Stripe and Chains 2 - Measurments

Story by Silversmith on SoFurry

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#4 of Stripes and Chains




The second story of Benjiman Lei Feng and his experience and first encounter with the Dragon Empire.

Benjamin meets April and Calvin, two slaves serving Master Tarkis, a dragon who runs a slave house in the capital city of the Dragon Empire

Original Concept: DragonTalon

Inspiration: Fates of the Unicorns


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Benjamin had been cowed enough that when he awoke some time later to find Kelsura smiling and looking at him possessively that he did not move. He groaned, rolling over and pushing a hand to his face. "It was all real." he moaned softly

Kelsura chuckled, putting a hand on his arm to roll him back over to face him. "Normally a morning is started with a good tongue bath be tween my legs.."

"My mouth is too dry." he said, licking the roof of it and finding it unpleasant, like licking dry carpet. Kelsura hmmed and nodded, leaning to reach over him and flipping the latch of the cabinet bar. Reaching in she retrieved a skin of water, handing it to him. She watched as he hesitantly took it from her and popped the top, drinking until it was drained. She smiled brightly. He must have been really dehydrated from all his activity yesterday, good and bad. Laying back she spread her legs open, reaching down to push her nether lips apart with two fingers. "You've had your drink." she said, eyeing him expectantly.

Benjamin moved slowly. He entertained resisting but his throat still hurt, reminding him of what resistance had earned before. Tentatively he dipped between her legs, the scent of the dragoness strong. Though the window flaps were still down there was now enough light from the morning sun that he could clearly see what she was doing. A dragoness' privates were not too dissimilar from a furry females. While before he had seen a simple slit it would seem with arousal the lips puffed out, with her fingers spreading them he could see all the same parts found on a mammal. At the top was a hood, underneath the sensitive bud of her clitoris. He started here, licking soft circles around the sensitive nub.

Her hand left her pussy, setting atop his head to gently stroke between his ears as his tongue worked in slow and long swipes. He stopped to lick his lips and then wrapped them around her puffed folds, sucking on them as his rough tongue lashed rapidly. She moaned, squirming softly and sighing in affirmative, encouraging him to keep going. He couldn't help but pur. Her encouraging words and the way she stroked the back of his head, tickling a soft spot. Letting go of the bunch of pussy flesh in his mouth he nosed at her clit, blowing warm blasts of air from his nose over the now exposed button and dipping his tongue into her vent.

She had an irresistible taste. Sweet with only a touch of bitter. His whiskers were moist with her juices, now soaking to her thighs. The way her legs quivered told him he was close to getting her off. He smirked, having just the trick. He stopped for a moment, licking his fingers.

Having just been at the edge of a great morning Kelsura groaned in frustration as the attention to her horny nethers ceased. She rose up on her elbows and looked down at her tiger indignantly. "What excuse could you have for sto-ooooohhhh." she moaned, Benjamin had slicked up two of his fingers with his own saliva and slipped them both into her cunt, mouth now wrapped around her clit, sucking and biting while he worked his hand back and forth. He moaned, vibrating into her legs and then curled his two fingers until the tips pushed into the upper flesh, now working swift and hard, pressing to the top.

"Oh, fuck. Fuck kitten down stop that!" she called out, hand tightening into his hair. Her legs shook and then she cried out. More of a scream then a roar. His hand was suddenly wet, chin covered in a gush of her fluids as she came violently on both his face and his hand. He hadn't been expecting a gusher, the look of surprise on his face made the dragoness laugh through her multiple mini-orgasms. He licked over his whiskers much like a kitten licking at cream. He had to admit, she tasted good.

The light out side suddenly dimmed, it drew his attention for a moment and he looked to the windows. A hand caressed his chin and slowly turned his eyes back to the dragoness. She looked at him with a deep smirk. "Things are about to change, tiger. We're in one of the tunnels that lead to the capital. Now, I've been extraordinarily lenient with you. I've allowed you liberties most slaves are given as earned privilege. You'll have to start being what you already are."

