Damon and Carla 1

Story by PrettyPanther on SoFurry

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#1 of Damon and Carla

FOR MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY!!! So I decided that one couple isn't enough, especially if the first haven't had sex yet. So here's another couple who are fairly different. Meet Carla, a young fox who had a crush on Damon, a wolf, for the longest time. She's shy, he's the hunk who knows whats best, and in the future, maybe some drama might spark up if they stick around long enough? (hint hint!) Enjoy your reading and let me know if you think this couple is a keeper!

As I walked into the room, I looked about in hopes of seeing at least one familiar face. Not just any familiar fur, but a specific fur. In the corner of the room stood a tall grey and white wolf, arms folded and leaning against the wall. His dark green eyes watched the room silently, a thoughtful look on his face. "Damon!" I called out. His gaze flicked in my direction, then away again. With a soft smile I fixed my fox tail and bounced over to him, sitting near his feet. After a minute, I lightly tugged his shirt. He sighed and glanced down to me. "Yes Carla?" "So um, I'm throwing another party in a few days." I offered, smiling. "And?" he asked, unnamed. Quickly tucking a bit of my hair behind my ear, I continued. "Well um, I was wondering if maybe, if you didn't have plans that is-" "No thanks." he interrupted, looking away again.

My ears lowered slightly. "Oh.. Are you busy that day or..?" "You didn't even tell me the day, so how could I say I were busy? I'm just not interested in some dumb party." I bit my lip and looked away, trying to not look hurt. "Oh. Well um, that's okay I guess. I mean, you don't have to I was just.. offering.." With a slight attempted smile, I nodded slightly in goodbye and walked away, letting my hair fall back in my face to hide my face long enough to put on a better mood. "Cari!" a small voice called out. I looked up to see my friend Sasha, a small blue bird. "Oh, hi." I sat down by the couch on the other end of the room and she sat on my shoulder. "Whats wrong hun?" she asked, tilting her head. "Its nothing, I'm fine." She always knew when I was upset, even if to the rest of the world I looked fine.

"C'mon girl, spit it out. Is it about that wolf again? What'd he do this time?" "He didn't do anything. At least, not on purpose.." I looked away, unsure of what to say. "I tried inviting him to my party. He- called it dumb. He wasn't trying to be mean to me, I'm sure, but it kinda hurt.." Sasha picked my head up. "Now honey don't you let what that mean ole wolf said. Besides, I'm sure we can have plenty of fun without him." she offered, smiling. I lowered my ears more and put her on the couch. "I wanted him to be there though.." I told her before walking away. With a soft sigh, I left the room and went to my room, closing the door behind me and locking it. I let myself fall onto the bed and burrowed my face in my pillow, curled up on my side and fell into a light sleep.

I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket. Hazily I blink the sleep away and check my phone. 'Damon is looking for you. Said to meet in the back hall at 4. Whats going on? -Sash' I sighed and checked the time. 3:58. It took me a moment before I realized what time it was, then quickly sat up and stumbled out of bed. Quickly unlocking my door, I dashed out and ran to the back hall behind the main lobby. I arrived, panting, just as it turned 4. Standing there was Damon. He looked up from his watch and handed me a small paper, muttering that I took long enough before walking away. On the paper he wrote 'My room, 10:30. No later.' and nothing more. I slipped the paper in my pocket and went back to my room, mind racing.

It took forever for 10:30 to come around. Time seemed to slow to a near stop and each minute felt like an hour. I found a nice pair of jeans since I didn't own a dress or skirt and put on a tank top so I looked casual. I did my best to not run through the hall so I wouldn't wake the others. At 10:29 I knocked on his door quietly. A moment later, the door opened. Hesitantly I took a few steps in and the door closed behind me. I spun around to find Damon there behind the door and sighed in relief. "You scared me." I told him, smiling slightly. His room was dark, none of the lights on and the shades drawn. Soft lines glowed in the room, coming from the moon outside. The dim lighting cast shadows across Damons face that made him look not too nice. Slowly he walked towards me.

Being taller than me added to the dark room and the door he just now locked, my heart started to freak out and I took a few steps back before I hit the wall. Damon got close, merely inches from me, and placed his hand on the wall. I lowered my ears and looked up carefully. His face was drenched in shadow, all I saw was the tip of his nose. "..Carla.." he spoke, his voice deep. I swallowed, unsure of how to take the situation. "Y-yes..?" I stuttered. "You like me, don't you." His tone implied it was more of a statement than a question, so I only looked down, then back to him. He slid his hands lower. "One thing you need to know about me. I don't take to kindly to parties and crowds." He then leaned in closer, his hands finding my hips. I could feel his breath on my neck when he whispered "I prefer to be more- secluded.." before meeting my lips with his.

