Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 5
#5 of Favors of the First Ones
What follows is a work of complete fiction and contains some extreme adult sex themes in a science fiction setting.
This series tells the story of an ordinary man who's life is near its natural end, but who suddenly finds himself, at the moment of the unexpected destruction of his world, the victim of an alien abduction with a bizarre motive, that ultimately opens the entire universe to him and propels him into a life of adventure that he'd never imagined was even possible. He eventually finds himself thrust front and center into events that could, both figuratively and quite literally, change the shape of the entire known universe.
This series will include detailed descriptions of sexual encounters between a human male and other males from various alien and mostly furry races in a science fiction setting.
If this is not the type of story you would enjoy, please stop reading now.
If there is any reason legal or otherwise why you should not read such a story, please stop reading now.
If you are the type of person who has any difficulty whatsoever separating fantasy from reality, please stop reading now.
That said if you are still reading I do hope you enjoy the story.
This story is the property of the author and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any way without my express, written consent. SoFurry.com has that consent.
The elevator that was carrying Jake and Srythryn under the floor of the cylinder towards the living section gently began to slow, and after a while it finally came to a stop and rose up again and the doors opened.
Jake was nearly knocked over by the humid, hot air that blasted him as soon as he stepped out. He looked around and to his amazement he saw that they were standing in a lush, dimly lit jungle at night.
He was sure he could hear and even smell the crashing waves of an ocean somewhere nearby and ahead of them.
He looked up and to his surprise, instead of seeing more jungle hanging upside down over head, he saw the clear star field of a night sky with three small moons hanging low in the sky ahead of them. This couldn't be outer space he saw because the cylinder was spinning so the stars would be whizzing by overhead, but they were stationary. There even appeared to be light clouds scudding here and there occasionally obscuring the stars. He could see that the jungle wrapped a short way up the sides of the cylinder but the rest was sky.
"This is amazing, Srythryn. Was it built to model your home world?"
"Yes, precisely. Most of the people aboard do not have the insurance of return. Generations of them live and die aboard this ship. In order to make them as comfortable as we can we made it as close a copy as we could to our world. We have the same day and night cycles and moon phases. We have the same weather patterns so you can expect heavy bursts of rain for short periods almost every day just as we have on our home world. There is a simulation of an ocean at the other end of the living section. Most of us are coastal and we enjoy the ocean immensely. My place is right on the beach."
"Wow, I get to stay at a beach front property?" Jake asked.
"Yes, indeed," Srythryn said.
Jake smiled and said, "That sounds great. In that case I think I might just want to stay with you a little longer than just tonight if you'll let me. It'll be like a tropical vacation."
Srythryn smiled warmly and nodded and Jake thought he noticed the bulge between the croc's legs shift a bit as the contents began to grow. Perhaps Srythryn had already clued in to Jake's intent. He felt his own heat rising and he really wanted to get things rolling so he hoped it wouldn't take them much longer to get there.
Srythryn led them down a path and spoke as they walked, "What you see above us is all made up of the same display technology that you already saw on the inside of our shuttle. The shuttle display's primary purpose is to show what is happening outside the ship and of course any status information and prompts. This one above us displays a perfect reproduction of the sky from our home world. It projects the star fields, moons and suns as they track across in their normal rhythms."
"I see three moons up there, you have more than one sun too?" Jake asked.
"Yes, we come from a trinary system. The stars are quite far apart. The one our planet orbits is a yellow dwarf close to the size of your own sun and we are slightly closer to it than your Earth is to your sun thus creating a slightly more tropical climate even in our most habitable areas. It gets hot enough to be uninhabitable at our equator and our planet does not wobble appreciably on its axis so we do not have seasons. The poles of our planet are not frozen and that is where we live. The other two suns are blue dwarf stars in an odd arrangement. One orbits our sun at a great distance in a fairly circular orbit and the other orbits the second star in such a way that it spends half of its time nearer to us than the second star and the rest of its time much further away. The brightest of the three moons you see above which is also the smallest is not actually a moon but the third star in the system. We call it Strastrnslith which means 'little traveler'. It is nearly as far away from us as it gets and that is why its so dim but still it provides a level of light equivalent to a full moon. When it gets to its closest it raises the level of light at night time to about the same level as just before normal sunrise. Due to the fact that we have three stars we seldom have pitch black night. One or more of the three stars is almost always present in the sky. If the second star were in the sky right now you would see that it is somewhat brighter and larger looking than Strastrnslith is at this phase. Of course, true daylight happens only when our sun rises and then the light is nearly exactly the same level and quality as what you experienced on Earth, though slightly more intense as we are just a little closer."
