Making Rein Part 3 of 3

Story by stealtharwing on SoFurry

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Rein stepped out from the cab she was in and into the warm night air. She switched up her outfit a bit from the photo shoot earlier. She still wore her dragon pendant as well as the micro-miniskirt and decided not to bother with anything underneath it. The wrapping bikini top was swapped out for a white halter top so short that it just barely covered her nipples. She also swapped out the white sandal heels for a pair of four inch red ones. Beyond that, Rein had added a pair of red fishnet stockings running from ankle to almost the entire way up her thigh.

It had taken her a bit to decide on the last bit of her outfit, her red leather collar with "spermbank" written across the front in small diamonds. She discovered that the trigger word didn't work when she read it or said it herself, but she was hoping that someone tonight would say it out loud.

Rein had undone the long braid and put most of her hair into a messy bun, the excess trailing down her back to the bottoms of her shoulder blades.

Adjusting the small purse that was slung over her shoulder, Rein looked up at the sign for the club in front of her, Paradis Humide. She had always wanted to go to places like this, but had never found the courage to do so before now. Now Rein had a body that she thought she could show off proudly.

The cab drove away, bringing Rein back to her senses. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly to calm herself, walked up the small set of concrete stairs to the door attendant, and paid him the cover fee. "First time to a place like this?" he asked as he fished a wristband out of a cardboard box beside him.

"That easy to tell?" she asked with a nervous smile as she held up her right wrist for the door attendant.

He chuckled, deep and rumbling as he fastened the plastic pink wristband on Rein. "You do this long enough and you can tell when someone's a club virgin. Want some advice?"

Rein nodded as she closed her purse and slid it back over her right shoulder. "Sure."

"Take it slow your first few times. Stay by the bar, have a couple drinks, and mingle. Don't let your drink or your purse out of your sight. Once you feel more comfortable then join people on the dance floor."

"Thanks," she said with a smile as he opened the door for her. She walked inside the small room, finding a set of double doors on the opposite side. Rein could hear the bass from the music as she walked closer.

She opened the door and walked into the main part of the club. The music was so loud that she could feel it vibrating along her body. It had a good beat, making her head bob slightly to the music unconsciously.

The club itself was themed to be like a tropical rainforest. Various exotic plants lined the walls and the walls themselves were painted to make it look like you were peering into the jungle. The crowded dance floor was recessed into the ground a bit and from what Rein could tell was made to look like a river or some other body of water.

Most of the patrons were on the dance floor and she noticed that most of the women were dressed scantily like her. To her surprise, there were even some that were there in very revealing bikinis. Most of the guys she saw dancing were wearing board shorts and either a t-shirt or tank top.

Around the rest of the club she saw the bar fairly full and not an empty table in sight. She also noticed that the employees of the club were all wearing matching swimsuits. Black bikinis with tropical floral patterns for the women, and the men wearing matching board shorts with a black t-shirt.

Rein took another deep breath before walking over to the bar and finding an empty seat, getting a little shock as the leather was surprisingly cool against her bare ass. She placed her purse on the bar and one of the female bartenders came by, placing a napkin on the bar in front of Rein while smiling. "Welcome to Paradis Humide, hon! What can I get you?" she asked over the music.

Rein smiled and replied with, "Thanks! Can you do a red sangria?"

The bartender gave Rein two thumbs up and walked away, returning a few moments later with a large wineglass and a glass pitcher full of the red drink. Rein watched as the bartender added ice to the glass and poured in the sangria. She garnished it with a small skewer each of cherries and grapes as well as a lemon wedge and orange wedge.

Rein took a small sip as the bartender handed it to her. It wasn't too strong nor was it too sweet or sour. "That's good!"

"My own special recipe," the bartender said with a smile as Rein paid for the drink.

The bartender walked off and Rein looked around the club again. Most of the people at the bar were mingling amongst themselves. The people sitting at the tables varied, some were groups of friends, others couples, and a few people sitting by themselves watching the dance floor.

