Survival of the Fittest: Zander Vs. Sanmer

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#13 of Survival of the Fittest

Round 11: Zander the human Vs. Sanmer the arctic fox

Zander belongs to Guderian

Sanmer belongs to Sanmer

Zander awoke with a start as the last of the drugs left his mind, the human waking up in a dark room with only a circle of light that extended out a few feet around him. He also found himself naked, save for a silver collar around his neck as he slowly crawled up to his feet. When he had a chance to recompose himself he tried to peer into the darkness, only to fine his vision limited by the darkness that surrounded him. "Hello?" He called out.

"Why hello there." A voice said before a rectangle of light appeared in the black space just behind him, which was soon filled with the cocky visage of a silver dragon. "Welcome to Survival of the Fittest Zander, my name is Argos and you'll be participating in a very interesting round in my opinion so let's not waste words. Your objective is to climb that ladder," the human spun around as a spotlight suddenly shone on a metal ladder about thirty feet away, "and press the button on top."

"That... seems easy enough." Zander replied as he started to walk towards it, only to hear a noise of warning come from the silver dragon behind him.

"You should always be wary of what lurks in the darkness, my dear." Argos warned. "But since this is supposed to be a relatively easy round I suppose it would be best if you could see what you were up against. Cue the room lights!" Zander winced in pain as the whole room was suddenly flooded with light, and when the spots finally cleared from his eyes he could see that there was a ten foot pit that stood between him and the ladder he needed to get to. As he got closer to the edge though he quickly found that it was not the only hazard he faced, when he looked over he saw what appeared to be a multitude of small, black snakes that slithered on the floor.

"Wh-what the hell are those things?" Zander asked as he backed away from the lip of the pit.

"Mmmm, let's see here, I know they're in my notes." Argos replied as pulled up a clipboard and flipped through it. "Ah yes, they're a modified rubberized parasite species that are feared for being able to control the bodies of other species through extreme sexual stimulation. There's also a rather long list of modification that were made to them... hmmm... well, sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun with this one. Enough of the technical mumbo-jumbo though, you'll see for yourself I think once your round begins. You'll have ten seconds to plan your strategy and thirty seconds to get over and climb the ladder, good luck!"

"Wait!" Zander shouted, but the dragon was already gone and in its place was a ten-second timer that had begun to count down. The human could feel a panic begin to rise in his chest as he looked back down at the pit and the creatures that dwelled within. He had very little idea how the parasite infected someone, though the phallic nature of their bodies inclined him to a few guesses. As he looked at the walls he frowned, they were a bluish-silver metal and appeared to be completely smooth with no way to climb over to the ladder. With only a few seconds to go though he did notice a few inches of lip between the wall and the pit, possibly just enough for him to get across...

A loud noise caused the human to jump slightly as he looked back and saw that thirty seconds had been placed on the timer instead. He knew it was now or never, and slowly put his bare foot against the metal of the ledge. When he was sure he had a decent enough hold he slowly slid his body out as tight against the wall as possible and began to move towards the ladder.

"So far so good." He mumbled to himself as he continued on, reaching out with his hand against the wall and side-stepping once more. When the first ten seconds had elapsed he had already reached nearly half-way to his goal, his body moved in a rhythm as he felt his bare skin slide against the cool metal wall. His feeling of accomplishment was short-lived however as he felt his foot suddenly slide off of the metal and his whole body began to fall down. There was nothing for him to grip to save himself and he found himself tumbling down into the snake pit, though as he was about to crash into a floor he felt a strong burst of air cushion his fall somewhat.

Zander groaned and quickly got onto all fours, his eyes widening as he saw all the black snakes suddenly take notice of him. "Uh oh..." he said to himself, swallowing hard as the closest to him reared up and hissed at him menacingly. His gaze looked up towards the ladder and how close he was, if it wasn't for the pit of parasites in front of him he could have easily sprinted over, climbed the ladder, and hit the button in the fifteen seconds he had left.

Without a second thought he decided to make a break for it, though as he got to his feet and started to run he already felt something slick and rubbery crawl up his legs. Another small snake latched onto his arm as he ran towards his goal, then several more latched onto his legs and another on his bicep as the ones already on his body slithered with unnatural speed towards his mouth and butt. Part of him wanted nothing more than to try and shake the creatures off, but he knew it would cost him more time then it was worth and instead closed the distance to the ladder and began to climb up the rungs.

