Dormant Waters: Prologue

Story by AceLabrador on SoFurry

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Well folks, here's the prologue to Dormant Waters that will tell of the lives and times of Aquarius Dornbusch-Bois and Lloyd Carter.

Lloyd began walking up the long winding staircase, his tail slowly swishing from side to side. Armed only with the flashlight in his left paw and the skeleton key in the right, he kept thinking to himself over and over again that wherever the steps will lead him to shall either allow him entrance or make a fool out of himself. He decided the latter will only happen if the only room in the tower had been nothing more than a storage place. Then again, one must not count chickens before they hatch.

After what seemed like an eternity of climbing in silence and darkness Lloyd's ears twitch as he could hear the faintest sound of... breathing?

Lloyd: (whispering to himself) OMG! No, no, no! Now's not the right time to be jumping into wrong conclusions! (inhales and sighs) Pull yourself together Lloyd Carter!

Courage returned to the cat after he attempted to turn back and run to the living room scared out his mind. On the contrary he would rather die. Figuratively of course. Slowly he crept up the last several steps where they lead to a platform.

And across the platform was the locked door that Lloyd had seen so many times before. In dreams that is. Only this isn't a dream. He is completely wide awake and his heart is beating faster than normal as he slowly padded his way towards a possible living nightmare.

Lloyd: You can do this Lloyd. Come on, you can do this. It's time to confront your fears once and for all.

He quickly jammed the key into the lock and turned it slowly. The door swung opened, beckoning him to enter. As he did so, Lloyd's eyes grew wide open as they beheld a wide four-walled master bedroom full of fine furniture. The place looked as if it were a movie set ready for the next scene. Lining up two walls were shelves filled from top to bottom with books. The wall with the windows had a nearby lounge chair, a wardrobe, a trunk, a globe, and a study table covered with sheets of paper, a couple of tomes, writing quills and a used inkpot. The moon was shining her light through the pale curtains prompting the cat to turn his flashlight off and slip it into his pocket. Turning around he saw the doorway accompanied by portraits of the entire Dornbusch family.Looking up he saw a crystal chandelier pointing towards the middle of the floor where there was a canopy bed and in it lay a young man.

Lloyd was again scared out of his wits upon seeing the ghost. Wait. Was it really a ghost? Reminding himself of how far he'd come the somewhat nervous cat tiptoed slowly towards the inhabitant of the grand room. He did so as to not to disturb the spirit. If spirits sleep that is. As he approached, Lloyd heard the faint breathing again and after putting two and two together, he realized that he isn't approaching an entity but a real breathing person. Who just happened to be in a dormant state. After what felt like another eternity Lloyd finally comes across the footrest and through the parted curtains he gazed upon the heavy sleeper.

Lloyd could see that the lad is no more than 18 years old; the same age as he is. He had a lithe body, smooth fair skin and was wearing a snow-white shirt and a pair of raven-black pants and was barefoot. His face was like an angel's; perfect in every way except his eyes were closed. What's peculiar about him is that he was lying on the quilt though his head was resting on the pillow. All in all he was quite handsome; enough to make the cat feel weak at the knees.

Lloyd: (whispering) Get a hold of yourself Llo...what the..?

Gazing upon the lad once more Lloyd is shocked upon discovering that his hair was aquamarine...