They continued to walk as Jake looked around at the incredible space they'd created for themselves to live in. It really was a jungle. It was humid and dank and musty and smelled incredibly rich and full of vegetation. There were even jungle-like sounds. There were calls and chirps and the occasional sound of plants rustling like something was moving around out there. At one point Jake heard what sounded like a low growl a little ways off to the left. The effect of the simulation was completely immersive.
"I can't believe how much like a real jungle this is. Even the sounds being emitted seem so realistic and natural. You've really gone to great lengths to recreate your home. I love it!"
"Yes, we've gone to great lengths, but we are not the only ones. Most races who travel significantly in space do the same, though most are on a much smaller scale than this. There are many ships scattered throughout the known universe with simulations of various worlds. This is one of the largest ones but there are a few that are even a bit bigger. We do not wish to lose who we are and become a race of people who live in small compartments on a sterile ship. Most would eventually go mad under those conditions. Most races go to the same lengths as we do to bring their homes with them.
"Even the sounds you hear are not simulated. This jungle is massive and is full of all of the animals, plants, birds and insects that would normally inhabit it. They are our source of food. We would not eat from tubes or powders or drinks. We need real food. You must exercise great caution if you choose to explore the jungle. There are creatures in there that we hunt for food but there are also some that hunt us. We would not have it be a sorry facsimile of our home world but the real thing with all of its natural bounty and all of its dangers."
"Wow! Would you take me on a hunting trip some time? That would be a great adventure," said Jake.
"It would be my extreme pleasure to do so. I love to hunt, as most males of my species do. It is normally a solitary affair but I would love to bring you with me the next time I go."
They'd walked for quite a while and Jake noticed he was starting to hear the crashing waves of the ocean getting louder and he could smell and feel the breeze coming off of it. They must be getting close.
"How big is the jungle? Do all of your people live in it?"
"Yes, all of them, yet due to its immensity we use only a small part of it to live in. Each family has their own domicile built the same way as we would do at home with their own private space around it that you would call a yard. There are thousands of the homes scattered in clusters about the jungle. Most of them are near the ocean so the wildest part of the jungle is back behind where the elevators let us off. The jungle stretches back thirty miles aftward toward the crew area that we came from. The bulk of it that sustains us and produces our food is up behind the sky."
"Behind the sky?" Jake queried.
"Yes, though you can't see it from here the jungle wraps the full way around the cylinder. It needed to be made large enough to support the animals without our intervention and it needed to be able to support enough animals to keep us well fed. It is a nearly completely self sustaining ecosystem. More than two thirds of it is protected under a massive canopy upon which is the display technology that simulates the sky for us here. It provides the most convincing effect of our home planet for us while maintaining the largest section of the jungle as a wild sanctuary beneath it with its own sky simulation and weather to give the jungle the ecosystem it needs to support the variety of life in it. It also serves to keep the cylinder in balance. If it were jungle on only one side it would wobble badly and it would be highly inefficient to burn the energy necessary to correct the wobble. Spreading the jungle all the way around makes the most efficient use of the space and keeps the weight balanced so the cylinder spins smoothly and easily."
"Incredible. I can't wait to see all of this in daylight."
"It is early night now so it will be another nine hours or so before sunrise."
The path they were following suddenly widened out and then emerged from the jungle onto a sandy beach. It was a beautiful sight. The two moons and small blue sun hung over the ocean and were reflected in its waves. The beach was a sort of private cove and the jungle jutted out slightly on each side. Off to the left Jake saw a small, neatly built house on short, thick stilts rising off the sand, with a wide set of stairs leading straight off the beach up to the house. This must be Srythryn's own private beach and that was his home. Rank certainly has its privileges even among the croc's race. Although, since Srythryn actually owned the ship it certainly made sense that he would give himself a nice little corner of it to live in.
The crashing waves coming in on the moonlit beach were soothing to listen to and the warm sand felt so good under Jake's feet and the fresh tropical ocean breeze caressed him warmly. He'd never felt quite so alive and he wanted to spend a bit of time enjoying it.
"Could we just stay out on the beach for a while Srythryn? It's so beautiful and relaxing out here."
Srythryn smiled and nodded, "Wait here, I'll get us a blanket."
There was a large storage bin under the house at the back of it. Srythryn opened it up and pulled out a large blanket. He walked out onto the beach closer to the ocean and Jake followed him.
Srythryn unrolled the blanket onto the sand and Jake got on it and lay on his back with his feet pointing toward the waves and propped himself up on his elbows to gaze out over the ocean. Srythryn lay down beside him on his side facing Jake and propped his head up on one elbow and smiled as he gazed quietly at Jake.
They lay in comfortable silence for a while and then finally Srythryn spoke.
