Corsi INC 21

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#21 of Corsi INC


Corsi and Yoiko awoke to the sound of a car pulling up to the mansion. Yoiko turned over to the clock on the wall, cringing at the time. "Just go back to bed beloved. It's 4 in the morning and it's probably just a delivery guy."

Corsi nodded and lay back down on the pillow next to Yoiko's head, curled up in a little ball as she usually would.

This was only Yoiko's second day home and neither of them wanted to be bothered by anyone... especially not at this god forsaken time of the morning. However, when they heard the front doors to the mansion creak open in the still silence of the home, the two sat right up.

"Were you expecting anyone Yoiko?" Corsi asked as she jumped down and ran over to her nightstand, grabbing a shirt to toss on over herself.

"No I wasn't. So unless someone else was expecting someone I have no clue who this could be. Especially not if they are just walking in." Yoiko just tossed on a robe and bent down to pick up her wife. "Well whoever it is they ought to have a damn good reason to wake us up this early."

Corsi jumped up into her wife's hand and took the ride up to her shoulder. They walked out of the room just as the tall cloaked figure walked into the foyer. Yoiko stood at the top of the double staircase and looked down to the ominous fur. Dressed in a long black coat with a hood covering the head, the figures long tail, in grey and looking like a cross between a wolf and a fox and just stood there looking up to them.

"Can I help you?" Corsi said in a more demanding tone than a request.

The figure immediately kneeled down to the floor with a familiar masculine voice echoing from the robe. "Yes Mistress. May I have my room back?"

Yoiko and Corsi just stared down to him for a few minutes before Yoiko finally spoke up. "Lone, is that you?"

The figure took down his hood, revealing those lavender eyes and that slender muzzle of the tall bodyguard. "You were expecting the queen maybe?" He commented with a calm demeanor. He stood back to his feet and headed up to the stairs as Yoiko and Corsi bolted down to greet him.

"LONE! What happened? Why did you come back? I thought you were starting a new life over with Nidaja." Corsi asked, jumping onto his shoulder and wrapping herself around his neck.

"Well I missed you all and ... I have things I still need to take care of on this side of the ocean. So Nidaja gave me a little more training in hand to hand combat. I repaid her with weapons training and we gave each other a nice night. Besides, when I heard Yoiko was alright I had to come back." Lone answered plainly as he hugged the purple bunny. "I missed you all so much."

Yoiko had to comment. "You know Lone ... a new pet has already taken over your room. We weren't expecting you to come back at all."

"Really? What's his name?"

"HER name is ... Thirty. Just ... Thirty." Corsi chittered. "She had it changed to that name a while ago because she did not like her old name. And from what I understand, she was her mother's thirtieth child. Thus the name."

"She is going to be our next centerfold. We were thinking last night when we met her at this new club to celebrate my coming home. You know where the Black Rose was?" Yoiko commented though not actually expecting an answer. "Well this guy bought the place out and made it into a nice bar. I guess the amateur dancers didn't to so hot."

"Well what is it about her that you would want her to be the centerfold rather than someone else?" Lone asked.

"Thirty positions of Thirty." Corsi answered with a wink. "We thought it was a nice catchy banner for her. But come on hon, I'm sure we can find a place in the house for you."

"Corsi I must implore that you not take furs in as soon after meeting them as you do. You are a little too trusting at times and I have to disagree. But we shall see her a little later when we are all awakened and have something to eat." Lone offered, "Would you two wonderful ladies come with me? I will prepare the meal."

"For your cooking Lone? Sure!" Corsi exclaimed excitedly.

For the most part of it, the mansion stayed quiet with just the few furs that still live there wandering around the halls. So they were not bothered too greatly as Lone told them of his time overseas. Corsi had asked the furs that did happen to wander through and greet them to request Thirty's presence.

After some time, a tall feline walked hesitantly into the kitchen where the three sat. A plate in front of each of them and one plate covered by a steel dome. "Um ... Misses Corsi ... Ma'am ... You wanted to see me?" She uttered.

The trio turned over to see the brightly colored calico feline. She stood there dressed to impress. She wore a patchwork white skirt in the same colors as her fur and a sweater to match. She appeared very clean cut and walked over to the table with a trained pace. "You know Miss Corsi ... I remember where I saw you before."

