Nightmares and Dreams

Story by MythRat on SoFurry

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Wow, it has been FOREVER since I posted anything here. Anyway, I couldn't sleep so I wrote this little piece out of boredom... and horniness, hehe. It's short but I hope you like it anyway.


This is a smutty story involving furries. If you don't like this stuff, click that handy little 'back' button on your browser and then take a shower to try vainly to get rid of the dirty feeling. If you're underage... don't let anyone catch you reading this.



Story and characters are © MythRat ( [email protected] | ) and are not to be borrowed without permission. And they're definitely not to be stolen unless you feel like being hunted down by a pissed off rat armed with a sharpie and a sick sense of humour.


That out of the way... Enjoy ^_^


That sound... the hollow, far-off echo of broken screams from broken souls. Everything else, the lashings, the smell of blood and scalded flesh, he could take but that sound made him want to die every time he heard it.

He was bound again, a strong leather cord wrapped tightly around his wrists, rubbing off his soft white fur and biting into his skin, wrapped so tight he couldn't feel his fingers anymore. Someone he couldn't see grabbed him roughly by the scruff and hauled him across the room, kicking him in the backs of his knees and forcing his head down onto a wooden bench stained with blood, some of it old but most of it frighteningly fresh.

He fought hard against the iron grip holding him and when that failed, pleaded, no begged, for mercy. The only thing his efforts earned him was having a tight gag tied around his feline muzzle, turning his frantic pleas into desperate whimpers. He knew what was coming, knew he couldn't escape it but still he tried, even knowing it was futile.

White-hot pain flashed through every nerve as the brand was laid against the back of his neck, burning away his fur and forever marking him as a slave, a possession to be used. The gag tied around his muzzle did little to stifle his screams...

That sound, that horrible sickening sound... his own screams echoing in his ears...

The young tiger's own shriek of terror woke him from the nightmare as he scrambled away from remembered horrors right off the edge of the bed, falling hard onto the floor, hopelessly tangled in the sheets. He caught his breath enough to let out a sharp sob, curling into the comforts of the warm fabric he was half trapped in and taking in deep gulps of air, the familiar scent of his own room replacing the remembered smell of blood and burnt flesh.

He wasn't sure how long he lay there before he heard the door of his room open and a soft light filled the place.

"Sahar?!" came the voice of his master, quiet and worried as the tall human went quickly over to him, setting the lamp he carried on a nearby nightstand. "That nightmare again?" he asked his pet softly, brushing his fingers through the short soft mane that framed the young feline's face and petting behind his round ears before trailing to the scar the slave brand had left on his neck.

Sahar only nodded, trying to relax and untangle himself from the bedclothes which he managed to do with a little help from his master. "I'm sorry," the tiger mumbled, sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs pulled up under his chin and his slightly fluffy tail curled nervously about his ankles. It was embarrassing, squealing like a frightened kitten over a silly dream that he'd had a thousand times. He thought nightmares should lose some of their vividness as time passed but this one still felt just as real as it had six years ago.

"Hey, it's alright," his master assured him, sitting next to him and petting the big cat to try and calm him down a little more, "I have nightmares too, it's nothing to be ashamed of."

Sahar couldn't help smiling a little at the brown-haired human, comforted by his gentle touch and soft words; there was no anger in those dark green eyes. He huffed lightly, leaning against the furless shoulder, enjoying the strange smoothness and warmth of the human's skin.

He had only been ten years old when his parents had been killed by the slavers that had captured him. They'd taken him away from his brothers and his sister, tied him up and forced him into a tiny, grubby little cage and left him there for days before they'd taken him out to have him branded and put on the block for sale. He'd been terrified of this strange human at first but his master treated him well and he'd grown to care for the man.

"I'm still sorry, Master," he muttered as he buried his furry face in his master's shoulder, lazily wrapping his arms around the man's waist, a low chuffle bubbling out of his throat.

"Good lord, Sahar. Six years and you still won't call me 'Seth.'" his master grumbled, pinching the tiger's scruff in a halfhearted reprimand. The big cat only responded with a soft whine and a gentle nip-lick at his master's collarbone. "Oh damn you, you overgrown kitten," Seth half scolded, unable to stop the quick shiver that ran through his slender form at the touch, "You know exactly what that does!"

The young tiger smiled and murred quietly, repeating the move and following up with a slow lick all the way up the man's throat to the hinge of his jaw, enjoying the way it made his master quiver with pleasure and ignoring the empty scolding he got for it.

The love and care he'd gotten from this man was the only thing that had saved him from the crushing reality of his past and he intended to repay him for it a thousand fold. Seth had really only bought him as a curiousity, a decoration he could dote on, but as the young tiger had come into adolescence, he'd shown his human master that he was good for much more than simply being an object of beauty.

One deft, white-furred hand pushed his master's robe off his lean shoulders, easing the human back onto the bed in the same motion. Again the rough pink tongue met bare skin, moving with gentle slowness over the lightly muscled chest and lean furless belly. Seth was caught off-guard by the sudden, sneaky, show of affection and couldn't think of a proper reaction for a few long moments and the little thrill of pleasure that hit him every time the feline tongue teased his nipples or the short black claws pricked lightly at his skin was not helping his concentration at all. Sahar knew humans didn't purr but the low breathy groan of pleasure that escaped his master was close enough and it made the feline smile to know he was doing well.

