Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 6,5: Partnerfeelings

Story by Lorddaventry on SoFurry

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Five Dragons: TLoP:

Chapter 6,5: Partnerfeelings   Roland trudged sluggishly in his room, behind him

he closed the door and turned the

key in the lock. With an audible crack was

moving the bolt. "What a day!" he muttered to himself exhausted.

Breathing slowly he walked past Kyndle, which

lay on the bed. The female lifted her head from the

pillow and looked highly excited at her

companion. He waved with his hand short. "Hey little one." he said wearily and went

over the carpet onward the large mirror

cabinet at the other end of the

room. "Whether she was still

upset about earlier?" he thought. The dragoness

closed cooing her eyes and gave a welcoming

"Chirp" of herself, still watching

him as he stood

before the mirror. "Apparently

not." he murmured

softly before himself. Roland took off his shirt and examined in the mirror the wounds of today.

Looking intently on

the bump on the

forehead his eyes wandered to the numerous bruises on his chest and belly. "Uhh, the last

few hits had it

real in themselves." he thought to himself and grimaced slightly his

face as he ran with a hand over his

aching discolored area in the belly region. In the right angle of the mirror he noticed Kyndle, this

was now on all fours on the bed, with her back to him and

stretched out with relish. Wings,

legs and tail as

far and high as

it was possible for her. Roland saw

in the mirror everything, even the whole region between her hind legs, which she

teasingly put on

display in this movement. He

started a little embarrassed grin

and wanted to turn away, but could not desist from his curious look. A

low gloss liquid was

running down on her

hind leg to see. An odd scent also rose to his

nostrils, this was already

noticed him since he had entered the room. Only now, the smell was

stronger. Finally, he turned

around and stood eye contact with

her. She turned

to him as well, easily lifted her head she closed

her eyes halfway and began to

purr softly. Her tail slowly began to swing from

left to right and the turquoise gleam in her eyes

shone at him literally.

Roland came right

back the memories of the past months in mind.

It was not the first time she looked at him like

that, or racked so as before.

Against him when

they were both alone as well as her strange behavior.

Did she do that with intension, or was

it completely unconscious? And

just now again. She came several weeks

ago again in her

heat phase. Therefore Roland held the slight

change of her behavior for

normal, but now it

was different. Her look was

different. "Oh, she can`t be serious!"

it went through

his skull, followed by the conversation

with the assistant of Barnabas a few years

ago. The faint echo of

Clara's voice echoed

through his mind. "When she has

found her life

partner you will realize it.

The way she looks at her chosen one,

approaching him, looking for his company."Roland was getting a strange shiver back

up, and this certainly

came not from his wounds. He looked again

to Kyndle, she

was now on all fours on the bed and gave him

a playful look, while the tip of her tongue teasingly pointed stretched

from the mouth. Nothing would now be able to stop

her. She went into jump position and took aim

at Roland.

He stood there and stared into the blue gemstones, which aimed him. Then he startled

easily when he noticed her attitude. Roland quickly

went a few steps toward her,

lifted up both hands in protest and even

thought. "She will not just......

?!" She did it. With a massive repelling

she jumped at Roland

from the bed. The concentrated power of a determined female dragon the young

man had bringing nothing against

it. A noisy rumble later he lay

on his back on the red carpet and Kyndle stood over

him. Roland looked startled at the orange-red

female above him. He took a breath to ask

her what this action should mean, but got no

chance from her. Before he could lose a word, she pressed her lips on his and began

to purr excitedly. His slight anger at

her behavior smoked in a split second. Roland

felt her entire shed

on his lips, her warm breath on his face and the

gentle vibrations of her purring in his

head. His mind was racing over this intense

moment. "So you should not be kissed by a female

dragon." echoed through his head. But that was stranger to him about

it. He did not stop her. He let her be. No, he even wanted

to. Roland opened his mouth slightly

and hesitantly reached his tongue between his

teeth. Kyndle did the same. When both touched originated some

fireworks in his mouth. He felt emphasize her strong soft tongue over

his. With both hands he grabbed

her head and pressed himself more in

the close contact. Kyndle leaned eagerly

in this passionate

kiss and pressed her companion gently into

the fibers of the carpet. A

mixture of their saliva ran down over his mouth

on his neck. Roland saw flashing stars in his mind's eye over the rekindled

feelings. His heart pounding

strong in his chest. The female broke the loving kiss and lay down on his body. With

her eyes closed she went to him with her long

tongue, purring from the sternum up

the neck. He felt emphasize the moist heat

of her skin and

closed the eyes alone enjoying.

