How To Train Your Dragon: Breeding a Night Fury

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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Hiccup and Astrid's private getaway gets disturbed when marriage plans between the two Vikings are interrupted by a certain black dragon with his own ideas for their union...

This story was a gift for me by my wonderful pet Atlas86

I didn't write this story, but it's still unbelievably hot.

It contains sex between two humans and a dragon.

"A-Astrid...I..." Hiccup started again, for what seemed like the dozenth time that afternoon. He'd been awkwardly trailing Astrid since that morning acting nonchalant, as if she would fall for 'going the same way as her' for a fifth time. As she made her way up to the high cliff's edge, overlooking Berk's harbor, she looked stunningly beautiful to him. Her blonde locks billowed in the summer sea breeze, which was only a few degrees warmer than the winter sea breeze. The circlet that kept her hair at bay glimmered in the noonday sun, shining its bronze glow back into his eyes. She hefted her freshly-shined battleax onto her shoulder and puffed out a breath, wicking a few beads of sweat from her brow. It was quite a hike to get to this particular ledge, and while Astrid was a little damp from the climb, Hiccup felt like he might collapse and roll back down the hill.

"Hiccup, you've been stuttering nonsense and following me around all day. Not to mention Toothless snickers every time you try to talk. If you've got something to say, could you just say it?" she said, turning to face him. She briefly cast a concerned glance at him as he wheezed and flopped against a small tree, and nearly slipping as his metal leg lot grip in the dirt. Toothless stepped in behind him to nudge him back into place, sniggering as his rider tried so desperately to court the female.

Hiccup bit his lip and stepped up to her side, rocking back and forth from toes to heel as he gasped for breath and looked out over the sea and the bustling port directly below. "Y-you's very...pretty up here..." he got out between pants. Clearing his throat, he briefly glanced over at Astrid, arms crossed as she watched him with a frown, before blushing and looking back out. " look very pretty up here."

"Hiccup..." she sighed, and stepped forward to put a hand on his shoulder. "You always over think things. Just ask me out, okay?"

He just stared at her, dumbfounded. Her crystal blue eyes could see right through him, knew everything that he was thinking. Maybe she was right when she'd called him an open book so many times before. Swallowing his nervousness as best he could, and trying to ignore the amusement of the dragon behind him, he square up his shoulders and stared her straight in the eye.

"Astrid...Would you like to go out with me tonight?" he asked.

A small smile cross her lips. "Yes, Hiccup. That sounds nice."

His smile came out much wider. "Great. I've got some things to get, and then I'll come back here to pick you up. We'd better leave soon; it's a long hike to get there by sunset."

"Hike? You mean we aren't flying?" she asked, cocking her brow at him.

"Not this time. I want it to just be you and me," he said, taking her hand between his.

"No offense, Hiccup, but...are you going to be alright for a hike? You're a little..." she motioned to his whole body. "And you've got..." she vaguely motioned at his leg.

"Don't worry about me," he replied, and back took a step back from her. "I need to show you that I can do things on my own, without Toothless there to help me."

"Hiccup!" Astrid called as he turned and headed back down the hillside towards town, but she was too late. A moment later he was gone, hidden behind a thick wall of pines and out of earshot. "You don't have to prove anything to me." she said with a sigh.


Hiccup grunted as he threw his pack over his shoulder. He hoped he hadn't left Astrid waiting too long. It had taken longer to gather everything than he had anticipated. They would definitely have to keep a steady pace if they were going to reach his spot in time of the sunset. His bag felt like a bundle of bricks tied to his shoulders, which was a little concerning considering its contents. A thick woolen blanket, a loaf of bread, and enough chicken to comfortably feed the both of them. Another reason why he didn't want their dragons to accompany them. He would have had to bring enough chicken for Stormfly, too.

With a grunt, he opened the door to his home and stepped inside. His father was out, off doing some chiefly duty or another no doubt. He slipped quietly inside, with Toothless following tight on his heels. Under the stairs, in a dusty cabinet, he found the metal spikes and rods used to assemble a cooking spit, and loaded those into his pack as well. A few small logs from beside the fire pit joined them, making it feel more like a gronckle was riding on his back. A grunt of exertion left his body as he hiked himself to full height again, and pulled on the shoulder straps as hard as he could to alleviate the pressure on his spine.

"Well Toothless, that should be everything," he said, turning to Toothless. The dragon looked up at him with concern, and strode around to nudge at the pack. Hiccup nudged him away in response. "No Bud, I don't need you to carry it for me. In fact, you're going to stay here while I'm gone, okay?"

The dragon cocked an eye-ridge and warbled at him, as if he didn't understand the question. When Hiccup moved for the door, he followed in behind, just as he always had.

"No, Toothless. I need to be alone with Astrid tonight," he reiterated, turning and running his hand over the dragon's head. "I need to prove to her...I need to show her I'm not just your rider."

Toothless made an irritated growl, and slid up closer to him once again. Hiccup tried to push him away, but the insistent dragon wouldn't budge. With a sigh, Hiccup's hand slid from the top of the dragon's head, down his neck, until his fingertips rested against the crook of his neck. The dragon froze, eyes staring straight into his.

"Go upstairs and wait for me, or I'll do it," Hiccup warned, staring his fearsome Night fury right in the eye. Toothless held his unwavering gaze, a glare of his own calling his threat as an empty one. Stiffening his lip, Hiccup began to scratch vigorously under the dragon's chin. Toothless' eyes widened and his pupils dilated, fixing Hiccup with an oddly pathetic stare before he collapsed forward, eyes shut and sleeping soundly. He sighed, watching his dragon lay in his forced slumber, before turning and heading out the door. He hadn't had to incapacitate a dragon like that since his days in dragon training, and it hurt him to see himself treating his best friend that way. He only hoped Toothless would forgive him when he got back. A few fish might make him a little more forgiving, if he stopped by the harbor on his way home, or even some dragon nip if he could find any. They had been together constantly since they had met, so he supposed it was understandable that Toothless would have trouble on his own, especially with his broken tail. Toothless had come to rely on him almost as much as he relied on Toothless. Maybe, when they found other Night furies somewhere, Toothless would understand what it meant to show a lady that you were capable. He would understand one day. After closing the door softly behind him, he headed back towards the cliff where Astrid was waiting for him, pack hanging painfully on his back and metal leg creaking with the addition load.


Astrid was still waiting on the cliff's peak when Hiccup returned, arms crossed and a small frown on her face as she stared out to see.

"You didn't have to leave me waiting here, you know," she said, hearing him coming a mile away as his panting breath and squeaking leg shambled their way up the hill. She turned to fix her disapproving gaze on him, as he came up the hill to stand before her. When he was within arm's reach, he hunched over and rested his hands on his knees, sweat dripping from his brow. " far have you walked with that bag on?"

"O-oh, you know," he gasped. "I was getting stuff...from all over town...I wanted to make tonight...special..."

"You're so clueless," Astrid said with a sigh, putting her hand to her forehead. "Where is this little spot of yours, anyway?"

"Oh, it's not too far," he said with a puff. "To the north...The end of the bluffs...I thought we could have some the sunset together."

"You know...that actually sounds nice, for a change," Astrid replied, a small smile replacing her disappointed expression. "Are you sure you don't want me to carry the pack, though? You're looking a little pale."

"Oh no, no. Don't worry about it." he cringed, swearing that the straps the held the bag to him were about to snap. "I got it. Let's get going."

"Sure," she said, strolling past him with a small smile. "Lead the way."

She looked so carefree and content now. Even on the back of her dragon, without the bonds of Earth, there was always a crease of stress across her brow. She didn't even have to be running patrols or rescue missions, she just always looked ready for a fight. Maybe it was because since they'd befriended the dragons, it had been nothing but one conflict after another. Finally, though, there were no immediate dangers lurking over the horizon. For once in what felt like ages, they could breathe easy again.

As they walked up the path out of the village, Astrid had a strange skip in her step. It was so unlike her, and yet so refreshing to see. Hiccup couldn't help but smile as she walked next to him, despite the crushing weight of the pack strapped to him. He hunched forward, bearing more of it down onto his legs, and earning a piercing grinding noise as his leg compressed under its weight. They both froze and cringed, while the birds scattered from their nests in a panic.

"S-Sorry," he said, faking a sheepish response. "Looks like I've got to oil it up again. Must be all the ocean air, corroding the metal, you know?"

"If you say so, Hiccup," she replied, glancing over at him. They continued on for a long moment in silence, save for the sound of their plodding footsteps on the well-trodden forest path. Slowly the birds returned to their roosts, adding their chirping tune to the rustling breeze through the tree branches. Every so often, a squeak from Hiccup's leg would once again drive a spike into the pristine song of nature, but not as significantly as before.

"So what's in that pack that makes it so heavy, anyway?" Astrid asked suddenly.

"Oh, uh just...picnic stuff," he replied, scratching his dripping brow idly. "Wood for the fire, our food, a spit. Things like that."

"I hope you didn't just stick our meal in between a bunch of logs and expect it not to come out flat and stuck up with bark," she said, a critical edge to her.

"N-No. No, no of course not," he replied. He was sure that the blanket was between the two. Then again, should he really have raw chicken dripping all over the blanket? He had put parchment around it, so it was probably fine. "It's...wrapped."

