Days of Entropy: Marginal Beast

Story by Tyr Do`shan on SoFurry

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#2 of Days of Entropy

Kratos's mind was wracked and his body sore when he woke the next morning. Constant nightmares of his loss visited him in one way or another and sapped him of any real rest. Kratos remained under his covers for a few moments and then threw them off. The tired Feral One slowly went to his restroom and relieved himself of the small amount of booze he had partaken the night before. After he flushed and washed his paws he quickly moved to his 3 computers and sifted through all the junk mail and messages from people.

Kratos then noticed that Sutas was on her messenger program so he decided to drop her a line'


"Hey what's up Sutas. *yawn*

"Nothing much."

"Hey I'm sorry I missed you last night... *sighs* I had gone out for a drink before you first IM'd me."

"It's not a problem Kratos; if you had gone I wouldn't have found this wonderful fuck buddy at the theatre hehe.

"O_o WTF you talking about Sutas?"

"Oh nothing hehe. I found a tiger woman to 'befriend' and we took turns going down on each other all last night."

"Oooookay um.. I'm gonna go check my mail box, maybe I'll cya later today.

"Alright Kratos, stay safe okay?"

"Yeah right lol"


Kratos moved away from his computer and slowly got dressed in his normal fashion. He threw on a Goth mesh shirt, a white over shirt on top of that followed up by a black pair of systematically cut up black cotton pants. He attached his straps and chains to the pants. He grabbed the arm length gloves that were traditionally the only clothing that the feral folk wore and finally put on his armored duster.

The duster was made of toughened cloth with a synthetic mesh lining the insides of it. This mesh wasn't nearly as effective as the thick metal mesh of his armor suit, but it'd take some of the punch out of a shot.

Kratos looked himself over in a mirror and, after approving his own attire, marched to his apartment's mailbox downstairs. When he got to the 1st floor of the building he nodded at the manager who was brewing his morning cup of coffee. "Heya Genji, how are you this morning." Genji grumbled and sat down on the lobby couch. "Meh... I'm okay. I'm just a little tired cause the damned cops showed up at 2 AM last night demanding to know if I had seen anyone run out of the Unicorn Tavern before they showed up. I gave them the finger and showed them the door so they took me into the station for a few hours to get the files on all of my tenants." Kratos laughed lightly and poured himself a cup of the imported Irish coffee. "I'm surprised they even managed to get a crusty old merc like you out the door." Genji spit and laughed along with Kratos. "Ehh... I figured it was that or them tearing the place apart looking for their masked bandit and I didn't want to have my tenants bothered by the fucking pigs." Kratos walked to the snack table and grabbed two packets of sugar to put in his cup. "That was generous of you and I'm pretty sure you already know it was me they were looking for." The old man chuckled and nodded "You draw trouble wherever you go Kratos, but then again no one seems to mess with you in public so I figure you can shake any annoyances you might otherwise bring here." Genji went into thought for a brief moment and then perked up. "Oh Kratos someone dropped you a black letter, it's behind the reception desk." Kratos nodded and left his coffee on the table as he made post haste to the desk where a business letter was being held for him.

When Kratos found the letter he quickly pocketed it and moved back up to his room without so much as a nod to Genji. Genji made a crusty old man laugh and took the unused coffee cup Kratos had left behind and drank from it. "Bah Kratos puts too much sugar in this stuff." Genji tossed the cup away and got another drink.

Kratos shut the door to his room, locked it, and then proceeded to shut the blinds on his windows. When the room was nice and dark he turned on the lamp by his computers and opened the letter carefully. He looked over the silk letter for any discernable icons or trademarks. Finding none Kratos opened the paper and read the message within. He read the letter for only a moment; his black cybernetic eye quickly scanned and deciphered the letter faster than most organic eyes could.


Dear Solomon

I write this letter to you in a time of great crisis for my master. My master's medical laboratory has fallen to the foul predatory ways of the famed Zion Megacorp. We are the on the verge of a new medical breakthrough that will lead to a working formula for the growth of avian anthromorphs. I know that you will be able to help me disable Zion's hacking and sabotage attempts on our labs for the right price.

