The New Guardian

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Been a long time since i posted anything, but FINALLY i got one up! Yay! Im sorry for those of you that like the Matheau and Beijore series.....ive been on a bit of a dry spell there lately......anyhow, you know the drill. Dont read this if your not 18 dont read this. Oh yeah, and please dont steal my characters. 'specially since Lilly isnt mine!

The woman moved quickly through the grassy plains, keeping her eyes on the horizon. The sun was setting swiftly, and soon, she would be forced to stop. She wanted to make it to her home before nightfall, but she knew that it would be suicide to try and trek through the mountain pass at night. She sighed heavily to herself and stopped briefly to sit upon a rock and rest. She may as well, for there was no way she was going to make it home in time. She could not say that she was looking forward to spending the night out on the open plains. She was of medium height and slender, but she was well built for battle. Black hair cascaded down past her shoulders, and her eyes shone with determination. Though lightly armored, her thick leather breastplate and the leathers she wore over her legs suited well enough. She also wore a black skirt that stopped mid thigh, just above her protective leathers. A long, slender blade hung at her hip. Though the plains were sometimes infested with goblins, orcs, and any number of wild beasts, she knew that she could handle herself well enough. She had gone up against these types of beasts before, and though they were strong, they were not very intelligent, and not nearly as good with a weapon as she.

She reached into a satchel that hung on her hip and took out a few of the travelers crackers and ate them, then took a deep pull of water from a bottle before she began her trek again. The sun hung low above the mountains, the beautiful orange glow of sunset beginning to slowly fade away behind some clouds above the mountains. If she could just make it a little further, she could camp at the base of the mountains and finish her trip early in the morning when the sun came back over the mountains. It was then that the wind started to pick up and Mother Nature spit in her face literally. Out of seemingly nowhere, it began to rain. Heavy rains plastered her body, and flashes of lightning filled the sky. She couldn't believe how unlucky she had gotten to become stuck out in this storm. Now a fire would be impossible, and she was going to have to seek out shelter somewhere in the mountains. There were caves there, but all of them were too high up to reach, and probably infested with creatures she'd rather not fight in an enclosed space. Lightning struck overhead, and a loud crack of thunder sounded. The ground shook suddenly and without warning, throwing her headfirst into the grass. She cursed loudly and picked herself up. She didn't bother to dust herself off as she started an all out sprint to the mountains.

When she reached the base of the mountains, there was something there that she had not seen before. A large boulder blocked the mountain pass in which she needed to take. So THAT was what had caused the ground to shake. "Gods damn it!" she cursed loudly up into the rain. "Can I catch a break tonight or what!?" From the looks of it, there was going to be no way that she could move the boulder. But she figured she may as well try. She HAD to get through that pass. It was the only way to get to her home. She placed her hands against the boulder and pushed with all her might. It didn't budge. Somehow, this boulder felt odd, but she couldn't come up with any way to explain it, so she chalked it up to the rain. She leaned her shoulder into the boulder and pushed hard again, but to no avail. That was when she heard it. A voice, soft and pleading. "Please do not do that, human. I am hurt enough as it is....." She nearly jumped out of her leathers as she heard it.

It was then that she inspected the boulder closer, that she noticed the boulder was SCALED! Large blue scales, to be exact. And a tail! She fell backwards and scrambled backwards a distance. "DRAGON!" her mind screamed out at her. "RUN AWAY!" But for some reason, she was not afraid of this beast. It may have been a dragon, but it was hurt. She carefully moved around to the other side of it, and saw its head laying there on the ground motionless. Its breathing was labored, and his body was heavily damaged. His left wing was obviously broken, for it hung at an odd angle. Its right fore limb was broken as well. Other damage was apparent, such as a broken horn, and several other scars that looked as though they had been with him for a long time. Common sense told her that this was a dragon, and that she should leave it be. But she was a healer, and this creature was hurt.

