seemed to share one very common theme, lack of adequate clothing.

The conventions theme this year was along the lines of suggestiveness without actually showing anything. Most of the booths took this as a sign to put their actors and actresses into the skimpiest things they could afford to put them in. There was a few moments where she had to suppress a giggle seeing some of the guys awkwardly walking around in their snug Speedos' and trying to keep their junk in the small swaths of fabric. Even though she had a boyfriend back home, she couldn't admit that some of these guys were fairly attractive even the anthros. A few of the girls even caught her eye, but they were the ones who weren't dressed in tiny swimsuits but more suggestive outfits.

Laura paused at a booth; the articles of clothing there caught her attention being rather nice looking corsets. The one piece that caught her attention was an older styled corset, it lacked the overly fancy designs that most people seemed to prefer. The entire corset was crafted from a smooth looking white fabric, and had plain steel buttons. The only decorative portion was a belt that wrapped around the midsection. This was one that was designed to either be worn under clothes or as by itself with the decorative belt. The belt was the opposite; it was trimmed in white, while the inside was a brilliant blood red color, with gold filigree sewn into the fabric. Shaking her head after a moment, she made a mental note to come back to this booth and take a look at the price and possibly get fitted for the item later.

She had been concerned with trying to find her friend, which she didn't realize that her wandering had taken her into the more fetishy area of the convention. There was a variety of booths that contained items she hadn't seen or even considered. A part of her considered turning around, but a larger part of her was curious as to what was really here in this area. Forgetting about her friend, she began to slowly explore the different booths looking at the variety of items. At one of the booths a large lion anthro came up to her, he spoke up.

"Anything I can help you find miss?" The approach startled her and she dropped the pair of gloves she was holding. Before she could do anything the lion bent down and picked them up. He smiled and offered a paw. "I'm Larry; I made the items in this booth." Laura nodded and figured that she should at least answer since he was nice enough to talk to her.

"Ahh that's very interesting. I was just curious as to what someone would use those gloves for. I've never seen anything like them before." The lion gave a sort laugh and nodded.

"They are called vampire gloves, usually used for inflicting a bit of pain into your partner, but also very good for anthros who have much thicker fur. It allows you to stimulate them in a way that you normally wouldn't be able to." He gestured to the small tips on the palm of the glove. "These little spikes can be gotten in three different styles, sharp, dull, or a mixture of the two."

"Oh... so you'd rake them along someone's skin and the points would cause a sensation." She watched as the large lion just nodded, smiling at her.

"That's correct; would you like to see some of the other things that I craft here?" Nervously she nodded and let him show her a variety of things in the booth and when she left, she had a business card and a much wider view of things that people did in their bedrooms. Her friend always tried to get her into the kinkier side of the business, but she was content with her vanilla lifestyle.

She paused and stared at the rather large booth that was in the corner, and the banner at the top. 'Stallion Studios, home of the anxious equine in you.' She was a bit perplexed at the title, and quietly stepped inside looking around. There was quite a bit of leather goods inside the booth and she could smell that treated scent and the dyes they used. The bit that threw her off was the kind of goods they stocked on the walls of the booth.

There was a huge variety of things, she hadn't ever considered that someone might want to dress up like an anthro equine, or that they even made garments to do so. There were items here that made her feel a little weak in the knees and flush between her legs. There was a component to the equines that she felt a kinship for, but never considered something like this. Some of the items were fairly simple, being a leather bit for her mouth. Laura ran her fingers along some of the materials, feeling the different things they were made from. Some of the items were crafted from leather, or fabric and having either a rubber or metal component to them.

Some of the bridles she looked at were rather ornate, having the blinders to keep a person's attention forward like some of the equines that raced or did escort work. They were inexpensive for the basic leather ones, but as the decorations added on so did the prices. A voice from behind made her jump, turning to look at the source of the voice.

"Hello there. Guessing you're new to this kind of thing? I've seen that reaction enough to know." Laura's eyes went wide, here was a beautiful was the only word she could attach to the anthro before her. Standing easily a foot taller than her was the prime example of a female equine anthro. The soft looking fur that was visible outside of her burlesque outfit was as dark as a pitch black night on a new moon. There were stripes of an almost blood red through the mare's mane and tail. A hand extended as she spoke up once more. "Hello, I'm Christine."