The human froze suddenly as he felt the first rubber snake begin to press against the tight ring of muscle on his backside, gasping as a jolt of pleasure hit him. The other snake that had gotten to his neck didn't waste the opportunity, it reared up and stuck inside Zander's mouth while it was open and quickly wiggled his way into his throat. He knew that he should have gagged or clenched at this point, but whatever lubrication the snakes had on them seemed to numb both ends of his body and made him feel nothing but pleasure as their black scales slipped into his body with surprising speed. Even if he wanted to he couldn't have grabbed them, he was already partly up the ladder and he with the time he had left if he slipped and fell he knew he likely wouldn't be able to get up and get on the ladder again, especially when he looked down and saw a pile of black snakes beneath him.

As Zander continued to look down he also noticed that the skin around his cheeks had begun to darken, then quickly turned to the same shiny, black, scaly texture as the second snake that had begun to slither inside his body and caused his entire body to shudder. His back arched in pleasure and he saw his spine extend out into what looked like a reptilian tail, though as the tip formed into the head of a snake he knew it wasn't just a new appendage. "Gotta hur-" he began to say, though his words became garbled as his tongue thickened and turned black as it extended out of his mouth.

With only seven seconds left on the clock he continued to climb up the ladder, though as the second snake pushed its way into his maw the skin of his face began to stretch out around his new snake tongue and a black drool leaked from the corners of his mouth and down his body. His body bucked in pleasure as he reached the last few runs of the ladder, the human squeezing his eyes shut as he could feel the strange creature wiggle around inside his body and alter him in ways he didn't even think were possible. Not only that but he could see them as well, and as he looked down at himself once more he saw his darkening skin bulge with the parasitic creatures as he began to lose himself to the voices of the creatures inside him that begged him to submit. He tried to shout out in protest, but his already belligerent and overly sensitive snake tongue was joined by several more snakes that slipped past his lips and stretched his mouth open.

Zander reached the last rung with five seconds to go, but by then he had lost most vestiges of his humanity. The pleasure racked male grunted as a huge wave of lust permeated his body as his cock began to swell. It was already completely erect from the stimulation the snakes inside him were providing, so when it continued to expand it caused him to look down and watch as the thick rubber encased his member and the tip began to mutate into the head of a snake. He felt a great need to stroke it, but to do so would be to let go of the ladder and lose. Instead he gritted his teeth even after several smaller snakes burst from his groin and wiggled around the now two-foot long rubber snake cock.

As it began to stimulate itself he knew that he was about to lose, and as he stretched his arm up to press the button he could see two large tentacle-like appendages snake its way up his arm like two huge veins as his fingers began to lengthen, turn black, and then to his great shock they began to wiggle of their own accord. With one final thrust he lunged his entire body up, his hand smashing against the button and caused it to light up. Almost immediately afterwards he looked back at the clock and saw he had over two seconds left, the rubber snakes in his body letting out a shriek before they began to dissolve away with the rest of the additional features on his body.

"Well good job there." Argos said as Zander climbed back down into the now empty pit. "Though it looked like you were quite enjoying yourself there. If you'll give me your mailing address and relative dimensional coordinates and I'll be sure to send you one via care package. But for now you're just going to have to live with the memories and continue on, though I would concentrate on the job ahead. Also you might find yourself with a new friend, but I'll let him introduce himself."

Zander cocked his head in confusion until he suddenly felt the flesh just below his left pectoral swell out for a second before he felt something poke out of his nipple. To his surprise a small, black latex snake slid out, reveling its foot long length before it turned, winked at him, and slid back inside. "That was... definitely weird." The human said as he ran a hand through his brown hair, still feeling the creature inside of him and finding he was able to exert a measure of control as he walked through the newly created pathway.


Sanmer snorted as he awoke suddenly, the arctic fox fluffing out for a second as his eyes opened. "Wha... where am I?" *He said groggily as he got to his feet, his cognitive processes quickly running back up to speed as he shook the last of the cobwebs from his mind. As he looked around he was surrounded mostly by darkness save for the ring of light around him, and just beyond his scope of vision he could hear what sounded like the slosh of water next to him. Though he was curious on what lay beyond he didn't dare go any further, especially when he found himself to be naked upon self-examination save for something hard and metallic wrapped around his neck."

Suddenly behind him a square of light appeared on the partially illuminated wall, the confused contestant stepped forward a little before the image of a silver dragon caused him to jump back slightly. "Hello there Sanmer, my name is Argos." Argos introduced. "Welcome to your leg of Survival. I trust you slept well?"

