The Teachers Pet Project: Day 2 (Complete)

Story by Tanuskidoodle on SoFurry

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#2 of Teacher's Pet Project (On hold for now)

Chapter two of the RP I'm doing with SilverrFox.

The young mage's therapy is underway. What does the fox have in store for the tanuki next?

The Teacher's Pet Project: Day 2

*It is the next morning, and the pup has slept through the evening and the entire night. Silverr and Lucirious spent many hours after the pup passed out ordering the exchange of mana between them and especially within the teen. His energies are in as nearly perfect a balance as Silverr can make them. There are still subconscious doubts and negative energies that can't be fully eliminated until the pup has worked through them by himself. To prevent any possibility of a devastating backslide like he experienced during his meditation, the fox has spent the entire night with the boy. He does not have the power to influence dreams directly. That magic is beyond his abilities, but he can cuddle and stroke the boy when his dreams turn to nightmares and soothe the energies that swirl about him causing his nightmares to dissipate on their own. Sometimes a gentle touch is more powerful than magic.* *When not sleeping himself, the fox has worked to organize his own newly acquired magical powers from the pup and Lucirious. He will never be able to master these healing and puppeteer powers to the levels of their their original practitioners. Every mage has natural strengths and tendencies to acquire certain specialized powers. The secret is to find those powers early and develop one's natural strengths. That is one of the primary purposes of Grandiere's Boarding School for the Magically Gifted. After the natural inclinations of a student are identified, everything after is focus and control, traits the pup has until now been sorely lacking. However, despite not being able to achieve complete mastery, he can use these powers in the synergistic triangle that the healing mage has proposed to restore the boy's lost arm.* *Silverr smiles to himself as he rubs the boy's belly while thinking of the horse mage. Lucirious is in a mood of manic glee over the prospect of accomplishing this medical breakthrough. For most of the night and all of the morning he has been hurrying about Silverr's workroom next door like a giddy boy on Christmas morning. It was suggested and rejected that he should work in his own medical lab. Lucirous insisted he must be near the boy while he worked on the details of the new arm, developing artificial muscle tissue that would interact realistically with the nerves, blood vessels and skin and fur that would be grown later to cover it. So he had all of his equipment brought to the fox's quarters. The place was now an untidy mess quite in contrast to the typically neat an orderly environment the fox preferred. Silverr sighed to himself. As long as the horse was happy and productive, he could tolerate this invasion. As if to emphasize the success of his concession, Lucirious breaks into a popular work song that is taught to the students to help them focus while they work. Despite his size, he has a beautiful voice that carries over a wide range of octaves.* *The fox has not been idle either. It is a greater strain to work his forge using only his mind at a distance to fashion the skeletal framework of the arm, but he absolutely will not leave the boy's side and risk another episode like the previous day. Though singing in tune is a feat beyond him, he finds himself humming along to Lucirious' melodic voice as he concentrates on his own shaping task; the forge in the adjacent room responds to his mental commands.*

*The kit's sleep is a relatively peaceful one, except for one brief moment. He dreams that he is on a stage in his black student robe, performing in front of an audience. He trips and falls flat on his face as a raised board catches his cloak and tears off all of his clothing, leaving him naked and prompting jeers and laughter of reticule from the crowd. Everything goes dark, save for a spotlight shining directly on him. The laughter grows louder as he sinks into self-pity and despair. Suddenly, everything goes silent, and the stage is filled with a springtime field of flowers. A gentle breeze begins to blow as he looks to the direction of the breeze and smiles.* *He wakes up with the fox lying beside him and stroking his plump belly. His arm is under the vulpine's neck. He finds himself nuzzling the older male's chest, an act that feels different but not at all unnatural." In an unexpectedly respectful tone, the tanuki says, "Good morning, Master Mage. How did you sleep?" The mage caresses the boy's cheek and replys, "Not as well as you, Alexander. It's almost eight o'clock Tuesday morning; you slept for twelve hours." The tanuki sits up in a panic. "Eight A.M. on Tuesday?" The boy is frantic. "My classes! Oh, shit, I missed class yesterday..." *The fox quickly sits on the student's legs, embraces him, and plants a tender kiss on the teen's lips. The boy falls back onto the bed as the fox continues the kiss, calming the worried teen's energy. SilverrFox breaks the kiss and looks down upon the dazed boy.* "I've made arrangements for your classes, as well as other aspects of your life here at Grandiere, for the duration of your therapy. However, before we discuss them, do you have to use the restroom?" A small, knowing smile crosses the fox's face. *Alexander nods; the teacher lets him stand up and leads him to the restroom. The tanuki stands in front of the toilet with the vulpine behind him. The geomancer rubs the boy's shoulders, understanding of how difficult using the bathroom while being watched is. Alexander is able to calm himself to the point where he can let his water run freely from his flaccid teen member. After the last drop is discharged, the puppeteer feels the device reshape to cover his privates. He notices that his ass is still free.* *The fox leads the puppeteer back to the bedchamber. He picks up a nutrient pill off his bedside table and places it at the boys muzzle; the student eats it without question. They both lay on the bed in their original position and spend several hours talking.*

(To see some of the conversation, read this insert story.