On the face arrived

she nudged with her

tongue pointed briefly his nose and looked

at him then

deep into the eyes. Roland saw, like enchanted

in the sparkling

blue stars. The turquoise shimmer in

them glittered at him while her purring gently

massaged his belly. It was the

same Kyndle as always, but completely different. Elegant and beautiful.

Roland could not

think more at the sight, the female robbed him of any sense. She rose,

but remained steady

over him and

began to lick his

chest. He felt her wet tongue

on his body. The warm heat gently glided

over his skin, which brought his aching spots instantly

silenced. The vibrations of her purring increased

the relaxing effect still many times. Both

hands he brought closer to

her head and ran slowly

down her cheeks, a pleasant

smile accompanied his gesture. It was just

fantastic. With closed eyes and slightly

exhaling he enjoyed

her tenderness. Roland felt his heartbeat

rising. The temperature

seemed to be also increased. He looked up at Kyndle

who still relish devoted

herself to his chest and the

numerous bruises caressed.

Roland has always been aware that there

was a special bond between

them, but now came

something completely new. Could he ever allow

such a relationship to her? She was finally a

dragon and he a human.His thoughts voice interrupted again as this strange smell rose to his

nostrils again, only this time much

more intense. On his leg,

he noticed a damp patch and looked at it,

the female standing over him. On her hind leg a clear shiny

liquid ran down and

dripped onto his lower leg.

He looked at the source of the wet substance and

before he knew it,

his pants come tighter. The dragoness interrupted

her loving pats. She brought her nose to

the newly discovered pants bulge and sniffed curiously at the

fabric. Once she licked over

the place, what Roland left gently wince.

Elegant she turned around, carefully took one of the trouser legs between

her sharp teeth and pulled it forcefully. The buckle prevented

it, that she was able to free him from it. Roland was now directly

under her. He took

a deep breath and this strong intoxicating scent

filled his lungs completely.

An unexpected but pleasant tingling pulled through his body. That she tugged at his trouser leg

remained completely unnoticed by

him. Roland looked up as if by magic. He

saw all her femininity

and felt the warmth emanating

from her. A hand curious

lifted he stroked her slowly over the already highly aroused lips. The

fingers slid gently over the damp gray scales. Kyndle left surprised

his trouser leg from her jaw dropping as she

noticed his gentle touch. She began to purr excitedly

and gave him a dreamy

look, accompanied by a turquoise sparkle. Roland

replied it a warm

smile. Her liquid wetted his finger

at a record pace. Several times he drove past the

velvet shed around

her vaginal entrance around and

finally sank a

finger tenderly pointed

therein. The warmth

of her interior reinforced

the soothing tingling in his body additionally. Kyndle let her head fall on the carpet

and began to

breathe stronger. She closed

both eyes happily in the soothing touches that she received from her companion. A soft purr

was also heard

from the female dragon. Roland

felt as she began

to lift her hips in

a rhythmic motion. Her inner muscles massaged

gently his finger. He withdrew his hand and smelled at the wet

fingers. Her heady

scent he pulled deep into his

lungs. It was like a noise. Kyndle watched him as he smelled at

his hand and purred

softly on. She

widened her eyes surprised

when he finally stuck

a finger in his mouth and cost

her liquid. As he cost HER. Roland licked his fingers clean and internalized her intense flavor. "So taste my Kyndle."

he thought to himself. He crawled out from under her and knelt down in

front of her face. Kyndle sat down on the carpet, lifting her head on Roland`s high and

looked at him questioningly, accompanied

by a gentle snort in his face. What

he meant well? With both hands, Roland

grabbed her and pressed

his lips to hers. She cooed

excitedly at his

action and leaned eagerly in the spontaneous kiss. Kyndle

feel his tongue,

on which she noticed her own scent.

What let her pulse rise further and

the place between her legs was getting wet again.Roland opened his

eyes dreamily and ended the loving tongue

contact. He pulled

her head gently forward and

looked deep into her blue eyes as he slowly

ran his hand across her forehead.

