High School Days Ch 16: Jock Talk

Story by Teiran on SoFurry

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#16 of High School Days

Nick and Kyle stagger home from Leon's party, and the two best friends have a long talk. About, you know... Stuff.

And now the annoying warning message:

This story deals with sex between males, in graphic detail. If you're not over 18, this is illegal for you to even look at, so stop right now. If homosexual content is not your cup of tea, you can leave the tea party. The characters and story are copyright Teiran's player 2002, do not redistribute without permission. Otherwise, enjoy!



High School Days:

Jock Talk


Nick opened the door to his bedroom and flicked on the lights with a yawn. The big black wolf stretched his back, twisting this way and that. The big wolf's back popped loudly as he pulled at his wrists with each hand. Nick's muzzle opened so wide you could count every one of his teeth as he yawned. Kyle followed him inside the back room of the pool house where Nick slept, and the tiger pressed his palms against the ceiling and stretched with a quiet roar. The big tiger's muscles tensed all over his body as he strained against the ceiling and floor, "Damn man that was one hell of a party." the tiger muttered.

Nick grinned as he flopped down into the big chair at his desk. The wolf smiled as he watched his friend as the tiger continued to stretch against the now groaning ceiling. "No kidding man, that was crazy." Nick's eyes played across Kyle's body, enjoying the tiger's hot body as his bulging muscles strained against his fur. "I think Leon is trying to make each party bigger then the last one. His graduation party will probably have the whole school there."

They both chuckled as Kyle let his arms drop to his sides and Nick opened the small refrigerator he kept by his desk. The wolf pulled out two root beer bottles and tossed one to his friend and said, "Here, at least we can drink something without alcohol in it now."

Kyle chuckled and nodded, opening the bottle with his claws. "No kidding, I think Leon was even spiking the water this time. I've never seen so many drunken furs in one place."

Both boys laughed as they downed the drinks. A moment of silence passed as they just sort of stared at each other with nothing much to say. Nick stood back up with a sigh. "Well thanks for heading back here with me. I didn't want to drive home by myself and I wasn't going to be standing much longer if we stayed there."

Kyle just took a drink of his root beer. "Hey man, that's what friends are for."

The wolf punched the tiger's arm, as he passed by him, "No kidding man."

The tiger grinned and slugged Nick back, pounding the wolf's right shoulder with enough force to knock a smaller fur down. To Nick, it was just a friendly tap. "Right on!" Kyle roared at Nick playfully.

Nick laughed and mock growled at his friend, pulling his arm back to hit his friend's shoulder again. The tiger growled back, put his paw up and grabbed Nick's fist with a grin. Nick grabbed the tiger's other paw and for a moment they wrestled, pitting their strength against each other and laughing. The big wolf wrestled with his friend, their bodies straining against each other, the tiger's better grip letting him get the advantage. The tiger began bending Nick back onto the bed until Nick laughed and cried out, "Alright you win tiger, you win."

Nick patted his friend's shoulder, "I'll be right back man." Kyle nodded a bit as Nick headed for his bathroom.

Kyle padded across the wolf's bedroom and sat down on the edge of Nick's bed, the rather large bed groaning under the large tiger's weight as Kyle looked around his best friend's room. The tiger chuckled and shook his head when he saw the new stereo system that now dominated the corner of the wolf's room. He doubted Nick even knew it was there. The wolf's parents had probably bought it for him and just replaced his old stereo without even telling him. They did that kind of thing a lot.

A new car, new clothes, anything their money could buy to make up for the fact that they were never around. Kyle sighed and shook his head as he lay back on Nick's bed, stretching on the luxurious bed. "I guess that's what happens when your dad's a judge and your mom is one of the most successful surgeons in the country," the tiger said with a sigh, annoyed at how comfortable Nick's bed always felt. Especially when compared to his own tiny twin bed. Sometimes he crashed with the wolf just so he could get a good night's sleep.

The tiger stared up at the ceiling as he thought about home and his own mom. While Nick's parents were successful, rich, and distant, his own mother barely made ends meet. There were so many kids in the house and yet she watched him like a hawk; pinching pennies whenever she could.

Kyle could hardly blame her. After Kyle's dad had died when he was four, she hadn't been able to keep a husband longer then two years. She had five of her own kids to take care of plus whatever foster kids were in the house at the time. So she kept track of every cent she had. Still, it bothered Kyle how much she interfered in his life. The only reason he got to do anything fun like play football or go places was because Nick always paid for everything.

The tiger's brow furrowed and he felt the familiar knots in his stomach that always cropped up when he thought about Nick and money. He hated being unable to pay his own way. Movies and concerts cost money, and Nick never said anything about it. He just paid for Kyle tickets and they had a good time, but it always bothered the tiger. Of course, he knew his life would only be more miserable if he didn't have Nick as a friend. He practically lived at the wolf's house over the summer just to escape his own mother and brood of brothers and sisters.

In some ways, Nick was paying for his college too. Kyle smiled as he thought about that. He and Nick had gotten hundreds of offers to play football for college teams, and most of those offers included a full ride scholarship that covered all of Kyle's costs. Nick had been the one who gotten Kyle onto a peewee football team years ago playing for under Coach Townson. The wolf's parents had paid for all of Kyle's football gear over the years, probably without ever knowing. At least that kept Kyle's mom from making a big deal about how much football was costing her.