"What is your name, creature?" She asked quietly, leaning down by its head. Its eyes opened, and she stared into the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. Deep violet eyes with pupils as black as night stared back at her. "My name is of no concern to you. Leave me here to die, human. It is far past my time to leave this world." She would not turn her back on this creature, but she felt her cheeks getting hot with anger at how it spoke to her. So she tried a different approach. "My name is Lilly, and I want to help you. I am a healer." She heard a deep sound like a laugh. "Why would you help me, Lilly? Do you not fear that I would eat you?" Of course that was a top concern in her mind, but she didn't believe this dragon would eat her any more than she believed this creature could stand up right now.

"I do not fear that you would do such a thing." She replied honestly. "However, I would like to know your name, dragon, so that I can help you." He seemed almost hesitant, but finally he gave a slight nod of his head. "My name is Drakkor.....I was flying when I got hit by lightning and crash landed here." Lilly pushed the wet hair out of her eyes and over her shoulder before kneeling next to Drakkor. She began to chant gently and a light blue glow surrounded her hands. She began to heal the smaller wounds of the dragon, for the limbs she had to set before she could heal. Out of the blue, Drakkor said. "If you will heal the wounds, I can set the bones, though I would cover your ears." She finished healing the minor wounds, and did as the dragon asked. Leaning forward, he grabbed onto the broken fore limb and twisted it violently, and through her hands she could hear the mighty beasts roar of pain as the bone was reset into place. Removing her hands from her ears, she quickly went to work healing and mending the bones back together. The dragon's face was contorted with pain all the while, and she considered waiting until the morning to fix the dragon's wing. But he shook his head, and motioned for her to cover her ears. She did so, and again, the roar of pain shook the mountains as he reached back and set his wing back into place. He held out his left claw for her to step into and he lifted her up to heal the wing. As soon as she was finished, he put her back down on the ground and gingerly tested his wing and his foot.

"I would suggest that you wait a bit to try walking of flying, or the wing may break again, and you'll be a lot worse off." Lilly said, beginning to shiver from the cold of being wet. "I thank you for all that you have done for me, Lilly." Drakkor said. "There are not many in this world that would have helped me. If it had been any other than you, I am sure I would have been finished off." "I care for all creatures, Drakkor." Lilly said. "That may be so." Drakkor said. "But the fact of the matter is, that I owe you my life. And on my honor, I will return the favor." He lifted the wing in which she had just healed and held it over her head. "Please rest here for the night. I will keep you dry and warm." Lilly thought about turning down his offer, but there was something in his voice.......and besides, she was exhausted from her travels, and now healing him. She sat down and the wing came down over her. It was soft, almost silky to the touch and very warm. It wasn't long before she drifted off and let sleep claim her.


Lilly awoke almost as soon as the sun hit her face. She jumped up and looked around and saw a man hunched over a fire, cooking a meal. He was clad in what looked like a long black leather trench coat. His hair was long and silver, hanging down to about the small of his back. And a long, wicked looking sword hung sheathed at his hip. He turned and looked at her and smiled. His eyes were an eerie green color, and she found a shiver going up her spine. He was a very attractive man. But where on earth had the dragon gone. Had that just been a dream?

"No, it was not a dream." The man said, making her jump. "I am Drakkor, merely in a more human form." "Can you read my mind?" Lilly asked. He nodded. "Yes, of course I can. Almost all dragons have that ability. "Well, could you please stay out of my mind?" She asked. "I would prefer that you not read my every thought." He merely nodded and motioned her over to eat. The breakfast consisted of a two rabbits and some berries. When asked why he was not eating, Drakkor merely stated that he had already eaten three deer. It was strange, but the entire time she was eating, Lilly could not peel her eyes off of the man/dragon. There was something about him......not only was he rather handsome, but he was so gentle and caring.....and also so strong and majestic in his dragon form. Her mind slipped away into dream land as she ate, and for some reason, she could picture him with her in her bedchambers, mating her.......Then she shook the thought from her head. It had been some time since someone had graced her bedchambers, but still. This was a DRAGON. Such love was not only frowned down upon, but forbidden. If anyone found out that she had thought something like that.......she may be killed. She got up and brushed herself off.