He listened to her speak. He would remove his shirt at her order, handing it to her which she then tore to pieces and simply tossed away. For his own sake he would kneel from now on. He didn't like that. He did not express it, would comply, but he wouldn't enjoy doing it. "If you do not follow my commands to the letter you will look unruly, which I know you are and we will eventually work on that, but it will also make me look incompetent. I will not have you insulting me in such a way. My shame will be your pain. Is that understood?"

"Yes, I understand." he said, nodding.

"Thats 'Yes, Mistress. I understand." she corrected. "Say it."

Benjamin bit his lip, but a stern look and just a flick of her tail got a murmur of "yes M...mistress. I understand."

She then had him kneel. On the sheets and cushioning of the thin mattress it wasn't so bad. The back of his thighs ached a bit, making him grumble. He was ordered to remain that way the rest of the trip. Though he glowered he didn't move from the position. Mercifully his legs began to go numb.

The rest of the trip through the tunnel was by no means a short one. They slowed while inside and Kelsura lifted and tied the window flaps. There were raised walk ways on either side of a double road. Carts road out laden with good for trade or carrying dragons to out laying farm lands closer to the border. Most were horse drawn though a few were lead the same as her own. Like hers these carts were personal means of conveyance and were just as ostentatious and elaborately decorated. On the walk ways dragons, slaves, and citizen furs walked or rushed from place to place. Even here in the tunnels leading to the capital the city was alive.

It was not a strait shot. As was the habit with dragons the central tunnels were built like a maze. Cross roads bored into the sides of the monolithic former mountain; dead ends, switch backs, blind corners, and hair pin curves were all common and confusing for any but dragons. Even recognized citizens who had lived here since birth required dragon guides for any extensive trips. Kelsura smiled. "Home." she said in a deep exhale, just as the light of day spilled back onto the carriage making its way through the tunnel's exit and into the capital.

"We'll be making a stop before heading home. How you act and the swiftness of it will depend on how long it takes. Do you understand?"

"Yes mistress." he said dourly

She smiled at him, turning to look out the front window. Her horses knew the way, already haven been given their orders before leaving. She took the time to slip back into her clothes, the simple leather one piece that did very little to cover her.

It was even slower going on the city streets, their were main roads to take but rarely were traveled by carriage, packing full of pedestrians making their paths this way and that and moving out of the way the best they could. She gave a side long glance to her tiger, still kneeling at the back of the carriage. His arms were at his side, hands resting on their backs and slack. He had a look of defeat on his face.

The carriage made its way around the outside of much of the city, using back roads as much as possible to allow them to move faster. An eagerness began growing in her chest, her heart wanting to burst with the excitement. Like so many slaves before him Benjamin would soon be serving a dragon properly, as was good for the world and for him. "Almost there." she said.

"Where are we going?" he asked, swiftly adding "Mistress." when her gaze shot back from the forward window to gaze at him with steely eyes.

"For future reference," she said, not taking her look from him "A slave does not speak with out permission unless absolutely prudent." he nodded a 'yes, miss' quickly correcting himself to a 'yes, mistress.' She watched his throat work nervously and his breath caught when she moved toward him, pressing her nose inches from her own. "Do NOT embarrass me." she growled.

"Yes Miss- I mean Mistress." he looked even more sullen now. "How..." he stopped, mouth snapping shut and he gave a slight whimper.

"Speak." she snapped

"How do I...if I have a question how do I ask with out speaking?"

