Personal Hero

Story by upsetbunny on SoFurry

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#1 of Personal Hero

Hiya. To all the fans that scream for sequels. Scream louder for this one. It is intended as a sequel, I will be continuing it at my leisure.

Christine cowered, her arm up, protecting her face as she crouched on the floor. Three boys from her year Michael, Zane and Trevor were swearing at her, picking up gravel and hurling it at the distraught otter girl. Specism was a real issue in the school. The staff was trying to clean it up but thus far had failed.

A sharp rock struck her sensitive tail and she burst into tears. How could they be so mean? They were only 14 years old and already had so much hate for her kind. Her bladder let go and she felt a warm steam run down her thigh to drip onto her polished shoes, soaking her socks.

A deep angry voice boomed from behind the boys, Christine cowered even further but at least the stone throwing let up. A frighteningly large boy was approaching her three assailants; Christine risked a peek under her elbow. Unconcerned at being sworn at, the larger boy backhanded Zane, the crushing blow lifted the younger boy off his feet and he landed in a crumpled heap.

Michael rushed the much larger matric and received a massive heel in his chest for his efforts, the force rotating his feet from under him, landing him on his head, the impact knocking him unconscious. Trevor took off as fast as his legs would run, screaming behind him that he was going to call the headmaster. The older boy wasn't even paying attention, a look of sheer fury on his face.

Unable to slow her wracking sobs, Christine lowered her arms as the colossal boy approached, squatting beside her.

In a more gentle voice he asked her, "Are you alright?"

Christine barely managed to answer through her crying, her breath coming in jerks, tears blurring her vision. The boy knelt beside her and hugged her to his chest, whispering soothing words in her tiny ears. She looked up and saw the Zane rising groggily to his feet, rousing the other, the two of them weaving their way unsteadily away from her. The school bell rang signalling the end of recess, causing Christine to jump.

"It's ok now. Don't worry. They won't be coming back to hurt you any time soon." he whispered.

Gradually her crying dissipated and she regained control of herself, taking comfort in his warm embrace.

"I think you have a small problem." he stammered, looking at the puddle surrounding her.

Christine nodded, embarrassment colouring her little brown nose, whiskers twitching.

"Do you have anything to change into?" He asked her softly.

Christine shook her head, her face scrunching up again as she started to cry again, a combination of shock and shame overwhelming the young girl.

"I have my gym shorts here." he almost pleaded, unsure how to deal with her crying, he pulled the school bag off his back. "You can wear them until we get you to reception to call your parents. Maybe reception will have something better for you to wear."

Christine nodded, giving an almost inaudible, "thank you!" as she stood shakily.

Chris fished out the slightly sweaty shorts and handed them to her, turning around to leave her some modesty and checking that no one was watching.

Christine fumbled at the button holding her skirt up, managing eventually to undo it she pulled the soaked clothes gingerly off herself, stumbling when the skirt got lower, her shaky legs unable to hold her up, she grabbed onto the boys pants to steady herself, rocking him slightly with her near fall.

"Would you like some help?" he asked tenderly?

"Yes please." She replied, her voice still shaking.

He turned and knelt, instructing her to hold onto his shoulders. He caught his eyes wandering to her crotch involuntarily and reddened at the realisation as he stared at the tiny furry slit, quickly averting his eyes and concentrating on pulling her wet panties off each leg, her shoes snagging in the small garments, prolonging the task until it felt like an eternity.

"Would a towel help?" He asked her, looking at her soaked fur.

Christine nodded weakly and he rummaged through his pack again, stationary and books flying out as he yanked at it, handing it to her.

Christine held it considering, then she shook her head. "Please could you do it for me?" She pleaded. "I think I am going to fall over if I don't hold onto something."

Cautiously he took the towel back from her, looking down at her skinny young legs, the heat of his blush radiating off him as his eyes were drawn back to her delicate slit. Shaking his head to clear it, he started at drying her, making sure to keep both their balance as he crouched and supported her at the same time. Working from top to bottom, he discovered it was easier to rub perpendicular to the hair than against it and he vigorously towelled off as much of the urine as he could before running the towel vertically down her legs, straightening the mussed fur.