Not that Nick's parents were any better really. Money might mean nothing to them, but they never had time for Nick. Kyle wasn't sure which was worse. If only they were all less extreme, things would be better. "Yeah, things would be better then..." the tiger muttered as he watched the fan above him spin slowly.

"What things would be better when?" Nick asked as he padded his way back into the room.

Kyle chuckled and smiled up at the big, black wolf, "Oh, I was just wishing our parents weren't such extremists."

"Not that again." The wolf smiled a little and stood next to his bed, looking down at the sprawled out tiger. The subject of their parents was one that came up often. Kyle smiled up at the ceiling as his friend stood by the bed. They looked at each other for a moment, the silence of the night creeping in.

Kyle was confused when Nick's ears swiveled back suddenly and the big wolf looked away in embarrassment. The wolf coughed, "So what sparked this tired subject?"

The tiger grinned and pointed across the room. Nick looked at the corner where his stereo was and back at Kyle again without even noticing something was different. "What?" Nick muttered, a worried look on his face.

Kyle laughed at the wolf. "Dude, you've got a new stereo."

Nick looked over at the new stereo again and groaned, "Oh man not again! They had better have taken my Ani Difranco CD out..."

Nick growled in frustration when he found the CD case empty. Why were his parents always doing this to him? Didn't they care about his privacy at all? The big wolf felt his hackles rise in annoyance as Kyle continued to laugh.

"Oh right, like you can't get another one." The tiger said with a smirk.

The wolf snorted, "You know that's not the point." The wolf muttered, turning so that he was facing his friend again and relaxing his fur and ears. The sight of the tiger's body laid out across his bed once again made Nick's heart beat faster, and he looked away from the stripy male on his bed.

Kyle chuckled, "Yeah well, I still don't see why you like her music man. She's all lesbian, angst filled, and depressing."

Nick chuckled as he sat down beside Kyle, looking away from his friend's body. "Oh right and you're mister bright and shiny, Stripes."

Kyle laughed. "Yeah that's true. Not that I've gotten the chance to drag you down into my black hole of despair recently. What have you been doing all week anyway? You've been avoiding me."

The wolf smiled a little to himself, "I've been studying man, I told you that. I need to pass history and I'm not gonna cheat to do it like everybody else does."

The tiger's laugh told Nick he was not nearly as concerned about his grades. "Oh don't give me that bull; you always say you're 'studying' when you've got some new girl you're chasing after. So just fess up and tell me who she is."

Nick chuckled and grinned, nudging the tiger in the gut. "Really dude, I've been studying my tail off. I even roped Kevin Hutchings into tutoring me."

Kyle raised his eyebrows, pushing himself up on his elbows. "The dalmatian that plays goalie for the soccer team?"

"Yeah that's him." Nick said with a smile, thinking about Kevin for a second. "He's so smart he's going to graduate a year early with us. Been taking summer courses and everything. Least that's what Coach Townson says."

Kyle chuckled and smiled, closing his eyes and just resting back on the wolf's bed in a quiet haze. "That's cool. So what's he like? I've never really talked to him before."

Nick shrugged, and looked away from his friend. The tiger's shirt was creeping up his body now and his smooth white belly fur was showing. The sight of the tiger's washboard stomach made Nick's tail twitch, and the way Kyle was laid out like that with his legs spread open like he was a bitch presenting himself to the wolf that made Nick's pants tight. Nick swallowed uncomfortably, trying to focus on the conversation. "He's okay. The quiet type you know? He's pretty cool for a gay guy."

The tiger snorted and Nick forced a grin, the wolf's stomach tying itself into knots as he realized what he had just said. "Oh right wolf." Kyle muttered disbelievingly, "You think every guy who looks at you funny in the locker room is queer."

The wolf forced a laugh, nervously hunching his shoulders and rubbing his paws together between his knees. He was glad the tiger couldn't see his face. "No for real dude, he's gay. Trust me."

Kyle chuckled and shook his head, looking over at his friend who was sitting very still on the edge of the bed. "Oh and how can you be so sure?" Nick got real quiet.

Kyle sat up beside the wolf, his muzzle dipping close to the wolf as he watched his friend. The tiger had never seen Nick so still or so withdrawn before. His ears were down, his tail was tucked closed to his body and he was glaring at the floor.

Eventually the wolf's muzzle moved. "Well, it was pretty obvious when he went down on me."

Kyle felt his whole body tense up. The tiger's fur fluffed out and his tail bushed out like a bottlebrush. The tiger stared at the wolf, dipping his head down level with the wolf's muzzle. "Did you just say Kevin went down on you?"

The wolf seemed to blush a little under his fur, his ears rotating backwards as he put one paw behind his head and rubbed between his ears. "Yeah, I guess I did." The wolf gave Kyle an embarrassed grin. "He was damn good too."

The tiger shook his head and rubbed his muzzle, wondering if he was imagining this conversation. "Wait, are you telling me another guy got down on his knees and sucked your dick? And it was good?" The tiger laughed a little, "Seriously?"

Nick smiled a little wider now and shrugged, "Seriously dude. I've never had a muzzle job that good before. It felt like he had no teeth at all. He was better then Sarah ever was."

Kyle laughed, shaking his head. "Dude, now you're joking. The things that vixen could do with her tongue are illegal."

The wolf chuckled and grinned at the tiger. "Yeah well," Nick said with a slight lick of his lips, "Kevin has her beat by a long shot." Nick said with a big grin. They had both dated Sarah in their freshman year, at the same time for a while, and she had been the first girl they had done. She had also been the best, and since then her talented muzzle had been the yardstick they had used to judge all the other girls they had been with since.