Meet me at the old ruins of the Statue of Liberty at 11:30 am Saturday morning and we can discuss this matter further




Kratos grinned wickedly when the thought of striking at Zion came to mind. Zion had harbored and armed the figures known as Feral Hunters for roughly 4 decades before a group of dedicated and technologically inclined Feral Folk killed at least 2000 of the hunters in the course of a week and then dropped the heads, eyes, tongues, and scalps of the deceased murderers right in the front lawn of Zion's headquarters. Kratos also knew that they had a hand in the murder of his late lover... it wasn't a large one but he hated them and the country they were in none the less.

Kratos locked down his room after discarding the letter. Every window, door, vent, and crack in the wall was sealed or jarred shut. When the place was sufficiently secured he went back down into his armory.

The armory never looked so good to him then at this moment. Kratos quickly donned his armored mesh and then locked each plate into its holding place. The armor had been made for him by a Zahelion about 3 years back as a payment for saving his life from a fire. The armor was made from the "living metal" that Zahelions farmed and kept jealously guarded. The armor could heal itself, recycle air in its stores, and for the most part acted as a symbiotic life form for those who wore such suits of protective gear. From his weapon racks he grabbed a burst cannon, fusion blaster pistol, 3 cluster grenades/mines, a pulse carbine, and his sacred sword made from meteorite metal.

Kratos took quite some time to assemble the burst cannon correctly. First he had to lock it into a special frame that would go onto the right arm of the armor. Then the frame had to be covered by an armored casing to protect the separate barrels and rotary parts of the gun. Finally a lens had to be placed near the casing's end where the energy would fire from. This lens served to focus the energy that would be fired from the barrels within the casing and shoot it out of a single barrel at the end of the gun. All then had to be intricately locked together, hardwired, and then ported into the Kratos's right arm, but for now the cannon would remain off.

Once Kratos had assembled his gear he put the finishing touches on his armor. Two vambraces were attached to the armor of each forearm. These vambraces had two eight inch blades per arm. The vambraces themselves had a series of rough serrated blades running along their backs. After these were properly attached he put on his boots. The boots were his favorite part of the armor. A metal "pod" would cover his entire foot paw and effectively double his balance. He then put a series of "toes" on the pods; 3 in front and 1 in the back. When finished the boot looked like the foot of a Draconum... one might call it a talon.

Now that Kratos had prepared his armor and weapons he moved back up into his closet and securely locked the trapdoor. Once he was assured it would not open without the proper codes he closed the closet door, unlatched a window, and crept outside.

Kratos made quick speed to a garage he had secured in a crummy part of the neighboring block. No one ever bothered it so he figured it would be a safe place to hide his 'car.' When the ebony warrior got to the front door he aligned a laser pointer on his helm with a receptor light bulb. The door's gears creaked and slowly coughed into life. Once the door was open Kratos moved hurriedly inside the storage house and shut the door manually. He then turned his attentions to his vehicle.

The thing could very well be called a scout tank. It was a hover car that had been armored to the core, given a weapon port in the front of the hood, and had a set of twin star engines in the back. The bodywork had been redone so it was one long heavily armored and angled box with two large engines on either side of the rear. A "turret" towards the back served as a quick repair and rearm station though it boasted no weapons. Finally the very sides of the front of the vehicle could be equipped with two automated sentry guns which he usually gave twin heavy caliber machineguns.

He opened up the hatch on the left side of the ship and climbed in. The insides were just as intricately decorated as the outsides. A gun rack was on one side of the hull behind him and across from it was a rack with various blades and other assortments of melee weapons. Further back than those was a computer station with a water dispenser on the left hand side. Finally a hammock hung from the walls near the turret door.

Once upon a time when he had been part of a mercenary unit this was his HQ and he had at least 3 warriors running the damned thing at any given time. That all changed when his mate was butchered and he accused his comrades of being in on her death so now the vehicle was his. Without a moment's thought of it's past he fired up the engines and moved out of the broken sun roof that once covered the garage.

"5 minutes late... damn that is gonna be a stain on my record." Kratos mumbled to himself as he landed down on a suitable patch of dirt near the base of the ruins. When he stepped outside his gaze immediately turned to the once great statue that stood for the beliefs of a dead nation. "The Statue of Liberty... tsk tsk what stupid things humans did at the advent of other races appearing on the earth." The Statue of liberty had been destroyed about 120 years ago during a civil war that rocked much of the world... especially America.