"You taste good." he said in a half whisper

to her and he smiled warmly at her. The turquoise shimmer

in her eyes flashed briefly when she heard his

words. He likes it! He likes my smell! He likes ME! Her thoughts shouted

out the words literally. Kyndle gave him with

half-closed eyes a lustful "Chirp" for an answer. A deep

cooing accompanied her gesture. Roland felt her

hot breath on his face and raised his eyebrows in surprise as

she lowered her head. Interrogative he looked

down to where he watched,

like Kyndle began to pull on his belt buckle. He was breathing with closed eyes once out and

smiled at her. "Shall

I help you with that?" he asked

with a slight smirk on his lips. She lifted her

head a little puzzled and snorted once strong in his face.He smiled at her, held her doing a hand to her cheek and

gave her a little kiss on the nose. "I will

regarded that as a yes." he

said then. The dragoness closed her eyes and leaned purring

with slight pressure against his hand. Roland opened with a deft

flick the buckle, pulled the leather belt

and let slip the pants

down. Kyndle was a little surprised at how easy he opened this thing, but he was finally freed from it. Curious, she ran her tongue under

the fabric of the underwear

and felt her way gradually

down. The moist something

wandered deeper with

eager pace. Roland

was breathing heavily with his eyes closed as she reached at his

manhood. She pulled her tongue

back into her mouth and internalized the new flavor

that she had found. So tastes her companion.The female licked her lips seductively and

drove with two

claws under the

waistband of the underpants. She brought her head closer

to his until their eyes met in a

captivating moment. With this deep intense

gaze, she held his attention

firmly in the

dark blue color, surrounded

by a bright turquoise shimmer. Roland looked

into the dilated pupils of the

dragoness. Her lust

was burning in them and pulled him completely

under her spell. With a quick movement, the sharp claws cut through

the fabric like a hot knife through butter and the pants fell to the

floor. Roland stepped back slightly scared, but he

could not get far. Kyndle pressed him with her

tail already forward

again. She lowered her head down

and was now able to admire all of his manhood.

His already erect

penis sticking up like a tower

and moved pulsing with his heartbeat. The

female purred happily and smelled even

at the slightly throbbing

shaft and the present underneath testicles. She inhaled the intense scent of her chosen one with a deep breath. The distinctive smell let her slide a pleasant twitch

through the body. Carefully she placed her soft tongue on Roland's penis and slowly

began to move it

over. Somewhat frightened, he looked

at the many razor-sharp teeth of the female, which

she skillfully concealed.

Roland began to

moan softly. Her wet flexible

tongue just felt fantastic.He closed both eyes and savored slowly breathing over her tender and soothing

touch. She licked again and again over the whole length of his penis, from

the tip to the testicles and back. Her saliva wetted all of his

manhood and made

him glisten in the weak glow of the

setting sun. Some pre-cum came out from the tip,

which she gathered

up eagerly. Kyndle was ever more pleased with Roland's scent,

what her desire yet

confirmed. Her pulse increased

too and she changed her tactic. With a skillful movement she wrapped her tongue around Roland's penis and

made him completely disappear in her

mouth. Her companion opened surprised the eyes

as he noticed her

action. He looked puzzled down at her. Her

head was between his legs,

the mouth closed with

slight pressure. With half-open eyes she

looked up at him as she began with a slow movement

to suck on his manhood.

Purring she moved her flexible tongue on

his penis in a

constant rhythm to the front

and rear. Her saliva flowed out of her mouth and dripped onto the fibers

of the carpet. The soft moist tongue

around his cock sent many soothing feelings

in his body. Roland

let his head fall

back, closed his eyes and groaned lustfully. Her

purr increased the

pleasant stimulus even further.

He held her head tightly

by the large black horns and

began to push gently

in her mouth.

The feeling of her tongue movements, the hot

breath from her throat,

it was simply amazing. Roland could not find a clear thought, he was lost in his emotions.His heartbeat quickened and he felt his orgasm approached quickly.

He wanted to say something, but he could only silently

panting in front of him. Kyndle felt his reaction

and was ready. She

increased her purr

as his movements were

jerky. Roland's actions gave

way to an automated process.

He took one more time air and pushed with

full force in her mouth while he enjoys exhaled. Kyndle

felt like his

penis was stiff and jerked hard with his pulse. She closed her mouth

completely around his shaft as she noticed, that

he strongly pressed

himself against her snout.

Gradually he squirted his seed into her throat.