Kyle chuckled and smiled nervously, the uneasy, hollow feeling in his stomach growing stronger. Nick sat beside him, the wolf's fingers twitching nervously as the same feeling crept into his own stomach. After a moment the tiger said, "Wow, that's weird man. So how did it happen? Did he just ask you or something?"

Nick forced himself to chuckle again, glancing at the tiger. The tiger's eyes darted away from his when they met and the wolf said, "Basically. I was working out Wednesday while we were studying and he just tossed the books aside and dropped to his knees."

The tiger snickered and grinned. Nick watched the tiger's whiskers spreading out as he smiled and the wolf wanted to touch them. "Oh don't tell me you were working out in just a jock strap weren't you?"

The wolf laughed, watching the tiger's eyes dance as he stared at the wall and the way his whiskers moved. For a moment, Nick was fixated on the tiger's lips. "Nah, I was in those blue shorts of mine."

The tiger nudged the wolf in the ribs. "Those tight blue shorts that are three sizes too small for you?"

Nick laughed and flashed his friend a big grin. "Yep, those shorts. It was kind of mean I know, but he'd been staring at me the whole week. I figured I'd give him a show."

Kyle smiled as he looked into Nick's eyes. "You are such a show off, you know that?"

Nick laughed and punched Kyle in the arm playfully. "Oh and like you aren't? After practice, you never put a shirt on when we leave the locker room, just to keep the cheerleader's talking about you."

The tiger laughed and punched the wolf back, "Oh right. Well you said it yourself, you put on a show for Kevin just so he'd go down on you."

The wolf laughed, "Oh come on. He wanted to watch me. I just didn't expect him to do a lot more." They both chuckled and were quiet for a long moment.

Kyle eventually turned on his side to face Nick. "So he was really that good huh?"

The wolf laughed nervously as the tiger got closer to him. "Oh yeah, probably cause he enjoyed it so much. I couldn't believe how much it turned him on." Kyle grinned again, and Nick caught himself watching the way his friend's lips moved again.

"You're kidding. He got off sucking your cock?"

The wolf rubbed a paw across his chest, feeling suddenly hot in his own fur. "Oh yeah man, he was even stroking himself off at the end."

The tiger's eyes widened, "You're kidding? He had his dick out?"

Nick nodded, "Yep, he was pawing himself off the whole time. Even when I blew in his face."

Kyle laughed, slapping Nick's knee, which made the wolf suppress a whimper, "Oh man, this insane! Did he shoot?"

"Yeah after I..." Nick's ears flattened against his head suddenly and the wolf instantly regretted he'd said anything.

Kyle chuckled and punched the wolf's chest playfully. "After what? Come on man. You started telling the story, finish it."

Nick looked away and stared at the wall, whispering, "Well, after I shot my load and he swallowed it... I kind of helped him finish."

Nick's ears flicked backwards when he heard his friend gasp and he squirmed uncomfortably, trying to explain. "It was just a few paw strokes you know, I just turned his crack a bit. I figured he'd given me one hell of a muzzle job so..." Kyle's eyes lingered over Nick's face as the wolf spoke, and neither boy spoke for a long moment.

"Seriously?" Kyle whispered, "You touched his cock?" Nick nodded and closed his eyes, really embarrassed. Silence hung between the two boys, who were lying so close to each other they were almost touching. "What'd it feel like?" Kyle whispered quietly.

Nick shrugged, being careful not to even look at his friend. "No different than when I paw myself off, but he seemed to really love it."

The tiger licked his lips and stared right at Nick, watching the wolf as he said, "Yeah well sure, it's always better when somebody else does it for you." The tiger tried to be nonchalant about it, but the idea of Nick jerking another guy off really bothered him.

Nick felt his body begin to tremble as he looked at Kyle, watched as the tiger stared down at the wolf's paws. Nick felt the heat rising in his face and he licks his lips slowly. It was like before, at the party. He wanted to touch Kyle, to kiss the tiger on the lips and taste the tiger's tongue. The wolf could feel his chest tightening up and his tail tried to dip between his legs even though he was sitting down. He could feel the heat on his ears as they flicked backward and he tightened his paws into fists. He wasn't going to give in to the shame this time either. The big wolf leaned forward and grabbed Kyle's head with one paw and gave him a deep kiss.

The kiss was longer this time. Nick pressed his lips against Kyle's and closed his eyes, amazed at how soft the tiger's lips were. He felt the cat's whiskers brush against his muzzle as Kyle turned his head to the side a bit and Nick was really surprised when Kyle kissed him back. The wolf sighed in relief as the Kyle brought one big paw up and cupped the side of his muzzle. They stayed that way for a long while, their big muscled bodies brought close together by the kiss.

Eventually their lips parted, and the two guys stared at each other, their paws still touching each other's muzzles and the muscles of their chests brushing together. The tiger licked his lips and said, "That's twice you've kissed me tonight..."

Nick looked away and Kyle's paw fell to his neck as the wolf licked the tip of his own nose with his long tongue. Nick whispered, "Yeah well... I just felt like it." Kyle nodded and looked away from Nick, pulling his paw back from the wolf's neck. Nick let his paw linger on Kyle's chest before pulling it back as well. The wolf stared at his friend from the corners of his eyes for a long time. His eyes tried to trace the lines of the tiger's body, the wavy stripes in his fur, but the alcoholic haze blurred his vision, making it hard to follow the curving lines.