"Do you like the beach I built for you, Jake?" he asked in a sultry voice.
"You built it for me? Really?" Jake was astounded.
Srythryn chuckled and said, "No, not really. I'm sorry, it just sounded like a wonderfully romantic thing to say and I couldn't resist. The beach has been here for the hundreds of years since this ship was first built. I had a hand in its construction, but so did tens of thousands of others of my people."
Jake laughed, "Well I do love it. I feel like I could spend the rest of my life right here. It's so relaxing. It feels wonderful. How far out does the ocean go? Is it a real ecosystem like your jungle?"
"Yes, it is. It stretches an additional thirty miles out forward. We needed a massive volume of water in order to support as much life as possible as it is another major source of food for us. Wave generators at the far side of the ocean simulate the waves quite realistically to the point of occasionally having powerful storms crash in. Similarly to the jungle the ocean actually wraps the full way around the cylinder but more than two thirds of it is covered and protected under the large display that simulates the sky, and the underside of the covering maintains the day and night cycle and provides weather for the ocean sanctuary beneath. The ocean is stocked with much of the life that we find in our ocean back home. There are deadly predators out there as well as some very large and delicious fish that we like to try to catch for sport. We enjoy paddling out on small boats like your kayaks and taking on the fish one on one. It can get very exciting as the fish are strong enough to pull the boat and sometimes might even pull it under the waves. It is an epic struggle to bring one of them in single-handedly and only the strongest and most practiced tend to succeed but it is still great fun to try."
"I would love for you to teach me that as well. Fishing was one of the many things I always wanted to try back on Earth in my old life but felt I didn't have the time," Jake said.
"What could possibly be more important for you to spend your time doing?"
"Working of course. For many men on Earth our careers were our lives. They were all that really mattered and we sacrificed everything else to succeed at them. It was generally necessary to use all of our time focusing on our work and there really was no free time for anything else."
"That's ridiculous! My people work only the absolute minimum that is necessary and unavoidable and then turn our focus to our entertainment and enjoyment of life and each other."
Jake chuckled, "You sound sort of like teenagers or frat boys back on Earth. That's how they lived their lives until they grew up."
"Then these frat boys sound like the only Earthlings who really knew how to live correctly."
"I believe you may be right, Srythryn," Jake said, laughing.
Srythryn smiled and said, "I do enjoy the sound of your laughter. To me laughter is the sound of the real essence of life itself. Those who are laughing are truly living life correctly precisely at that moment and it is wonderful to see and hear. I never tire of it."
"Yes, I could tell by what happened back at the common area that your people all seem to enjoy laughter."
"We do indeed. I must apologize once more for any embarrassment you felt. The ribbing is a tradition among our crew and they use it to blow off steam occasionally and have fun as a large group. I feel as though I threw you to the wolves, but I thought it necessary to get that out of the way so they would see you as just another wonderful person and not some sort of exotic endangered species or some kind of oddity for them to gawk at. That is how they still see Xelzix after all these years and it is mainly because he does not join us in our leisure time and keeps himself so scarce that he is like a strange ghost to them," Srythryn explained.
"I'm glad you did what you did," Jake said, "It very quickly pulled me out of my shell and made me part of the crowd. Afterward, most finally stopped staring at me and turned back to their conversations. There were still many gawkers, but I think they were gawking for all the right reasons. They seemed to be attracted to me. I felt flattered and excited by it. I love what I've seen of your people so far. They are beautiful and impressive and seem to be full of life and I can't wait to spend more time with them."
Srythryn smiled again as he gazed at Jake.
"Tell me something, Jake, if you recall during our trip on the shuttle so many months ago you said that you found my race appealing and that you might actually fantasize about sex with us. Does that still hold true?"
Jake's heart began to beat faster. This was it. It was time to have some courage and act.
"Yes, it still holds. To me it seems like that conversation occurred just earlier today remember. To be blunt and honest, that is why I asked to stay with you tonight rather than on my own."
Srythryn's face was split by a wide grin and his eyes sparkled in the moonlight as he said, "I was truly hoping that was the case. I am thrilled, Jake. I managed to cajole Xelzix into showing me an image of what you would look like back even before we first met on your planet and I was amazed by what I saw. After having met the old you I found I very much liked you as a person as well. I have been obsessed with thoughts of you these past months while I waited for you to emerge as the real you and it has been a very long wait for me."
"Well, I'm here now, Srythryn. The wait is over. Shall we go inside?" Jake asked.