His lips were warm and inviting, one hand on my hip and one supporting my neck. Soon his hot tongue found its way in my mouth and felt around. I placed my hands on his chest, only just realizing he had no shirt on, and felt his soft, warm fur. In turn, the hand on my hip slid up under my shirt and slid up my smooth side before coming to rest on my chest. I quivered, having never felt the touch of another in this way before. He broke the kiss and began kissing down my neck, and I tilted my head back and enjoyed it. My body began to feel excited in a way I haven't felt before. Strong arms wrapped around my waist and turned me, lowering me onto a cool bed. I looked up to him, unsure. "D-Damon.." I whispered. He paused and looked back, slight concern in his eyes. "I- This is- I mean I haven't-" I tried, not sure how to say it. He only smiled and licked up the center of my neck, giving me chills. "First time?" he asked, his voice rough. I nodded. "I can slow down if you like." he offered. I shook my head.

He kissed his way down my neck and to my chest, raising my tank and bra up above my breasts. I blushed and looked away, embarrassed to be so exposed. Upon seeing my embarrassment, Damon nuzzled into my neck. "You're beautiful you know." he offered, which only made me more embarrassed. Warm hands cupped my breasts and rubbed them gently. "Do you not want me to look?" he asked. I lowered my ears, not sure how to answer. I hadn't thought we would ever be in this situation, so I never thought of what I would say or do. "It's alright. No need to worry, you look amazing." he whispered, kissing down to my chest. His lips disappeared a moment, then drew a soft gasp from me as they closed around my nipple, sucking gently.

One hand over my other breast, Damon's hand slid down and rubbed my thigh. My heart thudded and I was unsure of where to concentrate on more, above or below. I curled my toes and turned my face away to hide my blush. "Relax, everything's alright. I can stop any time you like." he offered. I shook my head and did as he told me; relax. I let my mind let go and I concentrated on nothing, only enjoyed his touch. His hand slid further up my thigh and my leg seemed to move on its own, opening up for him. Lips trailed down my stomach while fingers undid my pants. As he undid my pants, I slid off my top and bra, accidentally pulling my hair out of its pony tail as I did so. My pants slid down and off, and all I had left were my panties.

Damen was no longer kissing me, so I glanced down while he was pulling my pants off my ankles and saw him looking me over. I blushed and instinctively covered my panties, closing my eyes and whimpering in embarrassment. Soft hands came over mine and gently moved them, comforting lips on my neck. "Please don't be embarrassed about such a beautiful body." he whispered, rubbing a hand on my inner thigh. "P-please don't look." I whispered back, now a little fearful. His other hand gently turned my head and I opened my eyes to be met with his, his eyes seeming to glow in the darkness now. "If you're that worried about it, I won't." he told me, smiling gently. This was the first time I've seen him smile, and I loved it on him.

Slowly my panties too slid off and I was nude. Damon however still wore his boxer shorts. "When you're ready, you let me know. I don't want to rush you into something you don't want." he told me. I nodded. His lips and hands caressed me everywhere, and below I got more uncomfortable and moist. "I- I feel so weird.." I told him, blushing still. He looked up from kissing my belly button and rubbed his hand next to my private on my inner thigh. I quivered and for a moment I wanted him to feel me there. "Do you want me to go here?" he asked. After a short pause, I nodded. His shorts instantly came off and revealed his large penis.

I had never seen one before and my eyes widened slightly at the size. He leaned in and rubbed it against my inner thigh and I curled my toes, my insides twinging. "Please be careful!" I whispered, wanting it but still worried. He then laid down next to me and pulled me on top of him, his penis in front of me and my legs on either side of him. "Go at the pace you want." he replied. I blushed deeply and tried to hide my face in my hair my lowering my head slightly, but he tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled to me. Biting my lip slightly, I looked down at our parts. Slowly I raised my hips and positioned over his member, took a breath in, and gently lowered myself over him. First it was a little hard to start, but then it went in. It hurt as I took him in and I cringed slightly. Slowly I lowered until he was fully in me and a small whimper escaped.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "It- it hurts.." I admitted. "It gets better, I promise." he replied. "You're just- so big.." I said, blushing. He smiled. He then put his hands on my hips and gently guided me, my body starting to move. At first each time I moved it hurt, but as I moved more it went away. When it no longer hurt and he noticed I was no longer cringing each time I moved, he carefully flipped us over so he was on top. His hips began to move faster and it sent shivers up my spine. He was so deep inside. I clung to him as he thrusted, each one more powerful than the last. I did my best to be quiet as to not wake up neighboring furs, but it was hard.

I burrowed my face in his chest as he held me, pounding into me harder and harder. My insides began to tighten and my pleasure increased. Before I knew what was happening, ecstasy overwhelmed me and I clung to him as I peaked, almost crying out in pleasure. Just as I started to relax, he too hit his peak and thrust once more into me, filling me with his juices. As we both relaxed, he rested on top of me and we both panted. I looked at the clock to see we had been busy for 45 minutes. He then rolled over and laid on his side, pulling me close to him. I curled up into his chest, taking in his warmth, and fell asleep.