Nick knew Kyle was watching him back. Their eyes would meet a few times as the clock slowly ticked away the night, but neither one moved. They just sat side-by-side, watching each other and pretending not to look at the other guy's body.

The wolf felt the heat of a blush returning to his face. He began to blush in embarrassment as a rather frightening urge filled his thoughts. The urge made his paws twitch and he felt himself getting hard at the very thought of what he wanted to do.

He wanted to suck Kyle's cock.

Nick looked at his friend, and the tiger smiled sheepishly. He wanted to push Kyle down and suck him off right now. The tiger was right next to him, and Nick knew he could do it. He had seen the tiger naked a hundred times in the locker room but now the wolf wanted to have it inside his muzzle.

The wolf had seen Kevin do it, watched as the dalmatian choked himself repeatedly trying to get more of Nick's dick into his muzzle. Nick knew how much the dog loved it and he wanted to know what that felt like. The wolf weighed the idea in his head for just a moment longer and then acted when Kyle gave him a slight grin.

Kyle felt his heart skip a beat as Nick stood up, turned around and practically pounced him. The wolf's heavy body pushed him down onto the bed and Nick was suddenly kissing him hard. Kyle closed his eyes as the long wolf tongue slipped into the tiger's mouth again. His mind began to race as he felt the wolf's full weight press down onto his chest. Nick growled lustily and Kyle caught himself doing the same, his body pushing up against Nick's as the wolf kissed him fiercely. Kyle grabbed the wolf's muzzle in both paws and forced their battling tongues into the wolf's muzzle, his growl turning into a loud purr as the wolf opened his muzzle a little wider and let Kyle lock their mouths together, their muzzles meshed together as they kissed roughly.

Kyle broke the kiss when Nick's paws began to fumble at his belt. "What are you doing man?" The tiger whispered, staring into the wolf's eyes as Nick undid his belt buckle and pulled open the tiger's pants.

The wolf grinned like maniac, "I'm gonna suck you off."

"But..." Kyle's words were cut off when Nick kissed him again, his paw unzipping the tiger's pants. Kyle's heart raced as Nick's tongue twisted with his own and the wolf's paws jerked down his pants. Kyle couldn't believe this was happening. Nick's paws lifted Kyle's shirt up, the wolf's claws dragged through the fur on his friend's chest. Kyle gasped as the wolf pulled his shirt off and then the wolf ripped off his own. Nick was panting with excitement. Kyle shivered as Nick's paws slid into the tiger's underwear and pulled them down, almost tearing them off his hips. Nick slid off the bed and pulled Kyle's pants all the way off the tiger, all the while grinning like a fool.

Nick looked down at his friend's naked body. He was a sea of muscles and stripes, sprawled across his big bed. Kyle's impressive cock pointed straight up, a pink shaft of flesh surrounded by white and orange fur, pointing right at the wolf's muzzle. Daring him. The wolf climbed back on the bed and knelt down between the tiger's legs, his big black paws caressing the inside of Kyle's thighs.

The sight, the smell of Kyle's naked body made the wolf's arousal grow even stronger. Nick marveled at Kyle's dick as he wrapped a paw around the base. He had seen Kyle's cock a hundred times before but he had never seen him hard. The tiger was big, as big as he was, and so thick Nick could barely wrap one paw around his dick. The shaft was warm to the touch, and hard as rock. The tiger's white balls hung down between his legs, swaying back and forth as Nick's paw stroked down the tiger's dick. Kyle's balls were a lot bigger then Kevin's had been. Nick rubbed a paw across his own crotch, rubbing himself through his jeans as he began to stroke Kyle's cock in one paw.

"Damn man, we've even got the same size dicks..." Nick muttered as he moved his paw up the tiger's shaft, squeezing the hard flesh in his paw. The slow stroking made the tiger purr loudly. The wolf leaned down and rubbed his muzzle across the tiger's flesh, breathing in deeply and pressing his nose against Kyle's balls, the tiger's big shaft pressed against the top of his muzzle. Nick closed his eyes and let out a low moan as the scent of Kyle's arousal filled his nose and washed everything else away.

The tiger's scent was something with which he was intimately familiar. They had grown up together and crashed in bed together, but this was so much more. This was the scent of Kyle as a male, the scent of the tiger's manhood. Nick groaned as he breathed the rich scent in, bathing in the comforting smell and the arousing sensation of the weight of Kyle's dick pressing down on his muzzle.

Nick could smell the tiger's sweat and arousal, but he wanted to taste it too. His tongue snaked out and licked the tiger's heavy balls. He rolled them carefully across his tongue, weighing them as Kyle squirmed and gave a soft whimper. Nick opened his eyes and stared at the thick rod of flesh rubbing against his face as he licked the tiger's balls, the head of the tiger's cock filling his vision as a small drop of pre formed, slowly leaking out of the tiger's piss slit.

Nick knew he was drunk. He'd been drunk enough times to know what the haze around his thoughts meant and how it made him act. Right now he didn't care though. He was licking Kyle's balls and rubbing the tiger's dick across his face and he didn't damn care if he was drunk or high or what. He wanted this.

Nick grabbed the base of Kyle's dick in one paw and wrapped his muzzle around the tiger's thick mushroom head with nothing but satisfaction.

