Pokemon Always Help Those in Need

Story by Noxious Photon on SoFurry

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Got my second story out already, and this time with actual smut! I wouldn't expect to be getting stories all this often though, the last one was more of a test and this one I tried to actually have some length and sex with. I just ended up having more free time then normal recently and wanted to really submit something that was a real story I made vs the "test" so to speak.

It had been a long and not so exhausting day for Jaden today. The human had been walking around a lot of the town today, but yet he hadn't actually been doing anything! And it's not that he didn't have any friends, Jaden was a rather handsome and slightly effeminate looking male after all. He had medium length brown hair with dark blue eyes, and more notably always seemed to like wearing black skinny jeans with some type of varied colorful shirt. And normally he was a rather cheerful and very outgoing guy with all kinds of people to hang out with, but today was not a normal day for him. He had been having a great weekend so far with some fun afternoon gaming and a very entertaining movie night with some of his friends, but that was only for Friday. He actually had everything planned for what he would do Saturday today, but as the day went on his plans kept falling apart with no backups. None of his planned friends other friends could make it to the mall that day and his dinner plans had been shot along with that, all he had been doing is lazing around at home and buying a couple things at the mall by himself. And now it was already around 7:00pm yet he had nothing else he wanted to do, on a Saturday with no school. The streets were semi busy and filled with the chatter of both humans and pokemon alike enjoying their Saturday night out, but Jaden had nobody to do anything with.

Jaden: Man this really sucks.. not only was today's plans just an utter disappointment, but my after dinner messing around had been cancelled along with it! I was really looking forward to screwing with that floatzel as well..

But just then Jaden had bumped into somebody walking by him, thinking too much to himself and not paying attention to where he was walking to. "Oh sorry about-". But just then as he looked at who he bumped into he noticed who it was, the flygon named Cory that went to the college he's currently attending. Cory and Jaden weren't exactly friends really, they had been just in a few classes together and occasionally talked, but for some reason nothing ever really came of it. Jaden just ended up spending more time with other groups of people and they never exchanged any information. The Flygon looked down at the human he had bumped into and soon smiled when he remembered who it was

Cory: Well long time no see Jaden, I see your still always wearing those black jeans of yours

Jaden smiled back at his comment: Well of course! It wouldn't be me if I was wearing anything else besides that. Oh and it's nice to see you too of course uh Cory I think it was, how have you been?

Cory: I've been doing pretty good I would say, though I went there some minor changes sense we last meet. It well isn't anything to big though, I uh am still kind of bad at meeting new people around college or just in general, but I've gotten better at talking with others. And I at least have a couple good close friends now.

Jaden: Hey that's great, I'm glad you've been doing better in that department. You do seem more confident in talking with me now that I think about it; I remember our first assignment we got put together with you actually stuttered a little when trying to say something to me!

Cory rubbed the back of his head a little embarrassed: Well that was like a year ago.. but I guess based on that, my confidence has actually raised a lot more than I thought sense then.

Jaden nodded at him in agreement before there was a small moment of silence as they both remembered they were standing in the middle of the side walk. "Well look I-"

Cory: "wait wait! Before you say anything uh, I'm going to do something I should have done a very long time ago when we still had classes." Cory hastily took out a small piece of paper from a small bag he was carrying around him, and quickly wrote down something on it. "Here please take this, it's my name and phone number. I'm also hoping to perhaps get yours in return, I honestly regretted the fact that I couldn't even gather enough courage for something as simple as that.

Jaden took the paper and laughed a little bit: Oh yah that's right.. we never did exchange information huh, I had completely forgot about that!

Cory did a small unenthusiastic laugh: you were never very good at remembering anything really..

Jaden quickly took the information down in his cellphone and gave Cory a quick text: There, Just add me through that.

Cory smiled at Jaden: "Alright, thank you!" There came another small awkward amount of silence as they stood there again remembering they haven't been moving from this spot still

Cory: Hey Jaden, uhm I was wondering real quick. If you weren't doing anything today-

Jaden: "I'd love to!" And without a moment's hesitation Jaden quickly went up to Cory's side looking up at him. "How does your place sound?"