He wasn't really surprised to feel Seth's hand pressing against his striped chest, forcing the slave cat to pause in his attentions. "Sahar, stop. I didn't ask you to do this"

"I know," the tiger rumbled, hearing quite plainly the note of wanting hidden in those words, "You don't have to ask. I'm always happy to do this for you." The big cat smiled softly as he returned to his chosen task, ignoring the continued protests which quickly died to be replaced with quiet urgings.

"Not too hard," the man breathed sharply as his pet's claws ran a little too roughly along his sides, and "Wait a little longer," when the tiger's rough tongue moved too quickly toward the prize. Sahar took it all in stride, ignoring the aching hardness of his own length in favour of pleasing his master first. It didn't take much to get a human going, especially his master who was known to blush simply at the sight of his pet naked, and the tiger could go much longer without satisfaction than Seth could. Still, he took his time, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he could.

The young feline spent almost an hour at his task, thoroughly enjoying the smell of his master's skin and the salty taste of his sweat, gentle growls of enjoyment rumbling deep in his chest as Seth's breathing grew gradually more ragged, his urgings more desperate. Finally, the mischievous slave felt he'd teased the man enough and paused in his attentions long enough to slip off the bed and kneel beside it, his short-maned head settled between Seth's legs. He wrapped his warm feline muzzle around his master's achingly hard length, only suckling gently at first and then slowly starting to move his wonderfully rough tongue up and down the hot shaft.

The sensation drew out a sharp cry of pleasure, the man's fingers gripping the sheets tightly as he arched half off the bed, trying to push deeper into his pet's mouth. Sahar brought his strong white-furred arms up under his master's legs, keeping a firm but gentle hold on the man's hips, his claws lightly pricking the bare skin. He loved that he could give Seth this kind of pleasure and murred his own enjoyment as he began to bob his head slowly, combining the movement with soft strokes of his rough feline tongue.

The young tiger kept his sapphire eyes closed, not wanting to be distracted, concentrating completely on the gentle throbbing of his master's cock as he traced the veins and soft ridges of the hot length with his tongue, having to be oh, so careful to keep his very sharp teeth away from the sensitive flesh. The feline felt nothing else but the prize in his mouth, heard nothing but the building moans of his master's pleasure, overwhelmed by the smell of the human's sweat and his own sweet musk.

Seth's usually faint musk suddenly grew stronger and the slave cat knew he was close to his release. He lavished the burning length with his tongue, harder and faster until his master suddenly tensed, giving a sharp cry of ecstasy as the salty tang of the human's seed spilled into the tiger's mouth.

The slave cat rumbled his pleasure as he swallowed every drop quite eagerly, sucking the oversensitive organ clean with every ounce of gentleness he possessed before finally taking his mouth off his master's cock and resting his furred head against the man's leg. His own length was painfully hard but he ignored as best he could, waiting for his master's word to move.

Seth took several minutes to catch his breath, laying back on the bed, his soft brown hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. He finally started to feel a little chill as the heat of his pleasure faded and the night air coming in through the window blew over his damp skin. He invited his wonderfully disobedient pet back up onto the bed with a small motion and curled contently against the cat's warm furry body.

He could feel the slave cat's length pressing against his belly and smiled mischievously at his pet. He slid one hand through the tiger's striped fur, over the muscled chest and toned stomach, grasping hold of the spiny feline cock standing proudly outside the warm sheath. The tiger whined quietly, urgently nipping at the human's neck, begging wordlessly for the attention his aching member demanded.

Seth chuckled softly and obliged, stroking the bright pink shaft with a slightly rough touch, teasing the sensitive spines with his fingertips. The young tiger did his best not to writhe too much but simply couldn't keep himself from thrusting in time with his master's hard strokes. He growled softly as the human brought his other hand down to rub his sheath and give his furry balls a gentle squeeze. He buried his white-furred head in Seth's shoulder, his hard, panting breaths turning into a loud, continuous chuff of pleasure as the human's attentions brought him closer to his peak. He could feel it building, loving the thrill running to the base of his spine, his fluffy tail lashing about wildly as the pleasure built on itself until he finally felt it burst in a glorious spike of ecstasy. The tiger roared his pleasure as he came hard, his sticky seed splashing over his master's hands and stomach, matting his own soft belly fur with semen. He held close to his master as he tried to get his breath back, resting his maned head against the human's chest, murring loudly as the much-too-short-lived glow faded, leaving both males exhausted and happy.

"If the nightmares go away," his master teased after a while, stroking behind the big cat's soft ears, "I won't be able to enjoy rescuing you from them like this."

The young tiger smiled, nuzzling against the human's bare chest. "You rescue me every time I make you smile, master," he assured the man softly.

"Seth," he corrected vainly again, rolling his eyes, "My name is Seth." His white-furred pet hadn't heard him. The tiger was already sound asleep, smiling over some pleasant dream.