The war was caused primarily by a large energy flux that made the once dormant ley lines on earth flare with energy. With these lines awakening many of the ancient spirits came to walk amongst man once again. Dragons, Gryphons, the Feral Folk, Kirin, and so many more took physical form once again and tried to befriend mankind. These appearances; however, led to a huge bout of xenophobia and many factions began to form within countries that had already been steadily declining do to political, ethnic, religious, and moral disagreements.

America and Canada made war with each other for moral reasons: Canada had started a genetic engineering program up near Quebec. This program had created the first organic 'artificial' life. These life forms were made from cross germination and cross seeding of animals and human embryos. A carefully concocted formula along with a thousand different genetic enhancements mixed with a touch of human and animal life harbored the first "Anthromorphs." The radical right found this a violation of nature and God's will while the radical left complained of the lack of civil rights these new life forms had. Then the 'oni' were mixed into the fray bringing approval of the methods used by the Canadian lab to make these new life forms. Eventually war broke out but even in this act America could not unify and finally people got dirty with those spreading the dirt. America broke out in unholy civil war that shook its unity so badly that the fractures could not be healed. What was once a single country was now more than 7 groups of conglomerates, federations, city-states, and Hegemonies. Canada also broke apart into separate sectors so never again would the continent of North America be the same.

"It's all ancient news now." Kratos said aloud as his mind traveled back to the present. He turned to face the open sea only to find someone had been spying on him right behind his back. She was an icy blue Draconum dressed up in a form fitting black velvet robe. Kratos chuckled as he looked her up and down. "That's defiantly old school mystic garb Chroma. Do you practice the ancient arts?" Chroma moved with great grace towards the warrior in the black armor. She couldn't help but feel like he was some kind of death machine. "I didn't know that was you Solomon. I thought I had been spotted by a... Well I don't know what someone would call you." Kratos moved towards her and extended his hand. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance Chroma." Chroma ignored the extended paw and brought a palmtop computer from a satchel she was wearing. "Spare me the pleasantries reploid; we are here for business not chit chat." Kratos was taken back by two things: This Draconum's rudeness and the fact she thought he was a reploid. "Well isn't she just a venomous bitch," he thought to himself as he lowered his paw.

Chroma brought up a series of digital contracts and agreements on her palmtop. "I need you to cause a great deal of havoc and chaos at a Zion corporate HQ near a paramilitary storehouse at the Protectorate-Federation borderline. There is a large area of unused space that my contacts down there tell me is being renovated for use as a large scale weapons production factory. Seeing as how we're short on allies up here in the north I need an assassin of your expertise to conduct a sabotage and assassination run on the main headquarters near this storage facility. A number of high profile Zion corporate officers should be there." Kratos nodded his head slowly and grinned under his helmet. "I can taste their blood already milady." Chroma looked down at Kratos and perked an eye ridge "That's pretty stuffy language for a reploid like you." Kratos laughed and looked her in the eyes "What is? The Milady part?"

Chroma rolled her eyes and thrust her palmtop computer towards Kratos. "Sign it or go home." Kratos bit back an acidic retort he was just about to spit at her. The black furry grabbed the miniature computer and used an electronic pen that was attached to it to sign the contract. "There you now have my signature and my word as a professional that this will go better than your highest expectations. Oh and by the way I'm not a reploid." Chroma stepped back roughly like she had been slapped. "You're not a reploid?" The Draconum lowered her head in apology. "Please excuse my behavior... I'm not very fond of those mechanical aberrations. My actions were directed in my anger at them not at you." Kratos removed his helmet so he could get a better look at the toned female Draconum. "Apology accepted Chroma." Kratos once again extended his paw to shake the whitish blue hand of the draconian standing in front of him. This time she took it and shook hands with him.

Kratos turned around, got in his ship, and flew off towards his target destination.

It took about 8 hours of radar dodging and hot shot piloting to get to a safe place near the tower that was the corporate HQ of Zion in this area. "Well let's get this show on the road." Kratos murmured to himself as he locked his helmet into place. When the helmet was securely fastened he teleported right next to the front door of the building. The two security guards sitting at post couldn't believe their eyes as the iron clad warrior materialized in a blur of energy and before either could mutter a word Kratos engaged his left vambrace and slashed out both of their throats. "First blood bitches." Kratos laughed manically as the blood rushed forth from the open wounds in the two humans' necks. Kratos then looked up and saw a security camera staring right at him. He flipped it off, shot it with a blast from his burst cannon, and then waltzed right into the lobby.

