Chapter 1: Prolouge

Story by RagingWolf2124 on SoFurry

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#1 of Wolf: The Legendary Half Breed

21 year old Wolf Sanchez saves a newborn Riolu from a pack of Mightyena. After losing her parents like he lost his he takes her in and cares for her. He named her... Aurora. Join Wolf and Aurora as there pokemon adventure unfolds as they travel across Sinnoh and stop Team Galactic while gaining new allies. (There will be Lemons!)

It was a beautiful sunny day as I awoke to my alarm clock ringing to wake me up. Hey, my name is Wolf Sanchez. I am 21 years old with brown eyes, black hair, a scruffy beard and standing at 5'11". I live in a house by myself residing in Sinnoh's Twinleaf Town by myself. I have a job as a Protector in the nearby city of Jubilife. It's pay's well enough to pay my bills and put food on the table, while getting me exhausted on the way home after. Today was my day off so I could have the whole day to myself to rest and enjoy the sights of the beautiful forest. I got dressed in jeans and a shirt and my Military Combat boots and then put on my Black Trench Coat with two red streaks against the wrist sections. I then grabbed my Murasama Sword Built with High Frequency Aura waves just in case and headed out.

Moments Later...

I was walking through the forest enjoying natures beauty and seeing Starly's chirping, along Bidoof's, and Shinx's pass occasionally here and there. The Sun was starting to go down. I guess I should tell you more about myself... as a kid at the age of 6 through 13 my life was filled with lot's of sadness. I didn't have many friend's except for the peaceful Pokemon of the forest. I was always getting into fight's constantly to protect Pokemon who were being abused by their trainers and freeing them. I had a dark side within me that would show my enemies no mercy and loved to see blood spill. I was a hero to many people while some feared me and gave me the name "The Merciless Wolf."I was born with powers and abilities that I use to protect them. Powers of Pokemon such as Extreme Speed and Aura Sphere as well as understanding Pokemon language and having the powers of Aura despite being human. My father was human with amazing abilities that had him win many fights and my mother was a Lucario who stood alongside him. (If you can already guess where my powers came from) I loved them both with my entire heart and the day they were taken away from me to go fight in the Sinnoh and Unova war... I was never the same.

10 Years Ago...

"MOM, DAD! Please don't go!" I said, Crying in their arms while they were hugging me gently.

"Wolf I want you to listen to me." My father said.

"What dad?" I replied still sobbing.

"Remember that we love you with our entire hearts and that you are a brave person and protect those that cannot protect themselves." He said.

"And that we will always be with you in here." My mother said, while putting a paw to my heart.

"We love you son... never forget that." My father said, and with that he grabbed his Murasama Blade and departed on the Military truck with my mother to go fight leaving me in tears.

3 Months Later...

I was watching tv still upset that my parents had left 3 months ago when there was a knock on my door. I went over and opened it to see a box at my feet with a letter attached to it from my father.

I carefully read the letter.

Dear Wolf,

If you are reading this then it means that me and your mother are no longer here and are up in heaven with Arceus and Mew. Since the day you were born we have shown you the good and bad things in life and you have become a hero to both People and Pokemon alike in our eyes. You remind us very much of when we did the same for them. I wanted you to have this when I passed away to remember me and your mother by. Take good care of these and remember that me and your mother will always love you and will be watching over you from beyond.

Your father...

I was then overwhelmed with emotion at the thought of losing my parents. I continued crying for what seemed like hours until I was finally calm enough to open whatever it was my father wanted to give me. I grabbed a knife and opened the box revealing my fathers red Murasama Blade Sheathed in it's black and red scabbard. Along with my mothers Mega Stone. From that day on I respected my fathers sword and used it to save People and Pokemon of good nature. As for my mother's Mega Stone I couldn't use it since I was not a Lucario.

Back To Present...

No matter what I will continue to protect them until I draw my last breath. I continued walking down into the forest when I heard a what sounded like crying and whimpering. I quickly made my way to the source and found a shocking sight. It was a female Riolu backed into a corner by a pack of 6 Mightyena that looked ready to pounce. The Alpha Mightyena had a sick grin on it's face saying, "Well, well, well what do we have here? You look like you would make a tasty snack but how about we have some fun first?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The bastard was going to rape her! I unsheathed my Murasama and yelled, "Hey leave her alone!" I then ran and sliced two of there heads off clean then one came at me with a shadow claw that I parried then kicked him very hard straight into the branch of a tree impaling him. He squirmed but soon his body fell limp. The next two charged at me with shadow claw at the ready while I did the same. We then sliced and passed each other with my backs to them. They soon fell with their body's in half. Then the leader was all by himself at a loss for words at what happened. He then spoke with fear in his voice, "Who are you?" He asked. I responded by coldly saying, "Someone who is going to make a difference in this world starting with you." I then used Extreme Speed and in one quick motion I stabbed him in his heart and his face was in complete utter shock at what just happened. He looked into my cold staring eyes before he stopped breathing and fell. I removed my sword from his heart and sheathed it. I then went to the little Riolu sobbing with fear in her crimson eyes. I then noticed the blood on me from the Mightyena. "So thats why she's scared of me." I thought. I then noticed a broken egg shell next to the Riolu which meant one thing. She was recently born but her parents didn't seem to be here. That's when I noticed in the distance their were two dead Lucario's ripped apart with their eyes in fear. I couldn't help but shed a tear at the thought of someone losing their parents like I lost mine and that she was now by herself.