*Their conversation ranges over mostly neutral subjects unrelated to the teen's problems or his current therapy. Silverr is deliberately trying to force the pup to discuss ordinary subjects so that he can manipulate the teen's mana under a wide range of thought patterns. When he is satisfied that he has accomplished all that he can without further conflict and stress, he instructs the teen that it is time for the boy to get to work.* "Doing what, Master Mage?" "Catching up on your school work, of course," Silverr replies in his matter of fact, stern manner. "I will be happy to do that, Sir. It is what I want." "Is it?" asks the mage in a reproving tone that is unexpected by the pup. The scowl that accompanies it makes the pup cringe inwardly, and his ears lay flat against his head. He has no idea why the elder fox would be angry by his own eagerness to learn. Noting the pup's confusion and anxiety, Silverr sighs and relents a small fraction of his normal forbidding manner. While smiling he puts his paw against the teen's snout. "It is not enough, Alexander, to merely catch up. You must excel and exceed all standards. You must become a model to all the other students. Whether you want it or not, you are my own personal protégé now. I expect the best at all times from my disciples. My standards are extraordinarily high. You will live up to them or you will be punished. Is that clear?" Alexander's mind swirls with conflicting emotions. He is elated that this prestigious master mage considers someone like him to be worthy of his tutelage and would take him as an apprentice. At the same time, he is fearful of this enormous responsibility and the expectations of the forbidding, elder fox. He is not sure that he could even hope to live up Silverr's exacting standards. At times, the mage is kind and benevolent, and then he is stern and harsh. Now, he is being both, and that scares the boy even more, for it makes him want to please his mentor. Yet in order to please him, he has to become more than what he currently is. The boy knows that he is not enough at present to satisfy the master mage. His own self-doubts tell him that he can never be, yet now there is a small spark of defiance within himself rebelling against his dominant feelings of nagging inadequacy. That small spark takes hold and grows like embers in a forge stoked by the blacksmith's bellows. Sitting upright, the teen makes strong eye contact with Silverr and proclaims, "Master mage, I am honored that you consider me worthy of so much effort. I shall try my best to not disappoint you. I hope to make you proud of me." Alexander wanted to add "...and to make you love me," but he is crying before he could finish, and is uncertain if such a statement would be interpreted as appropriate by this great fox. Silverr is impressed by the boy's courage to speak so openly and notes the pup's reticence to say something more. The internal struggle is evident in the twisting and contorting patterns of the pup's aura, but he is exhibiting control; a control he had not possessed two days before. Silverr places his paws on either side of the boy's head to comfort him and to allow the mage to help with the kit's internal struggle by exerting his own calm and orderly influence. "I am glad to her that, Alexander. I am warning you, though, that I will accept no half measures. There is no reward for partial success. You must become the very best, not the best you can be, but the best there is, to please me. It will be a long and difficult journey that will not end when this week is up unless you fail me during these seven days. Do you understand?" Maintaining eye contact through his tears, Alexander pauses to consider. Doubts and desires war within him. The desire to be better triumphs at least momentarily. "I do, Master Mage." "Excellent!" The sudden smile and hug from the mage that accompanies this exclamation leaves the teen momentarily paralyzed. Silverr presses on as if he is oblivious to the teen's confusion. "I had all of your classwork brought here. You will begin working to catch up and surpass the other students immediately, while Lucirius and I complete the first stage of your new arm. Once we are done with this stage, it will be time for you to begin contributing to its manufacture. Until then, you will do nothing but study and work. Understand?" He was stern and forbidding again by the time he was through talking. "Yes, Master Mage," was all the tanuki dared to say in response. *Much of the rest of the day was spent by the pup in tedious reading and writing with occasional interesting, yet nearly overwhelming lectures by either Lucirius or Silverr on every subject imaginable. The boy felt that his head would explode from being exposed to so many facts and ideas, but Silver consoled him that there was more to learning than memorization. Concepts and ideas were paramount to achieving true mastery of any subject. Both mages emphasized the importance of understanding first principles upon which all remaining knowledge was based.* *The scariest parts of the day, though, were the pop quizzes, where one or both of the professors would demand an impromptu written thesis or oral presentation on a random question, opinion or fact. The constant fear of failure kept the poor teen on edge. He was grateful when the two mages were deep in the workings and manufacture of his arm, so he could focus on the easier and less stressful tasks of his normal school assignments. All the while, he dreaded what would happen if he failed one of the pop quizzes.*

*The tanuki is busy sitting on the bed, studying all his notes from the last two days of classes, The work itself isn't much; it's really just readings and lecture notes for an upcoming examination. However the pop quizzes are another story.* *The first quiz is a breeze. Lucirius comes in and tells him to give a five minute speech about a subject of the teen's choosing. Alexander chooses art and briefly discusses the history of Kabuki theater, from its beginning in the 1600s to the conventions of the modern day. The medical mage is satisfied and notes with great praise the boy's enthusiasm.* *The next one is tougher. The geomancer walks in and gives him 45 minutes to write a paper on the fundamentals of melee combat. In the allotted time, he manages barely to plan, draft, and revise a five page paper giving a broad exposition on the basic principles on weapon based combat. SilverrFox is pleased, to a point. He complements the kit on his clarity of ideas and apparent understanding of the subject matter, but he also comments on the younger canid's poor word choice and overall organization. It meets the vulpine's minimal--bare minimal--expectations; the boy passes.* *Alexander is allowed 20 minutes for a snack break.* *Sometime later, both mages come in and give Alexander 30 minutes to create a basic diagram of an arm then present it, with a discussion of how all the human body systems involved. He manages to finish the diagram in 20 minutes, giving him 10 minutes to prepare his oral presentation. His knowledge of the arms various parts is impeccable; however, his rushed diagram leaves much to be desired. Lucirius praises him on his excellent attempt on such short notice while SilverrFox is quick to point out the kit's inattention to the visual component of the assignment. According to Master Mage, the boy's only saving grace is the fact that he did the assignment at all. He was barred from accessing his stipend for two days.* *After his last quiz, the kit is extremely upset, to the point that he is having trouble concentrating on the last of the readings. He took a deep breath and calmed his mind.* "It's ok," he thinks to himself. "I had no upcoming plans for my stipend account anyway. At least I can still get into my workshop...But, come to think about it, why do I need to model for other students. The majority of the other boys here has done nothing but judge me and ostracize me. Why should I become that fox's carbon copy when..." *Feeling the negative energy start to stir, he puts down his book and begins to meditate. As soon as he clears his mind, both of the elder mages walk into the door.* "I see that you are taking an unscheduled break from your studies." The fox's tone makes it clear that he was displeased. "No, Master mage. I was taking a moment to meditate because I feel negativity begin surface." "However, there are certain times in live when one has no time for meditation and make himself work through the negativity. This was one of those times for you, and you failed." The fox raises a paw to quell the correctly expected protest from the kit and continues. "Now for your next quiz. Tell me about the layers of the earth." *Alexander has no response. It is a simple question, yes; one of the very basics of earth science, one of the many required electives at the school. However, Alexander is weak in any science other than anatomy, needing a tutor for all other science courses.* He looks down to the floor in defeat and says, "I don't know, Master Mage."