Kratos strolled right into the lushly furbished lobby where a dozen different people were running for their lives. Kratos fire 10 shots into the air and called for silence but the crowd wouldn't listen. Kratos took no pleasure in harming people who didn't, couldn't, or wouldn't fight back so he continued his way upstairs into more promising areas.

3 floors up Kratos ran into a security team. They took up cover as soon when they saw him and fired shells down the corridor he was traveling through. "HA! You think your small arms weaponry will even scratch my armor you primates?!" Kratos quickly ran through the corridor at speeds that only a speeding motorcycle could match. In a series of swift movements his bladed arm tore through the necks, chests, shoulders, and guts of the 12 men who were making a feeble attempt to hold their position. Once the guards had been thoroughly disemboweled and the blood on his blades had dripped onto the floor Kratos continued up the stairs.

When he reached the 5th floor he ran out of stairs and had only a double door to move through. A quick scan from his helmet's auxiliary optic systems revealed one single heat form in the room ahead and its heat scale registered much lower than an organic life form. "Fuck there's a reploid in there. Well time to kick in to first gear." Kratos kicked open the door and let loose several dozen energy bursts. The plasma pulses ripped through walls, cubicles, desks, and various computerized machines. The reploid dodged most of the shots with unnerving speed whilst the few that hit him only marred his armor. "Such weapons will not harm me assassin." The green reploid ignited 2 laser blades and rushed straight for Kratos. Kratos only knew one way to fight a fight like this; he disengaged his burst cannon, jettisoned it, and triggered the other vambrace.

The two began an elaborate acrobatic blade fight. Kratos made several quick slashes and jabs while using his clawed fists as an extra two weapons. Every slash, punch, and thrust he made was deftly dodged by the green reploid. "You're pretty damned good" Kratos murred as the green warrior landed a slash across the side of the black fox's shoulder armor cutting deep and drawing blood. "heh... and you're pretty damned full of yourself." The green reploid muttered under his breath as he brought his blades up for another slash. The black warrior then did something unexpected; he disappeared in a quick blur of energy. It was like he had jumped out of physical existence leaving only a quickly vanishing trail in the direction he moved. It was only a split second afterwards that four blades raked across the reploid's back. "Annnh! What the fuck was that?!" Kratos held his spread arm stance perfectly in pose from that vicious attack. "You don't even know what I am do you reploid... at least grace me with your name before I kill you."

The emerald robot leapt back and performed an erratic cross slash with his laser blades. Energy seemed to leap out of them as he finished the attack and right towards Kratos. "Shit!" Kratos managed to leap aside only to fall right into the hands of the reploid. The machine was right above him and posed to smash his fist right into Kratos's helm. Kratos felt the balled adamantium hand crash into his helm smashing the right face plating and breaking a few blood vessels in his mouth. Kratos fell onto a desk breaking it easily from the momentum and damaging several of the optimized optic and audio systems in his helmet. Kratos in a movement that could be described only as a flash grabbed the reploid's neck and smashed his head into the closest wall. "You're starting to get on my nerves."

The emerald robot struggled for a few moments as Kratos applied continued pressure to his neck. "Shit this guy is hella strong." Slowly the frame and armored plating of the reploid's neck began to creak and break. He continued fiercely struggling for a moment and then pressed his legs up against Kratos's chest and activated his jump jets, firing Kratos through a cubical. The green reploid panted for a moment and slowly regained his posture. "This isn't nearly as easy as I thought it would be." Was the only thought that raced through his head as Kratos emerged from the broken plastic and wood. "Harponia... my name is Harponia..."

Kratos measured up Harponia correctly this time. "I had underestimated you Harponia... you are indeed quite the warrior. Unfortunately I have grown tired from this brawl and wasted too much energy fighting for sport." Harponia perked his head and stared at the black assassin. "You're bluffing there is no way you could muster even more power than you already have." Kratos once again disappeared in a quick blur of color and energy. Harponia wouldn't fall prey to the same trick twice however and spun around with his lasers cutting into... nothingness. "Above you twerp." Harponia looked right into a closed fist burrowing right into his face. Harponia's head snapped and broke into a few pieces exposing the raw cybernetic machinery that lied under his skin and open faced helmet.