Kyle moaned as he felt the familiar wetness of a muzzle engulf his dick. His back arched and the tiger began to purr loudly as the wolf's muzzle enveloped his shaft. Kyle leaned up so he could look down at his friend as Nick started to suck him off. The sight of nick's black muzzle bobbing up and down the length of his dick, the wolf's lips wrapped around his dick made Kyle's hips buck and he groaned in delight. Nick's eyes were closed and he seemed to be in another world. The wolf had one paw resting on Kyle's leg and the other gripping the base of his cock as the wolf's long muzzle moved up and down Kyle's shaft. The tiger purred as Nick's tongue snaked around his shaft, moving up and down as the wolf bobbed his head. The wolf was twisting the long ribbon of flesh this way and that around the tiger's thick cock, and Kyle grinned as Nick let out a low moan of pleasure.

Nick sucked on the shaft as best he could. He tried to form a ring around Kyle's dick with his lips just like Kevin had done, but the tiger was so thick and Nick couldn't quite close his muzzle around it. Nick felt his heart flutter as the tiger bucked his hips and forced his muzzle open wide, the thick shaft pushing towards his throat. It felt fucking wonderful.

Nick chokingly sucked the tiger's cock, fumbling all the way and loving every second of it. Sometimes the wolf would go all the way down, bury his nose in the tiger's crotch and just suck hard. The wolf forced himself not to gag as he engulfed Kyle's whole cock in his mouth like that, feeling it hang down the back of his throat. Nick breathed in the scent of the tiger's crotch and played with his balls, a moan rumbling through the wolf's chest as he sucked on the big cock in his mouth. He tried to bob up and down real fast, to get the tiger to moan and thrust up into his mouth. What ever he did, however he did it, Nick knew everything was supposed to be about the cock in his muzzle and he fucking loved it that way.

While Nick was doing his best to stuff his muzzle full of tiger cock, Kyle meanwhile was gripping the sheets of Nick's bed in both hands and groaning in please. Sharp claws dug into the soft fabric, tearing the resistance fabric just a little as Kyle panted and squirmed in pleasure. No girl Kyle had been with had given head like this. They had all only sucked his cock because Kyle had wanted them too. It was just a game, something they did so he would fuck them. Some had even been better at it than Nick, but none of them had wanted it so badly. Nick was sucking him off because he wanted Kyle's dick in his mouth, and it made the blowjob a hundred times better.

Kyle gasped a little as Nick's free paw wandered back to the tiger's rump. Kyle grinned and bucked his hips as Nick slowly massaged Kyle's ass. Strangely, the wandering fingers rubbing his butt made the muzzle job feel even better. Kyle watched in awe as the wolf's muzzle moved up and down his cock and the pleasure in the tiger's balls began to build. The wolf's mouth felt so damn good if he didn't do something, he'd be cumming any second and he sure as hell didn't want this to end.

"Oh shit man," Kyle gasped, trying to focus on anything but the feeling of Nick's warm muzzle, "You sure you've never done this before?"

Nick chuckled and pulled off the tiger's dick, gasping for air as he stroked the tiger's wet dick with one paw. Kyle grabbed a pillow, propping up his back as Nick said, "No way man, but I've had a lot of chicks go down on me..." Kyle gasped as the wolf's muzzle resumed its attack.

"Well you were sure paying attention... AaaHAha!" the tiger moaned and withered in pleasure, unsure exactly what Nick had done to send an electric bolt of pleasure from the base of his tail right up his spine to his brain, "Oh shit man, damn do that again..." the tiger said with a groan, his body shaking as the pleasure returned.

Nick chuckled and grinned down at the tiger's body. The wolf had slipped his finger down between the tiger's cheeks and rubbed at the tiger's tail hole. Kyle obviously loved it, because he was spreading his legs and shifting his hips so the wolf could reach his tail hole more easily. The wolf pressed both of his palms against the tiger's butt, squeezing and massaging his ass as the fingertips of his thumbs rubbed against the tiger's ring and the tiger's dick thrust up into his muzzle. The wolf grinned around the big cock in his mouth as Kyle began to groan and pant, thrusting quickly into his mouth.

The wolf felt the head of the tiger's cock rub against the back of this throat and he moaned softly as Kyle's mushroom head pushed down his throat, gagging him a little. It felt was wonderful having the tiger thrust into his mouth like that and force his jaws open wide. Nick would never have believed sucking cock could feel this good. Kyle's shaft filled his mouth, and the tiger's scent was the only thing he could smell in the world. He could feel the tiger's heart beating. He could taste the pre cum leaking from Kyle's shaft into his mouth.

The tiger thrust up into his muzzle and that made the wolf moan in pleasure. Kyle was trying so hard to fuck Nick's muzzle that the wolf had to hold Kyle's hips down to keep the tiger from choking him with each thrust. The purrs and moans were getting louder and louder, and Nick pressed his finger into the tiger tail hole slowly, spreading Kyle open gently as he deep throated the tiger's entire cock.

Nick felt Kyle's cock throb in his muzzle as the tiger let out a loud roar. Nick gasped as Kyle's big paw grabbed the back of his head. The hard shaft in Nick's mouth pushed deep in his muzzle and gave a big, throbbing pulse. Nick could feel the tiger tense up just as the first shot of salty cum flooded the back of Nick's mouth. It was quickly followed by another and another wave of the tiger's hot cum, and Nick was forced to quickly swallow what he could. Kyle's body twisted in pleasure and his claws tore the sheets as he spread his legs open wide and came hard into Nick's muzzle with a roar while holding the wolf's face down on his cock.

