Lopunny Dusk Two

Story by Lydia Littlel on SoFurry

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#2 of Lopunny Dusk

The what I assume to be long awaited sequel to my most well received story: Lopunny Dusk. This story takes a dramatic difference in perspective. I'm departing from the first person perspective for this story and now writing from the third.

Its been two years since the last story took place. A huge time difference I know but I wanted to have their relationship well established for this installment. There's some love, some embarrassment. And some hot, sticky sex. I hope you enjoy this story as much as you did the last.

Lastly, a special shout out to capthavoc123, whose Transmission Lost series inspired me to get off my ass and start writing again. You'll see a tad bit of his style in this story.

Once more I'm sorry for any errors in grammar, formatting, and spelling. English may be my first language, but its certainly not my best. :P

Dramatis Personae

Arthur. A human male standing just at six feet tall. Toned with an athletic build. Brown hair and blue eyes.

Dusk. A lopunny with a main coat of coal black fur and dark purple replacing the cream colored fur. Almost human in appearance, standing at five feet tall, and hyper intelligent. For a pokemon.


Dusk was sitting at Arthur's computer. She smiled as she flipped through the digital photo album he kept. It had been two years since she moved in with him from out of the wilds. He had opened the back door for her on a cold, stormy night and had made her welcome since then. It had been a year since...since they had been honest with their feeling towards one another. Over the year after taking her in the human and pokemon had formed romantic feeling for one another. Now they simply lived their lives in each others arms...and in secret from every one else.

She tilted her head, smiling at the picture of her on his shoulders, Mt. Silver in the background. That had been a great vacation. Arthur had taken the month off from work and they had gone up to his grandparent's cabin in the forest ringing the foot of the mountain. They had the entire time to themselves. No one to bother them. No one to hide from. Able to walk hand in hand through the trees, to cuddle up lovingly in front of an outdoor fire. Able to be as wild as they wanted in bed...

"Damn it" She had said to her self. Speaking in her own pokespeak of course. She looked down at where the little purple V of fur over her crotch tufted, the tips of the fur between her legs were moist. It was like a molotov cocktail and shattered inside her belly. Thinking about him had triggered her heat. She sighed, looking at the calender. The red slash marks for her week were another two days away. Arthur, being both a gentleman and an absolute horndog, had taken the entire week off.

She sighed "Two days early..." It wasn't something to be alarmed about. Dusk had been in heat twice before over the past year. Both times her cycle had either been early or short. It just meant she'd have to spend two whole extra days with out any form of significant relief. "Unless..."

Dusk picked up the prepaid smart-phone Arthur had set up for her. She sent him a quick message asking him to pick her up a-


"A WHAT!?" Arthur found himself shouting, reading the text. He read it several times just to make sure he hadn't been mistaken, maybe miss reading a word. He sighed, glad he was on his break and not in the warehouse. He read the text one more time. Blushing when he couldn't will it to change to something more mundane and less embarrassing. Like milk...or even tampons.

>Y n the wrld do u wnt a dildo?

He texted back. With what he had been doing the past year he shouldn't feel dirty at all. With what he had sitting on his computer there was no reason he should be bothered by it. But the thought of his Dusk. His darling little lopunny lover. He shook his head as his phone chimed.

>My heat started two days earlier than expected. And you're out at work most days so...

He looked it over. Nodding. It didn't seem so bad when she put it like that. Dusk was insatiable while in heat. He bit the inside of his cheek, taping out on the touch screen keyboard.

>Il stp bi a shp on way hm


>One more thing. Stop with the short hand, it gives me headaches.

She smirked as she set her phone away. She adored him but she found little things that annoyed her. His way of texting being one. Though, if she thought about it, there was little room to complain. A year ago she couldn't even read the characters human's used to write to one another. Now, with Arthur's help, she was reading and writing on a twelfth grade level.

Dusk leaned back in the computer chair, stretching before reaching down between her legs, running a finger along her slit. She shivered and then shook her head. "Mm-mm...Arthur will be home soon." She said to her self, intent on letting him have the first dip of her heat. She decided to get up, occupy her mind.

She headed into the kitchen, looking through the cupboards and cooler for something to prepare for when he got home. Condensed milk, bread stuffing, green beans. She turned her nose up at the frozen chicken breast but she felt he deserved a treat. She knew he was embarrassed by such things, it would likely be an ordeal for him in an adult novelty store.