"We could have just gathered some wood out here, too. You didn't have to pack it all from the village," she said matter-of-factly.

"Well, I didn't want you to wait for me to gather it all from the forest," he replied. At least that much was true, and he was sure of it. Based on past experiences, he tended to collect tinder better than logs, so better he take some already pre-sized. Even if he did have to carry more, it would mean a longer fire, and more time with Astrid before the darkness forced them home.

"You probably packed an iron spit, too." she added. "We could have just made on from some thick branches and vines. You didn't have to-"

"Astrid," He said firmly, and put his hand on her shoulder. She froze in her tracks and stared him in the eye, surprised by his sudden intensity. Staring down at him, hair sticking to his face and skin shiny with sweat, she saw that same look of firm determination that he applied to his most serious, important missions. In Hiccup's own, strange way, it was an incredible compliment to her. "I'm fine."

"Y-Yeah," she replied, suddenly feeling quite overwhelmed. She had always known that Hiccup liked her, but she didn't know he liked her quite that much. Maybe he wasn't quite the open book she had always thought of him as.

"It's not too much farther now," he said, looking away from her and further up the path. "Come on, the sooner I get everything set up, the sooner we can eat."

A few minutes later, they arrived at their chosen site, a soft patch of dirt between two low, smooth boulders. With a grunt, Hiccup hefted the pack over his shoulder and let it fall to the ground with a gentle thump. Pulling open the top, he began to remove all the supplies he had brought along. The blanket and wrapped pieces of chicken came out first, which he laid out flat across the soil with their food spaced out on top. Astrid stood there awkwardly, unsure of whether she should be helping him set up or not. When she decided to finally reach for the open bag, she gasped as his fingers suddenly closed around her wrists. With a gentle smile, he guided her onto the blanket, and sat her down with her back against the boulder. Suddenly, he had a completely different air about him. He didn't look like the weak, timid boy he used to be. He seemed so confident now, like he did in the air. He knew that no one could beat him in the skies, and he knew that no one could beat him for her. When he turned his gaze back to the bag, she blushed softly and just watched him work.

He removed the small, dense pine logs he'd been hauling and placed them in an interconnecting cone. A tinderbox came out next, providing the kindling he need to start the blaze. With a dragon always there to light his fires before, he seemed to struggle for a moment before the sparks took to the dried grasses and pieces of twig. Eventually, with a little fidgeting and cursing under his breath, a tiny blaze leapt to life amid the grasses, and quickly took to the rest of the dry wood around it. As the flames began to lick their way higher up their fuel, Hiccup removed the pieces of his spit carefully, each other clinking against the ground as he laid them out flat. He took up the two supporting pillars and drove them into the soft earth, equidistant of each other across the roaring fire. With his supports firm and grounded, he set to work skewering their meal through the crossbar. He unwrapped each one carefully, not letting the parchment tear and leave flakes on the tender, dripping flesh. Each one was driven through the pointed end of the cross bar, sliding down the rod until it would sit centered over the fire. The fire coughed a lick of flame as he threw each spoiled piece of parchment into its blaze, and gently laid their meal across the open flame. A sheet of cured leather had been wrapped around one end of the spit's crossbar, so he could turn it without burning himself on the hot metal. He took a seat opposite her, back pressed to the smooth stone and arm raised to slowly turn the meat over the fire. He smiled across at her, and turned his gaze to sea, stretched out endlessly before them. Flocks of seagulls were winging by, silhouetted by the glowing orange sun as it hovered near the horizon.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked, his eyes staring out across the horizon.

"Yeah. It really is," she replied, joining him in his marveling.

"I'd like to see the horizon someday," he said. "To just keep flying until the world stops."

"Do you really think the world just...stops?" she asked.

"I don't know, but I want to find out," he replied. Suddenly, he looked at her, his eyes bright and shining. "Will you come with me?"

"H-Hiccup," she stuttered, for perhaps the first time in her life. She was completely surprised by his attitude, his confidence.

"This island is so small, when you think about how far the water stretches. No matter how far we've flown, there's always more ocean stretching onwards. Don't you want to see what the world has to offer?"

"B-But what about your father? You have to be chief, don't you?" she asked. Her gaze felt a lot less confident than his. She could not explain this thing, this fear she felt grip her when she spoke to him. Perhaps it was what he had felt all this time when trying to speak with her.

"My dad may be old, but he's got a lot of years of chief left in him before I'll ever have to take over," Hiccup said. "There's plenty of time to see the world before then. It can only be so big, right?"


"Astrid." He suddenly reached over to grab her hand between his. He felt so warm and sincere, the way his smile curved his face and his eyes shone with the sidelong reflection of the setting sun. "There's no one I want to come with me more than you. I need you with me, Astrid. I..."

For the first time since he began, he was stopped dead in his tracks. He just stared deep into her eyes, as if he was looking for her soul deep inside. He just stared, drawn in by her beauty. Her flowing hair, her deep blue eyes, her pink lips. Caught in the glow of the sunset, she was like an auburn angel. Rocking forward, he was suddenly above her, one hand grasping hers while the other supported him against the stone. She seemed to shrink back from him, startled by his advance, as she did something that timid little Hiccup would never do. He closed his eyes, leaned in, and kissed her right on the lips. They were joined for a brief moment, long enough to feel the heat of the other's lips against their own before he pulled away. As he pulled away from her, smiling down reassuringly, the sun slipped below the surface of the ocean, covering them both in the flickering shadows cast from the fire.

"I love you, Astrid," he said resolutely.

"I...I..." she stuttered, her tongue feeling heavy in her mouth. Hiccup had just kissed her. He just went right ahead and kissed her. wasn't like Snotlout trying to steal a kiss. No, it was like she wanted to feel it again. Through the tumult of emotions in her head, one thing shone through. No matter how bad things seemed, Hiccup had always been there for her. Even before he got his dragon, he had always been trying to impress her. He was kind, and charming, and even if he couldn't lift an axe and his best weapon was a shield, she realized that she didn't need that. She had spent so long looking out for herself before the dragons had arrived, that she had never noticed the one person looking out for her. As she looked into his eyes, something clicked inside her mind, and a warmth began to spread through her heart. "I love you too, Hiccup," she replied softly.

Hiccup just stared at her and smiled, same as he always did. It was as if he knew she was going to say that, and it was only a surprise for her how they both felt. "You don't have to follow me, if you want to stay here. I understand that you are a warrior, and that you may have dreams of glory that you can't find with me. So, if you won't follow me, then promise me something, okay?"

"What is it?" she asked, her eyes wide and unsure. Everything inside her head was just muddled up right now. She needed time to think about it, but Hiccup wouldn't give her any.

"I want you to wait for me," he said softly. "I will return one day, stronger and wiser, to be the chief of our tribe. When that day comes, I'm going to marry you, and we'll lead our people together."

"H-Hiccup, do whatever you have to do. I'll be here when you come back...and then we can be married."

Hiccup's smile widened, and his grip on her hand tightened. "One day, I will return to you, right here on this cliff. Come here at sunset once I leave, and watch the falling sun until it has completely set. It will remind you of tonight, or you will see Toothless and I winging towards you as fast as we can."

"I'll do that, Hiccup. I'll watch the sunset every day, and wait for you," she said, and her face slipped into a smile that mirrored his.

"Thank you, Astrid," he replied. "I...there's something I wanted us..."

For the second time since their date began, Hiccup seemed hesitant. He chewed his lower lip, and in the darkness she could just make out the crimson flushing of his cheeks. His hands released hers, and he was suddenly over her again, both his hands bracing his body on the rock as he hung above her. He was breathing more heavily, his warm air puffing against her chin and neck as he stared down her body. Despite being the strong, independent woman she was, with her laid out across the rock below him, she looked small and nervous.

"I want to show you just how much I love you," He said, staring down her body as if he were trying to see through her clothes by force of will alone. At the same time that he was looking at her, she was looking at him. He wasn't much to look at, either, but from below he might as well have been the most handsome man in the village. She knew what he wanted, and she didn't want to say no.

"Yes, Hiccup," she said, barely louder than a whisper. "Help me take these off."