She chuckled. Many slaves before him had asked the exact same thing. Yuris, a philosopher dragon of times gone by once wrote a treatise on slavery and what she believed was the best way to rear and train them. She had listed the very question among the most crucial lessons to teach, one to be addressed from the onset. At one point in time her writings had been very popular, a copy found in every dragon home from the smallest hovel to the most extravagant mansion. Some looked upon them as required reading for their slaves, the only book a newly collard would see due to the sections aimed directly at them. 'Pleasing your master/mistress. Conduct and etiquette. To suck or to lick. Pain is the new pleasure.' Times changed though, dramatically and violently. Yuris wrote during a time of relative peace. When the bugs attacked out of now where the Empire shifted to war. Brains took a back seat to brawn and the only philosophy the Empire cared at any great length about was combat doctrine and strategy. She would need to see if her library had a copy. "If you have a question, slave, the proper way to ask would be to first garner your masters attention. If its not important you can do this with a simple inquisitive look. Urgency can be shown by whimpering or sighing softly. Clearing your throat is rude and may earn you a back hand and have your master ignore you until they feel your lesson is learned." She didn't explain further, for the carriage had stopped. "We're here. You will follow behind me on your hands and knees."

Benjamin looked down at himself, completely naked. Looking back up and watching as the Dragoness opened the door to slid out he would make to force a questioning whimper. He barley made more than half a sound when her tail wrapped around his neck and yanked him forward to follow. He fell out behind her, landing on his back with a whoof. Looking down at him she shook her head. "Up. Follow." were the only things she said as she moved towards a large building. When he tried to rise to his feet he felt the weight and pull of her tail keeping him unable to rise any where above her knees. He could either crawl or be dragged, and he only had a moment to decide. He chose to crawl.

Benjamin had never before been more humiliated. Forced to crawl naked in a street that was slowly starting to crowed as morning gave way to do. There were people looking at him. Dragons, their slaves (barley clothed or not at all, like him), and some furs who walked on their own two feet, fully clothed. Few gave him more than a passing glance, those that did looked at him an appraising and some what impressive regard. He tucked his tail under him, curling it as much as possible to hide his shame as his balls dangled and sheath sagged. Looking forward at the large building he felt a sense of foreboding. Looking this way and that he could see large lengths of wood, buried into the ground close together but at even spaces. There was enough room between each to fit an arm through but little more. His heart sank when he saw furs milling about on the inside. Slave pins. Each one of them he saw wore an unpolished rough beaten iron collar. Those that looked back at him did so with a range of expressions. Some looked at him with pity and sympathy, others with scorn and anger, most strangely a few that he could have counted on one hand looked at him with stark jealousy. He was being lead to a slave house.

He whimpered, several times, trying to get her attention. Why was he being taken to a slave house. She said she had bought him. Why was he worried about that? That he caught himself entertaining fear that he would be away from this dragon...did not fill him with the revulsion he wanted it to. "Mistress?" he whispered. That made him cringe, and he found himself happy that he could still feel apprehension for calling her that. He was for a moment scared he was loosing himself.

"Quiet." she shot back in a very low, very sharp, and very dangerous tone. She gave a yank of her tail around his neck, making him double his efforts on his knees. She was leading him to a wide opening in the wall of the slave house, like an mouth wide and ready to swallow him. "You're not being sold." she hissed at him under her breath. "Stop your pathetic fidgeting."

He felt relieved. He reasoned that his fear was based on the idea that he would be sold, and that a more horrible fate than being lead around by a tail awaited him. The inside of the building was not what he had expected. Having imagined multiple implements of torture, large dragons with sneers, and lines of doll eyed lifeless furs he instead found himself pulled into what looked like a reception area. It was an open room, spacious. The two other dragons that were here were not sneering. They had looked at him but only for a moment. One stood guard on the inside of the entrance. There were chairs, with cushions next to each, set along one wall, a desk immediately in front of the door with a smiling dog fur behind it. Next to the desk was a set of large wooden double doors, guarded by another dragon, that lead deeper into the building.

The dog fur was a short hair, tan with brushed spots of black. She wore a collar with intricate decorative detail. The polished steel engraved with swirling designs and floral patterns that stretched around the front on either side of a green gem that sat above D-ring. She smiled brightly upon seeing the dragoness. "Mistress Kelsura." she called happily. "So good to see you. Oh, and who's that?"