She sucked his penis eagerly, until she had

received the last drop. Nothing

of him she

wanted to lose. As Roland's orgasm

slowly subsided, he opened his eyes dreamily. He

noted that Kyndle had his penis still in her

mouth. She let his softened member slowly

sliding out her tongue to save the last remnants of its liquid. She

rocked his seed playful on the palate around, internalized

the intense flavor and then swallowed a few

times. A pleasant feeling filled

Kyndle`s twitching body as she felt the

seed of her companion ran into her throat down.

She cooed happily and snuggled her head

lovingly on his

chest. Roland held

her with both arms and felt the

strong vibrations of her purring. "THAT was amazing." He said, breathing

heavily to her. "YOU were amazing." she closed her eyes and gave a long happy

"Churr" of herself, while Roland

held her. Kyndle lifted her head and leaned forward. Roland

returned the gesture, and both gave again a

deep kiss. Their tongues met and gently brushed past each other. Slightly skeptical Roland

took note of his

own taste, which seemed not

to bother him. He finished the passionate tongue contact, saw at

his dragoness and smiled. Kyndle closed her eyes

in half and gave her companion a seductive look.

Her soft purr completed

the gesture. She lay sideways to Roland

on the carpet and

turned slowly on her

edge. The tip of

the tongue teasingly stretched

from the mouth she raised elegant her hind leg while

her eyes brought forth one

not to be

overlooked sparkle. Roland

knelt just there when

his dragoness presented him her

femininity in all her glory.

The rays of the setting sun fell like a golden veil on her gorgeous

body. The eyes widened in

amazement he looked at this almost magical

image. He felt an

unmistakable tingling in the body,

as if his inner voice say "You like what you see there!" The female sent another turquoise

sparkle to her companion. The eyes

briefly closed she

moved purring the tip of her

tongue back into her mouth and

added a lustfully "Chirp"

to that. Roland saw his

dragoness warm in the blue color of the pupils. "Now it`s my turn." he whispered to her with

a wink. Kyndle`s heart

began to pound as she heard his soft

words and purred happily as she looked at him with big eyes. The

slight shimmer of turquoise

in them was not

to be overlooked. Roland leaned towards

Kyndle. He gently

put his hand on her breast scales

and grabbed with the other by her head. Placed

his fingers under her jaw, he pulled her gently towards

him. Again they shared a wet tongue touch.

After the kiss, he turned to her lower region.

He let it underscore

his hands gently on her scales. From the neck down, over the chest,

the belly and flanks.

Kyndle could not hold back her intense purr. Roland's

hands just felt

too good. He took the time to feel her elegant body,

which kept her amused delight upright. Her companion glanced up to her head. Kyndle kept

alone enjoying her eyes closed and nestled the head gently into the fibers of the carpet. Roland stepped over her tail and looked now to the strong

excited opening between

her hind legs. With eyes closed, he again

took a lungful of her enchanting smell

and then leaned

forward. He began ambidextrous

the area around her vagina to massage and worked himself with a circular motion gently

towards the center. The bright gray scales felt

so velvet and

flexible. Kyndle jerked

her head slightly backwards and began to purr

excitedly. The gentle

hands of her companion to feel on her body filled her with

many moments of happiness. She looked at Roland

with half open eyes and gave a long lustful

"Chirp" of herself. What probably something

like "Do not stop" meant.Roland bowed his head

and held it over her

vagina. With two fingers he pressed tenderly

into her and gently

spread her lips. With

slight pressure he pressed against the soft flesh. Her interior radiated a soothing warmth, the muscles moving rhythmically around

his fingers and massaged them. Roland's heartbeat

quickened at the

short introduction how his member would feel in

her. What left

to swell his manhood

again.With his thumb he

drove slowly around the opening and massaged in a circular motion the overlying clit. A faint twitch

of the female was noticeable. He heard a quick and cute

"Meep" from her. Curious, he watched for

her reactions. Kyndle`s

tail swung back

and forth on the floor. Her claws

dug into the fibers

of the carpet as she

let her head fall to the ground. Her tongue was hanging out of the mouth with relish and she

panted heavily, held

her eyes tightly shut. Roland

knew he just found her "pleasure button",

and had pressed

it. He smirked slightly and made on with the intimate massage. Roland joined

with two fingers

in her vagina and

let it slide out and in a few more

times. Kyndle`s body stiffened

and her breathing grew increasingly. Roland introduced

another finger and began to lick her clit

with his tongue while he gently widened her vagina. Skillfully

he circled his tongue

around the sensitive region,

accompanied by the lustful snort the dragoness.

