The Lost Lie (Chapter Three)

Story by Sanus on SoFurry

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#3 of -The Lost Lie-

The young wolf didn't know what to think. He was shocked, but at the same time, felt somewhat comfortable with the idea. In a way, it kind of seemed right. Tobias and Ky, Ky and Tobias; but still, they were both guys.

Kale had very little exposure or experience with homosexuality and didn't really know what think about it. Once in a long while, he would see a couple consisting of two guys or two girls, but whenever he asked his mom about it, she would just dance past the subject. With that, and the little homosexual content expressed by his friends, Kale knew very little information on it.

The wolf wasn't really turned off by homosexuality. Thinking about it felt kind of unnatural and weird, but the idea of being with another guy unlocked the cage that withheld his curiosity. Kale had been involved in a couple relationships with the other sex--the small amount due to the lack of girls at his home-school, which was zero--and enjoyed them very much. The lupine loved girls, but was blanketed with confusion when, once in a blue moon, he would develop a slight crush on a certain guy--feeling the same feelings he felt when he liked a girl--but thought nothing of them and ignored them until they disappeared while he went upon his business. He had never done anything sexual with any other male fur and was limited to making out and 'feeling around' in all of his past relationships with females. He was an extremely horny, fifteen-year-old wolf, and was looking for pretty much anywhere for sexual relief, so the idea of being with another guy--despite the lack of knowledge and the weird feelings he had about it--really interested him. It was something new explore.

Kale decided he wouldn't question Tobias and Ky about their relationship just yet. It really wasn't his any of his business, so he didn't have the right to act on a single kiss. The wolf wanted the best for his half brother, even if it was with another guy, and Tobias could fulfill that.

After the kiss between the loving couple ended, Kale casually walked over to them and proudly showed them his newly purchased shirt, acting as if he hadn't seen the gesture at all. "So, where is Josh?" the wolf asked.

"Still changing apparently," said Ky, looking frustrated towards the changing stall.

"Yeah, seriously," said the husky loud enough for the feline to hear, "how long does it take to change into a pair of shorts?"

"Okay, okay," Josh responded as he unlocked the stall, "I'm coming."

The tiger stepped out of the stall wearing the dark, 'worn-out-looking' shorts that sported a pattern of congruent vertical and horizontal lines. The patched shorts hung loose around the feline's waist, yet clung to him in the right places.

"Man, those are awesome!" stated the younger wolf.

"Yeah they are," Ky said, "You should definitely get them."

Josh looked down at them and thought. "I don't know . . . They are quite snazzy, but also quite expensive."

The husky chuckled at his friend's wording. "These look way too sexy on you for you not to get them," Tobias said, winking at the tiger.

Josh forged a shudder before taking a second look at the shorts and giving in, "Fine, I'll get 'em."

"Right on," Ky said excitedly.

"Now I only have to wait till it isn't fucking below freezing outside to wear them," said the tiger, letting a half-hearted laugh escape his maw.

The three furs waited as their friend changed back into his original clothing and followed him to the counter to pay for his shorts.

"I still can't believe I am paying this much," said the tiger as he gazed at the tag upon which had four numerals, separated into pairs by a decimal printed upon it.

"Yeah," Tobias said, "it's pretty bad, but they are badass nonetheless."

After the tiger purchased the clothing, the group left the store and began walking in no specific direction.

Ky whispered in his mate's ear before Tobias said, "Okay, now that we are done 'shopping,' I think it is time to have some fun, eh?"

"Ooh, yes!" the tiger said in excitement, "I almost forgot!"

"And how are we going to have this 'fun' you speak of?" Kale asked, chuckling.

"Tobias and I were thinkin' Extreme Hide-and-Seek," Ky stated, trying to ignore the sarcasm in his half brother's question.

"Oh oh," exclaimed Josh, "I get Kale!"

"Wait, what?" asked the young wolf, utterly confused, "What is 'Extreme Hide-and-Seek?'"

"You've never played Extreme Hide-and-Seek?!" the feline said, speaking as if it was unheard of to not know of the game.

"Nope," he said, excited to find out how to play.