Song- Kingdom Hearts Simple and Clean (Music Box Version) I do not own this song. All rights go to it's respectful owner.

It was soon nighttime and started raining. I knelt down next to her and said, "Are you ok?" She nodded her head slowly still crying over the loss of her parents. I then laid against the tree sitting down with her and pulled her into a hug. She started bawling her eyes out over my Coat and started whimpering again. I held her against me like a father or mother would hold their child and started to pat her on the back and softly whispered, "It's ok. I won't let anything bad ever happen to you." She then held on to me tight wanting to be with me. I then asked her,"How about I take you to my home to live with me so I can take care of you and to never be alone?" She nodded her head still sobbing and holding on to me while I carried her back home. I took off my Trench Coat and Wrapped it around her to keep her from getting wet and to keep her comfortable. When I got to my door I grabbed my key and unlocked the door to enter then shut it behind me.

I then said to the Riolu who seemed to have calmed down, "How about I make you something to eat?" Her stomach then gave a low grumble. "I'll take that as a yes then." I said with a small chuckle, while the little Riolu's cheeks blushed with embarrassment. I placed her on the couch with a blanket to keep her warm while I made the food. I went to the kitchen and picked out two steaks and put it in the microwave to heat it up and poured Cherry Juice in two cups. The steaks were finished in 30 seconds took them out and chopped it to many different pieces with a fork and knife and set them with the plates on the table along with silverware and the 2 cups. I then called her over to eat and she sat down on the chair picking up and looking at the piece of meat between her paws and sniffing it before taking a bite out of it. I then used my fork started to dig in. We sat eating in silence eating our entire meal and through it she had looked cute eating. "Happy with the food?" I asked with a smile. She gave a yip with a smile meaning yes. I know I can understand pokemon but this is a newborn so she doesn't know how to speak yet. She possibly can't do a bunch of things yet either since she does not know what the objects in the house are. I will have to teach her eventually.

I grabbed the little Riolu's paw and led her upstairs to the bathroom to take a bath. I grabbed a clean small towel on the way there and entered the bathroom with her. She seemed confused about this room when she saw it. "This is the bathroom. You go here to take a bath or shower to get clean or you do your business." I said. She still seemed confused. "This right here is the Toilet where you do your business and this is the bathtub where you get clean. You pull the lever in here either left or right to which type of temperature you want the water to be when It comes pouring down. And lastly this is the sink where you wash your hands after you use the toilet. Understand now?" She gave a nod and I handed her the towel and set the water for her. I then left the bathroom and waited in my bedroom. After 10 minutes she called me over with her language which was not yet understandable. "Ri Riolu!" This was the first time she used her language. She came out in a towel and I turned off the water. She dried herself off and was no longer wet. She shaked her fur and it poofed out. I couldn't help but laugh a little from the sudden look. She also seemed embarrassed upon seeing this. I grabbed a brush and brushed it back to the way it looked. I changed into my pajamas and put my Murasama back in the corner of my room. "Now that that's done we should go to bed." After saying that thunder started to boom from outside causing the little Riolu to shake and cry again. "Shh shh don't cry!" I whispered to her while picking her up. "Would you like to sleep with me tonight?" She nodded her head while still holding on to me tight. I then remembered a pokeball left in my drawer in case I ever decided to go on a pokemon journey. I took it out and showed it to the Riolu. "You see this? This is a pokeball used to capture pokemon. I'm going to use it on you so no one can ever take you away from me. Would you like that?" She then looked me in the eyes while nuzzling my neck giving me her answer. I then tapped her with the pokeball and after one shake it clicked confirming the capture. I then let her out and she jumped up to me hugging my neck with love and affection. The thunder then erupted again causing her to shrink in fear. I then put her on the bed with me and put a blanket over us while we were hugging in each others embrace. "How about I give you a name?" I suggested. She yipped as a yes. I thought long and hard before coming up with something. "How about Aurora?" She then licked my face multiple times to confirm this. "Ok Aurora, Goodnight." And with that we fell asleep in each others embrace till sunrise.