Rein took another sip of her drink and watched the dance floor herself. Everyone was dancing so close together, quite a few rubbing up against each other. Just the thought of making herself walk into that crowd made her heart pound with anxiety. I should have asked someone to come with me, she thought as she took the skewer of grapes and ate one.

A little while and a second glass of sangria later, Rein was feeling nice and buzzed. She left a ten dollar tip for her bartender and slid off the stool, slinging her small purse over her shoulder again. She took a deep breath and, despite the anxiety she was still feeling, made her way to the dance floor.

As she approached, the people dancing moved out of the way and let her step down onto the floor. She smiled and let her body move to the music as she navigated through the crowd. People closed in around her once she found a spot she liked.

She held her arms up high and shook her rear to the rhythm of the thumping bass, relaxing her tail so that it flowed with her movements like the loose bits of her hair. Rein felt the occasional grope along her body, which she returned in kind when she could as well as enjoying the occasional bump and grind with the people dancing around her.

Rein had lost track of how long she had been dancing when someone came up behind her, wrapping one arm around her chest and grabbing her breast with the other resting on her belly just above the waist of her skirt. She could tell that the person behind her was another woman with the size of the firm breasts that were pressed against her back. Rein could also tell that the woman behind her had done a similar procedure to her as the person's body was covered in soft fur.

"You're a hottie," she said to Rein with a giggle and loud enough to be heard over the music. "How long have you been out from Hoksten's clinic?"

Rein blushed but kept dancing, grinding back against the woman in time with the music and reached around, slipping her hands underneath the other woman's bushy tail to place her hands on the woman's firm ass. She must have been wearing a thong bikini bottom because Rein's hands gripped furred flesh. "Thanks!" she yelled back. "I got out just this afternoon actually!"

"Then welcome to your first night as your new self!" she replied back. The woman moved perfectly with Rein's rhythm, even guiding her movements a little. "I watched you while you sat at the bar," she said while giving Rein's firm breast a little squeeze. "First time here?"

Rein moaned from the squeeze and nodded, closing her eyes. "Yeah, first time out to any sort of club actually!"

"Well, I'm glad you got up the nerve to bring that sexy bod out onto the dance floor then! I've seen so many club virgins leave without doing so and then never come back!" The woman giggled again. "The fun part's about to begin!"

Rein opened her eyes to find that the main lights of the club had all been turned off and replaced with illumination from black lights. She took in all the new glowing colors and realized that her white outfit had fluoresced under the new light. She saw a strobe light go off followed by a thunder sound effect played over the music a few seconds later, that the crowd and her dance partner cheered in response to. "What's going on?" Rein asked over the music.

"You'll see in a few moments! It's part of the reason the place is called Paradis Humide!" The strobe light went off again, followed by a slightly louder thunderclap and another cheer from the dance crowd. "Let's just say that your outfit is going to get more revealing!"

The strobe light went off again followed immediately by a deafening thunderclap. Immediately afterward, warm water came pouring down from a sprinkler system hidden above the dance floor. Rein moaned and leaned back against her dance partner, enjoying the feeling of the warm water cascading down her body. She had a moment to realize that the water had probably made her outfit completely see-through, but she was really having too much fun to care beyond that. "I'm Rein, by the way,' she said to the woman.

"Nice to meet you, Rein! I'm Sascha!"

They danced together for a little while longer before Rein turned around in Sascha's arms. She had transformed herself into a fox, black fur covering most of her body. The front as well as what Rein could see of Sascha's glove markings from this close were pink. Her hair was black with a few pink streaks running through it and cut shoulder length. Sascha's eyes were the most interesting thing to Rein though, pink irises with heart shaped pupils. "I love your eyes!"

Sascha giggled and pulled Rein closer, dancing with the front of their bodies touching. "Thanks! I love the white markings in your fur!" Rein felt her skirt being lifted up and furred hands gripping her rump. "You should consider spreading them out onto the rest of your body!"

"You think so?" Rein asked rubbing against Sascha.

"Yeah! It'll give you a more exotic feel!" The water falling on top of them slowed to a stop and the black lights dimmed to be replaced by the normal club lights once again. "Say, this might be a little forward, but do you want to go and snag a private room? I wanna talk more but it's getting annoying to yell over this music!"