"Well," Ky said, "it's pretty much the same thing as normal Hide-and-Seek, but in an 'extreeeme' kind of way."

Kale couldn't help but laugh.

The older wolf continued, "In Extreme Hide-and-Seek, we divide into teams, look for the 'seek-ees,' and once you find the furs you are looking for, you have to tackle one of them to actually 'get' them."

"And once you've been tackled," the husky finished, "You have to be 'it.'"

Kale chuckled as he pictured the four of them running around the mall, tackling each other. "Awesome, it sounds like a ton of fun."

"Oh," said the older wolf, "and if anyone of us gets kicked out, we all get 'kicked out.' Just hang with your teammate and you'll be fine."

"Okay," said the younger lupine.

"Well," Tobias said as a huge grin developed on his muzzle, "that's about it, so. . . GO!"

With that, husky and his 'secret' mate ran off, laughing.

"One, two, three, four-" the tiger began counting.

"What do we have to count to?" Kale asked as he carefully watched the two running furs, looking to see if he could determine where they were going to hide.

"Fifty," he answered before resuming his count, "-six, seven, eight."

The wolf ears flicked in excitement as he mentally counted with the feline. He felt so good. The more time he spent with his new friends, the more he felt accepted by the group. This was going to be fun.


Ky grabbed his mate's paw after running out of sight of their competitors and smiled, feeling a sense of exhilarated comfort flow through him. Contact with Tobias always resulted in this feeling, despite being very accustom to it.

The couple ran around another corner, getting many looks from fellow 'shoppers,' and ran into a popular clothing store. They slowed down, let go of each other's paws, and maneuvered through the racks of clothes, making their way to the back of the store. The wolf began grabbing random pieces of clothing and tossing them to Tobias's as they continued maneuvering to the back.

They finally arrived at the changing area and showed the pile of clothes to a panther standing behind a small counter, surrounded by walls covered with doorknob tags. "Um, could we get a stall?" Ky asked the feline.

"Just one?" he asked in an insinuative tone, eyeing the large pile of random clothing.

"Yeah," responded the husky as he giggled, ignoring the yellow, prying eyes of the panther.

The lethargic employee grabbed a tag and handed it to them, saying, "Here you go. Last one on the right."

"Awesome, thanks." Ky said, walking into the hallway full of doors.

"Um," said the employee as he leaned from his counter into the hallway, "you do know some of those are women's clothing, right?"

The lupine could hardly contain his laughter.

"Uh," said the husky, looking nervously at the pile in his arms, "yeah. I know. Thanks!"

The couple hurriedly walked down the hallway and entered the room specified to them by the feline, closing and locking the door behind them. Both of the furs burst into laughter as Tobias dropped the clothes on the petite bench in the small room.

Ky frantically tried to hush his boyfriend as he too attempted to calm himself. "That was hilarious!" he stated.

"I know all too well," said the canine, finally getting a hold of himself.

"Well, I am pretty happy with this 'hiding spot,'" stated the lupine, "how about you?"

"Oh, I am totally happy with this hiding spot," Tobias responded, taking a step towards his mate and brushing a paw against the wolf's chest, "It's nice and cozy."

Ky acted as if he didn't notice the gesture. "So, while we are here, we might as well see if there is any good stuff in this pile, huh?"

"Uh, sure," he said, eyeing the two orbs resting under his boyfriend's tail wagging tail.

The lupine sorted through the pile, tossing unusable clothes about the small stall. "Here we go," he said, holding up a pair of extremely torn up girl's jeans.

"Um, you do know that is women's clothing, right?" Tobias said in a low, monotone voice--imitating the panther that they had previously encountered.

Ky laughed before saying slyly, "Yeah, but you should try them on anyway and plus, I am sure you can pull 'em off hardcore."

"I don't know. . ." said the canine in hesitation, "I dress emo enough already without wearing girl jeans. Wearing these would definitely not increase my classmate's 'love' for me."

The wolf laughed again at his mate's sarcastic comment before scoffing. "Forget them! I am not asking you to buy them and wear them at school, I am asking you to try them on. Now, let me help you out of those."

