One Year Strong

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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A sweet and sweaty little one-shot to celebrate the one year anniversary of me and my mate, Nate Lightniningwolf, ( whom I love with every beat of my draconic heart. I look forward to the next fifty or so years with him by my side~

This little night takes place in the same world as my First Time series, but off on its own without any real ties to the plotline except for names, places and other elements mentioned.

All characters, places, and such belong to me.

The timer set above the oven dinged, bringing a silver-scaled dragon hurrying over to open the front of the appliance, his electric blue eyes appraising the roast chicken as he carefully pulled it out. The outside of the bird was golden brown, and still glistening with a hint of moisture, signalling a near-perfect finish. Slowly transferring the bird to a platter, the drake replaced the dish into the over, lowering the heat right down so that it would simply keep the chicken warm now that it was cooked, then he hurried off to another station in the kitchen.

Auren felt his nerves waning a bit as he bustled about with the last few dishes, but he knew everything had to be perfect for tonight. A quick glance at the clock showed the time just hitting a quarter to six, meaning Nate would be arriving any minute now. The dragon ducked his head and checked his reflection in the shiny stainless steel door of the fridge as he removed the spring rolls from the oil, patting them dry. Good....good, he murmured to himself. Not too crispy, but just nice and browned. He piled the rolls onto a plate along with a more personalized appetizer, and hurried over to the walk-in pantry to grab a few spices to sprinkle over top.

Dashing by the double over, he peeked in at the brownie slowly rising inside, rumbling in satisfaction knowing that everything was coming together just right. Normally, a Tuesday night wouldn't be such an affair when it came to dinner, but this was no ordinary week night. A little over a year ago was when he first bumped into the silvery-gray wolf in the halls of their university, that tiny mishap leading to a quick and cherished friendship the grew over the following weeks. A friendship that slowly grew closer and closer, until it came to a point where a choice had to be made as to the future of the bond between the dragon and wolf. After much nerves and more than a few jumbled sentences, the two decided to take the next step, leading to a first date and eventually, that magical first kiss. The kiss was followed by another.....then another.....then turned into a night of unforgettable passion.

That night was one year ago today, and more than enough reason for the dragon to prepare a feast for his beloved wolf.

A click a the front door signalled his boyfriend's arrival, and Auren stood by the table with an expectant smile as the wooden door swung open. Standing in the door frame with his nose sniffing the air was a tall, fit and toned wolf, his book bag half hanging off of his slacked shoulder. The dark crimson polo shirt he wore hugged his toned frame nicely, showing off his handsome physique without being too obtrusive, yet still enough to turn heads. The same could be said for those rump-hugging jeans, the same pair that had drawn Auren's eyes on their first day he had met the wolf. A set of warm blue-green eyes roamed over the finely set table, before drifting over the dragon next to it, followed by a full muzzle-breaking smile.

"Welcome home, handsome," Auren purred, smiling back.

Nate dropped his book bag inside the door and shut it, stepping into the roomy condo and letting out that end-of-day sigh. "Hey you," he grinned towards his silver-scaled boyfriend, sidling up to slip his arms around the muscular dragon's waist. "Miss me?"

"Always," the drake murmured, leaning in for a quick kiss. The touch of their lips was as heart-melting as the first time all those months ago. "How did you do on your paper?"

Nate grinned and nipped at his dragon's neck, still holding him close. "'A' plus. Professor especially liked the quote I threw in from Uncle Blayde when we were at the club the other night."

Auren rumbled deep in his chest, brushing his fingers along the wolf's jaw as he turned and pulled away from this lupine lover. "Mmm....well you know what that means; high grade, high 'score' tonight." Nate's eyes immediately snapped down to the shapely backside of the drake as he moved towards the kitchen, causing the front of his jeans to swell a bit.

"Been looking forward to that all day, hun."

"I'll bet," came the chuckle from the kitchen, before the dragon reappeared with the tray of appetizers. "but first, how about a nice big meal to begin the celebration?"

The wolf's nose twitched as he sniffed the dish, his tail taking off behind him as he licked his chops. His eyes roamed over the freshly cooked spring rolls, along with the cheese-filled pastry with a very familiar pork product wrapped around it. "Damn, Auren," he mumbled, licking his lips again as his nose quivered. "You just love to tease me, eh?"