"Ahh, Hello there. I'm Laura." Extending her hand, she shook the woman's hand and felt the smoothness of her fingers. It was a different sensation than what she expected; with it covered with that short layer of fur she thought it would be coarse. "Yeah, I've never seen this kind of stuff before. It's... Interesting." The mare just nodded; there was nothing to read other than that of someone that understood. They spoke at length for a while, the mare explaining to her; what each item was and how it was regarded. "So let me get it straight, someone is the handler and conditions a person who wants to be a mare or colt?"

"That's correct; it's not just a subject of sexual desire..." The mare gave a slight snort in annoyance. "Trust me; I've seen that too often. This is more a relationship of dominance and submission, trust and respect. There are barriers that one must set up." Laura nodded and listened and the more she heard, the more a part of her wanted to try it out. She felt rather embarrassed and flush with arousal at the idea of being paraded around in some of the gear, and she guessed that Christine could tell.

"I'd offer you a fitting for free on some of the gear we have here... but alas the convention hall will be closing for the day in a little bit. If you were interested, how about coming back around say, ten am tomorrow morning?"

Even though she shouldn't and that there were responsibilities being here as a vender of sorts, Laura decided she could take a little time to indulge herself.

"I could probably spare around thirty minutes tomorrow, would that be enough time?" After getting a confirmation, she was given a small business card. Giving a set of hasty goodbyes, Laura made her way back to the main area, hoping to run into her friend to try and explain what she had found or see if they were going to be able to get some plans made for the next day. It took her about forty five minutes or so to make her way back to the main entrance and find her friend Diane who brought her here. The distance would have been shorter, but the lion from the one booth stopped her and handed her a set of the vampire gloves, winking and offering her more if she wanted to stop by tomorrow.

That night at dinner, she explained what happened during her wandering through the vender area of the convention hall. Diane grinned at her when she got the part about the lion giving her the gloves.

"So you are going to see him tomorrow? Maybe indulge him and see what happens?" Laura could only blush and look at her friend with astonishment.

"I couldn't, I've got a boyfriend remember? Unlike you, I'm faithful to him." She stuck her tongue out at Diane, even though she knew that her boyfriend didn't care if she fooled around on him. "That's just too much out of my comfort zone, I don't know if I could even do something with an anthro." She listened to her friend laugh, sipping her wine.

"Oh come on, don't be such a prude. I bet you'd loosen up a little if you gave some lucky guy here a nice roll in the hay. I bet he'd show you a number of things." It took a little bit, but Laura was able to steer the conversation back towards the more business aspect of why they were here. They had a few leads that they would follow up, see if they could get the companies to allow them to help with their marketing. Their company had a small following, but they wanted to branch out and expand their clientele listing and figured that one of these conventions might have been the best place to start out.

A part of her was glad that she had her own room at the hotel, taking a long shower and trying to work out any of the sexual tension she had been feeling that day. It didn't help that every time that she thought about that leather pony gear and she might get to try it on, she got worked up. Lying down in her bed, she closed her eyes and gave a soft sigh. The coolness of the sheets helped make her feel a little better, but not enough to relieve the frustration that had built up during the day.

Slowly her fingers traced down her belly, getting closer to the plain cotton panties she wore keeping her modest. Laura could feel the dampness even through the material, tracing the outline of her mound caressing it gently. Even that barest of touches through her clothes made her draw in a breath and whimper slightly. Tracing her manicured finger up and down the defined camel toe made her softly moan, thinking of wearing that pony gear and pretending to be an eager mare. Laura spread her legs, those fingers rubbing herself through her panties for several minutes. Her quiet moans filled the air, slowly starting to lift her hips to meet the teasing finger, her other hand cupping her breast through her bra.

Gentle caresses slowly built up the heat between her legs, Laura spreading her legs wide eyes closed tightly as the pleasure slowly spread through her body. After a few more moments, she slid her hand upwards to the band of her panties dipping it down underneath. A soft gasp escaped her lips when she realized exactly how worked up and soaked she was. Slowly she allowed her finger to press past her labia into her vaginal passage, a loud moan escaping her mouth arching her back. Gently Laura stroked her finger in and out of herself, lasting maybe another minute or so before she shuddered. A powerful orgasm raced through her body slumping back against the pillow breathing heavily.