"Yes, it always helps when one is drugged in order to render them unconscious." Sanmer replied. "Since the chemical in question is Sophoril, or at least that's what we were told, I estimate I was knocked out for... six hours is my guess."

"Six give or take, very good." Argos said with a growing smirk. "It's too bad you can't just use facts to escape this particular challenge, though I imagine that wouldn't be very fun for you at all." Suddenly all the lights in the room came on at the same time, which revealed the source of the noise and caused the vulpine's jaw to drop slightly. Only a few feet away from him was a pool of crystal blue water that stretched from his platform to the other side where the outline of a door stood.

"Something tells me I'm not merely swimming across water." Sanmer stated as he got slightly closer to the edge, able to see the surface swell unnaturally for half a second before it settled back to its glassy flatness.

"Spot on once again." Argos replied. "This isn't even water, instead it's a special oxygenated stasis fluid that is specially designed to take life forms and keep them alive for months, perhaps even years, without the need to eat or breathe. Rather revolutionary... if you disregard the side effects of prolonged exposure that haven't quite been worked out yet. All you have to do is swim through the fluid to the other side and get out in thirty seconds, rather simple if you ask me. You also have ten seconds to plan before your timer begins, or if you want to start right away go ahead and dive in and the round will begin automatically. I'm sure you have many questions, so good luck!"

"Hey!" Sanmer's word didn't even have a chance to escape his lips before the dragon disappeared from the screen. When it was clear that his host wasn't coming back the fox turned his attention back to the challenge at hand. He knew there was something swimming around in there, or perhaps the whole pool itself was something designed to ensnare him. Either way he couldn't avoid it, the walls that bordered the pool were polished to a mirror shine and he didn't see anything that would support him. With that option gone he measured the distance from the opposite wall from the lip of the pool and guessed that with enough speed he could dive off the edge like Argos said and clear almost a third of the pool with the momentum. His big question was whether he should stay towards the surface or dive deep and possibly avoid the creatures for longer if they lingered there.

As the last of his ten seconds burned away Sanmer formulated a game plan and backed all the way up to wall, his feet ready and his body arched in a sprinter's pose as he watched the final second tick away. The buzzer hardly had a chance to go off before he dashed forward, building as much speed as possible before he reached the edge and dived into the water. When his body hit the fluid he found it to be slightly more gel-like then actual water but not viscous enough to slow him down as he torpedoed himself as far as he could before he began to swim proper. At first he was afraid to open his eyes before he remembered it wasn't chlorinated or salty and opened his eyes to find himself completely surrounded by the clear blue substance as he started to swim forward.

With his jump he had actually managed to clear the first half of the pool in good time, he had gone slightly deeper than he had wanted though and angled himself so that he would break the surface right when he reached the ledge. As he managed to get into a stride, he suddenly felt something brush against him, a solid mass that darted by with surprising speed that caused Sanmer to turn his head and see what it was. Though it was hard to see he could make out a reptilian shape, possibly draconic and made completely out of the same substance as what he swam in as it made a hairpin turn and darted for him. The arctic fox let out the breath he had been holding and began to make a mad dash for the other side, but before he could get close to his destination he felt a pair of hands grip him by the hips and drag him downward.

Sanmer wanted to shout for the strange creature to let him go but what little breath he had been able to save streamed out his nose as the goo dragon shifted easily to his front and kissed him on the lips. His eyes opened wide in surprise when he couldn't hold it anymore and ended up sucking in a deep lungful of the fluid as he felt a tongue-like appendage swirl around his mouth. After several seconds passed and their impromptu make-out session continued he realized with some relief that he still got oxygen despite the lack of air, and when the panic evaporated he looked down at the other male and realized that the dragon was rather cute.

Stay with me. Sanmer heard in his mind as he felt the insistent tongue push further then possible. I know you want to, I can feel it. There was a mental laugh as the fox looked down and realized with mild embarrassment he was completely erect, his tool slightly sunken into the dragon's taut stomach.

You can read my thoughts? Sanmer asked.

Enough to know that you'd like me like this. The dragon replied with a grin as he wrapped his extremely long goo tail around Sanmer's waist and adjusted himself so that his firm gel rump was completely exposed and wiggled against the fox's cock. Sanmer couldn't argue with the dragon's logic, at that point he would want nothing more than to dominate the strange creature in front of him and explore his body fully. As the tip of his cock pressed against the squishy tailhole he suddenly felt something press against his, looking back to find that the dragon's prehensile gel dick had slithered between his legs and began to push its way inside him.