"Lead the way!" Rein said with a grin.

Sascha took Rein's paw and guided her out of the crowd, cheers and hoots following the two furries as they stepped out of the crowd. Carts containing towels had been brought out, lining the sides of the recessed dance floor. They both grabbed one and helped each other dry off, much to the pleasure of the patrons by the return of the catcalls directed towards them. Rein got to see that the pink fur of Sascha's front went between her legs to form a heart shape on her rear and that she had pink sock markings going from her feet to just a little bit above the raised ankle joint, her having gone with more fox-like legs. The tip of her tail also sported the same shade of pink.

Rein also took in the swimsuit the vixen was wearing, a blue sling bikini that just barely held Sascha's generous chest in check.

They tossed their towels into the provided basket and Sascha took Rein's hand again. She led her over to a small hallway, partially hidden by the clubs plants. There was a window immediately to the left and Sascha guided them up to it. "Hey Nick," she said to the guy sitting at a desk on the other side.

"Hey, Boss," he said without looking up from the newspaper he was reading, his dark hair hiding his eyes. The man grabbed a cardkey from off the rack and handed it to the vixen, again without looking up. "Don't make too much of a mess this time, the cleaning crew threw a hissy fit last week."

"I pay them to clean up the place, Nick. If they don't like it then they can find another place of employment." Sascha grabbed Rein's hand again and led her down the hall to the last room on the right. Sascha slid the card through the reader and opened the door, guiding Rein inside.

Rein gawked at the inside as Sascha shut the door. She had seen VIP rooms before in movies and television shows, but they looked nothing like this!

It was like a suite from an expensive hotel. Large plasma screen mounted on the wall, a long leather L-shaped couch with a coffee table set up at a comfortable viewing angle from it. There was a modest kitchen set-up with a full size fridge behind it. On the far side of the room, there was the largest bed Rein had ever seen. The top of the comforter was a shiny black material that still looked nice and soft to Rein. Beyond that, there was a door that led to, from what Rein could see, a full bathroom. "How were you able to get a room like this?" she asked awestruck.

"This isn't really a private room," Sascha said, slipping out of her sling and hanging it onto the coat rack by the door. "It's where I live. Now get out of those clothes so that they can dry."

Rein nodded, untying the straps of her halter-top quickly and slipping the wet garment over her head. She hung it and her purse up on the coat rack as Sascha had done with her suit. She touched her collar and looked over at Sascha. "Do I need to take this off as well?"

"I wish you didn't have to but you'll rub out your fur if you keep it on wet like that."

Rein nodded and somberly unbuckled the diamond-studded leather strap from her neck, hanging it on the coat rack. Next came her heels and fishnets, followed by the micro-mini.

Sascha walked up behind Rein and undid the messy bun in her hair, combing it out with her fingers. "Lovely hair. Was it always like this?"

"N-no," Rein said, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling. "It used to be brown, and only went to the bottom of my shoulder blades."

Rein felt Sascha pat her ass and lean in close, her breath playing along her ear. "Go and get comfy on the couch. What type of wine do you drink?"

"Lambrusco," Rein said as she walked past Sascha, noticing that without the heels she wasn't eye level with the vixen anymore. "So, you're the owner of the club?" Rein asked, getting settled on the seat next to the bend in the couch.

"Among other things," Sascha said as she walked over to the fridge, Rein watching over the back of the couch. "I direct and star in porn videos as well."

"So, last week you were..."

"Yep," Sascha said, bottle of Lambrusco in her hand as she shut the door. "Still working on the editing for that one. We shot a lot of footage."

Sascha grabbed two wine glasses hanging from a rack over the kitchen sink and made her way over to the couch. She handed the glasses to Rein before getting on the couch herself, lounging in it so that she was laying next to Rein with her back against the bend of the couch and her tail curling over her legs. She opened the bottle and filled both glasses before leaning over Rein and setting it on the coffee table. As she leaned back, she took her glass from Rein and took a sip. "What all did you have done at Hoksten's? I can see that you went furry and the piercings obviously, but what else?"