"O... Oh fuck, that felt so good." Settling back against the pillow, she withdrew her hand from her panties and looked at how damp they were. If it wasn't for the fact the lights out, she was sure her face would have been bright red from embarrassment. The intensity of the orgasm took most of her remaining energy out of her and it wasn't long before she was fast asleep in the bed, a large smile across her face.

The next morning, Laura woke up feeling a bit flushed from her solo session last night as she slipped into the shower. Letting the hot water soak her body, she let any leftover stress leave her body like the water down the drain. Outside, she dressed conservatively with a skirt and simple blouse. She met Diane down for breakfast to hopefully try and setup some sort of game plan.

"So, what area were you planning to do?" Laura listened carefully, trying to make a mental note to figure some way to make her way to the pony play gear booth without running into her friend.

"I was planning on hitting the toy area mainly and that should take me until about lunch time. Then I figured we could meet up then for some food and compare notes. Any idea where you wanted to start?" She could feel that piercing gaze as Diane spoke up, a teasing tone to her voice. "Maybe in the clothing area to see that big lion again?" Laura felt her cheeks go quite warm knowing that her blush was easily visible.

"I was planning to go over that area again, but not necessary for the lion. I wanted to check out a few other spots including that spot that sells corsets. So I'd be lying if I didn't say it wasn't for some personal interests." She took a large bite of the bagel she was eating to try and avoid answering any more questions.

"That's fine, don't worry about it. I'm just messing with you Laura; I know you're all boring vanilla when it comes to sex anyhow. Just make sure you get some contacts for us to follow up." It wasn't long before the two women finished their breakfasts, Laura making a note to make sure she'd be back by lunch time.

Inside the convention center, she made her way from booth to booth speaking with the studios that ran each one. By the time that she made her way to the booth to try on some of the pony play gear, she had gotten almost a dozen confirmed clients and another six or seven that would consider it. Looking up at the banner stretched across the booth, Laura was still fairly nervous about heading inside and seeing that mare once more.

"I see you made it Laura. I'm glad; a lot of people tend to chicken out when given the chance to try on the gear we sell." Christine's voice filled her ears, turning to look at the large equine mare. Unlike yesterday, she was dressed quite different.

Laura looked at the outfit, the equine was wearing a rather tight leather looking corset that hugged her body and made the ample breasts look even larger. The leather was a brilliant green color, giving a sharp contrast to the mare's black coat. The mane and tail were both tightly braided behind her, having matching green leather wraps to keep them tied. It was the mare's groin that made Laura blush, and from the slight chuckle she knew that Christine could see where she had glanced. A very tight pair of panties looking to be made from similar leather that her corset was made covered the equine's groin. The material clung tightly, making a rather defined camel toe.

"I... I wasn't quite sure if I was going to. It's still a lot to take in." Laura didn't even realize that Christine had led her towards the back behind the main area of the booth. A quick look around she saw a variety of things sitting around and what looked like an entire outfit sitting on a bench.

"Well now. I expect you to strip down and put those items on..." She was taken back slightly by the command, but the way that Christine was looking at her made her just want to listen and not upset her. Slowly she stripped out of her clothes until she was in her panties and bra, there was an approving whinny. "Very nice, but now off with the rest. No arguing..." Laura shivered slightly and slowly drew off her panties, knowing her cheeks were red when her glistening pussy came into view. Once she was nude, she bit her lip waiting to see what was going to happen.

"W... what if someone comes in and sees us?" She watched as the equine stepped forward, fingers lifting her chin to look into her brown eyes. That sultry voice filled her ears unable to look away.

"No one will interrupt me. If that curtain is drawn all the stallions here know their place." Those fingers traced along her chin line very slowly. "You came to me... so I'm going to show you what it means to obey. You will call me mistress, do you understand?" Laura swallowed, almost heeding her flight instinct before she spoke up, her voice fairly soft when she answered.

"Yes M... Mistress." The words sounded weird as they rolled off her tongue, but she didn't want to anger the mare who was willing to let her try something new. Slowly Laura slid the corset on, adjusting it and looking down at her breasts that were now hefted up. The black leather clung very tightly to her body as she stood still when Christine came up behind her, tying it tight as Laura drew in a breath knowing how it was starting to make her look. She could picture her curves starting to be emphasized due to the nature of corsets and the way they tighten up the waistline. Bending over, she picked up the crotch less leather panties and pulled them. The material felt so cool against her excited pussy, helping her calm down slightly.