"Well, Drakkor, it was a pleasure meeting you and all, but I must be going. The sun is almost above the mountains, and I would like to be home before the sun reaches its peak in the sky." Drakkor shook his head. "The mountain pass that is behind us is blocked due to the storm last night. A massive mudslide rocked the valley, and it is utterly impassable for the time being." Her heart sank. "There must be SOME way!" Lilly exclaimed. Again, Drakkor shook his head. "There is no possible way that you will get through that pass on foot......but......." In a flash of white smoke, the blue dragon stood before her eyes again. "By air, the trip is mere child's play and a lot shorter as well. You saved my life, so please, allow me to take you home." Lilly sighed. As much as she didn't want to, it seemed to her that she had very little choice. So she nodded and moved over to the gigantic creature. He helped her up, and she fidgeted a bit to get comfortable. He waited respectfully, and when she gave the okay, he took off into the air.

Lilly screamed with fright and clutched the dragon as tightly as she could with her legs, hanging on for dear life. Then the dragon's voice floated softly in her mind. "Relax, Lilly. Look around you. There is nothing to be afraid of." She opened her eyes loosened her grip on Drakkor and sucked in a hiss of a breath. It was beautiful in the air. She could see so much more in the air than from the ground. The entirety of the grassy plains that she traveled across was spread out before her. A palette full of colors swept past her eyes. The green grass, the blue sky, the ball of the sun, the browns and whites of the mountains, everything was breathtaking from this height. She let out a whoop of joy as she swept across the sky on top of the dragon's back. She could hear soft laughter in her mind from Drakkor. "I am glad to see that you are finally enjoying yourself." Indeed she was, and the flight invoked such feelings of freedom within her it was indescribable. Being able to be that high up in the air was a dream come true.

Sadly, the flight came to an end far too soon. As Drakkor dipped over the mountains, she could see her home, the Phoenix Arisen, with their guard Maximus waiting outside. She sighed softly and shouted out over the wind. "That is my home down there!" The dragon said nothing, merely began to slowly descend. The huge metal armored guard Maximus rushed to the scene as soon as the dragons hind feet touched the ground." "Lilly, are you alright?" He asked as he reached a hand up to help her down from the dragon's back. "When you did not return last evening, we were all so worried. Had it not been for the weather, we all would have come to look for you." She shook her head. "I am fine, Maximus, thanks to Drakkor here." Maximus gave a nod to the dragon. "Thank you for keeping her safe, good sir." "It was not a problem." Drakkor said, giving a respectful nod of his head. "After all, it was she who saved my life before hand. If not for her, I would probably not be here at this moment."

"I healed him." Lilly broke in. "He was lying at the mountain base blocking the pass. He was struck by lightning and had some broken bones." Drakkor smiled and nodded. "And for that I could not possibly thank her enough." "Perhaps there is a way that you could." Lilly said. She thought for a moment and then turned to Maximus. "Maximus, would you come here for a moment?" She said. After taking him aside, she whispered. "What would you think about keeping him around? You know, as a guard? We don't have a dragon here, but if we did, it would be a huge support if our home were attacked. Not only would we have ground troops such as yourself, but aerial support as well." "Lilly, you and I both know full well that whatever decision you come to, I will support you all the way." Maximus said. "However, just know that if he crosses us, I will not hesitate to strike him down." For a moment, Lilly was uneasy about that. The thought of him turning on them had not even crossed her mind. He seemed too sweet.....and caring......She shook her head. "I've got an idea about how this can be done......." Lilly said.