Reaching for his baggy shorts, he threaded her feet carefully into the holes, one by one as she lifted each leg for him. Pulling them up past her knees, he caught sight of her silky lips again, wondering how the silky furr around it felt before his arousal caught his attention and he shook his head again. Gently he pulled the shorts into position; the elastic was too large for her slender hips so he pulled the draw string, scrunching the shorts up. He tied the string carefully before looking up into the grateful otter's eyes.

"Can I walk you to reception?" he asked.

Christine looked into his kind, if not exactly handsome face and nodded. The boy wrapped her wet clothes in his towel and handed the bundle to her. Taking his offered hand, Christine set off. Her legs wouldn't seem to want to work properly as she set off, stumbling. The boy shouldered his pack and scooped her up effortlessly, walking with her through the quiet halls. Class was back in session and the two of them could hear the teachers instructing their classes as they passed each room.

"I'm Rand." The boy spoke quietly. "I'm sorry about what happened out there." he apologised.

"Christine." Christine murmured. "But mostly people just call me Chris."

He looked at her and smiled. "I used to have a morph sister." he continued. "Well, adopted sister. She was a husky. Boy was she energetic."

Christine could see the pain in his eyes as he spoke of his sister.

"I don't see why humans are so mean to morphs. I mean, we created you, and then just as quickly turned on you, accusing you of stealing our work. Humans can be really awful."

In general, Christine would agree. In the case of Rand however, she was seeing a small beacon of hope for humanity.

Supporting her with one hand, Rand pushed open the reception door and approached the front desk, speaking when the receptionist looked up at them from her typing. "Hello. I brought you Christine here because she is hurt. I think you need to call the headmaster because it was some boys that did it to her." he stumbled, nervous and trying to get the words right.

The secretary stood up hastily, picking up the telephone and quickly dialling the headmaster's extension. "He's in a meeting with some parents, but I'm sure he'll be right out." She picked up the phone again and dialled another extension. "Hello? Mrs Brady? Could you please come to reception immediately? We have little girl that is hurt. Yes. Yes. No she's an otter morph. Ok. No, she seems to be calm, Perhaps a little pale. OK." The receptionist placed the receiver down. "Mrs Brady will be right here. Please take a seat. What are your names? You're Rand Hawthorne correct? The girl you said is Christine, what is your surname Christine?"

"Swifttail." Christine replied.

Rand looked down at Chris and chuckled. "Swifttail?" He had an amused look on his face.

Chris blushed. "Hey! We needed to come up with something and so most of us took on attributes of family members as surnames."

Rand gave a good natured snort, amusement glittering in his eyes, relief slowly relaxing his taught muscles as he saw the indignant otter smile up at him, tension slowly beginning to ease."

Two large doors opened up to Rand's left and Mr Ford ushered two adults out of his office. Instructing them to monitor and regiment their son's homework. Seeing the two standing at the front desk, he halted his monologue and bid them goodbye.

"Ah, Mr Rand, and Miss... Swifttail if I recall." He said after a pause.

Rand turned to face the intimidating figure. "Hello Sir. Yes sir." he smiled nervously at the headmaster.

"I haven't seen you in here for a while Rand." The headmaster commented ominously.

"I try keeping my head down sir." Rand replied.

"Take a seat Rand. I'm sure Miss Swifttail is capable of sitting on her own."

Christine clung to Rand's neck tightly, not about to let him go. She was shaking with renewed fright at the sight of the intimidating figure.

"That's ok. Sit anyway Rand, she needn't let go quite yet if she is not ready. I will have to ask the two of you a few questions if you don't mind." he directed them to the leather covered sofas behind Rand. "What exactly has happened here?"

Haltingly, Rand described the events, trying to be as accurate as possible. Apologising for his excessive force on the boys, telling how rage had taken him. He hoped he hadn't broken anything of the two he had hit.

Mr Ford nodded, considering. "Well, under the circumstances, I'm sure we can repress any actions taken by the boys. Is Rand's description accurate Miss Swifttail?"

The little otter nodded, a tear running down her cheek at the reminder of her ordeal, her bottom lip quivering.