Hiccup seemed stunned by her sudden, positive response. Her hands were at his chest in a second, slowly pulling him out of his shirt. It slid down his arms, and he held himself on one hand to pull it off and cast it somewhere behind them. The cool night air and radiating heat from the fire battled across his bare skin, making him shiver. Her fingers trailed delicately down his torso as his fingers found themselves wrapped in her shirt. Slowly, he began to pull it up over her head, and the delicate skin of her stomach came into view. As he crept the garment up higher, he slowed down further and further as her breast line neared. With a smile, her hands left him and she held them upright, ready to be disrobed. Releasing the breath he realized he'd been holding, Hiccup adjusted his grip on the garment and pulled up. He didn't look at her, just followed the shirt up over her bare arms and over her wrists. When he cast the shirt back around where his had ended up, he was amazed to find himself staring at her smiling face, framed by her upheld arms and small, perky breasts below. Now it was his turn to draw his hands down her body, her skin prickling in goose bumps against his fingertips. With another long breath, he wrapped his hand over her side and cupped a breast against his palm, feeling her warmth and soft skin between his fingers. She quivered under his gentle grip, and the cock tucked into the front of his pants began to stiffen dramatically. Based on the smile that crossed her face, she had noticed it, too. Her hands were on his waist in a second, and he gasped as his groin was wrapped in a sudden, biting chill. His stiff length tingled as it waved beneath him in the cool night air, but now that it was exposed and the gaze of his now fiancée, it soon became hot and flushed with his own blood. Her hands, more explorative than his, slid up his legs and curled to the inside, caressing his inner thighs. His whole body stiffened and a shiver ran up his spine as the back of Astrid's fingers brushed the underside of his sack, only a moment before her fingertips dragged up his shaft. He was hard as a rock now, but Astrid seemed done with teasing him. The only piece of clothing left on her body was her skirt, which seemed out of place between their naked forms. Reaching down, he curled his fingers around the waist of her skirt, feeling warm skin against the backs of his fingers, and pulled down with the same excitement she had shown him. As her lower clothing was slipped down to her ankles and kicked away, their they lay, naked and waiting.

Astrid smiled, taking on a seductive charm as opposed to one of happiness. She gradually slid her hips apart, slowly revealing her hidden treasure to Hiccup's staring gaze. The untouched folds of her sex looked flushed and receptive. Sliding her hands up his chest to grip his shoulders, she leaned him down and whispered softly in his ear.

"Take me, Hiccup."

"Y-Yes..." he whispered back, moving his legs between hers as he got into place. "Yes, my love,"

He could feel her heat against the tip of his shaft now, drawing ever so close to her shivering lips. It was going to get colder the longer they stayed out. He would have to keep her warm. Looking down his body, the fire casting a flickering orange glow between their bodies, he could see how he was progressing. From there, his cock was almost perfectly framed between her breasts. It made his shaft twitch in excitement just thinking about it. His head must have been an inch away from her opening, his thighs sliding against hers as he pushed. Their bodies slowly grew closer together, chest meeting chest, and they closed their eyes to meet in a tender kiss as their groins met in a kiss of their own. Their breaths puffed around each other, warm air dancing between their faces in a mixing of passion. Their lips brushed, and Hiccup gasped as he felt the skin of his head meet the hot flesh of her lips. This was it, he was ready. He took a deep breath, opening his eyes to see her looking at him with her half-lidded in lust. The muscles in his hips tensed, and he-

There was a loud rustling in the bushes to their right, and Hiccup's head whipped around in surprise just fast enough to see a massive shadow barreling towards him. His arms left the rock to shield himself, just getting to his face as he was hit with a bag of boulders and sent sailing across the ground. He gasped as he hit the soil hard, and a heavy weight was dropped over his body. He opened his eyes wide, and saw Toothless there, grinning down at him from above.

"Toothless!? No, I told you to stay at home! Bad dragon! Bad, bad-"

A tongue as thick as wide as his chest was suddenly upon him, covering his head in thick dragon saliva. He coughed and pushed at the dragon's face, his fingers slipping under his lips and pushing just about anywhere he could find purchase. When the dragon was satisfied, he rose up off his rider and sat tall before him, licking his forepaw as if nothing had happened. Hiccup stood and placed his hands against the dragon's chest, pushing with all his might against him.

"Go home, Toothless," He growled as he pushed, his feet sliding in the dirt and sending dust clouds up behind him. "I'm spending time with Astrid now. Private time. You need to leave."

The dragon looked down at him and warbled, but was otherwise unconcerned with his orders. In fact, he took Hiccup's pushing to be the start of a game, and used a paw to suddenly give him a gentle shove back. Once again on his back in the dirt, Hiccup stood up and resumed shoving, only to find the cycle continuing as the dragon played with him.

"H-Hiccup," Astrid called to him quietly. Slipping around the dragon, he hurried to her side, kneeling down and taking her hand in his again.

"I'm so sorry, Astrid. I must have left the window in my room open, or else my dad let him out to find me. I told him not to come, but he just won't listen," Hiccup said, staring daggers back at his cockblocking friend.

"Hiccup, it''s okay," she replied, cupping his cheek to bring him back to her gentle smile. "Toothless has never left your side since the day you met him. I can't expect him to do it now. I...I don't mind if he sees us..."

"You don't?" he asked, cocking a brow at her. "But I thought this was something we should do in private. It's supposed to be special."

"It doesn't always have to be in total privacy," she replied. "We'd have to enclose ourselves in stone to get complete privacy on an island this small. Let him sit there and keep watch, at least. We wouldn't want anyone else walking in on us. Anyone who could talk."

"I...I guess you're right," Hiccup replied, chewing his lower lip anyway. It felt awkward to have his friend there, watching him have sex for the first time. He had been there for everything else, but...this was something else. "Toothless. Keep watch for us, okay? Let us know if you see anyone coming."

Toothless' ears perked up as he heard his name. Rolling to his feet, he stepped around to where Hiccup was kneeling. He watched curiously as the two young humans slid closer together. He realized quickly that these two were not wearing the skins that they usually did, and were instead dressed in only their own hides. He had never seen Astrid naked before, although his human had been bare in his presence before. He had never seen them both like this, either, with her firm breasts on display, her thighs spread wide for him, and his rider's cock standing erect and ready. Toothless' eyes suddenly shot wide open, and his ears flagged in excitement. Before Hiccup could get any closer to her, he pushed his head in between her legs and pushed him out of the way. Astrid shrieked in surprised, while Hiccup was wrapped around his next in a matter of seconds. It did not matter, however, as he had his nostrils tucked up against the young female's sex. The scent of her receptive lips danced in his snout, making his body shudder and his respond in accordance. From between his legs, his hidden slit began to flush and swell with arousal. It had been a long time since he'd felt such a feeling, and it was only by his own tongue that it came. It would be remarkably different to have the young female, warm, tight, and clearly wanting him, wrapped around his shaft. While he waited for his member to fully emerge, his thick tongue slipped from between his lips and began to lap at her waiting sex. She shrieked again at his touch, and her thighs compressed tight around his snout. Clearly she was thrilled by his skilled preparations.

"Hiccup! Get him off of me!" Astrid cried, trying desperately to close her legs and get the dragon out of her space. Clearly Hiccup had taught his dragon nothing about personal space.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" Hiccup shouted back, hanging from the dragon's neck as he kicked desperately at the ground to dislodge him. The big dragon never budged, and the wet slurps of his tongue against Astrid's lips continued to echo in the quiet evening air. "Toothless, stop! You can't do this. It's not right."

"H-Hiccup," she called out to him again, although with not nearly as much distress. Her legs weren't resisting him as much, and in fact, it looked like she was spread wider than ever. Her hands had found the dragon's snout, but she didn't look like she was trying hard to push him away. In fact, it seemed like she was encouraging him, rubbing her fingers softly over the scales of his snout.

"Astrid, I..." Hiccup began, but he stopped as another sound from Astrid's mouth rolled out across the quiet area. A moan, deep and rich with pleasure, was sung into their ears, showing his fiancée's true feelings towards his dragon stealing her away from him. She didn't seem to care about the way his tongue ravaged her, leaving her lower body drenched and shiny with saliva. Her hips were widening again, trying to best expose herself to his questing appendage. Hiccup simply watched on in confusion and dismay.

Toothless' tongue felt divine down between her legs, unlike anything an ordinary man could provide. The conflict between her body and mind, her pleasure and her ideals, was a fierce battle that she was quickly losing to the dragon's onslaught. Her lips were stretched as wide as she could pull them as he lapped at her entrance with gusto. The burning between her legs increased, growing from what she felt had been an idea with Hiccup to what was a desire with Toothless. She wanted to feel pleasure from this dragon. She wanted him to deliver her to heights she had never reached before. "T-Toothless...Keep going..."

"To...Toothless..." Hiccup sighed. He'd lost her. After his heartfelt proposal, she had fallen for the lusty charms of his best friend, who was a dragon, no less. Letting go of the sinewy neck, he flopped back onto his rear and rested his arms on his knees. He closed his eyes, leaving the only stimulus to be his dragon's tongue lapping wetly at his fiancée's lips. With a sigh, he opened his eyes and sighed. He had to be with her through this, at least. Before he stood, however, he glanced to his left, beneath the dragon's underbelly. There, standing at a foot long and sagging under its own weight, Toothless' jet black cock stood erect and ready. He gulped softly as he watched it twitch and shift with his heartbeat, rising slowly until it pointed straight forward, as if it knew exactly where it wanted to sink itself. Was Toothless really going to try and mount her with that, and was Astrid going to let him? Rushing up beside the rock, Hiccup knelt down beside her and took one of her hands away from the dragon's head, holding it with him instead. Her body was softly bouncing back and forth as the dragon's strong tongue lifted her up the rock, getting her wet and slippery for his impending penetration. Stroking over her hand gently, he managed to draw her half-lidded, lust-stricken gaze to him, and he smiled gently at her.

"I'm sorry, Astrid. I should have made sure Toothless couldn't get out. I should have caged him in the academy," he said. "I'm afraid he's going to hurt you,"

"He's not hurting me, Hiccup," she replied. "This...This feels incredible. I...I should have brought Stormfly."