"Fine. . ." Tobias gave in, sighing.

Ky stepped really close to his mate, and smiled at the husky as he began undoing the belt and pants that withheld the canine's plump sheath. Tobias felt his member stir in its fleshy casing as the wolf toyed with his crotch, trying to 'undo' the pants. Ky smiled shyly, and slipped a paw between his mate's pants and boxers, brushing against the bulge lightly with his fingertips. The canine's body shuddered as pleasurable sensations danced through his groin.

"Oh wow," said the husky, sliding a paw up his love's chest and behind his neck before pulling the lupine in for a kiss.

The wolf immediately responded and closed the gap between their maws. He lightly pressed against Tobias's soft lips with his tongue and felt the same response from his mate. The lupine willingly let his boyfriend's paw pull him deeper into the kiss, before slowly breaking it.

"I don't want to get too into it," the lupine whispered into Tobias's ear, "for we are in a store's changing stall."

The husky giggled and rubbed his cheek against his love, "What? That just adds to the experience!"

"True, true," Ky responded, "but, we can't do it when we have two furs looking for us, one of which doesn't know we are. . . together."

"Okay," Tobias gave in, "That's smart, I guess. But you will have to make up for it later."

"Oh, you know I will. Now let's try getting you into these sexy jeans, eh?" Ky said as his own cock twitched in his pants, loving the idea of his husky in tight pants.

"I don't know. . . I can't really see myself in those, like, at all," the canine said hesitantly, "But, anything for you."

"That's right," the wolf said jokingly as he kneeled and pulled Tobias's pants down the rest of the way, revealing his mate's semi-hardon, which was tenting his boxers upward. Ky grinned and looked up and down his love's toned lower-half, feeling his own cock begin to grow larger. The canine stepped out of the wad of denim that lay around his ankles and the wolf shook his head from the entrancing sight of the husky before grabbing the other pair of jeans, and holding them in an appropriate position for Tobias to step into. After a short battle with balance, the husky used the wolf's shoulder for support as he stepped into the jeans. Ky slowly stood up, bringing the waist of the pants with him up his mate's legs as Tobias hopped and wiggled into them, and situated himself behind the canine, making sure the wagging tail was in its appropriate place--a slot cut out of the waistband of the jeans, allowing room for a tail. He wrapped his arms around his love's torso, and felt around the husky's crotch in search for the parted waist of the jeans, noticing that Tobias had a full on erection. The wolf finally found the two corners, and pulled them over the large piece of flesh, being very careful not to scrape anything with the metal contraptions found on the clothing.

After finding that he could not button the pants over his panting boyfriend's cock very easily, Ky carefully stuffed the hardon down and to the side, under the waistband of the jeans. He then was able to button and zip them successfully.

"There," the wolf said into Tobias's ear, "Now, let's see."

The lupine spun his boyfriend around and stood back, looking at the pants. He began a fit of giggling after his eyes were drawn to the long bulge that lay against the husky's left leg.

"There is NO way I will be able to hide a hardon in these jeans," the husky said as he tried to adjust the fleshy rod in his pants.

This caused Ky to burst into laughter before saying, "That is definitely true. Just don't get hardons then."

"'Just don't get hardons' he says," said the husky in a mocking tone, "And how do you suggest I do that? Especially when I am anywhere near you."

"Good point," laughed the lupine, "Well, just think about your mom and your dad doing it then."

"Bleh!" Tobias said in utter disgust, "Now THAT is most definitely something I do not want to think about, but you on the other paw, can fantasize all you like; whatever floats your boat."

The wolf chuckled at his mate's playful banter and said, "You know very well that you are the sparkling water that floats my boat. And you can float it better than anyone else, I might add."

The canine blushed before pushing his softening cock in a position in which it could retreat to its sheath. "Well I am more than glad to be the water that floats your majestic boat above the surface."