"Oh? Where? You were right about that and I was thinking you looked familiar for some odd reason." The mouse squeaked as she stood up from the dollhouse furniture atop the table.

"Remember a few years back ... At the Black Rose ... you and that tall black wolf used to come in with a white bunny."

"That would be me, and that was Red. He passed away quite some time ago. But forget him for the moment. You were the greeter at the front weren't you?" Yoiko commented. "And as you can see, I dyed my fur and had tattoo implanting to keep it this color."

"Well As I like to say. Everything in this world tends to come around full circle. I am glad it did in this case as now we will have quite the beauty to take part as the centerfold of the magazine." Lone commented as he stood to his feet and confronted Thirty. Towering over the woman, he extended his hand and greeted her. "Lone Rielen Wolfe, miss Thirty," He introduced with a bow. "A pleasure to make the acquaintance of the fur that has taken my room here."

Thirty gazed back up into the wolf's eyes as she took his hand and he brought it to his muzzle to offer an affectionate kiss.

So was Lone, always the romantic gentleman. At times furs thought it to a fault but not to him. To Lone, this was the norm and the expected way to treat the fairer sex and he would stand for nothing less.

Thirty tried to swallow but found she could not. This giant that loomed over her intimidated her yet that hint of charm could not be missed. "Thirty. And I am sorry if I have taken up your room but ... Miss Corsi and Miss Yoiko gave it to me."

"We never thought you were going to return to us Lone. I do hope you understand but it would be rude to ask her to change rooms now that she has already settled in." Corsi interrupted.

"Well ... I wouldn't mind sharing the room. The places are large enough so it's too much for me. I don't really know what to do with the space." Thirty commented nervously.

Lone stood straight up in disbelief. "Miss ... I would not want to put you out and besides, I tend to sleep in the nude so it would not be appropriate for you to see my..."

"I do too sir. So if you do not mind me doing it I will not mind you." The calico was obviously flirting with the gentleman.

Lone was obviously too dense to realize as he replied. "Very well then. I shall make certain I do not show indecency to you when I head to bed in the evenings and as the same courtesy, I will not look upon your nudity when you are ready for sleep."

Yoiko and Corsi just looked at each other laughing as quietly as they could. "I think that would make a wonderful idea." Yoiko said insistently. "Lone, why don't you head to the room and get settled in so Corsi and I can talk to Thirty alone."

"Very well ... Mistress Yoiko and Mistress Corsi. I shall attend to my normal duties I once had while I was here then?"

"That would be fine Lone. Thank you." Corsi answered.

Lone bowed down to one knee and stood up again in a servant's bow of sorts that only him of all the pets would do. He turned quite the militaristic and exited the kitchen to retrieve his bags and the like.

When he was gone and out of earshot, Thirty leaned down to Corsi and hastily asked, "Is he for real? I mean ... is Lone ... He is so handsome and ..."

"Sweet?" Yoiko asked to finish the feline's thought.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Thirty ... I am Corsi ... this is Yoiko. No need to be so formal. We haven't collared you yet." The mouse finished with a smirk.

"Sorry Corsi. Is Lone always so ... I mean does he usually ... you know ..."

"Miss things?" Corsi finishing the thought this time.

"Yes Ma... Corsi."

Yoiko looked to Corsi and then to the feline. "You want to get him Thirty? And would you like to star in the magazine with him?"

Thirty nodded very bashfully.

"Then this is what you do." She offered and leaned over whispering to Thirty.

"WHAT?!?" She exclaimed, jumping back and away. "You have gotta be kidding. I can't just ... do that. I mean ... are you serious?"

"It's how I showed him my interest the first time I was with him." Yoiko said, sitting back in her seat. "But nevermind now, that's for tonight. Would you like to try a practice shoot in the studio? I am sure you will adore our cameraman. He's really something else."

"Sure. But as long as it's a practice run."


Early in the afternoon, the trio of ladies stepped into studio seven. The practice shoot would take place here and the real shoot would be out in the garden outside. This shoot would simply be on a plain bed on white sheets. There was no need for a large crew to operate at all so the studio was empty. But all the lights were on and ready to go so someone was setting up.

