Unspoken Lovers Part I: Secret Feelings

Story by MechWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Unspoken Lovers Series

Ok my second story series, and porbaly MAIN yiff story series...ive started using ideas i learned in Writers craft and implimented them into this story. Its a bit better and alot more *ahem* in depth ^^ Anyway take it easy on this one, took me 2 weeks to finish fully with lots of corrections made to it. NOTE:All Characters are property of GunFox Studios(C) Edit: Carline is now Carlene, i changed the names due to Carline wasnt a sutable "female name"

  • * * Carlene and Sashi were great friends; they knew each other since preschool, you could never see them to far apart, most people noted them as "the twins" since they had so much in common. Even though Carlene was a Raccoon and Sashi a Squirrel, they always looked very similar. Wearing similar clothing, hairstyle, and even body movements, an odd site to see, but a lot of people have been amazed at how they looked so alike. To say the least, they have been together for very long time, through the grades of school they always were in the same class; high school they shared the same schedules and homeroom, now coming to their final year they both wanted to find the same Universities. Both girls wanted to go to the same Universities, but would eventually study two different things. Sashi wanted to take up studies in engineering; a tough course but she always got high marks in math and science. Carlene was different, she didn't like all the science and math stuff, she preferred Music studies and literature, so she hoped to find some good journalism courses or maybe music. Both enjoyed what they did, and always had great stories to tell when they got back to their dorm. It was a Friday night when the girls were out of class for the weekend, it was a quiet evening and most of the others on the dorm floor had left to go in town. There were only a few people in the residence building, but mainly they stayed because of the extra work they had received, Sashi was one such person, her teacher gave them an assignment to work on over the weekend. This would take her most of her time, but she wasn't alone, Carlene stayed with her to keep her company. The dorm room they had was pretty big; the residence was one of the best on campus, a real 4 star like place. Each room had two double size beds, a large bathroom with a shower/steam room, 2 desks for computers, 2 night tables at each bed, a TV and internet connections. They had a window view of the whole Campus and was right near one of the maple trees that always shown brilliant fall colors. Sashi had worked solid for 2 hours...ever since class ended at 6pm she was on her computer typing her assignment out. Carlene had also finished class but was given a different assignment. She was suppose to write a journal about an event that has happened to her and changed her life, sounded simple enough but there was a catch...the event had to be recent, make time was 2 years ago, and during those 2 past years, very little had happen to Carlene...she was stuck and couldn't do very much. She looked over at Sashi, still busy working, but there was something odd...something felt strange to Carlene when she looked at Sashi. Both girls had matured equally through the past years and had similar body types...slender and well built with decent size breasts. The thing was, that every time Carlene looked at Sashi, she would get a strange feeling inside her, a warm and comforting feeling. She often thought "its probably a feeling of friendship..." but when she always felt it every time she was with her...she started to think, was she attracted to her? She remember reading about same sex, that girls often felt attracted to other girls who they knew for long periods of time...was she starting to become like that? It was wired...she didn't think that her and Sashi would ever be attracted to each other, yet she was feeling the exact same why the girls were in the article. Could Sashi be attached to her as well? "Sashi..." Carlene says, a bit nervous "I'm just going for a walk to think..." she says calmly as Sashi smiles. "All right...a walk is always good to help think," she says as she turns back to her computer. Carlene starts walking around the campus, it was a calm afternoon and many people were still around for the weekend... most of them were couples, guys with their girlfriends...it was a common site around here. This got Carlene thinking of Sashi again...her body started to feel warm as she holds her stomach, maybe...she was attracted to her, those bright blue eyes, that silky black fur, those impressive-... "NO! What am I thinking! She was JUST A FRIEND!" She says to herself as she removes her hand from her stomach...but the feeling was strong...she couldn't hide it forever, she had to tell Sashi, she would understand, they were friends for a long time so she would be ok with that, and perhaps maybe she felt attracted to Carlene...it was a long shot but maybe it was true. Carlene starts heading back to her room, this was so confusing for her. She opens the door to her room, walking in she is met with a surprise "Hey Sashi...I wanted to...too" She starts saying but stops completely at what she saw. Sashi was only wearing her bra and panties, she blushes when Carlene walks in. "Oh my...I'm sorry I didn't think you would be back so soon" she says covering up "I was just going to take a shower" Carlene just watches, her eyes wide Sashi giggles "I see you're attracted to my body" she says her eyes gazing at Carlene "No it's..." "I can see it in your eyes, you like what you see don't you?" "Uh well..." Carlene blushes and nods "I always had liked you Sashi, more then just a friend...ever since we started to mature I always felt attracted to you..." Sashi smiles walking up to her, she smiled as she presses herself against her friend, Carlene blushes as Sashi leans to her ear "So have I towards you Carlene..." she whispers as she slowly kisses her fem Raccoon friend At first Carlene didn't know what to say...heck she didn't even know what to do as her fem Squirrel friend was embracing her in a passionate kiss, but soon her feelings let out in a wave of heat and hormones...and like a firework, she kissed back, letting her feelings go on Sashi. She puts her tongue inside Sashi mouth, letting to feel her entire mouth, Sashi did the same, and the only time they parted was for air and to let their tongues do the dance of passion and love. Slowly Sashi