She walked back over to where Drakkor was standing patiently, looking at his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was of course the size of the home. It was HUGE standing up about six stories tall. Four of him could have easily fit in that space. The next things that he noticed were the various gardens and fruit trees scattered around the lush green lands. It was amazing that a house such as this could exist in such a small place. It was little more than a crater in the middle of the mountains. Over his shoulder lay a thick green forest. What bothered him were the scents that came from the forest. There were several scents that he didn't recognize, and also there was the heavy scent of goblins and orcs in the area. How they had managed to get through the mountain passes to reach this secluded area, he didn't know. All he knew was that danger lurked near. When Lilly called out his name, he was snapped out of his daze. "I beg your pardon, milady?" Drakkor said. "I said, I want you to stay here and be a protector of our home." Lilly said. "Does something have you distracted, Drakkor?" Maximus said from her side. Drakkor nodded. "That forest unsettles me." He said bluntly. "It smells of goblins and orcs, and several other scents that I cannot identify." "Are you serious?" Maximus asked. "Of all the times I have stood guard duty here, I have never seen one orc or goblin." Drakkor's head came around swiftly and his deep violet eyes locked onto Maximus'. "Whether or not you have seen one does not change the fact that they are there." Drakkor said. "They are merely in hiding, perhaps plotting a way to take your home, and your lives." Maximus said nothing, but Lilly's jaw nearly hit the ground. "How could you say such things, Drakkor?" She put her hands on her hips. "You've not been here for one night and already you speak of goblin attacks and such nonsense. There have been no sightings of any dangerous creatures here." "As I have told your friend there...." Drakkor said, motioning to Maximus with his head. "Just because they cannot be seen does not mean that they are not there. I will stand guard duty out here this night."

Now Maximus was getting angry. "I am sorry sir, but you cannot just come here and start making decisions like that. They are not yours to make." Lilly placed a hand lightly on his shoulder. "He is right, Maximus. You have been on duty so much that you barely have any time to rest." She turned to Drakkor. "You can have the watch tonight.....If any danger arises, just roar. That will make everyone in the house wake up I am sure." She turned back to Maximus. "As for you, go inside and rest. There are still a few things that I need to discuss with our new guardian." Maximus bowed respectfully and made his way into the house. As soon as she was sure that he was gone, Lilly smiled. "I am glad to have you in our home, Drakkor. You will be a valuable asset to our home. Now.....put me back on your back. Let us fly over the forest and scout for these goblins." Lilly was certain that they would not see any goblins, but there was another reason she wanted to fly again. Drakkor helped her up as instructed, and she took her place between his wings. She shifted a bit and reached under her skirt and tugged her panties aside to leave her sex free to the night air. She shivered a bit as she leaned forward to tell Drakkor she was ready. The mighty dragon pumped his wings twice to pull them into the air. Lilly had to bite her lower lip, as she almost came after just those two pumps of his wings. The feel of his scales brushing the lips of her pussy was incredible, and with the pumping of his wings, the bones rose and the scales brushed her pussy, even getting to her clit. They flew low over the forest, and though she was enjoying the sensations Drakkor's scales were giving her body, she was ever alert, scanning the thick forest. As she thought, she saw nothing. Drakkor shifted his weight to turn and she bit her lip again and whimpered a bit as she grew so hot, she came all over Drakkor's scales. She knew he could easily smell it, and she wanted him to. She wanted him to want her, as she wanted him. She was not sure if she could handle his dragon cock yet, for she had not seen it. But she did know that she could have his human form. Her pussy was so sensitive now that she came again. She didn't yell out, as much as she wanted to, but she could stand it no more. "Drakkor, land on the edge of the forest over there." He complied obediently, shifting his weight and landing softly at the edge of the forest. Upon landing, she jumped off his back and literally tore her skirt and top off, revealing her pert breasts and hard nipples, fully exposing herself to him.