He joined once more with his fingers in her as

he felt her inner muscles firmly held him.

The rhythmic movements

of her vagina seemed to want to pull his hand inside.Kyndle`s head raced

like a reflex

upward, as her

orgasm took the upper hand.

With wide eyes she

gave a cute beeper by herself, while her

body trembled. A small wave of her liquid spilled

out from her vagina and soaked Roland`s

face completely. Her companion remained

silent for a moment, watching his dragoness during

her orgasm subsided. He smiled at the sight

of this beautiful creature and her cute beeping called again in

memory. Silently, he smiled at her with eyes

half-open. The female let her head sink

slowly back down to earth with a

closed look and pulled,

cooing her tongue back into her mouth. Kyndle opened dreamy her eyes and looked

at Roland lovely.

She leaned forward and licked him clean

his face. Her

companion held her doing a

hand to her cheek and looked downwards

briefly before he made eye contact with her again. She followed his gaze and noticed his curious again

stiff member. Purring she licked him once

on the cheek and

then poked her tongue

pointed at Roland's

nose. This smiled

as she looked at him with half-closed eyes, with

a shiny turquoise glitter.Both were ready and

wanted more. Roland leaned forward again and put his manhood

between her hind legs in position. Kyndle

watched him excitedly and purred softly.

He sniffed once more to the distinctive scent

that came out of her still

aroused vagina and began to rub his shaft

at the wet opening.

To feel her femininity to his manhood filled his body with a

welcome twitching. Kyndle closed her eyes and began

to breathe heavier in and out, accompanied by

a gentle cooing. Roland

felt the wet heat on his cock and held this intimate moment upright for a while. At least until he felt her tail at his

back, pressed him with light pressure to

the front. Roland opened the eyes in astonishment. Kyndle looked at him lustfully with her deep blue eyes, the turquoise

stood out and it

reflected in his

pupils. She wanted him instantly. "Ok, all right." he said

with a sheepish smile

to her. He leaned a little more forward and

let the tip of his penis disappear into her

vagina. The head of his shaft gently spread

the entrance between her lips and let her body

flinch slightly, then

he stopped. Kyndle looked at him again, because he

stopped again. Roland pulled with one hand to

her head and pressed his lips to hers. Surprised by his action began

Kyndle excited to

purr and during the loving tongue contact

Roland began slowly

to sink his member. The female broke the kiss and let her head with

open mouth falling backwards

onto the carpet. She breathed heavily in and out as

she finally felt her former

partner. Roland looked down, watching as her vagina widened

and his penis slid slowly into it. Inch by inch he

drove into her. The

moist heat of her tight vagina just felt awesome.

Her inner muscles

massaged his manhood in a welcome rhythm.

It was just wonderful. Roland closed dreaming

his eyes and moaned

lustfully from when

he was lying on her belly.

He heard her strong heartbeat and felt her heat

was transferred to him. The strong vibrations

of her purring flooded

his body. He never had been so close to her. "Now she's

really my partner." he

thought to himself. Roland pulled slowly out of her until he

could see the tip of his penis. He paused a

moment and looked dreamily at the

in front of him lying beautiful female. Then

he slipped back into

her. This he began in a steady interval

to repeat, the same time he ran his hands over

her flanks and ran with his fingers slowly over the orange-red scales. Kyndle`s

feelings layered one

above the other. The intensive

penetration, his soothing

hands on her body. It just felt fantastic.The female purred excited and let her

tail happily swing back and forth. She lifted her head and looked at Roland with half open

eyes. Her tongue she let relish hanging from her

mouth and snorted heavily in his face. Her partner looked up at her and watched her with pleasure as he started to increase the pace. Kyndle`s heartbeat quickened and

a gentle tingling sensation moved through her body. Her hot breath on his

face sensing, he leaned his head forward. The female came to meet him and both tongues touched each other again tenderly. Roland felt his pulse also rise and began

to push in harder.