Harponia screamed out in agony as the pain ripped right into his mechanical brain and spine. From that single punch Kratos had broken the emerald fighter's metal skull in several places and his spine had ruptured near the pelvic 'bone.' "You were saying... bitch?" Kratos took off his helmet and felt along his face. "That was a nice blow you landed though... I'll let you live for now." Harponia fell to the ground and writhed around before falling into a catatonic state.

Kratos's heightened senses alerted him to the presence of someone behind him but before he could turn to defend himself the intruder fired his weapon right into Kratos's back. Kratos yelled out as the shell dug right into his spine without breaking it. "Ahhhhggnn! You bastard... no one fucking sneaks up on me!" Kratos was just about to spin around and decapitate the fool who ambushed him when he felt the shell move. "Oh fuck me... it's a scarab." Kratos froze up and held himself still. His assailant decided to speak. "You've gotten far enough Feral One. I don't need you to go about killing my employees."

Kratos growled but remained perfectly still. "You cheap bastard... not even I'm sick enough to use a scarab rifle." The man behind him slowly walked up and in front of Kratos. He was tall, skinny, and had a slight blue tint to his skin. "Post Human I assume..." Kratos observed as he looked at the oddly colored skin. "I am as human as anyone else beast man... now tell me who sent you and I might spare you from an excruciatingly painful death." Kratos spat and grinned "I know my damned scarabs human and I know for a fact that isn't one designed specifically torture my kind." The human remained cool and confident. "And how do you know that alien scum." Kratos laughed and shook his head at the pitiful man. "Well first off there is only one type of scarab that could have penetrated my armor so well, and second if the scarab was a killer of my kind it would have been burrowing through my body by now." Kratos spit and grinned. "If you're gonna kill me go ahead, but I'm gonna tell you now if you don't you are so going to regret it."

The blue skinned human growled and pulled the hammer back on his rifle preparing to finish the job when he suddenly jerked up straight. Kratos looked at him in confusion and within the second the man fell to his knees and finally flat on his face. 3 knives without handles were sticking out of his back. Each one of them was covered in a slight glimmer and had a green venom running down a grove that was in the middle of the blade. The ebon kitsune looked around for a moment wondering who or what had snuck in and killed the human when the scarab was ripped out of his back. "OW! Holy hell that shit hurts!" Kratos spun on his feet and came face to face with a short hooded figure.

The figure was done up like a shade from any generic fantasy genre, but he also wore several pieces of silvery armor on certain spots of his body. "Who the hell are you?" Kratos spat out as he stared the short yet formidable shade in the face. The thing stared back at Kratos with just as much fire in its eyes as Kratos. "A friend." Was all it whispered before quickly summoning three more knives into each of its hands. Kratos was about to jump back when the shadow jumped over him and threw the knives. Kratos again quickly turned around to see each knife had pierced into a security soldier. The 6 men slowly fell from their stances and onto their faces. "What the hell are you?" Kratos uttered as he looked back at the wraith. "A friend."

Kratos growled and stomped right up to the five and a half foot tall shadow warrior. "No I mean what are you. What kind of a creature are you and hell... why are you here helping me." The shade turned around and slowly walked towards the windows overlooking the lawn outside. "I am a creature forever shunned by modest and faithful men, an existence that needs not exist, a piece of a puzzle that worked it's way into a picture that was already complete... and I helped you because I am a friend." With that said the shade kicked out the window he was near and jumped out. Kratos ran up to the window and looked down but the wraith was gone.

It didn't take much longer for Kratos to kill off any resisting forces left in the building. Blood covered the walls of many rooms where guards and executive officers were hiding or making a stand against him. The black Feral One took only a few prisoners and locked them in the highest floor. Around the room he locked the officers in he placed his cluster bombs left and his favorite calling card; a tarot card from a rare and elusive deck used by the most talented of magi. The card was known as the Dragon of Pentacles. Explosions ripped through the highest floor right as he warped out of the building.

When Kratos arrived back at the Statue of Liberty it was early morning the next day. The sun was barely peaking on the horizon and the clouds were battling it for supremacy of the sky above. Kratos unlatched his helmet and discarded all his weapons except for his fusion pistol. He waited for some time for Chroma to show up before she arrived. "You're late... I guess I can call it even for me being late," the dark furry chuckled as Chroma strolled up to him. "I've seen the damage and bloodshed on the news. You did very well Solomon and for that you shall be paid." Kratos nodded and extended his hand expecting a check; however, Chroma seemed to be delaying. "I never told you that you were receiving a monetary reward for this job." Kratos's lone organic eye immediately began to burn bright white and he practically tackled Chroma when he jumped on her. "What do you mean wench!?! I have done as is requested by my contra..." Kratos found himself levitating only a few inches above Chroma and before he could grab onto her his body was flung right into his ship. The sound of the thud could be heard several dozen meters away.