With his eyes on the floor, he could not see Silverr's expression, but the tone of his voice told him everything he needed to know about his failure. "Your lack of understanding of the sciences is not only deplorable from an academic standpoint, but it will severely limit your ability to become a master mage. Do you think that magic is totally independent of science?" "No, Master Mage. I just..." "Don't tell me that these subject are hard, or that you are not good at them. That is irrelevant. You will learn them. You will master them. Please go to the bedroom and lie down on the bed face up. I will be there in a moment to mete out your punishment." *Without looking up, the chastened teen, with ears flat on his head and his tail hanging limp between his legs, walks to the bedroom and lies on the bed as instructed. He tries not to cry, but can't help it. Not wanting to be any more of failure than he already is, he meditates to suppress the negative emotions and energies swirling inside of himself. Thus he is unaware of the approach of the two mages until Silverr is standing above him on the bed.* *The fox is holding four metal rings, two in each paw. Before the pup can ponder their purpose, the elder mage tosses one at each of his wrists and ankles. The rings open and form around his wrist and ankles, and chains spring forth to attach to the bed posts leaving the tanuki held helpless and spread eagled. The ball gag reforms in his mouth and he is silent as well as immobile. Feeling the bed move again, he turns to see Master Lucirius also standing on the bed over him.* *Both mages slowly remove their robes and underclothes until they are completely naked. Lucirius moves so he is also straddling the boy, standing over his chest. Silverr is above his belly and groin.* "It's been a long time for us, hasn't it Lu." "It has, Silverr. It has. I have been looking forward to a rematch with you for a long time." *Without another word and while completely ignoring the constrained teen, the two mages embrace and kiss passionately.*

*Alexander's can only let out muffled, needy whimpers as he lays restrained on the bed. He hungrily gazes at the two older males standing over him. He can already feel this loins stirring, but they are quickly suppressed by the tightening chastity dive. His heart beats faster, as the passionate display of the horse and the fox is now forbidden to him to take part in.* Silverr caresses Lu's firm behind and declares, "Twenty plus years and still as firm as the day we met. My little colt has taken very good care of himself over the years." Lucirius looks down at the smaller male's frame and places a hoof under his chin. Staring deeply into the vulpine's eyes, he states, "and accept for the white fur here and there, your glossy, raven fur still shines brightly as it adorns your built frame. Father time has been kind to you, Master Mage." *The teen's eyes widen as the men lean in slowly and share a passionate, long lasting kiss. The tanuki and see their tongues toying with each other, their cheeks gently shifting to accommodate each other's mouth organs. The boy tries to struggle and pull free of the restraints. Remembering the new sexual sensations he's experienced over the last two days, he wants to break free, pull out the ball gag, and beg on is hands and knees for forgiveness and plead to be part of this passionate display of intimacy between men. However, he gives up resistance when the kiss breaks,and he hears the elder canid utter a soul crushing line.* "It's too bad the boy couldn't be here to enjoy this."

*The fox must reach up to the taller horse's snout, but there is no question who is the dominant master of the two. Lucirius bends at his knees and the waist to accommodate the shorter, elder mage. Silverr strokes the side of Lu's snout and the back of his head with his paws, as the horse holds on to the fox's waist. His canid tongue explores the appaloosa's mouth. The horse groans in pleasure, and his massive draft horse dick, begins to slide out of its sheath. When it makes contact with Silver's thigh, the fox smiles and lets his own erection begin to grow.* *The kit stares upward trying to see what the mages are doing, but the bulk of the draft horse blocks most of their intimate actions, but what he can observe is still enough to make him burn with desire. He struggles against the bonds, but can do nothing. He tries to undo Silverr's magic, but the fox is too strong. The chastity device constrains his own pup cock so that he cannot get a full erection. He whimpers in frustration and from the cramping of his groin.* *With their now fully erect members rubbing against each other, the two mages slowly lower themselves until they are kneeling above the boy. Lu's tail swishes slowly over the boy's face, the fine hair tickling him and exiting him further. The horse's firm and tantalizing ass and tailhole are just out of reach of his snout. He strains to make contact and lick the mage's exposed tailhole, but his best efforts leave him centimeters short.* Meanwhile, Lucirius sits up straight, and Silverr caresses the nipples on his mighty chest with his tongue. Alexander can feel the horse mage shudder from the soft, wet contact of the fox's tongue on his nipples. "Ahhhh. Silverr, you are still the master." *His visibility of their actions blocked, he relies on his other senses to experience their passion. He can feel the weight of their testicles on his chest and belly. The sensual warmth of their bodies as they sit upon him is almost too much to bear. Silverr's has his rear placed just above the chastity device. The tanuki can only imagine how frustratingly close the fox's hole is to his imprisoned cock. He wants to penetrate the mage so badly. It is his greatest fantasy, but now it seems out of reach for ever.*

*Alexander's body calls for attention from the elder mages kneeling over him. Their passionate sounds begin to drive him mad with lust as they ignore his very existence and continue to enjoy themselves without the boy. He wants what they are sharing. The fact of the matter is that he has really wanted it for a long time; he just pushed these kinds of thoughts away to focus on his studies and skills. These feelings are now at the forefront of his mind once again.* *The horse holds the elder fox's head fur tightly as the geomancer works away at his nipples. He murrs and exclaims the vulpine'[s greatness in sexual matters, all form a simple nipple licking. His anus begins to twitch, the sight of which makes the kit begin to drool as he remembers the taste of it from the previous night.* *The fox's tail begins to lightly brush up against the teen. The instructor clearly plans to torture the student with lust and need for release.* "If only the tanuki applied himself as much as he should," Lucirius says through a moan. "Then he could really learn a thing or two about being a real man like you." The fox stops his treatment of the bigger mage's nipple long enough to say, "Maybe he'll learn from his latest punishment. Anyone with halve a functioning mind would." *When the fox dives back into the draft horse's chest, the frail, sexually frustrated teen feels the sting ov very verbal arrow shot by the elder mages. He wants to break free, but his conflicting feelings--between the lust for the two men and his want to shut himself away from their sight--now occupy his strained mind and weak spirit.*