When he bent further back to get a better look a sudden revelation shocked him out of his lustful haze, he had nearly bent backwards without any resistance and when he looked at his chest he saw that the white fur there had begun to turn a clear blue color. As the tail pushed into him he let out a groan and brought his hands up to his muzzle to stifle himself, only to have his fingertips sink into his nose and cheeks impossibly far. He started to wiggle his body when he felt the tail around him grow tighter, though Sanmer couldn't feel it his waist was crushed impossibly far in as he realized the extent of his assimilation. Even his cock had begun to behave like the dragon's, as it continued to rub against the dragon's tailhole it turned clear and swelled as though someone pumped gel into it and it wiggled slightly despite his erection. He knew if he didn't act soon he was going to be trapped, and though that would have been fine he was still in a competition and determined to win to see what fun waited for him at the end.

He looked down at the dragon again and then back up at the clock, and when he saw he still had ten seconds left he quickly came up with an idea that caused him to grin a little despite himself. With a sharp thrust of his hips he impaled himself into the dragon as far as he could, the slick, gooey passage allowing his entire cock to enter in one thrust that caused them both to let out silent cries of ecstasy. Sanmer could feel the creature writhe underneath him and, much to his relief, the tail around his waist to let go. As much as he wanted to stay he pulled out and gave a quick kick to the surface, the dragon too stunned by the pleasurable sensations to do much as the fox swam upwards. By the time Sanmer saw his brief lover dart towards him, its cock nearly as long as its tail as the fox heaved himself up by his clear-blue arms.

Sanmer rolled away as the goo dragon lunged up into the air, its form now clearly outlined in the open space. It appeared ready to lunge, but as it started it suddenly stopped when it saw the silver dragon on a screen over the door wagging a finger at it. The fox watched as the dragon made a hasty retreat into the fluid, which began to drain away from his own body as well. Sanmer coughed a few times to expel the rest of it from his lungs, but found that no matter what he tried it wouldn't come out as Argos chuckled.

"You're going to have to wait for that gel to be absorbed into your body." Argos instructed him. "I wouldn't worry about it though, the transformative properties of it have been deactivated and while it's in your system you can hold your breath for extraordinary periods of time. Consider that my gift to you for the rather impressive performance."

"Glad I could be so entertaining." Sanmer said back as he watched the last of the gel on his fur evaporate away.

"Quite." Argos said simply before the door in front of the fox opened. "Well then, onward and upward." Sanmer started to step through the door, but turned back and looked at the pool one last time to see the goo dragon peeking at him from over the edge. He started to walk back but when he took his first step the collar around his neck began to beep angrily.

"Don't worry, he won't be alone much longer." Argos said with a grin as Sanmer hesitantly started back on his path. "In fact perhaps you'll meet him again, who knows with this competition."


Sanmer sighed as he made his way along the dark pathway, the image of the goo dragon still in his mind as he continued forward and his own changing body. The feel of that strange skin slide against his own... it made him almost sad that he had to win, though it certainly gave him a vivid image for later. He was slightly surprised that despite himself he wasn't hard anymore, though he just chalked that up to the effects of the collar that he wore. "At least I don't have to run around with an erect-oof!"

His words appeared more truthful then he thought as he ran into a low barrier of metal right into his groin, which still caused him to go cross-eyed slightly as he used the new brace for support as he caught his breath. "Hey, someone out there?" He heard in the distance as he recovered. "I think I've walked as far as I can on this path, there's some sort of barrier blocking my way forward."

Zander kept his ears up as he waited for a response, though when all he heard was another grunt he wondered if giving himself away like that was such a good idea. "It appears there's one in my way as well." The human heard a voice reply. "You alright over there?"

"Well as can be expected I guess." Zander replied as he felt over what he thought was an opening, instead finding some sort of invisible barrier that was like glass except didn't make a noise when he tapped on it. "Was starting to think that I was trapped down here alone or something."

"Quite the contrary, my dear Zander." The two contestants looked up to see Argos between them, illuminating a very large empty space between them as they stood on what appeared to be a balcony. As more lights turn on they found that they looked over a rather large field of battle, complete with a small forest and other terrain features, where a group of men were huddled beneath them in medieval combat gear. Each set was a different color, the ones on Zander's side had blue armor while the ones on Sanmer's side were a bright red. "Today you're not going to be fighting each other directly, you're going to be directing them to fight for you to see who the king of the forest is."