Cory was a bit shocked at how fast and ready Jaden seemed to be to accept his invitation, but he reacted positively with a smile: "Well that's what I was going to suggest in the first place, let's go shall we?"

And with that the flygon and the human both walked home doing some small chit chat to each other every once and awhile on the way over.

Jaden: *Oh man this is great, maybe my night won't be so lonely after all If I could convince Cory to fuck me today. I just hope he actually likes doing that sort of thing with guys, I'm sure a couple subtle hints will get the message across*

Cory: *I'm so glad to have meet Jaden again! With my boost in confidence I finally was able to get his information, he's so damn popular and good looking that it was always too hard for me to ask him. But now that we are friends I shouldn't ask for too much for the time being, at best I have a good time and maybe watch a movie with him. And perhaps if I'm lucky he'll turn out to really like me and I could somehow get at least a hand job from him.. oh what am I saying! That's only assuming I can stay cool, have everything go perfect and if he were to somehow be flattered from begging just to get a little action, Just keep your mind focused Cory and don't expect anything more than a good time.

Jaden: Uhm is this it?..

Cory snapped out of it and looked around, realizing for the last minute he was thinking to himself and was probably standing in front of his house for a while.

Cory: "Oh uh yah, sorry.. I was just thinking to myself for a second there." Cory quickly pulled out his keys and opened the door as Jaden snickered.

Jaden: "Yah I can tell." And without hesitation when the door opened Jaden went right inside looking around the place. "Wow your place is so neat and tidy compared to my mess of a home.. also surprisingly big considering you live here by yourself.

Cory: "well it's not that clean right now actually." Then a little shock of lighting went inside Cory's head and triggered something he hadn't been thinking about *Oh yah, I don't think he even knows I live with a roommate, and he forgot to clean the god damn place again!*

Jaden sat down on the living room sofa looking over at Cory: So what were you thinking of doing with me?

Cory looked over at Jaden: "I got something in mind, but for now come with me, I need to have a small talk with my roommate." And without waiting Cory started walking toward a room a little upset.

Jaden watched and quickly followed suite behind him: *Well I guess that makes more sense for having such a big place, I hope the roommate isn't like a little sister or something.. I don't know if we would be able to have any alone time then.*

Cory opened the door to a slightly messy and dirty room with a giant ball that seemed to be under the covers of the bed in the corner. Cory quickly grabbed a pillow off of the floor and threw it hard at the ball with some type of pokemon underneath it. "Wake up Aiden.. You were supposed to clean today." A groan could be heard from the covers as he sat up pushing the sheets aside. And what was underneath those covers was a sleepy looking Raichu, but it was no ordinary one... he was gigantic for a Raichu, slightly bigger then Jaden but not quite as tall as Cory.

Aiden groaned from getting out of bed "You woke me up just to tell me that.. You're the only one that wants this place so god damn clean anyways.." The Raichu looked over and noticed Jaden standing behind Cory "Oh you have a friend over... and an actual new one, a cute looking one that isn't just those stupid girls from English class."

Cory looked over at the Raichu slightly upset: Aiden..

Aiden: "Don't fucking look at me like that, you don't even like those girls anyways. Besides it's about time you got an actual guy you can f-" And a pillow hit him smack dab in the face before he could even finish that sentence

Cory: how about you learn to have some manners and not curse or say that stuff when I have company over already!

Jaden laughed a little bit: I think he's just a little upset about having to wake up. And don't worry about it Cory, trust me I'm used to people cursing and what not, it's no big deal.

Cory: It's not just that though, Aiden always likes to just annoy me.

Aiden through aside the pillow on his face only to show them the childish and slightly toothy grin: "It's almost like a pass time at this point. But enough bickering for now." Aiden got up and walked over to Jaden to greet him with his hand "It's very nice to meet you Jaden."