Rein blushed and took a sip from her glass. "Well, I had my gag reflex removed. I used their implants to make my girls perkier but didn't go up in size at all. I gave myself the self-lubricating anus. And I gave myself a couple of hypnotic triggers."

"Why not go up in size?"

"I'm happy with my D's. I'm not a fan of the whole 'fake' look. No offense." Rein took a sip from her glass before continuing. "I just hate wearing a bra, so they sagged on me." Rein looked over at the vixen's chest. "What size did you go to?"

"Mine are J's," the vixen said with a smile. "I was a B naturally and before Hoksten came to town I went up to a D to help match my body type."

"Why go so large?"

Sascha looked up at the ceiling for a moment before answering. "Originally, I was just going to go up to DD, but curiosity got the better of me and I typed in 'J.' I saw them and fell in love with them." She took a sip from her glass. "So did my fans," she said with a giggle. Sascha looked over Rein's body again. "If you didn't want them to look fake, then you could have easily widened your hips a little and gone up to DD, hon."

Rein imagined that for a moment, along with expanding her markings. "I'll think about it," she said with a blush as she sipped down some more of her wine.

Sascha kept looking over Rein's body. "What is it you do for a living?" she asked while running a clawed finger along the lip of her glass.

"I just graduated from college actually. Psych major," Rein said, finishing off her wine. Sascha automatically grabbed the bottle of lambrusco and refilled Rein's glass. "Thank you. Next step for me I guess would be to find an open therapist position."

Sascha finished off her wine and refilled her glass as well. "Hoksten's looking for one," she said with a smile, setting the bottle back on the coffee table and lounging once again.

"Really?" Rein asked, taking another sip of her wine. The buzzed feeling in her head was getting stronger and she wondered just how comfortable it would be to use Sascha's breasts as pillows.

"Yeah. Some of us who have gone furry are having a bit of trouble adjusting our lifestyles." Sascha took a sip from her wine. "As well as the stress of having to deal with the fur haters off of the internet now."

Rein took a large gulp of her wine and set her glass down on the coffee table. She then brought her legs up and sprawled out on her side of the couch, resting her head against Sascha's generous chest. "I'll have to get in touch with him soon again," she said with a giggle.

"Feeling tipsy already? Damn girl you don't drink very often do you?"

Rein giggled, she couldn't help it. "I usually only have a glass but I had a couple sangrias before joining the dance floor."

Sascha laughed, bringing an arm down across Rein's chest. "I saw."

"Oh yeah," Rein said with a giggle, feeling very lightheaded.

Sascha shook her head, smirking. "What brought you to my club tonight?"

"Celebrating!" Rein yelled, raising her hands up in the air. "One of my hypnotic triggers is to have an insatiable lust and I have my trigger phrase written on my collar in diamonds!"

"Oh?" Sascha asked, rubbing Rein's flat belly. "And what is this trigger phrase? I couldn't see it in the club."

"'Spermbank!'" Rein yelled out with a giggle. "I was hoping someone would say it to me on accident and I'd find myself in the middle of a gangbang for the first time in my life!"

Sascha pounded down her glass of wine. "Here, let me up you closet slut," she said with a giggle. Rein sat up for Sascha to stand from the couch. She watched the vixen walk over to the sink and place her glass inside it. Sascha then walked off into the bathroom, coming back out wearing one of the string bikinis that all the other female employees wore. "Give me twenty minutes and I'll have so many hotties in here using you that you'll never want to get fucked by one person again."

"No cameras!" Rein said with a giggle, falling back onto the couch.

Sascha laughed as she opened the door. "Seems a waste, but fine. No cameras, spermbank," she said before shutting and locking the door behind her.

Rein felt the lust and need in her rise to the surface, both her holes becoming instantly wet. Combined with the alcohol in her system it was as if her mind became shrouded in a thick fog. It was hard to think of anything other than the need she felt to be used, all her holes being stuffed while those that waited rubbed their bodies, their cocks, their pussies against her.