Kelsure smiled, chuckling and reaching over the desk to give the girl a pat on her head. "Good morning April, good to see you as well. And this," she gave a yank of her tail, Benjamin nearly falling forward as he scrambled to stay on his hands, brought into plain view of April as she stepped from around the desk. "Is Benjamin."

April made some sort of high pitched drawn out squealing sound as she fell to her knees. She was completely naked and obviously not at all bothered. "He's GORGEOUS. I've never seen a cat like him!" she had reached out, intent to pet him behind his ears. Like some house cat.

"Don't touch me." he growled. "Oh shit..." he whimpered immediately there after. He closed his eyes, bracing for either a choking, a throttling. A moment passed, the room was quiet except the sounds filtering in from the open entrance. He chanced a look, opening an eye and found a rather sullen retriever looking down at him.

"Benjamin." Kelsura said. She didn't move to strike him though he winced at his name. She did not tighten the grip of her tail around his throat. She _would_punish him later but right now was a good opportunity for a lesson on etiquette. "Look up at April. What is around her neck?"

He had already seen her collar. "A...collar." he said, anxious.

"Indeed. Is their any thing different about it? I know you saw the slaves in the pins outside. Whats the difference between her collar and theirs?"


"Describe it, in detail." she snapped

Looking up, seeing not just the collar but also the girl's crestfallen eyes. He felt sorry. He hadn't meant to offend. He wanted to explain it was a cultural belief, that where he was from individuals who were not family and friends...or a dragoness who could wreck just wasnt done. Not if you wanted to insult an individual. Treat them condescendingly. His cracked at a lump in his throat. "Its, uhh." April tilted her head up, a soft smile on her face "Its polished, steel. Maybe silver. There is a green gem set in the front, possibly an emerald. The largest I've ever seen. The metal is engraved on either side. Intricate flowing patterns accented by flowers carved into the metal. Its...its beautiful." he found himself admitting.

"Yes, she said placidly "Your eyes work, good. Now lets see if your brain works. Do you know what any of it means?" She sighed when he shook his head. "It means that she is a placed slave, one who after months, maybe years of training and weeding out her weaknesses, her master found her strengths and polished them, much as she polishes her collar. April has found her place in this world, is happy and honored to serve something greater than her self. She gives her mind, body, and soul to the efforts of her superiors and ensures they stay happy so they can do the same for theirs.

"The emerald means she is a service slave. She works. Specifically she runs reception. She handels almost every thing her self at the front end of the slave house. She files, makes references, greets visitors, and much more. She does it all with a smile on her face. The desighns on her collar mark her as more than that. She is a favored slave. Not quite one of her master's harem, but is seen as highly dependable and deeply loved. What that all means? You are not better than her, you are not even her equal. She is above you. She is above the slaves milling in the yards and you will show her a level of due respect." She spoke as though a teacher admonishing a petualnt student. In a manner of speaking, he was.

"Yes Mistress. I...I'm sorry." he leaned to his side, tongue extending to lick along her toes.

"Oh no slave. You're beyond apologizing to me. You'll get your chance later after I feel you have been thoroughly punished. Apologize to April." She gave him a light kick, pushing the front heel and toes of her foot against his muzzle and turning his head to look towards Aprils feet. He whimpered, leaning in to run the flat of his tongue over the dogs toes. He gagged, the fur doing a much better job at catching dirt and grit. His tongue, evolutionarily designed for grooming caught every bit of it. He was desperate to avoid adding to his punishment, what ever it may be, and so made sure he was thorough. His tongue curled between her toes, lapped around her ankles. When she was told she could lift her feet he lapped along the separate rough, leathery pads. That was the worst. Disgusting, foul taste of more than just dirt and sweat. "Yes, I think that's good." Kelsura said "now what do you say?"

"'m sorry April, for snapping at you the way I did." he said, tongue licking at the roof of his mouth, trying to dislodge the very taste from his taste buds. The canine nodded, she reached down once more, petting him softly behind his ears. He cringed but endured for the sake of his hide. Now the dragons in the room sneered at him.

