
Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains graphic depiction of COCK! Homosexual and heterosexual activity, huge blobs of CUM, and a bit of violence. NO LOOKY IF YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO! I'm not getting sued...

Jax, Russ, and Sven© Tristan Hawthorne.

The Twisted Dragon (And all aliases thereof)©Twisted Dragon.

This story was inspired by the piece "Sacrificed to the Cock"© Twisted Dragon.


By Tristan Hawthorne

Sven took the leash in his claws. The dragon pulled on the offering. The young naked hare cried silently as he stumbled along, the collar digging into his neck. Sven flexed his muscles, jerking the hare forward. He led the offering forward, through the maze of caves. Other Anthro Scals pulled offerings of their own in the same direction, each reptilian with a mammal of some sort. The dragon wore only a small fur loincloth that barely covered the bulge beneath it. The hare tripped. Sven turned and kicked him roughly.

The hare jerked, refusing to make a noise, knowing it would only cause more attacks. Sven watched grinning as the emaciated hare pulled himself to his feet, shuddering. They entered a massive chamber lit by the light of the full moon pouring in through an eye window in the ceiling of the chamber. Every male in the entire underground community was in the chamber. There was a large round area that was ten feet lower that was empty. Above this area was a ledge with a steep stairway leading up to it. The ledge was about twenty feet higher up than the area where the Scals stood with their offerings. There was a metal chute that fell about five feet below the level of the ledge. On the end of the chamber across from where the Scals and offerings stood, with the lower section, was a large opening to deeper into the cave that was about thirty feet tall and fifteen wide at the base. The arch was dark and surrounded by strange symbols. On the wall across from the platform with the chute were several holy rules for the act of the sacrifice. The entire chamber had been meticulously bricked, a stark contrast to the caverns in which the Scals lived.

A rumbling came out of the arch. All chatter between the Scals seized. The offerings whimpered. The Scals hit their offerings. The hare sat silently awaiting his fate, knowing what was to come. He had served his master as a slave before, helping him bring his offering about a year ago. Sven was forced to use his last slave as an offering since he had run out of prisoners and slaves. If he did not go on another raid of the Overworld before the next full moon, he might be sacrificed himself...

The rumbling became louder. A large dim figure appeared in the shadows of the arch, filling the space. Sven swallowed, as did several of the Scals around him. The hare remained in a state of silent melancholy. Many of the other offerings attempted to cower, only to be struck by their master's claw. A dragon in a golden headdress and torque stood otherwise naked on the ledge with the chute. He raised his arms, "Oh Great Betwisted One! We bring before you our humble offerings to your expansive masculinity, in hopes that you will favor us with fertility for the season to come!"

The hare watched as the figure stepped into the moonlight of the chamber. He was a massive dragon, standing on two legs. Between those legs was a sheath and balls disproportionate to his body size, holding a shaft to equal his height. His scales glimmered blue from the moonlight, despite their silver coloration. His body was lithe and muscular. Along his spine was a ridge that stuck up a few feet on average. His eyes were level with the High Priest on the ledge. He grinned, feeling his power over the smaller Scals. "Remember the Devine Law." His deep voice boomed, causing all the offerings and some of the Scals to shudder, including the Priest. All the offerings except the hare.

He stared at the "Twisted Dragon". The God of his Masters. He believed only in the physical of this "God" and none of the spiritual, and had an idea that this "God" was indeed mortal, although twistedly endowed and twisted in mind, who just felt good to be worshiped. Who wouldn't want to be worshipped? He wondered whether that idea was from his own mind or if it was put there. The Twisted Dragon was looking straight down at him. The God turned back to the High Priest, "Start the ritual."

The High Priest made himself prostrate to the God. The God lifted the Priest up, the headdress falling, and placed him gently into his sheath. His grin widened as His maleness was stimulated, the sheath bulging out with the shape of the Priest. The massive black cockhead began to emerge. He sat down slowly, the ground shaking. Several offerings stumbled, falling, their masters beating them for their weakness. The God's cock grew out from his sheath, thickening and lengthening. The Cock passed the eye levels of the assembled males. The Priest squirmed, pleasuring his God in the way only a High Priest was allowed. Sven's loincloth began to not be adequate to cover him. The hare watched, immune to further emotion than melancholy, as the draconic deity's shaft reached up to his own chin level. He raised not a claw to stroke himself, letting the Priest work, his own comparatively insignificant cock humping at the God's base in the holy sheath. Sven and several of the other Scals removed their loincloths entirely, since they were not effective in their present state of hyper arousal. Every Scal in the chamber wished that they were the High Priest. The hare watched with morbid fascination as the cock stretched finally to its full height. The god slipped two massive fingers into his sheath, fishing out the High Priest and setting him back on the ledge. The Twisted Dragon pointed his cock to the chute. It pointed directly to his cumslit, which drooled. The High Priest spoke again, "May the offerings begin!"