The secretary leant on the front desk. "I called your parents Christine. They are both jammed at work. Will you be able to make it home on your own?"

Chris nodded, though looked unsure.

"I can take her home." Rand spoke up. "I have my car parked outside."

The headmaster frowned, looking back to Rand. "I'm not certain that is appropriate Rand. I'm sure you mean well..."

Christine interrupted. "Please Mr Ford. I would like it if Rand took me home."

Mr Ford looked down to her. "We will have to call your parents again for permission."

"That's ok, give her a call. I'm sure Mom won't mind."

The secretary was on the phone again when the Nurse burst through the doors. "Sorry, I have a vomiting boy in the sick room. What's the problem?"

Rand described the incident again as she checked over the little otter sitting in his lap.

Mr Ford turned to Rand. "Someone will need to go fetch her belongings Rand. Where is your bag Miss Swifttail?"

Christine told him it was in her homeroom.

"Please Rand, while you are there, ask Miss Brewer to send the three boys when they go back for afternoon registration. You two may take the rest of the afternoon off. See that she gets home safely and call me when she does." He handed Rand a business card with his personal mobile phone number printed on the bottom.


Rand was indicating to turn into Chris's driveway; the two of them had made it this far with relatively little conversation, apart from directions. "You live a fair way from school Chris. How do you get there and back every day?" He asked, looking at her briefly, at least she was looking less panicked. The two plasters she wore made her injuries look worse than they actually were.

"I get a lift with my Mom in the morning and take a bus halfway back and walk the rest of the way."

"Ouch. That's got to be 5 km, carrying your pack!"

"Yes, my back is usually sore when I get home. But I manage."

Rand parked and opened the door for Chris, carrying her pack into the house for her. He stood at her doorway, faced her and asked. "Are you okay on your own Chris?"

"I'm fine thank you Rand. You can come in and phone the headmaster if you like. I will put the kettle on and make some tea."

Rand nodded. "Coffee though, if you don't mind."

Chris pointed him to the landline and moved off to the kitchen.

Their tasks done, the two of them sat facing each other in the lounge, each sipping at their hot beverages. Shock set in as Chris settled into the familiar surroundings, suddenly feeling cold , her little hands almost spilling her tea with her shaking.

Silently, Rand stood and sat next to the distraught otter, taking the tea from her, setting it down and hugging her to his chest.

Chris settled slowly, Rand's steady breathing and warm body calming her again.

"I can stay until your parents arrive if you like." He told her. "I have a little homework, but it can wait till tonight."

Chris nodded. She wasn't sure she ever wanted to let go of the human that had looked after her so tenderly. She wondered if he had a girlfriend, her heart sinking at the thought that someone this nice could hardly be without one. She would never be able to compete with the older girl who would be on the cheerleading squad, have a large bust and be super nasty to Chris if she ever saw the tiny otter approaching her Bo. Chris happened to know something about boys though, to be honest they weren't a terribly complicated lot, and she made her move.

"Please would you help me bath Rand? I'm scared I will fall climbing into the tub."

Rand's heard jerked up, conflicting emotions crossing his face. His charcoal uniform longs tenting slowly at the thought, embarrassment colouring his neck.

"Please Rand. I don't want to sit her covered in my own pee."

Rand resolved to help the little otter; he would just keep his mind out of the gutter. He nodded and followed the otter into her bathroom. Keeping his thoughts on how much trouble he could be in if any of the boys' ribs were broken in a vain attempt to quell the excitement in his pants.

Squatting down again in front of the otter her hands on his shoulders again, a repeat of earlier. Rand felt his arousal renew as he methodically undid her drawstring, pulling his shorts gently off the girl, Exposing her little mound once again. Unable to look away this time as she lifted each leg carefully, revealing more of her little line each time she lifted each leg.

Chris smiled at his rapt attention, moving away from his gaze and bending seductively to run the bath. Water flowing satisfactorily, Chris unbuttoned her white shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Undoing her small bra, she exposed her juvenile chest to Rand, watching him closely as her tore his gaze from her budding chest with difficulty.

"I don't think I should be here." he stammered, attempting to keep his eyes averted.