Kratos was unconscious only for a few minutes and when his eyes opened he saw Chroma staring right at him with her palmtop computer in hand. "Settle down Solomon." Kratos shook his head in disbelief "She acts like I didn't even touch her." Chroma lifted Kratos from his back and helped him onto his feet. "Evidently you didn't read the terms of the contract my master set before you." Kratos was still a little shaken but he took the palmtop and read the exact terms and payments for services rendered. He dropped the palmtop when he saw the fine print of his reward; she was to be his pet... sexual plaything at best. Kratos looked up at her and blushed visibly. "I... I'm sorry but I can't accept that kind of payment. I don't believe in such relationships and I've been celibate for more than a decade now." Chroma perked her head to the side. "Celibate? What's that?" Kratos's brain nearly burst and he broke out in laughter. "Holy shit you don't know what celibacy is? Jesus Christ woman what brothel have you been living in?" Chroma looked down and away from the laughing Feral One... shame was in her eyes. Kratos immediately ceased his laughing and took her chin in his armored paw. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you. I guess the term master wasn't as ambiguous as I had hoped it would be." Chroma looked up into the eyes of Kratos. "Please take me home with you. I have nowhere to go now that this contract has been fulfilled." Kratos drew into deep thought "A woman in my home? I... I can't do that can I? I've been mourning Reta for so long... I couldn't just cease that... it's not my people's tradition."

Kratos shook his head and let go of the Draconum female. "I can't Chroma... I wouldn't be able to bring myself to shelter you... I once had a mate and I failed to protect her. It is my people's way for a widowed lover who is either male or female to never associate with someone in that way again if the deceased mate was murdered." Chroma clamped onto Kratos and began to cry. "Please Mr. Solomon... please take me to your home... my master will not be pleased if I return without you receiving your just payment." Kratos growled and threw the draconian off of his body as tears welled up in his eyes. "Just go... I wouldn't have accepted the contract if I knew that you were my payment... I can't be with you."

Chroma looked down at the ground and the two began to wallow in their sorrows. "Solomon... I know you've lost a loved one and I know now from your mentioned traditions that you are a Feral One... if it means anything to you I have also lost a loved one. I lost her long ago during a reploid attack on my old homestead." She clenched her eyes shut and continued to plead with the sobbing kitsune. "I lost my home and was sold to my master as a pet. Though he was usually gentle he was constantly under pressure because of his research and in his anger he used me as an experiment more than once." Kratos opened his eyes and in an instant fury took the place sadness. "He... did... what?" Chroma knew she had said too much when the black Feral One turned to face her with daggers in his eyes.

"Give me his name and the place he sleeps and you may bunk in my house as a roommate if it means that much to you." Chroma was violently split in two when the blood raged fox said this. She needed a new home away from her old master but at the same time she did not wish harm upon him. "I.. I.. I can't Solomon... I don't want him to be hurt." Kratos stood up tall and firm. He had seen this before in many guises; the weak of heart or soul pleading for warriors to spare the people who made them victims at one point or another. They never wanted justice done for them; instead they wanted a bloodless path.

He knew only one way to deal with such pitiful pacifism. He walked away.


Alright I'll tell you!!" Chroma screamed out in emotional agony. She cried for several minutes before speaking to Kratos again. Kratos lumbered over her waiting for his answer. "Tell me one thing before I give you his name and address... why did you take up this career as a... a murderer." Kratos didn't even flinch as that word escaped the frail dragoness's lips. "I became an assassin after my mate was butchered by a group of Feral Hunters about 10 years ago. They tortured her and slowly killed her as I rushed to save her. Right as I made it to her I fell into a trap they had laid... evidence had been planted and showed that I was the one who had done the deed. The cops showed up before I even knew I was a suspect and tried to kill me." Kratos spat and looked at the sky. "Everything good in me died that day. I found the men who killed her and fed them to a starving pack of wolves. I then murdered more than 4 dozen men and women regardless of their race or marital status looking for answers. I found them eventually and confronted some very old enemies I had spared 60 years back. I made the hell I sent them too seem like a heaven after how I mutilated them... but that wasn't enough. I started their hearts again and for a few moments they were alive once more until I clawed them into ground beef." Kratos looked down at Chroma and then jutted his face right in front of hers "THAT is why I became as you say... a murderer."