"Oh, shut your shit," Ky laughed, "I know that you love me, and you know I love you. These arguments about who loves who more, or who is more gorgeous, or who is more obliged to float the other's boat are getting old. And plus, we both know that I love you more, you are plenty more gorgeous than me, and I am the lucky boat that gets to rest in the water that is you, so let's end it there, eh? "

The husky burst into laughter. "Okay, okay," he said, calming the sporadic sounds coming from his maw, "You definitely win this exchange, but there are going to be many to come and I can't predict the same outcome for those."

"Oh, but I can," the lupine explained.

"Enough!" Tobias said before planting a massive kiss on his love to prevent anymore talking.

Just as the kiss was getting more passionate, the canine's phone started ringing. "Fuck!" he said as he removed his phone from its place in the pocket of his jeans, which were lying on the floor, "This ALWAYS happens."

"True that," agreed Ky, giggling, "but we needed to stop anyway."

After using the caller ID to derive that the call was coming from Josh, Tobias slid his phone open and brought it to his ear, letting his frustration show in his voice, "Yeah?"

"Hey," Josh said, sounding ever so slightly out of breath, "so, um. . . new rule: You can only stay in one hiding spot for three minutes. Cause we can't find you!"

The husky rolled his eyes, causing Ky to laugh, and said, "Uh, I am pretty sure that there is a rule that you cannot randomly make new rules."

"No there isn't, and you just broke the rule you are trying to make by trying to make it!" he exclaimed.

"But I could also argue that whether or not I tried to try or not tried to not make anything if the anything that was being made wouldn't not coincide with the reason the 'maked' wasn't not or was not tried to be made, eh?"

Silence resounded from the phone for a few moments as laughter leapt from Ky's maw. "Bullshit!" Josh said in frustration, "now you are just talking nonsense just so I will accidentally agree with you."

"I wouldn't say that," stated the canine.

"I would!" said the tiger, raising his voice, "Now comply to the new rule!"

"Which one?" Tobias asked teasingly.

"Oh wow. . ." sighed the feline, "I can't do this. Okay, there is a new rule! The new rule is that you have to move to a new spot every three minutes, so it somewhat evens the odds. Got it?"

"Oh, I see now." the husky said sarcastically, "Why didn't you just say that at first?"

"I di-" Josh stopped himself from being engaged in another pointless argument, "Never mind. It's been three minutes, so move now. Bye."

"K, bye," the canine said before shutting his phone and chuckling.

"Well, that was fun," Tobias said, grinning.

The lupine smiled and stepped closer to his mate. "Sounded like it."

"Anyway," said the husky, pausing to give his boyfriend a quick peck on the maw, "We gotta change hiding spots every three minutes now."

"What? That was never a rule!" Ky stated.

"That's what I said!" laughed the canine, "But they can't find us, so let's accommodate.

"Okay, fine," submitted the wolf.

Tobias unbuttoned the tight jeans and attempted unsuccessfully to wriggle out of them. "These are never going to come off."

"Awww," said the lupine, forging an overly sad face, "It wouldn't be any fun if we could never get those off."

"Psh," said the canine, laughing, "Are you going to help me out of those or are you just going to stand there and watch me struggle."

"Ooh, I choose the latter," Ky gleamed.

The husky stopped wriggling and furrowed his brow at his mate, "We'll do that later. Now, come help me!"

"Okay, okay," said the lupine before crouching and helping pull at the pants.

Eventually, the couple pulled the jeans completely off, bringing Tobias's boxers with them. The wolf quickly grabbed the warm cloth out of the wad of pants and put them behind his back.

"Ky?" said the canine, trying to cover his exposed 'teenhood' with one paw while holding out the other for his boxers, "I kinda need those."

"I don't see why," Josh said as a mischievous grin grew across his maw, "Here, I'll get these for you." With that, the lupine grabbed the pile of clothes off the bench, sticking his mate's boxers into the middle of the wad, and quickly unlocked the door and ran to the counter outside of the hall. Tobias started to pursue him, but quickly realized he was nude and ran back into his stall, closing and locking the door behind him. The husky looked around the ground at the few pieces of clothing Ky had missed, hoping to find something he could use for underwear. He found nothing. "I am going to kill that wolf," the canine mumbled to himself, as grabbed his jeans and stepped into them.