"N-No, Astrid, I'm worried about him hurting you soon," Hiccup said, his voice suddenly falling to a panicked whisper. "He...His...His penis is huge."

Astrid didn't react like he thought she would. Instead of being the sensible girl, always trying to keep herself safe, she stayed lust-riddled and incapacitated. He wanted her eyes to go wide with fear and for her to fight against Toothless' advance again, but she didn't. She moaned, and spread her legs wider still. She wanted the dragon to mount her, to take her with his thick, powerful cock.

"Astrid!" he shouted, trying to draw her out of her daze. "You have to stop. He could really hurt you!"

"Hiccup, p-please," she whispered, fixing her gaze on him again. "I need this. It feels so good..."

"A-Astrid..." he said quietly, but it was too late. Toothless had decided that her entrance was slick enough, and pulled his head from between her legs. His eyes were wild, his slitted pupils narrow and animalistic. In his mind, the only thing was breed the waiting female below him, and the only thing in her mind was being bred. Hiccup was forced to move back as the dragon's large body surged forward, one paw planting over her left shoulder, and the other gripping over the top of the boulder. Her body was draped in the darkness of his body, the firelight flickering off his scales as he stood above her. Hiccup, concerned for her safety, slid down the boulder and looked down between the dragon's legs. He could see his monstrous shaft hanging there, inches away from the opening of her wide-spread, glistening lips. A strange feeling overtook him as he saw her sex quiver and wink, and his shaft seem to twitch and bob in reply. It was a morbid curiosity that welled within him; the feeling that if he could not experience her himself, then he should witness this. He would watch his dragon fuck his fiancée.

Astrid let out the breath she realized she had been holding as Toothless had stepped up onto her. The pads of his paws felt warm and soft against her bare shoulder, and his claws were wrapped comfortably across her skin to keep her secure. Her eyes met his as he hung over her, a lustful gaze of dominance meeting her expression of blissful submission. Wordless consent to continue, if the dragon needed it. The heat that radiated from his large body kept her comfortable in the chilling night air, but it was nothing compared to the temperature she felt between her legs. A mixture of her burning arousal and the glowing heat from the dragon's shaft, she felt like her legs might break out in sweat. Hiccup had disappeared from her side, but that barely registered to her. It was Toothless she was focused on now. A beast, raw and muscular. The fastest, most power dragon to ever terrorize the island of Berk was going to breed with her, to stick his massive, reptilian shaft inside her and fill her with his seed. Just thinking about it made her sex drip.

She felt him moving again, his weight slowly settling forward onto her body and the boulder beneath as his hips shifted forwards. The slow progression of his shaft towards her was agonizing, but even in her lust she knew he would have to go slow if he wasn't going to hurt her. Hopefully Toothless recognized this, too. She counted the seconds, and looked down between his forelegs to try and catch a glimpse. The dancing firelight didn't give her much to go on, but every once and a while the light would be cast off the thick, natural lubricants that coated his shaft, and give her a glimpse of the tapered shaft staring her down. From here, she could see how long he was, and how thick his shaft got as it curved back towards his slit. Several ridges blocked the light from reaching parts of her shaft, angling back and forth in a delightful cross-hatch. It was a shaft designed to incapacitate his mates with pleasure, before filling them with his cum. Her breath started coming in shorter, heavier pants, the apprehension inside her building to a level greater than she'd experienced before any battle. She wanted him inside her, and she wanted it now. Finally, with a great gasp of relief, she felt his aching tip against her sopping entrance. The slightly upward curve of his tip nudged against her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her sensitive body. Nudging himself down, the narrow tip easily slipped between her eager lips. It would be the rest of that huge shaft that would take some work to accommodate. The claws on her shoulder gripped her tighter, and his head came down until his body was perfectly in line with hers. At the perfect angle, in the perfect position, Toothless began to slowly push his shaft into the virgin tunnel ahead, and Astrid stretched to meet the size of his shaft. Her head tilted back and groaned loudly as she was spread open, the stretching uncomfortable but the pleasure undeniable. Every shift of his cock sent another wave of euphoria through her inexperienced body. She wanted to spread her legs wider, to push her body down onto that thick spire of flesh even faster, but she couldn't do either. Toothless had her now, and he would fuck her as he wished. The pleasure was out of her hands, and that made it feel even better.

Hiccup's eyes widened as Astrid's once tight, untouched entrance was spread by the dragon's head. There was so much of his impressive length to use, and he was afraid that he might try to use it all. Astrid was strong, but had never lain with someone before. Something so large could seriously hurt her, or at least leave her bow-legged for a week. Plus, he had no idea how Stormfly would react to her rider being claimed by another dragon, and how Toothless' deep, earthy scent would cling to her. Even from his spot on the sidelines, the wafting scent reached him at a saturation that he would expect to find right up close to it. It was as if he could close his eyes, and bump his nose to the underside of that musky tower. Astrid's huffing breaths and rolling moans were nothing he could confuse with pain. She was enjoying every second and every inch the dragon had his shaft pressed into her. His progress was slow, careful, which gave some relief to Hiccup's anxieties, but they had hardly even started. He feared the dragon would turn savage when his instinct to breed kicked in. He didn't know if he would remember that it was their good friend Astrid speared on his dick, and not some receptive, Night fury female waiting to birth his clutch. Although as he thought about it, he realized that Toothless had probably never had a true mate before. He was just as much a virgin as Hiccup was, although he had had his chance to clear the condition stolen away, while the dragon was busy stealing it.

"O-Ohhhh," Astrid groaned, her face screwed up in a mixture of pain and profound pleasure. The stretching of her tunnel was exhaustingly difficult on her body, the twinges of pain in her spreading muscles causing her to grit her teeth as the dragon's cock grew thicker and thicker. However, a pleasure battled against that pain, the lips of her tunnel quivering around the shaft that they clung to. Her clit was pushed and stretched by his rolling ridges, and her aching lips were battered and soothed by those same ridges and valleys. She didn't know what she wanted more, for the dragon to pull out of her, or for him to push harder. He just kept pushing, no change in force or speed, while she writhed and clawed at the rock between her fingertips. Above her, he appeared to be struggling as well. Whether or not he was struggling with getting inside her, or keeping himself from breaking his new mate, she wasn't sure, but the grimace on his snout was similar to hers. While she was quite sure there would be no pain on his end, she hoped that he was feeling a strong pleasure from her, as she felt from him.

"Are...Are you okay, Astrid?" Hiccup asked, returning to her side. He gazed at her from under Toothless' foreleg. She didn't look good, but look and feel could sometimes be completely different beasts. If he would asked her, he wanted her to say that she hated it, but the look in her eyes wasn't of hate. She was struggling, to be sure, but she looked like she wanted that struggle more than anything in the whole world. Moving back down the dragon's side, he tracked their progress from the side. Toothless didn't even have more than a quarter of his shaft inside her, and it only grew thicker as it stretched out towards the slit in his scales. He wished there was something he could do to help her, to ease her straining. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind. He could see how slick Toothless' shaft was from just the natural juices made in his body, and knew that nothing short of fresh lard could make it any easier for her. It was a matter of his size, not his lubrication, and she would just have to fight to take it all.

"T-Toothless~" she moaned aloud, causing the dragon's ears to perk up. Her unpinned arm rose up and grasped at his chest, palm flat to his smooth, warm scales as he hunched down over her. Every groan and growl that rose in his throat rumbled through her arm and down into her body. She could feel all the power and ferocity of this beast, who at the best of times acted more like an overgrown cat than a fierce dragon. The twitching and flexing of his coiled muscles, the depths of his instinctual need to rut her like a dragon in heat, and his kinder side keeping her safe from that raw desire. She was riding the razor's edge between his intelligence and his ferality.

"You're halfway there, Astrid," Hiccup whispered, running back and forth between her rolled back head and her spread open thighs. He was watching his dragon fuck his fiancée, and he wasn't quite sure why. On the one hand, he was concerned for her safety. He had to stay by her side, and make sure that if Toothless got out of hand, he could pry him off of her, or worst case scenario, go get help from someone. On the other, he was morbidly curious, eager to see how much cock that eager girl could swallow. It was a terrible thing to have dancing in his mind, and yet there it was, rolling around his thoughts like a cackling shadow. The way that huge, thick, dripping cock was forced into her tight confines was soon becoming more of a pornography than his dragon hijacking his evening. His cock had grown thick and solid again, or as thick and solid as he got in comparison to the massive tool glowing in the light before him. How he wished it was his shaft spearing apart his beautiful bride-to-be. How he would bed her every night, with Toothless and Stormfly watching them make love from the foot of the bed. Maybe Toothless would take her as a mate, and their room would be filled with the trills and grunts of humans and dragons fucking their loved ones. Hiccup didn't know if dragons mated with other species of dragons, but seeing as how his was currently spreading a human on his cock, it didn't seem far out of the realm of possibility.

"Toothless," he whispered urgently, bringing himself up to his hunched head and pressing his face close to the flagging ears flaps. "Astrid really needs you, bud. So...I want you to make her feel good, okay? Do her as hard as you need to...but don't hurt her, okay?"