The dragon chuckled and flicked his tail at the wolf as he passed. "Oh hush and wash your paws. I don't want these to get cold." Nate took off to do just that, his stomach rumbling the entire round trip. In the time it took him to wash his paws, splash some water on his face and dry off, and return the the dining room, Auren had set out a delicious looking spread in their modest-sized condo. Both being students at the local university, money could be tight at times, but they had both gone ahead and moved into a larger two-bedroom place a year ago when their relationship had started getting serious. The condo was by no means_huge,_ but it was far more spacious than the studio apartments they both had been living in before. Plus, their wages from working at the club BITN were enough to help them live comfortably, while still going to school.

Sitting down at their square dining table, Nate fought the urge to just dig and start shovelling food into his muzzle; he was hungry, and the food looked_amazing._ Then again, having a boyfriend studying Culinary Arts, one had to expect that. After his dragon poured them both a small glass of wine and took his own seat, Nate started adding the different dishes to his plate, licking his chops. "This looks fantastic, hun," he smiled, then raised his eyes to Auren. "You know you didn't have to go all-out like this..."

The dragon just grinned and started helping himself to the appetizers. "Yeah, but you know how much fun I have cooking. Today was a perfect excuse to go overboard." He popped a spring roll in his maw and chewed, letting a deep purr rumble from his chest. "Although...I must admit...I am pleased with myself."

Nate tried to answer, but found his muzzle already full of the bacon-cheese poppers, earning a bright grin from his mate as he smiled sheepishly. The two delved into the first course, trading small talk when their mouths were empty, but mostly just enjoyed the delicious food after a long day. In no time at all, the appetizers were done and Auren cleared the table to bring out the salad. For predominantly carnivorous species like them, salads were not eaten in abundance during meals, but a full-course meal like this called for a little greenery to offset the piles of meat-based dishes. Nate didn't even bother complaining after the first bite, noting the oh-so-happily included bacon crumbles.

Auren knew him almost too well.

The salad was finished quickly, and Nate's stomach still rumbled as Auren winked on his way back to the kitchen. The smell of roast chicken was obvious when the wolf had come home, and his belly ached to dig into that tender bird. Watching Auren carry the hefty platter out was almost torture enough where he wanted to spring up and snatch the thing right now. When the gravy, potatoes, and homemade stuffing joined the table, it was all Nate could do to keep the whine of need from escaping. As if to prolong the humorous sight, Auren ever so slowly carved the bird and dished up a heaping plate for his lupine lover. The tempo of his tail on the chair made him grin and giggle, but he still took his time. Just before he set the heaping plate in front of Nate, the dragon leaned down to steal a quick kiss, before licking his mate's nose. "Oh alright, silly. Go for it."

Practically pouncing on the plate, Nate dug into the gravy-covered pile of meat and potatoes as if he had not eaten in a week. Some people might take offence, but Auren just smiled. Seeing Nate so eagerly attack a meal was like a compliment to his cooking skills. Well...that....and he knew his wolf. Letting himself get caught up in the tasty looking meal, the drake dug into his own piled-high plate and soon the only sounds between them were chewing and sounds of satisfaction.

An hour later, the table had been all but cleaned off as both furs had eaten their fill - and then some - and were now just finishing the last of the clean up in the kitchen. Placing the final plate in the wash, Auren straightened up with a sigh, only to feel a familiar pair of arms slide around his waist, and the sexy chest of his lupine lover press against his back. "Have I mentioned how much you spoil me with your cooking?" Nate murmured, kissing the back of the dragon's neck.

The silver-scaled drake chuckled softly, leaning back into the wolf's embrace. " know you love it, hun." he rumbled, noticing a lovely bulge pressing just under his tail. Nate continued to hold him and nibbled his neck as they stood in the kitchen, purring and giggling at each other. "So....ready for dessert?"

Nate let out a playful grown, feeling his stomach almost painfully full. "Urgh...babe, I couldn't even lick that brownie right now, regardless how tantalizing it smells." His triangular ears perked forward as the dragon in his arms let out a laugh, that sound being one of the favorite things in the world to the wolf. No matter how bad a day he could be having, that clear, pure laugh that came from his boyfriend would instantly make his tail start to wag.