Kale had to skip every few steps to keep up with the fast paced, long legged, hyper tiger. His own excitement kept him going as they searched every corner of the mall. "Man, how long have we been looking for them?" the wolf asked.

"Hm. . . about ten minutes," Josh responded.

"Does it always take this long?" asked the lupine.

"Not usually," said the tiger, "I am guessing that instead of 'playing the game,' those two are off somewhere making ou-" Josh's heart stopped, realizing he may have revealed his best friends' secret.

"Oh really?" Kale questioned, knowing that Josh had said something he wasn't supposed to.

"Nah," he lied, "I was being sarcastic." The tiger chuckled nervously, trying to act as if his last statement was true.

"Don't worry," said the wolf, "I already know. I saw them kiss earlier."

"No way!" said the feline, stopping in his tracks.

After stopping to accommodate for Josh, the lupine said, "Yeah. I was kinda shocked at first, but it's none of my business so I am not going to worry about it."

"Wow," said the tiger in utter shock, "I can't believe they did that in a place you could catch them. It's cool that you feel that way. Wish I could have reacted the same way. . ." Josh looked at his down and flattened his ears in shame.

"How did you react?" asked the wolf in concern.

"Well," he responded, "when Toby told me they were together, I kinda freaked out. I hurt him, but we're good now."

"Oh. . ." Kale said, "Well that's good."

"Yeah," said the tiger as he started walking again, "But you didn't hear any of this from me, kay?"

"No problem," responded the canine, feeling a flicker of excitement, knowing that Josh trusted him to not say anything. "Now let's go find them! They have been hiding for way too long."

"For serious!" agreed the feline, quickening his pace.


Just as Kale and Josh were about to give up and call Tobias, they rounded another corner and spotted the couple running from one store to another. "There they are!" yelled Josh as he started running. "Come on! Get 'em!" he said, looking behind him at the shy wolf.

Kale flicked his ears and ran after the feline into the candle store in which the couple had ran and immediately was hit by a wall of incredible scents. He couldn't dwell on the great smell for too long, for he watched in amazement as the large tiger tackled Tobias hard into a shelf of candles, burying them in a pile of cylindrical wax. His half brother looked back at them, hearing the loud noise, and yelled, "WHAT?!!! Where did you guys come from?"

The husky struggled under the large frame of the tiger and grunted in pain. "Yeah. . . We didn't even see you!"

Kale still couldn't believe that Josh had actually tackled the canine. "That's just how good we are," said the feline, knocking the candles off of him and standing up. "Plus, we have been looking forever, so we were bound to find you sometime."

"Yeah, but I didn't think you would sneak up on us like that," Tobias said, pushing whatever candles remained off of him.

"Uh oh," said Ky, seeing that the sales clerk for the store was talking angrily on the phone and staring at them. "We had better go."

Kale looked up at the clerk and immediately felt his ears get hot in nervousness. "Um, yeah. Let's go," he said.

Josh quickly helped his friend up and quickly said, "Okay, no more Extreme Hide-and-Seek, now we are playing Extreme Tag!" He started running and grabbed Kale's arm along the way saying, "Come on! Hurry!"

Kale was completely lost as to what was going on, but willingly ran alongside the feline, looking behind him to see that the couple they were previously seeking were chasing after them. Adrenaline instantly surged through his veins, knowing two furs were chasing him and were going to tackle him if he was caught. As he and Josh rounded a corner, he locked eyes with a large pit bull dressed in an official white uniform. The pit bull instantly grabbed his walkie-talkie, said a few words into it, and started running after them. The wolf couldn't believe what he was doing.

"Having fun?" Josh yelled, laughing, as he ran slightly ahead of the lupine.

Before he could answer, Kale suddenly became disoriented and was overwhelmed by the sense of falling. The ground quickly rushed at him and hit him with a ton of force. Feeling the weight of another fur on him enlightened him to the fact that he had been tackled. The mystery fur that was on top of him quickly got up and helped the wolf to his feet, revealing his identity; it was Ky. "You're it! And you'd better hurry; we are being followed," the older wolf said over his laughter, gesturing to the pit bull, who was almost on them. With that, Ky ran away from his half brother, grabbing his mate's paw and pulling him along.