The two males looked down at the guys that were all geared up to go, identifying that they each had a man with two swords, one with a sword and shield, one with a bow and arrow, one with a great hammer, and the other with what appeared to be two crossbows. "They all have their own advantages and disadvantages, and though it would be pertinent to explain how they work I think I'll just skip the rather tedious explanation and let you figure it out for yourselves, just remember that though they're simulations they are based on real creatures and will act accordingly. This will go in a real time system where your orders are executed as soon as you say them, so while you're competing your booths will be soundproofed and the glass blacked-out until the . First person to lose all their men loses the game, got it?"

Both men looked at each other and nodded, then before either of them could get a question in the silver dragon disappeared and the glass of their viewing booths blacked out for the other contestant, even though both of them could see the battlefield they could no longer see each other. As Zander looked down he saw that his troops had stood up and gone into a battle stance, though they looked back at him occasionally for his guidance. When he looked over at Sanmer's men they had already started to move towards them and fan out, which quickly prompted him to start his actions as well. "Alright, uh, Archer and... Scimitars, you two go over to that grassy ridge." He ordered.

"One and three move forward behind the hill." Sanmer said, moving his Warhammer unit and sword and shield man together. Since they were the most armored men he wanted them to go as far forward as possible to draw out the human's men, leaving his archer in the woods for longer distance shots. "Four and five continue to move slowly through the swamp until you see the blue troops make a move for the trap."

Both Sanmer and Zander watched as their men maneuvered into positions, both of them trying to use the terrain to their advantage. For a while each contestant decided to hang back a bit, though Sanmer was being more aggressive with his troops it seemed. "Archer, see if you can't get a bead on the one with the Warhammer." Zander said. "Cross, stay back about ten steps and see if Shield and Hammer can't draw them into Archer's line of fire."

Both sides were cautious as their troops moved forward, their body movement exactly as it would if they were real-life people in a similar situation. As the red Warhammer crossed over one of the small hills Zander saw it and shouted for his archer to fire, his man didn't hesitate for a second and soon a blue-feathered arrow streaked straight towards the heavily armored individual. As soon as it did he saw the armored unit recoil, but then get right back up with the projectile still in his shoulder. "1, take the point and charge forward to draw their fire!" Sanmer shouted. "Four and five sneak over and take out their archer while two provides a distraction!"

Much to the arctic fox's surprise the huge warrior faltered and stayed back by the other warrior, which allowed the blue units to get an advantage on them. As their weapons clashed the blue archer fired once more into the fray, though it missed and the red archer retaliated by firing upon Zander's shield man. The arrow clanged loudly against the thick metal and the blue crossbow man stepped forward to fire. "Cross, wait, step back!" Zander shouted.

"4 and 5 move up to flank instead!" Sanmer said as his two units quickly turned towards the main battle in the middle of the field. Zander saw his opportunity and told Archer to fire on the less armored two sword unit. Once more the arrow sank into the flesh of the red scimitar and caused him to fall backwards. They watched as the human writhed on the ground and the two contestants were shocked to see tan fur sprout from the area where the arrow hit. At the same time Sanmer looked down at his own hands to see them turn into a very feline pair of paws.

At the same time the red sword and shield gave their side the advantage of the main skirmish, Sanmer ordering them to press it. Zander froze for a second as he realized that he was in trouble, even taking out one of his units the Warhammer units squared off against each other. "Scimitar, flank behind them!" Zander ordered, risking his archer in order to even up the sides. It was just in time as the red Warhammer unit smashed into his and caused it to fall down. When the blue unit was on the ground it received one final smash in the chest, and as it did Zander watched as the armor explode off his unit's body to reveal an already changed lion man.

Zander looked down at himself as his butt grew furred and muscular, a thin tail extending behind it as the human grunted. He tried to make sure that his focus was on the fieldas his lithe body began to bulk up, a thin layer of fur appearing on his body as he lost his first unit. "Everyone press the attack on their Warhammer unit!" He cried out with a grunt as he tried to hold back against the exquisite sensitivity that the new hairs brought. "Archer, try to nail his sword and shield!" A smile formed on his slightly longer face as he watched all his melee units flank against the heavily armored opponent, Sanmer's sword and shield unit attempted to take advantage but had to duck back several times as Zander's archer fired upon it.

"No!" Sanmer cried out as he lost the Warhammer unit, Zander's blue units pummeling it to the ground before they left it and turned towards his last melee unit. The fox looked at his defeated warrior he could see tan fur stick out from between the armor, then the metal itself split apart as the newly formed lion man quickly got up and joined the other defeated opponents. He looked to the growing pile of frisky felines with a growing arousal, even though his eyes were still set on the battle that continued to rage he couldn't help but keep glancing back as he licked his flattening muzzle with a thicker tongue. Still he kept his now golden eyes on the scene before him as he ordered his last remaining melee unit to fall back and draw the others towards his ranged fighters.