Kelsura watched impassively as her slave licked along the toes of another slave. She hoped it would serve as a teaching lesson about the hierarchy that existed in dragon society. A moment later a blue-green dragon came through the doors in the back. He looked around and then smiled when he noticed Kelsura, the smile widening when he took in the sight of her tiger cleaning his slaves feet. "Was there a problem?" he asked, stepping forward to place his hands possessively on the shoulders of his slave. His voice was a chortle of amusement.

The dragoness matched his smile. "Only for a moment. My boy showed his ignorance, and required a lesson in the sociological dynamics of a hierarchically based society different from his own." Almost all eyes turned to stare at her for a moment. The blue-green simply chuckled.

"Well, judging by the clean shine of my girls feet I assume all is fine. At your leisure Miss, I'll show you to the hanging room."

Kelsura followed after the male, leading the tiger once more by his neck and holding him down to force him to crawl. "Ah, I had forgotten he needs his measurements taken. Once done I'll need them listed on a copy separate form his documentation."

"Forgive me Miss, not questions. Just curiosity, but why?" He lead them into a back room, it was almost as large as the reception area but seemed far less used.

"I keep a biography of all my slaves. I'm adding his measurements to it." she unwrapped her tail from around the tigers neck. "Stand, arms above your head."

As soon as his hands were up the green-blue moved him by his arms to the wall, locking them into a set of wood stocks. With the pull of a rope he was lifted off the ground, hissing as he was forced to support his whole weight with his wrists. A hand to his back pushed him back into the middle of the room. "Right, Calvin?"

"Here, Master Tarkis." Calvin was a spotted calico cat. Large yellow eyes and a mischievous smile. An acrobats body with a shape that would have been better on a female. He held in his hands a clipboard with a charcoal stick and a length of long, even knotted cord. He wore a plain metal collar around his neck inset with a green stone. "Oh he's hansom." The cat said, running a paw along the much larger tiger's side, up along his arm and back down as he stepped behind the stripped feline, hand pushing into the fur on his chest. "Mistress Kelsura was it? You have...exquisite taste Ma'am."

Tarkis cleared his throat markedly as Calvin spent his time examining the tiger, sizing him like a hunk of meat. Calvin smiled at his master, bowing softly and stepping back to pull the cord taught, setting it along the tigers arm and writing down the length. Tarkis nodded and turned to Kelsura. "Miss, I have a selection of slaves you might be interested in. Prestock before they go off to auction."

She smiled at Tarkis "That'd be lovely." She smiled, giving Calvin a large smile turning predatory when she regarded Benjamin, hanging helplessly. She had a wickedly wonderful idea. Punishment time. "Calvin?" She asked before turning around. "Come here lovely."

With a broad smile on his face, having heard that tone of voice before, he stepped up to stand immediately in front of the dragoness, head tilted down non threateningly and tail hiked with the tip twitching playfully. "Yes Mistress Kelsura?"

"Be a good boy and make sure you're _extra_thorough with Benjamin." She turned on her heel, leading Tarkis out of the stock room

"So," Calvin started conversational, stretching the cord out along his flank. "How did you two meet?" He asked, as if inquiring about ones mate at a dinner party.

"I, what?" Benjamin looked at him incredulously.

"You and Mistress Kelsura. You didn't exactly arrive by normal means. Let me guess. You two met during some soiree in the great capital, a meet and greet I wager for councilors, dignitaries, generals, and ambassadors. You got to talking, found something interesting and desirable in each other. Next thing you know you're behind the azaleas, hand on your throat and from there its pony games and latch collars with the insatiable desire to never let it stop?" He chuckled, stretching the cord out over Benjamin's chest. "Happens more than you think."