Thirty thought nothing of it and followed the rabbit and mouse that was perched on the latter's shoulder.

"Just head up onto the set hon. I believe our cameraman is already here." Corsi stated flatly. "You can disrobe to what you are comfortable with for the moment. Just want to warn you though, the cameraman normally does not dress at all."

Yoiko couldn't help but giggle as she pulled over the directors' chair and sat herself down. Corsi took her seat down on the edge of the armrest.

The tall figure stepped out from a side room with his digital camera and a pack of disks on a belt around his waist. Everything the good goddess gave him exposed for any and all to see.

Thirty's jaw just dropped. She stared at Lone ... and not in the eyes either. She fixed that gaze on that hanging flaccid shaft of his that already looked bigger than anything she had seen before. She shook off the stare, turning to Corsi and Yoiko in disbelief.

They simply smiled and said nothing.

Thirty couldn't move other than to glance between looking at Lone's eyes and down to ... this had to be a joke. No way could anyone or anything be that large. It's impossible ... or was it?

"Miss Thirty?" Lone asked the frozen statue.

"OH! Sorry Lone ... sir I was ... looking at your ... camera ... Is that a digital?" Thirty blurted out trying to cover up what she was really staring at.

"Of course. This camera allows me to put the picture directly to the computer systems so I can edit and fix the details before it appears in Corsi Incorporated. That way if there ... Miss Thirty?"

She was staring again. This was too much ... she had to just touch it ... she had to know if this was for real or just a ... "Sorry! ... I was staring at the ... camera again."

"But I don't have the camera around my waist anymore." Lone quizzed. "You must mean the disk pack."

And with Yoiko and Corsi giggling in the background, Thirty replied "Yeah ... That's it ... Why don't we just get along with the shoot for now and we'll talk about the package ... I mean the CAMERA later."

"Very well dear Thirty. Whenever you are ready I can take you." Lone said as he turned to get a tripod.

"Any time you like me." Thirty absentmindedly came back with.

Yoiko stood up and walked out so she didn't just burst out in hysterics. Corsi sat as calmly as she could and just watched the comedic exchange.

"Well I would like you to lie up on this bed here and ... well you have to take some of your clothes off of course. Would you like me to help you with them?" Lone said flatly.

And Corsi stood up and ran out.

"YES!" Thirty replied. She was already damp in her arousal at just seeing Lone as he was. And as he started to help her undress, she lowered her panties, getting a nice and VERY close up view of that wolfox cock. It was very real. She reached out without thinking and caressed the dangling length as she stood back to her feet.

Yoiko stepped back in with Corsi. Having taken a few moments to calm down and stop laughing, they took their chair again to watch.

Lone didn't even give it a thought and cleared his throat. "Alright Miss Thirty. Lie down on the bed and pretend you have an interest in me. Act as if you would like to entice me into that bed with you."

And Corsi and Yoiko ran out again.

"They seem to be acting a little odd today. It seems like every time we get a new woman in here for me to take pictures of they are always in and out of the room." Lone commented.

"I have ... no idea why." Thirty answered. "But I think I can do a good job of trying to get you into bed with me Lone. Would you like to try me?" She hinted.

"Sure!" Lone agreed. "Let me get the tripod set up." Lone of course oblivious.

For the next few hours, Lone took picture after picture of the hot young feline. And for the same few hours, he never noticed once that Thirty was not trying to seduce the camera but her attentions were directed straight to him.

The way Thirty made love to the camera got both Corsi and Yoiko very aroused to the point they had to leave a few times to release tension.

It was growing late into the evening when Lone finally finished with the final disk. "Alright Miss Thirty I think that will do for a practice. You are very talented and I think you will be a natural. All we need to do is get you a co-star to show with you."

"I think I know who I want Lone." Thirty commented seductively.

"Very good then. We can continue tomorrow and get everything set up." Lone said, completely missing it. He stepped into the back sound proofed room and Thirty ... just ... screamed.

"I told you what to do Thirty. Trying to seduce him will just not work." Yoiko commented. "Just do exactly as I suggested. Trust me when I say that after knowing Lone as long as I have that he is interested in you."

"How do you know that?"

Corsi reasoned, "He was already getting ready to take the pictures."