Finally feeling the competitiveness of the game overwhelm him, Kale yelled to the tiger as he ran after the couple, "Come on!"

Josh smiled, noticing that his new friend was now really into the game, and ran after him.

The young wolf felt his heart pound in his chest, pumping precious, adrenaline-filled blood throughout his body as he ran after the two furs he was chasing. He failed to notice the pack of security that pursued them as his targeted his half brother and pushed his body to its limit as he gained on him. Ky had to jump to the side to avoid a shopper, which gave Kale the opportunity he needed. The younger wolf held his breath right before hitting his target and felt the same feeling of disorientation and falling that he had felt when he was tackled earlier. As they hit the ground, his arm was caught between his half brother and the cold tiles that covered the hard floor of the mall. Pain shot through his limb, but was ignored in the heat of the moment.

"You got me!" Ky said in a overly frustrated tone.

Kale, who was beaming with excitement, responded, "Yep! You're it!"

Just as the two furs got up, two large security guards grabbed them roughly and brought them over to a bench where Tobias and Josh were already sitting, surrounded by more security guards.

"What the hell do you think you are you doing!" yelled the pit bull Kale had seen before at them just as they were sat down next to their friends, "Huh?!" Kale could feel the pain in his elbow now, and it was almost overwhelming. He noticed Tobias trying to withhold a giggle. "You think this is funny?!" yelled the pit bull, "Wait a second. . . You're the same furs that went swimming in that fountain a couple of weeks ago!!!"

Kale imagined that and immediately burst into laughter, not being able to contain it despite his dire situation. The large canine turned his attention to the small wolf and looked him in the eyes. The lupine instantly felt blood rush to his face and ears as the intimidating fur loomed over him. "Get the fuck out!"

The wolf looked up at him inquisitively. "I said get out of my mall!!!" said the large pit bull, accidentally spitting copious amounts of saliva on Kale, "That goes for all of you! And don't think I am going to forget who you are. If you come back I'll be making a call to your parents! And you will not get out of it without some repercussions!"

The four furs quickly got up and walked towards the closest exit without saying a word. The instant the crossed the threshold of the mall, they all burst into laughter. "Ohhh Myyy Gosssh!" said Kale as he leaned against the wall of the large building. "That was crazy!!!"

After calming his own laughter, Tobias responded, "It was fun, huh?"

"Totally!" he exclaimed, feeling the rush of the moment calm down "I have never done anything like that. Ever!"

"Well, I am glad you got to lose your 'Overload-of-Fun-Virginity' with us man," said the older wolf to his half brother, patting him heartily on his back.

The four friends continued talking and laughing about their experience as they headed towards Tobias's van. They couldn't stop as they reminisced about the amazing experience. After they ran out of reenactments, imitations of the security guard, and thoughts about how the onlookers must of felt, Kale asked about their experience a couple of weeks ago in which they went swimming in the fountain. As they all piled into the van, Ky explained how they all just stripped to their boxers and started swimming as if it was nothing and how they had gotten chewed out by the same guard. Kale laughed, imagining seeing that, and sat back in his seat as the aches and pains from the multiple engagements with the ground took their place in his muscles and bones.

"So, am I the only one who is in pain right now?" the young lupine asked the group, hearing the van's engine cough to life.

"Oh, not at all," Tobias responded as he tossed a bottle of pain relievers to him, "here you go. But, you do have to admit, it was worth the pain."

"Oh, most definitely!" Kale stated, downing two of the small, white pills, "We have to do that again some time!"

"Don't worry," Josh said as he nudged the sore arm of the wolf, "we will."


Hey! So, I know it's been awhile since I have posted, but I hope you enjoyed this installment nonetheless. I know I didn't really accomplish much with this chapter, but don't worry, things will start picking up soon!

I don't really know how I feel about this chapter, so it would be greatly appreciated if you would post a comment and tell me what you think of it.

Thanks so much for reading and keep looking for more!