The first Scal, a monitor and a lord, by the state of his ornaments, or a warlord, by the sword at his side, dragged three identical foxes up the steps to the platform. They each whimpered. The High Priest made a gesture and the lord unlatched them, leaving them in their jeweled collars, before pushing the first one onto the chute. He slid, screaming, until he buried to his waist in the Devine Dick. The cock flexed, pulling the fox the rest of the way in. The bulge had barely started down the thirty-foot length before the monitor lord pushed the second of his offerings down the chute, this one headfirst. He slid, screaming like his brother, before burying to his tail root in the massive meat. The cock flexed again, pulling on the fox, his hindpaws disappearing, a new bulge traveling down the cock, following the first, which was still not to the base. The third offering was tossed down the chute. He slid down the chute, the slit now gaping hungrily. It took in the third fox brother in one greedy slurp, the God's eyes now half open.

From the hare's position at the back of the line to be offered he could still tell the fox triplets. They had lived in his village when it was raided and he was captured. He had wondered how long they would last. Apparently an hour less than you will. The thought just popped into his mind, like the previous thought. He could not tell if it was his own mind that thought it or if... He looked at the "God" He was looking straight at the hare again. He stared back nearly vacantly, almost defiantly, and most of all, unafraid. What are you thinking? The hare shook his head, trying to rid himself of the unwelcome thoughts. The massive dragon God turned away as three bulges slid down into his sheath, before visibly distending the sac, vulpine muzzles and paws struggling against the skin. Suddenly the bulges froze, and then faded away. The foxes were transformed into the God's Devine Cum. The next Scal came up with his offering. The High Priest once again gave the gesture. The Scal pushed his offering down the chute. The offering was sucked into the shaft. The next Scal was called. Like clockwork. The hare thought morbidly, though not entirely trusting the thoughts were his. The "God" was looking in his direction again.

About halfway down the line a Naga dragged a white fox up to the platform. The hare's eyes widened. It was his love from his village! He had been in slavery for so long that he had forgotten everything before his capture. His love, his world, daylight, and even his name. With the sight of his love everything flooded back to him. Peace in the village on the edge of the woods. Fetching water from the wells. His parents, acceptant of his bizarre lifestyle despite threats to their soul by the village priest. His name! He could remember his own name! He was Jacob. But he was known as Jax by his love: "RUSS!!!" Jax screamed as the High Priest gave the gesture. Everyone turned to look, even the God, as the white hare pulled free from Sven's slack claw in the same moment.

Russ turned from the chute, "Jax?" He said softly. Jax leapt over many a Scal, weaving as all the Scals nearby tried to capture him. Sven raced behind him slowly gaining. Many of the offerings watched hopeful that this would mean freedom. Others looked away, knowing that this escape could not end well. The God Himself watched, interested. "JAX!!!" The Fox tried to run to his love, but his master grabbed him, pulling him toward the chute.

Jax ran up the stairs, Sven nearly in reach of the leash. He reached the platform just as the Naga threw Russ onto the chute. "NO!" Jax dove foreword, grabbing Russ's paw in his own, his belly on the cobblestone platform. Russ looked lovingly up at the hare, just before Jax was jerked to his feet by his neck, causing him to release Russ's paw. "NOOO!!!" Jax screamed as Russ, scrabbling to stop on the slick chute, was engulfed by the cock. The bulge traveled down quickly. It did not even show up in the sac.

"Insolent One!!!" The High Priest pulled a whip seemingly from nowhere and lashed at Jax. Sven dragged Jax away by his leash, back to the end of the line. Jax looked back at the God. The Twisted One's expression was inscrutable as he stared at Jax.

Jax cried silently at the loss of his love as more and more Furres were sent to their demise, turned into the spunk for a supposed "God". He stood, seemingly a heartbeat later, at the chute. Sven whipped him with the High Priest's whip. After nine more red lines along Jax's back, the Priest motioned that the punishment was sufficient. He then motioned to deliver the sacrifice. Before Sven could move to push Jax down the chute, Jax took three steps, and then collapsed onto the chute. Well, at least you'll be with him. Don't struggle. It'll make it worse with those lashes... Jax could not tell if he was reassuring himself or if the God was actually giving him advice. He doubted that he would. He seemed to like it better the more they struggled. And why wouldn't I? Just relax little one... After an eternity of sliding on the chute it seemed, he was wrapped in comforting warmth. He was massaged and pulled down... Down... Down...

The God looked at his Priest, "He has broken one of the Devine Laws." He gestured to Sven. Sven froze, having already been going down the stairs. He turned slowly, looking to the laws. The last law, and largest written stated that: "ALL SACRIFICES TO THE COCK MUST BE VERY ALIVE." Beneath the law was the punishment for breaking the law written in smaller, but still legible script: "Bringers of unapproved offerings shall be used as sacrifices themselves." He blanched as two of the other Scals grabbed him and dragged him to the chute. The Priest made the gesture. Sven looked down the chute at the God, who looked at him through one half lidded eye, His head turned to the side. He took his claw and used his claws to spread the cockslit open, grinning open mouthed for the first time that night. Sven was pushed; the last thing he ever saw was the yawning drooling cockslit.