It took a few moments, but she was able to draw up the knee length boots up feeling a little awkward standing in them due to the nature of them. The hooves were cast from something rather firm, and the angle of the shoes kept her off balance slightly. Carefully she lifted the head harness up and slid it over her head, unlike the blinders she saw the day before, this was more involved. It was fairly equine shaped, with a blunter muzzle leaving her mouth exposed that she could speak or use her mouth for a bit.

"Well you're almost dressed. Now behave and bend over slightly. Need to finish your outfit." A little shiver ran down her spine when she slowly leaned forward. A touch to her rump made her jump slightly; the snorts made her freeze up and not want to move. A digit teasingly probed against her anus, making her whimper ever so slightly. This was an unexpected sensation, being something that she and her boyfriend never really tried. After a moment of a burning sensation, something lubricated was pushed into her. Glancing over her shoulder, she was able to figure out what it was that was slipped inside her. It was some sort of butt plug that had a horse braided into it. "That's better, now be a good little filly and look at the mirror."

Laura's eyes went wide when she looked into the mirror; it was a large transformation considering how she normally presented herself. With the mask she had on, you wouldn't know it was her and there was something oddly comforting about that idea. Slowly, she turned back to look over at Christine, speaking up.

"Do I look pleasing Mistress?" A slight nod made her feel flush in the cheeks, not saying anything else as she was led out of the back of the booth into the front area. A snort caught her attention, seeing one of the stallions in the booth watching her.

"Well Christine, that's a cute filly." Laura's eyes went wide watching him lewdly adjust himself through his tight shorts. "Think she'd mind being ridden by a large male stallion?" Even before she was able to say anything, a loud crack filled the air and she saw the riding crop she was holding. The stallion was holding his nose and snorted.

"No. She's my little filly. None of you guys are going to get to touch her. She's being given a demonstration of the gear and what it's like to be involved in some pony play." It wasn't long before she was being paraded around the booth, obeying Christine's commands and showing off the gear to different clients. Any time she met the eyes of the stallions in the booth, they winked at her and she could see their obvious state of arousal in the thin material of their shorts. There was no doubt in her mind right now, if she was commanded to allow one of those stallions to mount her that she'd resist filling her pussy with their lengths of thick flesh.

A little smack to her rump made Laura jump, her rump cheeks tensing up making that tail jerk upwards slightly turning to look at Christine. There was no hesitation as she spoke up.

"Yes Mistress? What do you want me to do?" A large smile crossed the equine's face, that riding crop dragging slowly down her belly and along her groin pressing against the smooth leather. Laura bit her lip to keep from moaning out.

"I expect you to be a good little filly. I need to run an errand real quick. Walk around the booth; let the customers look at the gear you're wearing. Don't worry about speaking with them, the stallions here will take care of them." A quick nod and she went to speak but was cut off as Christine spoke once more. "Also behave, shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes or so..."

Laura watched as Christine left, leaving her alone in the booth with two stallions who watched her closely. The shorter stallion stepped into the back of the booth to get some items to restock the shelves as she felt someone bump into her. Turning, she was face to chest with the larger stallion who worked the booth. He had told her his name earlier, but for now she was drawing a blank as he snorted drawing her hand to the bulge in his shorts.

"Come now little filly. I could see you staring. Do you have a boyfriend at home?" Laura nodded, her fingers resting against the bulge, she could feel the heat of that large shaft through the material. A slow nod and then the stallion spoke up once more. "Stroke me... see what a real male feels like." Gently she wrapped her fingers around the bulge and stroked it; a part of her was amazed at the sheer size. It had to be at least a foot long if not more, and thicker than a bottle of pop. A little moan escaped her lips as she imagined what it'd feel like having it inside her and that it'd ruin her boyfriend back home for her.

"So big... it'd never fit." The words escaped her lips before she was able to stop herself, looking up at the stallion and seeing his reaction. She withdrew her fingers and blushed brightly. "I... I'm supposed to behave. I don't want to get in trouble."