"Please." she said in her smallest voice, the manipulation coming easily to a female, "I don't want to be left alone right now."

Rand stayed rooted in place.

"I need to get in." She told him, holding out a hand.

Rand looked back to her naked body, His eyes drinking in her lithe form. She had adorable fuzzy little ears, large yellow eyes, smooth shiny fur, and her young chest was hardly more than flat. He forced his gaze away again. Rand helped her into the bath, staring at the thick base of her tail as she tucked it in between her legs to lie down in the warm water.

Chris held a bar of soap up to him. "Would you mind?" She asked in her most innocent voice.

Rand flinched, his heart thumping in his throat. His hand trembled as he took the soap from her stubby otter fingers.

Chris lay back, closing her eyes as she rest her head.

Kneeling, Rand picked up Chris' foot paw. Lathering the soap into her pads and making her giggle with the ticklish sensation. Moving up her calf, he marvelled at the fur, lying flat, it repelled the water effortlessly, he needed to rub the soap in the wrong direction to get it worked in properly. As he worked his way Farther up Chris lifted her thigh out of the water, spreading her legs to lay her calf on the side of the bath.

Rand's eyes focused automatically on the apex of her thighs. Spread open, her young nether region still revealed little. His heart thumped as he noticed a small line of pink at the base of her slit. Rand felt his penis pulse painfully with his heartbeat in his restrictive clothes. He stopped lathering and jerked when the side of his hand accidentally bumped into the otters immature sex, a jolt of electricity shooting up his arm at the touch. Shaking off his foggy head, he moved down to her other leg, and she placed the soapy one back in the water.

Watching the nervous human through the slits in her eye lids, Chris smiled and wondered if his human girlfriend had ever shown him her pussy. The way he was shaking, this could easily be his first time seeing one, the naughty thought moistening her warm sex.

Rand breathed a sigh of relief as he took her far leg. At least she wasn't as exposed as her leg crossed her body. His pressure never subsided, but his shaking lessened, he was able to avert his eyes and watch what he was doing, hurrying the job slightly.

Finished, Rand readjusted his pants and arched his back, a little uncomfortable after leaning over the bath.

Chris opened her eyes to regard him. "The tail please." She requested.

Rand would have refused if not for the pleading look she gave him. On the other hand it was rather a cute tail, slender at the end and growing rather thick where it disappeared below her thighs. He reached for the soap again. Lathering the tip, Rand worked his way back. Chris heard her giggle from time to time; he had obviously found a ticklish spot. He looked up to her face smiling but her eyes were still closed. Rand started to breath hard again as he neared her knees. She would have to open her legs slightly to give him room enough to work.

What happened next startled Rand. Instead of spreading her legs, Chris had pulled them up to her chest. The bar of soap struck the bath and splashed into the water as his hand clenched down on it. He was frozen in place, the view burning into his retina. The small otter was completely exposed to him; her puffy lips had stretched into thin lines, exposing the tiny pink petals inside. His eyes moved further down, looking at her exotic tail hole. Different to humans, he noticed that Chris' little anus didn't form a round starfish like his would. Rather, it ran in a neat little line, parallel to the ground, about a centimetre across, her furr thinning around the extremely private place.

Rand made an effort to close his mouth and swallow the spit collecting there. He looked back up at her face but her eyes were still shut, how could she not know what she was doing to him? Even he could hear his heart racing in his ears. A bead of perspiration formed under his hairline. Rand's attention shifted from her face as Chris moved a hand to scratch an itch... on her bum! The pressure of the stubby fingers on her taught skin manipulating her young vulva, opening the folds and exposing the hidden entrance.

Rand stiffened, his hips thrusting involuntarily as he ejaculated where he knelt. He let out a tiny groan, a mixture of pleasure and horror, warm fluid flooding his boxers. Rand gasped and stood hurriedly, explained that he needed the toilet in a startled voice and fled.

Chris opened her eyes to see him rushing out of the door. She heard the toilet door slam behind him and smiled. Obviously he was running to go masturbate; she smiled to herself, happy at her effect on the helpless boy.