Jaden smiled at Aiden and went to shake his hand in return, but suddenly the Raichu pulled him into an unexpected hug. "Sike! come on now we don't need any handshakes around here, that's just something for you humans to keep their distance. See for us were all about close contact, it's a pokemon thing"

Jaden:" Oh um alright then haha." Jaden just went with it and gave a small hug back, Cory looking at Aiden confused until he noticed Aiden cup a quick feel of his Jaden's ass during the hug, starting to stare back at Cory with that toothy grin of his and a tongue sticking out.

Cory growled a bit at him: *Stop messing with me already.* Cory did a very quick spit of dragon breath right at Aiden's face, a direct hit on him without hurting Jaden as he fell back quickly on the ground. Jaden looked quickly back at Cory a bit confused

Cory: "oh sorry about that, sometimes if I get a bad burp I let out a little bit of my dragon breath." And without hesitation quickly went over to Jaden with a hand behind his back "let's just go to my room for the time being and leave him alone alright." Jaden looked back over at the slightly pained Raichu just starting to get up. "Uh will he be alright?" Cory: "oh he will be fine don't worry let's just go." Aiden got up on his feet as Jaden and Cory left the room shutting the door.

Aiden: *fucker.. I should probably just leave them alone and let Cory just finally score with someone after so long. Hmm, But on the other hand, that Jaden guy seems way out of Cory's league if you ask me, I don't even know if he can seal the deal. Perhaps if I help him or maybe persuade the human a little I could get some action in on a 3-some!

10 or so minutes passed on of Jaden just talking a little bit with Cory in the living room, and eventually deciding on watching a movie together. Cory went off to prepare some drinks and a snack in the kitchen, and told Cory to just go to his room and wait for him while picking out any movie he wanted to watch in the shelf. Jaden Agreed and went off to the room, opening the door to something he didn't quiet expect to see.

Aiden: oh hey there uh Jaden I think it was, sit on the bed with me~

Jaden was a bit confused as to how he snuck in there without him and Cory noticing, or exactly why he was there. But he reluctantly sat down beside him.

Aiden: hey ease up man, look I'm not doing anything weird or something. I just honestly wanted to watch the movie with you and Cory, we like to bicker and fight a lot but believe it or not we are still decent friends. If it was really so bad we wouldn't be living together trust me.

Jaden felt a bit more comfortable now and actually liked how open and relaxed Aiden was: Alright, sorry.. It was just a kind of weird introduction and a bit odd seeing you there was all." He rubbed the back of his head a little

Aiden just smiled back nicely: I know I gotcha, but let's just relax and start a movie alright. Which one were you thinking of watching?

Jaden then remembered something he got at the mall after looking over at Raichu, something that was bothering him ever sense he first saw the Raichu. And with that idea became a plan *Well it's not to incredibly subtle.. but perhaps this could get the ball rolling before we even start the movie* actually.. before that there is something I want to show you before we get the movie, something you reminded me of.

Aiden looked at him inquisitively, not even sure what to expect: I did? Well uh, let's see it I guess.

Then rather suddenly Jaden got up from the bed and stood up close and in front of Aiden who was sitting on the bed still, and with his back turned to him and to Aiden's surprise suddenly pulled down the very back of his pants to show Aiden his undies. "Check these out" and what Aiden saw on the undies staring at him in his face was some paws imprinted on them. They were purple undies that actually had big imprinted Raichu hands on the back side that looked like they were groping his cheeks. "I actually bought this from the mall today and put them on, what do you think?" The minute Aiden realized finally understood what he was looking at he immediately took advantage of the situation and reacted by placing both of his hands right were the paws were and squeezing his ass for himself, causing Jaden to drop his pants out of the sudden touch. "mmm~ I'd have to say that their very nice looking undies, and that the printing on them is very accurate considering it has a very similar size to my own hands." Jaden simply giggled a bit in response, already expecting this type of thing to happen if he was going show him this type of thing. "maybe they actually got your hands as a model for them?" The Raichu kept indulging himself with his paws against his undies still groping and feeling him up. "Perhaps they did without me even knowing, and I must also say that those undies fit quiet nice and tightly on you."