Benjamin stared, blankly. He hung there limp as the cat smiled up at him, taking measurements and occasionally stopping to take note. "There's nothing left of you, is there?" He asked

Calvin looked up at his hanging fellow slave and then back at him self. His thin legs and arms. Despite the lack of size he was almost pure muscle, a regular cardio routine with stretching to keep him well toned and limber. "Well I'll admit I'm not much to look at but-"

"That's not what I mean you dolt. Have you no compassion? No respect? Set me free, unhook me, let me down!" he was nearing hysterics. Calvin held him by the hips to keep him from moving too much, possibly wrenching something.

"Hey hey buddy. You need to calm down, you-" Calvin narrowed his eyes, hand shooting up to take the tiger by his chin. He looked into Benjamins eyes. Turning his head to one side than the other. "When was your last episode?"


"Cage fever Benjamin. Its extremely serious and imperative you tell me when the last episode took place and when it all started." Calvin stared at the tiger with intensity, pawing gently at his stomach. The cat knew he needed to be serious but he just couldn't help it when the hands wondered. Benjamin shivered, he was starting to grasp the situation. He swallowed. Surely Kelsura wouldn't let some one else touch him. He was hers, she had said so. He hated that idea, but only less so than being stuck bound and dangling before a horny frisky feline free to move about. "Benjamin." he said seriously. "When?"

"Uhh" he tried to think, he wanted those hands off of him. He didn't want them wandering around his chest, stroking softly through his fur. "Ummm it was..." He didn't want them wandering down his belly, tracing through the thick line of white fur that started under his navel and moved in a strait gradually widening line lower down. "Yesterday" he stammered. He struggled, not wanting the hand resting gently over his sheath, turning to take a firm grip and stroke softly.

Calvin nodded "Uh-huh...and...what happened?" He stroked his hand gently along the tiger's thick bulge. He knew the big cat was straight. Probably as a freshly fletched arrow. It was something he would need to get over. You didn't have to be gay or even bi to enjoy certain things, certain pleasures. Calving dropped down to his knees, licking his lips. Just the sight of the pink tip of the tiger's prick giving him a good idea as to his size.

"It, I. I dont know. I was ah fuck..." he clinched his teeth suddenly, the calico cats mouth wrapping around his sheath and sucking, hard. His little tongue pushing between shaft and sheath to dip down into the protective covering of the tiger's cock. His tongue swirled about several times. The tiger, despite his revulsion, felt his body betraying him. The cat pulled his head slowly all the way back on the thick length and off with a sloppy wet pop. The cat sighed, licking his lips and smirking, purring as he picked his cord up. Holding the end just at the tigers cock tip and measuring the length of bare flesh until it met his sheath, measuring the length of fur down to his hanging balls separately. He measured once around the base and then again around the head behind the glans.

Once more he licked his lips. "Spicey. Strong bitterness, salty with a hint of dragoness. Had her way with you did she?" he chortled, ribbing the tiger with an elbow after he stood. "You were telling me about your sickness?"

"I wanna die." Benjamin said. "I want to just hang here and die."

Calvin tutted softly, moving behind the tiger and measuring his back and shoulder width. "Thinking like that is what lead to your bought of cage fever. The problem is that cage fever dosnt just go away after one episode. Its a psychosis. A mental illness. You could very well have a relapse. And the second time will be much harder to over come than the first. Speaking of which. Yesterday? You came out of it yesterday?" He watched the tiger hang limp and lifeless. He gave his ass a pinch to get his attention.

"OW! Son ovva! Leave me alone! Fuck. As if molesting me wasn't bad enough..." Benjamin felt a wave of defeat wash over him. His lowered his head and he seemed to hang lower.

"Oh tiger. Dont be such a drama queen. You think its over but its only just begone." Calvin gave a dancers spin, pirouetting back in front. "Oh wow." he said, blushing. The tiger was still quite hard, twitching even.

"I'm not gay..." the tiger blushed, turning his head away from the calico.

Calvin blinked. "I believe you. Now," his voice smooth and friendly, "You regained your sense of self yesterday?"