Toothless growled in response, and with a wing battered Hiccup back to the ground. He landed on his backside with a dull thump, and looked across the dragon's underbelly to where he was working. It was as if the dragon wanted him to witness every second of it, his sexual conquest of his fiancée. He wondered what Toothless felt about her. The dragon could be doing it out of affection, as he would have, or he could have taken the first attractive hole he found to ease his own burning lusts. She could be nothing more than the dragon's plaything, to be fucked full and cast aside until he wanted her again. He wasn't sure what he wanted to be the truth more. Regardless, it seemed that his words had sparked a reaction from the dragon, as his hind legs set themselves up, and he applied extra force to Astrid's straining hips. Hiccup's eyes went wide as an inch of the dragon's shaft had disappeared inside her tight tunnel in only a few seconds. The growl in his throat grew louder, as did Astrid as he cried out and clawed at his chest with her free hand. Her lips were working twice as hard, stretching continually wider over a new ridge before sinking down into a narrow valley. There was little relief from her stretching, not until every thick, clenching inch of that monstrous cock had been buried deep inside her. From there, Hiccup didn't even want to think about what would happen then. He didn't know if the thoughts would frighten him, or arouse him beyond belief.

"D-Deeper!" Astrid cried, one hand scratching her nails against the stone and the other grabbing and clawing at the dragon's thick chest. Her lips were on fire with pain and pleasure, and a skewed level keeping her begging aloud for more. It was so thick already, so gigantic and filling inside her. The tapered tip was poking at the deepest reaches of her tunnel, and soon bumped at the inside of her cervix. The tap on that surface alone caused her to moan out and clamp down around the invading shaft, drawing a growl in response from Toothless. The varying amounts that her muscles contracts was a wonderful surprise, as squeezing tight around the dragon's shaft provided wonderful variance with every tiny shift. The cervical barrier seemed to be no hindrance to the dragon, as he just stamped his hind legs to better line himself up, and redoubled his pressure. Slowly, with an agonizing stretch that had little pleasure to counteract it, he forced his way into her womb, spread her wider with every thrust. He must be getting close to his base now, as the tip of his shaft now danced in the deepest reaches of her body. There was not much more tunnel left, and staring down her body she realized that she could see the very tip of his shaft poking an outline on her belly. Finally, with a twist, a grind, and a firm shove, the last inch popped within her tunnel. She gasped at the sudden intrusion, but let it trail off into a weak but satisfied moan as she felt hot, smooth groin scales bump into the skin between her legs. He hunkered low and pressed his chest to her, letting his pleased growls rumble across her smaller body, as if in congratulations. She was panting wildly, sweat dripping from her body from the effort of allowing him inside, and even her lust-addled mind recognized that it was only just the beginning. Now she was going to be fucked by a dragon.

"A-Astrid," Hiccup gasped, and actually jumped forward beneath the dragon's belly as the last of his cock was forced inside. It wasn't until his face hung an inch from their flushed sexes that he blushed crimson, and realized what he had done. From there, where the light had trouble reaching, he could barely make out where the inky black of his scales stopped and the shadowed hills of her flesh began. He could also, just barely, see the bulging outline of Toothless' cock through the skin of Astrid's stomach. It was a terrifying, arousing scene, knowing that his fiancée was stuffed to the brim with hot dragon cock. How she would be fucked hard and filled to the brim with his semen. From where he knelt, the musk of Toothless' groin was unavoidably strong, deep, earthy, and hot in the cool night. His nostrils tingled as a waft of Astrid's scent cut through the cloud, only to be swallowed up again in his encompassing odor. He wondered how long she was going to smell like dragon sex, and whether they could wash it all out before Toothless decided he wanted to try it again.

"Ahh~!" Astrid cried, teeth clenched tight as she endured the twinge of pain that stabbed through her body suddenly. The visible bulge in her gut thickened and jutted outward as Toothless' cock hit its resting place. Even though it was just the tip, it looked so fat and thick as it bulged against her skin. She marveled that she could take it all, and she was still intact. However, now was where the real work began. Gritting his teeth and grinding his claws into the rock, Toothless wasted no time in sawing his cock back out the way it came, she gasped and writhed as, for every flair of pain she had ever felt, a jolt of sheer pleasure shot up through her body. Her lips were already loose and stretched wide by the thickest part of the dragon's shaft, and as he pulled it out faster than before her tunnel clenched and fluttered around the narrowing girth. Each ridge felt like a firm but gentle expansion of her lips as he pulled himself free, leaving her feeling distinctly empty inside. Even after only a few seconds without it, she already wanted that hot cock shoved far inside her again. Groaning and arching her back, she clenched her opening down around the very tip of Toothless' cock. It was the only bit left inside her, and it was barely an inch around or an inch inside her. He panted wildly, her hot breath blasting off his chest as she silently begged him to fill her again. Her legs lifted upwards and she dug her heels around his flanks, squeezing down to try and convey how needy she was. She needed that virile cock to fuck and fill her with seed. She needed it to keep her insides warm and lips clenching on a thick, pleasurable pole of hot dragon meat. With a grumbling warble of pleasure rolling from his throat, Toothless shoved his cock back in again, beginning the delicate process of fucking Astrid full of his cum. She cried out in pleasure alongside him, dragon and human meeting in a passionate meeting of flesh.

Hiccup watched in awe from beneath them, where Toothless' massive shaft was now ploughing a steady rhythm into her tunnel. From where he sat, taking in the entire experience from the best viewing angle, he didn't even mind as drops of both Astrid's juices and Toothless' lube splashed back onto his face as he gawked. He was amazed by how far she could stretch, and how she wasn't in constant pain because of it. Either sex itself must have been something truly remarkable, or it was all Toothless' doing. He hoped that it was mostly the former, for if he ever had a chance to have sex with his fiancée he'd like her to react to him like that, too. However, with the way the dragon pinned her down and took her from his grasp, he imagined he would have a hard time getting near her in the same way Toothless was. His cock was twitching with as much vigor as ever, and for the first time he had to urge to reach down and touch it himself. It flexed with eager delight as his fingers brushed the hard virgin flesh, and he found himself shivering with the desire to have a hot hole to wrap around his shaft. It was something incredible, watching the love of his life being fucked like that. The way her sex engulfed the shaft being ploughed into her. Her lips were stretched wide and drawn back, rippling back and forth over the multitude of ridges that covered the dragon's cock. His mind, lust-addled, briefly wondered what it felt like, but decided that he'd rather be the one in the hole than be the hole itself.

"O-oh H-Hiccup!" she cried, her back arching off the stone slab as her insides were repeatedly stretched and released. Copious amount of fluid poured from the dragon's shaft, slipping and sloshing inside her as it was pushed and shoved around. Eventually it was all pushed into her womb, where it began to pool up in a war slop that she could feel on the inside of her back. It made his thrusting so smooth and nearly frictionless the more he applied it, ravaging her with pleasure as he bottomed out inside her again and again. His puffy slit mashed lewdly against hers, splashing his lubricating juices across the outside of her lips. The cold night felt like as hot as a hot spring on a summer's night. The musky humidity in the air was palpable, rich flavors reaching her taste buds and gathering on the surface of her tongue as her mouth hung wide open. The taste and smell of sex hung like a cloud in the air around them, making every breath a jolt to her senses and her pleasure. The wet slapping of his hips against hers was a wondrous accompaniment to his pleasured rumble and her lusty moan. With every thrust it grew just a little bit faster, and a little louder, echoing through the quiet night as girl and dragon rutted wildly. Juices dripped from the both of them, sweat, saliva, and sexual juices leaping off their jerking bodies. It didn't look like Toothless was holding back anymore, slamming his hips into hers with in lust-fuelled frenzy. His shaft was jumping and twitching inside her tunnel, mixing up the juices already frothing within her. It was loud, feral sex, with Toothless grunting and growling while Astrid moaned and tried to hold on. Her tunnel was twitching as fast as Toothless was, clamping down around him while he filled her up.

"I-ah...c-close," she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut and screwing up her face in pleasure as her lips grasped as hard as they could around the girth lodged inside her. Suddenly, her back was arched up as she yelled out into the night, her first orgasm rocking over her body and splattering her feminine juices over Toothless' groin and Hiccup's face below. Her tunnel was rippled wildly back and forth, coaxing the hard cock within her to release its load within her. Toothless' eyes clenched up too, and his head curled down to lick over Astrid's face and neck as she clamped around him. His pleasure was growing too much, and he could no longer hold himself back. Sliding his paw back from the surface of the rock, he gripped both of her shoulder and dragged her down into his cock as he pushed back up from the other end. She cried out as her tunnel and womb were ravaged, and Toothless' lips curled back in a growing snarl. Hiccup watched it all with wonder and worry, hoping that his beloved could withstand the feral pounding of a dragon between her legs. The heat, musk, and splashing juices grew more and more prevalent as the seconds passed. The dragon's rumbling chest kept rolling as the volume of his growl increased. Astrid was too distracted by her own pleasure, but Hiccup knew that Toothless was not far behind.

