
Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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These will be daily series of small exercises meant to loosen up my creativity. They're centered around smut, obviously, and each story will hold the name of its respective species. Only ferals will be featured captured in the thrills of their most pleasurable moments. Once I run out of animals, I'll return and add chapters to the already existing ones or simply decide to opt for another project. We'll see

I also apologize for all the DragonSong fans that will rage once they click the new submissions button, only to see a crappy story posted instead of the second chappy. Like I said, I'm still working on it. I want it to be purrfect before its big unveiling.

Anyway, for those who read the story, I hope you'll enjoy it!

"Cheetah" features two young males in their prime. M/M goodies inside. Rate, fav and comment to your heart's desire.

Grooming always was a time for arousal. Aryn licked behind a furred ear, fully aware of the flesh pulsing beneath his swishing tail. His brother seemed equally enthralled. Long strokes of tongue dashed along Aryn's muzzle before paws wrapped around his neck.

The cheetah chirped softly, nipping against the encroaching limbs. He could hardly break free. Every paw he deterred was replaced by teeth and tongue. He dipped his head, nuzzling the long fluff along his brother's belly. Grassy scents mixed with dried blood and with something else. Aryn's nostrils flared, catching the pungent musk. It traveled through his limbs, emboldening his already tense muscles. He throbbed once, flanks shivering at the eerie pressure jolting from the base of his tail.

Aryn yelped. Paws kicked from every direction, pushing him away from the tantalizing scent of his brother. So fertile. So young. He had to taste it. Aryn shot with his front paws. The weight fell on his brother's flank, offering just enough time for Aryn's tongue to dash over the spheres under his tail and the speck of pink poking between them.

He snarled, tongue aflame with this new taste. He swirled it inside his half-parted maw, savoring it. At least until black spots speckled his vision. His brother tackled him, seeking proper hold for a throat grip. Aryn kicked his limbs, each movement stoking the fire welling inside him. It gave him strength. It gave him purpose.

Unbalancing his brother with a quick strike, Aryn scrambled on his fours. The two cats ran around each other, testing their reflexes with quick paws or agile bites. They played with each other, circling and leaping and running. There was a certain pattern to their game. An urge that pushed them to explore something more than simple trapping techniques.

Aryn's ears and muzzle became wet with saliva. His vulnerable head became the target of most attacks when it did not slide between the other male's hind legs. This was what it came to. Who got quicker beneath the other cat's tail. Aryn flicked his tongue, desperate for another taste. Fur met his tongue, then skin, then more fur. How infuriating! His brother busied himself with one of Aryn's flanks. Those teeth really tickled until they suddenly vanished.

Aryn froze, tail flicking under the warm gust. A presence approached his rear. So warm... The touch alone made his throat clench with a half-hearted yelp. It traveled around his throbbing length, briefly wrapping around the rapidly flexing tip. Aryn lifted his tail. Another lick came, then another. The fiery surge took him like an unexpected storm. His limbs melted first. Then came the throbs. Aryn fell on his back, thrusting with abandon. That tongue was so moist and warm it deserved every drop of erupting seed. His claws curved inwards as the first spurt hit. Aryn yelped at the molten pressure spiking through his tip. It washed again and again, sending jolts across his tensing form. The delight was so intense he froze , meowing like a kitten in her mother's furry embrace as throbs milked his seed again and again. Spurts left quicker than his frienzied heartbeats, and the other male's tongue was there to collect.

By the time the fire cooled off, Aryn's underside was a slick patch of upraised fur. His brother entered his field of vision. Aryn licked his muzzle with energetic licks, catching the suave scent of himself amidst the hefty quantity of saliva.

He rolled on his belly. The other male chirped loud. Aryn only felt a grip at the nape of his neck. Strong enough to capture, but still gentle to avoid piercing skin. A presence prodded at his rear. He squirmed, hissing. Trapping went against his instincts. Shooting on his fours, he snapped at his brother. The cheetah hissed in return, paws tense with the thrill of mounting.

Aryn tackled him. They wrestled in a heap of sandy fur and onyx spots until Aryn claimed dominance. Sitting atop his brother, he released and licked his captive neck before moving downwards. The scent of his musk increased until the pink tip stood between two dark, flaring nostrils. He carried the scent deep into himself, mind almost becoming numb with desire.

He licked once. His barbed tongue carried across the member's length, trapping every drop of moisture. The two brothers always tasted their scents, but never so intimately. Aryn dashed another quick stroke. The taste held a certain arousing flagrance, encouraging more, quicker licks. His brother squirmed. Aryn nipped softly at the meat before it retreated from sight, replaced by teeth and claws. He snarled, forcing his brother to adopt a defensive posture.

Aryn went around him. Stretching his neck, he curved his tongue beyond a flank. He met an equally moist flesh. It shivered, then pushed into his tongue, meeting barbs. Aryn curled his pink tongue around the member, pushing it closer to his maw.

A cry followed. Tremors claimed his brother. Aryn pushed his head, quickly lapping at the spasming nub of flesh. It tensed quickly, releasing a most delightful ooze. Aryn scooped it hungrily inside his maw, licking all around the clenching spheres. It shot between his nostrils. It shot inside his maw. It dribbled down his saliva soaked maw as he slurped around the pumping flesh.

Then it vanished. The cat before him dropped with a shrilling chirp, legs trembling erratically. His head whipped around, joining in with desperate strokes of tongue. Purrs reverberated through the short grasses as the two tongues danced around the still throbbing member.


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