*Removing the tender attention of his tongue from Lu's now erect nipples, Silverr has but to lower his snout a few inches to find the tip of the draft horse's enormous member. Keeping his tongue in his mouth, he gently nuzzles and kisses the flared head while he gently strokes its length with both paws. Lucirius leans backward, arching his back and placing his fore hooves on either side of Alexander's head. He groans deeply inside his chest at the velvety smooth ministrations of the elder fox. His long luxurious mane, hangs down in the trapped pup's face furthering the kit's frustration.* "Silverr, you have a magic tongue. I never would have expected that from a geomancer. Please use it on me now." The fox grins slyly, but says nothing as he continues to tease the horse with soft kisses and the gentlest strokes of his paws up and down the equine's staff. Soon the vulpine is rewarded with a generous oozing of pre cum, which he sucks out until the horse begs for his tongue again. "Please, Silverr. Please." *This time, the fox complies, and his long red tongue begins by lapping the leaking pre cum. Then he swirls his tongue around the flared head of the horse's cock eliciting panting gasps from the large mage, whose chest is heaving in and out. His tongue explores the length of the shaft as one paw tickles the head. Covering the head with his mouth he takes in the first few inches of the prodigious shaft and continues to massage it with his tongue.* *Silverr slides down the tanuki's body, rubbing over the chastity device in order to straighten his esophagus. Using his well-developed powers of muscular control, he suppresses his gag reflex and slowly engulfs the mages member like a python devouring its prey. The horse mage looks down his chest to watch his cock disappear slowly down his colleague's throat. When Silverr's snout presses against the base of the horse's firm stomach, and his chin rests against his large balls, the horse begins to slowly thrust his dick in and out past the vulpine's lips. The warm, tight feeling along the entire length of his shaft is something he rarely feels due to his size. There are few who can accommodate all of him.* "I think the pup would enjoy a similar treatment, Silverr. He would love to have someone swallow his little puppy dick. I think he would work harder and apply himself more if he knew that a reward like this awaited him if he succeeded instead of failing. I shall have to remember to tell him, but until then...Ah...Ah...Ah..." the equine's body begins to shake and jerk as his climax begins. He is ready to dump his load. "Now, Silverr. Now!" *Responding to the other mage's signal, the fox pulls back until only the head of his little pony is in his mouth. Reaching forward, Lucirius gently grabs the sides of Silverr's snout as his cum shoots violently into the fox's mouth. Bucking his hips as the convulsions in his groin deliver his seed, his tight buttocks pound up and down on the frustrated teen's chest. The vulpine swallows the first few salty shots, then holds the rest in his mouth until the horse releases his snout and nods that he is finished.* *Sliding his hips forward again onto the tanuki's large belly, Silverr lets the larger mage's cock slip from his mouth and fall with a sticky plop onto the teen's furry side. The two mages kiss again, and Silverr snowballs the remainder of the horse's semen to his lover, who swallows it.* Silver licks his snout with his long tongue, and wraps his arms around the taller mage's neck. "You have always been nearly too much to handle, Lu." The horse smiles. "It's a gift and a curse. Not many can take it all like you can, Silverr. It's been a long time since anybody has. Thank you." "It was my pleasure, but you are certainly welcome." Reaching downward, Lu begins to slowly stroke Silverr's bright red cock. "You aren't so small yourself." With his other hoof, he rubs the fox's nipples, knowing how intensely ticklish he is there. It takes all of the master mage's self-control not to giggle like a kit at his touch. The euphoric shuddering of his body, though, is felt by the pup underneath him.

*The sounds of the fox's work on the draft horse's massive staff served to only push Alexander deeper into his need for attention. Even being chastised verbally would be better than these two men completely ignoring his existence and using him as a cushion for their passionate rekindling of their sex. The mix of causality and passion in their voices brings him back to the fact that he is truly alone in the world, without anyone to share such moments with.* *He sees Lu bend down; he knows whats about to happen next. The equine is about to saver the delectable fox cock that the tanuki has come to carve. Emotions are now swirling around within the boy: sadness at the fact that he is alone, anger at himself for not being good enough, jealousy for not having what the horse and the fox have, fear that he will never have it, and longing for it. Usually at times lik these he would bite his arm to snap himself out of it, but the restraints keep him from taking his inner pain out on his inner body.* *The boy simply gives up and lies motionless and silent on the bed as the elder mages enjoy each other's company on their tanuki sex cushion.*

*To further torment the restrained pup, Silverr slides forward until his testicles are nearly touching the tanuki's chin. The fox's long erect member is poised directly above his face tantalizingly out of reach. Alexander can only watch helplessly as the horse mage slowly licks the length of Silverr's pole mere inches from his snout. The licks transform to suckling kisses and eventually the horse opens his mouth, and the kit watches the red shafts slowly disappear until even the fox's knot is no longer visible.* *The scent of the fox's musk is heavy. The kit breathes deeply to savor what he can of this encounter. He hopes for just a tiny drop of the fox master mage's cum to escape and fall to his tongue so he can taste it. He is disappointed as the fox places his paws around the large horse's snout and grinds his hips back and forth for what seems like an eternity until he stops with all of his cock inside the horse and sighs deeply as he sends stream after stream of his seed into the equine's mouth. AS before, when Silverr took his seed, Lucirius swallows half and saves the rest in his mouth. Rising up, he joins Silverr in a deep passionate kiss and passes back the remainder of the fox's load. To the tanuki's vast disappointment, not a drop of the precious fluid is spilled.* *Alexander is certain the mages are done with their lovemaking and plan to leave him here to rot in his own misery. To his surprise, the fox does not lose his erection, and the horse mage regains his. The two mages continue their tender kissing and cuddling with their cocks and balls frotting above the teen's snout.* "Lu?" "Yes Silverr?" "Do you think that the boy has any promise at all?" The horse does not answer right away. He licks Silverr's snout affectionately before responding. "I can think of a similar case that turned out well enough." As his paws move over Lucirius' muscular body, Silverr chuckles. It is a sound that the tanuki has not heard before from the normally taciturn mage. "Perhaps you have a point, Lu. He may be deserving of another chance to prove himself. I will not lower my standards, but I can be magnanimous and forgive if the offender has truly learned the lesson that all subject, all knowledge is important. Subjects cannot be neglected simply because they are difficult." "I say give him another chance. You have done it before. There is precedence." Silverr pushes Lu back gently so he can look down at the pup's face between their bodies. "I have to see the dedication in his eyes before I can decide." *Alexander does not know how to express his sense of dedication to pleasing the master mage and exceeding his expectations. He can only focus on how badly he wants to do just that. He maintains eye contact with the mage as he vows to himself to become a master of all subjects and disciplines and not to let himself be afraid to apply his energies wherever they are needed.* *The master mage's expression is inscrutable as always. The boy has no idea if he has succeeded or failed to sway the fox to his side. When the two mages begin frotting again, he is sure he has failed. Their moans of pleasure and the sweet endearments they exchange are torture beyond imagining to him, and yet he has no way to block them out other than meditation, so he uses that to escape.* *His focus turns inward. His concentration is upon his own sense of mana. His heart rate slows. His breathing becomes shallow. The sounds and motions about him are like distant noises heard through an impenetrable fog. So deeply does his trance take him, that it isn't until warm sticky fluid covering his snout and nose makes him open his mouth to breathe. At that moment, he tastes the sweet, salty tang of semen, and he begins to realize that he has been given not only a second chance, but a great gift. Opening his eyes again he gazes upwards to see the two mages have stopped rubbing against each other and now have leaned into each other breathing heavily and panting. The cum from their simultaneous ejaculations has been allowed to ooze down their cocks and over their balls to run down onto the tanuki's snout.*