That night, Thirty lay awake in bed as Lone came in from the private bath. Someone had already dropped a cot off in the room for Lone to sleep on as he of course would never allow Thirty to sleep anywhere but on the comfort of the bed.

Lone had a towel around his waist to keep decent even though they had just seen one another nude just a few hours before. Lone glanced up to Thirty who was motionless on the bed. Thinking she was asleep, he unwrapped the towel from his waist and let his staff, flaccid at the moment, swing free and exposed.

Thirty watched him. Her eyes wouldn't stray from that body. She took in his rippling abs, his thick muscles, his handsome face, and not to mention that giant trunk between his legs. Even in the dim light of the night's moonlight that shone through the window, she adored every fiber of that body of his. But she stayed silent ... she did not want to make a mistake here.

Lone quickly fell asleep. Lying on his back with a sheet pulled up to his waist to cover himself, he slumbered out cold.

Now was the time. Thirty crept out of her bed and tip toed over to Lone's side. She had to be dead silent as from what Yoiko said, Lone would hear her if she made the slightest sound. She stood over him for a moment just admiring his handsomeness. From what Yoiko told her, she had to wait until he flinched and then quickly pull the sheets down from his waist. She stood there for what seemed like an hour. Lone let out a soft groan and shifted his weight in his sleep. Thirty caught the blanket with a swift claw tip and exposed the wolfox.

Her eyes widened as she stared as all thirteen inches of that shaft. Lone was solid as a rock! She knew there was no way she could get all of this guy's cock into her. She didn't really care though... just as long as she could have some of him inside.

She looked back up to him and his closed eyes as she kneeled next to the cot. Still unsure she wanted to do this just for his attentions, she stopped a second before convincing herself to go on. She wanted him at first glance and she was all into first impressions.

The delicate cat leaned down and caressed that shaft in her paw, closed her eyes, and wrapped her muzzle around that huge cockhead. She gave him a soft suckling with her raspy tongue tasting of a bead of pre that had formed from the wolfox's wet dream.

Lone snapped awake. Startled at first, the pleasure filled feelings that raced through his body were all he needed to settle back and relax. "Oh ... this is a wonderful dream." Lone mumbled as he settled back down on the cot.

Yoiko was right. Thirty thought to herself. She drew her muzzle up and off of Lone and wrapped her paw around his length. "It's not a dream Lone. It's me." She whispered as she climbed up and onto his lap. "You are very handsome sir and when I saw you I had to have you. But you didn't seem to want me." She stroked her hot sex along his length. Her boiling juices dripping down along the sides of that shaft as she leaned down to kiss him on his chest.

Lone was much taller and broader than the feline. "I was interested in you as well Thirty. But you do not have to call me 'sir' or any such thing my dear." He reached up and took the kitty by the waist. He knew if she continued any further with this that he couldn't possibly fit inside her too much. Felines were not known to be able to take lengths greater than 6 or 7 inches and he was double that.

"Well, what if I want to call you that?" She purred. She reached down to his length and guided the tip of that shaft to her depths, letting her juices that already had him nice and slick, lubricate the entrance into her. "After seeing all the furs wandering around with collars and leashes and pets and the like, I want to try it. So will you train me to be your pet like them?"

"Are you ... Sure about that Thirty?" Lone grunted as his cock was squeezed tightly by the aggressive feline. He massaged her rump with his large hand and scratched at her tail base with the other to add to her intimate pleasure.

Thirty simply nodded and a second later, she felt the sharp sting of a hand spanking her rump. She gasped deeply out of surprise. No one had ever done that to her before and even though it felt odd, she liked it quite a bit and became just that much more aroused to the sensations of the affectionate massaging of her freshly acquired master.

Lone whispered softly to her, "You will be in need of a little training. I will choose the furs that will train you to please your master. Corsi is a wonderful mistress. She can teach you a few things." He gave the kitty another hard spank across her rump as his cock was squeezed by her tight depth. She was able to take about half of his length with her musk juices rolling lewdly down over his length.

This wolfox was the largest man she had ever been with. And her hot sex, pried apart by the sheer girth of him, felt a little pain through the intense pleasures that shaft impaled into her. But, that pleasure was short lived when Lone lifted her off of him and his length abruptly. "What ... what's wrong?" She asked him.