"Oh....I wasn't referring to food," Auren purred.

It took all of four-point-one seconds for Nate's brain to catch up to his ears. Then, his tail took off as he stooped down to lift his dragon up into his arms, Auren giggling happily as he was quickly carried to the bedroom by the eager wolf. Nate's excitement was well-warranted; the pair had not had any 'relations' for almost a full week due to a busy schedule, and the fact they wanted to make tonight special.

Knocking open the bedroom door with a raised hindpaw, Nate all but flung himself and Auren to the bed, their lips meeting as soon as their bodies made contact with the mattress. Instantly, the wolf let out a pleased whimper as his tongue was wrapped by that of his draconic lover, Auren pulling him down atop his body with powerful arms. As their tongues explored each others maw, their paws began to roam over the body of their partner, sliding under shirts and groping the hard muscles that they found. Nate broke the kiss for a moment as he leaned back, so that Auren could help him remove his pesky shirt, before diving right back in for the dragon's tonsils.

The pair rolled around, groping and making out heatedly as Auren's shirt was thrown to the floor atop Nate's, the drake's eager paws already fumbling with his lover's belt. Each touch of his paws made Nate whimper and whine in desire, feeling Auren's paws roam over his growing bulge. Lifting his rump up, Nate quickly shuffled out of his pants and boxers as soon as the dragon freed the fastenings, the fabric sliding down his legs as his aching erection finally bobbed free. The wolf kicked his jeans and underwear off the side of the bed as he ground his bare hips into the dragon below, stifling a moan as his sensitive flesh rubbed against Auren's groin. It wasn't more than a few minutes later when Auren's jeans were yanked off and tossed across the room, the pair of lovers now bare and naked together as they groped and grabbed every inch of one another.

"How do you want to do this, babe?" Nate whispered, gnawing gently on Auren's scaled neck as their thick shafts rubbed against one another, smearing the first drops of pre between them.

Auren groaned happily as his neck was treated by the gentle 'chewing' of the wolf. "Mmm....I want you on top tonight," he purred. His legs wrapped gently around Nate's as he rubbed them up and down. "I was on top last time."

"You know I love it either way," the wolf countered, trailing a series of kisses across Auren's toned chest.

"Yesss...." the drake trailed off, grinning, before quickly spinning around so his head was between Nate's legs, and gave the bobbing lupine cock a swift lick. The wolf froze and shivered at the sensation, a groan escaping him. "But I also know you love this," the drake giggled, suckling at the tip of Nate's throbbing erection.

" play dirt_yyyy!_" the wolf yelped as his cock was slowly enveloped into a warm, wet cavern, his legs trembling as he felt the dexterous tongue of his boyfriend wrap around his shaft. Nate moaned and fought against the urge to hump downwards into Auren's throat as the dragon slowly swallowed most of the wolf's 9-inch, tapered shaft. "Mmmfff...." Nate groaned softly as he felt a nose brush his shaft's base.

Nate panted as Auren bobbed slowly between his legs, delivering slow and steady passes up and down his throbbing red lupine cock. With the dragon's head between his legs, Nate lowered his own head to the groin before him, giving the thick black shaft he found there a long, steady lick. Right on cue, Auren shuddered beneath him, his oral treatment faltering, as Nate lapped at his own throbbing erection. Taking hold of the dragon's hefty cock in one paw, the wolf couldn't help but smile and growl in want as he struggled to hold the thick meat in one paw. "Damn Auren....I still can't get over how big you are," he murmured, nuzzling the 12-inch monster that stood proudly from is boyfriend's sheath.

"Dragon genes," came the muffled reply from between his legs, followed by another leg-trembling slurp up his cock.

The pair teased each other in the sixty-nine position for a few more minutes, before it became apparent it was time for the main event. Nate gripped Auren and pulled him from between his legs, spinning him around and onto his belly. The dragon giggled and hiked his tail up, giving the wolf a clear shot at his target. Nate lowered himself atop his boyfriend, pushing against the entrance of the drake's warm entrance, before his cock entered with a slow, easing motion. Both mates moaned at the sensation; Auren being stretched by his wolf's thick tapered cock, and Nate from his sensitive flesh being welcomed by the hot insides of the dragon below him. Holding Auren's hips, Nate gently thrust in, pushing the first half of his cock inside, earning another low growl of pleasure from the drake. "Nnngh....oh yes babe," Auren rumbled. "Just like that..."