Srythryn reached his arm out and placed his hand on Jake's flat stomach and slowly moved it over the firm muscles there. His eyes were glazed as he lovingly caressed Jake's skin. He moved his hand along the light furry treasure trail of body hair that ran down from Jake's hairy chest and past his navel. Srythryn moved his hand upward and twirled his index finger around in the soft chest hair and moved it over to lightly touched one of Jake's nipples. He rubbed the nipple gently and marveled as it began to stiffen from the attention. His finger then continued upward to Jake's face to run along his jaw to his chin and Srythryn turned Jake's head toward him and looked him straight in the eyes with intensity. The croc seemed almost to stare right into Jake's soul from the vertical, black pupils swimming in the beautiful yellow irises of his sexy, heavily-lidded, reptilian eyes and Jake felt a powerful connection and a longing to get closer to him. He felt as though he were going to melt under that stare.
"Could we not enjoy each other right here on the beach?" Srythryn breathed.
Jake smiled and nodded.
Srythryn slid in toward Jake and then moved his upper body over him and moved his face in for a kiss. Jake hesitated only briefly and then touched his lips to the crocodile's. He was surprised to find they were warm and soft just like a humans. They parted slightly and Jake extended his tongue and as soon as it passed beyond Srythryn's lips he sensed the croc instantly tense and begin to lose control. Srythryn's hand went around to Jake's back and pulled him in hard and sucked his tongue into his mouth with passion. Jake turned his head sideways and tried to push his tongue as far in to Srythryn's mouth as it would go. The croc tasted wonderfully sweet and salty at the same time.
Jake could feel his own passion building at amazing speed as he began to rub his tongue forcefully against Srythryn's as if to lick up every drop of the taste of his new lover. Srythryn groaned and his tongue started to push back hard. Jake pulled his own tongue back into his mouth and Srythryn's chased it in. The croc's tongue was thick and wet and soft and incredibly long. It continued stretching out past Srythryn's lips to almost fill Jake's mouth. Jake sucked hard on the tongue as it explored every surface in his mouth. The feeling of this big warm wet tongue filling his mouth was incredibly erotic and sensual to Jake and he felt like he couldn't get enough of it. He sucked and slurped and moaned and it began to drive both of them further into a frenzy of desire for each other.
Srythryn moved the rest of his body over Jake while they remained tongue-locked and placed his knees to either side of Jake and the croc's thick tail stood up in the air behind him. His hands began to explore Jake's body while the two of them continued their necking. Jake reached down between them and found the bulge between Srythryn's legs. It was thick and heavy and full of heat. Srythryn and Jake both moaned louder as Jake's hand wrapped around the thick, hard shape of the croc's penis through his shorts. Jake's hand began to move up and down the length of Srythryn's thick cock and he marveled at how powerful it felt and how much he craved it.
Jake's hand released Srythryn's penis and reached around to the small of the croc's back and pulled him hard into him. Srythryn moaned again and began to rub his throbbing penis against Jake's own growing erection. The two of them continued to grind urgently against each other while Jake continued to suck on Srythryn's tongue. He had never felt this sort of passion in his life before. His head was spinning and he didn't quite know what to do. He wanted Srythryn so badly that he felt himself losing any coherent train of thought and just had images of licking every inch of him and eating him up. He'd fantasized so much about sex through his life but had never actually done it and wasn't really sure how to proceed.
Srythryn broke their kiss and then sighed while rubbing the side of his face along Jake's cheek and then whispered in his ear, "I am more full of desire than I've ever been in my life. Will you allow me to take you as a man takes his mate?"
"Yes, please," Jake breathed.
Srythryn moved downward a bit and lifted Jake's arms up over his head and the croc put his nose right into one of Jake's arm pits and snuffled at the tuft of soft hair there. The croc moaned his pleasure at the scent and licked at Jake's arm pit to see how it would taste. He moved briefly to the other pit and did the same and moaned again.
"You smell so wonderful Jake. I could never get enough of this," Srythryn groaned and then went back to snuffling and licking.
He then moved off of Jake and kneeled beside him. He began to run one of his hands over the bulge in Jake's shorts. Jake's cock was nearly at full attention and at Srythryn's touch it came the rest of the way. It was so thick and long it couldn't be fully contained by his shorts. Jake's cock had been growing while lying sideways but as it came to full stiffness it poked out of the top of his shorts and Srythryn moaned at the sight of it and leaned his head in and kissed the head of Jake's cock tenderly. He then carefully took hold of Jake's shorts and slowly and smoothly slid them down his legs and off and threw them aside.
Srythryn moaned again at the sight of Jake's crotch fully revealed and he dived in and began to snuffle and lick at Jake's big balls. The croc then lifted Jake's massive cock and ran the side of his face up and down the long shaft lovingly. He moved his head to snuffle again at the patch of Jake's pubic hair and moaned long and loudly in pleasure at the scent of him.