She closed her eyes and ran her hands down her body, trying to relieve some of the aching desire she felt just to be touched. It did nothing for her though except make her want more and to push a moan of frustration out of her mouth. Even slipping fingers into her wet cunny and tailhole did nothing to relieve the great lust she was feeling.

Rein yipped in surprise as she felt herself picked up and slung over someone's shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw down the tanned backside of a nude man. She reached down to try and grab his firm ass but was thrown onto the large bed before she got close.

She turned around to find three very well endowed men crawling onto the bed with her. Moaning she got up onto her hands and knees and crawled to the one in the center, taking his length into her mouth. Rein looked up at him as she slid herself slowly down, his length going down her throat without resistance.

Rein moaned around the cock as she felt hands grip her waist tightly, followed by one of the other guys pressing their prick into her slick anus. She came hard as she felt herself being stretched wide by the invading cock, the orgasm just making her crave more.

Arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her from the dick she was sucking, forcing her to lie back on top of the man fucking her ass. She whimpered from having one less cock in her, but someone tilted her head back and she was looking at another large one. She happily opened up her mouth, accepting it down her throat as its owner slid it in. She felt someone grip her thighs and spread her legs as far as they could go followed by a third cock entering her body, this one filling her needy cunt.

Rein writhed in pleasure as the three men worked her in unison and held her in place. The one working her mouth pinning her wrists to the bed; the one fucking her ass keeping his arms cinched tightly around her waist; the one thrusting into her slit keeping a tight grip on her thighs.

The cock in her mouth slid out and shot its load all over her face and open mouth. She swallowed down what landed in her mouth and barely had time to lick her lips of the thick substance before another cock was shoved into her mouth. She recognized the shape and texture as being distinctly canine and moaned around it.

Not long after, she felt someone climb on top her and push her breasts together and another canine cock slid between them, using them as if they were another hole. Her hands, no longer pinned to the bed, came up and ran through the fur of this one.

The clawed hands gripping her breasts shifted and her arms were pinned against the bed by two sets of hands. She felt the warmth of a mouth latching onto each hardened nipple. Her arms were released and the sets of hands roamed over her body. She brought her arms up, wrapping them around the bodies of the ones suckling her breasts. By what she could tell, they were both women.

Rein felt the cocks fucking her pussy and her ass go off, filling her with their seed and making her cum hard. When they slid out, another pair of cocks quickly took their place. She felt the spent ones clean themselves by rubbing up against the fur of her thighs.

She felt a wet tongue lap up the fresh cum on her thighs as well as the women at her breasts going up to her face and licking it clean after the canine furries blew their loads. They too were replaced by a fresh set of dicks once she was licked clean.

It went on like this for hours, fresh cocks replacing those that came on or in Rein, the three sets of mouths licking the cum from her body. Rein lost track of it all, her conscious mind shutting down and working purely on instinct from the combination of the trigger, the wine, and the fact that she could barely breathe with a cock down her throat.

Eventually there were no more men for her to please and it was down to just her and the three other women. One of them sat down on her face, forcing Rein to eat her out while the other two worked quickly to chain Rein's limbs to the four bedposts.

The rest of the night was spent with the three toying with Rein. Eating out her used cunt; tugging and toying with her piercings; sitting on Rein's face to make her eat out their dripping slits. It continued until an extreme exhaustion came over Rein and she passed out.

"I had Jenny on bimbo mode last night and it maxed out. She'll be out cold for a few hours while her mind recovers."

Rein's eyes fluttered opened as she heard a familiar voice. Her mind was still spinning slightly from the after affects of her trigger and her throat was sore from the abuse it took. She looked down and saw a blonde woman curled up tight against her body, the long hair obscuring her face. Rein could feel though that she was sleeping latched on to her breast, the blonde sucking occasionally in her sleep. It honestly made her feel very uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do while bound to the bed.

"The only downside with those triggers," Rein heard Sascha say. "That damn time limit. Anyway, what do you think of Rein, Cathy?"