Her mound was burning with desire, Chris ran a finger into her tingling folds rubbing and groaning as an orgasm waited just below the surface. Legs tensing at the briefest touch to her clit, Chris gritted her teeth holding back a loud moan as a drop of her own excitement escaped and mingled with the water before being washed away by her bucking rump. She closed her eyes again, gradually recovering, occasional spasms still rippling through her belly. Chris lowered her legs and smiled again. That was absolutely the quickest orgasm she had ever experienced. Chris blushed as she imagined the large human tugging on his tool in the next room, she grinned naughtily and lowered her body deeper into the water till only her snout was exposed to the air, slightly soapy water filling her mouth as she struggled to contain her wide grin.

Rand burst into the toilet, slamming the door behind him. He hurriedly pulled his pants around his ankles, not waiting to remove his shoes. Peeling his boxers away from his skin, Rand took globs of viscous white semen along with the material, he groaned as a blob escaped the bottom of his boxers, running down the side of his leg. Reaching out, Rand looked up and cursed at the cheap roll of toilet paper. It would disintegrate easily in his fingers from the copious amount of moisture it was forced to deal with. Tearing significantly more paper off, Rand dipped his hand into his boxers, trying to catch as much of it while it remained in its semi solid form; he rushed the job, leaving balls of paper behind, to stick to his skin and boxers. Cringing in embarrassment at what had happened, he shuddered when he noticed a wet patch on his white shirt, moving to dab at the piece of offending cloth with the pitiful toilet paper. He could smell his strong chlorine scent and knew her sensitive nose would pick it up easily. Hopefully she wouldn't be able to identify the smell.

Rand knew he wouldn't be able to clean himself off properly, and finally gave up in disgust. He set his wet boxers back in place, pulled up his pants and tucked in his shirt, making sure the offending wet patch was hidden. He cautiously opened the toilet door, guiltily sticking his head out to make sure the two of them were still alone. Rand crept back into the bathroom; Chris was washing her upper body, paying him little attention as she worked.

Relieved at her innocence, Rand began to stammer, trying to excuse himself so he could leave without coming too near the young otter.

Chris looked up at him. "Please stay Rand. At least until I can get back into my room. The tiles can be slippery and I'm still a little shaky. I'm almost finished here. Can you help me stand?"

Rand didn't think she could possibly be as shaky as he was right now. He stepped up to the side of the bath, holding her hand, his quivering with tension as he helped her out. Chris could smell his scent. She had never smelt semen before but the unique aroma could only be one thing. She wished she had been there to see it spew out of him, the thought making the inside of her thighs tingle urgently. He placed her towel around her shoulders, straightening the bath mat before helping her step out of the escaping bathwater.

A playful thought popped into her head and she asked the nervous human. "What is that strange smell Rand? Can you smell it?" When she saw his shocked look, she pushed again. "Can't you smell it? It's rather strong!"

Colour drained from his face and his body subconsciously turned to run.

"Maybe I'm just in shock," she added. "If you walk me to my bed, you can go home Rand. I don't want to keep you here too long. I'm sure you need to go home. Would you come over and meet my Mom sometime though? I want to introduce them to the boy that saved me. You're my personal hero you know." Her lip began to quiver from actual shock this time at the thought of how scared she had been and Rand pulled her to him, forgetting about his scent as she tried to supress her sobs. Eventually she quietened down again, her shoulders loosening and her body relaxing into him.

"I would love to come meet your Mom sometime Chris. We can talk about it at school tomorrow. Are you going to come to school tomorrow?"

Oh hell yes she was going to school tomorrow. If her mom tried to make her stay at home she would escape to make it there. He had practically told her that they were going to hang out together! Chris smiled up at him; she could just about feel his heart melt as she stared into the human eyes. Clearly he belonged to her. Any girlfriend he may have wasn't going to stand a chance. Dizzy in his embrace, Chris quietly told him she would see him there. Her mischief peaking again as she asked. "Are you sure you can't smell that? It's really quite strong."

Chris nearly left his skin, peeled the otter from himself and shouted, "Tomorrow!" running for the front door, forgetting to take the clothes he had lent her. That was ok. She would wash them and return them to him tomorrow, giddy warmth flowing through her at the thought.