Lowering himself down atop the dragon's back, Nate nipped and licked at Auren's neck as he shuffled his hips forward, urging more and more of his shaft into Auren's ass before he bottomed out with a pleased sigh, feeling his furry ballsac press up against the drake's taught ass cheeks. The pair growled and murred at each other, trading a few tongue-twirling kisses before Nate pulled himself out halfway, earning a whimper of need from his dragon, only to bet rewarded with a gasp and moan as he thrust slowly back in. "Fuck..." the wolf panted, repeating the motion a few more times. "We've been for a year now. And yet....nnngh, oh're still as tight as...grrr...the first time."

"You...*moan*...know you love it."

The wolf growled and clamped his jaws softly across the back of the dragon's neck. "No," he mumbled around the mouthful of scales. "I love you." With that, he started humping into the dragon below with full and steady thrusts, causing Auren to cry out in blissful pleasure each time he rammed the full nine inches back inside. The dragon arched his back and tried to push his rump backwards to meet the wolf's eager thrusting, letting him go as deep as he could manage as they mated. The bed below them began to creak and rock with the passionate motions of the lovers atop it, but tonight, neither guy cared if they were heard by the neighbors.

Tonight was all about them.

Taking pride in his lupine heritage, Nate hauled Auren back and up to his knees as he mounted him properly, driving himself hard and deep as he claimed the dragon once more. The pair had honestly lost count how many times they had mated over this past year, but Nate's words rang true; every time felt like the first time. Auren's hips shook and rocked as the studly wolf atop his back thrust and pounded away into him, causing his own foot-long cock to jerk and bob beneath him. Great spurts of pre pumped from his member, staining the bedspread below, and the dragon only pushed back harder as his lover continued to claim him. Nate's arms were wrapped securely around his chest, holding him still and tight, as his jaws explored the dragon's neck and shoulders passionately.

The heated doggystyle treatment lasted for another five minutes before Nate swiftly pulled all the way out, causing Auren to gasp at the sudden withdrawal and emptiness. Before he could turn his head around and ask, he found himself yelping as he was tossed up on the bed, landing on his back as the wolf came crashing back stop him. "I ever mention how fucking hot you make me?" Nate growled, smothering the dragon with another round of passionate kissing.

"I...mff....never...nngh...noticed," the dragon chuckled between kisses. Auren felt his legs lifted up and his instinctively wrapped them around Nate's waist. Sure enough, a moment later, he arched his back with a half-roar like moan as the wolf's cock slid right back inside him, the thick bulb of Nate's knot pressing against his entrance. As soon as their hips touched, the wolf went right back to pounding away at his mate, earning a series of moans and yelps into his mouth as his tongue continued to wrestle with Auren's. Nate could feel thick strands of pre splashing against his tight abs as Auren's cock pumped out more fluids, evidence the pleasure the dragon was feeling, no doubt matched by the thick jets of lupine precum now being pumped into his passage. The extra lubricant allowed the wolf to start pistoning harder, causing a squeal or two whenever he bottomed out with a sharp thrust.

The neatly pressed bedspread had been reduced to a lump on tangled sheets under the passionate throws of the two lovers rutting atop them. Nate hammered away at Auren's ass, his knot making slick squelching noises on every thrust as he slowly stretched the dragon's entrance wider. In the back of his mind, Nate remember the first night all those months ago when they had agreed to take their sex to the highest level, and tie with one another. They had been having gentle sex for nearly two weeks, when the topic came up, and both furs realized they were ready to take that next step. That night, feeling his knot push in and enter the dragon's warm passage for the first time was like a fireworks display in his loins, and Nate growled at the memory, eager to experience it again. A part of his mind longed for their positions to be reversed, and have Auren's large member locked inside him as the dragon's softball-sized knot stretched him wide. As if he could sense the wolf's thoughts, Auren bit down sharply on Nate's neck, making the wolf falter in his thrusting at the explosion of sensual pleasure.

"You get me later.....I promise," the drake panted, sweat seeping from between his scales. "But right need to get that damned thing inside me!"