Then just at that exact moment Cory had walked in holding some snacks. "I'm just dropping off the snacks for now, I'll get the drinks." Then he suddenly noticed what was actually going on here, Aiden groping Jaden's ass with his pants down. Jaden barely reacted to the situation though "Oh Cory your back" But Aiden was a bit worried and pulled his hands back from Jaden "Now wait Cory.. I know what you're thinking." "God dammit Aiden, your always doing this shit with me while I'm gone just to get me angry and I'm getting sick of it!" Cory was clearly very upset and heading toward Aiden, Jaden a little confused.

Aiden: "Hold on Cory, that's not the case this time! I swear if you listen I can explain." Jaden wasn't sure if this was going to get ugly or not so he just made the quick decision of getting out of his pants quickly and getting in front of Cory between Aiden. " Wait a minute Cory! He's not forcibly feeling me up or anything, I actually have Raichu paw prints on my underwear!" Cory stared at Jaden a little bit confused, and Jaden in response simply turned around with his ass toward Cory. Cory looked down and soon made the connection, also blushing quiet furiously from suddenly getting the opportunity to see his ass right in his face.

Cory: W-Why the hell do you even have those kinds of undies.. I mean, their cute actually, b-but I just thought..

The situation had very quickly defused and Aiden just as quickly went with the flow, while also pushing things where he was wanting to in the first place. Aiden: "I told you id be able to explain, Jaden here was just showing off some very nice undies. But you know.. "Raichu suddenly grabbed Jaden and sat back down on the bed, placing him in front of his lap "I think perhaps you're trying to tell us something else with that gesture."

Aiden was definitely spot on with that assumption, but Jaden couldn't help but be flustered to be seen so easily and quickly. "w-what do you mean? I'm just trying to show you guys something cool I got from the mall. And it just so happened to be undies, that I'm wearing.

Aiden laughed and started to feel up Jaden a bit under his shirt "I've had my fair share of sex and teasing you know, a hell of a lot more then Cory over here and probably even more then you, your gestures and attitude told me right away that you weren't here just for the movie"

Cory normally would have been a bit angry at that shot thrown at him, but he could now only blush and feel a bit anxious. He didn't even think he would be getting anything from Jaden today, and now it had turned into this so quickly. He only wished he could kick out Aiden and take him for himself, but he was happy just to be getting this chance right now. Cory soon approached Jaden.

Cory: Is that true?

Jaden coughed a bit: Well uh yah.. I just didn't expect this whole situation to happen so soon.. but sense it is, I'm assuming you like males to Cory?

Cory nodded: y-yah, I actually uhm only like guys.

Aiden: "You done talking Cory? Because I'm sick of waiting, I'm already fully up and ready to go over here." And Just as he had said his member was almost fully erect already and he started to slightly rub his member a little bit on Jaden's back as he lifted his shirt up and threw it across the room, Jaden teasingly rubbing back a little and getting into the mood.

Cory blushed more and felt his own member peeking out and starting to form. He quickly went over to Aiden and Jaden and took Jaden quickly off of his lap, and turned him so his back was now facing Cory. "I'm the one that got him here, so I get to have his ass first." Aiden couldn't help but be a little annoyed but dealt with it. "Fine.. you need this a lot more than I do anyways, just try not to break him ok."

Jaden: "I think Cory over here should be fine. I'm pretty good at handling it rough you know, I actually like it quite a lot~" Cory himself started getting really into it too now and started to feel Jaden up and lick at his ear a bit. "mmm I bet you do, Now that I have this opportunity I'm gonna take full advantage of it and fill that ass of yours until you're stuffed."

Aiden: Hehe don't worry though Jaden, I'll make sure your mouth takes just as much of my cum, if you think you can handle both of us together.