Unfortunately for him Zander saw that he was trying to lead them back into close range and drew his own archer into the mix, using the one with the shield to protect the other two as they closed the distance between each other. Sanmer attempted to attempt a rush on the blue sword and shield while his crossbow unit flanked, but even though he managed to get the expert blocker down both his own shield unit and his crossbow unit were taken down in the scuffle.

"Almost got him!" Zander said triumphantly as he raised his fists in triumph, though his victory cheer was punctuated by a series of snaps and pops as his spine extended into a long, ropy tail that caused him to lean against the protective wall. It swished around experimentally as his thighs and butt thickened, his cock fully erect as his leonine body grew even bigger. For a second he lost track of his units as he gripped the slightly bigger member and gave it a few tugs, rubbing the fur of his still human hands against it as a low growl of pleasure escaped his lips. At the same time what appeared to be a beard began to set in against his lower jaw, though it quickly grew out with the rest of his hair until it became a shaggy brown main that framed his slightly elongated face.

On the other side of the field Sanmer knew he was in trouble, his last assault had cost him and now only his archer remained, and though it was entrenched in the shade of the woods he would be unable to do anything but take pot shots at the rest of the blue team. "1... or 2... last guy." The former fox said breathlessly as he panted hard, his bright white fur growing slightly as his pointy ears grew rounded and his vulpine tail lost a lot of its fluffiness. "Aim for the crossbow and scimitar units, deal with... the archer later." His order was punctuated with a low groan as his feet snapped into a more bestial configuration, his nose flattened and grew into a more feline shape as the white lion-headed male began to stroke himself off to try and relieve some of the growing pleasure.

The final remaining red unit nodded and tried his best, but with a three to one advantage it didn't take long for the others to strike him after the blue scimitar unit ran forward. The two shots that would have hit him were instead absorbed by the crossbow unit in front of him, his transforming body lying on the ground just a few feet away from the forest before he was leapt over and the two-weapon wielder cut down the archer in a few swift strikes. Zander breathed a sigh of relief as he could feel his body begin to shorten, watching as his newly transformed unit and Sanmer's dive towards each other before they engaged in a sloppy kiss.

Sanmer couldn't believe he lost, but his anger was short-lived as a mind-numbing wave of pleasure flooded his body. His transformed hands gripped his head as the fur on his head and chin grew out into a white mane, which he shook as the changes took hold of his most sensitive region. He could only watch as the thick member throbbed and grew bigger, short, fleshy spines sprouted from it as his stature grew even bigger and more impressive. The shocked look on his face slowly turned into a smirk, then a defiant roar as he realized that even though he lost he was still the king of the jungle, the biggest, baddest cat as he once more began to confidently and almost arrogantly continued to pleasure himself. On the other side of the field he could see his competitor as the last of his changes left his body, which only caused the newly minted lion-man to flex his muscles in an attempt to show that HE had gotten the better of the deal.

"Well well, congrats go to the human this round." Argos said as he reappeared when the last of the fur disappeared from Zander's normal form. "Here I wondered if any of your kind would make it into the last round, but here you are."

"Here I am, indeed." Zander replied with an easy-going grin as he brushed the excess hair off of his head. "Tell me Argos, are all your challenges going to be like this?"

"Now that would be cheating to tell you." Argos replied with a tap of his muzzle. "But as long as we're asking each other questions, I have one for you. Now that you have defeated your opponent you can choose to either take mercy on him and have a chance for the king to regain his throne or end his run right here and cut off his royal line. What shall you do?"

Zander looked over as he saw the huge anthro lionman press itself up against the now clear glass as it rubbed its barbed tool with both hands. "Well I did win, so I think I'm going to end my opponent's run and bring myself one step closer." He said matter-of-factly as both he and Argos watched the bright white fur of Sanmer's chiseled chest and abs rub against the window.

"Far enough." Argos replied as the door opened behind Zander. "If you'll just leave through here and follow the pathway you will find your next challenge while I deal with the loser." Zander just nodded and left, and as his door closed a different door opened on Sanmer's side that led to a ramp down into the battlefield.

"A king has to have his pride." Argos said with a chuckle as the transformed lionmen looked at each other with pure lust, those that had been pounding the tailholes or maws of others stopped as they started to move towards each other with still dripping erections. "Or in this case, his harem..."