Rein's eyes opened wide, connecting the name and the voice in her mind. She sat up as much as her restraints and the woman on her chest would allow and saw Sascha and Cathy Poussin sitting on the couch, nude and chatting over coffee. She looked at the blonde on her chest and swallowed softly. If that's Cathy, then this must be Jenny. Rein shivered slightly and fell back onto the bed as Jenny suckled in her sleep, feeling that line of pleasure tug down to her loins.

"She'd be great in front of the camera in any sense, whether it be modeling or porn. Hell, I think your fan base would love seeing another furry girl on your site." There was a pause. "If she were interested in stripping I'd love to get her a job." Rein blushed heavily at the comments. She found it hard to believe that someone like Cathy could even think things like that about her.

"Speaking of that, she's fresh out of college and looking for a job as a therapist." Rein's heart skipped a beat at Sascha's words. "I know that Hoksten's looking for one to work at his clinic."

"Say no more. I'll talk to him when they get back from lunch."

"You'd really do that for me?" Rein asked, her voice hoarse from all the abuse she took last night.

She heard them stand up from the couch and walk over, coming into view. Cathy sat down on the bed next to Jenny as Sascha got to work getting Rein out of the wrist and ankle cuffs. "Of course I would," she said, smiling down at Rein while stroking Jenny's side.

"We'll handle that, hon," Sascha said, undoing the final cuff and sitting down next to Rein. "You get some more sleep. I can see in your eyes that your mind hasn't fully recovered from the trigger maxing out."

"What do you mean, 'maxing out?'" Rein asked, feeling tired. She moved her arms and legs around a little bit, trying to work out the stiffness. The movements made Jenny groan in her sleep. "And could one of you get her off of me?"

"There are two types of hypnotic procedures that A Whole New You does," Cathy said while pulling Jenny off Rein and holding her sister, "triggered and permanent. Permanent is just how it sounds. It completely rewrites your brain to whatever you want it to be and you're stuck that way. Triggers are temporary, keeping you in that state until the reversal phrase is said." Cathy reached over and started pulling down the comforter. "They have a twelve hour time limit just in case a trigger gets said and no one is around to say the reversal word. After the time limit is reached, the trigger ends but the mental strain leaves you completely exhausted. None of your triggers will work for a full day after so that your mind has time to recover." Cathy moved Jenny up on the bed, resting her head on the pillows.

"Now," Sascha said, "you get under those blankets and get some more rest. Cathy and I will handle everything that needs to be done."

Rein nodded and did so, placing a pillow between her and Jenny just in case she decided to try and use her like a stuffed animal again to the amusement of Sascha and Cathy.

It had been a busy couple of months for Rein. Cathy did indeed pull through for her and got her the job at A Whole New You as a therapist. She had two jobs with the position. First was to be there for staff to talk to when something was bothering them, or if something had gone wrong during an exam. She didn't get too many of the later, as most of the examiners loved it when things went a little too far and so did the patients.

Her other priority was helping those who had more extreme procedures done acclimate to their new lives. She mostly saw people who went furry or swapped gender and helped them deal with public backlash from the change. A few of her patients though, came to her to help deal with their new lives after hypnosis rewrote their minds.

Some of her patients just needed someone to talk to, but others needed a more personal touch to help get through their problems. So much so that she had stopped bothering wearing underwear into work, at the most just a garter belt with stockings. She even wound up putting a bed in her office and keeping a few different outfits on hand to better comfort them.

She had taken Sascha's suggestions, increasing her breasts to a set of DD's and widening her hips to compensate. It meant having to get a completely new wardrobe but the advance Hoksten had approved helped with that. She also expanded her markings, adding lines that went from her back to spiral down her limbs in a criss-cross pattern to end at a single point on the backs of her hands and the tops of her feet. The lines also went around her neck forming a collar in a similar pattern as her arms and legs.

Her phone rang and she quickly picked it up. "Your first appointment's here," said Rachel on the other end.

"I'll be right there," Rein said before hanging up the phone and standing, wearing only her clinic robe. "Time to get to work," she said with a smile, anticipation filling her body.