The wolf gagged on the salty sweet liquid as it filled his muzzle up, and he kept swallowing it as fast as the tiger pumped it into his mouth. Nick gave a stifled moan and he sucked on the throbbing flesh filling his muzzle. The taste and scent filled nick's muzzle, overloading his nose and taste buds. It was salty and strange, but it was Kyle. Pure and sexual, it was the tiger's taste in every way and Nick needed it so badly. Nick pressed his nose to the tiger's crotch, taking Kyle's cock deep inside his muzzle so he could get as much of that taste as he possibly could.

Nick realized he was trying to milk the tiger's balls through his dick, his muzzle sucking on the tiger's shaft as some of Kyle's seed leaked from the sides of his stretched muzzle. The wolf stayed like that, unable to breathe or feel, taste or smell anything but Kyle's sheer maleness. The shaft in his mouth pulsed and spilled Kyle's cum down Nick's throat as the tiger continued to roar in ecstasy. Nick went on hungrily swallowing his best friend's cum until Kyle gave one last roar and thrust upwards, gagging the wolf for a moment before falling back against the pillows with a sigh.

Nick gasped for air as he let the tiger's dick fall from his muzzle, resting back on his ankles as he knelt on his bed triumphantly. The wolf stretched his back and groaned, a warm fuzzy feeling washing over him as his spine popped and his tongue gathered the cum from his lips, letting him savor the taste of Kyle's cum. It felt like he'd been bent over for Kyle's crotch forever and yet he had loved every moment of it.

Below him, Kyle was laid back out across his bed with his legs spread open wide, the tiger's hard dick still lying across his stomach in a sticky wet spot in the tiger's fur. The wolf rubbed a paw across his black chest fur; scratching his own chest as he licked the sides of his muzzle, gathering the tasty last drops of the tiger's cum into his mouth with a big grin.

The taste was better then he expected it to be, but it left him wanting something more then just a cock in his muzzle. Nick rubbed a paw down his belly and then across the crotch of his jeans, his fingers finding a wet spot where the wolf's pre had soaked through the fabric. Nick had completely forgotten how hard he was. He had just gotten so into sucking the tiger off his own dick had been forgotten, and now it wanted some attention.

Nick watched Kyle as he just lay there on the bed, panting. The tiger's muscled chest was rising and falling as he stared blankly up at the ceiling. Nick grinned as he realized Kyle was probably drifting off to sleep now that he had cum. Pillows propped up the tiger's head and his legs were spread open so Nick could see the tiger's tail hole easily.

Nick murred in pleasure as he stared at the tiger's body. He unzipped his fly and pulled off his pants and jockstrap, grinning as he began rubbing his big black cock with one paw. The wolf had never felt so horny before and he had never seen anyone as hot as Kyle looked right now. With his legs spread and his exposed tail hole, it was like the tiger was practically begging to be fucked. Nick suppressed a growl as he stared at the tiger's body, his dick stiffening at the thought of fucking Kyle and he knew he had to do it. The wolf wanted to mount Kyle as badly as he had wanted the tiger's dick in his mouth.

Kyle groaned and opened his eyes as Nick lay down on top of him, and he only barely realized that the wolf's knees were in between his spread legs. He felt the wolf's fur and muscles rub across his body. It felt good as their buff strong bodies began rubbing together, fur to fur as their muscles slid across each other. Kyle numbly realized they were now both naked. He felt Nick's arms wrap around his shoulders and he put his arms around the wolf's neck and sighed, floating in a warm afterglow as the wolf's strong chest pressed against his own.

Kyle had never cum so hard in his life. The wolf hadn't been that good, not at first, but Nick had wanted it so badly. That big warm wolf tongue had just kept rubbing the head of his cock, driving Kyle higher and higher until he exploded. It felt like he hadn't gotten off in weeks and now he just wanted to fall asleep.

Kyle purred as Nick's tongue lapped at his muzzle and their bodies rubbed slowly across each other. He felt the wolf's hard cock press against his inner thigh. Kyle started to purr a little louder, hugging the wolf tightly and sighing again. The wolf's hips were slowly rocking back and forth as he fumbled for something on the dresser.

The tiger opened his eyes when he heard a loud snapping sound. He looked up as the wolf dropped the bottle of lube he had just closed onto the bed. The tiger blinked in confusion as the wolf's paw disappeared from sight. "What are you doing?" Kyle whispered, but he suddenly understood what the wolf wanted when the wolf's body shifted and Nick's dick began to rub between the cheeks of his ass. Kyle could feel the lubed head of Nick's cock pressing against his tail hole, beginning to spread him open, and the tiger freaked out.

The tiger's fur bushed out as he felt the wolf's dick starting to stretch him open, and he shouted "Oh No! No way are you fucking me man..." Kyle tried to shove Nick off him, a loud growl rumbling from the tiger's chest. But even with his paws planted firmly on Nick's chest he couldn't budge the wolf off him. Kyle flicked his tail between their bodies and tried to push the wolf's cock away from his tail hole. Nick caught his paws and pushed him down onto the bed, the wolf's growl matching his own as Nick kissed him deeply. Their bodies rubbed together and Kyle closed his eyes, his growl of anger turning into a purr at the feeling of the heavy and muscular wolf body pressing down on him. Kyle shivered as his cock was trapped between their washboard stomachs and rubbed from both sides by strong muscles.