Kratos turned around and began to head back to his ship. Chroma stood up slowly and put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry... I didn't know it was like that." Kratos's heart snapped as she apologized. Pain ripped through his chest as the memories and visions of his beloved mate's death flooded into his brain. It was an instant transformation from the cold and heartless warrior he was being to the wailing child he became a moment later. It didn't seem to matter that he was in public, outside, and in a gruff warrior's attire... he simply fell to his knees and cried his very soul away. Chroma moved beside him and picked him up. Together they entered the ship and whilst Kratos wept Chroma hit the only button she knew would do any good; the button labeled "return."

Kratos only responded for a short while to Chroma's questions about his base of operations. She managed to gather enough info to bring him to the apartment building he made his home in. At this point he had cried himself to sleep and was resting in the ice blue Draconum's arms. When she entered the building there were several humans, a red Draconum, and an elven looking figure inside. A gruff old human gave Chroma a set of keys. "Room 26F." was all he said as he gathered the attention of the curious people in the lobby.

When Chroma got into Kratos's room she was shocked by the sheer shabbiness of it. With as much money as Kratos must have had he could easily be living in an estate or very large condominium. The tall Draconum set Kratos down on a bed that seemed to be sized for two people and began stripping the black armor off of him.

When she had removed all of the plates she found herself stuck as how to remove the mesh so she left him alone and wandered about his room. She found a few pictures of him before he had the tiny scars on his face and one without the bionic eye. "He was very pretty,' she whispered to herself and then looked back at him. "He still is... whoever his mate was she was a very lucky woman." Chroma continued to look through his personal stuff. Things like photo albums, documents, even a box with several plushies. She found one document of value; it was a song or poem he had probably written about a month ago. She looked it over and saw his signature at the bottom. "Kratos? His name is actually Kratos?" She looked at him again and decided to give the mesh another try.

She managed to get the suit off of him with some effort. It seemed to stick to his fur as if clinging on for sustenance. The mesh was very smooth and lightly oiled as well. This led her to believe that he had used some sort of fluid to keep himself cool inside the armor. She laid the mesh and armor plates down in a neat pile at the foot of his bed.

She blushed as she noticed he was nude underneath the armor. His fur was all knotted up and messy. She saw the brush he had been using the night before and began to comb the tangles out of his fur. Eventually she became more interested in his body than in grooming him. She moved the brush up and down his torso softly and slowly. Eventually she moved onto his mane. The fur ruff was incredibly thick and long. This was a bit confusing as the male Feral Folk usually kept their fur ruffs short and often braided them. She shrugged her shoulders and began to lovingly groom the great fluffy mane around Kratos's neck.

Eventually her mind wandered onto her sexual desires. He looked like he would be very commanding in bed which was something she was used to. His sheath seemed to be of a larger size than most of the sheath's she had coaxed in the past, but was a little small when compared to his overall size. She may have been a few inches taller than him, but he was very well toned with muscle while she was lithe. She imagined him removing her clothing in a way befitting of his kind; ripping it off, and just taking her then and there. Her pussy began heat up from the mental stimulation she was giving herself. It was when he woke up she decided to do something to make those fantasies come true.

She crawled her way up on top of him as she looked into his eyes. She drank in his image with great thirst and when she was face to face with him she began licking his muzzle. Kratos moaned softly and tried to push her away. "Please Chroma... please don't do this." Chroma hugged the soft Kitsune underneath her and looked right into his eyes. "Kratos you must understand that being forever in mourning only hurts the soul. You mustn't live your life in constant shame of the past and the hurt that shame brings." Kratos listened while his head spun from the adrenaline coursing through his body. Chroma began rubbing her female region against Kratos's exposed sheathe. The black fox moaned softly and against his better judgment began to pet the warm draconian that was lying on top of him. "I... I miss her so much..." Chroma nuzzled her head up into Kratos's neck. "We all miss the people who have left our lives Kratos... but it doesn't help to not move on. We must continue forward with our lives and let our hearts heal."