"It'd fit, and I'd make sure I came inside you too... put a little mixed child in your belly." Before she was able to even make a response about how she didn't want any children; that stallion's large hand was between her legs, rubbing her groin slowly. The sensations made her stiffen and moan out loudly, listening to the stallion's laugh. "That's it, moan for me filly. I can feel how wet your little cunt is." By this point, he'd spread the crotch less material of the panties and was rubbing her labia directly. This was kept up for several more moments and she was rolling her hips against his motions before he tugged her panties back into place. "See me after the convention if you want to see if we can fit this inside you." On the word this, the stallion tugged his shorts forward, exposing himself to her. Laura's eyes went wide, seeing that mottled flesh exposed, glistening with slimy precum.

Quickly she turned feeling flush with arousal and excitement, grateful when the stallion didn't push his attentions on her anymore as she wasn't quite sure she'd be able to resist his advances. It was only a few more minutes and Christine had returned from running her errand. Those soft fingers stroked her cheek; Laura closed her eyes at that gentle touch.

"Well my little filly. I'm rather proud of you. I assumed you'd be in the back with one of the stallions here buried balls deep inside you by now." Her eyes went wide looking at the equine, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. A soft laugh escaped the mare's muzzle as she saw that reaction on Laura's face. "Oh, I wouldn't have been mad at you. There are times I'm rather tempted. Though come with me, think it's time to get you back into your regular clothes I'd say." There was no hesitation on Laura's part as she followed her back into the rear of the booth.

A quiet moan escaped her lips when the curtain closed; Christine was pressing the end of the riding crop against her heated groin through the thin leather of the panties she had been made to wear. That flared end stroked slowly back and forth before Christine used it to spread the panties exposing her soaked labia to the cool air.

"S... Shouldn't I undress so I can put my regular clothes on mistress?" There was no answer; the riding crop was slowly stroked along her groin making her whimper. Her eyes drifted closed when Christine stepped forward and cupped her groin, stroking one of her digits against her soaked mound. A quiet whisper filled her ear.

"I would say yes, but it'd be unfair to send you out there all pent up. You'd make a mess of your panties if I did that. That would be rather cruel, you got all worked up cause of the gear I let you wear so allow me to repay you for giving me eye candy for the morning." With that, Laura felt a pair of velvety lips pressed to her own giving a gentle kiss. It was a different sensation, other than her boyfriend she'd never really kissed anyone in more than just a friendly way. Her lips parted after a moment when that large tongue pressed inside her mouth and wrestled with her tongue. The taste wasn't unpleasant and there was a minty feeling as if she'd been using a breath mint before she got back to the booth.

Once the kiss was broken, Laura was left trying to catch her breath. Those fingers continued to stroke and caress her mound, spreading her labia after a few moments. A squeak escaped her lips when Christine's thick finger rubbed her clit, making her stand up on her toes the best she could considering the boots she was wearing. Every stroke, every rub and teasing press made her whimper with a growing need, she gripped Christine's shoulders to try and brace herself to keep from falling as her knees felt weak.

"Y... you really don't have to do this." Her voice was weak and it didn't sound anywhere near sincere and a little part of her hoped it came across that way. Laura gasped and moaned out loudly, ears hearing one of the stallions up front laughing most likely at her outburst. Christine had pushed one of those thick fingers inside her and was stroking it in and out.

"Now now, I don't leave anyone I dress up in a needy state. That would be terribly unfair to them and me as well." A little snort as the mare looked into her eyes. "Now, I expect you to kneel down in front of me... going to see how well you are trained." Suddenly she was fairly nervous, but with her current state of arousal she carefully knelt down on the cold tile floor. Eyes went wide when Christine reached down, pulling her own panties to the side exposing those swollen black folds.

"Y... you want me to..." Looking up into those big brown eyes; the large grin on Christine's face answering her question even before she nodded. Slowly she leaned forward, closing her eyes as she drew in a nose full of the mare's scent. To her surprise it wasn't an unpleasant scent, fairly earthy and she could smell the fur there as well. Tentatively she parted her lips and brushed her tongue barely against those large folds, then drawing her tongue back when they moved. Eyes went open just in time to see the folds wink slightly. Carefully she let her tongue brush against those labia once more, tasting the flesh there. A hand rested on her head, stroking her hair slightly and giving a slight massage to her scalp.

"That's a good little filly. Just keep licking and I'll make sure you get a muzzle full of juice." Her eyes drifted closed and began to gently lick the mare. Quiet moans filled the air making her feel a little more comfortable, knowing that Christine was enjoying the attention. Laura slid her hands upwards, stroking those strong hips as she buried her face against that mound. The taste was fairly enjoyable as she tried to make sure to get it all, feeling that thick liquid coating her cheeks and face.