Jax slid down into the warmth. The injuries on his back were numbed by the massaging pull around him. He was pushed into a small chamber against another body. Russ hugged Jax tightly, kissing his love. Jax kissed back disbelieving. The walls massaged them together and they fell into oblivion together.

Jax and Russ woke up in each other's arms. They were lying in a field, under a tree. Jax's wounds were healed and both of them were no longer malnourished. Jax kissed Russ again. A deep cough distracted them from each other. The Twisted Dragon stood before them, surprisingly at a normal height, "How..." Jax started confused.

"You two aren't really here. You're not really anywhere. I have taken your bodies but preserved your minds and souls. I'm hoping to find you two new bodies. But until then, rest." The Twisted Dragon smiled, suddenly next to the lovers. "And to think you didn't believe in me..." He was gone.

"Well..." Russ finally said after a bit, "It's better than being dead."

"Technically we are dead." Jax smiled.

"Is this heaven, then?" Russ nuzzled Jax.

Jax sighed, "I don't think there is a heaven or a hell. This is just a waiting room till we're born again." He pet Russ on the head, "Didn't you hear ye olde Betwiste Draggone?"

"I hope we're still together in the next life..."

Sven came back to his senses in a dark chamber. He heard something move behind him. He tried to turn, but he was strapped in place by leather fetters. "Greetings Unholy One." The voice shook his very bones. After a moment or so he recognized it as the voice of his deity. "No. Not yours. You are mine."

"Why am I here?" Sven said at last.

"Oh, you're not really anywhere. Your body's nothing but spunk now, a blessed end for scum such as yourself." The voice was nearer now, causing the dragon to cringe.

"What have I done to deserve this?" Sven called to the dark.

"I dunno. I just like to torture..." The voice said, almost a whisper in his ear. "But one thing I'd like to even out." Sven screamed as the God took both complete claws and raked them down his back. The resulting lacerations where the exact size and shape as the ten lashes inflicted on the hare. And if you think that's punishment, you'll see that I haven't even got started..." Something hot and thick pushed against Sven's tailhole, seeping a burning liquid. It suddenly pushed in, making Sven think he was about to be torn in half. "And that was just the first sixth of it, boyo..."

A week later, the God scaled the mountain He lived in, under the light of the half moon. He stood on the very peak and began to stroke Himself. The long meat extended from its home eagerly. He smiled down at the smoke holes in the mountainside to His left, which were carved above the Underworld village as His cockead grew past his lithe chest. He turned His head to His right. There he saw the scattered villages of the Furres. He smiled as He became totally erect and began to stroke harder. When he had climbed up there, the moon had barely risen. But as the moon reached its apex in the sky, the Twisted Dragon reached His holy apex on the land, gargantuan phallus throbbing and jerking. He turned to his left, cumming hard into the sky over the village of the cave dwellers. The cum fell almost in droplets small enough to be considered raindrops, soaking the land, making it live, giving promise to it. Then He turned to His right, and two final person sized shots of holy jizz arched into the distance.

A young hare and her companion, a vixen, were lying in the forest under the light of the half moon. They had come to perform their rituals, for in their village they were shunned, for they were barren, unable to bear a child. The other villagers said it was because they believed in a singular female deity. The other villagers were polytheists. At that moment, the two ostracized women wished for male companionship, if only for the moment. In midair, two amorphous blobs reformed themselves to be miniatures of the God from whose loins they were launched. They landed in front of the females. Both looked in unison, seeing two pearlescent dragons with massive erections. Neither could tell why, but they each spread their legs invitingly. The two cum golems advanced with a single mind, one taking the hare, the other took the vixen. They thrust hard into their lovers, contouring perfectly to their insides. A few moments later and they both pushed themselves into their chosen females. All the way in, their bodies once again becoming loads of holy cum, sucked all the way into the now fertile females' wombs. Inside the hare's now swollen belly, the mind and soul of Jax was placed. Within the vixen, Russ was situated. Both fell asleep, huddled together, their last thought being, And to think you didn't believe in me...

Up on the peak on last shot of cum was fired straight upwards. In midair it seemed to become Sven. Before one could tell, however, the God snapped it up in His maw. He gulped it down with relish.

Another week later, the Twisted Dragon had returned to his chamber which was situated between an exit to the Overworld and the entrance to the Underworld. He smiled sitting as he watched the sun set though the exit of the caverns. He stood and walked toward the exit to the Overworld. There, along the edges of the meticulously bricked temple, stood many Furres with torches. Each had a Scal bound next to them. A large bull wore a silver headdress and torque and stood next to a metal chute. "Oh, Great Twisted Dragon!"

It's good to be a God... The Betwisted One grinned.