Lone set her atop his broad chest and answered plainly, "Nothing at all my dear. Just that you are moving things along too fast and I want to see you enjoy this evening." He patted her on her rump playfully and ordered, "Get up."

Thirty did so obediently and kneeled aside the cot with her hear lowered as she watched the other pets do.

Lone stood up and walked over to the bed. He climbed up atop the mattress and lay back down. "Come my pet." He ordered her again and patted his lap.

Thirty looked up to the giant wolf and after a moment's hesitation, came over to him. He was treating her like a piece of property. She felt a little intimidated by it but ... something about the wolf commanding her and Thirty willingly giving her body to him to use for his pleasure just excited her. The feeling of being needed ... wanted ... loved. She jumped up onto Lone's lap and whispered softly, "Command me Master. Show me how o please you."

Lone caressed her rump in hand once again and guided her onto his shaft. She slid down his length, squeezing that throbbing member tightly. He leaned up and turned with her so his back was against the wall. "Now take it easy my pet. Clench the muscles of your thighs but do not press your legs together." He ordered his pet.

Thirty nodded and stayed silent. She tried to do as her master requested but when she did; she found she was pressing her thighs against his. Not one to displease, she tried again, this time just tensing the muscles slightly at first and concentrating more on keeping her legs apart.

Lone gritted his teeth as his new acquisitions already tight pussy, clenched harder around that oversized cock. He held her around her waist gingerly and tried his best to keep still and not try and drive his length to the hilt. "Very good my pet. Practice that technique more with some of the other pets in the mansion and we shall see how you do." He groaned. "Most furs do not get that down so ... quickly."

Thirty was overjoyed. It felt good for her to be able to bring such pleasure to someone. And something about the giant wolfox made her just that much happier. She leaned down to rest her chest against his and nuzzled her muzzle to him. "Master? How else can I please you?" She asked with a content coo.

"Well my pet, you can learn to obey and to be dominated. Some furs in the mansion like to show total control over their pets when making love. Others like to add a little pain into their intimacy." Lone admitted. "I like to as well."

Thirty squeezed her depths onto him once again and kissed him gently on his chest in her admiration. She whispered, "Show me My Master." And no sooner were her words uttered than she was lifted off of him and set down to the floor.

"Very well pet." Lone growled as he reached to the side of the bed and flicked a hidden switch. A panel opened up above the bed and two others on a wall over near his cot. "You want to learn how to obey ... to be shown how pain mixed with pleasure intensifies one's intimacy?" Lone asked as he stood from the bed and took a hold of Thirty's shoulder, pushing her down to her knees in front of him. "You shall see then." And he commanded, "Service your master."

Shock would not begin to describe the look on that orange and white felines face. Lone had gone from gentle giant to demanding owner in a second. Even though he was commanding her, it was what she wanted to do in the first place. Just that the dictation on how to do it gave it that little flash and flare that she had been missing. Before this, yiffing was pretty boring. But at that moment, she felt an intensity she did not before. She eagerly took a two handed hold of that shaft and suckled hard on the tip of him while she stroked her silky paws along his hot cock.

Lone reached down and grabbed a tight hold of the felines head fur and rested his other hand down to her shoulder. He growled aggressively and thrust his hips into her searing and hungry mouth as he ordered, "Use that tongue. Bathe my cock with it." Immediately he felt a response from his slave. And he sensed that with his growing domination, her growing pleasure just intensified that much more. Willing to go that much further and push his new prize, he lifted her from him with a pop of her still suckling mouth and taking her by the hair, leaned her back. "Alright bitch. You're not doing too badly. But there are other things I must teach you if you are to be mine."

"Yes sir." Thirty whimpered softly. For a moment, she was truly frightened. This was completely unexpected. And that surprise almost made her cum right then and there. Her next words seemed to just blurt out of her without her even realizing it. "Use me sir however you see fit." She was almost crying. She had just begged her owner to rape her. But she didn't truly care. She just wanted to feel him. And the further they were going along, the better it was getting. She was immediately thrust back to the bed. And with her hips off the bed, Lone took a hold of them.