"Turn to your human form, Drakkor." She breathed heavily in lust. "Fuck me now, right here." Drakkor smiled softly and changed to his human form, his eerie green eyes seeming to glow in the dark as he came forward and took her in his arms and kissed her neck gently, pushing her back against a large tree. She moaned lustily as she felt his hands slide over her hips and back up to cup her breasts gently. He leaned forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth and began to suck gently, as if trying to nurse from her. She moaned heatedly and reached down to grip his cock firmly in her hand, stroking gently. Even in his human form, he was well endowed to say the least. At a guess, she would think a good ten inches of meat throbbed eagerly in her hand. He kissed slowly down her body and went on his knees before her. He then spread open her hot pussy with two of his fingers and buried his tongue into her. She yelled out as he fucked her with his tongue, flicking it deep inside of her and then pulling it out to suck on her clit. She didn't let him do that long though as she pulled him up to her and kissed him deeply, tasting her own juices in his mouth. When at last she disengaged from the kiss and stared deep into his eyes as she rubbed her dripping pussy. "Fuck me Drakkor.......Now. I need to feel you in me." Drakkor picked her up easily and held her against the tree, and she felt the fat head of his cock rubbing against her pussy. She took in a deep hissing breath as he began to push into her slowly, and then with a sudden swift thrust, buried himself completely inside of her. She yelled out in a mix of pleasure and pain as he hilted within her and laid her head on his shoulder as he pulled his hips back and then pushed back in. The pain was quick to vanish as he began fucking her with a deep, steady pace, his hips meeting hers with each and every thrust. She tried her hardest to thrust down to him and take him deeper within her body. Her nails scratched down his back and grabbed at his ass as he began pushing harder. She was in a world of ecstasy as the dragon turned man fucked her. She could feel every inch, every vein of that massive cock stretching out her pussy with each wracking thrust, and she loved every second of it. She reached down with one hand and rubbed her clit as he pounded and abused her cunt, grunting and moaning in pleasure. She didn't want it to end, but she knew that they had to return soon, and so reached down and grabbed Drakkor's heavy balls and began to massage them in her hand. Drakkor moaned loudly and began to pound her all the harder, kissing and biting gently at her neck. She was so close to orgasm, and suddenly she was there. She SCREAMED in pleasure as a powerful orgasm shook her body and her sweet lil pussy clamped down on the invading cock like a vice. After a few more thrusts, she took Drakkor with her into orgasm and he threw his head back an yelled out his pleasure as he came hard inside of her. She felt the heat of the thick cum flowing into her in steady waves, and this brought another orgasm from her. They stayed like that, joined together at the hips for some time, panting and caressing each other's bodies. Finally, Drakkor pulled out of her pussy, his cock soaked in a mixture of their cum. He set her gently on the ground and held her steady for a moment, making sure she could stand before letting her go to retrieve her cloths and put them on. "Drakkor, I want you to be my pet." Lilly said after a time. "That way, you can always be at my side. And we can be eternal lovers. And maybe.....someday children." Drakkor nodded. "I would be honored to be your pet, Lilly. I owe you my life and so much more......and honestly........Ive wanted to mate with you since I first laid eyes upon you." Lilly smirked as she watched Drakkor change back to the sapphire blue dragon.

"So I suppose it is a stupid question for me to ask if you set that whole thing up, right." Lilly asked as she eyed the dragon up and down. Drakkor snorted as he stretched out his massive wings. "Aye, it is a stupid question, M'lady." Drakkor said. "No dragon purposely gets struck by lightning and plummets to the ground." Lilly continued to stare at the dragon before asking her next question. "Drakkor.....would you mind much if i....checked something?" Drakkor raised a brow. "Like what, my lady?" Drakkor asked. She merely pointed. "I want to see your dragon cock." Drakkor looked surprised and then laughed. "Of course, my lady, search my body to your hearts content." He stood still when she approached him and slid her hand over his side before ducking under his body. Between his hind legs, she found what she sought. A large sheath and his balls hung there. Her mouth was agape at the size of the sheath, and she reached out and stroked it gently. Drakkor shivered lightly and purred as he was touched, but made no other moves. Lilly squatted above the ground and stroked his sheath, watching as the pulsing red cock began to emerge. She stroked this tender flesh carefully, nuzzling it gently against her cheek. She felt a small bit of wetness, and her fingers found his pre cum. She tasted it and was amazed. He tasted of sweet honey and a hint of cinnamon. Without and further thought, she took the head of his cock into her mouth and began to suck, wanting more of the sweet substance. Drakkor moaned as he felt the heat of her mouth surround his cock. Lilly could see his talons digging into the ground from the pleasure and continued to suck on his thick dick, stroking all of the extra length with her hands. It was then that she realized that she could take him in this form, albeit not all of him. But that would come later. Right now she just wanted to suck all of that sweet cum out of him.

