A Familiar Apprentice 08

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#8 of A Familiar Apprentice

Continuing the story of Takajit and the dragon magician who takes him on as an apprentice.

Chapter 08

We lay together in the small clearing for a while. I couldn't tell how much time passed as I rested my head on hir bosom, staring up at the sky. The wind blew gently through the grove as the sun beamed down, beginning its descent into twilight.

The events of the past week seemed so far removed already. It was strange, all that had happened in such a short time. But I wasn't one to complain. I'd learned more from Sul'ava in a few short weeks than I would in half a year from a traditional teacher.

Not to mention the fringe benefits.

Sul'ava's fingers stroked down my shoulders and neck, making me shiver. Shi was so strong and exotic - hir simple touch made me feel tingly inside.

I moved to lie on top of hir, my belly to hirs, and kissed hir. Shi kissed back eagerly and I could hear hir soft sounds of pleasure as shi pressed hir tongue into my muzzle.

Hir paws slipped down to my back, then lower still. Shi squeezed rhythmically and I started to move my hips in time, grinding my half-hard sheath against hir thick dragonstalk.

I slid my paws down hir sides, than back up over hir large breasts. I could feel hir arch up into me and - surprisingly - hir thick erection spring back to life. Hir stamina was incredible.

Shi broke the kiss and gazed at me eagerly. Hir fingers dug into my rump as shi pulled my hips against hirs. I shivered and clung to hir shoulders as shi rolled me over, pinning me beneath hir.

Shi didn't waste much time. Hir arms hooked under my legs, lifting my rump up, and hir thick shaft pressed against my tailhole. Shi pushed in hard, sliding in more than halfway in one go.

I let out a quavering moan as I felt that thick slab of dragonmeat slam into me. Shi didn't give me much of a breather, though - shi followed it up with a short, quick thrust, pumping in most of the rest.

Only then did shi relax, lowering my legs somewhat so shi could lean down and kiss me.

I was breathing hard, eyes closed, as I felt hir lips touch mine. I groaned and wrapped my arms around hir neck, hugging tightly as shi let hir cock sit inside me.

It felt so good... I couldn't help but get hard again. Shi licked my lips and my neck as I felt hir hips begin to move. Shi kept pushing in, slowly now, working the last few inches of dragoncock inside me.

I wrapped my legs around hir waist and would hang off hir were shi not pressing my backside into the ground.

Sul'ava's fingers wrapped around my backside as shi finally hilted inside me. I heard hir hiss with pleasure. Shi bit my ears lightly, making me moan again, as hir hips kept hir thick stalk deep inside my body.

I leaned my head back, groaning, and shi took the opportunity to kiss and lick the fur there. What shi did next made me go rigid.

Hir jaws opened and I felt hir shaft teeth close around my neck. Hir teeth pressed down, teasing my fur and skin. Shi didn't apply much pressure, but it still made shiver. It was a dominant act, I knew, especially for dragons, but for us, here and now, I couldn't help but think it meant something else.

Hir long tongue swept over my neckfur and I could feel hir hot breath. When shi released me, I looked up at hir through half-lidded eyes.

I didn't say anything. I didn't need to. Shi grinned at me and kissed me hard again just as hir hips started to pump.

I yeowled into the kiss as I felt hir thrust that heavy appendage in and out of my rump. My toes clench and unclenched and I barely kept my claws from coming out and scratching up hir backside, if they even could. I didn't want to try.

I gasped as shi broke the kiss. Shi arched hir back and tilted hir head up, groaning. Seizing the opportunity, I lifted my head and kissed hir breasts. That spurred hir on, as I felt hir thrusts grow stronger. My whole body rocked up and down as shi pounded into me.

I licked over each of hir thick nipples with my tongue, making sure to use the rough segment. It was working - I could feel hir whole body shake as shi thrust forward over and over.

Between the thick, squelching noises from hir powerful thrusts and hir deep, ragged moans, I heard something else. A high-pitched keening.

By the time I realized I was the one making that particular noise, I felt hir stiffen and a sudden flood of hotness inside me. Hir orgasm was incredible - I turned my head and saw hir fingers claw deep trenches into the ground on either side of me.

I could feel hir thick seed pump into me, making my already throbbing erection beg for release.

As if knowing what I was thinking, Sul'ava leaned back up and, one hand gripping my hip, used hir other to squeeze my erection.

It only took a light touch to get me off - very quickly I let out what could only be described as a roar of pleasure as I came. My rump squeezed down around hir thick stalk, making hir shiver.

Shi moved both of hir paws to my hips before sliding them up my belly and chest, stroking me and scratching lightly with hir fingers. I arched my back and purred deeply as shi ruffled my chest fur.

Shi leaned back over then and kissed me. I was waiting for hir with a half-open muzzle. My paws slid over hir head, stroking hir cheeks and neck as we kissed.

Soon, though, with the sun setting, we knew we had to break it off and get moving.

Shi smiled at me and stroked my headfur. "That was more than a few minutes."

"I'll take the blame," I said, grinning widely. I shifted my hips a little - hir cock still felt as big and thick as ever.

"Maybe we should spend the night," shi said suggestively.

I groaned. "I don't know if I could handle a whole night of what you just did to me!"

Shi laughed as shi leaned back and slowly pulled hirself from my body. I let out a moan as I felt hir leave me and gasped as the head popped out. I lay there, a little stunned, as shi reached into hir pack and pulled out a few small candy-like objects.

"Here - chew on these for a while," shi said, handing them to me. "They'll help you feel better."

I sat up and popped them in my mouth. They were sweet and chewy. Surprisingly, they did make me feel better - less tired.

"You won't feel sore in the morning," shi said, smiling. "Let's clean up and head out."

We didn't have much to pack up - just a blanket and some food - so we reached her home quickly. It wasn't as large as I thought it would be, more of a cottage than some grand castle. But it was quaint, sitting in the middle of a copse of large, ancient trees.

It was dark out, but the moon shone brightly through the trees.

"Almost home," Sul'ava said as shi draped hir arm over my shoulders.

"I haven't had one in a while," I replied. "Haven't spent more than a few months in any one place."

"We won't be here long," shi replied. "Just a few weeks. But for now - it's your home too."

We walked to the door and shi smiled at me. Hir pale scales shone in the moonlight. "Now we can really start your training."