Kratos sighed and scratched the eye ridge of the ice blue draconian. "I don't know though... I just let myself become consumed in my anger and sorrow... I don't know anything else." Chroma continued to rub her nether region against Kratos "Shhhh... It's okay Kratos... let me help you heal." Chroma began to sensually massage Kratos's sides and loins.

Kratos murred softly and began to move about a little bit. His cock was slowly hardening inside of his sheath and began to become eager for the pleasure it had craved for 10 long years. Kratos hugged Chroma while sliding his hands down her body to the seams of her robes. "How can we mate if you're still dressed Chroma?" Kratos giggled lightly as he slowly removed the top layer of her multi layered garment. Chroma grinned and licked Kratos "Let me do that." Chroma stood up on her legs and removed her top and then bottom. She teased Kratos for awhile when she got to her panties... pulling them up and into her lips while stretching them out enough to start tearing the fabric. Kratos murred a horny sound and waited patiently for Chroma to finish. Chroma looked down confused after a moment. "You aren't going to pounce on me and finish undressing me." Kratos blushed softly and looked away a bit. "I've always been really shy and submissive in bed." Chroma found this strangely arousing. She had never been with a male who was the submissive one.

She took off her panties and discarded them casually. "I'll be gentle then." She found that Kratos's length had since become nice and hard so she took now time guiding him into her as she lay back down on the black fuzzy fox. Kratos moaned softly as he felt his member enter the soft and wet fleshy insides of the draconian in front of her. "Chroma" was all he could squeak out before she locked her muzzle with his. Her tongue passionately probed his mouth tasting in all the sweet drinks he had partaken a couple nights ago. Kratos murred deeply as the forked tongue inside of his maw writhed around and tasted him. The two of them rolled around a bit and each time they stopped Chroma was on top.

Chroma squeezed the muscles in her nether regions and began moving her hips up and down on Kratos's length. Soft schulrping sounds came from their groins because Chroma was getting nice and wet. Kratos threw his head back and rubbed his eye ridge into his pillow as the newfound pleasure burned through his length and into his body. "Ahhh Chroma..." Kratos murmured during the time his hot pre took to start running down his hardened muscle. Chroma smiled and kissed Kratos softly whilst rubbing her busty bust up against Kratos's fur ruff. Kratos moved his hands down to Chroma's smooth ass and rubbed her there softly while pressing her into his cock harder.

Kratos's male instincts began to kick in and he began his part of the mating. He softly started thrusting into Chroma's depths with the intention of fully enjoying every sensation that was blasting through his neglected cock. Chroma purred happily as Kratos began his thrusting. "Good he's getting in the mood... I was afraid he might kick me off." Was all she thought when her thinking was interrupted by Kratos pressing his lips up against hers and giving her a nice wet smooch. Kratos picked up the pace and quickened his thrusts into Chroma's awaiting flesh.

Chroma moaned softly with each thrust and once again tightened up the muscles of her cunt thusly squeezing Kratos's penis and causing him to moan out with her. The icy Draconum's juices began copiously leaking out of her heated cunny which in turn caused Kratos to open his eyes in confusion, "You came already?" Kratos inquired because he was very unused to the female leaking juices until she had climaxed. Chroma laughed and shook her head. "No no... I'm just really wet. Kratos shrugged his shoulders and resumed pounding on the draconian's pussy. Slowly but surely her love mound grew to burn with great desire to climax... her urges and feelings building up greatly. She pushed herself up onto her hips in a riding position and clamped her inner folds onto Kratos as hard as she could knowing it would spike his lusts.

Sure enough it did and Chroma felt like she was riding a horse saddle with a spike going right up her twat. Kratos's cock had suddenly erupted with spines, well not so much spines as flesh nubs, and they were digging right into her overly sensitive nether flesh causing her cum instantaneously. She moaned out and bucked but Kratos did not let up on his thrusts. Again and again his length shot into her causing incredibly shocks of pleasure to rip through her groin, thighs, and lower abdomen. Chroma couldn't even muster the strength to pull herself off of Kratos and it took only a few moments for her cum to blast out of her body a second time. Kratos's peak came from nowhere in his mind and he blew his seed deep inside of Chroma's womb. Kratos panted for a few moments and slowly closed his eyes as sleepiness over took him. Chroma put some effort into getting up off of Kratos's throbbing length and when she had cleared it she locked his bedroom door, shut the blinds on his windows, turned on the bedroom fan, and crawled into bed beside him.

Maybe now Kratos would have some peace.