Srythryn then moved his face up and once again kissed the tip of Jake's cock and licked his lips to get at the slick precum they became coated with. He then began to lick at Jake's cock head and finally pressed his lips against it and pushed downward sucking more than half the length of Jake's massive cock right in. The croc sealed his lips tightly and began to suck hard and move his head up and down. He used one hand to control Jake's cock and brought the other around to caress Jake's big furry balls.
Jake was inexperienced in real sex and these sensations were new to him. He could not withstand this treatment any longer. He began to feel his orgasm build rapidly and his toes began to curl as he moaned loudly. Srythryn sensed the coming climax and began to suck harder and a little faster and Jake instinctively began to buck his hips up at the croc's face. In moments the tickling Jake began to feel at the base of his scrotum intensified and bloomed out through his body like an electrical storm and he cried out as the incredibly intense orgasm slammed into him. He felt his scrotum tighten in Srythryn's hand and a massive surge of semen rushed up his long cock to explode into Srythryn's mouth.
Srythryn moaned loudly and began to suck even harder as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over Jake and he shot one long pulse of semen after another. He had never dreamed how satisfyingly intense it might be to shoot this volume of cum and he was near to the point of losing consciousness from the power of it. Each time his pelvic muscle tensed and squeezed Jake could feel a long and powerful surge of fluid rush up through his cock shaft and squirt from his pulsing cock head into his lover's drooling mouth.
Finally after what seemed like a long while the pulsing slowed and the crashing waves of orgasm calmed down. Jake could feel his cock already begin to soften and Srythryn slowed and then stopped the movement of his head and gently and lovingly continued to suck on Jake's cock as it oozed out the last of its massive payload.
Finally Srythryn lifted his head off of Jake's penis and groaned, "You are such a male as I have never before enjoyed. The volume of your seed is incredible and tastes wonderful. It drives me to want to give you some of my own!"
As Jake watched, Srythryn stood over him and reached behind himself. Jake heard a tearing sound like Velcro being pulled apart and then Srythryn pulled down his shorts and stepped out of them. Jake was mesmerized at the sight of the croc's big balls and thick straight penis. Srythryn stood before him in his full glory. He was so powerful looking it made Jake's blood boil. All down the front and along the insides of Srythryn's muscular arms and legs and along the underside of the thick, powerful tail he had a pale light shade of green with a beautiful pattern of scales that rapidly transitioned to a dark rich green as it went around the sides and to the croc's back. His large round balls hung low in a smooth and hairless scrotum. His cock was extremely thick and looked to be close to ten inches long. He had no pubic hair at all. A large droplet of clear precum hung at the end of this penis.
Jake could not resist doing a bit of exploration himself and he Jake quickly got up on his knees and moved in to plant his face right at Srythryn's crotch. Jake grabbed the croc's massive cock and ran his face along its length to the base. The cock was smooth and dry. It had no head but simply came to a rounded, blunt end with a large slit at the tip. The skin was smooth and supple like a snake's. Jake began to move his hands around Srythryn's belly and the insides of his legs and found the skin there was just the same. The crocodilian looked as though he was armored but in reality the skin was amazingly smooth supple and pleasant to the touch. There was so much heat coming off him too. Jake knew now without doubt they were extremely warm blooded. Not only by the heat of Srythryn's skin but the fact that Jake could detect a heady scent of sweat around the crocodile's crotch area. Only warm blooded creatures need to shed heat by sweating.
Jake sniffed further at the base of Srythryn's cock and around his big smooth balls and he found the scent somehow shooting right into him and tugging at his loins. It was a massive turn on. There was another more powerful scent that was truly beginning to make Jake's head spin but he couldn't quite locate its source. He sniffed and licked at the croc's cock and balls enjoying the fact that Srythryn was letting him explore his most private area. Finally Jake moved his hand up the back of the croc's big balls and ran his hand back to Srythryn's anus. He felt a slickness there that he wasn't expecting and pulled his hand back to look at his fingers. The tips were covered in a light bit of oily fluid. Jake brought his hand up to his face and sniffed. The scent was dank and earthy and musky and incredibly male and sexy. He moaned and moved around Srythryn to the back. He pushed on Srythryn's tail to try to move it aside to get at the croc's anus. Srythryn moaned his pleasure at what Jake was about to do and leaned forward and the thick powerful tail when straight up in the air revealing the croc's anus.
Jake paused briefly to gaze at the amazing sight before him. Srythryn had bent his knees and squatted slightly and then leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees and lifted his long, thick, powerful tail straight up in the air. The sight of his massively muscular legs straining to support the pose and the big strong buttocks on either side of the croc's pucker, his big balls hanging below and his thick strong tail rising above all came together and flipped some sort of switch inside of Jake. He was driven to move his face in and extend his tongue and began to furiously lick at Srythryn's hole. The taste of the musk was incredible. Some small rational part of Jake tried to tell him this was disgusting and he shouldn't do it, but absolutely every other part of Jake drove him harder and he groaned and moaned his intense lust as he licked and probed at the croc's pucker.