His hips ploughing flush to the little hole beneath him, Toothless humped his way to his long-awaited orgasm. He could feel his internal testicles clenching up tight, the first time he'd experienced that feeling in many months. His throat expanded and released his growing rumble as a mighty roar into the night, as his body slammed into Astrid's one final time. With short undulations he continued to grind himself around into her contracting tunnel, while his cock began to spray his mighty load deep into her body. The force of the hot, sticky seed made a dimple in her belly, along with the massive bump that was the last few inches of his massive shaft. The pressure pushed against the back of her womb, stretching it out as it began to roll down her flexible walls and pool along the bottom. Astrid was writhing from the strange, pleasurable experience, the molten semen filling up her insides in hard spurts. The dragon's milky semen was crashing down inside her, slipping into the deepest recesses of her compressed womb and spreading it wide open. His cock twitched heavily every time another jet of cum rocketed forth, allowing some of the goo to slip beneath his member and squish between her tunnel and his shaft. The wet squelching continued as heavy white drips began to leak out the bottom of her lips. Hiccup was transfixed by the lewd display, and even he knew that Toothless was far from finished with her.

"Guuh-h-Hiccup~" she groaned, her belly feeling bloated as the dragon filled her up. His stomach was pressed tight to hers, making it difficult to see, but she knew that her belly would be round as a pregnant woman until he removed that monstrous, twitching shaft from her body. She could feel it all flowing around inside her, rocking and frothing whenever another shot of dragon cum was added to her body. Her insides felt stretched and full, unable to hold much more of the filling fluid. It was flowing back into her tunnel, where the dragon's grinding would either force it out of her or back into the tumult of sperm swirling inside her. An increasing amount of cum was leaving her tunnel and dripping down the cleft between her thighs. Its heat made her skin tingle with goose bumps as it slid over her rear and between her lobes of flesh. Her whole body quivered as his cum dripped across her clenched anus, a foreign feeling in a foreign place.

Toothless' hot breath blew across her sweating body as his grinding and shifting finally stopped. Surprisingly enough, he looked just as tired as she did as his eyes cracked open and looked at her with a dull glimmer. His claws weakly gripped her shoulder, and they slid away from her and back onto the stone as he began to gingerly dismount. His paws slid away from her body, cementing himself on the ground instead of on top of her smaller form. With a panting gasp in near perfect synchronization, Toothless began to slide his shaft out of her exhausted tunnel. His orgasm had not completely stopped, but all the pressure behind it was gone as his tip simply dribbled out what little bits were left inside his urethra. Like the stopper leaving an upside-down bottle, her body began to pour cum as his narrowing cock let it slide past. Astrid groaned again as her insides contracted and settled back into a more natural shape without the virile cock blocking the semen's escape. Like a gentle rain, cum rolled off her body and pattered onto the stone beneath her. It puddled in the dirt soon after, leaving streaks of white against the surface of the boulder when the flow moved or tapered away. Toothless stepped back to admire his conquest while she recovered, hand sliding up onto her shrinking stomach. It took a few moments before Astrid felt well enough to sit up, where she wiped the sweat from her brow and rested her hand against her bare belly. Even with all of that cum running off her body, she still appeared to be stuffed full of cum, as best demonstrated by the frothy mess of cum filling up her widely-spread tunnel. As Toothless carefully stepped over top of his rider to get out of the way, Hiccup was gifted with an uninterrupted view straight down her loose lips, a mixture of pink in a sea of swirling white. He gazed, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, as her lips closed completely and opened wide again, as if her tunnel was trying to swallow all the cum deeper into her body. When she spread them open again, there was no less cum then there had been before, and some of it had been pushed upwards and spilled out over the edge. The space between her thighs was a mess of dragon cum and her own juices, although it was impossible to tell hers apart from his. He crawled forward slowly, as if moving too quickly would scare her away, and took a long look at his fiancée. His face closed within a few inches of her lips, letting the scent from her body waft straight into his nose.

"H-Hiccup..." she gasped, her voice sounding weak from her lack of breath.

"It's okay, Astrid. It's all over now," he replied, his smiling face framed between her spread thighs. Slowly he crawled up her body, rubbing his stomach against hers as he held himself above her. His finger gently trailed down her forearm as he leaned in and kissed her lips. His soft smile comforted her tired body, and her own lips curved upwards weakly in response.

"It was incredible," she said quietly, her breath slipping over his face. "I feel so...tired and full,"

"I know, Astrid. I saw it all," he replied. Seeing her being pumped full of all that dragon sperm had been incredible. The way her belly had bloated to the point of pregnancy, pumped up to the brim with frothy white goo. It made him wonder, though, if that was okay for Astrid to do. He didn't know if it was possible for a dragon to impregnate a human. He didn't want to cause her the pain and embarrassment of getting knocked up, but he didn't know what tomorrow would bring. All the cum could just disappear or drain out of her and not do anything but leave her empty and cold on the inside, or there could be an egg bloating her belly in a few days' time. He didn't want her to be chastised by the others for something that wasn't really her fault. Plus, it was great for Toothless to bring another Night Fury into the world. Maybe it wouldn't be in an egg like the other dragons. Maybe, because she was a human, it would just be a bare, baby dragon sliding out from between her thighs. Toothless always seemed so much like a child himself, curiously sticking his nose where he probably shouldn't. He wondered what an actual baby would be like. He wondered what age they learned to shoot plasma, or more importantly, what age they learned to control it. He was sure that Toothless would teach them like a good father, or else he may have to do it himself. He imagined that having a Night Fury the size of a Terrible Terror would be even more difficult to handle than a full-sized one. No matter what happened, though, he would always love Astrid. "You did great."

Deep inside her body, the dragon's sperm were wriggling and burrowing down every crevice they could find. They swam throughout her womb, creeping into every place they could. Down in the deepest reaches of her body, an egg sat waiting for its prize. She hadn't told Hiccup that it was her time of the month, nor had she remembered such an important thing while his dragon had been depositing a pond's volume of seed right into her receptive womb. The sperm leapt upon it, wriggling and pushing inside until one finally made it to the center. As the chemicals were released to kill off the other sperm, the small egg began to split, growing larger and larger, as a jet-black shell began to form around it.

"I want you to try it, too," she said, her hand rising to caress his cheek. He brought his own hand up and wrapped her fingers in his, before placing her hand back down on the rock.

"You should rest, Astrid. You've been through a lot tonight. Toothless and I will keep watch until you wake up." He leaned in and kisses her forehead comfortingly. He began to crawl back down her body, out the way he had come, but he froze and hisses in surprise as her hand suddenly wrapped around his shaft. It was still hard from watching his best friend ravage his fiancée, and feeling her warm grip around it sent a surprising jolt of pleasure through his body.

"No..." she said quietly. "I love you, Hiccup. Please have sex with me. I want to feel you inside me. I want to know how it feels with you, not just with Toothless. You're the one I want."

"A-Astrid," he said, his voice wavering as he stared down at her. Even exhausted, sweaty, and haggard, she was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. She was all his, and he was all hers. What she wanted, she would get. "Okay, Astrid. Let me show you how much I love you,"

He pushed himself backwards, crawling back down the rock as Astrid's hand slipped off his shaft. He lowered himself back down to his hands and knees in the soil, with her spread thighs at eye level. There, her lips drooled cum down her body and onto the stone as her filling leaked out of her. Hiccup leaned forward, his face disappearing between her legs, and the spread lips growing larger and more fragrant as he advanced on them. Pushing back whatever inhibitions he had, he opened his mouth and kissed at the center of her lips. The brief meeting had her quivering against him, and the brief suction brought a drop of dragon cum into his mouth. His eyes went wide and he coughed quietly as the rich, salty taste overwhelmed his taste buds.

Behind him, Toothless' ears perked up. The wet smacking sounds coming from the rock interested him, and he turned himself away from cleaning his retreating shaft to investigate. The female he'd just finished breeding looked up at him breathlessly, her eyes lidded as she had been while he was in the middle of rutting her. Now, down between her spread legs, his rider's lips were flush with her soaking ones, as he sucked down his cum from her body. He wasn't sure whether he was angered or pleased by it. The little human was stealing his impregnating nectar from her tunnel, and yet he was slurping it down with flattering gusto. In the end, Toothless just smiled down at his rider, his tongue buried into the soaking tunnel of his mate and scooping load after load of hot, juicy cum and sending it down his throat. It didn't matter to Toothless, the human could never eat all of it before he could refill her again. Already he felt his shaft stirring, as he watched his companion service the female. It was clear that they were both infatuated with her, Hiccup as a life-partner and Toothless as breeder. They shared everything now, so who was to say that they couldn't share her, too.

"H-Hiccup..." Astrid moaned softly, her fingers finding purchase on the back of his head. A moan of his own left his chest as he felt her fingers ruffling through his hair. She was pulling him towards her, pressing his face tighter between her thighs and into her rippling lips. His tongue was stuck out as far as he could reach, slipping into the soupy mix of semen and swirling it around inside. It was overwhelmingly rich and creamy, dragging his tongue down as he tried to scoop a wad free and pull it back into his mouth. It made him shudder every time the viscous fluid squirmed down his throat, even if he was expecting it. Glancing upwards, he saw Toothless looming over him with a smirk plastered on his snout. A hot blush rose in his cheeks, and a small dribble of white semen rolled down his chin as a little slipped out from the corner of his mouth. He wanted to pull away, but Astrid's strong arm held him tight to her groin. Her lips moved with his, flexing and relaxing to keep a constant suction between them. Semen moved freely between them, sliding from the inside of her stuffed tunnel over his wriggling tongue. He could not escape the overpowering odor and flavor of the dragon's cum. He sucked in breaths through his nose whenever his throat was clear enough to take them, and they were always filled with the stifling musk that wafted from the cum so close by.