*As the combined seed of the elder mages hits his muzzle and runs over the ball gag, the tanuki feverishly works his tongue to taste as much of the male nectar as he possibly can. He murrs quietly, the flavor of the cum pulling him out of his depression. He feels the ball gag shrink. When Lucirius takes the gag away from his mouth, Alexander's hungrily laps the rest of the fox and horse juice off his muzzle, using his paws to wipe off his forehead; he suckles the remaining juices off of his paws.* The equine, laughing softly at the eager kit's reaction, is now cuddling the tanuki in his strong arms and broad chest. "I think the boy is more concerned about the sperm than the restraints." Alexander Comes back to reality from the draft horse's comment. He blushes with embarrassment from his lust-driven display. "What have you learned, little tanuki?" The geomancer's voice was it's usual stern manner. He is still on top of the younger mage, looking down upon the boy with commanding gaze, as his manhood rapidly softened. The younger canid looks into the elder's eyes and says, "All subjects are worth studying. That even though one cannot remember everything, knowledge from all area's can be useful in it's application to magic. Also, difficulty in an area of study is no excuse for neglecting or discarding knowledge." The kit continues his eye contact with the vulpine, waiting on baited breath for the jet fur to give some kind of response. The fox keeps his stoic manner as he says in a please tone of voice, "Be sure that you don;t forget that. Now, I'm going to the shower, I need some time to consider what to do with you next, Alexander. This unplanned escapade has put us behind schedule. Lucirius will stay with you in the meantime. Any questions?" "Is it possible to get a copy of textbooks from all the introductory classes here at the school?" The eager lad wanted to show his enthusiasm for the elder canid. "I already have the latest editions in my private library. I will be sure to schedule you reading time, and you shall start with the earth science book." Sensing the kit had no more to say, the fox turns to go to the bathroom. He stops, raises his paw, and snaps his fingers; the restraints on Alexander disappear, but the rings on his wrist and ankles remain. The vulpine remains with his back to the tanuki and horse as he adds, "You shall keep those on until further notice." With that he leaves the room. *Alexander feels off for some reason. It wasn't the fox's manner; he had come to expect such a demand. He grabs his stomach and whimpers. It isn't pain he feels; in fact, he honestly doesn't know what it is. The teen begins to tremble from fear of this unknown sensation.* *The equine gently takes a hold of the tanuki's prosthetic arm and gently guides the boy to his side. Lucirius lovingly holds the scared and shaking teen to his stable, strong chest. His considerate contact soon calms the tanuki.* "It's the mana you just received," the draft horse begins. "It's unstable." He kindly strokes the boy's back and headfur. "Mana has to be given in a careful action. The slow oozing of it from our staffs, the dripping of it on your face, and the spur of the moment frotting all conspired to destabilize what you received from us." Still slightly trembling, Alexander asks in a hurt tone, "Why would you do this to me?" "Silverr wanted to test you. It seems that you are better able to perceive the stat of magical energy now. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it's a good sign." The horse nuzzles the boy to reassure him of everything. "Let me tell you a story to get your mind off of this. How does that sound?" *The tanuki nods his head, wanting anything to rid himself of the hurt and the current self-shifting of his mana. * *The horse pulls in the young canid tight to his body and whispers a story in the boy's ear. (To read Lucirius' back story, read this insert:*

