Faith in the Fallen

Story by Duran on SoFurry

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#5 of My Dark Lover

Faith in the Fallen

My name is Paul, I am a monster, a demon who's soul is as black as his hair. I slaughtered the living to give my own life meaning, to feel alive, for I am not. I am a prince of Unlife, a son of the night, a god of the shadows, a Vampire. And up until very recently I had no reason to exist, not before I met her, Alex my saving angel.

Gun shots rang out, I could feel the led rip through me. It was intoxicating, and all too soon, it stopped. My body was riddled, my left eye was gone, along with the same cheek. I could feel the holes in my chest and arms and even my legs. The leader of the group whom had let loose this hail of death was saying something, but I was not listening.

"Hehehe," I laughed, "Hahahahaha, was that it, was that all," I asked drunk on the pain and smell of my own blood. The pathetic little wolf called me a monster, "Damn strait," I answered him, "now witness how a monster does combat," I cried. I let my demons out allowing them to writhe from my body. My pets flew forth and devoured the wolf's sad little friends.

In an instant I was behind him my teeth buried in his neck, his wonderfully warm blood flowing freely down his body. The taste was putrid, but the smell, oh that enthralling smell stole away my mind. I was high on the feeling of steeling this beast's life away.

His corps hit the ground and was immediately consumed by my pets, there was nothing left of the wolf or his gang but an ugly blood spatter on the sidewalk. I was snapped out of my blood frenzy by a gentle sobbing I knew all to well. Alex was on her knees crying silently, looking at me. The fear in her eyes froze my boiling blood, caught my breath in my throat. I took a single step forward, to comfort her, but she screamed in panic and fear.

"Stay away form me." My icy heart, still for centuries before meeting her, broke into a million pieces. She was afraid of me, and I could not blame her, I looked at my once white gloves, stained red with blood. With one finale look at her, and that absurd unbridled fear in her eyes, I ran, I ran as fast as I could, letting my body dissolve into mist. What had I done?


Night found me hundreds of miles away in an open field.

"My God, what have I done," I asked no one. "God forgive me, FORGIVE ME, AHHHHHHHHHAAAAAA!" I screamed to the heavens. In truth I didn't care if he did, I only cared that She forgave me, I doubted she ever could. How could I ever face her, how could I tell her what had happened. It was simple I couldn't, I could never see her again, not after what I had done. I knew what I would do, I would go to my night family, and ask them to end my torment.

"Alex, I am sorry, I can't keep my vow, not now."

"What are you talking about."

"Who's there," I said to the voice, spinning around in circles. I recognized the voice and really didn't need to ask. A woman materialized out of the shadows, she had short purple hair, pail skin, and looked just like me, red eyes and all.

"Why can't you tell the woman you love what happened," she said softly. "If she loves you as much as you love her she will understand."

"She is only human," I answered. "They fear us, I cannot face her, Luna." Luna was not convinced.

"Men, no matter how long they live they never learn, would you just trust me on this one," she said looking irritated.

"I just need time to think," I told her, "At lest give me that." Luna sighed heavily, put her hand around my shoulder and led me away.

"You know what little brother," she said to me, "You really have a lot to learn about women."


I spent the next several weeks in the home of my elder. It was a time spent deep in thought, and mental training. I had decided I would go back to Alex and try to explain what had happened, but not before I could insure it would never happen again. The elder, Marcus, was pivotal in training my mind to resist my baser animal instincts.

"Paul, realize that this only goes so far, no Vampire has ever trained himself to completely resist the demon that sleeps within him." I took his words to heart, but I had to try, I owed her that much. With Alex in my mind and heart I trained long and hard, she would never have to see me that way ever again. With the training in my mind and Alex in my heart, I left Marcus' house and set off for my own.

I arrived late one night, and her window was dark. Much like the first night we met, I floated up to her window and let myself pass trough it. I waited in the shadows of her room until she awoke, my eyes never leaving her sleeping form.

Alex stirred in her sleep, as if in a bad dream. She shot up in her bed and cried out.

"Paul," My heart swelled when I heard her call my name.

"Alex, my love, I am so sorry," I said in soft tones, "I wish you had not seen me like that."

"You came back," was all she said, she darted from her bed to be infolded in my arms, our lips caressing the others. "I thought you would never come back," she said, breaking the kiss, tears of joy streaming down her face. "I thought I'd never see you again," she said putting her head on my chest.

There was so much I wanted to tell her, I thought I had to tell her. But she was glad that I was simply with her again. Luna had been right, I did have a lot to learn about women. I kissed her again feeling a fire in my gut I had not felt in weeks.

"I swear, on what is left of my soul, I will never leave you again," I told her. She looked at me with love and passion in her eyes. She took my hand and guided me over to her bed. She slipped off her panties and unhooked her bra, then went to work on my shirt and coat. These discarded I unzipped my paints and let them fall to the floor.

I kissed her again, walking my lips down her neck and giving her a light nip were her shoulder met her neck. She squeaked quietly trying to stifle a moan. I let my fingers wander to her nether lips, stroking her soft folds.

"Mmmmm, I've needed you for so long," she said, "But tonight we need to be quit." I nodded in agreement and places my lips on her breast. Her talons wrapped themselves in my hair, as she cooed softly at my touch. I slowly kissed down her body sending shivers of pleasure up and down her back.

"No more Paul," she whispered to my shock," Just take me now." I nodded in understanding and pushed into her. We held each as I began my thrusts into her wet needy sex. We gazed at each other with a mutual love that override any other past feeling of love.

Our eyes did not break until she started to have trouble holding back he moans and gasps. I kissed her again letting my mouth mask her passionate outbursts of joy. I started to pick up speed as I felt her tighten around me, her breath coming in short quick gasps. I broke our kiss to hold us closer, she put her maw over my shoulder in an attempt to muffle her cries of ecstasy.

I felt her bite down hard on my skin as her walls clamped down around me soaking her sheets with her own nectar. With a final thrust deep into her wanting depths I released, firing blast after blast of my seed into her, causing her to bit me harder in an attempt to stifle her cry, it worked. She released me leaving bloody teeth marks in my skin.

Good night, my dark lover."

"Good night, my sweet angel," I said, but she was already asleep. "I love you, more then I could have ever though possible," I said, letting an image of Felicia run through my mind. "More then I thought I ever could love, again."

My name is Paul, I am a monster and a demon, and I was saved by the the woman I feel in love with. Alex, you are my heart, my soul, and my will. I am simply incomplete without you. You are my Savor Angel, my paradise.