I Hope You Made It Out Alive, Lover

Story by GalgoMonster on SoFurry

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An anthropomorphic Great Dane puts on a sexy display in front of me, as he undresses. The pleasurable event turns into a dangerous affair, as lust overtakes him.

I Hope You Made It Out Alive, Lover

By darkmaster03

May 1 2014 11:37am

I was sitting on his large bed, watching him undress. I had made a bargain with the sexiest, anthro Great Dane I had ever seen. He was huge, at about eighteen feet tall. The way he smiled, as he looked at me said it all. His face had two, black triangle shaped patches, under his left eye, and his spotted muzzle was divinely proportioned. As he advanced toward me, his tight, muscular furry frame, filled my view. My mouth was drooling at what I was witnessing. I almost gagged, as that shirt flew over his head, and onto the floor below.

Sitting next to me on his bed, I felt freshly washed fur, as I placed my hand, on his. He had the scent of a fresh breeze, I pressed my face into his chest fur, and inhaled deeply. Never wanting to forget that smell, or that face. Noticing that the rest of his body was randomly spotted. I was desperately trying to find any unique markings, which would at least allow me to draw him. Other than his left hind paw, which was entirely covered in black fur up to the heel. His right paw, had only a single rain drop-like marking on the front, right where his toes began, this perfect speck of black, on an otherwise white coat.

I remember asking to take a look at this red stripe, which I noticed on his left wrist. Holding his magnificently gorgeous hand-paw, it was soft to the touch, but enormous. Black dots, were dancing on top of a background of white fur, as his hand slid onto my lap. The bracelet, looked like some sort of embedded watch. The symbols, "M/R-ACX" were written on it, as I examined it closely. I still remember how big his handpaw was, each one of his three fingers, was longer than my forearm. Putting my hand inside his palm, touching the soft fur, felt amazing. This was real, it had to be. Everything felt right, the smell, the fur, I even licked his palm, and he tasted like wet dog.

As he sat on the bed, he began to take his pants off. The way he would lift one powerful leg up and out, as the other one pressed onto the wooden floor, toes splayed just a bit, as the weight settled. Seeing that scene play itself out once more, as he lifted his black furred foot out of his other pant leg. I started shaking in anticipation, ready and willing to do just about anything with him. Bending my body to peek at what I was in for, as the mammoth canine was bending forward, in my desperation to get a peek of his canidae package, I almost fell off the bed. Feeling his strong furry hand on my chest, reassuringly making sure that I wouldn't slip off. His strength was unquestionable, I could tell, just by how confidently he held his hand-paw against me. I saw him toss his pants across the room with ease, they landed messily onto a large chair.

Then as the gorgeous creature, sat fully, straight up. He slid his rump, backward onto the bed, lifting both of his legs up, and place his massive, beautiful digitigrade hind paws, up onto the bed. Meanwhile, I'm looking at the sight of each heel, flying by my face, and coming down behind me. I get up and stand on the bed. His feet are longer than I am tall, his toes hanging limp in the air, their pads barely brushing the top of my head, as I walked up to his large right paw. I wrapped my arms around that mammoth furry pillar, my entire body felt the warmth of his fur. My cheek, pressing against the rough black pad. Squeezing it tightly, seeing the canine's toes flexing upward, before scrunching together.

Peeking behind the Great Danes foot, I met his eyes, before returning to that large middle pad, and giving it a large lick. Feeling his entire leg shake, I peeked around again, to see that mammoth canidae face, glowing with pleasure. I was about to let go, eager to get to that sheath in the middle, it was calling to me. I felt his paw lurch upward, and before I could get out of the way, he had pinned me onto my back.

Still sitting heavily on his rump, the answer became clear. He wanted to give me a foot job, and when he wanted something, no human of my puny size, was going to stop him. He began slowly, rubbing up and down. His soft fur pressing in on my crotch with remarkable tender movements. The large, dominant dog was working my entire body with his paw. The sensation was incredible, I was immersed all around in the scent of his shampoo, which had a hint of lavender. My chest was bathed in the smooth texture of his warm fur, while my face was in between the broad black pads of his toes. He was careful not to scrunch inward too far, otherwise I would risk getting my head crushed, by his thick toes.