*As Lucirius and Alexander talked, Silverr entered the shower and let the warm water slowly penetrate and saturate his coal black and silver, you would probably call it gray, fur. The steaming needles of water released any lingering tension in the well-toned muscles of his trim, athletic body. Silver was aware that the proportion of gray fur increased between washings. His head fur, back and bushy tail were nearly all gray, but his snout, rounded triangle ears, arms, legs, chest, belly and genitals were still nearly all black. The exception was the tip of his tail, which was pure white. In his youth, he had been one solid shade of midnight, but in his youth, he had also been a different person.* *Having knowledge of the horse mage and the tanuki's discussion triggered memories that Silverr tried not to dwell upon often. The memories were a mixture of joy and tragedy mixed with frustration with the present and hope to set everything right again in the future. These memories held the key to his present character and motives. He was currently experiencing a rare state of complete inner balance that was not a result of the mundane yet soothing downpour of the shower, but most likely was a direct result of his recent sexual encounter with Lu that culminated in the release of chaotic mana into the boy.* *Chaos was anathema to Silverr. Everyone who knew him knew that. Then why had he done it? Lu believed it was to challenge the boy. Though partly true, it was not the only reason. Only Silverr, and the being that shared his body and soul, knew the real reason. That other being had been responsible for the chaotic release of magical energy. It was a being that loved chaos, drank chaos, spread chaos everywhere it went and was the living embodiment of disorder. The fox mage kept it suppressed and hidden. It was his secret shame; a reminder of what happens when one reaches beyond one's ability to control.* *He had been in love with a vixen; he was still in love with her. He would be with her at this moment if only he could find her. She was lost in time, a victim of her own magical excesses, a victim of her own attempts to harness chaos. Only the being within Silverr gave him any chance to find her and be with her again. That is why he had made the deal to allow the demon, Olcan to fuse with his spirit. It had been a fateful decision born out of love, but he did not regret it. He did wish it could have been otherwise.* *The name of his love was Miranda. Silverr never understood why he was attracted to her. He only knew that it was a love so profound and correct, that he forsook romantic love with all others and would not give her up even with the very fabric of time set against them. She was opposite him in so many ways. He had been solid black, while her coat was motley - of many colors like a calico cat. His magic epitomized order and discipline, while hers embodied chaos and creativity. Together they formed a balance that was unmatched. With his magic, Silverr learned to control and order the elements in predictable and constructive ways. With her magic, Miranda influenced the weather and the social and political landscape in equally constructive yet often less predictable ways. The balance they achieved allowed experimentation with powers previously thought uncontrollable by mortals.* *It was the giddy quest for greater power and control of these elusive higher powers that led them to their folly. Miranda had always dreamed of traveling through time to study and better understand the chaotic nature of history and social evolution. Time travel was a magic beyond the conscripts of the merely forbidden. It had been considered impossible. Yet they achieved it, and it was their undoing. Mastering time requires the perfect balance of order and chaos fused with strong discipline and a uniquely creative spirit. The lovers had forged this balance through their love, but it had not been enough. The powers with which they were wrestling are ultimately beyond any mortals. Perfect balance is an unstable state that has an infinite number of paths to an infinite number of states of imbalance. Silverr and Miranda were doomed to exceed a tipping point and lose that balance. When they did, the result was catastrophic. Miranda, who was most closely associated with chaos, was swept into the swirling vortex of the past and the future, while Silverr, with whom order was dominant, was rooted forever in the present.* *Silverr's anguish over the loss of his love was extreme. He attempted every spell, trick and potion he knew to bring her back. He consulted with the wisest mages in the world. He learned all that he could and relentlessly trained his mind and body to a state of perfect order and strength, but it was not enough. Without the balance of chaos, he was impotent to turn the veil of time aside and search for his love behind that unseen curtain.* *His sorrow drove him beyond the realm of accepted magic and into forbidden studies. It was in the planes of chaos that he met the demon, Olcan, who had the level of dominance of chaos and creativity strong enough to combine with Silverr to achieve mastery over time. It required a fusion of their spirits to achieve since the demon lacked the capacity for love that had created the harmony that Silverr and Miranda had used to naturally unite their spirits. Silverr believed that he could be rid of the demon once he found Miranda again, but he had been deceived. Olcan and Silver worked together at first. They even succeeded at crossing the portal from the present. The first time they found Miranda, Silverr learned the truth of the permanence of his binding to the demon and also of the demon's penchant for mischief and randomness. Olcan cost him his best chance to rescue her.* *Silverr would never forgive the demon for that. They warred over dominance of the combined spirit that they had become. Silverr's superior control and training led him to victory. He learned to keep the demon suppressed and even to use some of its abilities. It is the demon's powers that allow the fox mage to transform from fully human, through his anthro fox form to a feral fox, becoming male or female at any step of the process. Other powers of the demon can also be harnessed if he allows the demon some freedom to control their spirit. Silverr hates to do this because Olcan is mischievous and impulsive. When Olcan is free, Silverr loses control and discipline. Unpredictable things happen. Olcan is not evil, but the demon does not follow Silverr's desires nor honor his commands.* *Yet it is only by working together with the demon that Silverr can travel through time. Neither part of their spirit can accomplish the task alone. It is rare that the fox is willing to free the demon completely as is required to enter the past or the future, but he longs to free the demon every minute of every day to search for Miranda. Having learned from past mistakes, he knows that his own balance and control must be perfect to attempt such a thing without the demon's random nature destroying the entire enterprise.* *It is on still rare occasions like today that he lets Olcan's spirit partially free. It had been a calculated decision, the only kind Silverr makes. The fox only makes impetuous decisions after the demon is freed. Silverr sensed within the tanuki traces of what he had known so deeply within his own mate. The boy was infused with chaos. It was not his dominant method of expressing magic, but it was a natural part of his mana. If Silverr continues to insist on discipline and order from the boy, he will stunt his potential. The boy will only become a fraction of what he could be. So, he let the demon have its way. The boy must learn to process the chaotic mana safely and control it. He must do it without Silverr's help, lest the fox have to release the demon again. This is as safe an environment as Silverr can offer for the teen to work through this. This is another test. If the teen fails it, the intervention is over. Even Lucirius does not know how important this is.*

*Lucirius and Alexander were quietly cuddling on SilverrFox's bed. The equine's story calmed the tanuki, reassuring the boy of the fox's pure intentions for the boy. For the past few minutes they talked about any old thing to pass the time.* *Suddenly, the teen felt something inside of him begin to stir. This was completely different from the feeling of his mana before, even from the sensations he felt just a few moments before; the movement of magical energy inside of him was violent and forceful. He felt a surge of what he could only call lust concentrate itself around his mouth. He needed something, anything to put in it.* *His body moving on its own, he dives into the medical mage's chest, lustfully licking and gnawing on the horse's unprepared nipples. Lucirius tries to push the boy away, but the plump teen's arms pin the strong appaloosa to the mattress. The healer struggles and uses all his strength, to no avail.* "Alexander, what are you doing?" The equine begins to panic, not used to being pinned and powerless. *Alexander manages to break away from his lust and chaos driven act to utter, "I don't know. I can't control myself." He dives back down to bite Lucirius hard on the nipple, the resulting scream form the horse causing SilverrFox to rush out of the restroom and into the bedchamber.* "Alexander Bunraku!" The vulpine's voice reverberates in the room and through the teen's mind. *The tanuki momentarily turns his focus to the geomancer, giving the draft horse the chance to break free from the hold and send the boy falling onto the mattress and landing on his back. Silverr clasps his hands together and uses iron chains hidden in the bed posts to restrain the tanuki by the bondage bangles and anklets as Lucirius gets quickly off the bed. His body struggles, but his voice pleads for help.* "This is another test for you, Alexander." SilverrFox's tone was strict and stern. "One you need to pass on your own. Use everything you've learned over the last two days and you will come out victorious. That is all." The fox motions for the horse to follow him out of the bedroom; he locks the door after closing the door behind them. With of mix of surprise, concern, and fear in his voice, the healer asks the master mage, "Silverr, what the FUCK was that?"