A loud whinny filled the air as Laura felt Christine jerking her hips, that one hand gripping her head tightly. There was a flood of juices that soaked her face and dripped down as Christine slumped back taking a few steps, the mare's breath heavy as she spoke up.

"W... well for someone who's never really been with a girl I'm guessing, you were really good at eating pussy." Those fingers ran through her hair before she lifted her up to kiss those lips once more, Laura was a little taken back at the idea of the mare wanting to taste herself. That kiss lasted several moments before she allowed herself to be laid back against the cold tile on the floor. Eyes were locked on the equine when those strong fingers spread her legs and drew those panties down off leaving herself exposed.

Laura had let her boyfriend go down on her from time to time, but this was a completely different situation that she had let herself end up in. Her eyes were watching as Christine lowered her muzzle between her legs, a little groan escaping her own lips feeling that warm breath washing over her mound. Those eyes stayed open only a few more moments before they clenched shut, feeling that large equine tongue brushing along her mound eliciting loud moans. Reaching down her fingers stroked through that mane the entire time that tongue traced and licked at her. Those slow gentle licks began to get a more insistent and rough, forcing her labia open. The cold tile felt nice against the exposed bits of her back as she laid there on the floor, savoring the attention.

"Don't stop... Please..." Her words came out as harsh whispers, her moans were fairly loud and she no longer cared if anyone heard her. She was bucking her hips against Christine's tongue, trying to get more of it inside her as the mare was now forcing it inside her. It never occurred to her that anyone could have such a large tongue, it felt almost like a cock. More and more of it was pressed inside her, and Laura could feel her orgasm building.

Moments later, she arched her back crying out as a thunderous orgasm slammed into her. She could feel her vaginal muscles clenching around that tongue as it kept licking quickly inside her, making her shudder and moan. Almost a minute later, she slumped against the cold tile out of breath as her orgasm finally abated. Slowly she opened her eyes, looking up at Christine who just leaned in and kissed her forcing that tongue into her mouth. Laura was caught unaware and after a moment returned the kiss, tasting her own juices on the equine's tongue. It was a taste that she knew, having tried licking her fingers clean a few times just to see why her boyfriend was so eager to eat her out.

"There we go... you were such a good little filly. Let's get you out of these and into your regular clothes." A weak nod was the best that Laura could manage, feeling terribly relaxed after that attention. Getting dressed took a few minutes as there was some kissing and fondling done between the pair, making her blush. Once she was dressed, Christine told her to wait outside in the front of the booth for a moment. As she stepped outside, Laura felt a warming sensation on her face as she could imagine how red she was getting. The pair of stallions looked over at her, wide grins on their faces and it was quite clear she knew what the cause of it was. Laura watched as Christine came out carrying a duffle bag and handed it to her. "Think you earned this... also has our names and how to get a hold of us if you're interested in doing more." She awkwardly thanked her and slipped out of the booth, hurrying to try and meet her friend for lunch.

Quietly she waited at the table, catching her breath as her friend said she'd be a few minutes late. As Laura was sipping her second alcoholic drink to settle her nerves, Diane showed up with a giant grin on her face.

"So, make any contacts?" Laura nodded, showing off the list she had of companies that confirmed they wanted their services and the others that wanted to speak to them at length outside of the convention. She made it almost all the way through the conversation before Diane noticed the bag sitting next to her chair. "Oooh, what's that?"

"Umm, something one of the vendors gave me... kind of as a gift." Diane raised an eyebrow, but with the flush of heat on her face, Laura was hoping that she wasn't going to press the issue.

"You didn't fuck that big lion did you, or maybe meet another well hung guy?" Shaking her head quickly, she bit her lip and then explained a little of what happened, leaving out the bits where she had sex with the equine mare. "Well I'm proud, maybe that stuff will help you get out of your shell a little more, try new things?"

"Yah, maybe it will. Just have to hope that my boyfriend likes it." She was glad that Diane didn't press the issue anymore at that point, and glad that she didn't reveal that she had sex with someone who wasn't her boyfriend. Overall, it wasn't a bad convention and there were still a few days to go before it was all over who knew what could happen?