Chapter 9 - Taking the Fight to Them

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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#9 of Dusk to Dawn

Chapter 9 - Taking the Fight to Them

A few minutes later the three regained their composure and stood back up; admiring their glistening bodies as they finished their shower suited back up into their now clean armor and walked back to the bridge.

"Are you guys feeling better now?" Kurt turned towards them.

"Kurt... we thought that you would still be on the Prospect?" Skye questioned.

"Well I've decided to check up on your ship personally," he grinned pushing his blond hair out of his eyes.

"All right then, I'm assuming you've had the grand tour then eh?" Skye laughed as he walked up to Blake's Side.

"Yeah, Once Becka here gave me the virtual tour, it was kinda simple." Blake grinned.

"So what's going to happen to these two ships now?" Alex asked.

"Well I was thinking that Skye could remain here as captain of the Orion, Alex captain of the Shroud of Shadows, and Spencer could have one of our new ships joining our fleet, according to fleet command, we're going to have it arriving in about three hours." Blake reported.

"Wow... umm thanks Blake," Skye replied.

"You sound a little trouble about it Skye, what's up?" Blake asked.

"Well, it's just that we've finally just got back together and now it seems like we're being split up again," Skye's eyes dropped to the floor.

"We're not going anywhere Skye," Alex whispered as he placed his hand on Skye's shoulder, "We're just going to be a ship apart, we'll still meet and eat together and everything."

Skye walked into the corridor outside of the bridge, closely followed by Alex.

"Are you all right Skye?" Alex asked with the deepest sincerity.

"Yeah," Skye replied as they turned a corner and the bridge's door closed. "I just needed to have us alone a second," he grinned as he gently pulled Alex towards him.

Alex accepted the embrace and the two embraced; they fell into a passionate kiss, Skye lightly pressed his lips to Alex's. Skye grinned brushing the soft blond hair from his face.

Skye pulled Alex tighter against his body, their armor getting in the way, "God I love you!"

Alex grinned, and pushed his lips back against Skye's, locking lips and gently sucking on his tongue as it entered his mouth. Then he broke the kiss, "I love you too."

They continued, falling into another deeper, more passionate kiss this time, lasting for a few minutes they finally broke their embrace.

"Captain's coming," they thought to each other; having heard Blake approaching the bridge bulkhead.

A few seconds later Blake stepped around the corner to see the two boys facing each other from opposite sides of the corridor.

"How are you feeling Skye?" Blake asked.

"Good to go, sir," Skye grinned.

"There's no need for the Sir crap on this ship," Blake replied.

"What ever you say, but the sooner we get moving and I can get my feet on real land again the better," Skye replied as he and Alex turned and walked back towards the bridge.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" Blake asked again.

"We're fine Blake, thanks for asking." Skye and Alex reassured as they stepped through the bulkhead and it hissed closed.

"Okay guys," Blake motioned to silence, "From what I can tell one of Joey's main 'Morph factories' is on a planet about a one hour flight from here. I want Skye, Alex and Spencer to get suited up, and be ready to move out in an hour, Blake ordered.

"Sir!" the crew snapped to attention as they walked towards their stations.

Skye, Spencer and Alex handed control off to their 1st officers and warned them to be battle ready in about an hour, they were sure some part of this mission was going to go south.

"All right then guys lets get to the armory," Skye ordered, as the two beaming techs sent them to the Shroud of Shadows and their personal stockpile.

A few seconds afterwards they arrived in their armory and quickly suited up, prepping the prowler and strapping on their P90's and gathering various guns ammunition and supplies they boarded the ship.

Within the hour Blake appeared on the main screen of the Prowler and preformed a status check.

"All systems are green Blake; we're ready whenever you are." Alex reported as Spencer prepped the stealth ship for launch.

"Okay you have a go for launch when you're ready, the bay doors are open." Blake replied.

"Preparing for launch," Skye replied, "powering up engines now."

"Firing main thrusters," Alex reported as the ship darted from the bay and once the stealth drive kicked in, became completely un-detectable in space.

The next 20 minutes were spent in silence, not because they didn't want to talk to each other, but because they had nothing to say.

"How long do you think we can keep Blake from knowing about the three of us?" Alex asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't know," Skye replied, "Hopefully we can break him in before he figures too much out."

"You think he would take it well?" Spencer asked?

"Well we can only hope, but I think he's got a pretty good idea." Skye replied. "I mean we weren't really that discrete when Spencer woke up."

"Yeah, that's true, but still, it should work out... I hope," Alex groaned as they approached their destination.

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