"I am sorry, Lu. I didn't think that the boy would react so badly. Please, sit down. We have some things to discuss." *The horse mage is concerned and angry and it shows on his face. He senses there is much that Silverr has not been telling him, and he starts to ask his questions, but the fox holds his paw up to silence him.* "Listen to me first, Lu. Then ask your questions. I think you will understand when I am through." *The two mages sit in chairs facing each other by the workroom window. The horse sits with his arms and legs crossed in a position of closure and mistrust, and Silverr leans forward with his elbows on his thighs and his fingers steepled under his chin.* "Lu, you know that there is no greater proponent of order and discipline than myself at this school. I have taught those two tenets exclusively my entire career with great success. I try to live those ideals every day." "Exactly, Silverr. Everyone knows that. So why would you do this to the boy?" *Silverr is reluctant to tell Lu his whole story, but he knows he must give some explanation that is true if he is to satisfy the horse and continue to enlist his aid. He feels guilty for keeping some secrets back from his friend and associate, but just cannot bear to tell him everything.* "This is not known to many, Lu so I am asking you as a friend to keep this to yourself." Lucirius was now getting worried, but less hostile and uncrossed his strong arms. "What have you been hiding Silverr?" "What I am going to tell you is no great secret, but it may surprise you. I was mated once to a chaos user." Lucirius' jaw drops open in astonishment. "Does that seem odd? I suppose it does. To me now it is the most natural thing in the universe. I lost her long ago. I won't go into the details. They are too painful. "The point is that when we worked together combining our ordered and chaotic magic with discipline and creativity, we accomplished things we never could have done otherwise. It is easier to stay ordered than to work with chaos. That is why we teach order exclusively here, but don't you see that this also limits our ultimate potential?" "I don't know, Sil. Chaos is dangerous stuff. Most forbidden magic uses it." "Be patient, and hear me out. I am not proposing that the boy become a chaos user like my mate. That would be ridiculous and inappropriate. I am only trying to ensure that the boy can handle chaotic magic when he encounters it, because I know that he will encounter it. The nature of his expertise, puppetry, is a highly ordered and disciplined control mana much like mine, but it also involves a level of creativity. You saw the stage he created in the combat. He is already beginning to tell a story with his magic. Creativity is not ordered, Lu. It has elements of chaos whether we like it or not. We can suppress those elements, as we have been taught, or we can embrace and integrate them into our magic to enhance it. "Order will still dominate. It has to. We cannot maintain control without it. That would be feral magic. "I gave the boy enough chaos to challenge him, but it cannot harm him." Silver leans forward and puts his paw on the horse's thigh. "He can do this, Lu. He knows the importance of discipline and control. He has shown he can sense the mana and manipulate it. He understands that he must not let his emotions and negative feelings let him slip into disorder. If he does that, then the chaos will rule, and he will have no control over his magic. No one wants that. Through meditation and self-control combined with affection for others and self-respect, he will master this. "But he needs us there Lu. We need to be there for him while he works through it. We won't help him in any other way than physical contact, but let him draw from our power to complete the exchange so he can make order out of chaos and find a place inside himself to store the chaos and bring it forth under control when he needs it. Once he has done that, chaos will not be able to overwhelm him so easily again." The horse mage shook his large head, but conceded to the fox mage's plan. "I can't see any harm in being there for the boy. That only makes sense. I still think this is risky, Sil, but I trust you. You have been a powerful influence and inspiration for me. I will do whatever it takes to see it through." Silver stood up and hugged his friend, which took Lu aback. The fox was not usually so impulsively demonstrative with his affection. "Come, Lu. Let's go." Silverr tugged the horse to his feet and towards the room where the tanuki was bound. As they walked, Lucirius decided to place one condition on his cooperation. "Sil, I want you to teach me to do this chaos control when we are done with boy." The fox raised an eyebrow at his request, but smiled and said, "It would be my pleasure." *Each of the elder mages lies along either side of the tanuki and cuddles with the boy. At first their contact is like an electric shock to him, but then he settles down. The mages wait and let the tanuki struggle with his task.*