"O-Oh, Hiccup~" she moaned, her lips finally going slack on his head. He was about to pull free, but her lips suddenly clenched tight to kiss against his. A burst of dragon cum and feminine juice blew across his face, covering his nose down to his chin. He coughed as some of the bittersweet concoction was forced down his throat. Astrid's breaths came in loud pants, her chest heaving above him. Her thighs were quivering on both sides of his head, and her lips fell loose and leaky against his face. As her hands fell limply from the back of his head, he pulled back and sat on his heels. He wiped the thick fluid off his face and watched it glisten in the firelight. Big globs of white cum, connected to and covering his with a thin layer of clear juice. Putting his hand to his mouth, he licked a large glob of the cum from his fingers, much to the enjoyment of the dragon above him. His face was beaming as he watched the small male enjoy his used cum. Toothless knew that no matter if the female considered his rider her true mate, her mate would always be beta to him. The female was his mate, and his rider was his cleanup.

"Hiccup..." she gasped, caressing the sides of his face with shaky hands. "Ff-Fuck me..."

"Astrid, you're exhausted," he said softly, taking her hand between his own. "We can do that another time. You need to get some rest."

"No!" she yelled, probably louder than she had intended. "N-No...I want it now. I want it before you go...You can't leave me without doing it..."

"Astrid." he smiled up at her, and softly kissed the back of her hand with his still cum-slickened lips. "I won't leave you yet, I promise. I need to make sure that Toothless and I are strong enough to do this. We need supplies, charts, paper and parchment. There's no point in travelling to unknown places without mapping them for everyone else. I'll make a map of the world. Maybe I'll find somewhere better than this island for us to live. Somewhere...where it's not cold all the time, where food is plentiful for us and the dragons."

"H-Hiccup...I'll go with you," Astrid said, her eyes meeting his. "I don't want to wait for you,"

"Are you sure, Astrid?" he asked. "What about all that glory for your family? You've worked so hard to be a warrior. I don't want to take all of that away from you."

"I want to honor your name," she said, and stretched her legs out again. "Now...give it to me,"

"Usually, consummating comes after the ceremony," Hiccup said with a smile as he climbed back up onto her body. At eye level with her once again, he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips "But I'm sure no one will mind if we do it early."

Hiccup's cock was still fully erect as he lined himself up between her legs for the second time that night. His slick body pressed up against hers, with her soft bust rubbing against his chest. He placed one hand on her shoulder and the other at her waist, and set his jaw as he felt the exuding heat from her body against the tip of his shaft. He bit his bottom lip as he hesitated above her, before steeling himself and pushing forward. The tip of his shaft met no resistance as it slid between her sopping walls, causing him to gasp and grit his teeth as an intense wave of pleasure shot through him. Her tunnel was hot and wet, but nowhere near as much as the cum that filled her was. It slipped around his shaft and hugged him tight in its slimy embrace. Every move he made inside her was punctuated by a lewd squelching sound. The hand around her shoulder tightened against her skin, and his head hung down towards her neck. He couldn't process anything beyond the electric bliss moving through his body and could only keep pushing deeper into her sloppy tunnel. Warm, soupy cum slipped from her lips and dribbled down his groin, slathering his balls and the insides of his thighs in semen. The heat and humidity between his legs made him shudder, while his shaft had Astrid writhing slowly beneath him. Her stretched walls were still able to clamp down around his cock, sealing him in with the hot, sticky fluids.

"Astrid," he gasped, reveling in the rippling muscles of the tunnel around him. "This...this...ahh,"

"I...I love you, Hiccup," Astrid moaned in reply, her eyes sparkling with delight. "F...Fuck me..."

Hiccup squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on the feeling and sound of hot cum squirming around his shaft as he pushed forward. Inch by inch he slid, crawling through her quivering tunnel and waving cum filling, until his soaked hips met hers. He flinched from the unexpected contact, as his balls came to rest against her rear. He was expecting to feel an end to her passage, but he supposed that Toothless would have blown through any barriers long before he could reach it. His cock had bulged from her stomach, after all. Now, however, it was his shaft in the spotlight. Her trembling thighs were gently massaging his sack, and rubbing the sloppy cum into his skin. Every muscle in her body was clenching and relaxing beneath him, working to bring pleasure to his body. He could feel her pounding pulse through his own shaft, as he was sure she could feel his. He could hear the blood rushing through his ears, behind the sounds of panting breath, their quiet moans, and the sloppy slapping of their hips together. Behind all of that, however, was the rolling growl of the dragon who stood somewhere behind him.

Looking up, he saw Toothless step beside them and eagerly watch the two of them enjoy each other. He rolled out onto his back, his wings falling out to the sides, and Toothless could see his drooling shaft standing proudly upright. His own cock jumped as he was clearly outmatched by the male next to him, of which he was busy fucking into his cum. Suddenly, to the surprise of those locked in sexual passion, the dragon leaned over and wrapped his claws around Astrid's shoulders and thighs. With a grunt from the dragon and a yelp from the two humans, he lifted them off the rock and dropped them both onto his belly. Astrid moaned as the impact caused Hiccup's shaft to slam against her walls, while Hiccup's spine tingled as he suddenly felt the tip of that hot dragon cock tucked up beneath his balls. His continued thrusting into Astrid ground against the tip of Toothless' drooling tip, causing spurts of pre-cum to wash down the back of his testicles. He was worried about which of them the dragon wanted to take, as it could go either way at that position. His fear wasn't necessarily alleviated as the dragon hefted them up again, dragging his slimy slit down his scrotum, across the pulled-out underside of his shaft, and through the valley of Astrid's thighs. His tapered shaft came to rest against the puckered hole of her anus, tight and untouched. Hiccup watched with concern as her mouth opened wide in a silent cry while Toothless let them fall back down to his belly. Astrid's hole couldn't refuse the slippery spear at her backdoor, and soon her bowels were filling with thick dragon cock as her tunnel has done minutes ago.

Her arms reached up and gripped hard on Hiccup's shoulders as she tried to relax her tunnel. It had been a painful endeavor to accept the dragon between her lips, but the burning in her rear was something else entirely. The only things to make it easier were the globs of pre-cum that he regularly shot deep inside her, and spread through her walls with the walls of his shaft. It didn't take long for the dragon to impale his cock deeper than Hiccup could push his, and for the widening shaft to grow to a point where Astrid just could not take anymore. About half of his shaft was lodged inside her squirming rear, with the dragon trying to impatiently force another inch inside her. He grumbled when it would not go, and resigned himself to working her with only as much as he could use without breaking her.

" careful," Hiccup gasped, watching Astrid's face screw up in exertion. The dragon seemed to understand her limitations, although Hiccup knew that he would try to get as much into her as he could. It was just a matter of making sure that didn't go too far. For now, however, he was given the amazing sensation of the dragon thrusting up into the underside of his shaft. Through the stretched walls, he could feel the solid mass of Toothless' cock pressing against him, to the point where he could feel the ridges himself. It was like frotting with the dragon, only with Astrid caught between them. His hands found themselves pressed flat to the dragon's chest as scaled claws took their place on Astrid's shoulders instead. He had been close to Toothless before, but never with so little clothing on. He'd never felt such heat surrounding him, seeping into his bare skin from all around. He could feel the dragon's massive heartbeat through the palm of his hand, and the rippling of his muscles as he pushed up into Astrid's tight hole. The dragon's shaft ground up into his, and slowly their thrusting began to sync up. They both pulled out and drove in together, grinding their shafts into the rippling tunnels of their only female. Hiccup's pleasure was mounting rapidly, while Toothless seemed to be taking a longer time to build up than him. He wanted to stay inside her as long as his dragon did. He didn't want to leave her alone with the horny beast again.

"Are you okay, Astrid?" he asked, trying to make his voice sound as concerned as his mind was. It was difficult to do over his pleasure, with his voice occasionally cracking from a strong, unexpected jolt of pleasure.

"S-So...full," she groaned, her body held tight to Toothless' chest. He was fucking her vigorous now, as vigorously as the virgin human above him. The sloppy lubricants from his shaft were doing wonders on her tight anus, and the heat of his cock working to relax her tense muscles. The longer he went, the more he could jam inside her tightest, rippling tunnel. He could maybe stand to get another thick inch inside her body, but she could take no more than that for sure. He decided that next time, the human could have her ass. He would take her proper tunnel, which could accept the entirety of his enormous shaft. A growl in his throat was starting to build once again, and his internal testicles were starting to throb with the desire to release. He had filled her well-fucked tunnel just moments before, but he had so much cum to give his new mate.