"Come on dude," Nick whispered into his ear as their bodies pressed together, muscles pushing against muscles. Nick chewed slowly on Kyle's ear as the wide head of the wolf's dick rubbed against the tiger's tail hole, "Don't tell me you've never wondered what the girls we've fucked felt like when we were inside them? Besides, I'd let you fuck me..." Kyle felt the wolf's cock press against his tail hole again and he closed his eyes in fright as he tried to force the wolf off of him.

'Part of you wants him too.' Kyle's mind whispered in his hazy thoughts, and while the tiger tried to force that thought out of his head he couldn't. His mind didn't let go of the fact that he wanted Nick to fuck him. Maybe he wasn't thinking right because of the booze. Maybe he just wanted to get fucked. Kyle felt a shiver run up his spine as Nick kissed at his throat and the wolf's abs pressed his cock between their bodies. Kyle couldn't believe he was hard again, and he whimpered as Nick's strong, buff body rubbed against his own. the tiger felt a rush of lust as Nick's body moved against his own, squeezing the tiger's shaft between them as the wolf rocked his hips back and forth.

Kyle felt the wolf's tongue brush his cheek and his thoughts wandered away from what was about to happen. He couldn't remember why he was saying no to the wolf. He relaxed his grip on the wolf's shoulders and stopped fighting, whispering, "Fine, but I'm fucking you next." Kyle closed his eyes, half asleep as he submitted to the wolf.

Nick chuckled and growled lustily, kissing the tiger deeply as he pushed the tiger back down on the bed. He slipped his legs farther under the tiger's and lifted them into the air missionary style, just like he used to fuck all the girls he dated. The wolf thrust his hips forward in a practiced motion to push himself into the tiger. The head of his cock pressed against Kyle's tail hole, the tight ring of the tiger's ass fighting to keep him out as he pushed forward again with a grunt and entered the tiger.

The wolf's headed rolled back and he moaned in sheer pleasure as he entered into his friend. The tight sleeve of flesh gripped his cock tightly, and Nick's back arched and he moaned as he pushed farther into the tiger's warm, tight passage. Kyle hissed in pain, his claws dragging across the wolf's arms as the feline twisted in pain under the wolf. Nick stopped his thrust, panting hard as he looked back down at the tiger.

The wolf gulped the air desperately, holding himself halfway inside the tight warmth of the tiger's ass as dots floated in his vision. Nick leaned forward and kissed Kyle deeply, their chests puffing out to rub against each other as they both groaned. They moaned together as Nick's shaft slowly continued to slide into Kyle. The wolf kissed Kyle deeply, holding the cat's body down and his legs in the air as he lay down on top of Kyle and hilted himself completely inside his best friend.

Kyle stared up at Nick's face as the wolf's crotch pressed flush with his ass. The wolf's dick was all the way inside him, it had to be, and it hurt like hell. It burned and Kyle felt like he was being fucking split open, which he was in a way. The tiger chuckled at that, and then groaned softly. Past all the pain of Nick's entrance, it also felt so damn good. The full, stretched feeling the wolf's cock sent running through Kyle's body was unlike anything the tiger had ever felt before. It forced all other thoughts out of his mind. Kyle gasped and clawed at Nick's sides, his tail lashing as a low moan rumbled out of his chest as the wolf's hips shifted and that huge shaft of wolf cock inside him moved. It felt so damn good...

Now the wolf was fucking him, thrusting his cock into Kyle's body slowly, sending waves of pleasure deep inside the big cat. Kyle shivered and arched his back, pushing his ass up to meet the wolf's thrusts. He curled his legs around the wolf's waist, trying to hold the wolf deep inside him. Kyle moaned like a girl in heat, his legs held up in the air as Nick thrust down into his ass. The wolf's eyes were closed as he humped the cat's ass and made Kyle mewl in pleasure.

Kyle shivered all over and let himself go, starting to purr loudly. He gripped the fur of the wolf's chest tightly, his paws twisting in the black fur as the wolf began to really fuck him. The wolf pleasured himself in the tiger, fucking him like mad, and Kyle felt the pleasure mounting with each thrust of the wolf's cock. Kyle didn't know why he was letting this happen. His legs were in the air and his best friend was fucking him like a bitch and he didn't care because it felt too damn good to even think about why it was happening.

All he knew was that every time the wolf's cock plunged inside him, his whole body felt like it was on fire with pleasure. Each thrust brought the sensation of being stretched open and Kyle didn't want it to stop. Nick shifted his paws, pressing them into Kyle's shoulders as he lay down on top of the tiger, the change of position allowing him to quicken his thrusts, leaning forward on all fours and fucking the tiger in short fast doggy thrusts. Kyle growled and pawed at the wolf's chest, purring so loudly he almost couldn't hear the wolf's moans and grunts of pleasure as the wolf bred him like he was a bitch. He might be a tall, muscle bound hunk of a bitch, but Kyle realized that in that moment he was Nick's bitch. The wolf was making Kyle his bitch, slamming his dick into him and making the tiger his female. The tiger wrapped his arms around Nick's neck and clung to the wolf, gasping and mewling as the strong male on top of him fucked him soundly.

Kyle loved it.