He felt as the temperature

rose and his member further stiffened. He

was on the verge. Kyndle took his aggressive tactics

as well. Purring she enjoyed it,

as he pushed into

her. Again and again. Her feelings

escalated to an

ecstasy, which brought her closer

to her second orgasm. Her partner felt, that Kyndle`s body began to

twitch slightly. The female

dug her claws again

in the fibers

of the carpet and began to breathe more. Her

vagina started capture

his penis easily and massage

him with a strong rhythmic movement. This was too

much for him. One last time he

pushed in with all his strength into

her and moaning lustful. He was driving with his two arms around her body and

held her tight. Kyndle`s head shot up at that

moment and it another cute beeper was heard by

herself while she

breathed heavily. Together, they reached their climax. Roland discharged in stable steps his seed

in her. Her

vagina seemed to milk him literally and held that beneficial movement for

some time upright. It drew his liquid deep inside. Kyndle

leaned her head forward towards him.

Roland looked deep

into her eyes and gave her again a passionate kiss. He closed his eyes and let

himself fall into the intimate

contact. Their tongues moved

around each other playfully. He felt again her

heartbeat and her warmth as he was consumed with

a sense of perfect affection.In this intimate moment he had her

all to himself. He saw neither

the man nor the

dragon. Only Kyndle and Roland. Two souls connected. He felt a strong

emotional vibration from her, and just at that time made

it "Click" in his

head. "Is this love?" he asked

himself. Yet his equally strong affection for her, provided the answer to that without loss of time. He

realized that the bond between them had some gained in strength. Roland came out of the deep thoughts back

to himself when he saw it.

Kyndle was still engrossed

in the passionate kiss, had

placed her forelegs on Roland`s shoulders and locked him with her long

wings. As a human teddy bear she snuggled her partner tight to

her body. Roland put his right

hand in her left paw, and slowly they hooked the fingers

together. She gently pulled her

tongue back out

of his mouth and looked at him

lovely with half-open eyes. She purred softly and

rubbed her nose slightly

on his. Roland smiled at her and

replied the warm

look as he held out his left hand to her cheek. The turquoise shimmer

of her eyes reflected in Roland's pupils.

"I love you." he whispered to her

softly and pressed his head

with eyes closed against her. Kyndle responded with a

long and gentle "Chirp" and cemented

her tight embrace. He looked dreamily at the beautiful dragon lady

in front of him. Overwhelmed by the strong emotions in

the afterglow of this intense

moment finally overcame

him the tiredness. He let his head fall to

her chest and dozed

in her gentle breathing

movement away peacefully. Kyndle held him in

her embrace and purred

quietly on, while she watched him sleep. .....  The next morning

dawned. The golden

rays of the sun fell through the wide window and woke Roland from

his dreams. The young man slowly opened his eyes and offered

him a familiar sight. Kyndle was with him

in the middle of the big carpet. He was on

her and still embedded

in her wings. Raised his head and fell evenly

with her breast while she softly cooing and

exhaled. He felt

her warmth and listened to the

hypnotic heartbeat. Her fingers held his

right hand still firmly. After a

while he nudged his partner

and gently woke

her tenderly. She opened her

eyes dreamy and looked at him lovely. Kyndle greeted

her partner with a wet tongue's touch on the face, followed by a soft "Chirp". The female broke the

embrace of her dark wings,

gave his right hand free and let Roland up.

Kyndle turned on her belly and joined him.

Together, they reached out with relish. Roland sat

down wearily on the unused

bed and looked at the large stain on the carpet. "How

am I going to explain that to Loretta?" he muttered

under his breath and grabbed the back of his

head thoughtfully. But he still could not resist

his smile and

let himself fall backwards onto the mattress. Kyndle fluttered briefly

with the wings before

she put them

together and then jumped to her partner on

the bed. She snuggled down beside Roland and

placed purring her

head on his chest. He put an

arm around her and enjoyed the morning togetherness. With

one hand he stroked her gently

on her face and

cried last night in memory. A loud knock roused

him from his half-sleep. "Hey Roland!" sounded from the other side of the door. "Already awake?

Or something?"Roland looked to

the door and thought already

who that might be, as he let his head fall aghast

on the mattress. "Why just now?" he thought mournfully to himself, as he threw

a warm look to his partner. But then there was a knock at the door two more times. "It's all right I'm coming!"

he cried a bit annoyed. He stroked

Kyndle over the head and gave her a kiss on the nose.

"You can stay here." he whispered to her before

he got up to put on something. He looked at his partner as he

slipped into a new

pair of pants. She dozed peacefully purring on

the bed. The golden rays of the

morning sun had their orange-red scales in an

almost magical light shine,

like a warm aura around

her. Maybe he just saw it so in thoughts.

Yet he would have liked down to her again. But at the door someone

was waiting impatiently for him.