*As the elder mages converse outside the room, Alexander trashes about on the bed, restrained to the post by the iron chains and steel rings. Chaotic mana surges in his body, like a whirlpool touching the deepest part of the ocean floor. The canid desires for something, anything, to be put in his mouth. He is possessed, but he still conscious as he whimpers from a mix of desire and fear.* "Got to get a grip," the young mage thinks to himself. "I've got to regain control...I can't let whatever this is win...I want to become a master that I can live my dream...on the stage." *He unconsciously growls and grits his teeth; the meal of the chains clangs against the bedposts; the mattress creaks with every thrashing motion of his body on the bed. He clenches his eyes shut, from the overstimulation of everything around him.* *Suddenly, everything goes quiet, and he opens his eyes to be greeted only by complete and utter darkness. He feels the ground beneath his feet shake and rise up. He falls to his knees, catching himself with his handpaws. He can feel the ground is wooden in construction. When the trembling stops, he feels around and realizes that he is on a raised platform. It is then that he figures out where he is.* "All the lights from above are snuffed out, saved for the ones illuminating the stage." Alexander's restrained body speaks on its own as spotlights above the stage illuminate and shine down, dispelling the darkness.* "This is my stage..." Alexander declares in amazement. *This is the first time he's ever seen his Inner Sanctum outside of training or battle. Everything is the same, including the shifting darkness around the stage; however, something is different. Alexander, still nude and belted, is at the end of the hanamichi, the long walkway which his opponent would be standing. In his usual place on the main stage, there stands a slender figure clad in a hooded cloak of constantly shifting black, grey, and white colors.* "Order is an illusion...Chaos is what the world truly is." The mysterious figures voice was soft and eerie as it echoed through the Inner Sanctum. "The forces of the weather, mortal nature, even the intrinsic creativity of magic itself...Discord is the very essence of all existence." "That can't be true." Alexander's voice already shows his desperation and refusal to accept such a notion. "The academy teaches that order--total and complete--and the achieving of that order are what mage's should strive to seek throughout their lives. Even my parents--a doctor and a police chief--use their puppetry for the order of mortal existence. What you say has to be a lie." "Then, come prove me wrong," the cloaked one challenges the tanuki as it raises it's paws, revealing strings of black mana going into the stage. The teen's physical body speaks again. "Two warriors partake in a battle of fate on the narrow path of flowers as the audience watches on baited breath from the darkness." *The puppeteer takes of running as fast as his meaty legs can carry him. He barely manages to make it 6 feet out without getting hit by the first trap, a metal bar popping out from the floor to trip him over and send him face first onto the wooden floor. It was a trap he had never put in the stage's imaginary mechanism. He pulled himself up and charged again, getting it by every trap along the away: a smoke bomb at 13 feet, a metal plate tipped wooden pole to the chest at 20 feet, and paralyzing potion tipped needles at 25 feet. He knows that these traps were never consciously put in the stage by him; he did conceive them but thought them to cruel too use on the other students. The unknown being at the other end of the stage us using his strings amd Alexander's ideas for its own personal enjoyment* *The tanuki managed to stagger halfway on the hanamichi, about 30 feet in. Breathing heavily he falls onto his knees, screaming in pain from the weight of his heavy body crashing onto the floor. His ears perk up to the sound of the shrouded one's laughter.* "I told you, didn't I? Chaos is what truly makes up the world. I did away with the order you set for this stage, and you now see how much more effective it is. Boundless creativity is the natural form of chaos. To limit it is not only a waste of time, but a waste of your abilities. Creativity is the only thing you have going for you, so you might as well embrace it and revel in the chaos." "He's right," he broken kit says to himself. "I'm fat; I don't have any friends; I'm not going to amount to much at the rate I'm going. My creativity is all I have. I used it to create his stage and my puppets...No! I wish I could meditate on this, but the pain is too much..." Then, the young caster has a revelation. "Wait...Master Mage said earlier that sometimes you have no time to meditate and must work through your negativity. And know is one of those times. I can reclaim my creativity and still have my order. I did it yesterday with the metal statue when I cleaned up Master Mage's sitting room after my episode while I was restrained by the incasing fluid, and I can do it now." *The boy staggers up, breathing heavily. He gives a defiant growl to the figure as he grits is teeth. He yells to the sky as loud as he can.* "Jester! Actress!" *The oak brown Jester and the snow white Actress materialize in front of Alexander after he calls for them. The tanuki stretches out his fore paws, and strings of grey mana instantly connect to his creations. Jester runs its clawed hands together, the grinding of the blades causing the interloper to noticeably flinch; Actress takes a fighting stance--palms open, arms close to the body, knees slightly bent--and lets the jet black hair flow freely behind.* "Dance, Puppets! Dance!" *Alexander's voice rings deafeningly through the Inner Sanctum, provoking the puppets to move forward. With unhindered speed the puppets smash and slash apart whatever contraptions the shrouded intruder put in place. Just as the cloaked being tried to run, Jester and Actress pin it to the stage floor. The plump boy pumps and pulls the mana strings back into his fingers, using the puppets to help him glide over the stage and quickly get behind the captured assailant.* "THIS is my stage!" the mage in training declared with enthusiasm and confidence that he has not felt in quite a long time. "And before you are booed off of it, I have something to say. You taught me that both Chaos and order are necessary in life. My puppets, their costumes, and my stage were all conceived during the chaotic stream of creativity, but I used order to make them a reality. I accept my inner chaos and will learn to harness it with the guiding light of order." *With that Alexander releases his strings and spreads his arms, absorbing his puppets and the intruder into his husky body. After he is alone again, he turns his attention to the back of the main stage; it is the first time it has ever lit up before. He smiles greatly at the site that greets him.* His knees become week from the strain he has fought through. As he falls to the ground he utters, "Ma...wari...butai." *He wakes up, flanked by the fox and the horse.*

"You were right as usual, Silverr," said Lucirius with genuine admiration after the boy went back to sleep having triumphed over the chaotic magic. The two elder mages were back in the workroom putting the final touches on the boy's new limb. The metal skeleton and artificial musculature were complete and attached. "We need the boy to help with the next step. His puppeteer magic is crucial to allowing the level of animation required to make this limb function as realistically as possible. I could possibly do it myself, but it will be better if he does most of the work. The arm needs to be calibrated to his mana, his body and his mind." "He is in no shape to do any of that today. Grow the skin and blood vessels tonight, and we will spend all day tomorrow assembling it while the teen weaves his puppet magic throughout the arm. We should be able to attach it, and with another nights rest, he will be as good as new." "Not new, but certainly better than now. It will take him days to weeks to fully adjust to the arm and use it to his full potential," said Lu. " I can start the skin and circulatory grow culture now. It will develop on its own and with a little guidance from you. I need to get back and teach some lectures and grade assignments today. Silverr patted the horse on the shoulder. "I'll Keep an eye on its growth and development and an eye on the boy. I have some reading to do." *After Lucerius was gone, Silverr retrieved the tanuki's personal journal and began reading it. By late evening he had read it cover to cover several times. He learned much about the taunki's past and present state of mind that would be helpful in the continuation of his rehabilitation. Despite the wealth of information, the fox's intuition made him think that something was missing. The journal did not seem complete. He began to suspect that magic was at work hiding parts of the journal from casual inspection. Silverr tried a number of spells and decoding tricks that he knew with no success. Whatever trick the kit had used was eluding him. He smiled at the thought. The boy had potential indeed. Silverr would crack the code though. He had some of the kit's mana now. The secret lay there somewhere, he was certain. He continued to ponder the problem as he went to sleep.* *The pup awoke early the next morning before Lucirius returned, so Silverr put him to work on his studies. When the horse mage showed up, they spent the rest of the day completing the arm. The teen's enthusiasm for the project was enchanting and infectious, especially for Lucirius who needed little goading to act like a kid when he was working on something he was passionate about. The magic was difficult, and weaving the puppet mana throughout the arm took most of the day. The attachment was done late in the evening, and the magical effort required for that operation drained all three participants. Fusing the flesh together seamlessly, took all of the horse mage's considerable skill. They fell asleep together on the bed with the pup in the middle.* *Before nodding off, Silverr revisited the kit's journal. Working with the kit's puppeteer magic all day had given him an idea. Perhaps the kit had used his puppet strings magic to create a magical code to hide the portions of his journal he wanted to keep secret. Silverr decided to try to unlock that code in the morning.*