Nick gasped as Kyle's arms encircled his neck and he growled loudly as the curve of Kyle's body changed, letting him thrust completely into the tiger. Nick growled and grinned, fucking the tiger even harder. He couldn't believe how good having Kyle underneath him felt. He was on top of the tiger, his back hunching as his hips worked hard. He mounted the tiger's ass as hard as he could, and the big wolf was panting hard as he breed the tiger as fast as he could. Kyle's tail was better then any pussy he had ever fucked. The tiger's tail hole squeezed down on him as he pushed inside, hot and tight, and it gripped his cock just as tightly as he pulled out. It only made the wolf fuck harder.

The wolf shook his head and grinned, staring down at Kyle's face as the tiger purred and mewled in delight. He'd never heard the cat purr so loudly before. The tiger's eyes were closed and his throat was exposed as the wolf humped his friend hard, plowing his dick into the strong male underneath him as hard as he could. Their powerful bodies were pressed together, strong muscles rubbing across each other, flexing, pressing and straining against each other's body, fighting against the strength of the other even as they tried to force their bodies closer together. Nick pressed his chest against the tiger's, trapping the tiger's dick against their sweaty hard abdominal muscles, which were rubbing across each other and the tiger's dick as the wolf fucked Kyle.

Nick looked down at his best friend as they fucked. The tiger's body rippled underneath him, and if he lifted himself up the wolf could see his ebony cock sinking into the tight pink hole surrounded by the soft white fur of the tiger's ass.

Each thrust into the tiger made the pleasure grow stronger. The tiger's purr was getting louder and his claws dug into the fur of Nick's shoulders as the tiger clung to him. Nick shivered at the sensation and wagged his tail, his butt shaking as he slammed himself into Kyle with enough force to shake the bed. Nick could feel his knot beginning to form as the base of his cock began to grow wider, catching for a moment inside the tiger with each thrust. Nick shivered as the tiger's tail hole squeezed at his knot, and that thrilling sensation told the wolf it would not be long now.

The wolf leaned forward and took the tiger's throat in his muzzle. The taste tiger's sweaty neck fur filled his mouth and the scent of the tiger he was fucking filled his mind as he held Kyle in a mating bite. The tiger seemed to love that, because he gasped and struggled, pushing up against the wolf, curling his body against Nick, who buggered Kyle as hard as he could.

Nick whined and began nipping and licking at the tiger's neck, as he got ready to tie his friend. Nick's knot was growing bigger by the moment. Then suddenly the tiger's body tensed all over, the tiger's body shaking underneath nick as they fucked. Kyle's moans got louder and longer, and Nick's thrusts got deeper and slower as the tiger's tail hole clamped down on Nick's dick. The tiger's tail was squeezing down on his cock hard, and Nick held Kyle down and fucked him as hard as he could. The wolf's body was shaking with the need to cum into the tight ass of his friend, who he knew was climaxing underneath him.

Nick shifted himself and looked down at the tiger's cock. He panted at the sight of thick ropes of white cum shooting across the tiger's chest. The tiger's tail hole tightened down like a vise on the wolf's cock. Nick slammed his cock forward into that spasming tightness once, twice, three times as the tiger roared and came for a second time. The wolf felt alive as he fucked the tiger, he felt stronger then ever. The wolf had never felt as wonderful as he did at that moment as he pushed his knot into the tiger's spasming tail hole and tied his best friend as the tiger came all over them both.

Nick pressed himself against Kyle, holding him down and howling as his knot slammed as far inside Kyle as he could get, his knot spreading Kyle open wider then ever. Nick howled and held the tiger as tightly as he could, and Nick just came deep inside the tiger.

The wolf's body shook as he held himself inside Kyle. He could feel the tiger's passage spasm around his cock, squeezing down on his knot as his dick throbbed, pumping his seed into Kyle's ass. Nick watched the tiger's face, twisted into a mask of pleasure as he came, the tiger's trapped cock still spraying cum across their stomachs. Kyle's eyes opened and the wolf gasped for air as he stared into the tiger's eyes. They stared at each other in shock, their bodies shaking as the wolf's balls emptied themselves deep inside the tiger.

Nick leaned down and kissed the tiger hard, his cock locked deep inside Kyle's body. He kissed the tiger passionately, claiming the tiger's powerful male body with his own. Nick held himself there a time long, his muzzle switching between kissing the tiger and biting at his neck. The tiger's paws slowly began to rub the wolf's chest and Kyle held his legs around the wolf's waist as long as he could before his legs just gave out. The tiger let his hind paws fall to the bed, and both boys moaned in pleasure as the tiger's tail hole tightened around the wolf's trapped knot.

Both males were gasping for air. Their bodies trembled in the afterglow of such a powerful mating. Nick kissed Kyle softly as he lay on top of the tiger, the wolf's tongue grooming the tiger's face as they stared into each other's eyes. Nick's eyes were wide open as he panted in triumph, his body pressing down on Kyle's as he embraced the tiger fiercely. Kyle's eyes were half closed as he drifted in a hazy, pleasure filled world, surrounded by the wolf's arms. Nick stayed locked inside Kyle, his cock hilted deep inside the tiger, who squirmed for a while as his tail hole adjusted to the sheer size of the wolf's massive knot. The wolf and tiger trembled against each other, panting hard. Neither spoke or moved.

Nick slid his arms under Kyle's body, hugging the tiger's lower torso as he lay his head down on top of Kyle's chest. Kyle squeezed the sides of the wolf's chest with his legs and let his head fall back against the pillow.

They fell asleep still tied together, exhausted, drunk, purring, and utterly happy.