A new friend

Story by Orisno on SoFurry

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#1 of A Geek's Life

"For next Wednesday, I want 300 words on the advantages of a database, and why you chose that one over the other options. Dismissed".

The sound of chairs scraping back, people packing up and leaving filled the room. Toma grabbed his stuff, and left quickly, having no desire to hang around, as the teacher they had disliked him,mostly because Toma often corrected him. Computing was Toma's passion, he'd been doing it for years, and had his strongly opinionated views, which often clashed with those of his teachers.

He headed back to his small room, and got on with the assignment. It was quick work, barely 10 minutes, as he didn't have to spend any time researching. He'd just finished when the bell rang throughout the school, declaring it was time for dinner. Toma sighed, closed down his essay and the Firefox session he had open, and headed downstairs. He entered the dining hall, got his food from the counter, and sat alone at the end of one of the tables. As one of the more intellectual pupils, he was an outsider, and was used to the constant low level of bullying and abuse he got from his 'fellow' classmates. He began to eat the food -lasagne- quickly, knowing that staying in the hall longer that needed could well result in unwanted attention from the idiots sitting at the next table.

However, today was different. An attractive, lightly built fox with a beattiful coat of rich fur, who Toma hadn't seen before came over to the table next to him, and asked if the seat was taken. When Toma shook his head, he sat down, and introduced himself as Feno. There was a brief silence, and then Feno asked

"So, what're you studying then?"

"I'm doing computing, maths and physics. I'm hoping to get into a decent university to do CS next year, so those were the best options for me. What about you?" Toma asked.

"I've also got computing and maths, but I took chemistry over physics."

"Really? I've always found that chemistry is a bit heavy on just memorising stu-" there conversation was interupted by a yell from across the hall.

"Oi, foxy, don't hang around with that fag, he'll try and rape you in the ass!"

The shout came from one of the heavily built football players, and everyone on the table around him collapsed into laughter as the words rang across the hall. Toma glanced across at Feno, seeing how he'd react.

"Come on, lets get out of here" Feno said quietly. They both rose, put their tray back on the counter and walked out of the hall, a derisive wolf-whistle following them.

"Want to come up to my room for a bit?" Toma asked his new friend.

"Sure, why not?"

For a while, they sat and talked, discussing their subjects, life the school, and various area of computing. They also spent some time playing on the computer that each pupil was giving, although the machine was fairly locked down, and the internet heavily filtered, which limited what they could do. Toma knew a few tricks though, having been using computers for far longer than many other, and having spent a lot of that time exploring, which let them mess around on the internet, on the sites that others couldn't get to.

Later that night, after Feno had gone, Toma lay awake in his bed, unable to belive that this was really happening to him. After all this time alone, shunned by the rest of the pupils, he seemed to have finally met someone who actually liked him. As he thought of the fox, imagining his perfect body, his hand reached down to his sheath, and started to rub it. Within seconds, he was fully extended, and he pushed back the covers, so as not to make a mess on them.

As he stroked himself, he imagined that Feno was holding him, kissing him. His hand moved faster and faster, his breathing matching the pace. In his mind, the hand stroking his was Feno's, as was the erection he was stroking. He moaned softly, as the pleasure built inside him. With one hand rubbing up and down on his rock hard erection, his other crept up to his mouth, and he slipped a finger inside, covering it in saliva. His hand moved down, past his other, the finger stopping at his tailhole. As it touched, he felt his tailhole tensing up, resisting this intrusion. After a few seconds, he relaxed, and slowly began to work his finger into the hole, while his other hand never stopped it's rubbing, slowly bringing him closer and closer to climax. As his fenger slipped past the sphincter, a small spurt of precum shot from the end of his cock, landing in the fur on his belly.

The combination of his hand on his cock, the finger wiggling in his ass, and the thought that is was Feno doing this to him, rather than himself, drove him over the edge. With his mouth clamped shut, to stop himself crying out in pleasure, he came, finger sliding in and out of his ass, hand jerking frantically at his cock, which shot out several strings of cum, falling across his stomach and chest.

He lay there, breathing deeply, recovering from the strongest orgasm that he'd had in a long time. His sphincter had clamped down on his finger as he came, but he slowly pulled in out of his ass, and picked up some of the cum lying on his fur with his other hand, before raising it to his mouth, and licking it clean. He had got into this habit a while back, doing it because he enjoyed the taste and texture, but this time, he was imagining that Feno had just shot his load all over him, which made it feel more special that ever. Having eaten as much of the cum as he could easily get to, he relaxed back, and fell into a contented sleep, in which the beautiful fox appeared to him, in his dreams.


This is my first story, so any comments are appreciated. Expect M/M action in the next instalments of the series, this one is really to set the scene.

Written in vi.