He began to push harder at Srythryn's anus with the tip of his tongue and the croc moaned again and Jake sensed the muscle opening to allow Jake in. He drove his tongue in as far as it could go to sample the inside of his lover. He ran his tongue in and out along the silky smooth walls of the croc's rectum. The eroticism of the act drove Jake into an even higher state of desire and he could feel his cock already starting to grow again.
He craved the big croc more than he'd ever craved anything or anyone in his life. He was driven to somehow try to merge with him. He was so turned on and wanted Srythryn so badly he could not take any more and he finally moved back on to the blanket and went on his hands and knees and looked back at the massive, sexy croc.
"Please, I can't wait any longer. I want you inside of me!" Jake breathed.
Srythryn groaned and rushed to get behind Jake and dropped to his knees and moved his face in. He put his hands on Jake's buttocks and moved them apart to expose his anus. Srythryn drove his tongue in and probed hard at Jake's pucker and Jake relaxed and pushed a bit to try to let the croc in. Srythryn's tongue plunged very deeply into Jake's rectum and began to squirm around licking at him and sampling his most private area while the croc moaned and groaned his lust. Srythryn pulled his tongue back out to get a good taste and then drove it, wet and drooling, back in again. He pushed harder and managed to get at least six inches of his incredibly long tongue inside of Jake. He began to tongue fuck Jake with a passion and Jake's cock began to harden up at the erotic sensation until it was almost fully stiff and ready to go again.
Srythryn noticed Jake's cock now straining for attention and he put one of his strong hands up between Jake's legs and took hold of his throbbing cock and began to work it. His other hand went to Jake's big hanging balls and began to play with them again. Jake was in ecstasy again at the assault of sensations and as Srythryn began to drive his tongue repeatedly harder and deeper into Jake's rectum while stroking his cock with a firm grip in long strokes and caressing Jake's big furry balls with the other hand, another powerful orgasm built up and washed over Jake and he began to buck under Srythryn's ministrations and shot spurt after spurt of cum out onto the blanket as he moaned his pleasure.
Srythryn himself could not take any more of this. He was so much in heat for this beautiful man that he could not wait any longer and he got into position behind Jake and grabbed him at the waist and with a long and loud grunt he plunged his cock into Jake's ready hole right to the root.
Jake's second orgasm was weakening but still pulsing through him and as Srythryn's long thick cock plunged deep into Jake he could feel a second and third ring of muscles along his rectum engage and start squeezing Srythryn's fat cock rhythmically all along its length. The sensation from the nerves in the rings of muscle pulsing and squeezing at Srythryn's cock were intense and they drove Jake's orgasm back up to its full height again and dropped him down with a sense of falling into a deep pit and once again Jake cried out and his pelvic muscles and the muscles at his anus and the rings along his rectum pulsed and squeezed even harder.
Srythryn almost immediately began to moan loudly and buck faster and harder against Jake as he drove his thick cock repeatedly and deeply into his lover while feeling it being squeezed powerfully along its length by multiple rings of muscles. He suddenly tensed and tilted his head back and roared loudly as he thrust forward hard and slammed into Jake and his cock began to spew his seed out into the man. He moaned and groaned as he repeatedly pulled his cock out and slammed it back in to shoot into Jake again and again.
Finally the intensity of his orgasm began to ebb and he slowed to a stop and with one last push of his cock deep into Jake's rectum he collapsed over Jake's back and held the position for a minute before finally pulling out and rolling on to the blanket and Jake turned and lay on his back again beside his new lover.
The two lay panting and sweating in the humid jungle heat for a while until they finally began to catch their breath.
Srythryn turned onto his side again and propped his head up on one elbow and put his other hand back onto Jake's chest to play with his chest hair and said, "That was the most intense sexual experience I've ever had and I've lived a very long time. I have never been driven by such powerful and overwhelming urges before. I have never been more attracted to anyone in my long life Jake. I am so glad that you chose to share yourself with me. It means more to me than you could imagine."
Jake could feel tears of emotion welling in his eyes. He had really only just met this alien being, yet already he was beginning to develop very strong feelings for him.
"I feel the same way Srythryn. I have never been driven into such a frenzy in my life and I can't wait to experience it with you again."