Jaden moaned a little softly as Cory kept teasing him and started to take off his underwear, exposing Jaden's modestly sized cock now erect in the air. "I told you I can, trust me. I've handled two pokemon at once in the past and I can handle it now as well."

Cory started to rub his large cock back and forth a little on his ass and on his back, moaning softly from the stimulation and already letting out a little pre cum. Aiden was still sitting on the bed and started teasing his cock a little bit while watching Jaden.

Aiden grunted a bit before responding: Come on Cory, get his slutty mouth over here so I can feed him my cock already.

Cory stopped himself from rubbing up against Jaden now and quickly led him over to the bed. The Raichu backed up a little further on it as Cory quickly pushed Jaden down and bent him over the bed, with his head now right in front of Aiden's cock. Aiden was fairly well endowed considering his already tall height, and in particular had a very thick and wide cock to stuff his mouth with; but that's not to say it still had plenty of height to it. Aiden started to shortly rub his hot member up against Jaden's face in anticipation, his strong scent and musk quickly filling up Jaden's nose and making him shiver a little. Meanwhile behind him was Cory starting to move his own cock in and out between Jaden's cheeks and against his little hole that was now open to him. The Flygon was also fairly well endowed with his size but unlike Raichu was not as amazingly thick, but instead had a much longer cock size in comparison to his still fairly thick and wide size.

Aiden at this point was starting breathe a bit heavily and was leaking some pre that dribbled down his cock. "Alright I ain't waiting for Cory to get out of his heat and start going inside of you, I'm taking you now." Aiden placed a paw on Jaden's head putting himself a little closer to him and lifting his head up by his hair, and then quickly proceeded to very strongly "encouraged" him to start sucking down half way on his cock. Jaden immediately obliged him and started rather hungrily sucking down on the needy Raichu's cock that was being practically forced in his mouth. He skillfully moved his tongue up down and around on it as Raichu lolled his tongue out a little and started to moan out. "D-Damn you're really good at this, Oohh fuck."

Cory very soon after hearing Aiden's comment got a hold of himself and stopped himself from continuing to rub up against his ass. He was feeling a lot more needy and wanting then he thought he would be now that he actually had Jaden naked and beneath him, It was hard for him to handle. But he didn't waste any more time now, his cock already had a lot of pre lubed up on it at this point and without even getting Jaden adjusted lined up his tip with Jaden's hole and slowly, but a little roughly started to push it inside of him. This caused Jaden to now also start to moan out a bit, but Aiden didn't give him any time and Kept his head firmly down on his cock so he would keep sucking, any moaning and groaning being drowned out by Aiden's shaft.

It didn't take to long for Cory to fit in most of his cock, or at least how much Jaden could take all the way inside of him. It was taking all of his willpower just to stop himself from ravaging Jaden and showing no mercy, but regardless he was still starting off moderately slow to give Jaden time to adjust and not cum to early, moaning out loudly every time he got to push back into his tight yet silk smooth walls. It was hard to believe that Jaden was used to being able to go rough with other pokemon when he felt so tight around him, the size difference between them made it so that Cory couldn't even tell. And Aiden meanwhile started to feel a bit more heated up as the pleasure kept slowly building, as Cory had started to slowly move in and out of him Aiden started to do the same thing with his mouth. He still firmly held Jaden's head with his hand and slowly started to thrust in and out of his mouth, while also encouraging him to go pretty deep by pushing his hand down a little harder every time he thrust upward. Jaden responded quickly by making sure to keep his tongue underneath the cock so that it could guide Aiden and also give him more pleasure for his mouth thrusting needs, but still sucking him off and wiggling his tongue a little bit beneath him. Aiden moaned out even louder and breathed heavier as Jaden knew exactly what to do, slowly with each thrust speeding up his strength and speed. Aiden: "y-yah that's it, keep that soft mouth of your nice and tight around my cock. Aahhhh, that feels so damn good~."