Benjamin shook his head. "No, not exactly" he said with a defeated sigh. The cat wasn't going to leave him alone. He could accept that. He could also accept that he was never going to see his home, family, or any part of his old life. He could actually come to like that idea, as that his old life wasn't much to love. What he had difficulty accepting was the idea of being property. Nothing more than an item. Calvin snapped his fingers several times under his nose, garnering his attention.

"Focus, tiger. What do you mean 'not exactly?"

"I mean that I...what happened to me. It started and was over in less than an hour."

The calico cat hmmed, narrowing his eyes and looking at Benjamin inquisitively. "How?"


Calvin rolled his eyes. The game was getting old and he was starting to loose what sympathy he had for the lager feline. "Are you a dullard? Do I need to spell it out for you? HOW? How did your...experience only last an hour? For the sake of the gods you're a feline. You should know about cage fever. Should know it lasts days even with treatment. How then is it that you fell and then came out of it so quickly?"

Benjamin blinked. The cat was right of course. He did know that the illness could last days, even weeks to months with treatment. And relapses were common with out regular visits to a proper doctor. Why had he over come it so quickly. As he gave it some though the answer chilled him. "I heard a voice." he said honestly.

"Her voice." Calvin deduced. The tiger nodded sullenly. He sniffed. "That's...beautiful." With a few more marks on his parchment he pulled it from the clip board with a flourish, using a small metal clip to pin a copy to the tigers chest fur. "We tell many lies in our life kitten. The worst of them all are the ones we tell our selves." Benjamin blinked. "Ha, well, let me put it to your this way." he said, now pushing a ball gag into the tiger's mouth, cinching it in the back before the large cat realized he could protest.

Benjamins legs were bound before he realized he could have moved them, pushed apart just above the knees by a metal spreader bar with attached leg cuffs. The tiger suddenly dropped, caught unawares and falling forward, the stocks still locked around his wrists and then locked to a set of iron rings jutting out of the floor. The cat was fast, latching the spreading bar to yet another set of rings behind him. The cat tumbled over the tigers back, sticking a landing and smacking his nose with his white and brown dipped tail tip. He turned around, crouching. Benjamin gave him a "Mph? Wha'r 'oo 'oin?"

Calvin gave the top of his head a pat, smiling when the tiger growled at him. "What I mean to say is this: you're a complete closet case. The light of truth is a thin bar at the base of the door and you're so afraid of it that you wont step out." Another flourish, another pirouette and once more the dancing calico was behind bigger feline. "Doing so would mean having to change who you are." The tiger squirmed when Calvin pushed his paws into the fuzzy soft fur of his ass cheeks, pushing them apart to reveal the puckered hole between. The tiger, as expected, began to struggle violently, knowing exactly what Calvin was about to do.

"Thats for your Mistress to teach you though. What I've been told to teach you is on your place. Society lied to you Benjamin. You CANT be what ever you want. That's impossible. You think this is slavery. Maybe. But only in name." The cat popped the top of a small blue bottle. It had been given to him by his master, Tarkis winking and tapping his nose where the tiger couldn't see just after Kelsura had hinted at her special instructions, whispering exactly what she wanted while the tigers eyes were down cast. He tilted the bottle over, a cool solution of water based oils coating the tuckers ass hole. He emptied a bit into his own palm, stroking it along his protruding shaft.

Benjamin tried tossing his hips away, he growled, trying to roar through the gag. He pulled his knees up and failed with the bar attached to the floor. He tried to roll over and failed with his wrists attached as well. He shook, trying to draw forward but the cat only leaned with him. When he pushed back his eyes widened and his pupils closed to dagger edged slits as the cats cock thrust into his ass ina single motion. He cryed out into his stuffed mouth. "MRAAHHH!"