begins removing Carlene's shirt. Carlene was still dressed in her light blue shirt with a button down black shirt atop it. Un-buttoning it she slowly pulls it off letting it land on the floor, still embracing the kiss Sashi moves he black paws down Carlene's body, feeling the raccoons smooth gray/black fur, Carlene giggles in the kiss as they pull away "I never knew you were so...sexy..." Sashi says as she continues to feel up Carlene...she pulls back to get a better look at her, Carlene was wearing a white bra, both their breasts were the same size and Sashi smiled as she coped them, rubbing them around as Carlene moans. "You like it?" Sashi says softly as she presses her body close so they can feel their breasts against each other. "Yes.... yes I do..." Carlene says in a moan as she feels Sash's breasts...wanting to get the same experience her Squirrel friend had The Squirrel slowly moves down Carlene's body, getting to her waist she starts unzipping matching black skirt, and then slowly pulls it off. Carlene gasps as she can see her white panties were wet. "My...feeling a little horny?" Sashi says giggling as she licks it, Carlene gasp again, breathing in as her Squirrel friend pleasured her, licking her wet panties, Carlene moans as she pushes Sashi's head towards it, the squirrels tongue licks hard against the panties, touching the soft pussy underneath, Carlene can feel the liquid coming out, she moans again as Sashi pulls away and goes back to eye level with a quick kiss. "Now...do me..." she says as Carlene smiles and slowly goes down to Sashi's panties. She started to lick, just like Sashi, she licks hard against the panties to get the soft pussy, Carlene can tell that her friend had also gotten wet before, and now she started to feel more of the liquid come out. She slowly moves up after a decent amount of time her squirrel friend's pussy, as they gaze into each other's eyes they kiss and bring both their bodies close. As they kiss, Carlene can feel her friends fur against her own, it was very softy, and like her it was warm to and she was giving off a lot of heat. Both girls were starting to get really horny and both knew this, their fur had gotten very puffy when they were in heat...and this was a big one. After they finish the kiss they gaze again into each other's eyes again, this time both girls get very hot and like an explosion of passion they bring each other close, kissing fiercely and rubbing their bodies against each other, thrusting their pussies as they kiss and lick. Both started to moan as there pussies started to get even wet, soon pulling away and panting as they look at the other. "I think...we should seal the relationship," Sashi says Carlene nods panting as well "any ideas?" she asks "Just one...you thinking what I'm thinking" "I think I am" Both girls giggle as they start removing each other's bra and panties, letting them fall to the floor they gazed at their naked bodies. For the first time both girls can see the full beauty of their figures. Carlene had beautiful gray fur, long brown hair that reached her shoulders and was set up in one long bang that went over the left side of her face, her paws were black and she had the customary mask all Raccoons had. Her bushy raccoon tail was striped gray and black; her snow-white chest fur went from her neck, down between the center of her breast and over her pussy, and touching the start of her tail on her rump. Her brown eyes glisten in the light of the room. Sashi on the other hand had dark black fur, she too had white chest fur in the similar way as Carlene, and only it spread out going on the inner parts of her arms and legs. Her eyes were a soft crimson red and were very elegant to look at, her black hair went around her head, reaching down to her shoulders and covering the sides, a pair of bangs went over her left eye while a third went over the right. They started to press their bodies together again and letting their pussies rub together, giving pleasuring purrs and moans as they continue to trust and rub until they can feel cum on their soft pink pussies. Soon they slowly pull away. "Why don't we lie down?" Carlene says exhausted from all the pleasure. "That would be nice" Sashi replies still leaning against her lover as they walk to the bed. Sashi lays down first as Carlene rest atop her; breast-to-breast and pussy-to-pussy they kiss again. Passionate embracing the other in tongue they allow their stiff nipples to rub against each other, embraced in the nudeness of the other. The kiss seemed to last forever, but it was only a few minutes until they pulled apart. Carlene starts rubbing Sashi's pussy, the squirrel moans as the raccoon slowly moves down her slender body, licking her neck, then her breasts, then going down till she reached her pussy. Sashi gasp and moans heavily as Carlene licks her pussy...in and out with her tongue then adding 2 fingers, she thrust them in and out as they get fully lubricated with the sweet white cum from her fem Squirrel friends pussy. She slowly pulls them out, the cum pours onto the sheets as she removes her two black fur fingers now covered with cum, "I hope you enjoyed that" she says softly as she licks them. "Your good" Sashi says with heavy breathing as Carlene moves back up to kiss, embracing in the loving bond Sashi turns Carlene over, making her go on top "now its my turn" the squirrel says as she does the same thing Carlene had did to her. It felt like forever as they continued to switch positions with kissing intervals in between until both were panting heavily and covered from head to toe in each other's cum. They finished off lying next to another under the covers, giggling as they licked the white cum off their bodies, kissing and licking until they were clean. Sashi sighs "I'm glad we finally let ourselves open up." she says as Carlene smiles and kisses her lover. "I'm glad to...I was starting to suspect you weren't like that." Sashi nudges her "oh come on, you didn't think after all those years I hadn't started to fall for you?" "*Giggle* I guess not, but hey things happen...now...I think we should go to bed." Carlene says yawning, her Squirrel friend yawned as well s they cuddled up and kissed one last time "Goodnight my love" Sashi says "Goodnight to you as well darling" Carlene replied as they turned off the lights and were sound asleep in each other's arms. -END * * *

Gun Fox Studois Production Comments? Concernes? Pointers? E-mail me at [email protected] I'm always glad to hear your comments on my work.