Cory was also really starting to feel the heat building up inside his loins and around his throbbing cock, his control was starting to wan as he quickly started to speed up with each couple of thrusts and gain a lot more momentum behind him each time he did so. He squeezed at Jaden's ass a little bit as he started to really pound quite roughly into his tight ass and started to get lost in the immense pleasure he was getting. Jaden's head had started to feel light from now taking in a large and rough flygon cock inside his ass, while a horny Raichu from in front of him was also building up speed and strength as he thrust in and out of his mouth. Jaden's cock felt painfully hard from the stimulus he was getting and never wanted it to end. But at the same time he was also getting conflicted feelings of wanting to taste Aiden's cum and feel his ass get filled with all that hot cum Cory had stored inside of him. But Jaden would soon get that last wish as both Aiden and Cory started to reach their pinnacle of pleasure.

If Aiden had even started out with any constraint in the first place it would all be gone at this point, his balls were starting to ache with the need to cum and all he could think about was fucking this human as hard as he could. He held both of his paws down on his head now and with as much speed as he could pounded into Jaden's moist mouth with equally as great vigor. He kept continually forcing Jaden to slightly deep throat him with each mouth thrust and even forcing him to swallow a bit of pre that was also continually leaking out of his tip. Aiden at this point had really gone up with his dirty talk "aaahh fuck! That's it you slut, keep taking my cock in your mouth! I'm gonna fill that naughty mouth of yours full of so much cum~" Cory meanwhile had also now completely lost his willpower and was completely indulging in the pleasure, Now really giving his all to Jaden's fairly abused hole. He kept pushing as deep as he could into that hole, hard and fast with no room for breaks. His ass still felt tight and constricting around Cory's throbbing and pre leaking cock that he kept relentlessly pounding in and out of Jaden almost to a blur at this point. Cory remained silent during all of it as he wasn't one for dirty talk, but you could still hear his hot breath and loud moaning in the mix and practically feel his need to cum with each throb inside of Jaden.

Jaden at this point had now reached his own max limit. He was being fucked with no mercy from both sides of him by two horny pokemon who's only thought right now was to fill him with all their seed. His eyes were slightly drowsy looking from the pleasure and his own cock started to twitch, he was finally at his end and let out a loud moan that wasn't audible through the face fucking, spurting out all of his cum onto the bed as he orgasmed. Both Cory and Aiden immediately reacted to his orgasm. Cory felt his anus pulsate around his cock as he kept fucking him, and already very close to the end of his rope simply pushed him over the edge as he pounded as fast as his hips would let him, and then pushed his cock as deep as it could possibly go inside Jaden, letting out a giant torrent of his steaming hot pokemon cum inside of his tight ass. The massive amount easily filling up his ass to the brim as spurt after spurt kept going in, leaving Cory in constant ecstasy. Aiden simply followed suite of the two and started fucking and pounding his mouth as much as Jaden could possibly take before pushing his head all the way down on his cock, and bending his neck backward to moan out loudly as he released Multiple Jets of his own hot Raichu seed in his mouth. Both Cory and Raichu now pumping out the rest of their built up cum inside the human until exhaustion. When it all finally ended all that could be heard in the room was short and hot breathing from the orgasm all of them just had.

Jaden: wow~ That was really amazing.

Cory: Oh yah it was.. I don't think I've ever cum so hard and so much before, not even with my first time

Aiden: easily the top 20 orgasms have had for sure.. phew. Alright well then, let's see if we can get an even better orgasm. Turn Jaden around Cory, let's go for another round.

Jaden: W-What!?

Cory laughed a bit: You didn't think it was over just cause of how intense our first one was did you? I could probably still do about 2 or 3 more

Aiden: Hell I think I might even be able to do 4 if I just make sure not to take too long

Jaden: W-Wait a minute guys, can I at least get a minute to relax?

Aiden: Hell no! I'm already getting hard again, it's time for me to get a feel of that cute and tight ass of yours~

And so the 3 males had a very heated, messy, and crazy night that day. Both Cory and Aiden relentlessly pounded and came inside Jaden over and over from multiple sides and positions, And Jaden didn't take a single second of it for granted.