"I am deeply sorry Ms. Chicken. I do not eat meat but my lover does, and I must ask your forgiveness for making you into something very yummy for him." She sprinkled a bit of lemon zest and pepper over the breast as she began cooking it in butter. She wasn't opposed to the consumption of meat. When Arthur cooked she felt no guilt in the preparations. Such was the way of life. Personally though she wished to avoid participating in that circle as much as possible. So though she was loath to cook another animal, the fact that it was already dead would be a waste if she did not.

For her self she began making a green bean casserole that they could both enjoy, with bread stuffing on the side. The distraction had the desired effect. Dusk had completely forgotten about the itch between her legs until the front door opened. Arthur came around the corner from the living room into the kitchen. She smiled and softly laughed, teasingly, at just how red his face was. When he set several paper bags down on the central island counter she tilted her head.

Noting her curiosity he forced a cough.

"You. Um. You didn't specify so I bought several."

She stared at him for a moment, nodding softly. She would then smile and start to laugh. Arthur blushed yet further, trying not to bluster. He sat down on a bar stool and set his head down into his arms on the counter, groaning. Dusk simply pat the back of his head before going to pull the casserole out of the oven.

"I'm sure you did fine." She said in a coquettish trill that signified a serious yet playful tone. She set his plate down in front of him. She beamed at the surprise on his face as he looked down at a breast of lemon chicken served topped with an herb garnish and sided by his favorite casserole and a bread stuffing so moist it had no need for gravy. He was really enjoying the meal when Dusk leaned over and gave him a peck of a kiss on his cheek asked the one thing he was hoping she wouldn't.

"So are you going to tell me how your shopping went?" He paused to look at her, she had a devilish smirk on her face. He gently pushed his plate away before wiping his mouth off with a napkin and then planting his fore head on the counter with a thunk.


Early that day, shortly after work, Arthur pulled up to the little shop just out side of town. A smaller than average community, places like these wouldn't have done well at all if located with in town limits. Still it existed, serving the 'needs' of this and several other small towns in the area. It looked like it had been an actual home at one point. The windows had been boarded up tastefully to resemble closed shutters. A small custom sign next to the door read-

_ Please walk in. _

_ Adults only. _

_ 100% ID check beyond this point. _

_ Store and property monitored by CCTV _

What with the rather old fashioned nature of the town Arthur guessed that they may have problems with vandals every now and then. As he opened the thick wood door he was greeted by a kindly middle-aged woman.

"Oh, hello. Buying or browsing?" she said cheerily, waving at him from behind a kiosk where she sat on a plush arm chair. This had definitely been a home at one point. Behind the kiosk was an open door through which he could make a bed room and a little kitchenette.

"Umm...both I guess." he replied in a quiet voice.

"Well, if you have any question let me know. All display items have a packaged equivalent, so its all for sale. My names Maria by the way, feel free to talk to me by name." She smiled softly, sitting back down for the moment and picking up a news paper.

Arthur took the time to look around. It wasn't quite what he expected. There was an odd sense of perverse wonder about seeing the largest collection of adult toys, for both men and women, he had ever seen on display out side of porn. He was at a loss though. He wasn't sure what to pick out. There were so many different kinds, brans, shapes. Some with twists, others that vibrated, some even light up. Glass, silicone, jelly. Some where small, easily able to fit into a pocket with out notice. Others were so large that they would have to be impossible for use, yet something told him there were those who could find a way. One rather large length of silicone had a tag line on the package reading 'If it don't fit, force it.' That made him shutter softly, yet giggle.

Seeing how he was wondering about the store almost aimlessly the owner called out "If you're having trouble finding what you want, or looking for something specific my website has a larger more varied selection?"

Arthur looked about again, turning his attention to the shop owner. He shook his head and forced a smile. "No, that's all right I think I found something."

He grabbed several different boxes and packages. He had no clue exactly what Dusk had in mind for what she wanted to he decided to pick out a small variety.

Besides,_he mused to him self,_we could have some fun with different kinds.

That did make him genuinely smile. On his way back to the register something caught his eye. He stopped to have a look at a central display. Several boxes set up in a circular pyramid.

"A make-it-your-self kit?" He asked out loud.

"Oh yeah!" Maria said, excitement in her voice. "Those are actually quite popular right now. You use the included plaster to make a mold of your self and then poor in the silicone solution. Let it set and then break the mold and voil á! It makes a great couples gift for the adventurous."