He still had a grip on Thirty's hair and guided her down onto his burning cock. Thirty immediately screamed as Lone started thrusting his meat into her with a reckless abandon, though always making sure not to push into her too hard. Thirty felt her body growing with intense pleasure and without warning; her body shook under the force of an orgasm that gave earthquakes a run for their money.

Lone never stopped for a second. Feeling his pet cum around his cock almost sent him over the edge but his own training in holding his orgasm back helped him stop himself off from exploding too soon. He spanked his pet's rump hard, driving the kitten pet to squeal out in her blissful pleasures.

Thirty was phasing in and out of consciousness. She wasn't quite sure what was happening but that it felt incredible. Her nails driven into the mattress and shredding the blanket she was laying on just a short time ago. When her head cleared and her orgasm has finally started o subside, she felt herself flipped over to her back like a rag doll toy.

Lone lay his pet down on the mattress and proceeded to mount her again. The wolfox was being totally relentless in his near abuse of his pet. He lifted her legs up over his shoulders and entered her again in a quick thrust as far as the kitten would take him. He said nothing at all and when Thirty reached up to try and touch her master, he responded by grabbing a vice like grip of her wrists and pinning them down up and over her head. "Don't try that again you or you will be punished for your actions."

Thirty looked up to her master, helpless to do anything but comply. She could barely move as it was, never mind anything else. "Yes Master." She responded as she relaxed back and rested to the bed. Her body was ravaged over with the intensity of Lone's use of her hot depths and before she realized it, she was cumming again. Even more powerful than the first, she screamed out in her pleasure. The kitten's mind went crazy in the lust of her abuse.

Lone was not done. His pet was given her reward for his service. Now he wanted to get his finish out of it. The wolf pulled himself back and withdrew his cock from her spasming pussy; only to give that hot little slit a hard spank that sent the calico kitty wailing out. He grabbed her by the hair again and lifted her up to his hot cock. He was not going to last long with what was to come.

Thirty was limp and exhausted, unable to move or reciprocate anymore. She had no idea how she was to service her master. But as it seemed, she was not about to be given a choice in the matter. Her muzzle opened and thrust down onto Lone's cock, she was forced to have her muzzle used as a fuck hole. She wrapped her mouth around him and did the only thing she could do ... suck hard.

Lone's deep howl echoed through the room as he blasted into Thirty's muzzle. Jet after jet of that thick cream coated her throat and lubricated a passage for her to draw every inch of that spasming member into her. Lone buckled unto the ecstatic frenzy and collapsed back on the bed, shooting his cream into the air and onto himself.

Thirty fell down to the bed limp and unable to move a muscle of her body in the sweet afterglow. She mustered up the strength to speak, licking a taste of the cum that spilled onto her muzzle. "Master ... I had no idea this would be so much..."

"CUT!" Came a voice from somewhere in the room.

"I told you that you would enjoy starring in this magazine." Lone commented as he sat up on the bed.

Thirty looked shocked. This was being taped?!? She thought to herself. She found the strength to sit up in the bed with a half angered and half worried look on her face. "But ... Lone ... What about?"

Lone cupped her cheek in his hand and leaned in, kissing her gently and lovingly. The faint sound of a camera's click was heard within the walls. He parted the kiss and with his eyes showing a true desire for the feline, he whispered, "Hush Thirty my pet. We take candid pictures like this quite often. The Thirty positions of Thirty." Reciting the caption that will be on her portfolio. "This is just the first shoot. And I have to say it was the most enjoyable shoot I have had ever."

"You mean ... you knew?" The puzzled cat asked.

"Why do you think Corsi and Yoiko had to keep running out laughing earlier? They were having trouble keeping the secret. The whole idea is to keep the intimacy as natural as possible." Lone called out to the wall, "Tirant ... Corsi ... You and the crew can go now." He turned back to Thirty with a wide smile and whispered, "I want to spend a little quality time alone with my pet."

Thirty still wasn't sure what to make of it all. She was tricked ... but after thinking about it, she didn't care. She had found the one fur that could give her a feeling of need and love she had never found. "Thank you my master."

Copyright 2002 Joey Porter

All the characters portrayed within have been used with the

Specific permission of their creators.

Lone, Corsi, Corsi INC, and all parts of this story

Are owned by Joey Porter.