"Hhhiccup," she breathed, her body arching to press her groin closer to his. Her nethers were convulsing rapidly, drawing the two cocks inside her together. The ridges of Toothless' cock played along his glans, sending shivers up his spine. It seemed that he was having an effect on the dragon as well, as his growl rose every time he thrust against his shaft. The heat of Toothless' shaft bled through Astrid's walls, overpowering even the warmth her own body provided. With so much contact with the dragon's cock, Astrid may as well have not been there at all. It was Toothless' cum he was pushing his cock back and forth into, even if it was her muscular tunnel squeezing the sloppy fluid around him. It was Toothless' cock rubbing against him the harder, even with her tunnel clenching around him from every angle. His heat, his scent, and his belly as their bed. It was all he could think about as his mind numbed with pleasure, even with his eyes centering on Astrid's chest. She was an amazing woman, strong, smart, coming into her prime, and yet he couldn't take his mind off the throbbing male pressed against him.

"A-Astrid..." he grunted, punctuated by the wet slapping of his balls against her. His testicles felt so tight, and he imagined that Toothless was experiencing a similar sensation beneath them. Soft whines were coming from his open mouth, and his eyelids were half-lidded in ecstasy. Hiccup could feel his cock throbbing as fast as his was, the two of them pulsing together inside Astrid's body. There was now a large gap the cum filling her tunnel as his cock had compacted it down into her womb, leaving her bare, rippling walls to grind down against his shaft. At the same time, Toothless' shaft plunged through her anal passage wetly, pre-cum flooding her with his sloppy fluids. The wet slapping of both their hips pounding her rang out rhythmically through the forest, the volume and intensity signaling their impending climax. When the moment finally came, it was Hiccup who grit his teeth and buckled over first.

With a gasping exhalation, his cock leapt inside her tunnel and his balls pushed his load out into her body. His semen spewed out into her passage, piling up against the layers of dragon cum that had already filled her. His sperm would be locked from her womb by the dragon's but he didn't think of that as his mind was overtaken by pleasure. He hunched low over her body, her breasts grazing his chest, and his face nestled against her collarbone. At the same time, Toothless was pounding up into her rear with wild abandon. His claws had tightened around her shoulders, and his tongue was lolling from the side of his mouth. His pounding hips were bouncing both humans laid out over him, and his overstimulated shaft was pulsing wildly against Hiccup's and inside Astrid's tight hole. With a warbling cry, he bucked upwards, forcing another inch of his large cock into her rear and creating a seal with her hole. Hiccup could feel every spurt of cum that Toothless deposited inside her, as the underside of the dragon's shaft swelled against his softening cock. Astrid moaned and writhed in his grasp as her bowels were painted white with semen, and then filled up the rest of the way. Despite the firm-looking seal the dragon had, cum still managed to squeeze around his shaft and escape onto his groin scales. A small puddle of white was beginning to pool between his thighs, a stark contrast to the black of his belly scales. Hiccup could feel the warmth through the thin wall, hotter than Astrid's body on her own had been. It swelled her rear and pushed his cock up against the roof of her tunnel. He groaned at the overstimulation, and Toothless seemed to chuckle at his discomfort.

"H-Hey..." he groaned into her shoulder, before he slowly pushed himself up to gaze into her eyes. They were dull and half-lidded, and her breath came in breathless pants as her body tried to cope with its excessive use. She had been taken by a dragon twice, losing her virginity to him in both her holes. It was more like Hiccup had been along for the ride than a real participant in all the sex that had taken place that night. Still, his balls were empty, and hopefully Toothless was finished for the night as well. He had been unusually rowdy today, but he seemed to have calmed down now. That being said, Hiccup didn't know whether it was because he was satisfied, or only exhausted for the moment.

"H...Hiccup," she groaned, fixing her gaze upon him with as much focus as she could muster. She looked like she might pass out at any moment, her body sweating and limbs limp with exhaustion. He smiled reassuringly down at her, and leaned in to kiss her lips softly.

"How do you feel?" he asked, brushing the loose, greasy hair from her eyes. It gently fell back into place by her ear, and her eyes brightened a little.

"G-Good..." she said softly. "Tired, but...I'm glad you got to enjoy it."

"Is...Is it painful?" he asked, nodding his head down towards the dragon's cock, softening but still lodged inside her. Her face screwed up as she squirmed a bit, and for a moment the seal between her anus and Toothless' shaft was broken. She sighed in relief as a small torrent of cum leaked out of her ass, alleviating some of the pressure built up inside her.

"It...It stings a bit, but it still feels good. Did...Did you want to try it?" she asked, her uncrushable spirit showing up in the most unlikely of places.

"No, Astrid. I think we should try getting some sleep," he said with a smile. "You were amazing, though. Thank you."

"Mmm...I love you," she said softly. "Let's do it again sometime."

"Okay, Astrid. We'll do it again sometime."

With a grunt, he set his grip, and he and Toothless both pulled out of her at the same time. With soft shafts ground together as they slid free, both pulling copious amounts of the dragon's juices free with their retreating shafts. Astrid writhed against them as her tunnels were cleared, leaving her feeling strangely empty without two hot pillars of flesh inside her. The dragon was a bit harder than Hiccup was, and as his head slid free of Astrid's loose hole, his cock bounced up and brushed against his own. A bright blush erupted across Hiccup's face, while Toothless' expression grew nervous as he looked to the side. The touch had been brief, but unlike inside Astrid's body, there was nothing dividing them. Toothless had felt so warm and soft against him, a comfortable sensation, which was a very embarrassing thing to realize. He couldn't help but stare as the dragon's shaft retreated back into his barely visible slit, and he saw from the corner of his eye that Toothless was trying to watch him as well.

"Let's sleep like this," Astrid said, drawing his attention away from his own dragon's genitals. "I'm too tired to go all the way home tonight."

"Y-Yeah, okay," Hiccup said with a smile, and put his hand on her shoulder. Without the dragon there to keep her firmly in place, he was free to gently roll her onto her side, facing him as they cuddled close on the dragon's warm stomach. They both jumped as his warm paws found their bare rears, cupping them between his claws as he held them close on his chest. His head slid forward and nuzzled between them, while his tongue slithered out and gently licked over the side of Astrid's face. She smiled, and weakly tilted her head to kiss his snout in reply.

"Thank you, Toothless," she said softly, as she and Hiccup lay against his chest. His wings folded up around them. Holding them in a cocoon of his musk to keep them out of the cold night air. Hiccup watched Astrid smile and close her eyes, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the scales. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. Catching Toothless' eye, he smiled and rubbed the dragon's snout before laying back down.

"Thanks, bud," he said, punctuated by a yawn as his own exhaustion caught up with him.


To Hiccup's great surprise, they returned to town the next day with no one the wiser. No one wondered where they had been, or even noticed they had been slipped away at all. The next few weeks passed by as if nothing had changed between them, although the three of them did sneak out a few more times to their spot on the bluffs to enjoy each other. Even if he and Astrid tried to get away from some time alone, Toothless always found them, and always got his first choice of holes. Astrid became quite familiar with being swollen up with dragon cum, and it became normal to see her looking wider than usual after a night of sex. It soon occurred to Hiccup, however, that Astrid was getting fuller. She came to their meeting place looking like she'd stopped a passing dragon to tide her over until she got there. She was eating more, too, although it didn't seem to hamper her movement. Some two weeks after their first night together, Astrid called Hiccup and Toothless up to the cliff over the harbor, where Hiccup had first asked her out. He was unsure what she wanted to talk about, but his suspicions were growing as her belly did. When they crested the hill, Hiccup sweating and Toothless chuckling softly, they found her sitting on the ground, smiling up at them with her hands caressing her swollen belly.

"H-Hey...Astrid," Hiccup said between gasps, slowly making his way over to her as Toothless nudged him forward.

"Hi guys, come over here," she said, beckoning them with a finger.

Hiccup and Toothless moved to her sides, sitting down next to her in the shade of a tall pine. She turned to both of them with a wide smile on her face, and suddenly took his wrist and guided his hand to her belly. She rested it against the warm surface, while she turned to do the same with Toothless. With his and Toothless' fingertips touching over her rounded stomach, she rested her hands on top of theirs.

"Hiccup...Toothless..." she began, and they could feel her heart beating faster as she seemed to get more and more excited. "I spoke with Gothi today, and...I'm pregnant..."

Hiccup's eyes leapt to Toothless as the dragon did the same. As Astrid's smile shone brightly, her skin radiating with joy and health for the new life inside her, theirs grew to match. Hiccup's arms wrapped around her shoulder tightly, as Toothless' tongue ran affectionately up the other side of her face.

"Oh Astrid. That's amazing," Hiccup replied, and kissed her right on the lips. Astrid laughed and pulled away, pushing into the affectionate dragon instead.

"She said she'd never seen one quite like this," she said. "I think we're going to have a very special child, Hiccup."

"I know we will, Astrid," Hiccup said, and rested his forehead against hers. Toothless' wings wrapped around them both, surrounding them in their own, private world. It was just the three of them, and the little life they brought into the world. "With you as his mother, he'll be great,"

"Or her," she said with a smile, to which he could only smile back.

"Or her," he repeated.

"Well, I'll have to go see your father tomorrow, so he can announce it to everyone," she said with glee. Suddenly, both Hiccup and Toothless blanched.

One of them was going to have to explain this to his father.