He shrugged his shoulders. Why not. Picking up a box he carried it with the others and set them up neatly on the stand. Maria's eyes raised in exclamation. She clapped her hands together.

"Starting a collection?" She asked, making it sound like the most wonderful thing imaginable. "Well, let me warn you. It can get addictive."

She laughed lightly as she began using a hand scanner to catch each bar code. She hummed softly to her self before taping a few keys on the older style register. "Your total today is 106 and some change. That's with the discount for buying three or more. I'll round it down for you as well. 106 even." she said sweetly.

A bit stunned at the price he at first though to remove a couple of them. He bit the inside of his cheek and then thought he'd make it all a gift for his lover. He didn't have that in cash though, pulling out his bank card.

"Do you accept debit?" he asked, sounding more hopeful than he intended to.

"Absolutely, sweetie. Just hand that here." she said, taking his card. A few more minutes later and Arthur was, happily and with a sense of relief, on his way home.


Once more Arthur groaned. A bit over dramatic now though. Dusk gave him a light pat on his back as she sat down at the center island table with him. With a sigh he picked up his fork and knife and began to eat. The taste was...heaven. He hadn't realized just how hungry he was. In a short time he was done, an empty plate and a full belly. He looked over at his lovely little rabbit and smiled, she smirked. His eyes widened.

"Oh shi-!" He was on his back, Dusk on top of him and tugging his shirt off. His pants were the next to go. She gave him an indignant look, noticing a rather prominent lack of a tent in his shorts. That would not do at all.

She sat on his chest, back to his face. She leaned forward over him and tucked her nose into his crotch. The scent of him. The scent of her lover. Her Arthur. She shuttered. She exhales sharply, cool air brushing over the top of his shorts and stirring reaction from his nethers. His cock jumped under the fabric. It bobbed and dipped, slowly moving to full life. Dusk giggled, she loved watching his arousal grow. It was fascinating to watch a creature with out a sheath grow hard. She parted the flap in the front of his boxers and his mushroom tipped cock unfurled before her from between the fabric.

"There it is..." she whispered, nuzzling it and looking over her shoulder. His face was a red cheeked expression of arousal and shyness. She licked her lips teasingly as her soft hands stroked him gently. His arms were above his head, hands twisted into his shirt. She looked back at her treat. Her desert. She was in no mood for play. She lifted a leg and turned back around, now on her knees over his crotch. A paw like hand between his legs to hold his shaft steady while she lined him up and set her self down on him slowly. She groaned as his cock slipped into her tight cunt. She whimpered, wiggling her hips over him. She stirred his prick inside her, hitting all the right spots. Leaning forward she laid her head on his chest, finally untangled from his shirt he placed his hand on her back and she began.

Her hips rose and fell gently to start, getting his dry length wet with her moisture. Her pussy soaking wet with need, it only took a few strokes.

"Fuck, you're wet" he moaned, hands moving down to her hips.

"You do this to me. Its your fault." she groaned, actually complaining. Her hips bucked, moving faster now. She grunted as she lifted her hips and then slammed them back down, his head hammered like a nail by her spongy knot of a cervix. She cried out at the sheer bliss of having his head stroke against her deepest wall.

She was riding him with abandon, pushing her self up, bouncing on his hips. She began to whimper, her body trembling. She bit her lip and with a final drop of her body she quaked, cumming, letting go of all the frustration and pent up need from the whole day. They both panted. Her body fell forward once more and he caught her by her shoulders, slowly easing her down to touch her lips to his in a deep but soft and tender kiss.

"I love you." he said softly, nuzzling her cheek in much the same way she would his.

"I love you too." she purred, laying there on the floor next to him, wet and spent. For the time being. They would move to the bedroom, once the glow had passed. On the bed they would start things up again. Arthur on top, Dusk on top. From behind. One the side. They toys Arthur had purshaed earlier that day sat on the center island table, forgotten for that night while the two continued to enjoy each other long into the night, until neither had enough energy to continue. The next morning, like every day before, Dusk straightened Arthur's tie and gave him a kiss on the cheek before he left for work. She would wait, waiting for the sound of his car do fade before turning around and loping into the kitchen, her new playthings still there. She gave the three little lengths of jelly, silicone, and plastic a predatory smile.

"Lets see what we have to work with." she giggled, rubbing her hands together.