"The lie here is how important you think you are, that your societal ideals have meaning here. That they have meaning at all." He drew his hips back, slamming them forward back into the tiger. He moaned, the tiger screeched. Leaning forward he yanked the larger cat by the scruff of his neck, holding himself stable with a hand on those soft hips. His legs and whole body pumped forward, driving his cock hard and deep. "You're not even a slave yet." he continued "You don't have a collar, You're a nobody. The ones in the yard with the ugly iron collars rings around their neck have a higher place in society than you do."

Calvin huffed, he yanked the tiger back, claws digging into his scruff giving him some good leverage over the larger fur. He layed over his back, nuzzling the fur and pushing the hand on his hips under him, not at all surprised to find his cock hard and dripping. Not with what he was doing to his ass. Each time the cat charged his hips were angled down, his cock sliding into the tight pucker and pressing down toward the floor. Every swipe was a skillful tickle over the tiger's prostate. Calving let go of the tigers scruff, turning his head and biting into it as he took hold of the fleshy pink length dangling beneath.

Both of them yowled out at the same time. Benjamin pumped a healthy load onto the dusty floor, spurting in solid jets in the second most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. Calvins comparatively smaller load was pumped up into his ass, barley felt as little more than a slippery sensation. Wide eyed and reeling the tiger listened to the calico cat. "Your mistress rules your world now. What ever you worshiped before means nothing in the presence of her divinity. What ever king you bowed to is a popper in her majesty. Both god and queen it is more than in your best interest to keep her pleased. And the easiest way to do that is to do as your told and follow the rules, or else she'll give you to some one else to be ruled over."

Benjamin whimpered. The cat slowly withdrew from his ass. The door opened just then with Kelsura and Tarkis walking back in, both looking rather pleased and a bit bubbly. "You can walk her home or I can have her delivered to you later." Tarkis said with a wide green, a spring in his step.

"Have her delivered. Please, I wont have time to give her the attention she obviously deserves." the dragoness responded, equally springy. She blinked when she looked away from Tarkis and regarded the scene before her. She smiled down at her kitten, his eyes on her and pleading. She bent down, pulling the gag from his mouth. "Something to say slave?"

"Mistress I'm sorry." he blurted, wiggling and pulling on his bonds. "I'm so sorry Mistress. I'm sorry I embarrassed you. I'm sorry I growled at April. Please Mistress." his voice was hurried and desperate. She looked down at her tiger mewling like a pathetic kitten and it made her smile. Lesson learned. She jerked her head to Calvin with out saying a word and in a moment he was on his knees, crawling, almost bounding to her legs, licking at her feet with fervor. He wanted away. Away from the cat who smiled at him wickedly from his knees, wet little prick slowly slipping back into his sheath, and was now willing to show he deserved it.

"Up. Knees." She commanded, her tiger responding. She watched as he swiftly liked his lips, actively swallowed. She chuckled at that. He hadn't even so much as cringed this time. He panted as she reached down, patting the side of his face lightly. "Follow slave, we still need to get your collar on. Oh, and...hand that here." she pointed to his chest. He had forgotten that a slip of parchment had been pined there. He handed it to her and she smiled, rolling it up and handing it back. "Keep a hold on that tiger. Don't lose it."

"Yes Mistress." he murmured, just eager to get any where but here. His cock was tucked away but it still ached with the force of his orgasm, his ass soar and leaking, and his ears ringing with Calvins words about keeping Kelsura happy. He did not think of her as Mistress. Though that did not stop him from thinking of her as some one capable of dealing even worse than the violation he had just experienced. If it meant avoiding more, or worse, he'd call her what ever she wanted. He took the roll of parchment, knowing it was important and knowing they were about to move when her tail wrapped around his neck. How was he to carry it with out crushing it. He had only a moment to decide. With out really thinking about it he pushed the rolled slip into his mouth as he fell to his hands, holding it just so that it would not catch in his spit or rip under his fangs.

"That was quick thinking pet." She smiled over her shoulder, having seen the whole ordeal. For the briefest moment she saw him smile. For a moment he felt a sense of pride.