"Yes sir!" Nate answered with a similar bite and sharp thrust, causing Auren to nearly scream in bliss as his entrance was stretched roughly and his shoulder flared with pain and pleasure. The wolf pounded away at him without restraint, knowing no matter the resistance, neither of them would stop until the tie was complete. After the first night they had knotted each other, it was no longer a question but a requirement, as their sex would not be the same without that final, symbolic act.

Pushing Auren down into the bed with each of his heavy thrusts, Nate threw his head back in a loud growl as his knot finally squeezed into the dragon's passage with a wet squelch, and Auren roared happily. The thick bulb of flesh stretched his insides and mashed up against his prostate, pushing him over the edge as his own large black shaft began spurting warm dragon spunk across their chests, Auren's hips bucking out of instinct. Nate held his hips firmly in place against the dragon's as his boyfriend rode out his orgasm, keeping that knot securely pressed inside, his lower body getting nearly painted white from the amount of Auren's release. The was a brief pang of regret that the dragon's hefty load was not being pumped inside him, the wolf absolutely_loving_ the feeling when Auren filled him so full his belly would actually bulge.

Three minutes later, Auren's hip sagged as his orgasm washed away, and Nate instantly began to resume his thrusting, making them both shout out in pleasure. With his knot fully inside the dragon, Nate was unable to give much in the way of leverage to his thrusts, but in the end it never mattered. Each rub of the dragon's walls over every inch of his hot and sensitive flesh was enough to make his balls churn, ready to blow their own load. Nate pounded away with his knotted cock inside the drake, urgently trying to get as deep as he possibly could when he felt the tide rise. His muscular arms pulled Auren down hard as his hips slammed forward, managing to bury himself one inch further inside the dragon than before, and he felt his sheath roughly bunch up behind his cock as his shaft was completely consumed by the warm tunnel.

The wolf arched his back and pointed his snout to the ceiling as a loud, dominant howl shook the room. Auren howled his own version beside him as he felt the rush of warm lupine cum pump deep inside him, filling his passage and continuing on. With each pump of his balls, Nate jerked his hips forward, stimulating his knot further as his orgasm raged, jet after jet of seed blasting up into the dragon. Auren clenched down hard on the large, knotted shaft inside him, causing the wolf to gasp as his pleasure redoubled in strength, his testes going into overdrive as they pumped out every drop they could. A visible bump appeared in the dragon's abdomen as more and more wolf cum as pushed into him, filling him completely.

The pair sagged back to the bed, gasping for air as their bodies quivered in the immediate rush following orgasm. Light-headed and floating in the clouds, Nate managed to shuffle his muzzle up to Auren's where it was meet happily by its matched partner. Their lips touched and opened together as their tongues slid into one another, Auren's strong arms pulling the wolf close to him as their bodies entwined.

"I love you," the drake whispered, pushing their noses together.

"And I you, my mate," Nate growled happily, rolling onto his back so Auren could lay atop him as they were tied. His paws traced up and down the dragon's back as Auren laid his head on Nate's chest, the two of them murring and humming in bliss as they floated in the afterglow. "You know," the wolf chuckled gently in the peaceful silence. "I'm starting to believe that myth that sex gets better over time."

Auren snorted and giggled, snuggling into his boyfriend's firm chest. "True...but all the practice we get here and at BITN certainly helps."

"Heh...not to mention all the - ahem - nutritional supplements we acquire."

"Oh you," the drake chuckled, giving the wolf under him a light smack. "We're taking a week off from that, remember? After Blayde booked us for the Glutton Party."

"Yeah yeah," Nate murmured, leaning down to lick the dragon's head. "You know I much prefer snuggling like this after sex anyways."

"Big softy," Auren yawned, feeling the drain of orgasm wash over him. The pair cuddled and murmured to one another as they lay together, each reliving their favorite memories from the past year. Auren's tail swished contentedly across the bed behind them, as Nate's paws rubbed up and down his back. A sigh or two would pierce the room now and again, as the couple simply enjoyed the moments one at a time. Finally, Auren sat up and stretched, giving Nate a pleasing view of his muscled frame as he did so. Grinning down at the wolf, Auren gave the knot inside him one last squeeze. "So...time for rounds two through ten?"

"Hell yes!"