Rocking back and forth was so sensual, I could have done this forever. Almost fully hard now, the ride came to a sudden end. Why did it have to end so soon? I would have been happy just where I was, having an orgasmic spasm rock through my body, while that ginormous foot kept me firmly pinned, caressing my puny body with its entire bulk. Peering beyond his furry sole, as the un-lift-able weight rose back up. I grabbed on, holding tightly around, attempting to pull the warm bulk back down, "No! Just a few more minutes. Please, I beg you!" yet it lifted up, just as easily, as if I weren't even there. I realized that my puny weight was nothing to this creature, and yet he held the power, to snuff me out with a single wrong move. Letting go, I dropped onto the mattress.

The Great Dane eyed me with reverence, as I emerged, fully erect from behind his foot. Walking past his knees, his ominous gaze from above, never left me. His tongue naturally escaped his mouth, I heard him start panting, even before I had arrived all the way up to his sheath. The canidae knew how to make himself look appealing, even in a state of extreme arousal, his large pink tongue hanging out, draped down the right side of his mouth. His abdomen, aligned by pure muscle, rippled in and out, with each breath. I adored him more than anything in the world, and I was ready to give, or do anything to please him.

Feeling smaller than ever, the furry walls surrounding me, rose up even higher now. The gaze of those brown eyes above me, along with the rhythmic panting, within that impenetrable, muscular chest. Looking up one last time, seeing his muzzle looming down. I threw my arms around that defined, bulging sheath. As I pressed my chest against the furry bulge, laying my head against his furry loins, hearing a quiver escape his muzzle. My eyes closed, feeling myself surrounded in his scent, embracing the warmth, as I gently caressed this canine. With more passion, than I ever knew I had in me. Time seemed to stop as I lost myself in him.

Shivering, as I felt the air of each breath on my back. The cold air coming from above, clashing with the warmth I was feeling throughout my chest. Attempting to do my best, my body wouldn't allow me. I was freezing, all I wanted to do, was get my lover erect, but every push, was met with a blast of freezing cold air from above. Did he even notice? Did he even care? I stopped hugging, and placed my feet down onto the mattress, taking two steps backward, head raised. Looking up, I noticed that my lover had fallen asleep, his eyes were shut, and he was just hunched over, snoring deeply.

It was then, that I heard a low growl escape his lips. That growl turned into a sight I will never forget, as the Great Dane, whom I had been peacefully caressing, bared his teeth in a vicious gesture. I saw his nose twitch, his eyes were still closed, he was dreaming. Oh No!

Before I could do anything, a large, spotted, furred hand scooped me up from behind. I was pressed into his sheath, as his left hand, squeezed around the thick mound of fur. Attempting to squirm free, I felt myself pushed in, by his thick palm. Strong fingers, gripping around its base, holding firm. The pressure increased even more, as he started stroking up and down. I tried to push against his hand, but the up and down movement, prevented me from getting any leverage. My leg had gotten caught in-between two of his massive fingers, as his hand moved upward, to scratch his chest, I was dangled along with it, as it landed with a thud, onto his chiseled abdomen. Sharp claws raked across his lower chest, as I was flung helplessly about.

Dazed out of my mind, and unable to scream. I attempted to struggle in a pitiful manner, until I was dragged downward once more. "What was he dreaming about?" was the only thought that popped into my mind, as I slid downward. I felt my body lurch into the air once more, still cupped in the palm of the canidae's hand, as I finally managed to pull my leg free. Looking up. Seeing a half-dreaming dog, lazily reaching downward, I smiled, as I saw the pink glow, of my lover's full erection. My body was pressed firmly against his throbbing organ, thick fingers gripped tightly around his shaft.

I was ground without passion, up and down mercilessly, for what seemed like an eternity. The pre from his mammoth organ, kept the ride smooth enough, so that I could live as long as I did. He had grown rock hard, and his hand was dragging me along, with an unbearable pressure. Looking up, as he clenched down on his pulsing organ. The light faded from my eyes, as I heard him blissfully howl. The taste of blood in my mouth. I was finally home.