Suddenly, she felt something rubbing her pussy lips and moaned gently as she realized it was the soft tip of his tail. She sucked harder, and the instant that tail buried itself inside of her hot cunt, she came, clenching down hard on the tail and squealing about the cock in her mouth. She stroked his length and sucked hard, listening to the panting breaths of the dragon above her. Without even realizing it, she was lifting and dropping her body on that wonderful tail, fucking it and her pussy while she sucked her dragon's huge cock. She could feel him pulsing in her mouth, and knew he was close to cumming. Drakkor's voice whispered softly into her mind as she sucked. "My lady, you must stop. Or at least remove your clothing. There will be much more if I cum while in this form." So Lilly pulled the throbbing prick from her mouth long enough to remove her top again, tossing it out and then lifting off the tail to remove her skirt. This done, she immediately took the cock back into her mouth and lifted the tail to her pussy and started to ride it again. It wasn't long and Drakkor's body was shaking, and he pulled his cock out of her mouth and held it in his claw, letting out a massive bellow as he came. A huge wave of dragon cum soaked Lilly's body, coating her tits, and she moaned as he body was enveloped in its heat. Spurt after spurt of the thick, hot cum soaked her tits, her pussy, her thighs, almost all of her. She rubbed the cum into her tits and moaned, leaning forward when the cum had almost stopped and letting him shoot the rest down her throat and into her belly. When she was sure he was done, only then did she let his cock go. But she wasn't done with him yet.

Lilly turned her body and raised her ass high into the air and spread her legs, grabbing her beast's thick cock and rubbing it against her pussy. "Drakkor, I need you to fuck me, my beast." She said heatedly. "I want you to take all of me. Fill my cunt and my asshole. Fuck me like the beast you are!" With that, she shoved the head of his cock into her pussy and began to fuck back into him. She felt the tip of his tail teasing her ass, slowly circling her tight little fuckhole, and moaned loudly as the huge cock spread her cunt further than ever before. She knew she could not take all of him, but she tried her hardest. She wanted all of him, and he grunted and moaned as she fucked him. Then his tail pushed into her asshole, and she came immediately with the double penetration. She grabbed fistfuls of the grass and gritted her teeth in this forbidden pleasure, and all she could think Is how she wanted more. Faster she pushed back into that huge cock, rubbing her clit as that tail fucked her tight ass. "Drakkor!!! YESSSS!!!! HARDER!!! DEEPER!!!!!!!" She wailed out. Drakkor was gripping her hips tightly, trying to restrain himself to keep from forcing himself into her completely. A light sheet of sweat covered his scales, and Lilly was covered in sweat and cum. Three more orgasms wracked her body, and she wailed out with each thrust. Drakkor leaned his head down to her and kissed her passionately. But then his tongue pushed past her lips and down her throat. His tongue was fucking her throat! Now she was truly full, and loving every damned second of it. She felt that massive prick twitch inside her lil pussy, and knew he was going to explode. And sure enough, he broke his kiss with her and bellowed out as he came hard inside of her. It was like an explosion of pleasure when she felt his cock go off inside of her, filling her womb and everything else with that cum. She slid off of him and laid down on her stomach in the grass, panting heavily and moaning as his tail exited her ass. He had abused her body with his rough fucking, and she loved him all the more for it. And she knew that she could have it any time she wanted. Sighing, she got up and walked to a nearby stream and washed her body. Not that she didn't like being coated from tits to pussy with his thick cream, but because she had to return to the house. Drakkor was already waiting for her when she climbed out and put on her cloths. He helped her onto his back and they flew back to the palace. Lilly climbed down and smiled at him. "You be a good dragon and be a good watch, okay my pet?" Lilly said. "If you do, I'll reward you." She winked at him and Drakkor chuckled as she walked into the house.