Humble starts chapter 2

Story by Nuori Susi on SoFurry

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The second part of my first story. I'm still learning so please excuse any mistakes or grammer mishaps. Comment and tell me what you think so far and what I should do next. Special thanks to those who supported me in my first story and encouraged me to start wrighting.

Roy walked timidly through the doorway into his first period classroom, and was greeted by a by the teacher. "Class! This is our new student, Roy wulfblood. I ask you all to treat Roy with respect and courtiousy While he is transitioning." He then turned towards a large grey huskie and said, "joey i'd like you to show Mr.Wulfblood here around the school and where his new classes will be." "Sure thing Mr.Johnson." the huskie replied in a deep soothing voice that turned Roys insides to mush. The Joey looked at Roy and gestured to the seat next to him, motioning for Roy to sit with him. Roy took a nervous step towards the smileing huskie and then another, and another, until he finally reached his seat and glanced sidelong at joey, looking in more detail at his form. He was tall and had a very lean body. He had a swimmers form and had very soft looking, well maintained, grey fur that ran up his backside and gave way to dark blue colored headfur. His tail was long and bush with te shaft being the same gray as his body, but the tip being died to match his headfur. The huskie coughed and Roy realised he had been staring this whole time! He quickly turned his, now VERY flushed, face away from the grinning huskie. "My name is Joey blufer. Nice to Meet you!" Joey said. Roy now less red in the face, looked at the huskie before him. "So you like males huh?"joey said. Roy turned away again his cheeks now burning from the blood in his face. Roy looked farther away feeling shamed to have been outed so easily. "Heh well it takes one to know one!" The huskie fistbumped Roys arm and winked. Roy, who now could be mistaken for a cherry, looked at the huskie with a flaberghasted expresion. "Your what?" Roy asked, only to be interupted by the teacher. "And so Mr.Wulfblood that is the reason we don't have a archery class anymore." Mr.johnson, who Roy now realized was one of the phys ed teachers, had been talking this whole time and Roy had completly missed what he had been saying. Just then the bell rang for next period and everyone got up and left the room in they're respectful groups. Roy, of course, was following the huskie towards his next class as he was told about the schools history and all the different programs availible and such, when three ninjas rounded the corner in front of them!See what happens next by commenting and telling me how to improve. Next chapter should be up in 4 days or less