Jake had been so turned on by the crocodile that as he played the experience back through his head from the beginning he could already feel his erection growing again. Xelzix's people had certainly done a good job with his equipment. He hadn't lied when he said Jake would be able to produce semen quickly even after ejaculating. He'd already done it twice in rapid succession and he was almost ready to do it again. He wondered how many times he could do it before he finally exhausted the supply. He hoped Srythryn was willing to help him find out.
Srythryn moved his hand back to Jake's crotch and took his already growing erection back in hand and slowly and lovingly stroked the length of it and said in a husky voice, "By the Granth's three beards, you are ready again so soon!"
He let go of Jake's cock and moved his hand back onto Jake's hard flat stomach and caressed him there and then moved up to gently rub his chest and play with his nipples again.
"You are the most achingly beautiful creature I have ever had the pleasure of fucking. I have lived for so many hundreds of thousands of years and seen and done so much, but it is heartening and fills me with joy to know that I can still be surprised by someone more attractive to me than anyone I've ever experienced before. The universe is truly a wonderful thing to have made you. You are a treasure Jake, and I will be forever grateful to whatever power has brought you into my life."
Jake's heart swelled with feeling for his new lover. He could not believe this was all happening.
"You move me beyond words, Srythryn. In just one day my universe grew from one small, lonely and doomed planet to an expanse I can't even wrap my head around that's full of life and open for me to explore, yet all I really want right now is to be right here on this beach with you. You've lived in this wide universe for so many hundreds of thousands of years to come to this point and find me, imagine how lucky I feel that I've found you on the very first day that I emerged into it."
Srythryn moaned and moved in to whisper in Jake's ear, "What a man you are. I think I may come to love you more deeply than anyone I've ever known. Please take me. I want your seed in me."
He moved his face back to plant a tender kiss on Jake's lips and then he moved off and rolled over on his back and moved his big feet back up to his buttocks on either side of his thick tail and moved his knees apart to give Jake access.
Jake got up and moved between the big croc's powerful legs and got down on his knees. He placed his hands behind Srythryn's knees and lifted them and pushed them up toward the croc's chest to bring his anus up into a better position. Jake looked down at the sight of his lover anxiously waiting to be taken and he was filled with a powerful and driving lust he'd never experienced before.
Srythryn's musk glands were going full force now and the air was filled with the musky, heady, sexual and masculine scent of him. It was completely intoxicating and it made Jake's head spin. The area around the croc's anus was slick with the oily musk and Jake simply placed the big head of his cock against the pucker and pushed. The oil acted as a perfect lubricant and Jake penetrated Srythryn with hardly any effort and then the croc's powerful ring of muscle clamped hard onto Jake's cock.
Srythryn moaned his pleasure at the sensation of his anus being spread apart and his rectum filled with Jake's cock. Jake smoothly and slowly pushed forward to feed more and more of his massive penis into his lover as the croc's musk glands continued to produce oil to lubricate the penetration. Before Jake could quite get all the way in, the head of his cock bumped into something solid and Srythryn cried out.
Jake's heart nearly stopped. He froze and held completely still.
"Have I hurt you, Srythryn? I'm so sorry!"
"No! You have not hurt me, you incredible male," Srythryn said breathlessly, "There is an organ within our men that produces our seminal fluid. It is very sensitive but out of reach of even the most well endowed of our males. You are giving me the pleasure of assaulting it with your beautiful member. The sensation is overpowering but I only want more. Please do not stop!"
Jake saw that the croc's thick smooth cock was beginning to firm up again from his intense arousal. He slowly pulled back and pushed forward again until he bumped against the obstruction once more and Srythryn moaned and began to writhe beneath him. Jake was filled with lust again at the powerful sensation of fucking this big beautiful creature and giving him so much pleasure and he began to build a rhythm with his hips bumping forward harder and harder. He was a bit over an inch away from burying himself completely in Srythryn but it didn't matter that he couldn't go all the way. The sensation of the head of his penis ramming up against the limit of his lover's hole was sending him over the edge.
He worked his knees forward a bit and leaned further up over Srythryn so the croc's heavy calves were hooked over Jake's shoulders. He wrapped his hands around the tops of Srythryn's powerful thighs and used them as leverage to pull as he pushed his hips forward and he began to buck against the croc with abandon. His large balls were now bouncing and rubbing against the underside of Srythryn's thick tail as he plunged his cock as deeply as he could into him and the extra sensation coming up from his balls was all he could take.
He began to grunt and pant and the rhythm increased as he started to feel his load rapidly boiling up again and his massive sack began to tighten and squeeze the sperm from his balls as the orgasm rose up from the depths of his loins in a powerful wave that washed over him and made him yell out. He slammed against Srythryn and grunted and held the position briefly as his cock head expanded and a massive and long jet of semen shot out of it. He pulled back and slammed forward and grunted and held again as another longer surge of semen shot out of his cock into his lover. Again and again he pumped his cock deep into Srythryn and filled him with cum until his balls were nearly empty.
The assault was too much for Srythryn too and he moaned and groaned as his big balls tightened and thick semen began to surge from his cock onto his belly. He moaned and writhed in ecstasy at the sensation of cumming so hard with his big prostate being slammed and milked by Jake's cock head. He shuddered and bucked with each wave of orgasm that wracked his body. He'd never cum this hard and it was happening even without his cock being touched. He was in heaven and his head was spinning from the powerful sensations pulsing through his body.
At last the two of them slowed to a stop and Jake pushed himself as far into Srythryn as he could go one last time and held the position. He moved the croc's legs further apart so they could drop to either side of him and he leaned forward and took both sides of Srythryn's head in his hands and planted a passionate kiss on his lovers lips. Srythryn moaned and extended his long tongue and Jake sucked it in and moaned himself.
They held that position for a while longer as Jake waited for the last of his semen to spill out into his lover.
When Jake finally felt his cock begin to shrink he gently pulled it out of Srythryn and moved up to cuddle against his side with his head on Srythryn's shoulder and his arm across the big croc's powerful chest.
"I have never been so thoroughly fucked or so fully satisfied. Thank you," Srythryn breathed.
"You are so powerfully attractive to me I lost control. I was afraid I might be too rough. It was the most amazingly erotic thing I've ever done. You give me so much pleasure, Srythryn. I was not expecting to feel quite so strongly for you."
"I think we may be a good match you and I. I should ask Xelzix to check our DNA compatibility. He would likely do it as a favor to me. Not that it matters. I know what I feel and the attraction I feel for you is stronger than any I've experienced before. The smell of you and the taste drive me into a frenzy."
"I feel the same. The sight of you was already pulling me in but the scent of your musk pulls the rug out from under me. It is intoxicatingly appealing to me. You told me on the shuttle that it so happens humans are the most compatible species the Matchmakers have encountered. Your theory may be right and we might be a good match. We may have the right chemistry."
"You will likely be so highly compatible with many others as well. You may look forward to a long and happy life of sexual exploration, Jake."
"Right now I only want to be here with you. I was really looking forward to meeting the one Xelzix matched me to. He's magnificent, but somehow after being with you I've somewhat lost interest in the match. I wish circumstances were different and I could just stay here. Two months doesn't seem like enough time to enjoy you and to experience this wonderful ship and your people."
"Do not dwell on it, Jake. The Matchmakers never fail. Rest assured that you will feel the same attraction or even more with your match. I envy you. You will truly enjoy the experience if you allow yourself to. The ship and I have been here for hundreds of years and we will be here for hundreds more. We will be waiting and ready for you whenever you need us Jake. It may sound strange but I will be looking forward to your death each and every time it happens so that we will have time together again. For now let us enjoy our two months without thinking about our imminent parting."
Jake rubbed his hand against the croc's smooth muscular chest for a while and thought about what Srythryn had said. He was right. The mountain of regrets would not shrink very quickly if he kept himself in one place for too long. He would be seeing Srythryn again and again if he took risks and that was truly something to look forward to. He could laugh death in the face because it would mean he would be back in his sweet crocodile's embrace.
Jake noticed that Srythryn's chest was rising and falling more deeply and he began to snore lightly. He'd fallen asleep. Jake snuggled more tightly against him and closed his eyes. He could not believe this was real and he was almost afraid to fall asleep. He wondered briefly if this might be a dream and the moment he fell asleep in the dream he would wake up in the real world back in his normal life on Earth. Even though it had actually been three months, it really did feel to him like just this morning he was the sixty-eight year old, cancer ridden Jake Smith who was preparing to enter the last phase of his pathetic, uneventful excuse for a life.
Now, just hours later it seemed to his mind, he was in a floating jungle world in space traveling past the outer edge of the solar system, and he'd just had incredibly passionate sex on a moonlit tropical beach with an irresistibly sexy crocodile! He mentally added the experience to the side of the scale that previously only had his one lonely accomplishment of a successful career. This experience was so amazing that he could see the scale waver a bit already.
He'd done more living this one day and night than he had done in his entire life before and there was so much more to come. He knew he would not allow himself to break the momentum. He would live every day like it was his last. Once again he found himself looking forward to the adventure in store for him when he met the one he'd been matched to.
Try as he might Jake could not resist as the weariness of the long day and the warm post orgasmic glow combined with the warm tropical breeze and the sound of the crashing waves dragged him down to slumber.
His last conscious thought before sleep took him was that if this was just day one, he was in for one hell of a ride in his new life.